Thursday, January 10, 2019

Open Mic - Border Security


caliphate4vr said...

I think the x Mr Guilfoyle should be included in that frame

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Adolf Trump said today.

Before boarding Marine One to visit the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas Thursday, President Trump said he is leaning toward declaring a national emergency after it was clear in Wednesday's meeting with the congressional Democrats they were not going to fund the $5 billion for the border wall.

This could trigger the worst Constitution critics since 1862.

James said...

Trump Admits Mexico Won’t ‘Write a Check’ for Wall

President Trump “admitted that Mexico would not directly pay for the construction of his proposed wall along the southern border. Instead, he claims the wall will be paid for by revenue gained from a new trade deal pending in Congress,” CNBC reports.

Said Trump: “When I said Mexico would pay for the wall in front of thousands and thousands of people … obviously I never meant Mexico would write a check.”

However, the Trump campaign released a memo in March 2016 explaining the multiple ways to “compel Mexico” to “make a one-time payment of $5-10 billion.”

James said...

Obviously, another lie.

Anonymous said...

This could trigger the worst Constitution critics since 1862.

the words you're looking for are "constitutional crisis," drama queenie.

the term has a definition and this ain't it.

and "adolf?"

how original.

mr. godwin just cashed another royalty check.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Roger AmickJanuary 10, 2019 at 10:51 AM
If for some reason Trump declines to run for President again, I have found the ideal candidate for the racist rodent bastard.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) is questioning how terms such as "white nationalist" and "white supremacist" became offensive in the U.S.

"White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization - how did that language become offensive?" King asked in an interview with The New York Times published on Thursday. "Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?"

There are many good people on both sides!

Anonymous said...

i'm not from iowa, alky. but i have been there. nice, hard working, god-fearing folks.

now this is going to come as a surprise to you, but i have zero invested in steve king. he's been in congress for 15 years and it's time for him to go as far as i'm concerned.

oh, and this is old news, alky. how's about you spend some time crafting an original thought.

we can read the headlines all by ourselves.

why don't you shuffle your walker down to home depot and pick up a hacksaw blade for your fisher price tool kit. if you leave now you can be home by dark.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Back YahooNEWS
Trump threatens to cut FEMA funding for California wildfires
Michael Walsh
Michael Walsh
Yahoo NewsJanuary 9, 2019, 8:40 AM PST
President Trump threatened to cut federal emergency funding for California’s firefighters in the middle of a partial government shutdown.

On Wednesday morning, Trump complained that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) sends billions of dollars to California to fight fires that are the result of poor forest management.

Quicken Loans Urges America to Switch To A 15-Year
“Billions of dollars are sent to the State of California for Forrest [sic] fires that, with proper Forrest [sic] Management, would never happen. Unless they get their act together, which is unlikely, I have ordered FEMA to send no more money. It is a disgraceful situation in lives & money!” Trump tweeted.

Based on Trump’s phrasing, it’s unclear whether he meant that he has already ordered the funding to stop until the issue is addressed or if he would order the funding to stop if the issue isn’t addressed.

When reached for comment, the FEMA news desk responded with a boilerplate email about the partial government shutdown, which is the result of an impasse over the proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. It read: “Thank you for contacting the Federal Emergency Management Agency Press Office. Due to the federal funding hiatus, we are not able to respond to general press queries.”

California Gov. Gavin Newsom responded on Twitter that the people of California and the town of Paradise in particular should not be the victims of partisan bickering. Paradise was incinerated in the Camp Fire last November, and suffered a death toll of 86 people.

“Disasters and recovery are no time for politics. I’m already taking action to modernize and manage our forests and emergency responses,” Newsom said.

Anonymous said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump has claimed that his repeated promises that Mexico would pay for a wall on US southern border he "obviously never meant Mexico would write a cheque".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Said Trump: “When I said Mexico would pay for the wall in front of thousands and thousands of people … obviously I never meant Mexico would write a check.”

However, the Trump campaign released a memo in March 2016 explaining the multiple ways to “compel Mexico” to “multiple ways to “compel Mexico” to “make a one-time payment of $5-10 billion.”

The lies and the lies and the lies and the lies and the lies and the lies and the lies

cowardly king obama said...

Since Roger only listens to all things Obama and MSM here's something for him from the Washington Post (maybe Bezo's is trying to impress Lauren Sanchez now...)

Obama Border Patrol chief to Trump: ‘Stay the course’ on the border wall

Mark Morgan, a career FBI official who served as Border Patrol chief for the last six months of the Obama administration before being removed once President Trump took office, has come out this week in support of a border wall.
Morgan, who has kept a low profile since he was forced to step down, first gave an interview to Law and Crime in which he defended the White House’s desire to build a wall along the U.S. southern border.

