Tuesday, December 5, 2017

RNC now backing Roy Moore again...

I guess they were happy to denounce him, when they believed he might lose. Now that he is leading again in the polls, supposedly they are back on board?


James said...

So the good ole GOP proudly opens wide its door to racist KKKers and other white supremacists, while at the same time welcoming homophobes, islamophobes, pedophiles, pederasts, rapists, and other sexual predators.

They are betting that the American people will back them on this.

They are betting wrong.

Commonsense said...

A profile in courage.

C.H. Truth said...

James -

Al Franken is on the line... wants to know if he can grab your wife's ass?

James said...

George H. W. Bush got there ahead of him...

But at least Franken didn't go after 14 year olds.

James said...


Democrats Ready to Embrace a Class War the GOP Started

McClatchy: “The GOP’s controversial dual effort to revamp the health care system and tax code has convinced Democrats they should bluntly assail Republicans as the defenders of out-of-touch plutocrats, a message party operatives have already begun to poll-test, include in attacks ads, and use against vulnerable incumbents even before Saturday’s passage of the Senate GOP bill.

“And rather than wince at the inevitable retorts that the party is trying to instigate a class war, leading party strategists say they welcome the attack — confident the GOP’s legislative priorities make them a more likely culprit in the public’s mind.”

Said one party operative: “If we’re eating the rich, they bit first.”


Commonsense said...

But at least Franken didn't go after 14 year olds.

How do you know?

JAMES said...


Trump Sinks to New Low Among Young Voters

A new Harvard IOP poll of America’s 18- to 29-year-olds finds that 67% of young Americans are more fearful than hopeful about America’s future.

President Trump’s approval rate is now just 25% with young people, having fallen seven points since Spring.
Less than one year before the 2018 midterm elections, likely young American voters cite preference for Democratic control of Congress, 65% to 33%.

Commonsense said...

Democrats Ready to Embrace a Class War the GOP Started

Yeah, I can just hear the sales pitch.

We're going to fight for you by taking away you're undeserved tax cut you racist, ignorant. deplorable, redneck.

Yeah, that should work.

Myballs said...

The gop started class warfare??

I guess you missed Obama's 8 years.

Anonymous said...

Jane, which in your opinion is worse.

Child molesting

You came here to dicuss this issue, don't run off.

Anonymous said...

Jane had to run. She is out of cut n paste

James said...

Government Shutdown Looms

Playbook: “The government shuts down on Friday. Meadows — the leader of a bloc of more than 30 conservatives — says he does not like the GOP leadership plan. Democrats have no intent to help Republican leaders pass a stop gap measure. And the first serious talks between principals — Democratic and Republican leaders and President Donald Trump — is Thursday, the day before the funding deadline.”

House Conservatives Almost Topple Tax Vote

“House conservatives threatened to derail a key tax vote on Monday in an attempt to win more influence over the GOP’s spending strategy, just four days before the deadline to fund the government. In a dramatic political stunt, more than a dozen members of the House Freedom Caucus withheld their support for a crucial procedural vote on the GOP’s tax bill, threatening an embarrassing blow to GOP leadership,” Politico reports.

“The conservatives eventually relented, approving what had been thought to be a formality — a motion to appoint negotiators to hammer out a final tax bill with the Senate. But the frenzy on the House floor underscored the divisions within the GOP over a spending strategy this month, and that the Republicans’ march toward overhauling the tax code — which has proceeded with relatively little drama so far — could get caught up in the process.”

Playbook: “This is a good reminder: The Freedom Caucus, when it’s unified, can control the outcome on the House floor.”

James said...

New Defense by Trump Lawyers Dismissed By Scholars

“The brazen assertion Monday by one of President Trump’s lawyers that a president cannot be found guilty of obstruction of justice signaled a controversial defense strategy in the wide-ranging Russia probe, as Trump’s political advisers are increasingly concerned about the legal advice he is receiving,” the Washington Post reports.

“Inside the White House, some senior officials were baffled that Dowd publicly offered this interpretation of the law, which has been advanced since the summer by constitutional scholar Alan Dershowitz in defense of Trump but flatly dismissed by many other legal scholars.”

