Monday, January 7, 2019

The cream of the liberal crop

Rashida Tlaib and John Bonifaz
Whether the president was directly involved in a conspiracy with the Russian government to interfere with the 2016 election remains the subject of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. But we do not need to wait on the outcome of that criminal investigation before moving forward now with an inquiry in the House of Representatives on whether the president has committed impeachable “high crimes and misdemeanors” against the state: abuse of power and abuse of the public trust.
The Framers distinguished the impeachment power from the power of a criminal prosecution. While Congress has the impeachment power to prevent future harm to our government, prosecutors have the power to seek punishment for those who commit crimes. But it is not Mueller’s role to determine whether the president has committed impeachable offenses. That is the responsibility of Congress.
We are also now hearing the dangerous claim that initiating impeachment proceedings against this president is politically unwise and that, instead, the focus should now shift to holding the president accountable via the 2020 election. Such a claim places partisan gamesmanship over our country and our most vulnerable at this perilous moment in our nation’s history. Members of Congress have a sworn duty to preserve our Constitution. Leaving a lawless president in office for political points would be abandoning that duty.

So basically the argument is circular and rhetorical
  • You don't actually have to wait until there is any proof of any crime to impeach the President. 
  • You just need to decide that you can impeach a President to prevent him from causing "further harm". In this case the subjective opinion that he has committed an "abuse of power" and an "abuse of public trust" is enough to impeach him. 
  • Abuse of Presidential power has always been a constitutional question that has been decided by the courts. When the USSC (on multiple occasions) decided unanimously that Obama had crossed the lines and overstepped his authority there was no public cry for impeachment or insistence that it was a criminal action. Moreover, the actions of Trump (so far) have been upheld by the USSC on several occasions. Abuse of power is a provable tangible issue. Not a subjective one. 
  • Abuse of public trust is certainly not a crime, and by nature is an opinion that will differ based on your political ideology and feelings about Trump. If you voted for Trump, then he has not likely let you down, or abused the trust of your vote. If you didn't vote for Trump, then the fact that you are disappointed is a matter of politics, not a matter of it being a criminal or an impeachable issue. 
So on one hand, they suggest that proof of a crime isn't really necessary, but yet will refer to him as "lawless" based on their opinion that he has abused the power of the Presidency and abused public trust (which are not criminal). Get it? You don't need a criminal act, rather we will just refer to a non-criminal act as lawless.

What they want to do is basically use the idea of impeachment as means to "recall" or provide a "no confidence" vote to the President in order to undo the 2016 election. While the option to recall an elected official or provide for a vote of "no confidence" exists in many systems of governments, it does not exist in ours.

In our system, you can impeach a President who had been determined to commits acts of high crimes or misdemeanors, or to vote him out of office is you don't like the job he is doing. The new wackos of the left, would like to change our constitution with little more than rhetoric and anger.


Anonymous said...

if i didn't know better i'd swear that the dems have the alky on retainer as a political consultant.

Anonymous said...

How long before the off topic Three Socialist Stooges go off topic.

Anonymous said...

Socialism is on Parade.
To bad they are clueless about the US Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Blogger KD said...
How long before the off topic Three Socialist Stooges go off topic.

when the opioids wear off and mail order wakes the alky from nappy time he'll unleash an alky-lanche of copy/pastes that have absolutely nothing to do with this post.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

Thanks to the liberals who took over public education we have a generation of young people who are clueless as to how government and the Constitution works.

This generation never learned civics, never was instilled with a sense of who we are as a people, never got education to intuitively know what is right or wrong in politics and government.

We may very well have an authoritian dictator but it will come from the left. It wlll be a Gaven Newsome of Francis O'Rouck instead of a Donald Trump.

Anonymous said...

She is a Isreal/Jewish people hater.

"Tell us more about dual loyalty, @RashidaTlaib."

Commonsense said...

I am pleased to inform you that I will Address the Nation on the Humanitarian and National Security crisis on our Southern Border. Tuesday night at 9:00 P.M. Eastern.

Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Blogger KD said...

She is a Isreal/Jewish people hater.

big time.

but the democrat brain trust would have us believe that the knights of columbus is the real problem.

Commonsense said...

