Friday, November 16, 2018

Sorry, but old white conservatives are not "dying off"

So let's be clear. There is little question that the baby boomer generation has been dominant voting force over the past several elections. The baby boomers arguably were the driving force behind the elections of Bill Clinton, George W Bush, and Donald Trump. There is a serious argument to be made that the only President in recent times whose election was driven by voters (other than the boomers) was Barack Obama.

So are the boomers getting older? Of course. The current age group of the boomer generation is 52-70 years old. However, with most healthy Americans living well into their 80s and 90s it's going to be a while before these boomers die off.

More to the point, the boomers were raised by a generation of lunch pail Democrats, tied heavily into labor, working class, and other non-social liberal issues. Currently those are the Americans who are passing away and thus falling off the voter rolls. Older voters dying off is at best a wash for Democrats, and at worst a small disadvantage that they hope to offset with new voters.

So let's look at some statistics:
  • White voters 2012 - 72% of the electorate
  • White voters 2014 - 75% of the electorate
  • White voters 2016 - 71% of the electorate
  • White voters 2018 - 72% of the electorate
  • Voters over 44 2012 - 54% of the electorate
  • Voters over 44 2014 - 65% of the electorate 
  • Voters over 44 2016 - 56% of the electorate
  • Voters over 44 2018 - 65% of the electorate

Seems that there hasn't been a real change in either statistic, other than the reality that less younger voters tend to vote in midyear elections. Where you will find differences, isn't in the make up of who was voting, but rather in the makeup of who they voted for. Democrats do not necessarily do better when they get more younger minority voters to show up, they do better when they garner a greater share of the older white vote (as they specifically did with older white women in 2018).

The problem for Democrats is their reliance on identity politics. When you look at the make up of our voters, only 5% of the voters were black men. Another 6% were black women. 5% were latino men, and 6% were latino women. All others only made up another 6% of the voters. While Democrats may have made some inroads with White women in 2018 playing off an unprecedented number of allegations of sexual assault against multiple Republican men, that sort of thing (Republicans are serial sex abusers) is not a long term strategy or solution. 

Ultimately, Democrats will need to find a way to get older White voters to vote for them, or they will continue to struggle, especially in the Senate where there are simply way too many states that are way too white to win by courting minorities. At last count there were approximately 18 states where the population is at least 80% white. That represents 36 Senate seats. There are another 10 states where the population is at least 70% white. That's another 20 Senate seats. Add in the concept that voter turnout among white people is 5% higher than blacks and 20% higher than latinos, and you start to see the writing on the wall.  

Democrats and liberals can dream all they want about how white conservatives are dying out, and are being replaced by younger minority voters, but the reality is that our past few elections are not following this script. More to the point, such a change is not imminent, or at least not imminent over the next few election cycles. Perhaps in fifteen, twenty, or thirty years, we may see a significant change in demographics, but you can also bet your bottom dollar that both political Parties will look significantly different, and that our country will be facing significantly different challenges by the time 2040 or 2050 rolls around.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Voters over 44 2018 - 65% of the electorate.


But the problem is that the older white women who are educated voted overwhelmingly for the Democrats in the House of Representatives.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump is changing things that you are ignoring.

You are going to lose the Senate majority in 2020. The odds against Trump are not improving in his favor. He is incapable of reaching out beyond his base. If the Republicans have the guts to put Flake or Kasich on the table you might be somewhat happy. But if you stick with Trump your predictions will make you look foolish

Commonsense said...

The great danger with the Democrats identify politics is that it will backfire as white voters become more and more a monolithic voting block against them.

If you are now a white man the Democrats have nothing to offer you but disdain and condensation.
If you are a white woman you here that you are a tool for your husband.

Oh an their traditional black voting block is starting to fracture over immigration.

Anonymous said...

If the Republicans have the guts to put Flake or Kasich on the table you might be somewhat happy.

or we could just vote en masse for the democrat candidate and save all that time and aggravation.

same thing, with the same outcome.

gosh, you're brilliant alky.

Commonsense said...

I assume this post was inspired by Axios "Demographics is Destiny" article again.

Funny thing about demographics, you never know how it will turn out.

For example most second and third generation "hispanics" self-identify as "white" on the census.

And who is to say differently?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but old white conservatives are not "dying off"

So, did you find a fountain of youth in floriduh....all demographics say other wise

The villages....perfect place for old white people to retire to.....

Next time CH instead of spending sooooo much time writing a Bullshit screed....a simple search on the google would have provided you with the reality of your is going away....LOL

anonymous said...

Yep whistling past the grave yard is most amusing

anonymous said...

BTW, CH, not only are the old white men dying off.....R women are also abandoning your Party in droves.....seems a rather ominous set of changes that are generationational ....what #'s did I see about the new congress about 98 women will be the new total 85 will be D....sad such a piss poor showing for the R party that you support...Yeah, you are the party of Big Tent......all that remains is the BIG TRUMP LIE!!!

