Thursday, November 23, 2017

What are you thankful for?


caliphate4vr said...

On the grand holiday table, so-called “real” cranberry sauce is forcefully, and recklessly, displacing the canned cranberry sauce that I love. The crimson jelly roll that many of us grew up with—that jiggly, wiggly mold of tartness—is being uprooted from its rightful place on the Thanksgiving table. And in its stead, on that china-closet serving dish, is something unholy and natural, an interloper, a beguiler: something with pungent berries in it.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Myballs said...

I am thankful that we don't have hillary as president.

Loretta said...

Thankful for everything - the good, bad and ugly.

Happy Thanksgiving!

commie said...

Thankful we are not in a full throttled war due to the inept tweets of our child in chief....Nice to see our C and P expert can't even provide his own words of thanks...Dayum funny!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm thankful for my family, both here and across this marvelous national. I pray for their good health and a happy life.

I'm going to be political on one thing. I'm praying for what the country and it stands for will survive the worst President in the history of the United States and for what it stands.

Myballs said...

It just did survive the worst in history

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for what the country and it stands for will survive the worst President in the history of the United States and for what it stands.

0linsky is no longer president, alky. and we DID survive his worthless ass.

we can ALL be thankful for that.

happy thanksgiving!

cowardly king obama said...


Anonymous said...

I am Thankful for my Wife, my kids Our Earned Wealth to Enjoy The Trump Econony.

The Fact The Clinton's are being trashed by the Left is a blessing.

Anonymous said...

I am Thankful for my Wife, my kids Our Earned Wealth to Enjoy The Trump Econony.

The Fact The Clinton's are being trashed by the Left is a blessing.

james said...

Isaiah 2:4b
…they shall beat their swords into ploughshares,
and their spears into pruning hooks;
nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
neither shall they learn war any more.
Isaiah 25:6-8
On this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples a feast,
a feast of rich food, a feast of fine wines…
and he will destroy on this mountain the shroud that is cast over all peoples,
the pall that is spread over all nations:
He will swallow up death forever!
Then the Lord God will wipe away the tears from all faces,
and the disgrace of his people
he will take away from all the earth,
or the Lord has spoken.

Matthew 8:11
[Jesus said,] “I tell you, many will come from east and west and will dine at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven…”
Luke 7:47b
[Jesus said,] “…her sins which were many, have been forgiven;
hence she has shown great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.”

“A Happy Lincoln-Lamb-Lady-Turkey Thanksgiving To Us All!”
Sermon by the Rev. Jim Boswell

I HAVE prepared for you a special Thanksgiving table. You see it there? Goodness, what a strange-looking table!

There’s a turkey on the table. Well that’s normal. But a lamb is also lying on this Thanksgiving table. And Abraham Lincoln has his feet beneath the table. And a woman is down there on the floor, weeping.

What a strange Thanksgiving table this is! What’s that lamb doing there beside our traditional turkey? And why was Lincoln invited? And that dismal, weeping woman – who let her in here?

Everything about this Thanksgiving table seems askew and out of place. Nothing belongs except the turkey. So what about the turkey?

james said...

WE always think of turkeys at Thanksgiving time, remembering our pilgrim forebears – how, after a severe winter when they had an abundant harvest, they celebrated. Governor Bradford declared three full days of thanksgiving during which the pilgrims feasted, and although they were a somber people, they knew how to feast. They invited their “Indian” friends to come and eat with them, eating, among other things, venison and wild turkey. That’s why we eat turkey at Thanksgiving time.

What a beautiful thought! Sitting there at table with their Native American friends! And yet, we cannot think about this without feeling pangs of conscience, remembering what happened later—how those who were native to this country were driven along many trails of tears onto harsh reservations, and how many are mistreated still… And soon we will be sitting around tables groaning with food and afterward we will be groaning from having eaten too much, while many in the world do not have enough.

How true the following is, James said...

BUT wait a minute. I just heard Old Abe clear his throat, so we better get to him. What’s he doing at this Thanksgiving table?

