Wednesday, August 1, 2018

I miss Paul Krugman?

I haven't seen much lately from Paul Krugman. I am sure he is still writing for the NY Times, but I rarely see his columns linked anywhere (and why on god's green earth would I search them out). However, I sort of realized today (as RCP had a Krugman column linked) that I sort of miss the comedic aspects of the Nobel Peace Prize winning Economist who sort of never gets anything right.

Let's take a look at his most recent endeavor:
By now, it’s almost a commonplace to say that Trump has systematically betrayed the white working class voters who put him over the top.
I guess if by commonplace, he means that his statement is the first time I have actually heard this, then I guess it's commonplace. I am also very curious if Paul Krugman is aware that Trump holds the highest rating with his Party of any President since George W Bush in the aftermath of 9-11. If he has betrayed his voters, then I guess those voters don't seem very aware of the betrayal.
He ran as a populist; he’s governed as an orthodox Republican.
Love him or hate him, most everyone will agree that Trump has actually governed as close to how he campaigned as any President we have seen. Trump has kept an amazing amount of promises, including (the very important promise of) selecting two Supreme Court Justices from his campaign issued list of Justices (no Judge Judy as some critics suggested). He also promised tariffs (go figure), he promised to leave the Paris agreement, he promised to leave TTP, as well as slashing federal regulations. Ironically, many of the things he is criticized for by the media as bad political moves are specifically things he campaigned on.
Many people have made this point with respect to the Trump tax cut, which is so useless to ordinary workers that Republican candidates are trying to avoid talking about it.
Uh huh... according to actual real world statistics GOP groups and candidates had run nearly 18,000 spots as of April of 2018 (according to a USA Today analysis). Millions have been spent already specifically on the tax cuts, and the mid-term campaigns have hardly started.

What appears to be the second most popular GOP ad will feature Nancy Pelosi and her ridiculous comments about tax-cut "crumbs" as well as her support for MS-13 gangs.

Make no mistake, the tax cuts will be a big part of the 2018 midterms, and the GOP will specifically aim to put the recent GDP and wage growth and tax cuts into the same advertising every chance they get.
But I think we should be seeing more attention devoted to the way Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court fits into this picture. The Times had a good editorial on Kavanaugh’s anti-worker agenda, but by and large the news analyses I’ve seen focus on his apparently expansive views of presidential authority and privilege.
Again, how can any one person miss the point so often and by so far? People (such as myself) who want "conservative" Judges, are not interested in that Judge pushing a "conservative agenda". We don't care about specific individual issues or demand that a Judge meet a particular litmus test. That's how liberals think and that's how liberals react. What most conservatives want are Justices who do not legislate from the bench, do not feel that the constitution changes to the whims and desires of those who wear the robes, and who are willing to rule objectively on issues, relying on the Constitution, stares decisis, and common sense. We are willing to accept that they will sometimes rule against what we might "want" to see, if what we "want" to see doesn't fit into what the law and the constitution states.
And this betrayal matters much more for workers than, say, Trump’s trade bluster. There’s growing evidence that wage stagnation in America — the very stagnation that angers Trump voters — isn’t being driven by impersonal forces like technological change; to an important extent it’s the result of political changes that have weakened workers’ bargaining power.
Ironically, there was a hardly publicized article that came out today in Market Watch, that reported that wage and benefit growth as at the highest percentage it has seen in ten years.

The numbers: American workers are finally reaping the benefits of the lowest unemployment rate and best jobs market in decades: Wages and benefits are rising at the fastest pace in a decade. The employment cost index rose 0.6% in the second quarter, a tick below the MarketWatch estimate of 0.7%. More important, the cost of worker compensation in the form of pay and benefits edged up to 2.8% to mark the biggest yearly gain since mid-2008.

