Friday, January 11, 2019

Match the politician to the quote


Commonsense said...

As a great man once said; Hypocrisy is the bedrock of liberalism.

anonymous said...

What about Mexico is going to pay for the wall.....

Yesterday he claimed to have meant not with a check...yeah right..

But in April 2016, Trump’s campaign outlined the steps he would take to compel Mexico to pay the US “$5-10 billion” to fund a border wall — a plan that relies largely on threatening to bar undocumented Mexican immigrants in the United States from wiring money to relatives in Mexico. “It’s an easy decision for Mexico: make a one-time payment of $5-10 billion to ensure that $24 billion continues to flow into their country year after year,” the memo said. Using a broad interpretation of the post-9/11 USA Patriot Act, Trump wrote in the memo that he would threaten to issue new regulations that would compel money transfer companies like Western Union to verify a client’s identity and legal status before authorizing a wire transfer.

And the slurping will continue as he tries to foist the cost on taxpayers and lies!!!!!....

Anonymous said...

1 = chuckles

2 = 0linsky

3 = cankles

and now we know that not one of them was serious when they made those comments.

Anonymous said...

well, it looks like the alky was pushing some very fake news the other day...

The far-left New York Times has been forced to issue a humiliating correction after falsely reporting Paul Manafort passed along polling information to a Kremlin-connected businessman.

Times “reporters” Maggie Haberman and Ken Vogel are dishonest enough on their own, but put these two leftists together, and you are almost certain to get a heapin’ helping of Very Fake News, which is exactly what happened Wednesday.

Sharing the byline with Sharon LaFraniere, Vogel and Haberman published a front page “bombshell” report that claimed Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chair, had “lied about sharing polling data … related to the 2016 presidential campaign” with Kremlin-linked businessman Oleg V. Deripaska.

Until Haberman and Vogel were forced to issue their humiliating correction, this fake news not only went all around the world; it was seen as the first piece of evidence linking the Trump campaign to Russia. What’s more, because the information was found in a document related to special counsel Robert Mueller’s witch hunt, it was seen as proof that Mueller had finally found an actual thread that linked Trump to Russia.

Naturally, those unaware of just how regularly Haberman and Vogel lie were inclined to believe the report, as were all the usual-usual far-left propaganda outlets that have made lying about Trump their business model.

Except for the fact that none of it is true, this bombshell is a very big deal.

Oh, did you catch that part about none of it being true?

Because none of it is. The Haberman and Vogel bombshell is an undiluted lie.

“A previous version of this article misidentified the people to whom Paul Manafort wanted a Russian associate to send polling data,” a correction at the bottom of the front page bombshell now reads. “Mr. Manafort wanted the data sent to two Ukrainian oligarchs, Serhiy Lyovochkin and Rinat Akhmetov, not Oleg V. Deripaska, a Russian oligarch close to the Kremlin.”

In other words, Manafort is not being accused of sending polling data to the Kremlin through an intermediary; he is accused of sending it to his former clients in Ukraine.

In fact, per post-correction Vogel, the worst Manafort is guilty of is using this polling data to puff himself up to these former clients in the hopes they would pay some of his old invoices — which has nothing to do with Donald Trump or Russia or Russia collusion.

a pattern has developed here. if maggie haberman is on a story, it is most certainly a lie.

anonymous said...

And rat the hole continues his Inane posts about retired Pols when he is about to get stuck with a tax bill to fund a faux wall that he thinks will save him from beaners and drugs....BWAAAAAAA!!!!!! Simple solutions for even simpler minds!!!

anonymous said...

falsely reporting Paul Manafort passed along polling information to a Kremlin-connected businessman.

Instead passed the info to 2 Ukranian assholes with ties to the kremlin....a major tragedy in rat holes simplistic thinking!!!

Anonymous said...

except that there's no evidence the 2 ukranians have ties to the kremlin.

you fucking moron.

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama: We now have an actual humanitarian crisis on the border that only underscores the need to drop the politics and fix our immigration system once and for all.

Anonymous said...

The Left never stands by their words.
Their voters are easily duped.

Oh, and Talbiban Tlibbial and kiddo Cortez are not getting prime appointments. A real shame.

Anonymous said...

Chuck in Nancy, afl-cio wants to know when u will open the Government

C.H. Truth said...