Well, you see, our forebears celebrated many times on many different occasions – when the crops were good, when a ship arrived from England – but the thanksgivings they celebrated were never annual holidays. It was not until the Civil War that a woman named Sarah Josepha Hale brought about the first annual Thanksgiving Day. She was the editor of a prominent women’s magazine and she wrote editorials and letters to President Lincoln asking for a Day of National Thanksgiving. Finally Lincoln consented, and proclaimed the last Thursday of November, 1863, to be an official Day of Thanksgiving, stating that although the Union was at war, the nation had reason to give thanks.

And yet there really was not much to give thanks for when Lincoln announced that first Thanksgiving Day. The cannons of war were booming, men were dying, and the north had gone without a victory for a long, discouraging time. Fort Sumter, where the war had started, was again under bombardment, this time from the Union navy seeking to recapture the fort. And down in Chattanooga, Ulysses S. Grant, the newly appointed, untried, untested Commander of the Army of the West, was not accomplishing much. Lincoln was worried.

Some people were saying that Lincoln had better get busy and order up a victory for Thanksgiving Day – which Lincoln would have liked to do, for he well knew that he was now so unpopular that he could not possibly be reelected. Indeed, the committee in charge of the dedication of a national cemetery at Gettysburg had been reluctant even to invite the unpopular president to speak, and asked him to keep his remarks brief.

james said...

When Lincoln left Washington to go by train to Gettysburg, someone made the quip that it was “the dead going to eulogize the dead,” for Lincoln was now a dead card in the political deck.

After the tiring train ride, Lincoln dined alone in his hotel room. Not feeling well, he looked over his short speech for the following day and went to bed early. The next day he was driven out to the cemetery where he sat on a platform while a great orator of the time, Edward Everett, discoursed long and elaborately. Finally Lincoln stood up and read from a single sheet of paper, "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal…"

He went on to say that although the world would not long remember his words, it could never forget what those who had struggled here had done. He went on to say that it was not enough to dedicate this land as a hallowed resting place, but far more important -- "for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

The speech was short. Some were disappointed with it. On the train ride back to Washington, Lincoln felt ill. He laid down and had a wet towel placed across his forehead. Later in Washington it was discovered that he had small pox. The president took to his bed.

And the days wore on and the guns boomed and the earth trembled as men died on battlefields north and south. And then, just before Lincoln’s Day of National Thanksgiving arrived, newspapers of the north filled up with nervous, uncertain headlines. Something was going on near Chattanooga. Grant was moving. Something was happening, nobody knew what. And then, just as Thanksgiving Day arrived, the papers of the north trumpeted out the jubilant news. There had been a major victory at Chattanooga. Grant had taken the city.

So all across the north that first Thanksgiving Day, families had reason to give thanks, though many gave thanks through tears, having lost loved ones –sons, brothers, fathers, husbands – lost, swallowed up in the great war that swallowed up so many, that swallowed up so much.

And the fighting went on, and the earth shuddered, and men died north and south as the divided nation struggled on toward that day when the war would end. And as the war was coming to its close, Abraham Lincoln, again elected President of the United States, stood before the nation and closed his Second Inaugural Address by saying:

"With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."

Not long afterward, Lincoln was dead, assassinated, his death a tragedy for the nation, south as well as north.

So, Mr. Lincoln, goodbye. We are glad to have had you at our Thanksgiving table, for even though you presided over a nation at war, you were a man of peace, a man whose heart yearned for peace, for the biblical vision of swords beaten into plowshares, spears into pruning hooks, and nations never again to learn war.

BUT why is that lamb lying there on the table? And that weeping woman – I hear her still.

james said...

The lamb is there because I cannot think of any significant gathering at any significant table without remembering the table where Jesus and his disciples gathered on that last night before he died, that Passover table on which lay a roasted lamb, symbolic of the redemptive blood smeared on the doors of the Children of Israel on that night when, traditionally, God struck broad Egypt and set them free, sent them streaming out of slavery, out of the House of Bondage into freedom – free!

And Jesus and his followers gathered to celebrate that ancient tradition, the lamb lying before them and the bread and wine and bitter herbs reminding them of the bitterness of slavery in Egypt, and reminding them too of their own bitter slavery still under Rome, and their undiminished hope for freedom.