Up and down the line the Democrat party is becoming increasingly more anti-Semitic.

Anonymous said...

Stay tuned.


all the same liberal asshats and turd burglars that have covered every moment that trump has sneezed, farted, and scratched his balls are suddenly defiant in their opposition to any networks giving trump a second of airtime to take his border wall case to the american people.

it's like the most hypocritical thing i've seen in like the last 15 minutes.

Anonymous said...

hating joos and christians is easy.

criticizing I-Slam takes something that every liberal lacks - courage.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You don't actually have to wait until there is any proof of any crime to impeach the President.


The house of Representatives can charge the President with high crimes and misdemeanors. That's the only Constitutional requirement.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You just need to decide that you can impeach a President to prevent him from causing "further harm". In this case the subjective opinion that he has committed an "abuse of power" and an "abuse of public trust" is enough to impeach him.


The house of Representatives can charge the President with high crimes and misdemeanors. That's the only Constitutional requirement.

Commonsense said...

I think the founders envision that there would be some sort of evidence before you took the extreme step of impeachment.
They assume the house of represenatives would be serious, responsible people. Obviously they never foresaw the modern Democrat party.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In our system, you can impeach a President who had been determined to commits acts of high crimes or misdemeanors, or to vote him out of office is you don't like the job he is doing.

Correct. But it has strong implications to the office of the President in the future.

If the Republicans had attempted to impeach President Obama because they (had been determined to commits acts of high crimes or misdemeanors, or to vote him out of office is you don't like the job he is doing.)

You would have enthusiastically agreed to his impeachment because of the ACA.


The house of Representatives can charge the President with high crimes and misdemeanors. That's the only Constitutional requirement.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If the Democrats attempted to impeach President Trump because they (had been determined to commits acts of high crimes or misdemeanors, or to vote him out of office is you don't like the job he is doing.)

I would strongly oppose the impeachment of President Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If they find out that he has objected justice or conspired with the Russians even though second person he should be impeached.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The accusations of up and down the line the Democrat party is becoming increasingly more anti-Semitic is fucking ridiculous.

Commonsense said...

Incorrect. Barack Obama was guilty of a number of abuse of power offenses with DACA being the most famous. He lost a number of cases in SCOTUS to prove it but not one is an impeachable crime.

"Abuse of Trust" is a political opinion not an impeachable crime. It is an issue that is settle in the ballot box.

The voters usually don't forgive politicians who try to overturn the results of a presidential election without a very good reason. Proceed at your own risk.

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Zero people have been arrested at the Mexican border for suspicion of terrorism in the last year.

Commonsense said...

You would have enthusiastically agreed to his impeachment because of the ACA.


There was never, ever any talk about impeaching Barack Obama from any serious source. Not once

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I never said anything about any talk about impeaching Barack Obama form any serious source. Nor once.

I stated correctly that You would have enthusiastically agreed to his impeachment because of the ACA.

Commonsense said...

The accusations of up and down the line the Democrat party is becoming increasingly more anti-Semitic is fucking ridiculous

Not at all. Several Democrat congressmen are openly anti-Semitic. Starting with AOC and Rashida Tlaib. The head of the DNC Keith Ellison is openly anti-Semitic and several Democrat leaders were proud to have their picture taken with Louis Farrikan.

Don't tell me the accusation is fucking ridiculous when more than enough evidence exist.

Anonymous said...

AOC Is going to provide endless entertainment for the next two years."CS

Yep. Open Mic night , every time she sees one.

Commonsense said...

I never said anything about any talk about impeaching Barack Obama form any serious source. Nor once.

I stated correctly that You would have enthusiastically agreed to his impeachment because of the ACA.

You stating it incorrectly in actual fact you're lying asshole. This just proves it.

Commonsense said...

The sage of mahogany ridge runs away to fine something to copy and paste.

Anonymous said...

Presidential Canidate welfare woopie Goldberg has asked AOC to stop "pooping" on the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

We will know old broken spin cycle Roger opinion as soon as he finds it in another person's writings.

anonymous said...

Menstral the cramp once again lies about another subject.....what a jerk!!! A Simple search would have yielded these and other sources......but he was wantonly lazy and instead made up his own reality....LOLOLOLO

There was never, ever any talk about impeaching Barack Obama from any serious source. Not once

C.H. Truth said...