Instead passed the info to 2 Ukranian assholes with ties to the kremlin...

Yeah, sure... Liberals must literally believe that everyone from Eastern Europe has ties to the Kremlin. Especially those from countries who are engaged in a military "cease-fire" with Russia.

Remember the Trump Tower lobbyist, who's ties to the Kremlin was that her firm represented someone who's dad was a transportation minister for the city of Moscow?

My brother's gardener went to school with someone who has his hair cut by the cousin of a guy who had a teacher who was known to have strong ties to a Ukrainian who once traveled a lot to Russia. Collusion!

Anonymous said...


you're brother has a gardener?

please tell me the gardener is a mexican like he's supposed to be.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it all boils down to this:

The main thing is, the Dems don’t want Trump to have a win on his signature policy, because they figure that will cement his re-election. Everything else is noise.

- Glenn Reynolds

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

IF, the wall is such a Disaster for Trump and Republicans, then why are the Socialist Party against it.

((RRB point is valid))

C.H. Truth said...

My brother doesn't actually have a garden, much less a gardener.

We have gardeners (a small crew generally) for the house in Seattle. Friends of a co-worker of my wife. Pay them cash.

Um... yeah, they are all hispanic. Go figure.

anonymous said...

The main thing is, the Dems don’t want Trump to have a win on his signature policy,

What is funny the D's are acting like the fiscal conservatives of yesteryear while you want to spend money on trumps idiotic legacy of middle age technology that is as worthless as your opinion....lOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

this is what happens when TDS infects the newsroom.

in case you were wondering, yes, they are enemies of the people. and proud of it.


C.H. Truth said...

Not wanting to spend five billion dollars on a wall, while at the same time proposing a 3.2 trillion dollar a year upgrade to our medical entitlements...

and you believe that the Democrats are opposing the wall over fiscal discipline?

That's even stupid for you...

anonymous said...

The naive and slurping Lil Scotty missed the reporting on those ties....another idiotic excuse for supporting everything trump has been shot down since he now speaks for liberals, asshole....LOLOLOL

... Liberals must literally believe that everyone from Eastern Europe has ties to the Kremlin

Anonymous said...

Wil someone please give Alky a new :
Set of clutching pearls
Fainting couch

caliphate4vr said...

The original MILF has passed, RIP Mrs Dean Wormer. Verna Bloom

Anonymous said...

behold the power of TDS -

on tuesday haberman and vogel get busted for a blatant lie, and yesterday they double down on the same fucking lie.

Prosecutors Examining Ukrainians Who Flocked to Trump Inaugural

C.H. Truth said...

Denny - Even Josh Marshall (TPM) accepts that the difference between Oleg Deripaska and Lyovochkin/Akhmetov was pretty big difference and a major error.

It's pointed out that neither man has many (if any) real ties to Russia

(and no, the continued ad nauseam claim that Manafort's Ukrainian clients were "pro-Russia" does not mean that any of them have ties to the Kremlin. In fact, it specifically means that they don't have any ties to the Kremlin, or those ties would be actually pointed out. But hey, cognitive dissonance and bias confirmation allows you to see the term "pro-Russian Ukrainians" and actually process it as "ties to the Kremlin" - as a matter of simple brain washing of people susceptible to it)

and that they are both people that Manafort believed either owed him money or he owed them money. Either way, this was tied to "money" - not collusion.

If there was actual evidence of Manafort illegally colluding with Russians about polling data, he would have likely been charged with that (along with everything else).

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It was just a campaign slogan. There is no evidence of a crisis at the wall. They showed him a tunnel under his wall. He was speechless.

"Obviously, I never said this. And I never meant they are going to write out a check. I said they're going to pay for it. They are,"

"Who is going to pay for the wall?"

"Mexico will pay for the wall."

This started in 2015 as well as "Make America Great Again."

To build the wall, would take about ten years and much more than $5,750 billion.

This is not just because he won the election. That claim is cognitive dissonance departure from reality. He didn't really think that he would become the President. But he is. He is threatening to cause a Constitutional crisis. Lawyers for both sides have been saying that although he may have the authority to declare a nation crisis. But it will end up in the Supreme Court.

The longer the government shutdown continues the impact on the strong economy will cause an enormous risk of a recession. He is willing to cause a recession just to fulfill his off the wall campaign slogan.

This is very irresponsible act from this man.

