Friday, December 15, 2017

Three more Circuit Court Justices confirmed....

Meanwhile, Special Counsel Robert Mueller subpoenaed Jared Kushner's grade school transcripts, interviewed Donald Jr's cub scout leader from 4th grade, and is looking into whether or not Ivanka had any cavities had during a previously undisclosed dental appointment in 1992. 


Anonymous said...

CHT,HB and other prez jv lovers are always begging us to point to a obama/Hillary/Ried/Schumer victory for the good of the USA.

Here is one, they removed the need for 60 votes.

So that is thier Victory.

All dems voting "NO" .

Still in search of that mythical always elusive "moderate Democrat".

Loretta said...


Keep 'em coming.

Elections have consequences!

Commonsense said...

Three openings in the ninth circuit that desperately needs conservative judges.

wphamilton said...

Two of Trump's federal bench nominees were too ridiculous even for Republican Judiciary Committee. Jeff Mateer and Brett Talley rejected, the latter with zero experience (even trying a case) and achieve the extremely rare "not qualified" rating from the Bar Association. Chosen by Trump evidently for his idiotic defense of the KKK and hate speech regarding transgender children.

Actually I have to be fair about it. The GOP controlled Judiciary Committee initially was just fine with this loon, and only now asks the White House to withdraw him after his nonsense was exposed to the public.

Myballs said...

Yes let's focus on the two that were rejected instead of the 11 that have been approved. That's how we cover the Trump administration.

Commonsense said...

Winning bigly.

Anonymous said...

WP, I forgive you.

Anonymous said...

Those in the 9th circus being replaced will bring the US Constitution back to that wasteland of liberalism.

wphamilton said...

9th Circuit should be the highest priority for appointments, then broken up, and then diluted with even more judges.

Myballs said...

Grassley is demanding to know what the FBI's 'insurance policy' against trump was.

Rosenstein snd Mueller cannot stonewall forever.

Myballs said...

So omarosa says she wasn't fired and dragged from the Whitehouse.

Another fake news story from cnn.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
Yes let's focus on the two that were rejected instead of the 11 that have been approved. That's how we cover the Trump administration.

wp can't seem to resist the urge to troll every thread he visits.

wphamilton said...

The point being that Grassley is illiterate?

wphamilton said...

Mentioning absurd choices for Federal Judges, and the rubber stamp committee, is trolling a thread about appointing judges? While it may be uncomfortable truth to some of you, it is topical and relevant.

CH, please throw up a picture with a clown hat and party favors, or other celebratory themes, on threads that should be only cheerleading, so that I can know to avoid them. I don't have time to waste by discussing facts where dissent is not appropriate.

Myballs said...

When did you become such a troll?

James said...


Anonymous said...

Rosenstein snd Mueller cannot stonewall forever.

actually i think they can. they claim to be hiding behind some sort of NDA so far, however as the mask of corruption continues to slip, i don't think they'll give much of a shit. they intend to facilitate the coup against trump and that's all there is to it. the revelation of embarrassing and probably criminal behavior from their staff doesn't seem to be slowing them down. in fact, mueller, rosenstein and wray have done everything except give the congress the finger.

the deep state embeds are driving this bus, and we're all just along for a very corrupt ride.

in a morbid way it's kind of cool.

i sort of expected our nation to governmentally and politically eventually turn to shit. i just didn't think i'd live to see it.

"A Republic, if you can keep it" and all that.

Anonymous said...


WP,Became a troll at about 3 am Nov 9th, 2016.

The moment Trump won.

wphamilton said...

Then let me be more specific

The actual text:

"I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk"

Limbaugh's re-write:

"I know you think there’s no way Trump can win, but I’m afraid we can’t risk it. We can’t leave it to chance."

Grassley's apparent misreading:

"An insurance policy against Trump winning the election."

Surely amongst us here, we're all literate enough to realize that the latter two have almost no relation to the text?

Obviously she's referring to Trump's "path" to getting elected, which the other person has erroneously declared impossible. Something they're doing, assuming that Hillary wins, won't sit well with Trump and she doesn't think they can leave that to chance. She says "insurance policy" as an analogy of the possibility of something bad happening.

What she is NOT saying is that they have, or should have, some plan of action against Trump, an "insurance policy", should he be elected. Whatever they had going on likely needs to be looked at, but Grassley is illiterate if he truly thinks it reads as described above by Limbaugh.

You guys accuse me of "trolling" because I puncture your conspiracy theory that's fed by Grassley's gross misinterpretation.

Commonsense said...

Actual Text quoted by CNN:

"I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy's office that there's no way he gets elected -- but I'm afraid we can't take that risk. It's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40"

The question is; what "it" is and why it's like an insurance policy?

Commonsense said...

But one thing is obvious. The "insurance policy" is against the "unlikely event" Trump is elected.

wphamilton said...

"It" is likely sucking up to the wrong boss.

It's "like an insurance policy" because it's Plan B in case something unlikely but bad happens (Trump wins). Probably bury the Hillary suck-up documents and make up some Trump suck-up policies.

Ask yourself, doesn't that sound far, far more likely than any nefarious schemes conspiring to bring down a Trump Presidency?

Anonymous said...

The FBI working against Trump is OK with you WP?

Anonymous said...

So ODD, that those in the FBI work against or for any Election outcome.

Mrs. Lowest Learner, did it at IRS, Common Practice under Obama.

Anonymous said...