Had people on the right had "enthusiasm" about impeaching President Obama over passing a bad law, then people on the right would have called for his impeachment.

They didn't. Instead they beat the hell out of the Democrats at the ballot box, and promised to try to use their new found political power to legally change the law through legislative channels.

Nobody called for his impeachment because nobody on the right is dumb enough to believe that impeachment is about policy or personality disagreements.

Only people on the left are that obtuse.

Obama had not committed any crimes to impeach him for. The USSC was there to slap down his abuse of power, and the people eventually voted his Party out of both chambers of Congress.

anonymous said...

over passing a bad law, then people on the right would have called for his impeachment.

Seems like cramps....there was plenty of sources talking about impeachment including rush who talked about it all the time....

Commonsense said...

Menstral the cramp once again lies about another subject..

I said serious source. The only one that comes close is Townhall and it's not a columnist I'm familiar with.

Commonsense said...

there was plenty of sources talking about impeachment including rush who talked about it all the time....

The only one talking about impeachment are liberals.

Anonymous said...

"Ocasio-Cortez is a Democratic Socialist. She believes in universal healthcare, tuition-free public college, and massive government investment to combat climate change."

$49 Trillion price tag. And she has her hands on the US Checkbook.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

I never said anything about any talk about impeaching Barack Obama form any serious source. Nor once.

I stated correctly that You would have enthusiastically agreed to his impeachment because of the ACA.

and this is why i'm convinced you're an imbecile. no one on the right, including those on this blog gave one second of consideration to impeaching 0linsky because of the ACA. nor would we support it if some dumb fuck with your level of intellect DID propose it.

the USSC declared the ACA constitutional, alky. how the fuck do you impeach a guy for that??? for you to even float the idea leads me to believe that you are genuinely mentally ill.

it was piss poor law, but constitutional. as as scott noted, the way to punish a politician for bad law is to stomp them at the ballot box, which is exactly what happened to skeets. twice. and since then it's been gutted so badly only a shell remains. it's will collapse on it's own due to it's financial inviability.

now, by calling for trump's impeachment you're admitting to the american people that you don't have what it takes to beat him in an election.

there's nothing "lawless" about this president...

...but there certainly is something galactically stupid about this democrat controlled house. and who you've chosen to be the face of it -

a joo-hating, al qaeda-inspired single mom, and a buck-toothed, googly-eyed moron.

Anonymous said...

$49 Trillion price tag. And she has her hands on the US Checkbook.

the bozo's post just ran the numbers and discovered that her proposed 70% tax on $$$ over $10 M pays for 2.2% of her free shit.

In 2016, the latest year for which government data is available, approximately 16,000 Americans earned more than $10 million each. These are not in fact “the 1 percent” many on the left like to talk about — they are a much smaller slice, fewer than 0.05 percent of all U.S. households.

It’s difficult to estimate precisely how much more in taxes the government could wring from this ultra-elite. Collectively, their total taxable income amounted to $405 billion in 2016, and they paid about $121 billion in federal income taxes. They also face state and local taxes, which raise their overall tax burdens.

As she noted to “60 Minutes,” Ocasio-Cortez’s idea for a 70 percent tax rate on those earning more than $10 million would only kick in beyond the first $10 million in income. So, this new tax rate would do nothing to add to the amount of federal revenue on the first $160 billion (16,000 people multiplied by $10 million) in taxes this group paid.

But that leaves about $244 billion in taxable income for those earning more than $10 million a year. If this entire pool was taxed at 70 percent instead of the 39.6 percent they paid in 2016, the federal government would bring in an additional $72 billion annually — or close to $720 billion over 10 years, according to Mazur.

being factually wrong is OK as long as you're morally right!

$720B is 2.25% of the $32T ten year cost of medicaid for all.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You can't comprehend English.
The Republicans never discussed impeachment or Obama.

But if they had tried to impeach President Obama because they disagree with his policies you would have been cheering out loud .

Anonymous said...

Keep the Mic in her face. Please.

