Friday, March 30, 2018

My, how the mighty have fallen?

Rather listen to Snooki or just rather look at Snooki?
Earlier today, NJ Advance Media reported that Hillary Clinton was being paid $25,000 to speak at Rutgers University, for a speech about "politics, American democracy and her role in shaping women's political history." To some, this sounds like a nice chunk of change, especially considering that Clinton probably talks for free about "politics, American democracy and her role in shaping women's political history" every five minutes.
But to those who are familiar with the celebrity speaking circuit, it’s basically bubkes. Chump change. A drop in the DNC bucket.
Consider that in 2015, no less a statesman than Matthew McConaughey was paid $135,000 (plus travel and expenses — alright, alright, alright!) to speak at the University of Houston, and that Katie Couric cleared $110,000 in 2006 from the University of Oklahoma (pre-recession, sure, but still impressive!).
In fact, Rutgers has a history of shelling out considerably more that $25,000 to notable speakers. Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison made $30,000 in 2011. Bill Moyers received $35,000 to speak in 2015. And — wait for it — Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi was given $32,000 for a Rutgers appearance that offered the sage advice, “Study hard, but party harder.”

Reminds me of the movie "Searching for Bobby Fischer" where Ben Kingsley  (who is portraying a former Chess Master fallen from grace) is humiliatingly agreeing to a $30 speaking fee over the phone, while Joe Mangegna (who is portraying the father of a young chess prodigy) watches on. I can almost hear Hillary asking Rutgers, "do you have any idea how much I am accustom to getting for a speach"?


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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Roger AmickMarch 31, 2018 at 5:37 PM
You should immediately cancel your Amazon Prime immediately.

Trump told you to do it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Roger AmickMarch 31, 2018 at 5:37 PM
You should immediately cancel your Amazon Prime immediately.

Trump told you to do it.

Loretta said...

"He "was" really good @ life."

Yeah, so good he turned himself into a raging drunk.

Loretta said...

"He "was" really good @ life."

Yeah, so good he turned himself into a raging drunk.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm approaching six years.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I didn't get the higher education. I worked in an industry where all of my co-workers are college graduates with high levels of technical skills and technical training. I have performed well above average competing against other people who are well above average.

When I was given the opportunity to go beyond my construction experience as a carpenter. I learned to understand the mechanical, structural, control systems HVAC, plumbing systems, and electrical engineering specifications in order to solicit bids. I was a beta tester on the software system we used for years. Only recently have they upgraded the system.

My peers had engineering degrees. When they hired new employees in the department, I tought them our systems. A "raging drunk" would not have been given the responsibility for millions dollars for the Kaiser Permanente medical systems.

I was able to do that with the gift of intelligence. I didn't squander the opportunity that time. I did that before.

I will get the usual response from the irrational idiots.

But they are always loyal to the con artist in the White House.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't agree with the necessity to investigate the fake case against the FBI and justice for. But one of Scott's favorites is the Powerline blog. But his evaluation of the President is spot on.

Early this month, President Trump tweeted:

Why is A.G. Jeff Sessions asking the Inspector General to investigate potentially massive FISA abuse. Will take forever, has no prosecutorial power and already late with reports on Comey etc. Isn’t the I.G. an Obama guy? Why not use Justice Department lawyers? DISGRACEFUL!

Trump’s tweet was foolish at several levels, as I argued here. For one thing, folks who know what they’re talking about — e.g., Trey Gowdy — say that the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, is doing a good job investigating. Indeed, it was Horowitz who turned up the notorious Strzok-Page text messages in the course of his investigation of the Department of Justice/FBI handling of the Clinton email investigation in advance of the presidential election.

Moreover, Sessions was, in fact, using Justice Department lawyers with prosecutorial power in connections with potential FISA and related abuses. Since November, John Huber, the U.S. Attorney for Utah, has been on the case. Trump apparently didn’t know this, but he should have. Sometimes it’s better to talk to the Attorney General than mindlessly to blast him on Twitter.

Huber was appointed by President Obama, but his name was submitted by Senators Hatch and Lee of Utah. Thus, his selection by Sessions seems like a shrewd move. As Obama’s nominee it will be difficult for critics plausibly to paint him as anti-Democrat. But as the favorite of Hatch and Lee, Republicans should be confident that he’s not in the Democrats’ pocket. Moreover, because Huber works out of Utah, it’s unlikely that he’s connected in any way with D.C. insiders such as James Comey and Andrew McCabe.