Anyone seen creeper HB, I wanted him to know that the "Dow Crashing" is up 170 or so points today.

Commonsense said...

Ask yourself, doesn't that sound far, far more likely than any nefarious schemes conspiring to bring down a Trump Presidency?

Given that from the other texts it's obvious they deeply despise Trump, the answer would be no.

wphamilton said...

Does that hold for anyone who despises Trump, that it's likely that they're conspiring to bring down the Presidency? Or just Federal Law Enforcement officials?

Anonymous said...

the answer would be no. " CS

Yet, will WP be satisfied with that answer, nope.

Commonsense said...

Does that hold for anyone who despises Trump, that it's likely that they're conspiring to bring down the Presidency? Or just Federal Law Enforcement officials?

Well, there are quite a lot of Democrats openly conspiring to bring down the Trump Presidency starting with Maxine Water.

But it is unlikely those particular law enforcement officials are creating "Trump suck-up policies".

It is far more likely that they would try to use the power and authority they possess to oppose and interfere with Trump's execution of his executive powers.

Commonsense said...

That would be called insubordination.

Anonymous said...

Probably bury the Hillary suck-up documents and make up some Trump suck-up policies.

Ask yourself, doesn't that sound far, far more likely than any nefarious schemes conspiring to bring down a Trump Presidency?

troll level: grandmaster.

wphamilton said...

Maxine Water. LOL I'll give you that one but she doesn't count.

I can pretty much guarantee that Federal employees in every department are looking for ways to look good to Trump. Except maybe State.

"It is far more likely that they would try to use the power and authority they possess to oppose and interfere with Trump's execution of his executive powers."

That's better than insurrection theories anyway. Just in case though, I'm designing a signal-blocking smart-phone wallet, to sell to folks that don't want the federal law enforcement tracking their GPS, activating the mike and otherwise compromising the phone remotely. You guys can buy a prototype if you want, but I have to warn you it's not cheap.

Anonymous said...

Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity.

That was prior to Obama putting his hands on it.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me 57 fellow travelers voted with Maxipad. To impeach the sitting President, do they count?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President is "It's a disgrace ". It sounds like the complaints against Ken Starr. Only 19 years ago during the Clinton impeachment.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Patience, I guess. Patience.

On my iPhone, which I’m trying not to look at, I have three sites tucked away to check when I’m having a bad Trump day. There’s the Gallup approval chart, FiveThirtyEight’s poll of polls, and Real Clear Politics’ graphic of Trump polling. They sit there like little squares of visual Xanax whenever the anxiety of living in a country run by a delusional rage-aholic gets a bit too much. And they’re all looking good. Squinting at Nate’s blurry orange and green, it looks to me as if the gulf between approval and disapproval is widening still further. Around 20 points this week. Twenty! RCP — a little less smoothed-out — shows an even starker low. And then Virginia and now Alabama. And the Democratic flood of potential candidates for 2018, especially women. And that moment Drudge (peace be upon him) called “Brokeback Virginia” when the crusty old bigot, Roy Moore, rode in on a horse to his electoral defeat, looking about as comfortable as I would be, perched up there, cowboy boots akimbo. If it weren’t all so tragic, we’d be laughing our asses off.

And yet this still feels like a phony oasis. A huge majority of Republicans stuck with Moore and Trump last Tuesday. And we’ve learned one new and sickening thing this past month: Republican tribalism demands that the Mueller investigation be aggressively smeared in advance, its findings preemptively discredited, and its lawyers smeared for political loyalties, even when there is no evidence that this is affecting the special counsel’s work. In much of Trump media, Mueller’s alleged corruption and bias are fast becoming an article of faith. Night after night on Fox, it’s an endless diatribe against the special counsel, a constant drumbeat of propaganda about a “tainted probe.” Central to it is that waddling eminence, Newt Gingrich, who is openly arguing that Mueller is engineering some kind of coup against the will of the Trump masses.

This is not just from the media fever swamps. Take even formerly “Never Trump” National Review, which this week gave prominent space to an essay that draws this conclusion: “By now there are simply too many coincidental conflicts of interest and too much improper investigatory behavior to continue to give the Mueller investigation the benefit of doubt. Each is a light straw; together, they now have broken the back of the probe’s reputation.” The House Judiciary Committee’s grilling of Rod Rosenstein this week also revealed a near-universal Republican consensus that the investigation is rigged. E.J. Dionne recently noted “the statement of Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, that if every member of Mueller’s team who was ‘anti-Trump’were kicked off, ‘I don’t know if there’d be anyone left.’” Jordan also declared that “the public trust in this whole thing is gone.” Ben Wittes is rightly worried that the House Republicans “are braying for actions inimical to the very idea of independent law enforcement. They are doing it about someone, Mueller, with whom they have long experience and about whom they know their essential claims to be false.”

Anonymous said...


Yep it crashed ever higher today.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't give a fuck k'putz

Anonymous said...

You have been wrong on everything economic/financial.