"“If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they’re missing the forest for the trees,” Ocasio-Cortez responded. “I think that there’s a lot of people who are more concerned about being precisely, factually and semantically correct than about being morally right.” Ocasio-Cortez is a Democratic Socialist

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott I seriously disagree with the movement to impeach President Trump.

We soundly defeated the Republican candidates by over ten million votes in the house of Representatives.

The house Democrats should wait for the investigations report before initiating impeachment hearings.

But they definitely should subpoena his tax returns and other financial actions.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He wants a national speech to be broadcast live by the mayor networks.

President Trump just announced that he’s giving a speech on Tuesday at 9 p.m. on “the Humanitarian and National Security crisis on our Southern Border.” Various reporters inform us that the networks are deciding whether to carry it live.

The announcement itself — with its absurd hyping of the notion of a “national security crisis” at the border — leaves no doubt whatsoever about the level of agitprop deception Trump intends to employ. So the networks cannot pretend to be under any illusions about his intentions.

He is increasingly like a caged animal.

They should carry the speach, and follow up immediately to explain the multiple lines and distortions of the facts.

The link will follow.

Anonymous said...

Simple task that the ACA did not do. Assign a new payroll tax.

Want the new Medicaid for all, put it to a vote in the US House with a new payroll tax.

Want the "New Green Deal" put a payroll tax to a vote.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You should watch the interview with her on 60 Minutes.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

CS , Roger is back with his opinion expressed in a clunky disjointed cartoonish post written by someone else.

Commonsense said...

You can't comprehend English.
The Republicans never discussed impeachment or Obama.

But if they had tried to impeach President Obama because they disagree with his policies you would have been cheering out loud .

So now what we're talking is some pink elephant delusional fantasy of yours.

Go back to your bottle Alky.

Commonsense said...

You should watch the interview with her on 60 Minutes.

SNL should sue for copyright infringement.

Anonymous said...

Lol, shit CS. Too funny.

She is the young upcoming Socialist Democrat Party Leader.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You live in a fantasy universe where the evil liberals are out to steal your money and give it to black women with children who don't want to work, but just want to suck off the government tits.

Reagan used the same language 39 years ago. Since then we have gotten over 20 million people medical insurance coverage.

I have no doubt whatsoever that you you would have been cheering out loud in support of #impeachment

Commonsense said...

Obviously you're not drunk enough Alky.

Anonymous said...

Cortez is importing Venezuela to the US Economy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"I think I would have been a good general, but who knows?"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

2,387 days. One day at a time.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Cortez represents the next generation of the Democratic party. She admitted errors in response to the Washington Post story.

If we are going to get Medicare for all, we would have to go back to the tax rates in the 1950s and early 60s. The tax rates for the top 10 percent would increase to about 60 or even 70 percent with deductions.

I don't think that this will pass now, or ever again. But we grew the middle class percentage greater than since Reagan was President.

Commonsense said...

There's not enough rich people to pay for Medicare for all. You can only pay for it by taxing everybody. Heavely, Far more heavely than the 50's and 60's tax rates.

James said...

Trump Told His Immigration Message Not Working
7:20 pm EST

“The President’s decision to deliver a prime-time address and visit the southern border came after some of his allies warned him his arguments about immigration aren’t resonating,” CNN reports.

“In conversations over the past two weeks, some of the President’s advisers have told him that simply tweeting and speaking off-the-cuff wouldn’t alone suffice in convincing Americans a border wall is necessary.”

GOP Leaders Fear Support Eroding for Shutdown
6:58 pm EST

“Several dozen House Republicans may cross the aisle this week to vote for Democratic bills to reopen shuttered parts of the federal government, spurring the White House into a dramatic effort to stem potential GOP defections,” Politico reports.

“White House officials and Republican congressional leaders worry that GOP support for the shutdown is eroding, weakening President Trump’s hand as he seeks billions of dollars for a border wall that Democrats have vowed to oppose.”

Only 6 In Terrorism Database Stopped At Border
5:45 pm EST

U.S. Customs and Border Protection encountered only six immigrants on the U.S-Mexico border in the first half of fiscal year 2018 whose names were on a federal government list of known or suspected terrorists, according to CBP data obtained by NBC News.

