Saturday, January 19, 2019


Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s office on Friday denied an explosive report by BuzzFeed News that his investigators had gathered evidence showing President Trump directed his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, to lie to Congress about a prospective business deal in Moscow
“BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the special counsel’s office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony are not accurate,” said Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller.
Inside the Justice Department, the statement was viewed as a huge step, and one that would have been taken only if the special counsel’s office viewed the story as almost entirely incorrect. The special counsel’s office seemed to be disputing every aspect of the story that addressed comments or evidence given to its investigators.

So why the unusual statement by Special Counsel? Likely because the Buzzfeed story had (among other things) prompted certain Democrats in Congress to demand more investigations. Had it just been media speculation, I doubt any statement would have been made.

At this point in time, only an idiot suffering from full blown cognitive dissonance and bias confirmation (aka TDS) could still possibly believe the Buzzfeed story.

That being said, I have no doubt that the idiot Democrats in Congress will investigate it anyways and there will be more idiots who cheer it.


Anonymous said...

Keep handing drag queen Roger more raw eggs.

Anonymous said...

opps or oops?

cowardly king obama said...

Jeff Giesea

What I find most troubling about the political warfare around Trump-Russia stuff are the blurry lines between Democratic operatives, national security officials (current and former), political media, and the FBI. And oligarch billionaires are funding large portions of it.

So when will false "sources" face any consequences.

And for that matter false "memo" writer (and obvious leaker) Schiff ?

Anonymous said...

Fredo Cuomo:

"Mueller didn't do the media any favors tonight."

don't blame mueller, fredo. you media scumbags pissed away your last shred of credibility fucking YEARS AGO.

cowardly king obama said...

Julie Kelly

Network populated by leftist liars dying to get the president worried that Americans will see them as leftist liars dying to get the president

I love twitter

Anonymous said...

Network populated by leftist liars dying to get the president worried that Americans will see them as leftist liars dying to get the president

too late. enemies of the people, they are.

i can't wait for the alky to arrive shrieking about how attacks on media credibility are attacks on the first amendment or some such fainting couch, pearl clutching bullshit.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Reuters agreed with me.

Carr did not directly address whether there was evidence that Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress, he disputed portions of the story about how BuzzFeed corroborated the explosive allegations against Trump.

Citing information from two federal law enforcement officials, BuzzFeed said Cohen told the special counsel that after the 2016 presidential election Trump instructed him to tell Congress that negotiations over the Moscow project had ended earlier than they had in order to obscure Trump's involvement.

Carr's statement also appeared to dispute BuzzFeed's assertion that the special counsel learned about Trump's directive from interviews with employees of the Trump Organization, emails, text messages and other documents.

BuzzFeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith said in a statement: "We stand by the reporting and the sources who informed it, and we urge the Special Counsel to make clear what he's disputing."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Carr did not directly address whether there was evidence that Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress, he disputed portions of the story about how BuzzFeed corroborated the explosive allegations against Trump.

Full blown Trumpism leads to cognitive problems.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Reuters agreed with me.

so you're both wrong.

just refusing to give up, eh alky?

good for you. the longer you stay dug in, the dumber you look.


the story of your TDS-infected life.

Anonymous said...



a glorious montage of media asshackery.

James said...

BuzzFeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith said in a statement: "We stand by the reporting and the sources who informed it, and we urge the Special Counsel to make clear what he's disputing."

James said...

Why Trump Is Ready to Compromise to End Shutdown
January 19, 2019 at 11:42 am EST

A source close to the negotiations told Jonathan Swan “the inflection point for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was the letter from Nancy Pelosi telling Trump not to deliver the State of the Union. McConnell had been saying all along that Pelosi and Trump needed to negotiate because one needed to put a bill on the House floor and one needed to sign it — two people with singular power.”

But after Pelosi’s letter, it became clear to McConnell she was “never going to get off her position and some other spark needed to happen.”

“McConnell told the president that it was his view that Pelosi was never going to move. She would and could not negotiate on border funding because her caucus, and Trump needed to be the one to put something forward he would sign so that McConnell would have the presidential backing to bring it to the floor.”

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A source close to the negotiations


the hackery continues unabated.

Anonymous said...

BuzzFeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith said in a statement: "We stand by the reporting and the sources who informed it, and we urge the Special Counsel to make clear what he's disputing."

well ben, it's like this - one of the assclowns on the story - the leopold kid - is such a fucking liar "salon" pulled one of his stories.

let that sink in - fucking "salon."

the kid's such a fucking tool he needs to be writing his columns in crayon.

what i'd like to know is why you released this steaming pile of bullshit to coincide with the release of the bruce ohr story. coinkydink? perhaps, but the question is definitely worth asking.

either way, you're busted pal. you lied. team mueller said so. if you shut up now this will go away in a few days.

C.H. Truth said...

So now we are supposed to believe that Special Counsel would decide to put out a cryptic non-denial denial and just disguise it as a flat out denial?

If the Buzzfeed article was fact rather than fiction, what possible reason would it help for Special Counsel to lose credibility by making a public denial?

The only other public denial they made was a similar statement regarding the McClatchy report that special counsel had evidence that Michael Cohen was in Prague during the 2016 election. (Obviously, that story turned out to be completely untrue and Cohen had not been in Prague).

They also made a blanket statement at one time:

“What I have been telling all reporters is that many stories about our investigation have been inaccurate. Be very cautious about any source that claims to have knowledge about our investigation and dig deep into what they claim before reporting on it. If another outlet reports something, don’t run with it unless you have your own sourcing to back it up.”

C.H. Truth said...


People in the know state that the President is expected to provide specific compromises that he would be willing to make in exchange for the funding for the southern border barrier.

In other words, he is going to make a big public offer to the Democrats and put the ball in their court. Showing the Country that he is big enough to give something in return for what he wants.

If the response from Pelosi and the Democrats is the same as it has been...

"no negotiations"

Then let's see how long it takes before the general public starts to turn on Pelosi and gang.

C.H. Truth said...

If I was the President...

I would call for a national address once a week, only to reiterate to the country that he is willing to give and take on this one. Make his offers to the Democrats pubic, and see how long the general public supports the alternative

"no negotiation"

stance of the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

One of the authors, Jason Leopold, has quite the history when it comes to bad reporting. Most folks know of his claim that multiple sources told him Karl Rove was going to be indicted in 2006 and how it turned out to be utterly false.

But, as Columbia Journalism Review noted back then, it wasn’t his first problem with facts.

"When Leopold’s story was first called into question a few weeks ago, Salon’s Tim Grieve reminded readers of Leopold’s checkered history with the publication. Salon removed Leopold’s August 29, 2002 story about Enron from its site after it was discovered that he plagiarized parts from the Financial Times and was unable to provide a copy of an email that was critical to the piece. Leopold’s response? A hysterical rant (linked above) which claimed that Salon’s version of events was “nothing but lies,” and that “At this point, I wonder why Salon would go to great lengths to further twist the knife into my back. I suppose the New York Times will now release their version of the events. I can see the headline now ‘Jason Leopold Must Die.’”"

Anonymous said...

not only would i do a weekly national address, i would have a small group of angel families join me. and i'd bring in a fresh group every week. let them tell their stories and share the horror of what happened to their loved ones at the hands of illegal aliens.

i'd turn up the heat on the democrats so fucking much every democrat in congress would have to go into hiding.

Anonymous said...

'Sources Say' is Greek for 'Fake News'

Follow Follow @NolteNC


Buzzfeed knew it published a lie. Rest of the media knew it was a lie, spread it anyway. The story was BS. They knew it. We all did.

BUT they figured there was no way they could be caught.

Because no one dreamed Mueller would fact check them.

5:50 PM - 18 Jan 2019

James said...

Will Trump Go Big on Immigration to End Shutdown?

“Things are always changing at the White House. But Hill sources and people close to the president expect — and, frankly, hope — the president will announce he is trading immigration policies Democrats and some Republicans have longed for — think DACA, temporary protective status for refugees — for a border security package. The White House has said publicly for a while that it wants to find a way to restart negotiations with Democrats.

“If the president actually goes this route — and, again, many Dems and Republicans truly hope he does — it could be a big move, and may go some distance to breaking the nearly month-long gridlock of this shutdown.

