Friday, January 4, 2019


US economy added 312,000 jobs in December, blowing past expectations
U.S. employers added 312,000 jobs in December, blowing past Wall Street’s expectations for an increase of 177,000 jobs, even on the heels of a tumultuous month for the markets that saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 post their worst performance since the Great Depression.
The unemployment rate rose to 3.9 percent, while the labor force participation rate also rose slightly to 63.1 percent from 62.9 percent during the month. Average hourly earnings meanwhile rose by 11 cents to $27.48. Over the year, average hourly earnings have increased by a total of 84 cents, or about 3.2 percent.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It’s much higher than expected,” said Julia Pollak, a labor economist at the online employment market site ZipRecruiter. “The overall picture is that there is strong job growth on Main Street and it continues to be quite robust, despite uncertainty on Wall Street.”

And the unemployment rate seems to have risen for good reasons — more people are being drawn into the job market, perhaps because of higher wages. The labor force grew by a healthy 419,000 people last month.

Over all, employers added more jobs in 2018 than they did in 2017. But last year was unique, because Congress passed a big corporate tax cut that essentially bathed a sizzling economy in lighter fluid. Optimism among consumers and businesses soared. Manufacturers and builders kept hiring despite trade tensions and a slowdown in the housing market.

“People got used to these eye-popping job-growth numbers,” said Martha Gimbel, director of research for the job-search site Indeed. Even if hiring slows in the coming months, she said, “it doesn’t mean that anything’s wrong, it just means we are heading back to normal.”
The New York Times: U.S. Added 312,000 Jobs in December; Unemployment at 3.9%.

Great News from the Fake News

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Labor Department released its official hiring and unemployment figures for December on Friday morning, offering the latest picture of the American economy.

The Numbers

■ 312,000 jobs were added last month. Wall Street analysts had anticipated an increase of about 180,000. It was the biggest monthly gain since 324,000 jobs were added in February. Including revisions, the monthly average for October, November and December was 254,000.

No plagiarism

Anonymous said...

No plagiarism


one day in a row.

Anonymous said...

Wall Street is no Main Street.

caliphate4vr said...

The Deep State

Exculpatory Russia evidence about Mike Flynn that US intel kept secret

Before Flynn made his infamous December 2015 trip to Moscow — as a retired general and then-adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign — he alerted his former employer, the DIA.

He then attended a “defensive” or “protective” briefing before he ever sat alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Russia Today (RT) dinner, or before he talked with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

The briefing educated and sensitized Flynn to possible efforts by his Russian host to compromise the former high-ranking defense official and prepared him for conversations in which he could potentially extract intelligence for U.S. agencies such as the DIA.

When Flynn returned from Moscow, he spent time briefing intelligence officials on what he learned during the Moscow contacts. Between two and nine intelligence officials attended the various meetings with Flynn about the RT event, and the information was moderately useful, about what one would expect from a public event, according to my sources.

Anonymous said...

4.8 million new Jobs in last two years.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

average hourly earnings have increased by a total of 84 cents.

The middle class is exempt from the tax cuts.

C.H. Truth said...

The middle class is exempt from the tax cuts.

Great! Then I guess I am considered rich, huh? Because they affected me!

Myballs said...

Me too!

I call bullshit on Roger.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

Me too!

I call bullshit on Roger.

roger that bullshit on roger because i got a nice tax cut too.

what really bothers the 0linsky-loving trump haters is that they have to work so hard to find the bad in all the good that trump has delivered. compare and contrast that to the 0linsky regime, where the bad news was piled a mile high at every turn. you never had to look for it.

Anonymous said...

Denise is simply to Stupid to understand how and why the $53 billion leaving the US hurts our economy.

Anonymous said...

Great News Madam Nancy Pelosi promised further Middle Income tax cuts.

Anonymous said...

RRB, note, it is perfectly acceptable to call any Democrat a "MotherFucker".

Anonymous said...

""The middle class is exempt from the tax cuts.""

Roger is too Stupid.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

oh boy.

assholio fucktardio cortez is going to be on '60 minutes' sunday calling for a 70% tax on the "wealthy" to pay for her green raw deal.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Polosi said calling each other a MotherFucker is "just the way people talk" .