The low number contradicts statements by Trump administration officials who said Friday that CBP stopped nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists from crossing the southern border in fiscal year 2018.

Trump Approval Underwater In Key States
4:25 pm EST

A new Morning Consult poll in all 50 states finds President Trump’s net approval rating is now negative in nine states that he won in the 2016 presidential election: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Overall, Trump’s net approval fell in 43 states in last month.

Carter Also Denies Discussing Border Wall with Trump
3:44 pm EST

Former President Carter became the latest former president to deny telling President Trump that he regrets not building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, The Hill reports.

Trump last week claimed former presidents have discussed the subject with him.

Said Carter: “I have not discussed the border wall with President Trump, and do not support him on the issue.”

Democrats Pledge to Paralyze Senate
2:55 pm EST

“Senate Democrats are coalescing behind a strategy to block any legislation on the floor that doesn’t re-open the federal government — planning to paralyze the Senate as the partial government shutdown enters its third week with no end in sight,” the Washington Post reports.

“A growing coalition of Senate Democrats — hailing primarily from states that have a large population of federal workers, as well as the contingent of senators eyeing presidential bids in 2020 — say the chamber should not vote on anything else until the shutdown ends.”

Trump Struggles to Replace Mattis
1:52 pm EST

President Trump “is having a tough time hiring a Pentagon chief after the abrupt departure of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis late last month,” Politico reports.

“The refusals are particularly striking given that the top Pentagon job is historically among the Cabinet’s most prestigious and powerful, and coveted by national security veterans. But Mattis’ resignation — announced in a letter indicating that Trump had disregarded his advice on fundamental issues — has reinforced the image of a commander in chief unafraid to buck his top military advisers.”


CHT said

"The point I was making, Denny...

Was simply to see what reaction you, Rog, James, and others would have. It was (as always) quite predictable.

- You called me names
- Roger triggered out and went on an anti-Trump rage
- James cut and pasted about a different subject "


Radical James said...

'Call Me a Radical:' Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Pushes Back Against Criticism on '60 Minutes'

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez burst onto the political scene last year, defying odds and becoming the youngest woman ever elected to the House of Representatives.

Just days into her term, the freshman Congresswoman from New York has continued to push back against criticism and stand fast in her Democratic Socialist convictions. Speaking to Anderson Cooper in Sunday’s episode of 60 Minutes, Ocasio-Cortez discussed expectations, her policy positions, and making mistakes along the way.

Ocasio-Cortez expressed little concern that people seem to think she doesn’t know “how the game is played,” telling Cooper that she wants people to underestimate her as that’s how she won her primary, she says.

On the plausibility of her proposed policies such as the Green New Deal and Socialist-tinged approaches to housing, healthcare, and education, Ocasio-Cortez stood by her ideas. She explained that while such goals may be ambitious and costly, “no one asks how we’re going to pay for this Space Force. No one asked how we paid for a $2 trillion tax cut.

“How do we pay for [such proposals]?” she continued, “with the same exact mechanisms that we pay for military increases for this Space Force. For all of these…ambitious policies.”

When Cooper called hers a “radical agenda” when “compared to the way politics is done right now,” Ocasio-Cortez didn’t shy away from the radical label. She told the host that “it only has ever been radicals that have changed this country. Abraham Lincoln made the radical decision to sign the Emancipation Proclamation. Franklin Delano Roosevelt made the radical decision to embark on establishing programs like Social Security.”

And, she noted, “if that’s what radical means, call me a radical.”


"- James cut and pasted about a different subject "

The POS "pastor" can't help himself, what a fucking moron


Commonsense said...

Clemson ambushed the Alabama QB for pick six. Clemson up 7-0.


He's the board's AOC

except with an age appropriate dose of RBG


Commonsense said...

Tide roars back with a 63 yard TD pass. Game tied.


