Apparently they have 51 votes. Won't even need the Vice President to break the tie.
I know people get hung up on whether or not the tax reform is or isn't "popular" in the polls - but the reality is whether or not the tax reform is ultimately effective. Most economists suggest that the corporate tax rate is too high. Lowering the tax rate will free up capital for further investment and many believe it will lead to much needed wage increases.
At the end of the day, the Party of the President generally thrives or burns based on how the economy is doing. If the tax reform helps the economy, it will help the GOP in both the 2018, and will help the President in 2020. If, on the other hand, the tax reform is a bust and ultimately harms the economy, then it will help the Democrats.
The question is why are the Democrats and their media helpers working double time trying to oppose this plan? It would seem like an obvious help for their midterms and 2020 Presidential hopes... if the plan is really as bad as they say it is.
Yep. The "Shiney button" chasers will be hating on this.
They feel over taxed.
Perhaps the Democrats actually want a workable tax package that doesn't harm their constituents. Sabotaging the economy to try to cram through suspect tax policy is a Republican tactic, not a Democratic one.
I suppose, if a Conservative thinks that it's normal behavior, he might be bewildered that the Democrats would pass up a chance to let bad law damage the country to make political points later.
WP... it would appear that you are part of the Paul Krugman group think that believed the economy would tank at the mere election of Trump.
So far there is every indication that Krugman and the naysayers couldnt have been more wrong.
C.H. Truth: So far there is every indication that Krugman and the naysayers couldnt have been more wrong.
James: So far Trump and the Republicans have not gotten what they wanted.
CH: if the plan is really as bad as they [Dems] say it is.
James: If it's a good as the Repugs say it is, why is it so unpopular?
Aaaaaaawwwwwwwwweeeeeee, TFB.
Growth up.
HB was there with the dow dive then and he was back at it again today.
HB has no skin in the game.
Jane. Do you pay too much in taxes?
WP. oPie and HB, are on day three of thier collective crying over paying tpp much.
Construction spending up Yoy. 2.9 %.
Actual Shove Ready Jobs being done, bye bye to the Lost Years.
How many Dems voted yes?
Your know they centries😂😂😂
9h9 hours ago
Anyone who honestly thinks their taxes are some form of charity, that will be competently distributed by the US government to those who need it most are painfully, painfully stupid.
I think she was thinking of you James.
“A flurry of last-minute changes will stuff even more money into the pockets of the wealthy and the biggest corporations while raising taxes on millions in the middle class,” Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York, the chamber’s Democratic leader, said.
The House and Senate still need to reconcile competing versions of the tax plan, something GOP leaders hope to do by Christmas. The House and Senate bills overlap in many ways, and lawmakers expressed optimism about getting a final deal done.
“The bills are not all that different,” Mr. McConnell said. “We tried to move ours somewhat in the House direction.”
Senate Republicans called their bill an economic booster shot, their best chance to create faster sustained growth and higher wages.
But it comes with risks. Congress’s own nonpartisan analysis found that the economic benefits would be MODEST and FADE OVER TIME.
The Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that the tax cuts WOULD NOT pay for themselves, as Republicans PROMISED.
Instead the analysis found they would INCREASE DEFICITS BY $1 TRILLION over a decade, even after accounting for economic growth.
James, what will be your new lower tax rate?
Mine will go from 28% to 22 %.
Lower, if they sole proprietorship 20 % rate stays in.
I am from a low tax state and don't have a mortgage (debt free since 1998).
Lol, then economically retards. Ie. They four Liberal stooges of CHT, now after 14 plus Trillion added by Obama are now concerned about deficit and debt. Another Yuge lie.
Democrats have predicted that Republicans will end up paying a steep political price.
To keep their money in the US?
Besides tell me again why helping people who can create jobs is a bad thing?
Far the less the Obamacare and the porkulus spending package Obama pushed through Congress.
You weren't concerned about the deficit then.
Democrats have predicted that Republicans will end up paying a steep political price.
Unlike Obamacare, when people get their tax bills they are going to be pleasantly surprised.
Congrats to the R's who have assured their main donors have the ability to pass their new found tax breaks along to their children and their politician of choice.....It was a stunning vote with a massive majority of 51-49!!! Now the fun will begin as the details are reviewed and the voters find out what is really there. The big surprise will be to those trump voters who find out their breaks are limited and not a single job will be created by the corporate break... There are already 6 million open jobs in the US without enough workers to fill....time to open the borders to create the promised growth...Trickle down your own legs, R's, elections do have consequences!!!!