But Jesus gave them something new to think about that night, for he took bread and wine and told them that he was about to become a sacrifice of love intended to bestow on all the world new freedom from all bondage – bondage to sin, fear, death, and all the old alienations, shames, and despairs.

What a significant table! Yet every table fellowship with Jesus had been significant, for he made sitting a table with him a joy – a feast of joy in anticipation of an even greater feast the prophets said was coming, the old prophetic dream that God would one day spread a table for all peoples, all nations, and they would come and sit together at a banquet of love, joy, fellowship, and universal peace, and all would be one family, brothers and sisters together, with no more hatreds, no more shame and sin, no more crying, and tears would be wiped from every face.

Jesus especially loved that old prophetic dream, that vision, for once he sang out joyfully, “Many will come from east and west and sit at table in the kingdom of God.” We too yearn for such a table, and would like to think the Native Americans will be there, all the tears they wept on their trails of tears wiped away, and all the victims of black slavery also there, made whole, with every scar from every lash, before or since, somehow removed and healed.

Oh God, that that day could quickly come! For our swords have grown so huge and dangerous! Our swords have turned to missiles, our spears to rockets, our chariots to tanks and submarines that can destroy entire cities and kill whole continents.

If only we could turn those spears into pruning hooks and plows, into implements of peace in a world at peace where all will have enough and none too much and we can all be one family of love.

But how can that day come? What does God want of us? Commitment to justice, righteousness? Determination that never again will we allow people to be treated as some have been treated, blacks, minorities, immigrants, all the less fortunate peoples of the world?

Then let us lift up human rights, animal rights, earth rights, for all are one. Natural rights, ecological rights – the right of our life-giving rivers to flow unpolluted to the sea, the right of oceans to maintain their health, the right of our atmosphere to cleanse itself, the right of all of us to drink clean water and breathe fresh air. And if that costs us something, then let it cost us something!

Surely that’s what God wants. Surely the old prophetic dream is God’s own dream!

james said...

BUT I think God wants something else as well, and perhaps the only person here who knows what that is – is the woman down there weeping on the floor. She’s weeping at Jesus’ feet, and Jesus tells us that she knows. She knows what really matters. And, Jesus warns us, we may not.

Here we are, sitting at table with Jesus and all our good, pious friends, and here comes this woman into the room, weeping.

We didn’t invite her. We don’t want her here.

But she comes into the room and stands near Jesus weeping, and when she notices that her tears are wetting Jesus’ feet, she kneels down and starts kissing his feet and wiping them with her hair.

And Jesus does not draw his feet away from her, as we think he should. He does not thrust her aside. He accepts her. And we say to ourselves, “How can he have anything to do with a woman like that? She’s trash. He ought to pull his feet away from her. How can he even let her touch him?”

And Jesus turns and says to us, “You see this woman? She’s closer to God than you are in your self righteousness, because she knows God’s loving mercy. She knows that she’s forgiven. She knows that I accept her. Her tears are tears of grateful joy because she knows that although her sin is great, God’s love is greater. Before she even came into this room, she knew I would accept her. As you should too.”

Dear friends, that’s what God wants this and every Thanksgiving Day: Humble, loving gratitude.

Gracious Lord, we give you thanks, remembering our pilgrim forebears and that table where Native Americans also sat, remembering also that table where there was a lamb and bread and wine, anticipating the greater table in your kingdom where all may sit in love and fellowship with no more war or sin or shame, and tears will be wiped from every face. We want to sit at that loving table, Lord, so teach us, we pray, to approach it the way that woman did, with humble, loving gratitude. Amen.

Loretta said...

Scripture has just been soiled....

cowardly king obama said...

The "pastor" hides behind his words but will be judged by his actions.

I am very thankful I am not him.

commie said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
It just did survive the worst in history

As in a 300% increase in the stock market since busch's failure....and what 80 straight months of job growth....Instead we have our denier in chief having a twitter war with a person who didn't bow down and suck on his dick..... Very humble and vain leader who needs to be stroked just like loretta.....LOL

Myballs said...

Under obama, slowest recovery in history

Under trump already over 3% growth


C.H. Truth said...


Since he hasn't had a twitter war with you, can we assume you bowed down and sucked his dick?

caliphate4vr said...