I knew you had no self-control, you could not keep your agreement, I have stopped calling you your pet name here.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I have won more of the arguments than you can dream of. Daisy is crying out loud as she is waiting for a lot of fun.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

April 27, 2017.“I want to help our miners while the Democrats are blocking their healthcare.” (The bill to extend health benefits for certain coal miners was introduced by a Democrat and was co-sponsored by mostly Democrats.)
April 28, 2017.“The trade deficit with Mexico is close to $70 billion, even with Canada it’s $17 billion trade deficit with Canada.” (The U.S. had an $8.1 billion trade surplus, not deficit, with Canada in 2016.)
April 28, 2017.“She's running against someone who's going to raise your taxes to the sky, destroy your health care, and he's for open borders — lots of crime.” (Those are not Jon Ossoff's positions.)
April 29, 2017.“As you know, I've been a big critic of China, and I've been talking about currency manipulation for a long time. But I have to tell you that during the election, number one, they stopped.” (China stopped years ago.)
April 29, 2017.“We're also getting NATO countries to finally step up and contribute their fair share. They've begun to increase their contributions by billions of dollars, but we are not going to be satisfied until everyone pays what they owe.” (The deal was struck in 2014.)
May 1, 2017.“Well, we are protecting pre-existing conditions. And it'll be every good — bit as good on pre-existing conditions as Obamacare.” (The bill weakens protections for people with pre-existing conditions.)
May 4, 2017.“Nobody cares about my tax return except for the reporters.” (Polls show most Americans do care.)

Anonymous said...

Yet, you deeply cared on the morning of Nov. 9th, 2016 when you cheered a flash drop and the US Market has not look back since.

The fact is we are on the verge of an unbelievable historic record. I will tell you what it is an jan. 1,2018.

Don't want to jinx it.

Commonsense said...

The Times "Lie" column has been debunked as fake news.

Turns out Obama lied a lot more than 18 times and some of them were whoppers.

One of them was even "lie of the year".

Anonymous said...

So the dems attack on trump with paid women have settled on the song they will rally with.


Anonymous said...

"I'll buy a Chevy Volt when I am no longer President" obimbo

The Detroit Free Press which is the Official Auto Industry Paper reports, " He has yet to order".

Anonymous said...

《《《 flicking HB on his nose》》》

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Republicans are on final approach to land their tax bill out of House-Senate conference, and for the most part the winds look favorable. Yet one surprising provision in the Senate bill would gratuitously harm individual investors, and the GOP ought to eliminate this de facto increase on capital-gains taxes.

The Senate bill creates a “first-in, first-out” requirement for investors who sell their stock investments. Stephen Entin at the Tax Foundation describes it this way: A person buys 100 shares of a company at $25 a share in 1990. Then in 2005 he buys a 100 more for $50 a share. Now he wants to sell 100 shares at the current price of $100. The Senate bill would force this investor to sell the older shares first, which would expose the investor to a higher tax liability on the capital gain—a gain of $7,500 versus $5,000.

This is a lousy idea for several reasons. One is that older shares tend to have more gains, as companies grow and the market rises over time. Markets can benefit from investors who buy and hold stocks even amid the occasional correction and recession, and the Senate punishes this behavior.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Obsessed k'putz

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A federal judge in Philadelphia on Friday ordered the Trump administration not to enforce new rules that could significantly reduce women's access to free birth control.

Judge Wendy Beetlestone issued the injunction, temporarily stopping the government from enforcing the policy change to former President Barack Obama's health care law.

The law required most companies to cover birth control at no additional cost, though it included exemptions for religious organizations and some private companies.

The new policy would allow more categories of employers, including publicly traded companies, to opt out of providing free contraception to women by claiming religious objections. It would allow any company that is not publicly traded to deny coverage on moral grounds.

Beetlestone, appointed to the bench by Obama, called the Trump administration's exemptions "sweeping" and said they are the "proverbial exception that swallows the rule."

She was particularly critical of the power to object on moral grounds, saying it "conjured up a world where a government entity is empowered to impose its own version of morality on each one of us. That cannot be right."

Attorneys for the Trump administration had argued in court documents that the rules are about "protecting a narrow class of sincere religious and moral objectors from being forced to facilitate practices that conflict with their beliefs."

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued the new policy in October. It marked another step in the Trump administration's rollback of the Affordable Care Act, and supporters say it promotes religious freedom.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, a Democrat, said that Trump broke the law to undermine women's health and that the ruling will protect women.

"This is just the first step, but today is a critical victory for millions of women and families and for the rule of law," Shapiro said.

The injunction will block the rule from being implemented around the country while the case brought by Shapiro moves forward in Pennsylvania. Shapiro's suit said the rules violate the Fifth Amendment because they pertain to women and not men and the First Amendment, by putting employers' religious beliefs over the constitutional rights of women.

California, Washington and Massachusetts have also sued the Trump administration over the rules. Delaware, Maryland, New York and Virginia joined California in its effort.

A federal judge in Oakland, California, heard arguments on Tuesday on the state's request to block the new rules and is expected to issue a ruling in that case soon.

Fatima Goss Graves, president of the National Women's Law Center, praised the decision and said the group will continue to fight against the rules.

"Employers' religious beliefs should never determine the care a woman receives," she said

Anonymous said...

Halfbaked tells 10% of the story on Tsx bill and FIFO.

Only effects funds held in "Taxable Brokeaged Accounts".

《《《 hitting HB on nose with rolled up paper》》》

Anonymous said...

Halfbaked tells 10% of the story on Tsx bill and FIFO.

Only effects funds held in "Taxable Brokeaged Accounts".

《《《 hitting HB on nose with rolled up paper》》》

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump's recent denunciations of the Russian intervention recall the famous legal advice. "If the law and facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell." If you saw his rant outside the new FBI headquarters, first he said that the FBI was corrupt and irresponsible. Then be attacked the justice department. He claimed that every one is angry. He looked like he was whacked out and perhaps beyond belief that the President is incapable of performing the duties of The President.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Klutz is lying again. I have not been commenting on the tax "reform " bill.