What about the decision to use a U.S. attorney rather than appoint a special counsel? This decision also seems sound, and not just because I don’t like special counsels. The combination of the IG and the USA should be able to accomplish as much as a special counsel would — and accomplish it faster and with less fanfare.

The absence of fanfare is an advantage because it makes it more difficult for Democrats and their media partners to push the idea that anyone is being persecuted. A Justice Department investigation headed by two Obama appointees is harder to shoot at than a special counsel. And, of course, nothing prevents Sessions from appointing a special counsel if changed circumstances militate in favor of doing so.

In sum, Sessions has handled this matter well, Trump’s foolish tweets notwithstanding.

If CH would at least once call the President is foolish.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

• Because it’s time Americans (and particularly Trump supporters) realize that NOTHING this president, Donald Trump, says can be trusted or relied upon.
• He makes it up as he goes. Please watch and listen to his words in this short video. Watch him as he makes pronouncements.
• It’s time that ALL Americans face this FACT– when Donald Trump says something we must wait until it happens before we believe it. If not, we will be filled with disappointment.
• DONALD TRUMP’S WORDS CANNOT BE TRUSTED OR RELIED UPON! He has no respect for the American people.
• He has NO RESPECT for the Office of the President.

Anonymous said...

HB, is so successful his name is not on a clean deed. At age 66.

Anonymous said...

HB, obimbo has the low honor of Liar Of the Year.

Can't top that.

Anonymous said...

Loser Alky , all of us have never been an alcholic or abused multiple internal organs.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Liver disease is not the same as abuse.

My organs are probably in better shape than yours.

I've got more money than you can imagine.

On Friday night, a day after apologizing for taunting school shooting survivor David Hogg about his college rejections, Fox News host Laura Ingraham announced that she would be taking a week off for what the network called a “preplanned vacation,” as sponsors continue to flee her show.

Ingraham’s swift retreat is just the latest sign that, six weeks after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the gun reform movement is winning the cultural battle that must precede any sweeping political change.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Hogg post has been repudiated. Tough fucking shit, you fucking loser. Hogg fucked Trump up the fucking ass.😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋

Anonymous said...

Shipbuilder General Dynamics NASSCO opened up hiring for 800 to 1,000 workers to build $4 billion in Navy support ships and tankers and could see its San Diego shipyard reach one of its highest employment levels to date.
NASSCO’s San Diego yard has seen its workforce drop by 500 to 3,100, but that figure could soar to one of its highest levels with new hires — 4,100 according to the San Diego Union-Tribune. With the Trump administration aimed at increased spending on ship maintenance, NASSCO could see even more growth."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He's going to spend billions on his wall, out of the military budget. The Pentagon thinks that he's fucking crazy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

All those union thugs are going to make a lot of money.

Anonymous said...

HB, you're in such great health, right.

So why have you sucked 2 + million of tax payer money for your tramp wife and yourself?

Anonymous said...

I've got more money than you can imagine. " Alky ob opium

And yet you own no real property. The only land you own is in your vacuum cleaner bag.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fired via Twitter by President Trump.
Fired via Twitter by President Trump.
Announced resignation in February.
Announced resignation in February.
Replaced by White House physician.
Replaced by White House physician.
Replaced by John R. Bolton.
Replaced by John R. Bolton.
Fired two days before he could retire.
Fired two days before he could retire.
Escorted from White House.
Escorted from White House.
Announced resignation after tariff battle.
Announced resignation after tariff battle.
Resigned after abuse accusations.
Resigned after abuse accusations.
Resigned after abuse accusations.
Resigned after abuse accusations.
Resigned over potential conflicts of interest.
Resigned over potential conflicts of interest.
Resigned over racist comments.
Resigned over racist comments.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Defiant? #insane

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump predicts he could rid the United States of its $19 trillion debt in two terms as president.

Eliminating the national debt, which Trump said he could accomplish "over a period of eight years," was one of several ambitious claims Trump made in an interview with The Washington Post published on Saturday. The Republican front-runner explained that he will govern in the similarly atypical, convention-defying manner he has campaigned.
While many economists have argued that many of Trump's economic proposals -- including massive across-the-board tax cuts and potentially engaging in trade wars -- could damage the U.S. economically, Trump was characteristically defiant.

commie said...