Anonymous said...

The original MILF has passed, RIP Mrs Dean Wormer. Verna Bloom

and she was married to Jay Cocks.



Anonymous said...

This is very irresponsible act from this man.

what's more irresponsible than destroying your liver with alcohol?


judge not, that ye be not judged, alky.

there is no one around here with less room to talk about irresponsibility than you.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"Refrain from personal attacks."

"Please stay on the topic"

Anonymous said...

To build the wall, would take about ten years and much more than $5,750 billion.

how deep within your colon did you pull out this little false factoid, alky?

we built the hoover dam in five years using over 3 MILLION cu yds of concrete over 80 years ago.

this is how i can tell your side is really starting to squirm. your bulshit is becoming more and more ridiculous.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Jimmy the beaner hater has repeatedly lied about the reason why I was blessed to get a gift of life.

I had Polycystic liver disease that was the reason for the diagnosis of end stage liver disease.

I recieved the liver transplant because I acted responsibly by remaining sober for almost five years before I received the transplant.

Now I am going to stay on the topic, unlike the beaner hater who copy and pasted a comment from Breitbart Fake News.

Anonymous said...


virtually everything you post is a lie. exhibit A:

To build the wall, would take about ten years and much more than $5,750 billion.

how the fuck would you know?

and breitbart DID catch haberman et. al. in a lie:

Correction: January 9, 2019
A previous version of this article misidentified the people to whom Paul Manafort wanted a Russian associate to send polling data. Mr. Manafort wanted the data sent to two Ukrainian oligarchs, Serhiy Lyovochkin and Rinat Akhmetov, not to Oleg V. Deripaska, a Russian oligarch close to the Kremlin.

the truth requires no correction.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It would take ten years and 10,000 skilled workers.

The current fight — and now 20-day federal government shutdown — over funding for a U.S.-Mexico border wall could look simple when you consider the logistics of actually building the fabled barrier: It would take an estimated 10,000 construction workers more than 10 years to build the kind of 1,000-mile wall President Trump has said he wants.

Even the more modest $5.7 billion in wall funding Trump directly requested during a prime time Oval Office address Tuesday to address what he called “a growing humanitarian and security crisis” would take an army of 10,000 workers more than two years to build and yield only 230 miles of barrier, according to estimates.

And even at 1,000 miles long, the steel-slatted border wall would still be too small to be a boon for U.S. steelmakers.

The full version of Trump’s envisioned border wall — featuring rarely tested heights cast over almost unimaginable distances — would cost at least $25 billion, said Ed Zarenski, who teaches construction estimation at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts. Zarenski spent 30 years figuring out project price tags for Gilbane, one of the nation’s largest construction firms.

By the way I spent 17 years estimating the price of construction projects for the largest health management organization in the country.

“I wouldn’t say it’s impossible. But you’ve got to factor in engineering considerations,” Zarenski said. “And then I would say, is the project realistic? Probably not.”

caliphate4vr said...

Dear Diary,

I had Polycystic liver disease that was the reason for the diagnosis of end stage liver disease.

I recieved the liver transplant because I acted responsibly by remaining sober for almost five years before I received the transplant.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Rog...

The bottom line is that there is political disagreement about the wall.

- Liberal politicians and the media are against it.
- The Border Security agents, and the agency are both for it.

Your Democrats are telling you that the wall is so unnecessary and such a horrible investment that it's worth it to them to shut down the Government rather than concede the $5.7 billion.

But we both know that $5.7 billion is a drop in the bucket and that they would never (in a million years) shutdown the government over $5.7 billion in funding for "anything".

They are shutting down the Government because they are specifically and exclusively opposing Trump.

You will not convince me (or anyone else) anything different.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Gary Winek, a professor and construction program director at Texas State University, recalled how excited the concrete industry had once been — back when the wall was going to be all concrete. Concrete is a fickle material that does not travel well. It has to be mixed close to a project site at either a permanent or temporary plant.

“The logistics are not going to kill the project,” Winek said, “but it will make it challenging.”


I did construction work in Montana and to pour the concrete walls for a coal mine that required over 1,000 cubic feet of concrete, the company had an onsite concrete plant.

To build hundreds of miles of concrete walls across remote locations will require perhaps more highly skilled workers than available at this time.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Well Scott, your opinion "They are shutting down the Government because they are specifically and exclusively opposing Trump.