Anonymous said...

Really then who posted under your name @ 7:19 pm tonight on this very Thread?

Anonymous said...

If your stock holder is in the 15 % or lower tax rate they pay Zero capital gains.

Anonymous said...

HB, are you 100 % sure your story you post ( @ 7:19 ) is a 100% correct?

Anonymous said...

My guy Larry Kudrow says you're full of shit and so is your boy steven Entin.

Loretta said...

Spam by the creeper.

Loretta said...

"《《 hitting HB on nose with rolled up paper》》"

He should quit shitting on the blog.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't understand how you can think he's keeping us safe. Seriously.

In the final days before Donald Trump was sworn in as president, members of his inner circle pleaded with him to acknowledge publicly what U.S. intelligence agencies had already concluded — that Russia’s interference in the 2016 election was real.

This report on how President Trump has responded to intelligence findings that Russia intervened in the 2016 election follows an earlier examination of the Obama administration’s actions as the Kremlin’s campaign unfolded.

• Previously: Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

Holding impromptu interventions in Trump’s 26th-floor corner office at Trump Tower, advisers — including Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and designated chief of staff, Reince Priebus — prodded the president-elect to accept the findings that the nation’s spy chiefs had personally presented to him on Jan. 6.

They sought to convince Trump that he could affirm the validity of the intelligence without diminishing his electoral win, according to three officials involved in the sessions. More important, they said that doing so was the only way to put the matter behind him politically and free him to pursue his goal of closer ties with Russian President Vladi­mir Putin.

“This was part of the normalization process,” one participant said. “There was a big effort to get him to be a standard president.”

But as aides persisted, Trump became agitated. He railed that the intelligence couldn’t be trusted and scoffed at the suggestion that his candidacy had been propelled by forces other than his own strategy, message and charisma.
The Russian operation seemed intended to aggravate political polarization and racial tensions and to diminish U.S. influence abroad. The United States’ closest alliances are frayed, and the Oval Office is occupied by a disruptive politician who frequently praises his counterpart in Russia.

“Putin has to believe this was the most successful intelligence operation in the history of Russian or Soviet intelligence,” said Andrew Weiss, a former adviser on Russia in the George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton administrations who is now at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “It has driven the American political system into a crisis that will last years.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In November, during a 12-day trip to Asia, Trump signaled that he believed Putin’s word over that of U.S. intelligence.


Told that members of his incoming Cabinet had already publicly backed the intelligence report on Russia, Trump shot back, “So what?” Admitting that the Kremlin had hacked Democratic Party emails, he said, was a “trap.”


Nearly a year into his presidency, Trump continues to reject the evidence that Russia waged an assault on a pillar of American democracy and supported his run for the White House.

The result is without obvious parallel in U.S. history, a situation in which the personal insecurities of the president — and his refusal to accept what even many in his administration regard as objective reality — have impaired the government’s response to a national security threat. The repercussions radiate across the government.

Rather than search for ways to deter Kremlin attacks or safeguard U.S. elections, Trump has waged his own campaign to discredit the case that Russia poses any threat and he has resisted or attempted to roll back efforts to hold Moscow to account.

His administration has moved to undo at least some of the sanctions the previous administration imposed on Russia for its election interference, exploring the return of two Russian compounds in the United States that President Barack Obama had seized — the measure that had most galled Moscow. Months later, when Congress moved to impose additional penalties on Moscow, Trump opposed the measures fiercely.

I hope CH actually reads this entire story. It's incredibly well researched and we have seen the results of his behavior and evidence of it in his comments made today, and his call to Putin this afternoon. And seriously, look at the remarks he made outside of the buildings before his appearance he does not look coherent.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I know I put a lot on Trump, but he will not even accept his PDB, Presidential Daily Briefing. unless it's been edited that won't make him angry. He often does not read the briefing . This is frightens me because the President believes Putin not our own intelligence services. The other point is that the investigation is into the Russian intervention in our election, not an investigation to seek collusion. If he wasn't guilty of collusion he would not be afraid of the investigations.

Loretta said...

Roger's drunk.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You should read the article.

1,300 days


Myballs said...

The only russian interference we've seen uncovered is them colluding with the obama administration and clinton campaign.

Anonymous said...

Nearly a year into his presidency, Trump continues to reject the evidence that Russia waged an assault on a pillar of American democracy and supported his run for the White House.

that's because there is no evidence, alky.

only a made up story by a drunk old lady who can't walk a short flight of stairs without a team of flunkies to prop her up.

your "evidence" is a fake dossier paid for by drunk old lady. trump was wise to reject it.

you're an assclown alky. and all the copy/paste's in the world ain't gonna change that.

Anonymous said...

On my iPhone, which I’m trying not to look at, I have three sites tucked away to check when I’m having a bad Trump day.

- queen andrew

i thought you quit her alky?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That is incorrect. The intelligence services all said that the Russians were involved in the election. The investigation all reported to the President. He angrily refused to accept the results of the investigation.

Even if they find no collusion, there is no doubt they were involved. Trump again to get through to you, the President refuses to believe the intelligence community. And they have to edit the PDB to exclude any reference to Russian intervention into the election of 2016.

Seriously you should read the article in it's entirety, not just my exceptions.