Deutsche Bank Received Subpoena for Trump Finances

Special counsel Robert Mueller has asked Deutsche Bank to share data on accounts held by President Trump and his family, Reuters reports.

“Germany’s largest bank received a subpoena from Mueller several weeks ago to provide information on certain money and credit transactions… Deutsche Bank, which has loaned the Trump organization millions of dollars for real estate ventures, said it would not comment on any of its clients.”

Pence Contemplated Coup to Replace Trump on Ticket

Following the release of the Access Hollywood tape last year, Vice President Mike Pence made it clear to the RNC he was ready to take Trump’s place as the presidential nominee, The Atlantic reports.

“The furtive plotting, several sources told me, was not just an act of political opportunism for Pence. He was genuinely shocked by the Access Hollywood tape. In the short time they’d known each other, Trump had made an effort to convince Pence that—beneath all the made-for-TV bluster and bravado—he was a good-hearted man with faith in God. On the night of the vice-presidential debate, for example, Trump had left a voicemail letting Pence know that he’d just said a prayer for him. The couple was appalled by the video, however. Karen in particular was ‘disgusted,’ says a former campaign aide. ‘She finds him reprehensible—just totally vile.'”
Totally vile he is.

Anonymous said...

Janes, are about done with the cut n paste avalanche?

Anonymous said...

It looks like Jane cut n paste avalanche is over, for now.

Will Jane dicuss any of it, naw, she doesn't do that.

Accomodating, James said...

Republican Tax Plan Remains Very Unpopular

A new Quinnipiac poll finds American voters disapprove of the Republican tax plan 53% to 29%. By a 61% to 34% margin, voters say THE PLAN BENEFITS THE WEALTHY AT THE EXPENSE OF THE MIDDLE CLASS.

Meanwhile, President Trump’s approval rate is 35% to 58% and voters think he’s unfit to be president by a 56% to 40% margin.

Said pollster Tim Malloy: “Deeply unpopular and manifestly unfit for the job. That’s the harsh assessment of President Trump, whose tax plan is considered built for the rich at the expense of the rest.”

Here's my comment: LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

Anonymous said...

The avalanche unabated

:-) James, smiling, said...

Here's my other comment:

Totally vile he is.

Reprehensible too.

:-) said...

Who Are These Polanski Backers Anyway?

You know the tide has turned on Roman Polanski's campaign for child rape forgiveness when even the French have defected from the director's camp. But just who the hell were these friends of child rape to begin with?

Ah Fortuna's bitter harvest! Just yesterday the giants of entertainment stood arm in arm demanding the world come to its senses, and righteous intelligensia stared down the American rabble, asking of those who would dare judge a Roman Polanski, have you no decency sirs?

That was yesterday. Today the rabble is taking names.

Reading great political significance into the Polanski defense, Politico has done an accounting and reports that "Movie industry types calling for the release of director Roman Polanski last year gave $34,000 to Obama's presidential campaign and the Democratic Party, FEC records show."

Leading the list of supporters of both child rape and Democrats is mogul Harvey Weinstein, whose prominent role in the Polanski defense is paired with his $28,500 donation to the DNC. Politico doesn't say what the relationship of those two actions is, but they of course, do nothing to stand in the way of you drawing your own sinister conclusions.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A pedophile is better than a Democrat per the President.

The Devil has captured the United States via Donald J. Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is going to be pissed off.

LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Russia’s Olympic team has been barred from the 2018 Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea. The country’s government officials are forbidden to attend, its flag will not be displayed at the opening ceremony and its anthem will not sound. Any athletes from Russia who receive special dispensation to compete will do so as individuals wearing a neutral uniform, and the official record books will forever show that Russia won zero medals.

That was the punishment issued Tuesday to the proud sports juggernaut that has long used the Olympics as a show of global force but was exposed for systematic doping in previously unfathomable ways. The International Olympic Committee, after completing its own prolonged investigations that reiterated what had been known for more than a year, handed Russia penalties for doping so severe they were without precedent in Olympics history.

Rev Jim Boswell said...

I love Roy Moore.

I'm a pedophile too.

Amused and encouraged, James said...

