Monday, January 7, 2019

Liberal mindset controlled by extreme anger and rage!!!

So I schedule a Saturday post that was nothing more than the recent Youtube video of Alexandrea Ocasio-Cortez dancing. The video was made by Ocasio-Cortez and some friends in College, and featured some rooftop dancing, that appear to be capturing some of the same moves from the dance scene in the Breakfast Club.

To be clear, I just posted the video, with the acknowledgement that it appeared breakfast clubby to me. I didn't otherwise provide any thoughts, comments, opinions, or any commentary at all. I just posted a video.

I did this on purpose. I was curious as to what sort of reaction we would see.

Of course, the reaction was to assume I was attempting to mock her. But considering I only offered the video (and nothing else) that would make an assumption that the video standing alone was so bad that the mere exposure of it is embarrassing. For the record, I didn't find the video embarrassing, or mock-worthy. I didn't find it quite as "cute" as many people did, but it leaned more on the cutesy side than embarrassing side.

Some of the comments were completely incoherent. Of course, our favorite victim of TDS actually suggested that the posting of this video was evidence of me "losing my mind". I would be curious as to why it is "crazy" to post a youtube video that has garnered much on-line discussion.

This person then went off on a tangent about President Trump (because it's aways about Trump) and I believe (but was not sure) that he wanted to compare this silly college aged dance video posted on Youtube (on purpose) with the infamous Hollywood Access audio of the then private citizen Donald Trump being recorded and released (without his permission).

Now, you could probably do a whole psychological profile, based on these sort of odd projections, that always find their way back to the President. Are these liberals truly embarrassed by the video? Are they that sensitive that even a mere hint of anyone they believe is mocking a liberal (in any manner even close to what they do to Trump) is a reason for trigger and panic?

Moreover, this projection was not limited to these comments. Everyone left of Mitt Romney took offense to the very idea that this video was being posted (with an apparent mass projection that the idea was always to mock Ocasio-Cortez without any real evidence that any mocking of any sort was ever done). Perhaps the idea was more to "mock" the entire left, rather than to mock Ocasio-Cortez.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I found the video amusing.

I did not find the recording of the candidate Trump claiming that because he was rich that he could grab any woman by her pussy amusing.

It was exhibit one of his irresponsible behavior that disqualified him for the office of the President of the United States.

It has been followed by literally thousands of irrational behavior as President.

Here comes the cognitive dissonance accusation. By the man who will not look in the mirror and see the pathological liar.

anonymous said...

To be clear, I just posted the video, with the acknowledgement that it appeared breakfast clubby to me.

YOU ARE SOOOOOO FULL OF SHIT YOU MAKE TRUMP SEEM TRUTHFUL.... You posted it because some other group of assholes were mocking the video on line which you thought was a good idea.....yep, the dark side is completely in control of what little intellect you have left!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My response to your post.

Roger AmickJanuary 5, 2019 at 9:48 AM
A high school video versus grab her by the pussy by the President of the United States.

I didn't say that you posted it to try and attack the young woman who got elected to the house of Representatives. I drew the comparison to the pussy grabbing asshole who you support no matter what he does or says.

Anonymous said...

the alky's idiocy notwithstanding, i'd say the best explanation for the video is this one:

January 04, 2019

Dear Enemy-of-the-People Media, Which Conservatives, Exactly, "Shamed" Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Over Her Dance Video? Can You Name Them? Or Will You Just Continue to Assert There Were Such Conservatives Without Providing Actual Evidence of Them?

Trust us, they lied.

I mean, all it would take is a link. But for some reason they've decided not to do that.

A twitter account with the suspiciously on-the-nose name "QAnon1776" -- way to hit every single fringe/conservative meme there! -- was suddenly birthed and was soon suddenly deleted. During its brief life, however, it managed to "break" the news that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex once did a Breakfast Club dance in "high school."

They say "high school" despite the fact that she is wearing a "BOSTON UNIVERSITY" t-shirt, and the "BOSTON UNIVERSITY" name is emblazoned exactly where your eyes are glued -- it's a tight shirt, and in that shirt, she has a nice rack.

So it's kind of hard to imagine what this "QAnon" devotee was looking at instead of "BOSTON UNIVERSITY."

Block-letter words and big meaty tits -- how do they work?

A little suspicious. Kind of a deliberate Rake-Stomp right off the bat.

It should also be noted that many people say this video was actually publicized during her congressional campaign, and caused no ripples then.

So why is this being "broken" now?

In any event, no named "conservatives" apart from "QAnon1776," who I hear is close personal friends with "GunTotingCommieHunter69" as well as "MakeBitchesMakeSammitches4Ever" as well as "MAGAInsertRacialSlurHereKiller," commented on the video, apart from the usual Twitter Cucks spending all night and morning Virtue Signalling that they did not see why anyone would think this was embarrassing.