Your opinion that the only collusion was with the Clinton administration!!!! and Secretary Clinton is simply right wing propaganda that is not supported by the intelligence agencies. Your comment is what Trump wants you to believe. It's not again, not true.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Nearly a year into his presidency, Trump continues to reject the evidence that Russia waged an assault on a pillar of American democracy and supported his run for the White House.

The intelligence services all said that the Russians were involved in at least 22 states. They were all supportive of the Trump campaign.

Once again you are following the President and his beliefs that are not supported by the intelligence agencies across the board.

You believe that the President tells you to believe. You, like him, believe that the vast intelligence agencies across the board are inept and biased politically against the President.

Sieg Heil Mr President.

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

Mattis and other people in the room say this story is nonsense.

Obviously another story "too good to check out".

Just wondering when the news media will stop face planting themselves.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I dare you to actually read the book .... article.

Given your third grade English language ability, we won't see you response for at least an hour.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
That is incorrect. The intelligence services all said that the Russians were involved in the election. The investigation all reported to the President. He angrily refused to accept the results of the investigation.

when your intelligence services are comprised of hacks like comey, brennan and clapper anyone with an IQ higher than a potted plant is wise to reject the info, alky.

what, you truly believe our intel services are flawless and above reproach? over the years they have made some galactic fuck ups.

comey himself peddled the golden pee pee dossier to trump without having vetted the fucking thing. it was bullshit from cover to cover and the dumb fuck fell for it.

our intl services ain't nothing to brag about, alky. they never have been. look up the camp chapman attack, alky. 7 cia agents got blowed up because of shit intel.

skeets used to brag that he was always the smartest guy in the room and you slathered his nutsack with your saliva. now we actually have a president who is fairly wise and you can't see past your blinding hatred of the guy.

fuck off, you ignorant hack.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

post it another 7 or 8 times alky.

or better yet, post it on your own blog.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I dare you to post your own comments after you actually read it or well, you will do what the President wants you to believe.

Commonsense said...

I dare you to actually read the book .... article.

I dare say at the 3rd grade level they know the difference between a book and an article.

It's too bad you don't.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is just hilarious. Filled with incredibly ignorant accusations that are exactly what the President wants you to believe. And on top of that you language ability is just wonderful.

You obviously have been successfully drained of the abilities to understand reality by The President

Trumpism run amok stage four mentality and of course alky alky alky alky alky alky.

1,300 days.

Anonymous said...


if there was actually anything to the russia, russia, russia claim, don't you think mueller and his crack team of hillary-loving hacks would've found it by now?

i mean, they've been at it for over a fucking year.

every time i see mueller he's standing there with his thumb in his ass looking like his cat just died.

at some point you'll come to grips with the fact that the russia, russia, russia thing is a mountain of bullshit cooked up by clinton, mook and palmieri to explain away granny's epic defeat.

face it - hillary's been a piece of shit since she slithered out of the womb. karma landed on her like a ton of bricks and it was retributive justice that was a loong time coming.

the fact that we are wasting this much time, $$$, and man hours chasing down what amounts to a piss poor excuse for an electoral loss is a fucking joke.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's a very large article. I was making fun of the size of the article that you haven't read.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is just hilarious. Filled with incredibly ignorant accusations that are exactly what the President wants you to believe. And on top of that you language ability is just wonderful.

You obviously have been successfully drained of the abilities to understand reality by The President

Trumpism run amok stage four mentality and of course alky alky alky alky alky alky.

1,300 days.

This isn't an excuse for anything. The fact that the Russians were involved in at least 22 states and the social media is overwhelming. Again you are following the President and his tweeting and unwillingness to believe that every single one of the intelligence agencies across the board. Trumpism gone wild wings.

Anonymous said...

hey alky, now that 0linsky's net neutrality bullshit has landed with a thud on the ash heap of history, let me be one of the first to monetize the situation around here...

the top spot on the hospice blog is now for sale. i have yet to determine a price, however i am willing to entertain an offer.

think it over alky. i know how you covet that spot.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Write coherently and get your head out of Trump's ass.

Anonymous said...

The Obama administration received multiple warnings from national security officials between 2014 and 2016 that the Kremlin was ramping up its intelligence operations and building disinformation networks it could use to disrupt the U.S. political system, according to more than half a dozen current and former officials.

As early as 2014, the administration received a report that quoted a well-connected Russian source as saying that the Kremlin was building a disinformation arm that could be used to interfere in Western democracies. The report, according to an official familiar with it, included a quote from the Russian source telling U.S. officials in Moscow, "You have no idea how extensive these networks are in Europe ... and in the U.S., Russia has penetrated media organizations, lobbying firms, political parties, governments and militaries in all of these places."

That report was circulated among the National Security Council, intelligence agencies and the State Department via secure email and cable in the spring of 2014 as part of a larger assessment of Russian intentions in Ukraine, the official said.

and ol' skeets did what he always did best -

fucking nothing.

for fucks sake alky, why aren't you up in arms over this?

i mean...

"That report was circulated among the National Security Council, intelligence agencies and the State Department via secure email and cable in the spring of 2014..."

holy fucking shit!!!

0linsky ignored the intel!!!11!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Victory for the rational Roger !

I wouldn't give you a tiny red cent.

Lincoln is rolling in his grave. Trump is going to destroy the GOP.