Shipbuilder General Dynamics NASSCO opened up hiring for 800 to 1,000 workers to build $4 billion

Adding all that to the deficit your spawn will have to deal with...Don't you ever think beyond today? Idiot...

Commonsense said...

You would prefer that they add to the deficit by contracting with foreign companies and hiring foreign ship builders?

Or do you just want us to eliminate the navy?

commie said...

You would prefer that they add to the deficit by contracting

No, I would prefer them not building any more state of the art ships.....or osprey's or F35's or mid course missile defense or LCS, and spend the money of curing cancer, the flu and feeding those who need help

Commonsense said...

So you want a navy without state of the art ships?

commie said...

I want all equipment to be the latest COTS with modern new developed items...that break the bank and overrun.....

Anonymous said...

Opie owns a defense stock, Northrop Grumman.

Did you divest?

Commonsense said...

I don't know what's particularly exotic about tenders, tankers, and other support ships.

But they are necessary for the proper operation of a naval fleet.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fuck the Dreamers.

I want my wall to keep out the Jews Mexican rapist, murdering money stealing beaners

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

PALM BEACH, Fla. — President Trump said Sunday that there would be no deal to legalize the status of millions of “dreamers,” undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children, and directed congressional Republicans to pass tough new anti-immigration legislation.

Trump also criticized Mexican authorities as being too lax about border security, saying the U.S.-Mexico border was “getting more dangerous.” He threatened to “stop” the North American Free Trade Agreement if Mexico does not “stop the big drug and people flows.”
In fiery Sunday morning tweets, sent an hour after he wished Americans a “HAPPY EASTER” and minutes before he attended a church service here, Trump vowed, “NO MORE DACA DEAL.”

As he walked into an Episcopal service at the Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea with first lady Melania and daughter Tiffany, Trump elaborated on his position on immigration to the traveling pool of reporters. He accused congressional Democrats of stymieing a potential deal to protect dreamers, after Trump canceled the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in the fall.

“A lot of people are coming in because they want to take advantage of DACA,” Trump said. “They had a great chance. The Democrats blew it.”

The president added, “Mexico has got to help us at the border ... They flow right through Mexico; they send them into the United States. It can't happen like that way anymore.”

Commonsense said...

Yeah, the Democrats did blow it.

There's a march of over a thousand migrants right now making its way through Mexico towards the US and the Mexican government is doing nothing to stop it.

There's a word used for when large numbers of people cross your border without your permission.

That word is invasion, and that's usually an act of war.

Anonymous said...

Dems blew it., they are used to having their way when put a GUN the the Head of the US Citizens.

Pres. Trump said "No More".

Anonymous said...

Alky, mini stroke?

"oger AmickApril 1, 2018 at 11:44 AM
Fuck the Dreamers.

I want my wall to keep out the Jews Mexican rapist, murdering money stealing beaners."

WTF IS wrong with Navy Seal Roger.

commie said...

murdering money stealing beaners."

Big piece in yesterday's NYT concerning immigrants and crime....basically calling bullshit that crime increase as migrants increase, most cities show opposite tendencies...but, why let facts get in the way of idiot farmers opinions.....LOL

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Fox News President Twitter in action

Shortly after a report on Fox News this morning about a “caravan” of migrants approaching the border, President Trump tweeted that the U.S.-Mexican border was “getting more dangerous” and “caravans” were “coming.”

He makes foreign policy decisions via Fox and Friends.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It is a complete fabrication.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Fuck the Dreamers.

I want my wall to keep out the Jews Mexican rapist, murdering money stealing beaners


ease up on the narcotics there, roger dodger.

wphamilton said...

The Democrats DID blow it - if you think of Trump as a God-like ruler whose whims must be appeased, and those who don't have only themselves to blame for His decisions.

The reality based among us realize that Trump owns it.

C.H. Truth said...

He makes foreign policy decisions via Fox and Friends.

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

He makes them based on Drudge Report!

Get it right!

Commonsense said...

Well the Democrats had everything they wanted for the DACA immigrants as well as their parents, forgiveness for illegal immigration and a full path to citizenship without penalty or punishment. They skipped ahead in line and got away with.

All Trump wanted was money for a border wall and immigration reform, and other security measures.

If the Democrats was really supporting the DACA illegals this would have been a no-brainer.

But they didn't so they blew it and I'm glad they did.

Because while I'm open to DACA recipients having a path to amnesty and permanent residency, no illegal immigrant should ever have an automatic path to citizenship unless he/she performs exemplary service to the United States.

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