You will not convince me (or anyone else) anything different."

Is not supported by the facts. The majority of Americans are blaming the government shutdown over the wall on Donald J. Trump.

You keep saying that a first time elected congresswoman represents the Democratic party plan.

Medicare for all is very expensive. The majority of Americans want a medical system for all Americans. But this is irrelevant to the question of the day.

The wall is unnecessary and you fucking well know it.

But you support it because he won the election. Not because it is necessary for the Security of the United State.

You hypocrisy is unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

so the newest line of bullshit is that we can't build the wall because it would take ten years. even though we built the hoover dam in half that time using 3.25 MILLION cubic yards of concrete.


Even the more modest $5.7 billion in wall funding Trump directly requested during a prime time Oval Office address Tuesday to address what he called “a growing humanitarian and security crisis” would take an army of 10,000 workers more than two years to build and yield only 230 miles of barrier, according to estimates.

oh, so it would yield ONLY 230 miles, therefore it's not worth the effort at all.

and we certainly would not want to create 10,000 new jobs. no siree.

i'm old enough to remember when 0linsky told us we couldn't drill our way to energy independence.

i can appreciate mr. zarenski's opinion, though i don't really share his penchant for origami and haiku poetry.

the fact of the matter is that we beat the timeline on the hoover dam, the golden gate bridge, and the empire state building. we sure as hell can beat the timeline on the border wall.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Beaners olinsky hater has absolutely no experience with construction work.

Anonymous said...

what kind of an asshole compares medicaid for all with it's $3.2 TRILLION annual cost to a $5.7 BILLION border wall?

seriously, alky?

so you and the bozo's post trot out a couple of TDS-infected construction estimators and that's supposed to be the final word on the subject?

you are the jim acosta of this blog. especially since you cheered the $817 BILLION 0linsky blew on NO shovel ready jobs. and then laughed about it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Hoover dam was built onsite. Not over hundreds of miles of remote locations, often on land seized by the government using eminent domain from private land owners.

caliphate4vr said...

so the newest line of bullshit is that we can't build the wall because it would take ten years.

The exact same bullshit argument they used when W proposed drilling near the ANWR, it'll take 10 years. God damn you gotta start

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The full version of Trump’s envisioned border wall — featuring rarely tested heights cast over almost unimaginable distances — would cost at least $25 billion, said Ed Zarenski, who teaches construction estimation at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts. Zarenski spent 30 years figuring out project price tags for Gilbane, one of the nation’s largest construction firms.

All you have are your opinions based upon your personal political beliefs, not the reality of how construction works.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Let's say that if it only requires seven years and 20 billion dollars?

To fulfill a campaign promise.

Not because he was elected President.

Anonymous said...

"Rich I tell ya" Ette

"Roger AmickJanuary 11, 2019 at 8:55 AM

"Refrain from personal attacks."

"Please stay on the topic"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's a waste of time and money better spent on high tech equipment to screen every thing coming through the border entrances

Anonymous said...

President Trump calls the border security bill the;

"The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2019"

Commonsense said...

Concrete is a fickle material that does not travel well. It has to be mixed close to a project site at either a permanent or temporary plant.

Pre-fab concreate sections will solve that problem.

Building a parallel road solves the other.

This is barely an engineering challenge like for example, rebuilding the Oakland/Bay bridge.

Which is far more expensive than the wall.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

- Liberal politicians and the free press is reporting the information on the opposition to the wall.
- The Border Security agents, and the agency are both for it. "So says the pathological liar President.

Anonymous said...

"To build the wall, would take about ten years and much more than $5,750 billion. "
What or who triggered Roger?

Anonymous said...

Roger has clearly never built anything.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

The Border Security agents, and the agency are both for it.

As the agents themselves has said according to Fox News.

Anonymous said...


"To fulfill a campaign promise."

So Roger is upset that a goal stated during an election might be realized.

Oh the Humanity.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Pre-fab concreate sections.

Pre cast walls still require solid foundations poured in place concrete and rebar.

Onsite concrete plants are required for the extensive construction project over open country. The pre cast option may reduce the costs but it will not remove the remote concrete plants.

Commonsense said...

CNN requests KUSI for local view on the border, declines our reporter after finding out wall works

We believe CNN declined a report from KUSI because we informed them that most Border Patrol Agents we have spoken to told us the barrier does in fact work.