Anonymous said...


the only thing we know for sure is that the russian's phished lil johnny podesta's email and the dumb fuck let them in.

other than that, the rest is just conjecture and wild, trump-hatred-fueled speculation by liberals whose epic election butthurt will not allow them to accept reality.

all the 10,000 word whines from the wapo or ny times ain't gonna change that.

and btw, if you didn't think the ny times was a pile of shit already, your new favorite article by them crediting 0linsky with only 18 lies in 8 years should change that.

should, if you have a fucking brain.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

So? We know that they have been assaulting our electoral system for years. Read the Washington Post article or just shut the fuck up Mr Trumpism.

Obama didn't ignore it. You can't read.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We know that they have been assaulting our electoral system for years. Read the Washington Post article or just shut the fuck up Mr Trumpism.

Obama didn't ignore it. You can't read.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Too funny. Insults pass for rational discussions in rrb angry world.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The 138 IQ is intact.

Your 98 is evident in every post you write yourself.

Anonymous said...

Trump is going to destroy the GOP.

he is, eh?


you mean like 0linsky destroyed the democrats? how many seats did he lose? somewhere north of 1000 wasn't it?

and hillary is doing exactly what these days? whining on a book tour about what the fuck happened?

meanwhile trump has absolutely shredded 0linsky's legacy, the economy is roaring, the markets set a new record HIGH at least once a week, conservative judges are getting seated from coast to coast, and...

we're about to get a tax cut that will unleash our economy like we haven't seen since Ronaldus Magnus.

destroy, alky?

we call that WINNING BIGLY.

the only part of 0linsky's legacy that will endure is that we probably will never again elect a black president. at least not for a very long time. heckuva job, skeets.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
I have won more of the arguments than you can dream of.

i meant to address this earlier, alky.

i've cleaned your clock plenty around here, CH has absolutely fucking destroyed you so many times we've ALL lost count, and cali has stomped you into a puddle and walked it dry regarding every wrong comment you made about 0linsky-care.

you're the blog assclown, rog.

wear that crown with pride.

Anonymous said...

Did HB attempt to "call out" the use of Insults.

My goodness, irritational.

Anonymous said...

hey alky,

paul mirengoff DID take the time to read that shitpile in the WaPo.

he fucking destroyed it.

i am SO glad i did not waste my time.

It’s never surprising when the Washington Post resorts to dishonesty and distortion. Given the thinness of today’s five-page expose, dishonesty and distortion were almost inevitable.

Let’s take the two worst examples. The Post says that during the 2016 campaign, Trump “prodded the Kremlin to double down on its operation and unearth additional Clinton emails.” It’s referring to when Trump remarked that maybe the Russians could locate Hillary’s 30,000 missing emails. This was obviously sarcasm –a joke — not an invitation. No fair-minded person who heard the comment could conclude otherwise (you can listen to it here). It’s no accident that the Post strips it of all context.

In the same vein, there is this:

Rather than voice any support for the dozens of State Department and CIA employees being forced back to Washington [when Russia expelled them], Trump expressed gratitude to Putin.

“I want to thank him because we’re trying to cut down on payroll,” Trump told reporters during an outing at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J. — remarks his aides would later claim were meant as a joke. “We’ll save a lot of money.”

Again, no fair-minded person could believe that Trump’s remark was anything but sarcasm. As we noted at the time:

[W]e know [Trump] didn’t want our diplomatic presence in Russia slashed because (1) he could have cut it himself but didn’t and (2) following his election, he expressed satisfaction when Putin decided not to retaliate for Obama’s expulsion of Russian diplomats and seizure of property.

Clearly, the Post is grasping at straws. That’s what one does when one abandons honest journalism and joins “the resistance.”

Anonymous said...

a picture of my junior senator expressing her displeasure with mr. trump.

Loretta said...

"I have won more of the arguments than you can dream of."

LOL! Delusional creeper.

BTW, STILL banned by CH?

Thought so.

Loretta said...


Anonymous said...

Exactly,fir good cause.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Hbobsessionism has infected the Truthers with Trumpism stage four!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If you not provided a non ideological source than Powerline to tell you what to think, and instead read the article yourself I might have engaged in a real discussion. But you don't have the intellectual ability to come to your own comments. But you cannot do that.

Loretta said...

"I might have engaged in a real discussion"




Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is too easy.

"Let’s take the two worst examples. The Post says that during the 2016 campaign, Trump “prodded the Kremlin to double down on its operation and unearth additional Clinton emails.” It’s referring to when Trump remarked that maybe the Russians could locate Hillary’s 30,000 missing emails. "

Do you remember the campaign speech where Trump asked them to release the 30,000 email. It claimed that the candidate Trump was being "sarcastic ". It in no uncertain terms that it's just Fake News on steroidsfrom the right. That "sarcastic " remark was made just after Jr. had made email connections with WikiLeaks.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Alzheimer's disease victims are incurable.





The twit.

Anonymous said...


you're incapable of engaging in real discussion. examples on this blog alone are legion. you get challenged on a point and you instantly copy/paste some fucking nonsense you scraped off fakebook.

you've done it to me, CH, cali, everyone.

you're a hack with a perpetual need to brag about yourself around here based upon the false assumption that we actually give a shit.

you're a loser who owes his existence to the fact that tragedy befell another human being.

you should be humble. not a fucking phony braggart.

Loretta said...

"This is too easy."

Typical drunk.

Grandiose delusions.

Loretta said...