Anonymous said...

Yep, she also believes she is like Abe Lincoln.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I got a $32 per month tax cut.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb uses cunt to describe women who are Democrats who are attempting to get the middle class a larger percentage of the GDP that has been declining since Saint Ronald of the Reagan.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Published 1 Hour Ago Updated 33 Mins

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell used his appearance with his predecessors at an economic conference to walk back his previous comments on the Fed balance sheet policy.Powell added context to the comment that its wind-down was on "auto pilot" by saying that the balance sheet wind-down was supposed to operate in the background while the Fed actively used its interest rate policy to influence the economy.Powell said he does not see the balance sheet policy as creating problems in markets, but that that Fed would change the policy if it did." CNBC

President Trump was Right, again.

Stocks Soar.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

rrb uses cunt to describe women who are Democrats who are attempting to get the middle class a larger percentage of the GDP that has been declining since Saint Ronald of the Reagan.

no alky.

i use "feckless cunt" to describe hillary, and i use "feckless old cunt" to describe pelosi.

and i use those because a liberal - samantha bee - said the term is approved for use in our society by introducing it on television to describe ivanka trump.

your team set the rules, alky.

i'm just following them.

Commonsense said...

Democrats who are attempting to get the middle class a larger percentage of the GDP

By taxing them at 70%? Strange way to do it.

Anonymous said...

"Democrats who are attempting to get the middle class a larger percentage of the GDP ".Stupid

Oh really what past policy or further policy is going to transfer wealth to middle income earners?

Anonymous said...

Medicaid For All.

What is the payroll tax rate for that one?

Anonymous said...

who are attempting to get the middle class a larger percentage of the GDP

and to kick off that herculean effort, feckless old cunt pelosi sent out brad sherman to propose impeachment...

steve cohen to propose abolishing the electoral college...

and assholio fucktardio cortez to propose a 70% tax increase because she's a radical like fascist delano roosevelt or something.

my goodness alky, now THAT'S the kind of leadership we've been waiting for.

i can feel my percentage of our GDP growing as we speak!

C.H. Truth said...

I got a $32 per month tax cut.

Obviously you make a lot less money than me then.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

“months or even years”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My retirement income is substantially higher than the average income.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

“months or even years”

according to schumer, who's a walking, talking factory of lies.

relax alky, the motherfucker* can't shut it down forever.

*h/t congress bitch from al qaeda

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

My retirement income is substantially higher than the average income.

well alky,

you're either lying about your tax cut or you're lying about your income.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The dictator is trying to figure out how to be the President forever.

Trump threatens to declare national emergency to build wall, warns of yearslong shutdown
He also said he is considering declaring a national emergency to build the barrier if necessary.

We will have soldiers everywhere if we let him remain to be the President .

Anonymous said...


"I got a $32 per month tax cut."

I feel so sorry for you and your mail order.

Anonymous said...

" you're either lying about your tax cut or you're lying about your income." RRB


Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

The dictator is trying to figure out how to be the President forever.

Trump threatens to declare national emergency to build wall, warns of yearslong shutdown
He also said he is considering declaring a national emergency to build the barrier if necessary.

We will have soldiers everywhere if we let him remain to be the President .

un-clutch those pearls queenie.

first of all, he's not wrong. our open border IS a national emergency. ask officer Singh's family.

second, virtually all of the cocaine that flows into the US comes through our southern border.

i for one, hope trump finds his balls, tells the democrats to go fuck themselves from sea to shining sea, and funds the wall out of the pentagon.

oh, and keep the government shut down for a while longer. all those federal parasites stupid enough to live paycheck to paycheck might just have to enter the private sector and actually WORK for once in their lives.

and alky... the psychological projection on soldiers everywhere was a nice touch. that's what's currently going on in venezuela. you know venezuela, it's where assholio fucktardio cortez and the rest of the democratic socialists of america find their inspiration.

and now that i think about it, those crossing the border illegally are fleeing the squalor resulting from socialist policies and the inevitable dictatorships they cause. and we have a new freshman class of democrat socialists proposing the exact same policies.

how do you square THAT circle, alky?

Anonymous said...