They like saying obvious things that liberals agree with. Or rather, they like being seen by their liberal friends saying obvious things that liberals agree with.

This proves that they are not Deplorable like those other, you know, Deplorables.

In other words: You.

so a liberal created a twitter account, posted the video, and deleted the twitter account.

all to gin up the phony outrage liberals are so famous for.

wow. never saw that coming.


Anonymous said...

Roger AmickJanuary 5, 2019 at 9:48 AM

A high school video versus grab her by the pussy by the President of the United States.

really alky?

you were triggered to peak outrage over a 10 year old recording NBC news just managed to drop on the public on the eve of the election like george w bush's DUI on the eve of HIS election?


THAT was the kicker? THAT made trump completely unpalatable to you?

what are you, a 12 year old girl?

go steam your vagina. i hear that's a thing.

you fucking fraud.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Not one of us on the left side of this blog said anything like this.

Everyone left of Mitt Romney took offense to the very idea that this video was being posted (with an apparent mass projection that the idea was always to mock Ocasio-Cortez without any real evidence that any mocking of any sort was ever done). Perhaps the idea was more to "mock" the entire left, rather than to mock Ocasio-Cortez.

You have gone to the dark side.

Obewankenobe can help you out of this situation today.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

(a 10 year old recording)

It was recorded on his campaign bus during the campaign.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

George W Bush is an alcoholic.

Anonymous said...

2005, numbnuts.

On October 7, 2016, during the 2016 United States presidential election, The Washington Post published a video and accompanying article about then-presidential candidate Donald Trump and television host Billy Bush having "an extremely lewd conversation about women" in 2005. Trump and Bush were in a bus on their way to film an episode of Access Hollywood (now Access), a show owned by NBCUniversal. In the video, Trump described his attempt to seduce a married woman and indicated he might start kissing a woman that he and Bush were about to meet. He added, "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." Commentators and lawyers have described such an action as sexual assault.[1]

alky, you're such a fucking fraud you can't even keep your bullshit straight about what has you outraged on any given day.

like i said, go steam your vag.

Anonymous said...

"Mr. Trump was filmed talking to Billy Bush of “Access ... In a 2005 recording obtained by The Washington Post before the ... Trump: Grab 'em by the ..."

Anonymous said...

His parents taught him to be a 2nd Generation Alky .

He is pickled .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

By the way, your favorite cartoonist has apologized for supporting the laziest President in history.

You are incapable of exhibiting honesty.

Anonymous said...

"Roger AmickJanuary 7, 2019 at 8:57 AM

(a 10 year old recording)

It was recorded on his campaign bus during the campaign."

Stagger away drunk Roger.

Anonymous said...

my mistake. i blamed NBC news for posting the recording.

it was the bozo's post, where democracy drowns in liberal bullshit

caliphate4vr said...

Roger Amick said...
(a 10 year old recording)

It was recorded on his campaign bus during the campaign.

You're a fucking idiot it was recorded in '05. Hitting the opiates early?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I was mistaken when the recording took place. It does not excuse his betrayal of his wives and multiple affairs.

Just Thecoldheartedtruth

Anonymous said...

here's my favorite cartoonist, alky.

much better than that fucking pussy who draws doonesbury.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

One of the steps in the recovery from alcoholism is to admit errors.

Scott has betrayed every single thing he once stood for before the election of Donald J. Trump. Honesty is not always easy. But it makes you stronger than ever before.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

rrb is incapable of exhibiting honesty.

Scott used to be able to be honest.

Trumpism Anonymous is available when two or more people are in the room with the disease.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The White House may try to use executive privilege to keep parts of special counsel Robert Mueller's final report from being made public, Bloomberg News reported Monday, citing unidentified sources.

President Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, told the news outlet that Trump's legal team "will look at it and see if the president thinks there is a valid claim" of executive privilege.

"We reserve the right. We don't know if we have to, but we haven't waived it," Giuliani added.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), the new chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, told Bloomberg News that an effort to conceal Mueller's report "will not hold up in court."

He added that an executive privilege claim "can always be pierced by a specific and legitimate criminal or congressional inquiry."

Mueller is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow. His report could be issued as soon as next month, Bloomberg News reported.

Mueller will be required to issue his report to the Department of Justice. Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker and Trump's nominee to serve as the next attorney general, William Barr, have each previously criticized the investigation.

Trump has long dismissed it as a politically motivated "witch hunt."

Democrats have previously vowed to publicize the findings of Mueller's final report, despite what Trump tries to do.

Anonymous said...