Sure hope Jared and junior have a years supply of KY for the reaming they are about to get....maybe.....LOLOLO
It is probably Mr. Kushner who is in greatest jeopardy now. Bloomberg has reported that he is the very senior transition member who directed Mr. Flynn to reach out to Russia. Mr. Kushner has already been questioned by the special counsel and by Congress. If he was one of those officials Mr. Flynn spoke to and he was not honest about it when questioned, he could face similar false statement charges.
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Mr. Kushner also failed to disclose approximately 100 foreign contacts on his security clearance application; each omission is a potential false statement. Mr. Flynn may have information about conversations with Mr. Kushner that would demonstrate that the omissions on Mr. Kushner’s form were intentional, and therefore criminal. Remember, we do not know everything Mr. Flynn has to say. What was disclosed in the court filings and hearings is probably only the tip of the iceberg; prosecutors generally keep that to the bare minimum needed for the guilty plea, in order to avoid tipping their hand in their investigation.
Donald Trump Jr.’s exposure is also deepened by the Flynn plea, along similar lines as Mr. Kushner. He might (or might not) be one of the unnamed transition participants Mr. Flynn identified. Moreover, the president’s son has been interviewed at length as a part of congressional investigations, and Mr. Flynn’s testimony could show he was not candid. Because of Mr. Flynn’s role on the campaign as a trusted member of the inner circle, he may also have a great deal to say about topics like Mr. Trump Jr.’s June 2016 meeting with several Russians, Mr. Manafort and Mr. Kushner, or about the Trump scion’s contacts with WikiLeaks. If Mr. Flynn’s recollection is not the same as what Trump the Younger told Congress, Don Jr. is in serious trouble.
How an Unequal Tax Bill Grew EVEN MORE UNEQUAL
Washington Post: “When Senate Republicans introduced their tax bill in mid-November, they faced competing interests: Some senators thought it wasn’t generous enough for working-class families. Others thought it didn’t deliver enough to business owners.
“As Republicans moved closer to a final vote on the bill Friday night, they made several tweaks to the tax legislation. They announced more benefits for business owners, particularly wealthy ones, but they voted down a proposal by Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Mike Lee (R-UT) to give low-income families a bigger tax break.
“The disparate treatment underlined how the legislation — a massive rewrite of the individual and corporate tax code — has evolved since its first incarnation: What began as an effort that would favor wealthy individuals and corporations became, in many ways, even more tilted in their favor as the legislation made its way through the Senate.”
A new Washington Post-Schar School poll in Alabama finds Doug Jones (D) leading Roy Moore in the U.S. Senate race, 50% to 47%.
“The survey shows that allegations of improper sexual behavior against Moore, a former Alabama chief justice, hang heavily over a race that would favor a Republican under ordinary circumstances in this deeply conservative state.”
I love being a pedophile.
Rev James Boswell
Normal, Illinois
A new Washington Post-Schar School poll in Alabama finds Doug Jones (D) leading Roy Moore in the U.S. Senate race, 50% to 47%.
That poll has an MOE of +- 4.5% which makes it pretty much useless.
Finally a description of trickle down even a republican like CH can understand....
an MOE of +- 4.5% which makes it pretty much useless.
You mean like you and roy moore/?????
Remember that old proverb about opening your mouth and removing all doubt?
You should read it again.
"That poll has an MOE of +- 4.5% which makes it pretty much useless. "
just the "pastor" continuing to spam these threads with political_lire talking points he is spoon fed.
how Christian of him
You should read it again.
And you have proved once again, you know shit and support a child molester....No doubt about your allegiance.....and it is not the country, but the party of cultist and losers......too funny...
Another holy republican pays out for sexual favors....LOLOL
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold of Texas used taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment claim brought by his former spokeswoman, according to an aide with knowledge of the settlement.
Lauren Greene is a former communications director in the congressman's office. She alleged in a 2014 federal lawsuit that she was sexually harassed and fired soon after complaining of a hostile work environment. Farenthold said when the case was settled in 2015 that he didn't engage in any wrongdoing.