The morning after Trump reiterated in a prime-time address to the nation why wall funding was worth shutting down 25 percent of the federal government, Morgan told The Fix that he’s breaking his silence because, in his view, the wall is an important piece in a group of policy changes needed to secure the border.

“I was removed. I’m standing up and saying, ‘I should have disdain for them, but I don’t because they are right,' " Morgan said. “I can stand up and say they are right because it’s the right thing to do for this country. I’m begging the president to stay the course.”

Anonymous said...


In Cairo, Mike Pompeo Repudiates, Mocks Obama's 2009 Cairo Speech

“We learned that when America retreats, chaos often follows. When we neglect our friends, resentment builds. And when we partner with our enemies, they advance,” Pompeo said in a speech at the American University in Cairo in which he did not mention Obama by name but called him “another American” who gave a speech in the capital of the Arab world’s most populous nation.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...


caliphate4vr said...

The lies and the lies and the lies and the lies and the lies and the lies and the lies

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott doesn't give a flying fuck.

Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics, told NBC News.

If the worst were to happen, experts say the devastating impact would be widespread:

38 million low-income Americans lose food stamps

6 million face an uncertain timetable for collecting tax refunds

2 million without rental assistance and facing possible eviction

800,000 paycheck-less federal employees plunged into dire financial straits
Shuttered parks and museums while overstressed airports cause tourism to tank.

Federal court system slows to a crawl
Disaster relief money doesn't get to storm-ravaged areas.

Lapsed FDA and EPA inspections lead to dangerous outbreaks.

Private companies looking to go public are stuck in limbo.

Stock market plummets.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I did keep my doctor.

Anonymous said...

The lies and the lies and the lies and the lies and the lies and the lies and the lies

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

lie of the fucking year.

top that trump!!!

Anonymous said...

someone tell zandi that a paltry $5B fixes everything he's fretting about.

civics 101: all spending originates in the house of representatives.

James said...

Washington Post: “Trump is so far flunking the biggest test of his dealmaking skills as president, learning the hard way that governing in a divided Washington is not remotely like running the Trump Organization or hosting The Apprentice.”


As someone pointed out recently, Trump needs to realize that he is
not the CEO of America and that the American government is not a
family run business.

cowardly king obama said...

So Obama's Border Patrol chief is begging Trump.

We should listen.



Stay the course President Trump.

America needs you.

And Border Security.


caliphate4vr said...

pederast no one cares about the Amazon Post

Anonymous said...

Washington Post: “Trump is so far flunking the biggest test of his dealmaking skills as president, learning the hard way that governing in a divided Washington is not remotely like running the Trump Organization or hosting The Apprentice.”

a 29 yr old millenial lecturing trump on deal making and negotiations.

my God that's rich.

James said...

NBC news:
The 'doomsday' scenario: Here's what happens if the shutdown drags on

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump: 'I never said this' about Mexico paying for the wall

Pinned down by the press outside the White House, Donald Trump reached new depths of insanity, that he said over and over, not just on camera, but in front of thousands of people.

When during the campaign, I would say Mexico was going to pay for it … Obviously, I never said this, and I never meant they’re going to write out a check.

“Who’s going to pay for it?


“Who’s going to pay for it?


“Who’s going to pay for it?


“Who’s going to pay for it?


“Who’s going to pay for it?


“Who’s going to pay for it?


“Who’s going to pay for it?


“Who’s going to pay for it?


“Who’s going to pay for it?


“Who’s going to pay for it?


“Who’s going to pay for it?


Anonymous said...

here's the link to the snarky little twat who's chosen to lecture trump on deal-making:

everyone who's ever bought a car knows the first rule is to be prepared to get up and walk away if you don't your deal. i've done it a dozen times. rocket science, it ain't.

that's what trump did yesterday.

he didn't get his deal so he walked.

i can completely understand how this is all so puzzling to liberals.

anonymous said...

Hundreds of Govmt workers rallying outside the WH want to get back to work!!!! But assholio trump declares the workers are behind him.....ready to push him under a bus!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...


anonymous said...

little twat who's chosen to lecture trump on deal-making:

His idea of deal making is take it or I'll take my ball and go home....just like he did in NY.....sad his skill is just above your ability to be civil to beaners...

cowardly king obama said...

The Democrat's 'doomsday' scenario

Trump wins - Wall is approved.

