Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sunday Funnies


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Thousands of people have signed a petition to name the street in front of Trump Tower after Obama.

Trump will declare a national emergency and put armed soldiers on the street corners to protect the street signs.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They could name the intersecting street after Obama's wife Michelle. The we might hear "Trump Tower on the corner of Barack Obama and Michelle Obama Streets".

Anonymous said...

Spamming every thread .

Anonymous said...

The Warren one is my Fav.


Myballs said...

OK. Then people every day could wipe their feet on Obama on their way into Trump tower .lol

Anonymous said...

Trump Owns

Obama's interlopers

anonymous said...

Hey ballz....why don't we refer to the berlin wall as a fence??????

anonymous said...

Thousands of people have signed a petition

Amazing how real NYer's hate donnie!!!!

Commonsense said...

Usually you don't name streets after people until they are dead. I think the Obamas would rather wait.

Commonsense said...

Thousands of people have signed a petition to name the street in front of Trump Tower after Obama.

I'm surprise it's only "thousands". You can easily find thousands of nuts on-line to sign anything.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Thousands of people have signed a petition to name the street in front of Trump Tower after Obama.

Trump will declare a national emergency and put armed soldiers on the street corners to protect the street signs.

that's right alky

in alky-land, where trump triggers you several hundred times a day, there's trump martial law.

and it's where triggered people sign petitions to rename streets "magic negro boulevard."

Commonsense said...

The Nanci Pelosi ones are good. So is the Bill Clinton one. The Mitt ones fell a little flat.

BTW Reports say that Nanci was more then a little cranky at Friday's meeting with Trump.

anonymous said...

Usually you don't name streets after people until they are dead

I guess this would be an exception to the rule, right cramps??????

Nanci was more then a little cranky at Friday'

Maybe she had blood coming out of her eyes too!!!! Idiot.

Commonsense said...

I don't know, does she have an eye problem as well a mild senility?

Anonymous said...

BTW Reports say that Nanci was more then a little cranky at Friday's meeting with Trump.

During the White House border-security meeting on Wednesday, Homeland Security Kirsten Nielsen presented a report on current conditions at the southern border. New Speaker of the House told Nielsen, “I reject your facts.” To which Nielsen responded, “These are not my facts. These are the facts.”

Fox News’ Lukas Mikelionis said the statistic that pushed Pelosi over the edge was, “border officials along the U.S.-Mexico border had apprehended about 3,000 people with terrorist ties and 17,000 criminals last year.”

Anonymous said...

The Daily Caller’s Benny Johnson undertook a mission to fact check the Post’s fact-check in “IS THERE A 10-FOOT WALL OUTSIDE OBAMA’S HOUSE? WE WENT THERE TO FIND OUT.” It turned out to be mission impossible (video below). Johnson reports: “We tried to find out. We even brought a tape measure. But we were stopped by all of Obama’s other walls from even finding out.”

What wall? “Obama does not have one wall. He has many. He has barricades. He has armed guards entirely blocking the suburban road where he lives. Multiple cement and iron barricades block the road leading up to the Obama mansion. A Secret Service car and agent keep people from entering the stretch of road on both ends approximately 1,000 feet in both directions.” It’s almost funny.

if only we could figure out a way to harness the power of liberal hypocrisy...

Myballs said...

Hey stupid, why do prisons have barbed wire fences?

You're playing some asinine name game. Both are used as a barrier to keep people either in or out

cowardly king obama said...

See a wall doesn't work.

We need many walls.

Myballs said...

We simply cannot allow people to pour into the united states undetected, undocumented, unchecked.

Who said it, Donald Trump or Barack Hussein Obama?

anonymous said...

Hey stupid, why do prisons have barbed wire fences?

IOW's walls are different than fences .....something you said there was no difference the other day....Thanx for playing again, loser....LOLOLOL

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We simply cannot allow people to pour into the united states undetected, undocumented, unchecked.

We haven't ever done anything like this.

You're very dishonest about everything.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb would sign sign petitions to rename Internet 10 "Magic N***r Freeway."

Anonymous said...

Authorities release mugshot of suspect charged in Jazmine Barnes slaying


if 0linsky had a son, he'd look just like this piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

Yes he would.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Most illegal aliens enter the US by air. Maybe we need a roof.

Anonymous said...

Border Security is an all of the above Dopie.

Grow up, learn, stop being a douche.