The Office of Compliance on Friday released a report saying that since 2013, roughly about $360,000 has been paid out to resolve complaints against House offices. Only one settlement stemmed from a sexual harassment claim, amounting in $84,000.
An aide with knowledge of the settlement confirmed Friday that Farenthold is the lawmaker whose office paid the settlement. The aide spoke on condition of anonymity because the individual was not authorized to publicly discuss the agreement.
Farenthold's office released a statement saying he can't confirm or deny using a little-known congressional account to settle a sexual harassment claim. He says the Congressional Accountability Act prohibits him from answering the question.
According to Greene's lawsuit, filed in 2014, a staffer told Greene that Farenthold had discussed his sexual fantasies about her. The lawsuit also said that the lawmaker said at a staff meeting that a lobbyist had propositioned him for a threesome, and that he repeatedly complimented Greene about her appearance, then joked that he hoped the comments wouldn't be construed as sexual harassment.
Anonymous wphamilton said...
Perhaps the Democrats actually want a workable tax package that doesn't harm their constituents.
the only way you "harm" a person who pays zero income tax to begin with is to make them start paying some.
CH, it shows how weak your position is, that you have to posit the false choice of being "part of the Paul Krugman group" and "believed the economy would tank at the mere election" if you oppose the extremes of the current Republican tax plan.
Democrats oppose the tax plan because it will damage the economy, increase the debt while degrading or eliminating services, and eventually institute higher taxes on the middle class. Republicans support it because it's generous to the upper income, large corporations and millionaire heirs. You don't have to agree with Krugman to realize these basic facts.
the only way you "harm" a person who pays zero income tax to begin with is to make them start paying some.
The middle class in question pays up to about the 25% rate. The low income group that you're questioning is harmed by the loss of health care insurance subsidies.
I am indeed a coward, and have no more integrity than to post posts in which I put words in other people's mouths. That is the lowest of the low, far more degrading of myself than any "spamming" would be, but I do it anyway because I have so little self respect.
Republicans Have No Credibility on the Budget Deficit
“In 2009, almost every Republican in Congress opposed a $787 billion stimulus plan in the midst of an economic crisis because they said it would cause a dangerous increase in the federal debt,” the New York Times reports.
Said Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) at the time: “Yesterday the Senate cast one of the most expensive votes in history. Americans are wondering how we’re going to pay for all this.
“Nine years later, during one of the longest economic expansions in American history, almost every Republican in Congress — including Mr. McConnell, now the majority leader — supports a tax plan that is projected to cause an even larger increase in the federal debt.”
"eliminates some tax breaks like the deduction for state and local income taxes and phases out the individual tax cuts at the end of 2025.
Businesses fare far better, with the corporate tax rate cut to 20 percent from 35 percent and made permanent. "
Exactly as I warned it would be, a tax hike on myself while giving a permanent tax break to corporations and 1%'ers.
Remember when Republicans actually cared about debt reduction?
You know, before Trump's hijacking and remake of the GOP into a second big-government liberal party?
The Republican Party is dead to the core as a force for conservatism and limited government in this country. Anyone supporting Trump or the Republicans can no longer make any credible claim to limited government conservatism. Just more big government leeches.
I remember when the liberals didn't care about the deficit.
It was about a year ago.
C.H., after supporting this debt increase plan, you need to change your bio. I suggest:
"I am a fiscal liberal by order of Donald Trump and a social... whatever Trump tells me to be on that too."
"I remember when the liberals didn't care about the deficit. It was about a year ago."
Now we have two parties that don't care and only pretend to.
Maybe they can merge into one YUUGE America-hating superparty. Their governing philosophies already agree.
Don't know where PNC has been but the GOP was always for reduced taxes and reduced spending.
All the way back to Ronald Reagan.
This should be of interest to commonsense, since he's convinced that the abortion issue must put Moore over the top with Alabama evangelist types.
Alabama voters feel that Jones has a higher moral standard, by 53% to 34%.
Yet in the issue of abortion, they are split 47% to 46% on who can handle it better.
I know that this poll has a high margin of error, but these two numbers are a striking illustration of what I explained earlier. Views on abortion are divisive in BOTH parties, and not a decisive issue to the majority of centrist voters of either party, not even in Alabama. These candidates hold extreme views on abortion at opposite ends - yet here, their support is evenly split. That's exactly why I tell you that Abortion is a circus issue whose effect is to stir up extremists and distract from other (losing) issues. You cannot rely on single-issue voters on Abortion, because that almost always backfires.