Democrats Faked Online Push to Outlaw Alcohol in Alabama Race

The “Dry Alabama” Facebook page, illustrated with stark images of car wrecks and videos of families ruined by drink, had a blunt message: Alcohol is the devil’s work, and the state should ban it entirely.
Along with a companion Twitter feed, the Facebook page appeared to be the work of Baptist teetotalers who supported the Republican, Roy S. Moore, in the 2017 Alabama Senate race. “Pray for Roy Moore,” one tweet exhorted.
In fact, the Dry Alabama campaign, not previously reported, was the stealth creation of progressive Democrats who were out to defeat Mr. Moore — the second such secret effort to be unmasked. In a political bank shot made in the last two weeks of the campaign, they thought associating Mr. Moore with calls for a statewide alcohol ban would hurt him with moderate, business-oriented Republicans and assist the Democrat, Doug Jones, who won the special election by a hair-thin margin.
Matt Osborne, a veteran progressive activist who worked on the project, said he hoped that such deceptive tactics would someday be banned from American politics

So Democrats spent more on "Russian" bots than Russia did and ran two false flag campaigns in the Alabama Senate race. Where's the outrage and daily front page news ???


The first Dirty Democrats campaign:(follow the link)

Here’s The After-Action Report From the Alabama Senate Disinformation Campaign

The following is a leaked copy of the secret after-action report from the Alabama Senate disinfo campaign, sometimes referred to as Project Birmingham. The New York Times broke the story of an orchestrated disinformation campaign in this December 19 article. The Times article referred to these documents, but they haven’t been publicly available until now. The images have been tweaked to remove watermarks and metadata.

Commonsense said...

Looks like this is going to be a shoot out. Clemson up 14-7.

Commonsense said...

Bama drives for a TD but misses the point after. Clemson still leads 14-13.

Anonymous said...

Damn, kickers.

Commonsense said...

It would be ironic if Bama lost by one point that would be two days in a row that a blown kick cost a playoff game.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Touchdown after the interception

Paul is probably crying out loud and drinking a lot of beer.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Clemson is kicking ass.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What bugged you guys was that I stayed on the topic. And shredded the ridiculously bizarre claims that the President is going to be impeached for lying and bizarre tweets about even foriegn affairs.

We will see what the Witch hunt finds.

Anonymous said...

Lol, oh bless your heart, you think that is true.

Lol@2nd Generation Alky

Anonymous said...

Alky is an after the fact fan.

Alky how did your team Denver Broncos do?

Anonymous said...

CS. Yep.

The myth of home field advantage was blown too.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Several dozen House Republicans might cross the aisle this week to vote for Democratic bills to reopen shuttered parts of the federal government, spurring the White House into a dramatic effort to stem potential GOP defections.

White House officials and Republican congressional leaders worry that GOP support for the shutdown is eroding, weakening President Donald Trump’s hand as he seeks billions of dollars for a border wall that Democrats have vowed to oppose, according to GOP lawmakers and aides.

Hoping to sway skeptics in his party and the broader public, Trump will make an Oval Office address Tuesday night to discuss what he called the “Humanitarian and National Security Crisis on our Southern Border," he said on Twitter. Then he will visit the border region on Thursday.

It could get so bad for the that the house could override a veto. The Senate is less likely but Trump is going to take the blame for his shutdown.

Anonymous said...

So President Trump gets aired on all lame stream channels.
Thank God for Dish, I will ignore it all.
Oh, nastychuck, they both want equal air time as the President.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Politico reported

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I will keep a live feed on the lies by the President during the speech.

Anonymous said...

Senate Bill 1, Pro- Israel Bill.
"Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), who likes to refer to himself as the “guardian” of Israel, is whipping against a pro-Israel bill in the U.S. Senate "

"The bill, sponsored by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) with bipartisan support, deals with national security in the Middle East and helps states act against the anti-Israel “boycott, divestment, sanctions” (BDS) movement. Some critics of BDS call the movement antisemitic, because it only targets the Jewish state."

Anonymous said...

"I will keep a live feed on the President during the speech."

Exactly how will you conduct this act.
Surely you don't think this blog is a "live feed".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Anonymous said...

She regained the gavel just over 96 hours ago, but there’s already bad news for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi: Americans want border security.

An Associated Press poll taken just before the shutdown shows that border security is among the top five concerns for the American people.

A recent Gallup Poll — seen as the gold standard in polling — also reported that border security had moved into the top-two concerns for Americans just after the 2018 midterm elections.

A Rasmussen Poll shows that nearly one-fourth of Americans would contribute their own money to build a border wall.