Voters love winners

TRUMP 2020

anonymous said...

bought a car knows the first rule is to be prepared to get up and walk away if you don't your deal.

Buying a car is about as germane to this crap as you developing a brain.....

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

The lie of the century.

patience, alky. when that category is created 0linsky will win that one too.

Anonymous said...

Buying a car is about as germane to this crap as you developing a brain.....

well denny, i wanted to put it into a perspective that you, the alky and the pederast were able to grasp.

go back to banging your sippy cup on your high chair.

caliphate4vr said...

here's the link to the snarky little twat who's chosen to lecture trump on deal-making:

Alemany studied government at Harvard University, where she was captain of the women’s basketball team.

I bet she's had more snatch than the alky has

Anonymous said...

Star CNN personality Ana Navarro rolled her eyes and filed her nails as a conservative guest Steve Cortes described innocent Americans murdered by illegal aliens.

Steve Cortes: You can do your nails. You know who can’t do their nails are people killed by illegal aliens who’ve been allowed to stay in this country because of leftist policies that people like you promote in so-called sanctuary cities.

Navarro then started screaming at the guest saying, “I don’t care what you have to say.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CBS News

The U.S. Coast Guard is the only military branch that doesn't get paid during the government shutdown because it is part of the Department of Homeland Security. CBS News' Janet Shamlian spoke to three Coast Guard wives in Bacliff, Texas, who shared the struggles of not knowing when their husbands will get their money.

"Our budget is extremely tight. We have just bought only the necessities when we went grocery shopping and you know trying to look at the sales and see what's on sale," Vienna Julien said.

cowardly king obama said...

Morgan said he’s most frustrated by how children are brought into the country illegally under perilous conditions because coyotes exploit vulnerabilities at the border. He said agents perform thousands of water rescues when families are left at a body of water that isn’t safe to cross.
“I don’t understand why anyone would be against developing a process that stops that from happening,” he said.

Democrats have said they are willing to have a debate over border security but not while unrelated agencies are being held for ransom by the shutdown. But Morgan said the shutdown is a necessary last stand for the president to force a solution to a problem that Washington has failed to fully address for decades.

“In my heart of hearts, I truly believe we have to resolve this issue: It’s in the best interest of this country,” Morgan said. “We have to stop looking at the issue through our own ideological lens, setting aside our emotions, and it’s not being done.”

Anonymous said...

The U.S. Coast Guard is the only military branch that doesn't get paid during the government shutdown because it is part of the Department of Homeland Security.

another example of a structural problem in our government that needs to be fixed.

you keep making my point, alky.

Anonymous said...

I bet she's had more snatch than the alky has

oh yeah. LOL.

Anonymous said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump cancels trip to Davos amid standoff over shutdown

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Coast Guard is just another fucking government agency that is sucking of the gas tit.

You are the biggest loser and asshole on the planet

Anonymous said...

Trump cancels trip to Davos amid standoff over shutdown

good. it's a massive mutual admiration circle jerk for the private jet set anyway.

the only folks who make out at davos are the high price hookers.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"I find China, frankly, in many ways, to be far more honorable than Chuck and Nancy," Trump told reporters from the South Lawn of the White House on Thursday.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump has a history of paying off high price hookers.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The Coast Guard is just another fucking government agency that is sucking of the gas tit.

i disagree alky. and i'm not sure what a "gas tit" is.

the USCG is essential to the security of our coastline. when this is over, where they fall in our government structure needs to be addressed.

thanks yet again for making my point.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...
Trump has a history of paying off high price hookers.

Nancy can't be that expensive, looks like even Chuck can afford her.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Trump has a history of paying off high price hookers.

indeed he does.

and trump's so fucking good he got skanky daniel's to pay HIM almost $300K.


btw, has she paid up yet? it was a judge's order you know.

Anonymous said...

commies more honorable than democrats?


well DUH, alky.


you keep stepping on that rake you're going to really hurt yourself, alky.

Anonymous said...

jim acosta beclowns himself... can't find emergency.

Anonymous said...

He is an asset for Pres. Trump.

Anonymous said...

"I find China, frankly, in many ways, to be far more honorable than Chuck and Nancy," Trump told reporters from the South Lawn of the White House on Thursday."

100 True.

Alky, you follow and post Trump like you have an un-natural love for him.
Why haven't you posted Trumps tweet thanking Pres Obama for his support of Trumps Border Security.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

McConnell blocks Senate Democrats' move to reopen government
By Clare Foran and Ted Barrett, CNN

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

the USCG is essential to the security of our coastline.