We have continuously been told by Border Patrol Agents that the barrier along the Southern border helps prevent illegal entries, drugs, and weapons from entering the United States, and the numbers prove it.

This is why we call CNN fake news.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

According to Progda News

Anonymous said...

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) said that she helped five migrants enter the United States.

“I was able to intervene and ensure that they could simply present themselves for asylum in the United States,” she said on Twitter.

Anonymous said...

We believe CNN declined a report from KUSI because we informed them that most Border Patrol Agents we have spoken to told us the barrier does in fact work."

CNN jimmy Acosta confirmed it with his actual "live feed".

Commonsense said...

Onsite concrete plants are required for the extensive construction project over open country.

Not if plant is within a 45 minuet to 1 hour drive.

As for the rest, the ingredients can mixed on site. It does not need a full blown plant. Just a good size mixer.

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
According to Progda News

May want to look at the link before making an ass of yourself.

Anonymous said...

To fulfill a campaign promise.

Not because he was elected President.

you stupid fuck.

he was elected president largely BECAUSE OF that campaign promise. it was the central issue to his campaign.

and yes, for the first time in recent memory, we have a president who is attempting to actually KEEP the fucking promise that was central to his campaign.

remember the whole "consent of the governed" thing, alky?

the people put trump in the white house to do exactly what he's trying to do, and exactly what the democrats are preventing him from doing.

you act like he's asking for $817 BILLION to gift to his political allies and union cronies or something.

Anonymous said...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal is lipstick on a pig.

Ocasio-Cortez – Occasional Cortex, as she’s known, because she’s so thick she doesn’t even know how stupid she is – is the lipstick, obviously.

And the pig is the Green New Deal itself which isn’t remotely new, or particularly green, and which is far too expensive and damaging to merit the flattering term ‘deal’.

Cortez plagerized Uncle Bernie.

Commonsense said...

Kind of amazing that Democrats don't expect polticians to keep their promises.

Something to keep in mind when you step into the voting booth.

Anonymous said...

To build the wall, would take about ten years and much more than $5,750 billion. "

anonymous said...

CNN requests KUSI for local view on the border, declines our reporter after finding out wall works

In a highly urban densely populated area......well no shit cramps....that is what all the data shows.....

Commonsense said...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal is lipstick on a pig.

In an act of mass political suicide, all the potential 2020 presidential candidates bought into it.

anonymous said...

Commonsense said...
Kind of amazing that Democrats don't expect politicians to keep their promises.

And you don't give a shit that the only thing trump fixed was income for the rich and companies and the promise of mexico paying for for a wall and no working ACA fix!!!..Funny how you had all 3 branches of government and could not pass a wall funding measure and you give them a sad what a hypocritical idiot you are!!!

Commonsense said...

In a highly urban densely populated area......well no shit cramps....that is what all the data shows.....

So you're conceding the wall works. The story here is that CNN refused to report it because it did work.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Pre cast concrete construction is called "tip up" . The precast walls are reinforced steel walls require fabrication and distribution. There is less on site work requirements, but to make sure that they can't be tunneled under is almost impossible. And as I said before that they require extensive and expensive footings.

We are still looking at one thing is the campaign promise is not worth the effort or the government shutdown to make the President happy.

Anonymous said...

Onsite concrete plants are required for the extensive construction project over open country. The pre cast option may reduce the costs but it will not remove the remote concrete plants.

CON-E-CO® mobile and stationary concrete batch plants are built to maximize your productivity, the quality of your mix, and your return on investment.

Choose from among the industry’s widest range of central mix batch plant and transit mix batch plant models and capabilities. From small mobile plants to the largest stationary central mix plants, each one is engineered to fit the performance needs of your operation.

Your CON-E-CO dealer is an industry expert and—together with factory engineers—will work hand-in-hand with you in custom designing a plant to maximize productivity and traffic flow for the unique aspects of your property.

yeah, i don't know anything about construction. except that i've done business with most of the largest concrete companies in NYS.

alky, if i could stand your presence for more than two seconds i could put you in my truck and take you on a tour of all of the plants within an hour of where i'm sitting. and then we'd take the president's of these companies out to lunch.

every objection or obstacle that you've put up so far is easily dis-proven and dismissed.

like glenn reynolds said -

"The main thing is, the Dems don’t want Trump to have a win on his signature policy, because they figure that will cement his re-election. Everything else is noise."

democrats MUST deny this trump victory because to allow it gets us 4 more years of trump.

and you know it.