GOP Tax Bill Isn’t a Done Deal Yet

John Cassidy: “Even if the Republican conferees can reach an agreement on these provisions, there are two explosive non-tax issues that need to be resolved: the fate of the individual mandate to purchase health insurance, and the legal protections afforded to people who were brought to this country as undocumented immigrants when they were children—the “Dreamers.” Senate Republican leaders, in their drive to get to fifty-one votes, made pledges regarding these issues to two key senators: Susan Collins, of Maine, who helped defeat the G.O.P. effort to repeal Obamacare; and Jeff Flake, of Arizona, who is a fierce critic of President Trump.

“At this stage, it is by no means clear that the G.O.P. leaders will be able to deliver on the pledges they made to Collins and Flake, which are already coming under fire from some ultra-conservatives in the House… Getting the members of the Freedom Caucus and the likes of Collins and Flake to agree on anything won’t be easy, and, for procedural reasons, the members of the conference committee won’t have much freedom to maneuver.”

Important: Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) office said that Ryan “is not part of a deal to get Obamacare fixes passed before the end of the year,” according to The Hill.

James said...

“I have done my part to make sure men who hurt little girls go to jail and not the United States Senate.”
— Alabama U.S. Senate candidate Doug Jones (D), quoted by the Wall Street Journal.

Moore Spokesman Calls Accusers ‘Criminals’

A spokesman for Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore (R) said that the women who accused him of sexual misconduct are “criminals” who are “seeking revenge” — arguing that there were plenty of “non-accusers that did not accuse the judge of any sexual misconduct,” the New York Post reports.

Commonsense said...

“I have done my part to make sure men who hurt little girls go to jail and not the United States Senate.”
— Alabama U.S. Senate candidate Doug Jones (D)

Did he close an abortion clinic? Did he send the abortionist to jail?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
A pedophile is better than a Democrat per the President.

well, here's the thing alky...

moore is an alleged pedophile. and the "evidence" of that is laughable.

you, otoh, are a confirmed alcoholic piece of shit.

Rev Jim Boswell said...

I love being a pedophile.

wphamilton said...

I'd crow about correctly predicting it, but CH called it also.

It's not yet a given that Moore wins though. 50-50. Contempt for the Liberal may well override concerns about moral character in Alabama. We'll soon see.

Anonymous said...

I still see Moore losing.

Rep john Conyer resigned

Sen. Al franken ,next?

Or are them showing thier collective slip again?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President doesn't know what he's doing. Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel will cost thousands of lives.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I wouldn't let you near my granddaughter. Your sympathy for Moore is proof that you are one sick sob

C.H. Truth said...

In 1995, Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act, which declared, as a statement of policy, that "Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel."

In 2002, passed as part of the "Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2003" Congress said, "For purposes of the registration of birth, certification of nationality, or issuance of a passport of a United States citizen born in the city of Jerusalem, the Secretary shall, upon the request of the citizen or the citizen’s legal guardian, record the place of birth as Israel"

- During the Clinton administration, Congress passed an act recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.
- During the Bush administration, Congress reaffirmed that citizens born in Jerusalem were considered Israeli.

Both resolutions were fought by the Obama administration in the courts, and eventually declared void.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The legalities are one thing, it's open to argument.

But this decision, unless he wakes up tomorrow and sees that almost everyone will say that this will cost thousands of lives, he may back off. What little I have seen, almost everyone says that this is a bad bad bad idea. George W. Bush said that he doesn't have a clue about the job, and boy is he right this time. His Twitter feed may be active.


C.H. Truth said...

- the Knesset is in Jerusalem
- the Supreme Court is in Jerusalem
- the Prime Minister’s office and official residence are in Jerusalem
- the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and most other government offices are in Jerusalem.

Anonymous said...

considering the lame duck shit 0linsky pulled on israel a year ago at the UN, i'm glad that trump has taken the path that he has. it takes a real asshole to allow the western wall to be declared "occupied palestinian territory."

and as to the "thousands of lives this will cost" -

considering your track record on predictions the region will probably never have been as safe...

and if you're right, as long as it's moose-limb lives, i'm not seeing a problem.

Anonymous said...