McConnell blocks Senate Democrats' move to reopen government.

thanks yet again for making my point.

C.H. Truth said...

38 million low-income Americans lose food stamps

6 million face an uncertain timetable for collecting tax refunds

2 million without rental assistance and facing possible eviction

So is it worth it for a bunch of people who twice previously supported a physical barrier on the border... to now demand that it cannot be done, all because of who is President?

Why not just fund the $5 billion?

My guess is that Democrats (like Schumer and Pelosi) don't really care about Government employees. They care more about being "anti-Trump" and not supporting what their party used to support.

Anonymous said...

sorry alky, but the issues that place the DHS personnel into the status they're in is structural, and is something larger than a very temporary government shutdown.

you've proved nothing other than that you're a partisan hack (which we already knew) and that you rely on the headlines and opinions of others to do your thinking for you (which we also already knew).

btw, the CG guy that i know is huge trump fan and is cheering on the shutdown. he's smart enough to have...

...get this...

...a savings account.

can you fucking believe it?

his mom and dad raised him right and taught him the value of a dollar. and the value of saving a dollar for a rainy day.

anonymous said...

Rat the hole posted...

well denny, i wanted to put it into a perspective that you, the alky and the pederast were able to grasp.
go back to banging your tippy cup on your high chair.

Awesome retort there loser.....maybe you can explain to us all why you are such a flaming asshole and trump fudge packer....BWAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

My guess is that Democrats (like Schumer and Pelosi) don't really care about Government employees.

democrats have always only cared about one thing - power.

they're a modern day version of LBJ -

to paraphrase: "we'll have those beaners votin' democrat for the next 200 years."

that's what this is all about, and that's ALL this is all about.

anonymous said...

btw, the CG guy that i know is huge trump fan and is cheering on the shutdown

A survey of one means less than your ability to have a cogent thought....funny how you even have a friend let alone a CG guy living in upstate NY....LOLOL too funny!

anonymous said...

democrats have always only cared about one thing - power.

You mean like trump and his autocratic way of running the country??????

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

McConnell blocks Senate Democrats' move to reopen government
By Clare Foran and Ted Barrett, CNN

alternate headline:

House Democrats Refuse To Include Border Wall Funding In Move To Reopen Government.

see how easy that is alky?

this is on pelosi, not mitch. tell the feckless old cunt to do her fucking job.

caliphate4vr said...

let alone a CG guy living in upstate NY

Umm there's a great lake up there, fatty

anonymous said...

"we'll have those beaners voting' democrat for the next 200 years."

Yep....all second class citizens who deserve nothing because of their origins.....Hope they make your life more miserable than you already are....!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ruth Ginsburg , still MIA .

DO A Sooooooon.

Anonymous said...

Failed use of this word = Autocratic .

Anonymous said...

Umm there's a great lake up there, fatty


actually two. but the kid i know is down in virginia.

how the fuck denny can be awake, functioning and ambulatory is beyond me. the next stroke is sure to kill him.

caliphate4vr said...

Great Lakes
Welcome to the Coast Guard's 9th District, located in Cleveland.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

US Congress Woman Taliban Tlaib getting tossed at a 2016 Trump Rally.

anonymous said...

US Congress Woman Taliban Tlaib getting tossed at a 2016 Trump Rally.


cowardly king obama said...

First televised Democrat debate in June.

unless the shutdown is still going.

expect stores to be out of popcorn so load up early.

anonymous said...

rb said...
Umm there's a great lake up there, fatty

REALLY? In albany??? That's upstate where rat hole lives, idiot... Is that like the gulf coast of GA???? Too funny....pauline...Cleveland is 300 miles from albany....didn't they teach you geography in your back woods school????

anonymous said...

but the kid i know is down in virginia.

WOW.... no a sample size of 2....hard to believe you can walk and chew gum at the same time with 2 make believe CG friends....LOLOLOL

caliphate4vr said...

Fat boy Cleveland is the main office for district 9, which is the great lakes.

I'm sorry you're too fucking stooopid to understand something so simple.

That's what Coast Guard's 9th District, located in Cleveland

Note the word located

Anonymous said...

WOW.... no a sample size of 2....hard to believe you can walk and chew gum at the same time with 2 make believe CG friends....LOLOLOL

no denny. just one. not two. try to keep up. the kid is in virginia.

here are the USCG great lakes stations:,-84790194,268000&tbm=lcl&ved=2ahUKEwjznN6Di-TfAhVMhuAKHdRkCR8QtgN6BAgFEAQ&tbs=lrf:!2m1!1e3!3sIAE,lf:1,lf_ui:4&rldoc=1#rlfi=hd:;si:;mv:!1m2!1d47.0876891!2d-75.5819082!2m2!1d41.1887324!2d-93.0250274

the one in oswego protects the nuke plant.

the other's in rochester.

lake ontario is handled by NY, lake erie by OH.

like i said, try to keep up denny. i promise to type even more slowly for you than i do for the alky.

anonymous said...

