Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The folly of the left in wake of a disastrous USSC session...

So I have spent much of last night and this morning combing over the various liberal "the sky is falling" reactions over the virtual legal beat down that they have received at the hands of the USSC, led by what appears to be a vastly more conservative version of Justice Kennedy.

Part of this is on display when I watched Rachel Maddow on her show provide the sort of crocodile tears that almost had me tearing as well (with laughter). Democrats have lost at the Presidential level, the national congressional level, the state levels, and all the way down to the local dog catching level. However, Maddow suggested that liberals everywhere been holding out hope that the courts would save them, and now are utterly devastated that these hopes have been dashed. According to Maddow, many of her liberal friends are feeling depressed, uninspired, and beaten down by the recent USSC session rulings, which all pretty much went against liberal judicial activism, and for the rule of law.

Another part of this can be seen as I read the article in the L.A. Times which attempted to claim that the USSC was being hypocritical in ruling against the State of Colorado in the case of the baker and the same sex wedding case, while ruling in favor of the Trump travel ban. They believe that it was wrong to cite their opinion that the State of Colorado and the lower courts were hostile to Jack Phillips religious rights and that this was relevant to the law and their decision, but that they didn't want to take into consideration that President Trump had made hostile statements regarding Muslims, in deciding the travel ban case.

In both these situations (and in plenty of others) it appears that liberals have lost their ability to distinguish between the responsibilities of politicians, versus the responsibilities of what is supposed be objective ruling commissions and judges. Politicians are the very people elected to make laws. They are expected to make those laws based on their own personal political ideology as well as the political ideology of those who voted them into office. Commission boards and Judges are not supposed to make rulings based on their own political leanings. On the contrary. They are sworn to objectively uphold the rules, regulations, and laws. They are supposed to effectively ignore their own personal feelings about these situations, and figure out whether or not something is or is not objectively legal.

In a nutshell, most of these cases being decided against liberal causes have two things in common.
  • The USSC is telling the commissions, Judges, and Justices to leave their personal beliefs at home, and make their decisions objectively on the rule of law.
  • The USSC is telling the lower courts that politicians are allowed to make judgement calls, because that it what they elected to do. Unless there is an obvious constitutional issue involved with the decision, it's not the court's place to second guess politicians.
This doesn't sit well with activist Judges who want to legislate from the bench, or to the liberal minority who looks to these activist Judges to save them from their election failures. But it is consistent with the constitution, the rule of law, and what should make perfect sense in our system of Government. 


Anonymous said...

CHT is the Big Dog and Hb/oPie are hydrants.

commie said...

Part of this is on display when I watched Rachel Maddow on her show provide the sort of crocodile tears that almost had me tearing as well (with laughter)

Rachel Maddow???? Improbably biased just like you....and what conclusion can you draw from a lesbian leftie????? Sad how deep you dig to find your view....What is most disturbing was a Poll I saw that said 70% of R voters thinks that the MSM is nothing but spreading fake news.....By that view alone, trump has become the barnum and bailly of DC and has losers like you CH falling for his scam....Not to say anything derogatory, but it is hard to ignore the stupidity you are exhibiting with this guano....Oh well, you are winning bigly and your own morality has no basis but winning like trump...

caliphate4vr said...


Supreme Court deals major financial blow to nation's public employee unions

No more campaign contributions to democrats that I'm forced to pay