So I guess poor Paul is a day late and a dollar short on that criticism. But he is a Nobel Peace Prize winner in economics for predicting an economic future that never happened... so I guess he will always have that going for him.


commie said...

but I rarely see his columns linked anywhere

And I certainly never see this little slice of heaven linked evah!!!! I know krugman gets paid.....and you get the thrill of putting your biased trumpette view where a whole 15 or 16 people hold their breath for your waiting for your wisdom....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Who gives a shit about your obsession with defending Trump and attacking a Pulitzer Prize winner and PhD in economics. Your puppetry is obvious. You ignore things like this.

"You know if you go out and you want to buy groceries you need a picture on a card. You need ID," Mr. Trump said. "You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture. In this country, the only time you don't need it in many cases is when you want to vote for a president, when you want to vote for a senator, when you want to vote for a governor or a congressman. It's crazy. It's crazy. But we're turning it around."

Obviously he hasn't gone grocery shopping ever.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ed Ross posted this insightful and convincing piece yesterday: A senior research psychologist explains why Trump is the exact opposite of a ‘stable genius.'

Robert Epstein, the senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, penned an op-ed on Monday addressing Donald Trump’s numerous lies, reversal and contradictions. In it, Epstein argues that the president is not, as some suggest, mentally ill, but is instead “highly vulnerable to what can reasonably be called ‘sympathetic audience control.’”

As Epstein explains, “all normal people are subject to ‘audience control’ to one degree or another,” meaning they “regulate what they say and do based on who’s around them.” But while “audience control doesn’t usually cause problems,” for Trump it makes him “like a rudderless sailboat blown about by the wind.”

When Trump is in the presence of someone he dislikes or distrusts, he attacks and will continue to lash out for a while, but not necessarily forever,” Epstein writes. “When someone he perceives as a threat becomes deferential (Rocket Man, for example), Trump not only stops attacking, he also becomes highly vulnerable to influence.”

Meanwhile, the president is “rapidly influenced” by people he “perceives as supportive,” a concept Epstein refers to as “sympathetic audience control.”

“When Trump is in front of a large group of cheering people, his thinking is fully controlled by the crowd,” Epstein adds. “It might seem he’s in control, but the opposite is actually the case. The supportive audience completely dominates his thinking, causing him to repeat, over and over, things he believes the audience wants to hear.”

Trump also, according to Epstein, perceives the world in small time windows, leading hm to shift “his views frequently” — “without shame or even awareness.”

“All that’s shiny and real to him is what friends or foes are saying inside those small time windows,” Epstein writes.

“If I’m right, and I’m pretty sure I am, Trump is capable of only a minimal level of analytical or critical thinking,” the psychologist continues. “Perhaps more alarming, our president — the putative leader of the free world — doesn’t believe in anything and he rarely, if ever, means anything he says.”

“And if I’m right, Trump will continue to function this way — blindly, erratically and reactively, without principle or direction — for the rest of his life,” Epstein concludes.

Barry Soetoro said...

Ed Ross posted this insightful and convincing piece yesterday: A senior research psychologist explains why Trump is the exact opposite of a ‘stable genius.'

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Ed Ross posted this insightful and convincing piece yesterday:

one thing you'll never accomplish, captain copy/paste.

what happened to bandy ree? she get a little long in the tooth did she?

Anonymous said...

What shall we Educate the leftist about today?

Anonymous said...

What shall we Educate the leftist about today?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"They just came out with a poll - the most popular person in the history of the Republican Party is Trump! Can you believe that?"

"So I said, does that include Honest Abe Lincoln? He was pretty good, huh?"

Trump and Giuliani have been conducting a PR campaign against the Muller investigation. Even if the final report said in a communication with his staff saying "Ok, let's get together with the Russians and destroy crooked Hillary" his true believers will not abandon him.

Unfortunately for the country and the Constitution of the United States he will never be impeached or forced to resign.

Anonymous said...

Obviously he hasn't gone grocery shopping ever.

obviously he was referring to the many items you can purchase at a grocery store that DO require ID. beer, tobacco, sudafed, etc... this is one of my favorite things about trump. an innocuous turn of a phrase sends you into a blinding, searing, spittling rage.

and geezus alky, i haven't seen you this enraged since, like, yesterday.