Anonymous caliphate4vr said...
Fat boy Cleveland is the main office for district 9, which is the great lakes.

Hey idiot....rat hole lives in the Albany NY area, a fact that apparently eludes you....Albany is considered upstate NY, Cleveland is not.....wanna try again or just slink away like the loser you sure are impressive with your willingful stupidity...LOLOLOLO

Anonymous said...

denny, please drop it before you stroke out again.

i'll tell you what - the early bird special at the golden corral kicks off at 4 pm. that's in 5 minutes.

leave now and you might beat the line full of walkers and hurry-cane's.

anonymous said...

lake ontario is handled by NY, lake erie by OH

LOL.....still no where close to albany asshole....keep trying to your only make believe CG friend in Va...still doubt you have a friend let alone a kid friend in the CG that supports trump....LOLOLOLOL What is more amusing rat hole, Lake Champlain probably has a station of some sort....seems both you and pauline are too stupid to know that....LOLOLOLOL

anonymous said...

i'll tell you what - the early bird special at the golden corral kicks off at 4 pm. that's in 5 minutes.

Awesome comeback loser....keep trying and you may get something's that family of know the wife and gay kids?????

caliphate4vr said...

Fatass all I was showing was the CG has a Great Lakes which evidently you were unaware or you wouldn't have made this asinine comment

let alone a CG guy living in upstate NY

That's your stupid statement, i shoved it up your fatass

It's all you have

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump will declare a national emergency to try and keep Congress from holding this hearing.

President Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen will testify voluntarily before the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 7.

Why it matters: Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison last month after pleading guilty in the Mueller investigation, including on charges that he lied to Congress about the extent of his work on plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Cohen is also expected to face questions about his campaign finance violations and whether President Trump directed him to pay off women with the express purpose of influencing the 2016 presidential election. Cohen said Thursday that he would like “to give a full and credible account of the events that have transpired.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Jimmy Hitler you would not be able keep up with me in the gym.

My walker is folded up.

Can you leg press 130 lbs ×25 ×3

Can you curl 25lb x 15 ×3?

Anonymous said...

uh, yeah alky. all of that plus some. with the liver God gave me.

btw, you do realize that regimen is nothing to be proud of, right?

i mean, for you it obviously is, considering what you've done to destroy yourself and all. but for the rest of us... not so much.

care to join me splitting a full cord of firewood by hand with a splitting maul this weekend? that's how we stay in shape around here. i ain't bragging, that's just how we've always rolled. i grew up doing it and i'll go to my grave doing it.

get over yourself alky. the fact that you've managed to triumph over a completely self-inflicted wound is nothing to be proud of.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

Trump will declare a national emergency to try and keep Congress from holding this hearing.

uh... alky, i hate to break this to you but if trump declares a border emergency it does absolutely nothing to keep elijah "mumbles" cummings from holding this hearing.

and with cummings being one of the dumbest fucks to ever walk the halls of the capitol, i'll be sure to tune in to c-span for the laughs. the man's such an intellectual clod he makes YOU look smart.

the republicans on the committee would be wise to skip that circle jerk.

Anonymous said...

Why it matters:

and there's the irony.

it DOESN'T matter.

it's dogs and ponies. if cohen had prosecutorial value, trump would be under indictment by now.

but i'm sure you'll pop a viagra and jerk off to it, alky.

anonymous said...

That's your stupid statement,

Yes it is numb nut....albany is in Upstate NY......Cleveland is not.....for the geography challenged asshole from georgia...LOLOLOL

I very well know the great lakes have a huge CG presence.....why would you think otherwise other than trying to show me up with your UGA education in sales????? Why didn't you come up with Lake Champlain or know albany was in Upstate NY. better yet not knowing where rat hole lives is most amusing!!!!!....the amount of your stupidity today is boundless.....go slink and suck on donnie's dick which you do so well....LOLOLOLO

Anonymous said...

What a difference two years and a president from a different political party makes.

Way back in the glory days of September 2016, when the left-wing media could just parrot what their preferred president would say and point out government largesse without blaming said preferred president, Vox published an article titled “The TSA is a waste of money that doesn’t save lives and might actually cost them.”