"you're a loser who owes his existence to the fact that tragedy befell another human being."

A damn shame.

Anonymous said...

Wait,HB,was on the verge of a healthy epiphiny, for the first time on line he was going to attempt a "real discussion".

Departing from his normal batter and prattle.

Anonymous said...

According to HB, he is so smart he grew a newer liver and kidneys, did his own surgery and had sex with the candy stripers.

Anonymous said...

"FIFO " He was sure he was right, he had the keystone to defeat the GOP ONLY tax cuts.

Until he staggered about, hit his head on the urnal and passed out, again.

Will the vote on Tuesday flush out the Mythical Centrist Democrats where they actual vote for what Bill the Rapist and pen pimp presidents promised a middle income and small business tax cuts, and never delivered.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump hosted the NRA at the White House on the anniversary of Sandy Hook massacre

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Newer kidneys?

They are performing excellently

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sorry folks are infected with the Truthers with Trumpism stage four mentality

Loretta said...

"Trump hosted the NRA at the White House on the anniversary of Sandy Hook massacre"

Loretta said...

Roger, the drunken creeper, just HAS to bring his Facebook trash to the blog.

Loretta said...


A White House Christmas party was held on 14 December 2017 (the anniversary of the Sandy Hook massacre); the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre was among attendees.


President Trump did not host only the NRA on that specific date; LaPierre was one of many individuals invited to one of many White House holiday receptions.

Drunken creeper lies again.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Kicking are in the gym

James said...

Montini: Five years after Sandy Hook and from Donald Trump … nothing

Five years after the Sandy Hook tragedy, we take a moment to reflect on the 20 children and 6 educators who died and the legacy they left behind. On this day in 2012,
They’d be 11 years old, or 12, the 20 first-graders who were massacred at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., five years ago Thursday.

There were six adults killed that day as well.
It was a horror we couldn’t imagine at the time.
It wouldn’t shock us at all these days. There have been so many mass shootings since then.

The murdered children would be in sixth grade, enjoying those lanky in-between years. The math they’d be learning in school would begin to baffle some of their parents.

They would be learning more complicated aspects of science. The solar system, perhaps. Geology. They’d be reading more sophisticated work and learning themselves to analyze some of it. And to write short essays on their own.
But, they’re gone.

Why Trump couldn't go to Newtown

President Donald Trump didn’t go to Newtown for a fifth anniversary service. He didn’t make a public statement about gun violence and things we might do to prevent the chances of future massacres.

Then again, if he had done so the president might have been asked why, during the presidential campaign, he kissed up to the loathsome conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Politicians say despicable things during a campaign. They do despicable things. And for the most part, we forgive them.
But this?

Of the Newtown massacre Alex Jones said, “Sandy Hook is a synthetic completely fake with actors, in my view, manufactured.”

After the election Jones reported that Trump called to thank him.

According to Jones, “He (Trump) said, ‘Listen, Alex, I just talked to kings and queens of the world, world leaders, you name it, but he said it doesn’t matter, I wanted to talk to you, to thank your audience, and I’ll be on the next few weeks to thank them.’ I said is this is a private call? And he said, ‘No, I want to thank your viewers, thank your listeners for standing up for this republic, we know what you did early on, throughout this campaign, standing up for what’s right.’”
Standing up for what’s right?
For saying the massacre was faked?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Kicking the Truthers with is easy

James said...

Kicking the truthers with Truth is easy.

commie said...

KD said...
My guy Larry Kudrow says you're full of shit

Your guy kudrow is an alcoholic and 10k/ month cocaine junkie who was tossed out of bear sterns for incompetence and is a supply side junkie......But, he is a snappy dresser which like manafort, makes you attracted to you again....He's your sides krugman....

commie said...


President Trump did not host only the NRA on that specific date

Sure seems our sweet loretta confirmed that the original post was correct....way to go girl!!!!! Impressive confirmation even for you. LOL

Anonymous said...

KUDROW is different. He is Right.

Anonymous said...

Kudlow networth $60 million

Pauline Krugman networth $2.5 million

Yep, your guy wins oPie.

James said...

Rev. James Boswell of Normal, Illinois is a pedophile.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) blasted Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) on Saturday for "partisan talk" about special counsel Robert Mueller's office and the FBI.

Lieu tweeted that Cornyn needed to "shut up" about the integrity of agents on Mueller's team unless he also had a problem with FBI Director Christopher Wray's political donations to Republicans.

rrb's favorite Chink

Commonsense said...

Hmm Lieu is one of the Dem Reps spreading the rumor that Mueller is about to be fired.

I am unimpressed.

Anonymous said...

Look at the GOD status Muller has with the losers.

Anonymous said...

Bisexuals Gook Lieu is stomping his heels on twitter, oh the Humanity.

The left is bipolar, they talk about freedom of speech while telling others to sit down and shut up.

KC Chiefs unplugged the la lighting bolts. Oh oh rivers just threw yet and other interception.

Anonymous said...

Chris Matthews sexual Predator.

Question is why pay the "hush money" and make those women sign a " none discloser" contract.

Fake news cover up. #Trumpisright

commie said...

Goat forker KD posted another lie....

Bisexuals Gook Lieu is stomping his heels on twitter, oh the Humanity.

You mean like you and donnie anytime he does not like a fact??????

Anonymous said...

Hi oPie. Global Warming weather today in Kansas as my wife drives our family to KC to Gates bbq for Dinner and the Plaza lights tonight.