Commonsense said...

Obviously he hasn't gone grocery shopping ever.

Really? You've never paid for groceries with a check?

Tried to get on an airline? Cruse ship?

Open a bank account?

Purchase real estate?

Anonymous said...

:Nobel Peace Prize winning Economist who sort of never gets anything right." CHT

You smoked out who Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has been getting economic advise.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for the country and the Constitution of the United States he will never be impeached or forced to resign.

well alky, he could be. all you clowns have to do is come up with a legitimate and legal high crime and/or misdemeanor and your wish will be granted. you see, that's the niggling little detail that you perpetually lack.

Commonsense said...

Couching political opinions in a professional veneer is unethical and gives psychologist a bad name.

Anonymous said...

Really? You've never paid for groceries with a check?

Tried to get on an airline? Cruse ship?

Open a bank account?

Purchase real estate?

this is what always cracks me up about the left and their refusal to treat our elections with the same basic level of sanctity we assign to the purchase of a bottle of booze, a pack of smokes, or the rental of a car.

the left really does care that little about the integrity of our elections.

Anonymous said...

Trump and Giuliani have been conducting a PR campaign against the Muller investigation.

not at all. all they've been asking for is what has been lacking since this circle jerk began - evidence of a crime.

from what i know conjecture, innuendo, armchair psycobabble and trump derangement syndrome are not admissible as evidence.

you see alky, we were forced to accept a two-bit, nickledick, community organizer as our president for 8 long miserable years, and we did it largely without complaint. we criticized, yes we did, but we accepted 0linsky as our president, even as he openly hated the country he was elected to lead.

now it's your turn.

C.H. Truth said...

Trump and Giuliani have been conducting a PR campaign against the Muller investigation.

And why shouldn't they?

Didn't the Clinton machine conduct a PR campaign against Ken Starr while he was investigating White Water and then later the Jones/Lewinski situation?

Starr got 15 people sent to jail over White Water, including a sitting Governor (and not a one was a "process crime"). Yet, the only thing people remember is that it was a "partisan witch hunt over a failed land deal".

Starr also suggested that Clinton (if he were a private citizen) would have been indicted for obstruction and perjury for both lying and attempting to coerce other witnesses to lie as well. Yet the only thing people remember is that he was "impeached over a blow job".

So yeah, Rog... that's what politicians do. Just because the media was "pro-Clinton" and "anti-Trump" doesn't suggest that Trump is not entitled to the same PR defense as Clinton was.

Anonymous said...

Just because the media was "pro-Clinton" and "anti-Trump" doesn't suggest that Trump is not entitled to the same PR defense as Clinton was.




commie said...

Rat the giant rectum postulates like the idiot he is that...

Trump was obviously he was referring to the many items you can purchase at a grocery store that DO require ID. beer

Since you wrote that, you must have swallowed Trumps entire Dick and the BS you heard from rush!!!! It was as obvious to anyone with a brain, which excludes you, That he made a glaring idiotic statement....I recalls you were obsessed with barracks 57 states error that you never gave up on!!! That was clearly a mistake, unlike trump tripping over his words and looking dumber than a Ag school flunky like you...

commie said...

And why shouldn't they?

Because trump is leader of the free world and is making the US look like a banana republic.Questioning the basis of our democracy like trump does is not doing anyone but idiots like you favors......Rudy just has diarrhea of the mouth to see what sticks which you defend daily....

commie said...

the left really does care that little about the integrity of our elections.

And what evidence do you have of wide spread illegal voting asshole??? Trump said millions of illegal votes.....why don't you come up with a link that proves that.....idiot..

Commonsense said...

Because trump is leader of the free world

And Clinton wasn't?

Loretta said...