"thousands of lives this will cost" - Alky

OMG funny, now lets tag that to what other issues HB has tag those very words to, let me start.

The defunding of Obamacare , the money that is a slush fund to the Insurance Companies to buy their support.

Anonymous said...

Economist Larry Summers predicts 10,000 will die per year due to tax reform


"thousands will die."

"10,000 per year will die."

trump needs to stop fucking around up the ante and propose legislation that get's up into the hundreds of thousands or millions.

go big or go home.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A Profile In Stupidity.

Palestinians' chief representative to Britain, Manuel Hassassian, blasted Mr Trump ahead of the decision to move the US embassy.

He told the BBC: "If he says what he is intending to say about Jerusalem being the capital of Israel, it means a kiss of death to the two state solution.

“He is declaring war in the Middle East, he is declaring war against 1.5 billion Muslims (and) hundreds of millions of Christians that are not going to accept the holy shrines to be totally under the hegemony of Israel.”

Manuel Hassassian, blasted Mr Trump ahead of the decision to move the embassy
Turkish foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu also joined the chorus of condemnation against Mr Trump saying he viewed it as “illegal.”

He told CNBC: “Israel is trying to normalise relations with other Muslim countries, so it will not serve Israel well. I hope there will be no such decision by President Trump."

"This can go as far as severing Turkey's ties with Israel. I am warning the United States not to take such a step which will deepen the problems in the region.

"We have to warn the United States that such a decision will be against the U.N. resolutions and international law and international agreements.”

Britain's Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, also raised the alarm, he said this morning: "Let's wait and see what the president says exactly.

"But we view the reports that we've heard with concern. We think Jerusalem should be part of the final settlement between the Palestinians and Israelis."


He actually could be responsible for starting World War Three.

Even Fake Fox News, says that this is beyond rational behavior. This is a decision that eliminates the Two State Solution, that has been in place for fifty years. And his impulsive decision, if implemented will lead to thousands, if not millions of deaths.

Anonymous said...

He actually could be responsible for starting World War Three.

and thousands will die...

'clutch pearls'

'collapse on fainting couch.'

'actually faint.'

'ok, fake fainting.'

lather, rinse, repeat.

by a landslide.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Experienced diplomats, across the political spectrum are strongly denouncing in strong terms that he would be starting a conflict access the middle east.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Donald Trump on Wednesday will recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and set in motion the relocation of the U.S. Embassy to the ancient city, senior U.S. officials said, a decision that upends decades of U.S. policy and risks fueling violence in the Middle East.

Facing an outcry of opposition from Arab capitals, Trump, in a landmark speech, will announce he has ordered the State Department to begin developing a plan to move the embassy from Tel Aviv in what is expected to be a process that takes three to four years, the officials said. He will not set a timetable for the move.

Trump will sign a national security waiver that authorizes him to delay the embassy relocation for now, since the U.S. diplomats do not yet have a building in Jerusalem to move into, security arrangements or housing for diplomats, the officials said.

Still, Trump’s endorsement of Israel's claim to all of Jerusalem as its capital would reverse long-standing U.S. policy that the city's status must be decided in negotiations with the Palestinians, who want East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state.

The international community does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the entire city, home to sites holy to the Muslim, Jewish and Christian religions.

The officials, who briefed reporters ahead of Trump’s speech at 1 p.m. EST (1800 GMT) on Wednesday, insisted that Trump’s decision, intended to fulfill a key campaign promise, was not meant to pre-judge the outcome of eventual talks on the final status of Jerusalem or other major disputes between the two sides.

Instead, one of the officials contended that Trump’s announcements reflected the “historic reality” of Jerusalem as the center of Jewish faith and the “modern reality” that it is the seat of Israeli government.

Such arguments are not likely to sway the Palestinians and the broader Arab world.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Jordan's King Abdullah, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Saudi Arabia's King Salman, who all received telephone calls from Trump on Tuesday, joined a mounting chorus of voices warning that unilateral U.S. steps on Jerusalem would derail a fledgling U.S.-led peace effort that has stymied previous U.S. administrations and unleash turmoil in the region.

The White House said Trump had also spoken with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a close U.S. ally and longtime proponent of a U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem.