Anonymous said...

oPie I don't do twtter. Do you?

commie said...

oPie I don't do twtter. Do you?

So fucking what!!!!! Heard the plaza lights were cancelled. LOL!!!! Be careful that no one spits in your food.....

Commonsense said...

Notice how Dennis can't complete a sentence without a vulgarity.

A sure sign of a low class ignorant mind.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The words are forever banned on CHT.


commie said...

Anyone notice menstrual never posts a cogent thought of his own>?????? A sure sign of a mental midget....LOLOL

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Alzheimer's disease are infected with Trumpism stage four mentality here.
These truths will explain why.
March 3, 2017.“It is so pathetic that the Dems have still not approved my full Cabinet.” (Paperwork for the last two candidates was still not submitted to the Senate.)
March 4, 2017.“Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” (There's no evidence of a wiretap.)
March 7, 2017.“122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!” (113 of them were released by President George W. Bush.)
March 17, 2017.“I was in Tennessee — I was just telling the folks — and half of the state has no insurance company, and the other half is going to lose the insurance company.” (There's at least one insurer in every Tennessee county.)
March 22, 2017.“I make the statement, everyone goes crazy. The next day they have a massive riot, and death, and problems.” (Riots in Sweden broke out two days later and there were no deaths.)
March 22, 2017.“NATO, obsolete, because it doesn’t cover terrorism. They fixed that.” (It has fought terrorism since the 1980s.)
March 31, 2017.“We have a lot of plants going up now in Michigan that were never going to be there if I — if I didn’t win this election, those plants would never even think about going back. They were gone.” (These investments were already planned.)
April 11, 2017.“I like Steve, but you have to remember he was not involved in my campaign until very late. I had already beaten all the senators and all the governors, and I didn’t know Steve.” (He knew Steve Bannon since 2011.)
April 12, 2017.“You can't do it faster, because they're obstructing. They're obstructionists. So I have people — hundreds of people that we're trying to get through. I mean you have — you see the backlog. We can't get them through.” (At this point, he had not nominated anyone for hundreds of positions.)
April 12, 2017.“The New York Times said the word wiretapped in the headline of the first edition. Then they took it out of there fast when they realized.” (There were separate headlines for print and web, but neither were altered.)
April 12, 2017.“Mosul was supposed to last for a week and now they’ve been fighting it for many months and so many more people died.” (The campaign was expected to take months.)
April 16, 2017.“Someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. The election is over!” (There's no evidence of paid protesters.)
April 18, 2017.“The fake media goes, ‘Donald Trump changed his stance on China.’ I haven’t changed my stance.” (He did.)
April 21, 2017.“When WikiLeaks came out ... never heard of WikiLeaks, never heard of it.” (He criticized it as early as 2010.)
April 27, 2017.“I want to help our miners while the Democrats are blocking their healthcare.” (The bill to extend health benefits for certain coal miners was introduced by a Democrat and was co-sponsored by mostly Democrats.)
April 28, 2017.“The trade deficit with Mexico is close to $70 billion, even with Canada it’s $17 billion trade deficit with Canada.” (The U.S. had an $8.1 billion trade surplus, not deficit, with Canada in 2016.)
April 28, 2017.“She's running against someone who's going to raise your taxes to the sky, destroy your health care, and he's for open borders — lots of crime.” (Those are not Jon Ossoff's positions.)
April 29, 2017.“As you know, I've been a big critic of China, and I've been talking about currency manipulation for a long time. But I have to tell you that during the election, number one, they stopped.” (China stopped years ago.)
April 29, 2017.“We're also getting NATO countries to finally step up and contribute their fair share. They've begun to increase their contributions by billions of dollars, but we are not going to be satisfied until everyone pays what they owe.” (The deal was struck in 2014.)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republican party is committing suicide.


12/16/2017 12:54 pm ET Updated 30 minutes ago
A Republican Running To Replace Paul Ryan Comes With White Nationalist Street Cred
Wisconsin Republican Paul Nehlen, who stumped for Roy Moore in Alabama, makes himself at home on a fascist podcast and tosses bigoted bombs on Twitter.

By Christopher Mathias
HuffPost asked Paul Nehlen three times by email this week if he considers himself a white nationalist. Twice Nehlen dodged the question. The third time he didn’t respond.

The Wisconsin Republican is running to replace House Speaker Paul Ryan, who might not be seeking re-election. Nehlen campaigned in Alabama recently for Roy Moore, the Senate nominee accused of sexual misconduct, who suffered a historic defeat Tuesday. Nehlen claims to have raised “six figures” for the Moore campaign.

Bannon and Trump are infected with Trumpism and seriously, they represent only a very small section of Americans. It has lost three elections and it's not going to change.

FAKE NEWS said...

and more fake news

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Hey tRump supporters what would you have done had Obama even come close to something like this? Have you gone so far down the rabbit hole that you will let this loser destroy our democratic republic, destroy our Constitution, create an Autocratic police state in which all those who don’t take an oath to protect, not our country and Constitution but to protect tRump himself face imprisonment or worse (so far tRump or his henchmen have threatened to imprison Clinton, Obama, Comey, and now Mueller as well as peaceful protesters against him, members of the press and media and other politicians who dare speak out against him and his actions). Are all of you who support him really willing to let it go that far?

Anonymous said...

HB see's a Landslide win in 2018, yes, the same one he saw for John Kerry and Hillary.