"Even if the final report said in a communication with his staff saying "Ok, let's get together with the Russians and destroy crooked Hillary" his true believers will not abandon him"

In the meantime, TRUMP continues to fulfill campaign promises, he's made NATO stronger, we're negotiating with NK AND as you sit here on your insignificant ass...

the possibility of the remains of fallen heros in NK are on their way home, without a shot fired.

Yeah, there's that while you and your filthy ilk continue to snipe at his ankles. SPIT.

Anonymous said...

In the meantime, TRUMP continues to fulfill campaign promises,

i cannot recall a president in my lifetime who has kept as many campaign promises as quickly as trump.

Loretta said...

"i cannot recall a president in my lifetime who has kept as many campaign promises as quickly as trump."

Nor can I.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


The Trump administration issued new insurance rules early Wednesday to encourage more Americans to buy inexpensive, skimpy health plans originally designed for short-term use.

The policies will be available for 12 months at a time, up from a current limit of three, and customers will be able to renew them for additional years. The short-term plans do not have to cover pre-existing conditions and certain kinds of health care that the Affordable Care Act requires.

Anonymous said...

an interesting phenomena that would surely stump a renowned economist like paul krugman:

The last six months of sales tax collections in New York represented the highest half-year increase since 2010, according to a new report from state Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

Sales tax collections through June in 2018 reached $8.5 billion, which was a 6 percent increase from the same period last year. This was the fourth consecutive period of growing sales tax collections in New York.

this is nothing short of amazing!

what this article implies is that if you allow people to keep more of what they earn, they will actually go out and spend it!

i've never heard of such a thing!

Anonymous said...

more winning BIGLY:

A senior official at HHS says that 1.5 million people who would not otherwise have health insurance are projected to obtain short-term plans as a result of the new rules.

Two major criticisms of those rules are expected, and have been levied since Trump directed the department to consider them. (They are identical to the criticisms made of the Labor Department’s move, in June, to loosen regulations on association health plans.) The first is that the plans are “junk plans” because they lack Obamacare’s protections. The force of that objection depends on how much one trusts individuals to make decisions about what kind of insurance is best for them. The second criticism is that liberalizing short-term plans will destabilize Obamacare’s exchanges because their healthier participants will seek the newly attractive cheap plans.

The HHS official discounts that possibility because the exchange population is heavily subsidized, and short-term plans will be ineligible for the subsidies. He suggests that short-term plans will be attractive to a different group: those who make a little too much money to qualify for subsidies. The new rules don’t undermine Obamacare, that is, so much as they patch one of its holes.

next up - the ability to buy insurance across state lines.

this is the issue that really galls you, isn't it alky?

"The force of that objection depends on how much one trusts individuals to make decisions about what kind of insurance is best for them."

Anonymous said...

"lack obamacare protections" means the alky's pap smears aren't covered under these short term plans.

Loretta said...

"lack obamacare protections" means the alky's pap smears aren't covered under these short term plans."


C.H. Truth said...

The policies will be available for 12 months at a time, up from a current limit of three, and customers will be able to renew them for additional years. The short-term plans do not have to cover pre-existing conditions and certain kinds of health care that the Affordable Care Act requires.

Oh my god!!!

Americans will be given a choice!!!

How horrible. The government should always tell Americans what to do.

Right Roger? You need the Government to make your decisions for you?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm on Medicare not the ACA.

$1,620,000 and change

Anonymous said...

$1,620,000 and change

are we supposed to be impressed by that sum?

drinking your first liver to death and needing a transplant to the tune of $1.6M is nothing to be proud of alky.

Anonymous said...

alexandria assholio crazy bitch has been snubbed by 0linsky:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for the country and the Constitution of the United States he will never be impeached or forced to resign. Ole dry angry drunk Alky

Why so glum old buddy?

Heir Mueller under performing?

Anonymous said...


Spot on Mr. President. A guys guy.

Anonymous said...

Roger, IF you can find a minute. Why have you stopped posting pearls from Krugman.

Loretta said...

"alexandria assholio crazy bitch"


Anonymous said...

Wait Ette, that is the bright mind of the Future of The Democratic party.