Still no answer on why you stop eating beef.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

White men are at least as dangerous as black. White men represent 69 percent of people arrested for violent crimes.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Donald Trump on Sunday again threatened to declare a national emergency as a means to construct his proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, saying he would first gauge the results of upcoming negotiations to end a partial government shutdown triggered by partisan debate over his signature campaign promise.

“I may decide a national emergency depending on what happens over the next few days,” Trump told reporters as he exited the White House en route to Camp David.

“We have to build the wall or we have to build the barrier. The barrier or the wall can be of steel instead of concrete if that works better,” the president said.

Trump’s insistence on a border wall, which has prompted the shutdown, comes as the newly Democratic-controlled House asserts its power.

This is very questionable. Declaring martial law requires a clear and present danger. This is strictly political politics.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chicken Little

You are a bad joke.

Anonymous said...

Lol, really "sally-kohn".

Anonymous said...

Transgender Sammy (was sally) Con.

"Sally Rebecca Kohn is an American liberal political commentator, community organizer, and founder and chief executive officer of the Movement Vision Lab, a grassroots think tank that focuses on liberal and progressive ideas and positions."

Screwed up, cherry picked , horrid trusting of fake data.

Dumb fat mouth Bass Alky caught again.

cowardly king obama said...

Roger Amick said...
We simply cannot allow people to pour into the united states undetected, undocumented, unchecked.

We haven't ever done anything like this.

Only like somewhere around 12 million or over 20 million times, depending on who you believe.

Anonymous said...

Remember, Reagan agreed , giving a clean slate. These new illegal count. Not an on going number.

The Immigration Reform and Control Act, Pub.L. 99–603, 100 Stat. 3445, enacted November 6, 1986, also known as the Simpson–Mazzoli Act or the Reagan Amnesty, signed into law by Ronald Reagan on November 6, 1986, is an Act of Congress which reformed United States immigration law. ;

Ronald trusted liberals. Trump does not.

Alky, is too stupid.

Anonymous said...

"We simply cannot allow people to pour into the united states undetected, undocumented, unchecked."

Alky did not know .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sunday funny

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott will not post this cartoon.

Anonymous said...

FBI Crime report proves Alky wrong again.

anonymous said...

Now this is funny!!!

"We simply cannot allow people to pour into the united states


Contradicting Trump, Bolton says U.S. troops will stay in Syria until ISIS is eradicated
“There are objectives that we want to accomplish that condition the withdrawal,” national security adviser John Bolton said in Jerusalem. The president’s abrupt promise in December to bring troops home “now” surprised allies and prompted Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’s resignation.

anonymous said...

Blogger KD the goat fucker posted ...
Border Security is an all of the above Dopie.

Grow up, learn, stop being a douche.

Still no answer on why you stop eating beef.

No one is arguing about border security
Stop posting lies

Anonymous said...

MyballsJanuary 6, 2019 at 9:59 AM

We simply cannot allow people to pour into the united states undetected, undocumented, unchecked.

Who said it, Donald Trump or Barack Hussein Obama?"

"We haven't ever done anything like this. "


We simply cannot allow people to pour into the united states


Anonymous said...

sally kohn. good one alky.

over at the AoS blog they measure stupidity in millikohn's, because she's such an intellectual clod.

the fact that you're inspired by her doesn't surprise me in the least.

and trudeau's doonesbury was predictably cute. don't you wish you still had posting privileges alky? yeah... another aspect of your failed existence that you couldn't manage to NOT fuck up.

btw, doonesbury is funniest when uncle duke is in the strip. without him, not so much.

Anonymous said...

Still no answer on why you stop eating beef.

The question has stumped the chump Dopie.

I am the greenest person on this blog .

Anonymous said...

Ronald trusted liberals. Trump does not.


one of reagan's few flaws was trusting democrats and taking them at their word. they fucked reagan on spending, taxes, immigration...

why, the dirty cocksuckers even sent ted kennedy to moscow to COLLUDE with the RUSSIANS in an attempt to prevent his reelection.

anonymous said...

KD said...
Still no answer on why you stop eating beef.


Here's a question for fuck your pig wife in the missionary position or piggy style??????

I am the greenest person on this blog .


Anonymous said...

IF, you believe Beef Cattle are hurting Mother Earth. Then put your beef fork down.

Are you against Dairy Cows too?

Unknown said...

Don't pay any of the elected officials while they aren't working. Wonder how fast they would find a way to make a deal.

anonymous said...