The article notes that when Homeland Security sent people pretending to be terrorists through the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) airport security with guns and bombs, they went undetected 95% of the time. Further, the article claims that TSA security measures have led to more people driving, which is more deadly than air travel:

“The TSA doesn't save lives, but it probably ends them. One paper by economists Garrick Blalock, Vrinda Kadiyali, and Daniel Simon found that, controlling for other factors like weather and traffic, 9/11 provoked such a large decrease in air traffic and increase in driving that 327 more people died every month from road accidents. The effect dissipated over time, but the total death toll (up to 2,300) rivals that of the attacks themselves,” Vox reported.

The article goes on to cite another paper from these individuals finding that checked baggage screening led to fewer airline passengers, leading to more deaths from car accidents.

So, in 2016, TSA was not just annoying and inefficient, it was actually harmful to the American people.

Fast forward to Tuesday, January 8, 2019. A Republican is president and the government is “shut down” because President Donald Trump wants funding for a border wall and Democrats want… open borders? Now, suddenly, TSA is the most critical safety measure we have as a country. In an article titled “To build the wall, Trump is sacrificing airport security during the government shutdown,” Vox insists Trump is wrong to want a border wall and the TSA is working without pay. (Note: No government employee is currently working without pay as the next pay day is this Friday and they received their previous paychecks.)

“So while the Trump administration is prepared to keep the government shut down to get funding for a wall that will supposedly protect Americans, it is actually weakening the security in gateways where people have actually been stopped: airports,” Vox wrote.

anonymous said...

and the government is “shut down” because President Donald Trump wants funding for a border wall and Democrats want… open borders?

Like the rest of your C+P rat hole....the above is the most egregious pile of bull shit in the steaming pile of excrement you one wants open borders....that is a trump tag line that idiots like you slurp down....BTW....why don't you post the actual town you live in so there is no mistakes by others when I refer to you livening in upstate....or are you too pussified to post that????

Anonymous said...

where i live is my business denny.

and you don't want to know anyway. if you were ever stupid enough to show up my doorstep i'd fill you so full of holes they'd need your dental records to identify your corpse.

you wouldn't want that.

caliphate4vr said...

His fatass would be an issue to dispose of

anonymous said...

where i live is my business denny.

IOW'S I AM A BIG TRUMP PUSSY AND LOSER....Don't have the balls because your wife snipped them or too embarrassed to reveal the slum you live in...Like I'm worried about your hollow threats! You know my addresses and yes that ithaca 20 gauge pistol grip pump is right near the door.....paranoia is your constant companion and your fear of everything is palpable...surprise you can sleep with so many bogey men in your head....explains a lot about your hate of anyone but white people....and why you are so fucked up!!!!

anonymous said...

His fats would be an issue to dispose of

Sure and cleveland is in Upstate NY according to the sage of UGA!!!!

anonymous said...

Cohen to testify live in front of congress Feb 7 Should be a helluva show since it will be televised....trump is going to have trouble sleeping....good....idiot...

Anonymous said...

Projecting, sad.

Anonymous said...

Once Fatty gets confused, he stays that way.

Anonymous said...

Only pussy's have 20 gauge.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The White House has begun laying the groundwork for a declaration of national emergency to build President Trump’s border wall, including searching for unused money in the Army Corps of Engineers budget, two people with knowledge of the preparations said Thursday.

Trump has urged the Army Corps to determine how fast contracts could be signed and whether construction could begin within 45 days, according to one of these people, an official familiar with the deliberations who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe them.

The administration is specifically eyeing a disaster spending bill passed by Congress last year that includes $13.9 billion in funding that has been allocated but not actually spent for a variety of projects, according to the second person, a congressional aide who also requested anonymity.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I have split wood many times. We used to go into the Black Hills and cut our own firewood.

The pine trees were dying off because of some kind of problem. We had a chain saw and hatchets. We would cut them down and chop off the branches. Load up the pickup truck and drive home.

Then cut enough for the winter weather.

The odd are that I am stronger than you. 6'3" 230 gym rat.

anonymous said...

Come to my house goat fucker and we'll see how many holes I can put in your sorry ass.....I bought that gage so my wife could handle it.... my 12 gauge baretta is tough for a girl to handle, unless she is a pig like yours

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He's hiring 17 lawyers.

Of particular concern to Democrats: whether the White House will seek to use executive privilege to keep private any portions of Mueller’s report that addresses alleged obstruction of justice by the president….If the Justice Department agrees with the White House counsel that the report or portions of it should be withheld from the public, the House could try to subpoena the document….The legal showdown could be one of the most significant debates over presidential executive privilege since President Richard Nixon sought to block the release of his White House tapes in the Watergate investigation.