What a miserable human being he is

james said...

cowardly king obama said...
The "pastor" hides behind his words but will be judged by his actions.

I am very thankful I am not him.


Before God, I am truly, truly thankful I am not a lot of the people here.

cowardly king obama said...

and before God, I believe EVERYONE here are truly, truly, truly thankful we are not you.

Your actions are inexcusable for a "pastor"

james said...

My congregations and friends know me well and are unaware of those disqualifying "actions."

cowardly king obama said...

james said... My congregations and friends know me well and are unaware of those disqualifying "actions."

Obviously because you do them here and they don't follow this blog.

Is that dim light even on ?????

Anonymous said...

I am Thankful for my Wife, my kids Our Earned Wealth to Enjoy The Trump Econony.

The Fact The Clinton's are being trashed by the Left is a blessing.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Travis Smiley, black PBS Talent being Interviewed by Huffpo. The plight of the Blacks in the USA during the lost years.

"On EVERY Major Economic Category
Have LOST ground".

james said...

"...and they don't follow this blog."

How true, how true!

During the 18 or so years that I have been posting here, not anyone in either of the churches I have served has ever said to me anything about my involvement in this blog -- other than, Why do you even bother to communicate with people that despicable?

Other than that, not one single person has ever criticized me for any content that I have posted here.

When I was still at Bellflower, I even gave the congregation this blog's address, and a few of them looked at it briefly, but soon became disgusted with it and stopped.

One failure of this blog is that it cannot even attract the decent kind of evangelicals who supported Trump in the last election but are now increasingly turned off by him, and wish they hadn't.

LOL I'm sure my congregants would just be OH so upset that I
here put "spam" posts that upset the Looney Tunes who post here.

james said...

COMMIE said...

am Thankful for my Wife, my kids Our Earned Wealth

Sitting on your ass on your bequeathed land earning nothing except on the backs of others labors is not blessed, it is indicative of a lazy failure and his retarded spawn......Have a nice day The fact moore and his endorsement by trump will bring ills to your party that will last for years.....LOLOLOL

commie said...

Cali the loser.....

What a cogent post....LOL!!

cowardly king obama said...

james said "During the 18 or so years that I have been posting here"


Forgot to address posting under other peoples monikers, blatant disregard for board rules, pomposity, your condescending air, copying lies to this board, outright lying, it goes on and on.

What a despicable actions for any pastor

Reverend james boswell, normal Illinois for those searching for references

The biggest failure of this blog is this asshole, avoid at all costs.

Question said...

james said "During the 18 or so years that I have been posting here"

Does lying come that easily to "pastors" ?

Anonymous said...

It does

Anonymous said...

Thankfull that I had them good advice to buy home Depot stock some 5 years ago, closed yesterday at $172.06, Thanks to having their earned wealth to invest in a great American Company.


james said...

Cowardly was the first to start putting words in other peoples' mouths, and that is the very lowest of the low.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane, how goes your case with shutting down CHT blog?.
I have yet to hear from your team of Lawyers, how come?

Latest poll your guy, a fellow traveler, Moore is up by 7 %.

Amused, James said...

Reverend james boswell, normal Illinois for those searching for references

Be my guest. Look me up. I'm clean. :-)

Anonymous said...

"Backs of others labor" oDopie

Yep, I have, proudly. They have worked for me, for my money. In turn I earn ever more money.

Those on social security, you do it, yet those you take from, get no benefit from the money you take. You have a choice, stop payouts from Social Security.

Will you, of course not, you have to take from current labor to feed you.

The NYT said...

Signs Suggest Flynn Cooperating with Mueller

“Lawyers for Michael Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, notified the president’s legal team in recent days that they could no longer discuss the special counsel’s investigation, according to four people involved in the case, an indication that Mr. Flynn is cooperating with prosecutors or negotiating such a deal,” the New York Times reports.

“Mr. Flynn’s lawyers had been sharing information with Mr. Trump’s lawyers about the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, who is examining whether anyone around Mr. Trump was involved in Russian efforts to undermine Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.”

Rev James Boswell said...

I'm a pedophile.