Anonymous said...

Democratic Party’s socialist wunderkind Cortez was bitch slapped by Speaker Nancy Polosi.

anonymous said...

was bitch slapped by Speaker Nancy Polosi.

And trump fucked you up the ass and you enjoyed it as you live on your last dime not being able to heat your sad...LOL

C.H. Truth said...

You are going to lose the Senate majority in 2020.

Roger - have you looked at the 2020 Senate Map?

Democrats will start down three seats, and then they have to defend in Alabama where Doug Jones will likely lose worse than Heidi Heitkamp did in North Dakota. Well as long as the GOP can find a candidate who did not attempt to molest high school girls.

Then you are down to Cory Gardner in Colorado, Thom Tillis in North Carolina, and the Arizona Special election as the only true purple state Republicans. Democrats may be favorites in Colorado and Arizona, but Tillis will start as clear favorite in North Carolina.

Democrats would have to sweep those three, not lose any of their closer races (New Hampshire, Virginia).

And then still find at least one more. Where is it, Roger?

Georgia with Perdue who won by seven in a state Trump won by five?
Dan Sullivan in Alaska (a state Trump won by 15)?
Joni Ernst in Iowa who won by 9 in 2014 (Trump won Iowa by 9)?
Susan Collins, who won in 2014 by 37 points?

Better be one of those states, because after that you are headed into a list of GOP incumbents who won by double digits in deep red states.

Anonymous said...

Susan Collins, who won in 2014 by 37 points?

SO WHAT....SHE IS THE LAST R ANYTHING IN NEW ENGLAND...The last maine R rep who won by 18 pts in 2016 just had his ass kicked.....The R party is just as dead in NE as they are in Orange County....Women are leaving in droves and unless trump starts respecting them other than sex objects.....they are going away.....LOLOLOLOLOL Keep dreaming CH, I am enjoying your twisting around the axle....BTW...Governor flipped in Me as did the house.....

Anonymous said...

And then still find at least one more. Where is it, Roger?

i'm surprised you take the time and effort to challenge his predictions anymore.

the alky is a one trick pony. he checks in with silver, and perhaps one or two other confirmation bias sites and then makes sweeping proclamations that always inevitably fail.

lather, rinse, repeat. that's the political prognostication M.O. of the alky.

Anonymous said...


except for charlie baker, governor of massachusetts.

you fucking imbecile.

Anonymous said...

But the problem is that the older white women who are educated voted overwhelmingly for the Democrats in the House of Representatives.

the single "julia's" did.

the married ones voted republican.

that's the thing about the traditional nuclear family, alky. as hard as you assholes on the left keep trying to destroy it (and you did a masterful job of destroying it in the black community), it stubbornly hangs on just enough to maintain it's representative voice.

and ironically you had better hope that continues. someone needs to provide the revenue for all the entitlements you parasites consume. if everybody's on welfare then nobody's on welfare, capisce?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Blue Wave
Democrats House - 235
Republicans House - 198

Anonymous said...

you fucking imbecile."


Anonymous said...

Lol, that is your definition of a "wave"?

What were the losses by obama?

Anonymous said...

Seats Republican 242. DEMS 193

NO WAVE 2018.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

The Blue Wave


the dems picked up barely half what 0linsky LOST in the house, genius.

so your blue wave is really more like papa smurf with bladder control issues.

and nancy palsi hardly has an easy path to speaker.

i see "driving miss nancy" clyburn is pitching a racialist-dog-whistle fit, and marcia fudge is making a run at the gavel. btw, someone should've had the heart to tell clyburn his assistant majority leader post was made up just for him to begin with. the man's a moron.

personally i'm pulling for sheila jackson lee for speaker. and i think the dems should break tradition and put assholio fucktardio cortez in as majority whip. the comic relief would make c-span must see tv.

C.H. Truth said...

Clinton only won Maine by 3 points, and Trump won one of the four electoral college votes.

Anonymous said...

oh, and alky...

you new house majority has somewhere around 85 subpoenas drawn up and ready to fire like a t-shirt cannon at a minor league ballgame. so the good news for the american people is that the house braintrust will be totally consumed by fucking with trump. and every one of those efforts DIES in the senate. heh.

so we get the next two years of daily entertainment combined with gridlock and the passage of no meaningful legislation and the pissing away of our tax dollars that goes with it. i'm good with that.

i can't wait until max-scene waters, elijah cummings, adam schiff and jerry "golden corral" nadler assume their chairmanships, with the freshman clowns like occasional cortex providing the laugh lines.