It does not excuse alky's betrayal of his wives and multiple affairs

Anonymous said...

President Trump put Fed Chairman Powell on a short chain. Markets Rebounding.

Powell keep your two feet off the brake.
This is what a real economy.looks like.

Commonsense said...

If CH really want to embarrass Ocasio-Cortez, all he had to do was post the 60 minutes interview.

She needs no help when it comes to embarassing herself.

Commonsense said...

1Blogger Roger Amick said...
I was mistaken when the recording took place. It does not excuse his betrayal of his wives and multiple affairs.

And yet you excused Bill Clinton for his multiple rapes and having sex with underage girls.


Anonymous said...

Commonsense said...

If CH really want to embarrass Ocasio-Cortez, all he had to do was post the 60 minutes interview.

that was brutally hard to watch.

anderson vanderbilt must've wondered how he drew the short straw for that assignment.

C.H. Truth said...

The White House may try to use executive privilege to keep parts of special counsel Robert Mueller's final report from being made public, Bloomberg News reported Monday, citing unidentified sources.

The laws and regulations surrounding a Special Counsel is that Counsel is to submit a non-public report to the Department of Justice. It has always been the case that the DOJ would determine what portions (if any) of the report is to be "released" to anyone other than the DOJ.

The DOJ could choose to provide no formal release of the report. It could release it privately to Congress. It could release it to the public if they so choose.

There is nothing within the law that "requires" the DOJ to provide anyone with any information, much less provide anyone with information that would otherwise be considered either classified or a matter of Executive privilege.

This is a classic case of fake news.

The media is anticipation nothing other than the fact that the DOJ will actually follow the law, and that following the law isn't going to provide what the media is likely going to want to see.

The idea of a special counsel is to see if laws were broken. Nothing more, nothing less. The idea that Mueller is tasked to somehow provide some sort of comprehensive critique of the President has never been the actual "legal" responsibility of Special Counsel.

C.H. Truth said...


can you explain to me how you somehow believe that my posting a cute youtube video of our favorite freshmen congresswomen dancing....

has anything to do with Trump and the 2005 Hollywood Access tape?

I certainly made no reference to that tape. That tape was provided to the public prior to the election. Trump's Presidential win "included" this information.

How is it that you not only get from "here to there" in such an odd fashion, but that you somehow project the completely nonsensical correlation into my post (which was nothing more than the video)?

Do you have an explanation?

Or was this the "taking points memo" that you were fed by the crazy left media?

Anonymous said...

And yet you excused Bill Clinton for his multiple rapes and having sex with underage girls.

and it cost bubba some serious coin and his law license.

trump otoh, has stormy daniels paying HIM. heh.

you were saying alky?

Anonymous said...

He added that an executive privilege claim "can always be pierced by a specific and legitimate criminal or congressional inquiry."

keywords - 'specific' and 'legitimate.'

it's ironic since this case has been, from its inception, anything but specific. i've never seen such a non-specific, open ended fishing license.

and legitimate is subjective. sore loser trump haters are going find legitimacy where none exists because they're determined to depose this president by any means necessary.

scott's right alky. this is 100% Grade A fake news designed purely to rile up folks like you. and it worked like a fucking charm.

and it's not up to any democrat to decide if it gets released in full, in part, or at all. having said that, i fully expect lil schitt and golden corral nadler to leak it to CNN, the bozo's post, and maggie haberman the moment they get their hands on it.

anonymous said...

And yet you excused Bill Clinton for his multiple rapes and having sex with underage girls.

And exactly when was he convicted of those alleged crimes.....especially the underage girls you just made up.....idiot!!!

anonymous said...

ow believe that my posting a cute youtube video of

You lying sack of shit, lil don't post anything for cuteness, you do it to make a point or bust ballz....nothing else....So get off your High Bullshit horse and tell us who set you off to post the tripe innocent of anything but extreme bias....LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

And exactly when was he convicted of those alleged crimes....

the very same day donald trump was convicted of his sex crimes, sex harrassment, etc. d0pie.

that's the fucking point.

bubba and his feckless cunt wife were begging for donations to their legal fund to pay for the $700,000+ he had to cough up to paula jones.

trump otoh, had skanky daniels pay HIM.

C.H. Truth said...

you don't post anything for cuteness, you do it to make a point or bust ballz....nothing else....

The point I was making, Denny...

Was simply to see what reaction you, Rog, James, and others would have. It was (as always) quite predictable.

- You called me names
- Roger triggered out and went on an anti-Trump rage
- James cut and pasted about a different subject

All over the existence of a youtube video.

anonymous said...