The White House has hired 17 lawyers for this? That’s a helluva lot of lawyers. They must be pretty sure there’s some seriously damning stuff coming out in Mueller’s report.

Anonymous said...

Which Liberal Judge is ready to stop the President IF he does?

Anonymous said...

Denise I see you found w
Your cyber courage.

Anonymous said...

Stupid weapon owner.
"ithaca 20 gauge pistol grip pump is right near the door.."

Unsafe to have loaded gun in a home in a location like that.

Anonymous said...

CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta appeared to inadvertently make the case on Thursday for a steel version of President Donald Trump’s border wall.

“I found some steel slats down on the border,” Acosta tweeted. “But I don’t see anything resembling a national emergency situation.. at least not in the McAllen TX area of the border where Trump will be today”:

Anonymous said...

Left-wing pop icon Cher went after Democratic Congressional leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, accusing them of “putting lives in danger” by failing to end the ongoing government shutdown.

In a now-deleted tweet, Cher warned that Democrats are vulnerable to the political fall out over the shutdown, and that their current refusal to negotiate makes them look like “obstructionist swamp scum.”


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He's so far apart from reality. He's not sane anymore. Or maybe never was. Sean Hannity tried to help him look coherent but he is not coherent enough to be the President.

Trump can’t explain his emergency plan
As the partial shutdown wheezes into its third week, there’s a growing consensus in Washington that Trump’s way out of the bind will be to assert some kind of emergency wall-building power that turns this into a fight with the courts and let’s Trump reopen the government without seeming to back down.

But when Hannity brings this option up, presumably so that Trump can make the case for it, the president can’t be bothered to explain what powers he’s talking about asserting or why (he should maybe read Emily Stewart’s explainer). Trump says that he is “allowed to do it” meaning declare an emergency but he can’t describe what law allows him to do it or what such a declaration would let him do. He just starts rambling.

Hannity: You said earlier today that it’s likely that you are very likely going to declare a national emergency. How soon would that happen?

Trump: If we don’t make a deal with Congress, most likely I will do that I would actually say I would. I can’t imagine any reason why not because I’m allowed to do it. The law is 100 percent on my side. So, if we can’t make a deal with Congress, we should be able to make a deal with Congress. If you look, Democrats in Congress, especially the new ones coming in are starting to say wait a minute, we can’t win this battle with Trump because of the fact that it’s just common sense. How can we say that a wall doesn’t work? They show on helicopters empty fields and people just running through. And you put a wall, they can’t run through.

Then Hannity tries to help him out with a specific idea — maybe through an emergency declaration he could use Defense Department money to build a wall. But Trump immediately veers off track and starts talking about wheels.

Hannity: What are the options though if you declare a national emergency, the Pentagon also has the funds available that they would be able to help support the building of the wall.

Trump: If we don’t make a deal with Congress, which we should be able to. Really just common sense and there is some compromise needed and, look, they know that the wall is working. Do you know what works? A wheel. And a wall. They call it a medieval thing. Well, you know, I’m looking at all these very expensive cars all over here loaded up with machine guns and every single one of them has wheels. A wheel is an old thing. There are two things that they work. A wall would be so effective. It would solve so many killings and so much death and drugs and human trafficking. Where they tape up women on their face. They tape them up and put them in the back of a car or a van and they drive right through our border.

I’m not totally sure what Trump is talking about here, but more to the point Trump isn’t what the fuck is going on here.

It's available on Fox on demand or later tonight.

I usually can't stand to watch Sean Hannity but this is just too much.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

1. "So we're going to Texas. We're going to the border. Just spoke to some of my friends in Arizona. We have tremendous support."
Why do these two thoughts go together? I have no idea. And away we go!