I don't believe James is right about me using his moniker first ( I do remember changing to cowardly king obama in response to him using my moniker) but even if he is right that is no right for a pastor to follow, or anybody. Guess James is going to argue he wasn't the original sinner so in his mind he thinks his sins are OK.
He also thinks he has been posting here 18 years. Well he did chase off a few posters, but not that long ago.
What a FUCKING spamming trolling ASSHOLE. And no James that is not me posting you are a pedophile, though you seem to have more accusers here than Moore.


James said...

Cowardly King Obama alias James's F'ing is not worth replying to. It was he who first posted my name and location along with my supposed self-designation as a pedophile, and that's as low as you can go.

It enrages him that no lie he can tell about me and no thing he can say or do can hurt me or drive me away.

James said...

That is the true me in the Thanksgiving sermon above.

james said...

Trump vows to repeal and replace ObamaCare 'disaster'
The Hill
Jacqueline Thomsen
3 hrs ago

President Trump attacked ObamaCare on Thursday night, calling the health-care law a "disaster" and vowing to repeal and replace it after the GOP passes tax reform.

"ObamaCare premiums are going up, up, up, just as I have been predicting for two years. ObamaCare is OWNED by the Democrats, and it is a disaster," Trump tweeted.
"But do not worry. Even though the Dems want to Obstruct, we will Repeal & Replace right after Tax Cuts!"

ObamaCare premiums have risen after Trump ended key subsidies to insurers that helped to cover costs for low-income Americans.

Trump's promise to repeal ObamaCare comes as enrollment in the health-care law has unexpectedly surged since the start of the open enrollment period.

Nearly 2.3 million people signed up for coverage through ObamaCare exchanges during the first 18 days of the open enrollment period - outpacing the rate of enrollment that took place during the same time period under former President Obama.

Trump has repeatedly pushed for the GOP to repeal and replace ObamaCare. But the Republican attempt to repeal the law fell short earlier this year.

Republicans are now considering repealing the ObamaCare individual mandate in tax reform.

james said...

The 'disaster' is going to be Trump and the GOP.
Follow me over the cliff, he says, and they follow him.
Cut your own throats, he says, and they say, How deep?

james said...

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for liberal pussy hat wearers, blackliesmurders, antifa, #resist and liberals that yell helplessly at the sky.


James is fucking lying we when he accuses me of outing him as a pedophile, exposing his name or location and probably about anything else he has accused me of. For a "pastor" this is totally against anything he should stand for. That is why I say he is on the highway to hell.

But in his heart somehow he thinks he is right.

Roast in hell motherfucker. And please show this to your friends and congregation.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for Sen AL Franken and US Rep. John Conyers being caught with real pysical evidence, promise to fight to stay in Office having received the wink and nod from the swamp. They will not be forced out. Given thier behavoir, adding Moore seems so natural.


Did everyone see that something like 70 of the nearly 300 MS13 arrests a few days ago were "dreamers". So much for the innocent children line the left like James is always pushing.


And I have had a change of mind and now I also think James must be a pedophile. He protests way to much and no one can be trying to divert threads as much as he does unless he has something to hide. I always thought he was gay, not that there is anything wrong with that.

But whatever not a sharp tool upstairs..


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm grateful for the Social Security system has provided coverage of my prescription.

Total cost of the medications

My out of pocket expenses.


Loretta said...

Total cost of my medications


My out-of-pocket expenses


commie said...

Stump broken KD postulated....

Yep, I have, proudly. They have worked for me,

IOW's you are nothing but a leech of society, just like a welfare queen adding nothing, taking freely...LOLLOLOL No wonder why you support the child in chief....

commie said...

I am pondering who last week provided the weather report about a cold snap....I'm wondering if that same individual has stuck his head outside today and noticed what was going on....Seems that it is plus 15 from norm with potential records for today as LA bakes in record heat that is moving east.....

James said...

“A Happy Lincoln-Lamb-Lady-Turkey Thanksgiving To Us All!”
Sermon by the Rev. Jim Boswell

Starts at 9:53AM yesterday above.

Loretta said...

No one wants to associate with a pedophile.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
I'm grateful for the Social Security system has provided coverage of my prescription.

so...'re grateful for being a burdensome parasite.


i'm old enough to remember when people used to be ashamed of this behavior. nowadays it earns them an entitlement badge of honor.

cowardly king obama said...