IF, you believe Beef Cattle are hurting Mother Earth

I didn't say that goat fucker you made that up!!!!...Your propensity to lie is better than trump!!!!

Anonymous said...

You never say anything.


anonymous said...

You never say anything.

And all you add are fabrications from the accesses of you mind....goat fucking asshole...

caliphate4vr said...

Airstrike Kills Plotter of Deadly Bombing of U.S.S. Cole

Hunt them forever

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You don't have posting privileges either because you're a racist son of a bitch.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CNN host Jake Tapper laughed in Mick Mulvaney's face on Sunday after the acting White House chief of staff said "nobody blames the president" for debasing politics.

Chuck Todd ripped him apart too.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Obama got Osama bin Laden.

Both Presidents have been working to destroy the terrorists around the world.

Trump is going to leave some American troops in Syria after his advisers actually get his to listen instead of Fox and Friends and Rush Limbaugh and the blonde.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

V.P. Mike Pence and group had a productive meeting with the Schumer/Pelosi representatives today. Many details of Border Security were discussed. We are now planning a Steel Barrier rather than concrete. It is both stronger & less obtrusive. Good solution, and made in the U.S.A.

The Iron Workers Union is going to get a lot of money from the President and the taxpayer funded wall.

cowardly king obama said...

Trump Kills Plotter of Deadly Bombing of U.S.S. Cole

(that's Obama style)

Myballs said...

Dems now acknowledging that compromise is how government business gets done, that they'll have to give Trump something.

And they can get something too. All this is proving that this is a schumer pelosi shutdown.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats wall is crumbling.

Stand Your damn ground chuck-n-nancy.
Remember no means no. $0.00 for Border security.

Anonymous said...

"The Iron Workers Union is going to get a lot of money ."

Go ahead, thank President Trump. Again.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He's not going to get the wall

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Republicans have been breaking away from the President and his fucking wall.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

Roger, Border Security. Pres. Trump's approach is all of the above approach .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You really are as stupid as I said before. Clear back to soars. I had your comments blocked out.

anonymous said...

Moving Jobs to Mexico Again....MJMA....

A Michigan electronics company chairman, who voted for Donald Trump in 2016, now says he feels betrayed and his factory may have to move to Mexico because of the president’s tariffs.

Pat LeBlanc, the chairman of EBW Electronics, told The New York Times that Trump’s tariffs were “killing” the company, which makes lights for the auto industry.

“I just feel so betrayed,” LeBlanc told the newspaper. “If we fail because the company is being harmed by the government, that just makes me sick.”

LeBlanc, a Republican, said he expects 2019 profits will be cut in half.

anonymous said...

Who was the idiot who questioned this when I posted this last week....???? Myballz, the loser comes to my mind as the perpetrator....LOLOLOLOL

If he did, and used soldiers to build it, they would all be committing a federal crime.

By Bruce Ackerman
Mr. Ackerman is a professor of law at Yale and author of “The Decline and Fall of the American Republic.”

anonymous said...

My exact feelings when our esteemed host parroted the bullshit of someone dancing......seems to me other than for donnie blowing himself, Lil Scotty tries to act like the smartest guy on earth.....BWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Some of the revelations are cultural: The hysteria over a video of AOC dancing in college says volumes, not about her, but about the hysterics. But in some ways the more important revelations are intellectual: The right’s denunciation of AOC’s “insane” policy ideas serves as a very good reminder of who is actually insane.

anonymous said...

This was amusing to watch.,...Beached whale Chucklebee stammering like a retard on Fox News....she sure showed her true colors....dumb as a box of rocks!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!

Sanders had a heated exchange with the host of “Fox News Sunday” as she discussed President Donald Trump’s threat to continue the partial government shutdown if his demand for $5 billion to fund a U.S.-Mexico border wall isn’t met by Democrats.

“Let’s talk about the wall,” Wallace said. “The president talks about terrorists potentially coming across the border.”

He then showed a clip of Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen stating Friday that “over 3,000 special interest aliens” trying to enter the U.S. from the southern border had been stopped by Border Patrol agents.

“But special interest aliens are just people who have come from countries that have ever produced a terrorist, they’re not terrorists themselves,” Wallace said. He also cited State Department reports that found “no credible evidence of any terrorist coming across the border from Mexico.”

Sanders responded, “We know that roughly nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists come into our country illegally, and we know that our most vulnerable point of entry is at our southern border.”

Wallace, ready to pounce, interrupted Sanders with a blistering fact-check.