C.H. Truth said...

Is not supported by the facts. The majority of Americans are blaming the government shutdown over the wall on Donald J. Trump.

What does polling have to do with the incentive of the Democrats on this issue?

The facts are:

- that Democrats like Schumer used to be in favor of building a barrier across the southern border, and now they oppose it.
- that Democrats could agree to $5.7 billion in funding for a project that they have agreed was worthwhile in the past.
- that if Democrats agreed, that the government would reopen.

Those are the facts...

I couldn't care less who you "blame" or who someone else "blames" for the shutdown. As far as I am concerned both sides are to "blame" when the government shuts down... everytime the government shuts down.

But we worry more about who is being "blamed" than what the issues are on the shutdown. Blame has nothing to do with which side is being completely hypocritical and partisan.

At the end of the day.... it's $5.7 billion - a one time funding that will help the border agents better do their job. Every mile of fencing is a mile that they no longer have to cover as "wide open" border. Even if the barrier/wall/fence simply diverts people to a different area, it reduces the area that the border agents have to cover (meaning they can do more with the same resources).

That is why nearly 90% of border agents think that building the wall will make their jobs easier.

But what the fuck do you care about border agents, huh?

As long as you can cite some CNN or NYT poll, what those in the field want doesn't matter, huh?

anonymous said...

So you're conceding the wall for

In densely populated urban areas where they are already in existence.....The story has nothing to do with the rest of the border as you are trying to do....typical asshole trying to prove a generally works for the universe.....idiot...

Commonsense said...

In a highly urban densely populated area......well no shit cramps....that is what all the data shows.....

I know I'm better off now than I was when Obama was president two years ago and forturntly I have as little to do with the ACA as possible since like 90% of the people I get my insurance through work.

I suspect you're better off too but you would never admit it.

anonymous said...

-And Lil Scotty again tries to twist words to fit his bias...

that Democrats like Schemer used to be in favor of building a barrier across the southern border

He also supported spending lots of money on a layered technology driven barrier.....Great try Lil are just full of shit again!!!

Anonymous said...

But what the fuck do you care about border agents, huh?

i'm still waiting for him to tell us how many Americans have to DIE before the donks change their tune on this issue.

the alky defended the integrity of the FBI like it was his fucking job, but when a law enforcement officer in his own state get's murdered by an illegal he's silent on the issue.

anonymous said...

i'm still waiting for him to tell us how many Americans have to DIE

Maybe you can do us all a favor and volunteer to be first.....

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Walls in open spaces are easily bypassed. Ladders are all you need to get over and down.

Comparing them to walls is heavily populated areas is ridiculous even for you.

Anonymous said...

"Ah yes, the tunnel myth. Because it's so easy to build tunnels. No one would ever notice. Might as well just do nothing, now that the tunneling option has been exposed. Can we have a serious conversation now? That'd be great."

—Rep. Dan Crenshaw rebutting Nancy Pelosi's pathetic assertion that we should not build a border barrier because migrants would simply tunnel under it

C.H. Truth said...


I will take my cue from the Border agents and common sense. They find when there are barriers or walls, that people will "go around them" rather than attempt to go through them.

The concept that people will carry ladders through the wilderness in order to get over a fence is sort of ridiculous. Not like these people are driving up with Trucks.

Will some people attempt to tunnel under or climb over? Sure...
Will border agents still have to patrol a barrier/wall/fence? Sure...

But not to the degree that they have to patrol a wide open area. The less open border area, the more effective border agents will be.

Which is why 89% of Border agents want more barriers.

Are you smarter than border agents as to how they should be doing their jobs?

Anonymous said...

ladders and tunnels, tunnels and ladders.

uh huh.

what about catapults?


circus cannons? you could fire human beaner cannon balls over the wall, alky.

let's see... what else?

acme jet packs. wile e coyote showed us how we could use an acme jet pack to soar over the wall.

what am i missing here, alky?

i just know i didn't get them all.

Commonsense said...

So they're going to haul a 20 ft ladder miles through the desert on broken ground?

Then get women and children to climb the ladder?