Netanyahu was the only leader whose office did not release a statement following the call. A senior Israeli minister welcomed Trump's decision while vowing that Israel would be prepared for any outbreak of violence.


Around the world, his behavior and impulsive decision is endangering thousands of Americans, military and civilian across the middle east. Editorials across the world are denouncing the President.

Anonymous said...

This is a decision that eliminates the Two State Solution, that has been in place for fifty years.

which has worked out SO well.

and we've got the very dead and very innocent israeli's to prove it.

there is no 'two state solution' genius, and there never has been. the palestinians don't want peace. they want israel and the jews eliminated. period. clinton met 99% of arafat's demands and the murderous thug STILL wasn't happy.

hopefully trump takes an additional step and cuts off all US $$$ to the palestinians. all the pals do is give that $ to their people in exchange for murderous attacks on israelis.

we need to dispense with the myth that the pals want peace and that they're honest brokers towards that goal.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Jordan's King Abdullah, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Saudi Arabia's King Salman, who all received telephone calls from Trump on Tuesday, joined a mounting chorus of voices warning that unilateral U.S. steps on Jerusalem would derail a fledgling U.S.-led peace effort that has stymied previous U.S. administrations and unleash turmoil in the region.

Diplomats and military officials have said on and off the record, denounce this in no uncertain terms.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Experienced diplomats, across the political spectrum are strongly denouncing in strong terms that he would be starting a conflict access the middle east.

translation -

a pack of 0linsky loyalists are upset that yet another piece of their dear leader's "legacy" is getting flushed down the shitter.

well, good.

they were awful quiet when skeets declined to veto the resolution that declared the western wall to be "occupied palestinian territory." (among other travesties contained in that resolution) not one of them had the courage to object to such a blatant "FUCK YOU" to israel.

they were sniveling cowards then, they're sniveling cowards now.

Anonymous said...

Editorials across the world are denouncing the President.

excellent. sniveling liberals rush to their keyboards to type words of strong condemnation. fucking pussies. we are leading the world instead of fellating the world, and the 0linsky global apologies have reached their expiration date.


#winning bigly

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Outside of this tiny and incredibly ill informed cult following morons "think" this is a wise decision. Got Beaners? Let the bodies rot as a warning against crossing the border. No thanks.

The President has been denounced around the world, and the United States.

Anonymous said...

John Kerry wants us to ask them world what we should do, not then Elected President.

Anonymous said...

The President has been denounced around the world, and the United States.

pro tip, alky -

it helps a lot if those doing the denouncing:

A) have a clue

B) have credibility

C) actually matter.

case in point -

the other day british pm teresa may denounced trump for re-tweeting radical moose-limb terror video's.

yesterday a plot by radical moose-limbs to kill her by blowing up #10 was foiled by british authorities.

candle and teddy bear stock futures plummeted on the news, and the staff of charlie dildo in paris could not be reached for comment.

Commonsense said...

So bottom line is:

The Palestinians don't like it. Therefore, the Arabs don't like it.

And the feckless Europeans are afraid of there own muslim population.

Therefore the US shouldn't follow through on their 30 year promise.

This is a warning shot that the US's patients with the feckless Palestinians is waning and they better get on board with the peace process or get left behind.

Anonymous said...

And the feckless Europeans are afraid of there own muslim population.


european leaders stupid enough to flood their countries with terrorists are now shitting themselves that those same terrorists will go ape shit on the news.

and angela merkel can't figure out why she can't form a coalition government.

well fucking DUH.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Well, all of that is happening now. In the Israeli-occupied West Bank, Palestinian political factions have unified ahead of a scheduled three “days of rage” protests.

“The Palestinian people know how to protect their rights,” Palestinian politician Jamal Mahisan told Israel’s Haaretz newspaper. “We are in consultations regarding [our moves] in the coming days.”

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, meanwhile, reportedly warned Trump that moving the embassy would have “dangerous consequences,” echoing the concerns of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who predicted “possible dangerous repercussions.” Turkey, meanwhile, warned the decision represented a “red line” for Muslims.