“Wait wait, ’cause I know the statistic,” he said. “I didn’t know if you were going to use it, but I studied up on this. Do you know where those 4,000 people come or where they’re captured? Airports.”

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

You don't have posting privileges either because you're a racist son of a bitch.

and not once did i complain. i simply watched you destroy everything you touched, so much so that CH had to start a fresh blog. all because of YOU alky.

Commonsense said...

“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked...” Barrack Obama, 2005. I voted, when I was a Senator, to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in...” Hillary Clinton, 2015.

Hypocrisy is the bedrock of liberalism.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

You really are as stupid as I said before.

says the clod who posted a link to a doonesbury cartoon three times.

alky, every time i see a comment of yours i hear the "real men of genius" song playing in the background.

and how much you want to bet that KD is still working with the liver god gave him?

Anonymous said...

Commonsense said...

“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked...” Barrack Obama, 2005. I voted, when I was a Senator, to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in...” Hillary Clinton, 2015.

Hypocrisy is the bedrock of liberalism.

trump should address the nation from the oval and recite all of these old quotes chapter and verse. 0linsky, hillary, schumer... all of them. going all the way back to the early 2000's. and throw in a couple "super predator" hillary comments for good measure.

and then clearly state his case to the american people.

his approval would rise 10 points overnight.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The electoral rebuke to President Trump (measured by the Democratic advantage in House races of nearly 10 million votes) showed that those who marched and demonstrated understood that peaceful assembly was only the first step toward achieving their goals. In cities and towns, red and blue, large and small, they met in church basements, coffee shops, living rooms and libraries. There, they planned how to persuade their neighbors to elect a majority that would stand up to the president and his pliant congressional allies. Then they executed the hard work of door knocks, phone calls, social media conversations, fundraising and texts. And they prevailed.

John Bolton announced in a statement completely repudiating the President's irrational decision to withdraw from Syria. He said that ISIS has not been destroyed and that we are going to remain in support of the Kurdish fighters who have lead the assault on ISIS.

Anonymous said...

stop stealing alky. especially from a clown like ej dionne

Anonymous said...

how much you want to bet that KD is still working with the liver god gave him?

Yep, all original parts. I come from great gene's.. unlike 2nd Generation Alky .

I revere my parents, I would never blame them like 2nd Generation Alky does for his many short comings and repeated life failures.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is what democracy looks like.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), left, talks with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), right, and her mother Blanca Ocasio-Cortez, during a ceremonial swearing-in on Capitol Hill in Washington on Jan. 3. (Susan Walsh/AP)

By E.J. Dionne Jr.
January 6 at 6:52 PM
“This is what democracy looks like.”

It was the chant heard again and again at the women’s marches the day after Donald Trump was inaugurated and echoed later in mobilizations on behalf of gun sanity and the Affordable Care Act, in defense of immigrants and refugees, and in support of democracy itself.

Those determined gatherings were, indeed, part of what democracy looks like. There is a reason the First Amendment to our Constitution asserts “the right of the people peaceably to assemble” immediately after it guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of the press. The assembly right is intimately linked to the next one on the First Amendment’s list: the people’s right “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

One of the main goals of tyrants is to keep dissenters shut in their homes and out of view. Only when they find each other can advocates of change realize their potential power.

But democracy also looks like what we saw on the floor of the House of Representatives last Thursday. Through use of the ballot, fortified by exceptional feats of organization and mobilization, voters changed the face of government in our country — in both a literal and figurative sense.

The contrast between the diversity of the Democratic side of the House (by gender, race, ethnicity and religion) and the visible homogeneity on the Republican side has been much noted. It was genuinely thrilling to see how free elections can allow citizens to bring about so much transformation in such a short time. And this new House was the product of the highest midterm elections turnout since 1914, back when all citizens aged 18-21 and most women and African Americans were denied the ballot.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

Chuck & Nancy
Please, do not bet rolled by Pres. Trump , again
Stand Your Ground. $0.00 for all of the above Border Security.

Anonymous said...

We know 2nd Generation Alky Opinion just as soon as someone else writes it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My parents were not Alcoholics.

They were members of the Greatest Generation.

Married in 1937. In the middle of the Great Depression.

They were classic examples of how the middle class in America created by The New Deal. Hard work and unionization skilled labor wages never left us homeless or hungry.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

John Bolton announced in a statement completely repudiating the President's irrational decision to withdraw from Syria. He said that ISIS has not been destroyed and that we are going to remain in support of the Kurdish fighters who have lead the assault on ISIS.