In Alabama, the deciding factor is whether for Alabama voters the questions of a candidate's moral character is more or less important than party loyalty.
Don't know where PNC has been but the GOP was always for reduced taxes and reduced spending.
But not now, not with this tax package and these Republicans. That's what his point was.
My answer to the validity of that poll still stands.
You can't make any conclusions from it one way or the other.
The tax reform act reduces taxes for most individuals and businesses.
So the point still stands.
"Don't know where PNC has been but the GOP was always for reduced taxes and reduced spending. All the way back to Ronald Reagan."
Reagan's fiscal wisdom was thrown out the window in 2016 in favor of trillion dollar infrastructure plans, building the most expensive single structure in human history in the form of an unnecessary and ineffective wall between the U.S. and Mexico, and a debt-expanding corporate welfare scam dressed up as a tax bill.
"That's exactly why I tell you that Abortion is a circus issue whose effect is to stir up extremists and distract from other (losing) issues."
It's worse than that. The Republican Party of today has no intention of doing anything about abortion--least of all Trump and his cult.
The last serious Republican politician who actually cared about abortion was George W. Bush.
"In Alabama, the deciding factor is whether for Alabama voters the questions of a candidate's moral character is more or less important than party loyalty."
Moore is likely to win no matter what, because the vast majority of Evangelical scum have no problem with pedophilia.
"The tax reform act reduces taxes for most individuals and businesses. "
The tax reductions aren't equal across the board and overwhelmingly favor Republican megadonors. Same kind of favoritism Obama inserted into his execution of the auto bailouts.
Furthermore, the tax credits made available likewise favor Republican megadonors while adversely affecting Trumptard bogeymen like higher education.
So we have a classic case of Big Government picking winners and losers and flagrantly favoring some demographics over others. This has been a longtime Democrat practice.
For comparison, here's a conservative, limited government view (which I hold):
GET GOVERNMENT OUT of the business of social, political, and ideological favoritism, and make equal cuts across all tax brackets. Then let the free market determine who benefits from tax reform.
"COWARDLY Cowardly said...
I am indeed a coward, and have no more integrity than to post posts in which I put words in other people's mouths. That is the lowest of the low, far more degrading of myself than any "spamming" would be, but I do it anyway because I have so little self respect.
December 2, 2017 at 10:57 AM "
While I didn't post the post james is referring to I am sure this post is actually by the cowardly pastor james boswell, normal Illinois who makes totally false charges in addition to his ongoing spam. Doubling down on being an asshole.
I see he slithered away
Slithered away? No, been out shopping for my wife. I have a life, unlike you.
They where right, idiot jane. It was all realized borrowed money and do not Fogel to include interest still being paid on that borrowed money. Also realized .
"Those, those, those jobs, uh, mm. Turned out not to, uhm, to be, uhmm, no to be so Shovel Ready hahahahaaha" prez jv
Hi HB, coward
Myopic Moron Jane.
They average tax rate on business of industrialized Nations is 22.6 %.
Dropping them US Rate to 20 % will give them USA a needed compete advantage.
Why are you against them USA gaining advantages ?
"James said...
Slithered away? No, been out shopping for my wife. I have a life, unlike you. "
When I spend as much time as you do transferring political_lire spam, attacking others then posting about going shopping for my wife... then you may have a point.
going shopping for your wife ????? and feeling it necessary to post that here and saying I need a life.
obviously your life sucks.
I am too big a coward to post under Cowardly, even, so I post under JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY as well, demonstrating my irrational hatred for James who is actually, I know, a revered clergyperson who is beloved and has a life, which makes me hate him all the more.
I didn't actually write this, because I do not have that much common decency, but confession would be good for the soul -- if I thought I had one.
The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
9 To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: 10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’
13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’
14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
The fuck?
C.H., your blog has turned into a fucking insane asylum.
PNC if you have an idea to ban James from the blog, I'm all ears.
Ain't just him by a long shot.
Seems this blog has less than 10 regular commenters. Maybe added one regular since the 2012 election.
It's not exactly helpful when the natural first reaction of visitors is "What the fuck is going on here?" and "Damn what a bunch of pricks."
Lol. You
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