An Economist/YouGov poll shows that a whopping 62 percent of Americans view illegal immigration as either a “very serious problem” or a “somewhat serious problem” — with only seven percent of Americans believing that illegal immigration is “not” a problem.

Suffice it to say, poll numbers are not on Speaker Pelosi’s side in her government shutdown negotiations.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

I will keep a live feed on the lies by the President during the speech.

“There’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

so, according to assholio fucktardio cortez and the alky, lying is fine as long as your heart is in the right place.

hypocrisy is the bedrock of liberalism.

anonymous said...

rolling — also reported that border security

Note the words asshole.....BORDER SECURITY !!!!! Does not poll BORDER WALL...... I agree with the poll!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh, ok d0pie.

then let's just put up a bunch of cameras a buy a bunch of drones so the border agents can watch the beaners swarm across the border in HD.

to the left, border "security" means "securing" the undocumented democrat vote.

meanwhile, a wall, once complete, cannot be defunded like technology can.

C.H. Truth said...

If we are going to get Medicare for all, we would have to go back to the tax rates in the 1950s and early 60s. The tax rates for the top 10 percent would increase to about 60 or even 70 percent with deductions.

So just a few comments after the analysis that showed that the 70% tax rate proposed would only increase revenue by 72 billion a year... which would cover less than 3% of the cost of "medicare for all"....

Roger repeats the silly pie in the sky liberal belief that taxing the rich would pay for Universal medical insurance.

This is cognitive dissonance at it's best. Just a flat out denial of reality in order to continue to believe that "medicare for all" is actually something you can just "pay for".

anonymous said...

Roger repeats the silly pie in the sky liberal belief

And Lil Scottty repeats the talking point BS he always sad!!!

Anonymous said...

MELTDOWN: Assholio Fucktardio-Cortez Explodes After Fact-Check, Doesn't Want To Be Held To Same Standards As Trump


so she boldly compares herself to Lincoln and FDR, yet recoils in horror when held to the same standard of truthiness as trump.

Commonsense said...

A concreat wall won't rust. It would be cool to have a 20 foot wall with stylish watch towers.

Commonsense said...

MELTDOWN: Assholio Fucktardio-Cortez Explodes After Fact-Check, Doesn't Want To Be Held To Same Standards As Trump

It pretty damn bad when a liberals Democrat complains about liberal Democrat "fact-checkers".

Anonymous said...

Roger repeats the silly pie in the sky liberal belief that taxing the rich would pay for Universal medical insurance.

This is cognitive dissonance at it's best. Just a flat out denial of reality in order to continue to believe that "medicare for all" is actually something you can just "pay for".

i'm not convinced the alky's "thought process" is driven by cog dis denial as much as it is thinly veiled dishonesty.

if you recall, alky was convinced that if 0linsky and his merry band of henchmen could just drag the ACA across the finish line in the dead of night, it would be like herpes - we'd have it forever, just like every other massively expensive entitlement ever implemented.

and medicaid for all is no different.

the liberal thought process is - just pass the fucker. and once we get the people hooked on it like a junkie on heroin it'll be here to stay and we just seize what we need going forward.

remember, the ultimate goal of the ACA was always single payer. even that asshole gruber knew that in the form that it passed it could never be sustained.

Anonymous said...

Commonsense said...

A concreat wall won't rust. It would be cool to have a 20 foot wall with stylish watch towers.

i'd prefer 30 ft. with .50 cal machine gun turrets.

anonymous said...

A concreat wall won't rust.

Oxidize is another story....rebar corrodes from the inside out....

anonymous said...

then let's just put up a bunch of cameras a buy a bunch of drones so the border agents can watch the beaners swarm across the border in HD.

Great plan asshole since there are no swarms of beaners crossing the border as you claim!!! They come through checkpoints!!!! How else would they be able to catch those 4000 terrorists that is claimed to have stopped....LOLOLO

Commonsense said...

How do you think it would take rebar to rust in concreat?

You think the rebar in Hoover Dam is still intact or should people move away from the dam?


Commonsense said...

Great plan asshole since there are no swarms of beaners crossing the border as you claim!!

There were 6,000 that tried to storm the border the other day.