Anonymous said...

One of the main goals of tyrants is to keep dissenters shut in their homes and out of view. Only when they find each other can advocates of change realize their potential power.


0linsky and hillary certainly tried, lying to us every day, weaponizing government agencies to punish their political enemies, even spying on the opposing campaign using the FBI as an "insurance policy."

and trump won anyway. because advocates of change found each other and realized their potential power.

so now we have the most robust economy on my lifetime, lowest ever levels of minority unemployment, record employment participation, and the best manufacturing sector performance in 20 years.

so we must impeach, because sore losers.

makes sense. to an imbecile.

Anonymous said...

Open Boarder left, Winning.




Feds: Illegal Alien Family Tried to Smuggle Alleged Cop Killer Across BorderSCSD6 Jan 20193,135


The family of Gustavo Perez Arriaga, a 32-year-old illegal alien, helped him evade police and attempted to help smuggle him across the United States-Mexico border after he allegedly murdered 33-year-old Newman, California, police officer Ronil Singh, federal documents allege.

The day after Christmas, Singh pulled Arriaga over on suspicion of drunk driving. That’s when police say the illegal alien shot Singh. Over his police radio, Singh called out “shots fired,” and as police arrived at the scene of the traffic stop, they found the officer with a gunshot wound.

Singh was transported to a nearby hospital, where he later died, leaving behind his wife Anamika and their newborn five-month-old son.

Breitbart TV

Play Video

Perez Arriaga was arrested in December 2018 for the killing of Singh — a legal immigrant from Fiji — but was officially charged with the murder of a law enforcement officer last week. The illegal alien, whom authorities said is a “known” gang member, had been caught by police after a more than 50-hour manhunt.

33-year-old Ronil Singh sits next to a Christmas tree and a law enforcement flag alongside his K-9 police dog, Sam, on Christmas, the day before his death. (SCSD)

According to federal documents, Arriaga had allegedly quickly paid a human smuggler — the same one that helped his family members enter the U.S. illegally years before — about $400 in a wire transfer to cross him back from California to Mexico to evade arrest and charges for Singh’s murder.

Seven of Arriaga’s friends and family members were arrested and charged by authorities for allegedly helping him try to evade arrest and escape from the country. All of the seven individuals are illegal aliens and they include:

Arriaga’s brother, 34-year-old Conrado Virgen ArriagaArriaga’s brother, 25-year-old Adrian VirgenArriaga’s girlfriend, 30-year-old Ana Leyde CervantesArriaga’s co-worker, 35-year-old Erik Razo QuirozArriaga’s family member, 59-year-old Bernabe Madrigal CastanedaArriaga’s family member, 57-year-old Maria Luisa MorenoArriaga’s co-worker, 36-year-old Erasmo Villegas".

Anonymous said...

2nd Generation Alky stop blaming others for your many, many failures.

Anonymous said...

China asked nicely if the US would like to talk more on trade. China economy declining rapidly.

So today and tomorrow we agree to more talks.

anonymous said...

KD Allegedly has a brain.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!

California, police officer Ronil Singh, federal documents allege.

Breitbart....that bastion of fake news....

anonymous said...

John Bolton announced in a statement

When Bolton is the only adult in trumps know we are in deep KD cowshit!!!!

Anonymous said...

assholio fucktardio cortez wants a 70% tax rate to spend $32.4 TILLION to get this -

Her daughter was born with a heart condition and was having chest pains, but Wallace said they waited almost seven hours before seeing a doctor.

“I couldn’t believe it,” she said. “I thought we were in a third-world country. I was appalled at what was going on and there was basically nothing to be done. There was only one doctor … he looked helpless.”

this must be what mazie hirono meant when she said democrats are just too smart or something.

Anonymous said...

California, police officer Ronil Singh, federal documents allege.

Breitbart....that bastion of fake news....

not fake news, d0pie.

Singh is very, very dead.

and it really was an undocumented democrat who murdered him.

Anonymous said...

Dead Pool.
"The Supreme Court says Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is missing arguments for the first time in more than 25 years as she recuperates from cancer surgery last month."

Missing work again.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Singh is very, very dead.

and it really was an undocumented democrat who murdered him." RRB

Exactly all the scum being charge are also Illegals.

Anonymous said...

After Putting down his sizable fork and starting his no beef boycott, we should see the Earth cool, right Denise?