And how do you get down to the other side after you get on top of the wall. Bring two ladders?

Yeah that would happen.

anonymous said...

Rep Crenshaw has his head buried up yours and trumps old white asses with

No one would ever notice

The latest drug tunnels were found going from Tijuana to California last month
Two tunnels were found in a warehouse area and only about 400 miles apart
Prosecutors say one of the tunnels reached San Diego and one was not finished
Experts fear continued existence of these tunnels is an 'invitation' to smugglers
US authorities have been filling the tunnels since 2007, Mexican police have not
It is estimated that there are about 20 tunnels still intact on the Mexican side

suggest you google tunnels found under US border...there are millions of hits.....asshole...

Anonymous said...

"i'm still waiting for him to tell us how many Americans have to DIE

"Maybe you can do us all a favor and volunteer to be first....." Denise

Ok, Zero
Far too many have been Murdered by illegals already.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is why most Americans support the Democrats on the shutdown and the fucking wall.

Miami International Airport will close one of its terminals on Saturday because of staff shortages caused by the ongoing partial shutdown of the federal government.

The Miami Herald reported that the airport will close its "G" terminal at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday to send Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents to other, busier checkpoints. The decision was made following a surge of call-outs from TSA workers at the airport as a result of December's shutdown.

“We felt we had to make a decision before the weekend,” airport spokesman Greg Chin told the Herald. “They’re erring on the side of caution.”

Anonymous said...

Ladders are all you need to get over and down.

only a liberal would attempt to scale a 30 ft high fence with a ladder on only ONE SIDE of the barrier.

but if we place razor wire on OUR side, we could have finely sliced beaner.

i'm warming to your ladder idea, alky.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Miami International Airport will close one of its terminals on Saturday because of staff shortages caused by the ongoing partial shutdown of the federal government.


one ENTIRE terminal???


Anonymous said...

Commonsense said...
So they're going to haul a 20 ft ladder miles through the desert on broken ground?


when i lived in kansas a buddy of mine had light fixture in his two story foyer. we had to rent a 17 ft step ladder from home depot just to change the bulb. the fucking ladder weighed a ton. i think it's wildly unrealistic to think that a couple of lil beaners are going to drag an even bigger ladder across the desert to scale a 30 ft barrier.

Anonymous said...

awww alky, you left out the best part of the miami airport CRISIS.

Flights that usually leave from that terminal will use gates elsewhere in the airport. Chin said G was chosen because it’s the slowest concourse at MIA. He said only 12 planes usually fly out of G after 1 p.m., meaning the disruption only affects about 3 percent of the roughly 450 departing flights MIA sees on a typical day.

3% of the flights. huh. that's hardly bringing air travel thru miami to its knees.

C.H. Truth said...

The border is 2000 miles long. About 200-300 hundred is considered impassable without the help of a fellowship that includes a Wizard, Dwarf, Elf, and some Hobbits.

We currently have approximately 700 miles of wall/fencing/barrier.

that leaves approximately 1000 miles open. 1000 miles that our border security agents are tasked to monitor. Imagine how much easier their jobs would be if there was an additional 300, 400, or even 500 miles of wall/fencing/barrier.

Certainly Drones could fly up and down the wall looking for those Mexican families carrying two 30 foot ladders with them, or those coming with a whole bunch of shovels to use to tunnel underneath them.

But why make it easier on Border patrol?

The whole concept from the left is to "let" people get through.

anonymous said...

3% of the flights

About your argument the wall is only .0017% of the budget....too bad you are not in the 3% affected, I'm sure the R's in that universe are just as pissed as I's or D's....but rat hole thinks they should just belly up and take it.....dayum you are dumber than a box of rocks....LOLOLOO

anonymous said...

1000 miles that our border security agents are tasked to monitor.

Gee, IOW's doing their fucking job!!!!!....The rest of your supercilious bullshit is just that....worthless stats that really show the vanity of yours and trumps position...ATC union files suit against trump for working without pay and due process....More to come!!!!

Anonymous said...

The whole concept from the left is to "let" people get through.

that's why i call them undocumented democrats.

Anonymous said...

ATC union files suit against trump

that's nice.

if they really wanted to be taken seriously they'd include schumer and pelosi in their suit.