“To the extent there are any good moves on Day 29 of a shutdown, this would be it. This could put pressure on Democrats to come to the table and talk. Fixing issues like DACA and TPS are big-time policy wins for Democrats and many Republicans. The question we have is what could they offer Republicans on a border security package?”

Jonathan Swan:
“The offer is expected to include Trump’s $5.7 billion demand for wall money in exchange for the BRIDGE Act — which would extend protections for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — and also legislation to extend the legal status of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, according to a source with direct knowledge.”

cowardly king obama said...

With Mueller getting a new boss next week (Barr) he likely knew he better get this controlled before he gets in, or he may be quickly out.

Still not loving their closeness but everyone strongly vouches for Barr's integrity and this may be an indication.

Going after Hillary or deep state actors would be another. Especially since he supposedly doesn't yet believe in them

Anonymous said...

But Hill sources and people close to the president

just say 'fake news.'

saves time.

"sources and people close"


Anonymous said...

"More Americans consider Barack Obama to be the worst President since World War II than they do any other president, according to a new poll.

The Quinnipiac poll out Wednesday found that 33% of Americans see Obama as the worst post-war president, while just 8% consider him the best. Another 28% see former President George W. Bush as the worst. Richard Nixon, the only American President ever to resign in disgrace, was picked the worst by 13%, according to the poll."

Anonymous said...

Jane just called into Question Muller Integrity. In Defense of buzzfeed.

Anonymous said...

Got to love drag Queen Alky when proven wrong. Yell louder at the Sky.

caliphate4vr said...

Trump Threatens To Cancel Pelosi's Netflix Subscription

WASHINGTON, D.C.—As the government shutdown battle rages on, President Donald Trump is upping the ante by threatening to cancel Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's Netflix subscription.

Trump cited the "Constitution thing" as justification for the power play as he made a move to cut off her access from 24/7 streaming entertainment. "You mess with the bull, well, guess what? You get the horns," Trump said. "No more The Office, no more Parks & Rec for MS-13 Lover Nancy Pelosi. You'll see how quick she comes around on my wall."

Pelosi quickly held a press conference in which she stated the Netflix subscription was "absolutely necessary" for her government work.

"How can I be expected to do my job if I can't binge-watch The Andy Griffith Show?" Pelosi said. "This is a matter of national security."

The President has already cut off her Hulu subscription, but she could never figure out the interface anyway, according to sources.

Anonymous said...

Has she done a day of work?

cowardly king obama said...

Nick Short

Rough week for Adam Schiff... humiliated when Trump cancelled his junket, Buzzfeed story imploded within hours of him touting it, and the Bruce Ohr transcript blew a gigantic hole in his fraudulent memo.

The biggest fraud in Congress ? Maybe the GOAT. Has lot's of explaining to do but he's on the asking end... Maybe the Senate can call him in ???

Anonymous said...

President Trump is receiving hundreds of request to hold the State of the Union speech at their Capital, stadium and Areans.

Anonymous said...

Word is President Trump will trade DACA for wall funding.

Will Vacation Barbie Polosi agree?

James said...

Democrats Dismiss Trump Shutdown Offer
January 19, 2019 at 2:53 pm EST

Even before President Trump’s shutdown remarks on Saturday, Democratic aides on the Hill were dismissing his planned shutdown compromise offer as inadequate, Axios reports.

Said one Democratic aide: “Dems were not consulted on this and have rejected similar overtures previously.”

Said another: “Similar inadequate offers from the Administration were already rejected by Democrats.”

New York Times: “Lawmakers also said Ms. Pelosi was livid about being forced to cancel a trip to Afghanistan and Brussels after the president denied her use of a military plane and then scuttled her attempt to fly commercially by publicly revealing her travel plans.”


Pelosi Rejects Trump’s Shutdown Proposal
January 19, 2019 at 4:00 pm

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called reports of a deal to be proposed by President Trump to end a record-long partial government shutdown a “non-starter,” The Hill reports.

Said Pelosi: lDemocrats were hopeful that the President was finally willing to re-open government… Unfortunately, initial reports make clear that his proposal is a compilation of several previously rejected initiatives, each of which is unacceptable and in total, do not represent a good faith effort to restore certainty to people’s lives.”

She added: “It is unlikely that any one of these provisions alone would pass the House, and taken together, they are a non-starter.”