2. "The Republicans are extremely united. They all want to see something happen, but they're extremely united."
"Cracks emerging among Senate Republicans as Murkowski calls for end to shutdown."
3. "For instance, this morning a number of people came out and said, 'You do need very strong border security, and that includes a wall or whatever it is.' A number of Democrats said that, but people don't like to report on it."
Stop me if you've heard this one: I can find no public evidence that Democrats came out on Thursday morning and said that we need a wall. And I looked.
4. "We have tremendous unity in the Republican Party. It's really a beautiful thing to see. I don't think there'll be any breakaway, because they know we need border security and we have to have it."
From The New York Times today: "Though Senate Republicans had not yet reached a breaking point, [Sen. Pat] Roberts said, 'We're getting pretty close.'"
5. "I'm a professional at technology."
Are you now? And what does that entail?
6. "When during the campaign I would say, 'Mexico's going to pay for it,' obviously I never said this and I never meant they're going to write out a check."
This is a clear-as-day attempt to rewrite history by Trump. He repeatedly said that Mexico would need to make a distinct $5 billion or $10 billion payment to the United States for the wall. And when he asked crowds at his rallies in 2016 who was going to pay for the wall, they shouted back "Mexico!" not "Mexico by way of theoretical gains we will make as a result of a restructured international trade deal!" I mean, come on.
7. "So Mexico is paying for the wall indirectly."
[narrator voice] They're not.
8. "And I find China, frankly, in many ways, to be far more honorable than Cryin' Chuck and Nancy. I really do."
This is a stunning statement. China, a nation that a) has a long record of human rights abuses b) manipulates currency and c) is no friend to the United States, is more honorable in Trump's estimation than the top-ranking elected officials of the opposition party in the United States. Sit with that for a second. And then think of how China, once seeing that comment, will seek to use it to their advantage. Not good.

9. "I think that China is actually much easier to deal with than the opposition party."
If this statement doesn't worry you, you're not paying enough attention.
10. "I have the absolute right to declare a national emergency."
"Absolute right." A window into how Trump thinks about himself and the broader government.
11. "I haven't done it yet. I may do it. If this doesn't work out, probably I will do it ... I would almost say definitely."
Classic bit of Trumpism here. I haven't done it. I might do it. I am going to do it. All in just a few sentences!
12. "And they don't come in at the checkpoints, which they do also."
So, wait. Do they come in at the checkpoints or not?
13. "If we don't make a deal -- I mean, I would say a hundred percent, but I don't want to say a hundred percent, because maybe something else comes up."
There is a 100% chance Trump will declare a national emergency on the border if Congress can't come up with a deal to get him his border wall money and re-open the government. Unless something happens. Then there might not be 100% chance. So....
14. "If we don't make a deal, I would say it would be very surprising to me that I would not declare a national emergency and just fund it through the various mechanisms."
Ah yes. The old "various mechanisms" explanation...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A wall would cost tens of billions of dollars and take years to build, yet it would neither fix the immediate challenges at the border nor longer-term problems with the immigration system. More immigration judges and detention facilities are needed to manage the surge of migrants from Central America.

American Voters said...

No pay day today. Coming at chuck and Nancy like a freight train.

Commonsense said...

Trump did not lay out a specific timetable for when he might take such a step, saying: "I think we're going to see what happens over the next few days." However, he appeared to hold out hope for making a deal to secure wall funding and fully reopen the government.

"We should be able to make a deal with Congress," the president said. "If you look, Democrats, in Congress, especially the new ones coming in, are starting to say, ‘Wait a minute, we can’t win this battle with Trump, because of the fact that it’s just common sense. How can we say that a wall doesn’t work?’"

The president spoke to Fox News on the banks of the Rio Grande, where he traveled to argue his claim that a barrier would deter drug and human trafficking into the United States.

"Death is pouring through," Trump said. "We have crime and death and it's not just at the border. They get through the border and they go and filter into the country and you have MS-13 gangs in places like Los Angeles and you have gangs all over Long Island, which we're knocking the hell out of. There should be no reason for us to have to do this. They shouldn't be allowed in and if we had the barrier, they wouldn't be allowed in."

The president said a wall would be "virtually a hundred percent effective and [House Speaker] Nancy [Pelosi] and [Senate Democratic Leader] Chuck [Schumer] know that, but it's politics. It's about the 2020 campaign, it's about running for president. That's what they're doing. They're already doing it. It's a shame. They've got to put the country first."

Democrats repeatedly have refused to approve any legislation to fund the wall. The standoff led to the partial government shutdown, which is set to his the three-week mark Friday.

"Everyone wants us to win this battle," Trump said. "It's common sense ... Look, we’re not going anywhere. We’re not changing our mind because there’s nothing to change your mind about. The wall works [and] if we don't have a steel or concrete barrier, we're all wasting a lot of time."

Commonsense said...

A wall would cost tens of billions of dollars and take years to build, yet it would neither fix the immediate challenges at the border

The people charged with protecting the border said it would. In addition, it would also protected border patrol agents by forcing criminal aliens to cross the border in open rural areas instead of urban neighborhoods.

Guess whose opinion I take more stock in.

Anonymous said...

Guess whose opinion I take more stock in.


while the alky takes his lead from the juice box mafia.