That "sermon", which I'm sure no one read, must have been leftovers from a previous Thanksgiving. You were pretty busy cut-n-pasting, blindly defending, and bearing false witness yesterday.

But you say you've been doing that here for 18 years, so just a normal day.


commie said...

Loretta said...
No one wants to associate with a pedophile.

Except for donnie and his tax cut vote....Moore is all yours and he will be the poster boy in the mid terms!!!!! Hope you enjoy it as much as me!!!! Too funny!!!!

commie said...

Rat the hole posted.....'re grateful for being a burdensome parasite.

Just like the stump broken farmer who mooches on the backs of others who actually work....!!!!!

Loretta said...

"That "sermon", which I'm sure no one read"

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

Anonymous said...

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves..."

...who author books with the title "what happened?"

Loretta said...


Anonymous said...

Yep, WP forbids us from talking about the historic loss by Liberals.

Good news , Dems promise in 2018 to go farther left.

Anonymous said...

Commie,do you invest in stocks and/or bonds?

Smiling, James said...

Interesting that no one can point out anything in my Thanksgiving message that is "false." :)

:-) said...

because no one read it

James said...

Pressure Mounts to Unmask Capitol Hill Harassers

Politico: “Pressure is mounting on congressional leaders to release the names of lawmakers who have secretly settled sexual harassment claims at taxpayer expense — a move that some members of Congress are loath to make. President Donald Trump told reporters this week that he believes Congress should disclose the settlements.

“A handful of House members from both parties are calling on Republican leadership to do the same. And Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) proposed legislation Wednesday that would mandate public disclosure of sexual harassment settlements — and ban Congress from footing the bill for such deals in the future. Within a few hours of introducing his bill, DeSantis had been contacted by several Republican and Democratic lawmakers asking to sign on.”

Only a handful are calling for this. Are the rest all harassers?

I say, Go for it.

:) said...

Not true. You searched through it diligently and found nothing you could condemn.

Anonymous said...

I did not read it Jane, where did u post it?

:-) said...

You must be very desperate, have you tried preaching on street corners or to the institutionalized mentally ill ?


Or tried reading it to yourself, that would be cruel and unusual punishment.


Loretta said...

"because no one read it"

LOL, so true.

James said...

Indeed, when I post it here, I am preaching to the mentally ill and morally lacking. ;)


"James said...
Indeed, when I post it here, I am preaching to the mentally ill and morally lacking. ;)"

or so the deranged pedophile thinks he has for 18 years.(you've convinced me)





Loretta said...

"or so the deranged pedophile thinks he has for 18 years.(you've convinced me)"


Anonymous said...

Jane, because our lives are more full without you nonsense.

HB and his ugly wife have biked the workers out of over a million dollars.

HB, said he and his mutt looking wife lead "a healthy life style".

Anonymous said...

JFD, Too funny. Keep going, I read your posts.

Anonymous said...

Today, is our annual "Firewood Giveaway". 5 families and mine each contribute 2 full cords of mixed hard wood to our Church, they in turn tell us who needs firewood to get thru the harsh Kansas Winter. The wood is all seasoned. My kids and deliver it to those in need on our paid for F350 flat bed with wooden sides put on just for this occasion, this truck has a hydrolic dump bed.

commie said...

Stump broke the glory hunter posted

contribute 2 full cords of mixed hard wood to our Church, they in turn tell us who needs firewood to get thru the harsh Kansas Winter.

Call some one who gives a shit and I'll point out, wood burning is just as polluting as coal....Put in a gas fired furnace if you want to do some good....

COMMIE said...

KD said...
Commie,do you invest in stocks and/or bonds?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm thankful for Medicare advantage plan, that according to Ronald Reagan said in 1964 would have destroyed the best medical services in history.

The direct costs of the medications were $13,5969.88.

My out of pocket expenses were $865.49.

I have a well above average income, it would have been impossible to afford the medications that keep me alive. Praise the Lord.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm glad to see the President has surrendered to the attempt to remove the mandatory repeal from the collapsing Tax breaks for the top of the ridge income folks. He tweeted that we will repeal and replace Obama care b.s

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

LOL I've been laughing at the k'putz for years. This one has to be the best Thanksgiving Turkey for the ages

HB and his ugly wife have biked the workers out of over a million dollars.