Anonymous said...

interesting take:

The upshot of the 2018 midterms is that the Democratic Party now overwhelmingly represents America’s rich. At the same time, Democrats continue to represent the poorest Americans, at least those who are not white. Managing this contradiction is ever more the party’s great challenge. So far its strategy has been an agenda of social issues near and dear to the hearts of rich white suburbanites combined with spending programs for the working class paid for mainly by the 1 percent. This is how the Democratic Party operated during the Obama presidency, advancing same-sex marriage and transgenderism on the one hand, the Affordable Care Act and the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 on the other. The ACA included new taxes that were limited to individuals with an annual income over $200,000 (households over $250,000). The 2012 tax bill reintroduced phase-outs for deductions and credits only on individual incomes over $250,000 (households over $300,000) and imposed a new higher tax rate only on individual incomes over $400,000 (households over $450,000). All these funding strategies left huge potential revenues untapped. Yet Democrats are forced into them because they represent Americans in the highest income percentiles.

Shedding so many wealthy suburban districts in the 2018 midterms offers Republicans a real political opportunity to become the party of the country’s working class. This promise is what attracted so many voters to the flawed vessel of Donald Trump in the first place. While Trump and the Republican Congress wound up wasting political capital on tax cuts for millionaires and alt-right memes for racists, a GOP course correction toward policies that actually help all working-class Americans—infrastructure spending, reducing low-skilled immigration, shoring up Medicare and Social Security—remains possible.

It helps that in the 2018 midterms three deep red states voted by referendum to expand Medicaid, five House Freedom Caucus members were defeated or retired, and Paul Ryan is out as party leader. Rather than follow Republican strategists like Karl Rove back to wooing wealthy suburbanites with yet another helping of small-state globalism, a better strategy is to let the dead bury their own dead. One party representing the rich is enough.

Darel E. Paul is professor of political science at Williams College and author of From Tolerance to Equality: How Elites Brought America to Same-Sex Marriage.

caliphate4vr said...

Lock her up

WASHINGTON—Judicial Watch announced today that U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ruled that within 30 days Hillary Clinton must answer under oath two additional questions about her controversial email system.

In 2016, Clinton was required to submit under oath written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails.

anonymous said...

Anonymous caliphate4vr said...
Lock her up

With Kemp.. just trying to figure out who will be the bitch...LOLOLOL

As usual, a canadian source that may or may not have creds....pauline a day late and a vacation to win.....

Anonymous said...

The upshot of the 2018 midterms is that the Democratic Party now overwhelmingly represents America’s rich

Yep....that's it rectum breath....they do own the suburbs where people actually have good paying jobs unlike the red necks in the heartland who either farm or collect welfare....

Anonymous said...

CNN wins Acosta's pass back....LOLOLOLOL at you Pauline...

Anonymous said...

So happy this will happen

"i can't wait until max-scene waters, elijah cummings, adam schiff and jerry "golden corral" nadler assume their chairmanships, with the freshman clowns like occasional cortex providing the laugh lines."

Anonymous said...

excellent news - acosta just had his hard pass restored.

now do the right thing and freeze him out. accept no questions from the preening asshole for the duration of the trump presidency.

Anonymous said...

"i can't wait until max-scene waters,

I an't wait until you turn to a pillar of salt....asshole

Anonymous said...

This old hag cunt needs to disappear...

Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) appeared to endorse voter suppression during a campaign stop this month, saying efforts to undermine voting among liberals at certain colleges would be a “great idea.”

“And then they remind me that there’s a lot of liberal folks in those other schools who maybe we don’t want to vote,” Hyde-Smith can be heard telling a small crowd of young people outside her campaign bus in a video taken Nov. 3 and posted on online Thursday. “Maybe we want to make it just a little more difficult. And I think that’s a great idea.”

Hyde-Smith, who was appointed to the Senate in April following the retirement of Thad Cochran, faces Democrat Mike Espy in a Nov. 27 runoff election. The Trump-backed Republican also came under fire last weekend for apparent racist remarks, joking with a crowd about attending a public hanging.

anonymous said...

No wonder why donnie love faux fake news.....they make it up just like him!!!!!!

Lou Dobbs casually makes up story that ‘many’ illegal immigrants voted in midterms and had ‘immense impact’
By Meagan Flynn

Wonder if koblach found those missing 3 million votes....If he had, he might not have lost his stab at Ks governor ....!!!

Anonymous said...

No one ever talks about the REAL wage gap.

Female bartenders, strippers, escorts and porn stars make WAY more than their male counterparts.

Anonymous said...

Govenor Jerry Brown sipping herbal green tea as his state is burning, dying.
"MAGALIA, Calif. (AP) — At least 63 are now dead from a Northern California wildfire, and officials say they have a missing persons list with 631 names on it in an ever-evolving accounting of the missing after the nation’s deadliest wildfire in a century.

Officials were scrambling to pinpoint everyone’s whereabouts, and Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea said Thursday that the high number of missing people probably included some who fled the blaze and didn’t realize they had been reported missing."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

+36 House of Representatives

Democrats +7,900,000 votes

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

+36 House of Representatives

Democrats +7,900,000 votes