Friday, December 1, 2017

Fake Real News from Politico


commie said...

You are almost as big an asshole as KD, CH....Yes it was down 350 points in the morning....when they published that headline. Yes it was premature, but you ejaculate early at every trump lie....Good catch an I am sure this thread will be a massive hit for the idiot of kansas. Great waste of time......while trump wallows in flynn's words. too funny...

C.H. Truth said...

The headline is still on their site.

Myballs said...

350 pts is nothing now. Yesterday up 330. At 24,000 this is no biggie.

Anonymous said...

Just kidding, so said Alky when she pulled up her formal dress, rushed in breathlessly and fell on faint couch.

Anonymous said...


"Dow Tanks"

Still on top of home business page.

commie said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
350 its is nothing now

your idiotic opinion is noted....And I am sure they care you think it should have been pulled earlier CH...Just like they visit this little slice of heaven to read your brilliant commentary....LOL