HB, said he and his mutt looking wife lead "a healthy life style".

My Panamanian Queen is a beautiful woman.

We both live healthy lifestyles. Don't drink, smoke, use drugs, and eat well. She will have a glass of wine. Tomorrow I will have five years and five months.

Kiss my hard tight white ass k'putz.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Shit, something in London is a terrorist attack right now. Shit

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Shit, something in London is a terrorist attack right now. Shit

don't despair alky. it's probably just your beloved religion of pieces ringing in the holiday season as only they can.

Anonymous said...

We both live healthy lifestyles" Alky

really, well let's see, I have spent a grand total for my family over the last three years of 5,000 on co pays and medicines.

Your team has bilked over a Million Dollars from the current labor of today to pay for you and that ugly coal you call your wife, ugh.

Anonymous said...

Shit, something in London is a terrorist attack right now. Shit " alky

ready the fainting salts and couch

James said...

My lovely wife is happy that Germany's Merkel is
apparently getting a lifeline thrown to her.

commie said...

Gee....just read there are over 6 million open jobs in the US....with unemployment at such low levels, one has to wonder how many more jobs trump can create....looks like we will need more immigrants to fill those jobs......dayum funny!!!

The jobs market is strong. Here's the asterisk. - Oct. 26, 2017
Oct 26, 2017 ... A record 6 million open jobs. Weekly jobless claims ... By nearly every headline measure, the American jobs market is roaring. But something is ...

Thanx Obama.....

Anonymous said...

Why does Merkel need a lifeline?

Anonymous said...

Blogger KD said...
Why does Merkel need a lifeline?

because she allowed so many raghead terrorists into germany she's unable to cobble together a coalition government.

germans are pissed and rightly so.

Anonymous said...

Lol@ opie

Everytime she try and fails on all subjects.

He sounds like alky.

Anonymous said...

Yep, when do we get the alky update on his London bridges falling down towel head attsck.

Anonymous said...

Opie, wood heat is clean, abundant and cheap, the very bestest thing about heating our homes with wood is no taxes on this fuel.

Anonymous said...

Bye Bye Miami from top 6 teams in college football. Go Pitt!!!

commie said...

Blogger KD said...
Opie, wood heat is clean,

No it is not.....the amount of particulates it releases turns snow black.....unless you have a link proving me wrong, which you don't have shit....

Thanx for being an idiot again stumpy...

commie said...

Even though humans have burned wood since the beginning of time, scientists have only recently discovered just how hazardous wood smoke pollution is to our health.

The negative health effects of residential wood smoke have now been extensively documented in hundreds of scientific studies. The pollution generated by wood burning has been linked to a litany of health problems that include asthma attacks, diminished lung function, respiratory ailments, heart attacks, and stroke.

Make sure you burn lots of wood and get that smoke deep into your lungs KD....maybe we can thin out the gene pool of idiots sooner.....LOL

Anonymous said...


More people in the US are moving to wood for the reasons I gave and the left can not dictate what renewable we use.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Please name 3 good things that Trump has accomplished.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It was a false alarm. Kiss my hard ass.

Anonymous said...

Lol, "false alarm alky".

Do not get up set, I expect nothing of you and you always deliver less.

commie said...

Blogger KD said...

More people in the US are moving to wood for the reasons

Which does not prove it is clean, like you claimed....asshole.....once again you make something up to support an ersatz opinion.....I'm sure you have a link to prove that statement....Oh wait, you can't....Once again, KD has been caught like the troll hi is,....You saying so is just about as useless as loretta's tits....

james said...

It’s Mueller Who May Be Draining the Swamp

Washington Post: “Since Mueller was appointed, more people and firms have either filed or amended registrations that make public their work on behalf of foreign interests than had done so over the same time period in each of at least the past 20 years. Lobbyists, lawyers and public relations professionals who work for foreign companies and governments say Mueller’s probe has spooked K Street, and firms are likely to be more careful in their compliance with public disclosure standards.”

Trump can't drain it. He's part of it.
Nice to know that Mueller can and is.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As to job creation, it's a virtual tie.