But Arab and Muslim leaders aren’t the only ones warning that the Trump administrations plan could be disastrous for the already tense region. In a letter to Trump Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt, 25 former Israeli Ambassadors, academics and other dignitaries also publicly denounced the move. In their message, obtained by Haaretz, the group wrote:

We are deeply concerned by recent reports that President Trump is seriously considering the announcement of his decision to unilaterally recognize Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel.

The status of Jerusalem, the city that houses the holy sites of the three monotheistic religions, lies at the core of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and must be determined within the context of resolving that conflict.

Almost immediately after news of Trump’s plan was made public, The U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem barred all personnel and their families from traveling in the West Bank and Jerusalem’s old city, and urged all U.S. citizens to “avoid areas where crowds have gathered, and where there is increased police and/or military presence”—definitely a thing you do when your president has made a calm and rational decision.

The diplomatic corps was forced to state "definitely a thing you do when your president has made a calm and rational decision."

That's from the White House. Out of all the stupid decisions, this one is even worse than Rocket Man. Demonstrations will be large and will lead to violence. The racist rodent bigot will be thrilled if "Mooselimbs" will die. Rational Republicans have been saying that he should not move the embassy to Jerusalem. None here of course. The cult tea is addictive and damages grey matter.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Well, all of that is happening now. In the Israeli-occupied West Bank, Palestinian political factions have unified ahead of a scheduled three “days of rage” protests.


hopefully the IDF is organizing a 'whack a moose-limb' target practice festival.

you see, here's the thing alky,

the only thing these murderous ragheads understand is violence and death. so rather than continuing to try and "negotiate" with a dishonest broker like abbas, israel needs to give them an overwhelming display of the only thing they understand - violence and death.

one definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result. it's about time israel skipped over that process and delivered hellfire to your palestinian comrades.

Commonsense said...

Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (93 votes in Senate, 374 in House)

When Bill Clinton was president everybody thought it was a good idea.

Now now, because - Trump.

Anonymous said...

Almost immediately after news of Trump’s plan was made public, The U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem barred all personnel and their families from traveling in the West Bank and Jerusalem’s old city, and urged all U.S. citizens to “avoid areas where crowds have gathered, and where there is increased police and/or military presence”—definitely a thing you do when your president has made a calm and rational decision.

so what you're saying (in bold, very persuasive. nice touch alky) is that murderous ragheads are being expected to do what murderous ragheads always do - blow shit up and cause mass casualties.

hmmmm... you don't say?

yet it's trump who's out of line here. mmmm-kay.

this is what i would call one of those "square peg in round hole alky logic" moments.

Anonymous said...

When Bill Clinton was president everybody thought it was a good idea.

Now now, because - Trump.

cs, i think you've captured the essence of one of the alky's -

"hypocrisy is the bedrock of liberalism" moments.

well played, sir.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

West Jerusalem is where Israel's government is based, but Palestinians view East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state. For that reason, every U.S. president since Israel's founding in 1948 has located the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv.

Trump appears to view the move as something that will help secure what he has called the "ultimate deal": peace between Israel and the Palestinians. In a briefing on Tuesday, the White House described the decision a "recognition of reality."

Ahead of Trump's speech, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been silent.

More: Trump will begin process to move U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

International opposition to the move has nevertheless grown increasingly strident.

The 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation said that changing Jerusalem’s status would amount to "naked aggression" against the Arab and Muslim world, and the head of the Arab League, said it would be a "dangerous measure that would have repercussion" across the entire Middle East.

Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud told Trump in a phone call that recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital or relocating the U.S. Embassy there from Tel Aviv "would constitute a flagrant provocation of Muslims, all over the world."

There were also warnings from Jordan's King Abdullah, Egypt's President Abdul Fattah Al Sisi and Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In recent days, the European Union, Germany and France have all implored Trump not to take action on Jerusalem.

Mevlut Cavusoglu, Turkey's foreign minister, said the "whole world is against" Trump. Diplomats from Iran to China expressed concern the move would aggravate tensions. Pope Francis said he hoped the "status quo of the city" would be respected. Turkey has been one of our staunchest allies and a NATO allies for over sixty years, and the President is tossing them out of the door.