The only thing that stop them was a wall.

Anonymous said...

hey d0pie,

here's a story i've been hoping would be written:

Let's Play Follow The Climate Money!

Then we get to the really big money: taxpayer funds that government agencies hand out to scientists, computer modelers and pressure groups – to promote global warming and climate change alarmism.

As Heritage Foundation economist Stephen Moore noted recently, citing government and other reports:

* Federal funding for climate change research, technology, international assistance, and adaptation has increased from $2.4 billion in 1993 to $11.6 billion in 2014, with an additional $26.1 billion for climate change programs and activities provided by the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

* The Feds spent an estimated $150 billion on climate change and green energy subsidies during President Obama’s first term.

* That didn’t include the 30% tax credits/subsidies for wind and solar power: $8 billion to $10 billion a year – plus billions more from state programs that require utilities to buy expensive “green” energy.

* Worldwide, according to the “progressive” Climate Policy Initiative, climate change “investment” in 2013 totaled $359 billion – but this “falls far short” of the $5 trillion per year that’s actually needed.

The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change echoes those greedy demands. It says the world must spend $2.4 trillion per year for the next 17 years to subsidize the transition to renewable energy.

Bear in mind that $1.5 trillion per year was already being spent in 2014 on Climate Crisis, Inc. research, consulting, carbon trading and renewable projects, according to the Climate Change Business Journal. With 6-8% annual growth, we’re easily looking at a $2-trillion-per-year climate industry by now.

The US Government Accountability Office puts United States taxpayer funding alone at $2.1 billion per year for climate change “science” … $9.0 billion a year for technology R&D … and $1.8 billion a year for international assistance. Total US Government spending on climate change totaled $179 billion (!) from 1993 through 2017, according to the GAO. That’s $20 million per day!

At the September 2018 Global Climate Action Summit, 29 leftist foundations pledged to give $4 billion over five years to their new Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming campaign. Sea Change Foundation co-founder Nat Simons made it clear that this “is only a down payment”!

Commonsense said...

So if we stop funding the climate change scam. We could build the wall. Three times over.

C.H. Truth said...

So according to Denny's article...

The best option would be to use the steel/concrete concept, but include the rust-inhibiting compound that would prevent the steel from rusting.

The only downside (or upside depending on your view) is that it can make the structure somewhat toxic. But then again, why build a wall to keep people out when you could build a toxic wall to keep people out!

So yeah, not okay to use the toxic rust-inhibitor when you are building a structure that people will be in. But I see no reason why it couldn't be used for an outside wall.

caliphate4vr said...

Paul is probably crying out loud and drinking a lot of beer

Watching a Bellichek protege get destroyed by my 1st college choice?


cowardly king obama said...

John Hayward

Democrats explain that walls are a 4th Century technology nobody uses any more, like wheels

Anonymous said...

if you recall, alky was convinced that if 0linsky and his merry band of henchmen could just drag the ACA across the finish line in the dead of night, it would be like herpes - we'd have it forever, just like every other massively expensive entitlement ever implemented.

and medicaid for all is no different."

Let's get the wording right  like RRB and I have.

It is Medicaid for All.

Taxing the top will not pay for it, again her Socialist math skills failed her.
ACA and now this require a payroll tax.

Anonymous said...

Roger, "Live Feed".


anonymous said...

merry band of henchmen could just drag the ACA across the finish line in

And the idiot right still cannot come up with a better plan that the liar in chief promised....Another failed policy.....just like mexico will pay for the wall as trump tries to make you pay for it.....idiot.. Why not a fucking moat filled with cow shit??????

Anonymous said...

Roger, "Live Feed".


the alky must be expecting a "landslide" of trump lies.

Anonymous said...

Why not a fucking moat filled with cow shit??????

i see no reason to bring your daughter's vagina into this conversation d0pie.

anonymous said...

i see no reason to bring your daughter's vagina into this conversation

And I see no reason that you should be allowed to breath.....whatta douche......How's your gay spawn doing?????

anonymous said...

the alky must be expecting a "landslide" of trump lie

Sure are more of them than terrorists infiltrating the southern border that Pence and chucklebee claimed and rat hole supports....LOLOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Good morning meatless dOpie.