On this day in 1981, President Ronald Reagan fired more than 11,000 air traffic controllers who ignored his order to return to work. The sweeping mass firing of federal employees slowed commercial air travel, but it did not cripple the system as the strikers had forecast.

anonymous said...

CH the disingenuous trump sucker posted speaking for others with..

The whole concept from the left is to "let" people get through.

You are really turing into a giant fucking asshole, Lil one advocated letting EVERY one into the country....That is nothing more than a trump right wing talking point to scare idiots like you and rectum breath into action.....too fucking stupid even for him let alone a genius in his own mind like you!!!

anonymous said...

hey'd include schumer and pelosi in their suit.

Okay....maybe trump should fire them like reagan did since they are such ungrateful fucks not wanting to work for free like illegals who work for him at his golf club......

anonymous said...

As president, Trump has shown other signs that he’s poorly equipped to run a large organization:

He hires terrible people who don’t last. In less than two years, four Trump Cabinet secretaries have left because of ethical violations, and roughly 170 other senior officials have quit or been fired. The turnover rate in Trump’s White House is far higher than for any predecessor, and many key jobs—such as ambassador to Saudi Arabia—remain unfilled. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, pleaded guilty to a felony and may be headed to prison. His former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, is assuredly headed to prison, as is his former corporate lawyer, Michael Cohen. This is an astonishingly bad record of personnel management.

President Donald Trump tours the U.S. border with Mexico at the Rio Grande on the southern border, Thursday, Jan. 10, 2019, in McAllen, Texas. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
President Donald Trump tours the U.S. border with Mexico at the Rio Grande on the southern border, Thursday, Jan. 10, 2019, in McAllen, Texas. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
Effective organizations require competent and talented leaders working toward common goals, with minimal turnover. The Trump administration is a chaos machine increasingly run by B-listers and sycophants fighting turf battles with each other. If this is how Trump ran his companies, it’s little wonder they’d founder when faced with challenges.

He has no regard for consequences. Trump doesn’t care if 800,000 federal workers are going without a paycheck, and thousands of businesses are losing money because of his shutdown. He tells farmers losing access to foreign markets and manufacturers struggling to pay the higher cost of new tariffs that trade wars are in their interest, with no regard for their their growing losses. He dismisses urgent climate warnings published by experts in his own administration. And Trump’s tax cuts are pushing the annual deficit to $1 trillion and beyond, further burdening future generations. This sounds exactly like the guy who borrowed recklessly until his casinos couldn’t make the payments, always sacrifice future stability for a splurge today.

He’s a weak negotiator. Art of the deal? More like foot-stomp and squeal. If Trump were a shrewd dealmaker, he’d find ways to get what he wants on the wall while giving Democrats a way to say they won, too. Successful deals normally involve each side getting something they want and each side giving up something they want. But Trump is just making demands and fulminating when they’re not met.

anonymous said...

The unbridled racism in the GOP is evident everywhere with the wall...Now at least cooler heads prevailed by allowing a muslim to remain a leader in the party, an outcome our rectum breath will be upset with and extolls his virtues by not quitting in disgust...

Local Texas GOP rejects ousting vice chair over his faith
Associated Press Associated Press 13 hours ago

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — Republicans in one of the most populous counties in Texas voted Thursday to keep a Muslim doctor as their party vice chairman following infighting over some members' claims about his beliefs.

The executive committee of the Tarrant County Republican Party voted 139-49 to reject the effort to purge Shahid Shafi, a surgeon and City Council member in suburban Fort Worth.

"This vote reaffirms the commitment by a majority of Tarrant County Republicans to our core values and moral compass, a demonstration of our allegiance to the Texas Republican Party Platform and the Constitutions of the United States and Texas, which strictly prohibit religious and racial discrimination of any kind," Tarrant County Republican Party Chair Darl Easton said in a written statement.

C.H. Truth said...

Unions have sued in the past during Government shutdowns.

A union actually won a case against the Obama administration by arguing that it is illegal for the Government to force them (as essential employees) to work, but not get paid.

The fact is that the Federal Government (not congress) is ultimately responsible for paying them. That is why the defendant is the Fed (executive branch) rather than congress.

anonymous said...

That is why the defendant is the Fed (executive branch) rather than congress.

Thanx for the lesson Lil Scotty.....I am sure all who read your guano are well aware of what is transpiring without your condescending post trying to look smart......LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Butt hurt denise.