Citing safety concerns the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem restricted government employees and their families from personal travel to Jerusalem's Old City and the West Bank. The State Department also recently advised American diplomatic posts in predominantly Muslim countries to be vigilant about possible protests.


I can't make it up. This isn't just a gimmick to keep you cultist happy. This will have dire consequences for the United States and Europe, or even worse.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You don't know that since we accepted the Israeli capital city is Jerusalem, that, every four years the President issues a statement saying that the United States would keep our embassy in Tel Aviv. Trump has already signed it.

You like it because Trump is doing this. I can guarantee that if President Clinton had made this decision, you would be agreeing with me. Hypocrisy is an inherited Republican condition.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even the Pope disagreed with your hero. Have a cup of Trump Urine Tea. You love it.

Commonsense said...

Spare us your pointless speculation.

If Clinton did it we may actually has a peace treaty in place and the terrorist tragedies of the last 30 years may have never happened.

The status quo now involves Christian genocide in Syria, low level terrorist warfare in Israel, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Somalia, the Sudan, the Congo, Mali and Europe.

Someone should tell the Pope the status quo is unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Commonsense said...
Spare us your pointless speculation.

If Clinton did it we may actually has a peace treaty in place and the terrorist tragedies of the last 30 years may have never happened.


hey alky, "ya better put some ice on that."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

BBC Great Britain has been our strongest allies for over 100 years.

US recognition of Jerusalem 'kiss of death' for peace process.


As expected announcement by President Donald Trump that the US will become the first country to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital has been dubbed a "kiss of death" for the Middle East peace process by the Palestinians.
But an Israeli minister urged other countries to follow the US lead.
Mr Trump is expected to confirm the decision in a speech later.
He will also approve moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, US officials say.

This could, however, be delayed because of logistical and security issues, as well as the need to find a location.

The prospect of Jerusalem recognition has prompted global reaction ranging from concern to alarm.

The Palestinians' representative to the UK, Manuel Hassassian, told the BBC that the changes to US policy on Jerusalem amounted to a "kiss of death" for the two-state solution in peace efforts and were like a "declaration of war".

"This is the last straw that will break the camel's back," he said. "I don't mean war in terms of conventional war, I mean war in terms of diplomacy."

Media captionPalestinian general delegate to UK tells Today Trump's planned acknowledgement of Jerusalem as capital is 'declaring war'

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has yet to comment officially, but Education Minister Naftali Bennett described it as a "big step towards regional peace" and said other countries should move their embassies too.

He added that it would force Israel's "enemies" to accept that Jerusalem would never be divided

But Pope Francis called for the "status quo" to be respected. Dialogue would only come through "recognising the rights of all people" in the region, he said.
Theresa May said she would speak to Mr Trump about the US move.

The UK's position on Jerusalem had not changed, the prime minister told Parliament. The city's status should be the subject of negotiation and it should be the shared capital of Israel and a Palestinian state.

It's just fucking stupid. Excuse my language.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Clinton came one inch from peace. But we know what happened.

But that's irrelevant to this decision by the deeply ignorant President.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Clinton came one inch from peace. But we know what happened.

yeah, a dishonest palestinian - arafat - walked away. and the piece of shit won the no-bell peas prize anyway.

the object lesson here is that palestinians are not honest or ethical in their negotiations. specifically when their starting point and end point - the desire for the total destruction of israel - is NOT NEGOTIABLE.

Anonymous said...

But Pope Francis called for the "status quo" to be respected. Dialogue would only come through "recognising the rights of all people" in the region, he said.

that's quite the wall he's got around his enclave to protect him from the outside world.

whatever could he be afraid of?

Anonymous said...

The House on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved legislation that would cut off U.S. taxpayer aid to the de facto Palestinian government if it continues to aid terrorists.


Commonsense said...

Also the Vatican has a no immigration policy.

Commonsense said...

So Israel is a sovereign nation and West Jerusalem has always been part of modern Israel.

As a sovereign nation, they have right to determine where that have their capital.

Imaging the nerve of the world saying Israel doesn't have that right.

wphamilton said...

The Palestinians say it kills peace because the Palestinians are going to get violent? If that's the case, you don't get peace either way so it's only right and logical to disregard their objection.