Was simply to see what reaction you,

IOW's trolling like an asshole....well what did you discover other than the fact it backfired on you and the right?????? Yeah, I really don't need an excuse to call you an asshole anymore....your idiocy is both abundant and self serving....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

BTW....existence of a video is not the was you parroting the idiots of the right who initially pointed it out which you then embraced and posted here....Too funny for such a massive intellectual that you think you expert in everything, just like donnie....LOLOLOLOL!!

anonymous said...

very same day donald trump was convicted of his sex crimes, sex harassment, etc. d0pie.

Donnies travails are not done yet and that is the salient point as he and his feckless store bought cunt traipse through life like they own the country.....going to be a ride, rat hole....LOLOLOLO

Anonymous said...

it worked.

Commonsense said...

IOW's trolling like an asshole.

You make Pavlov's dog look like a towering intellect.

C.H. Truth said...

well what did you discover other than the fact it backfired on you and the right???

You mean you actually think it bothers me when you call me names, when Roger has a complete meltdown over Trump, and when James cannot pay attention?

Other than it server no purpose and will continue to prefer real intelligent debate to those tactics...

It was EXACTLY what I expected!

Anonymous said...

Donnies travails are not done yet

actually they are done.

and skanky daniels was ordered to pay up.

done and done.

now, if you're referring to the mueller witch hunt that's an entirely separate issue.

anonymous said...

actually they are done.

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! You seem to have forgotten the rest of his is not a separate issue as you allege....The skank was only one of many suits that have never been settled or dismissed.....

anonymous said...

You mean you actually think it bothers me when you call me names,

Why would I care what bothers you....your response is telling enough that I get your attention like the above sentence.....Nice try and another big chuckle at your expense, Lil Scotty....BWAAAAAA!!!!

o purpose and will continue to prefer real intelligent

Sure you do....especially your support of the liar in chief....that is intellectual dishonesty at its fullest.....LOLOLOL

C.H. Truth said...

Actually Denny...

I was the one that triggered you, Rog, and James...

Simply by posting a video.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Myballs said...

Tlaib just gave us another antisemitic rant. She'll drive even more Jewish voters to GOP.

Nancy can't control her house. The gift that keeps giving.

Myballs said...

RBG unable to sit for arguments. She can't perform her duties. Trump getting his list ready. Schumers head explodes.

Dems wanted her to retire in Obama's second term but she refused.

Anonymous said...

If CH really want to embarrass Ocasio-Cortez, all he had to do was post the 60 minutes interview.

She needs no help when it comes to embarassing herself."

Train wreck.
Little miss Doe Eyes.

Keep her in front and center as possible.

Anonymous said...

..The skank was only one of many suits that have never been settled or dismissed.....

the daniels case is final. she's been ordered to cough up $293,052.33 to trump, post haste.

now, roger contends there are many more assorted whores, porn stars, centerfolds, and other garden variety skanks with cases against trump, yet none have stepped forward. it's starting to look like all the pussy grabbing that so terribly triggered the alky was fiction.

let's hope that mueller's luck is better than skanky's.

Anonymous said...

RBG unable to sit for arguments.

dead pool time.

Anonymous said...

Yes, unable to preform. Must retire.

Anonymous said...


Michael M. Grynbaum

Verified account

Follow Follow @grynbaum

TRUMP wants primetime slot tomorrow to talk shutdown, @esullivannyt & @maggieNYT scoop

At least TWO major networks still deliberating – skepticism about handing over airwaves for political statement

let's see if they have the balls to give him the airtime.

cowardly king obama said...

"RBG unable to sit for arguments"

Guess the AOC dance video did her in.

Anonymous said...


Commonsense said...

AOC Is going to provide endless entertainment for the next two years.

anonymous said...

KD postulates with...

Yes, unable to preform. Must retire.

While he can perform here daily and can't find a real job in trumps booming economy....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!

Yes she will entertain people like our esteemed host who provides entertaining videos that boost his ego....another huge chuckle at both or yours expense!!!!

Commonsense said...

"RBG unable to sit for arguments"

She may never sit in the chamber again. It's time for the approach.

Anonymous said...

President Trump fell on the live grenade that was Hillary thrown by President Lost Years .

Will now get to appoint yet another Conservative to the Court.

Hard to see how the Liberals will handle this new appointment.

Anonymous said...

Denise why did you stop eating beef and dairy products?

Commonsense said...

Hard to see how the Liberals will handle this new appointment.

Not really, see Kavenaugh, Brett.


"CHT said

The point I was making, Denny...

Was simply to see what reaction you, Rog, James, and others would have. It was (as always) quite predictable.

- You called me names
- Roger triggered out and went on an anti-Trump rage
- James cut and pasted about a different subject "


cowardly king obama said...

sorry wrong thread, though it kind of fits anyway....