Democrats who are attempting to get the middle class a larger percentage of the GDP ".Stupid

Oh really what past policy or further policy is going to transfer wealth to middle income earners?

Anonymous said...

heh. this is alky-stupid. courting a two-time loser.:

The sources close to Clinton tell CNN that the five Democrats she has met with and others waiting for a meeting are asking for her support if they run.

"People are direct in saying they want her support," the source said. "Others are reaching out."

Anonymous said...

Oh I do love the new Socialist Democrat Congress.
"Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) was joined by political activist Linda Sarsour during her swearing-in ceremony on as a congresswoman on Thursday in Washington, DC. On the same day, a map in her new congressional office was photographed with an attached sticky note identifying Israel as “Palestine.”

Anonymous said...

Any word from Mitt on the Pres. Being called a MotherFucker?

Anonymous said...

KD said...

Oh I do love the new Socialist Democrat Congress.

and the alky absolutely adores these joo-hating shitstains.

think about that.

Anonymous said...

Alky is a fellow Traveler. Of course he loves em.

Anonymous said...

It’s important in politics to be consistent. That’s why I’m always consistent in criticizing Trump no matter what he does.

I’ll criticize Trump for not doing what I want. And then when he does what I said I wanted, I’ll still criticize him. Some smaller minds might call this hypocrisy, but there is no hypocrisy, because I’m sticking to the core principle that Trump is dumb and bad. Even when Trump does exactly what I want, he’s still doing it as Trump, which makes whatever it is now stupid and wrong.

For instance, the other week I railed against Trump for not visiting the troops at Christmas. And when I learned that he secretly went over to visit the troops, I criticized him for how unhelpful his visit was. That’s because he didn’t just visit the troops as president—he visited them as President Trump. Furthermore, he started pulling troops out of the Middle East—something I’ve been demanding forever—but he’s doing it in a Trump way, and now it seems like the most wrong thing ever.

It’s like that time he visited a farmer’s market, and one farmer gave him two apples and then another gave him two more apples and Trump said “I now have four apples!” And I made fun of him for adding two plus two and getting four. Yes, mathematically that seemed right before, but out of his mouth it just sounded like something only a racist moron would believe.

It’s clear that Trump can’t do anything right because he will stubbornly insist on being Trump while doing it. That’s why he must resign—though I will then criticize him for abandoning the country in our time of need.

i think the bee has been reading alky twitter.

Commonsense said...

And they say you can't mock liberals.

Commonsense said...

Maybe SNL should hire the bee to do some real comedy writing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

SNL continues in the White House .

Trump’s Cracked Afghan History
His falsehoods about allies and the Soviets reach a new low.

By The Editorial Board
Jan. 3, 2019 7:03 p.m. ET
President Donald Trump addresses the press in the White House briefing room in Washington, D.C., Jan. 3.
President Donald Trump addresses the press in the White House briefing room in Washington, D.C., Jan. 3.PHOTO: NICHOLAS KAMM/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES

President Trump’s remarks on Afghanistan at his Cabinet meeting Wednesday were a notable event. They will be criticized heavily, and deservedly so. The full text is available on the White House website.

Mr. Trump ridiculed other nations’ commitment of troops to fight alongside America’s in Afghanistan. He said, “They tell me a hundred times, ‘Oh, we sent you soldiers. We sent you soldiers.’”

This mockery is a slander against every ally that has supported the U.S. effort in Afghanistan with troops who fought and often died. The United Kingdom has had more than 450 killed fighting in Afghanistan.

As reprehensible was Mr. Trump’s utterly false narrative of the Soviet Union’s involvement there in the 1980s. He said: “The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia. They were right to be there.”

Right to be there? We cannot recall a more absurd misstatement of history by an American President. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan with three divisions in December 1979 to prop up a fellow communist government.


The invasion was condemned throughout the non-communist world. The Soviets justified the invasion as an extension of the Brezhnev Doctrine, asserting their right to prevent countries from leaving the communist sphere. They stayed until 1989.

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was a defining event in the Cold War, making clear to all serious people the reality of the communist Kremlin’s threat. Mr. Trump’s cracked history can’t alter that reality.

The Wall Street Journal opinion

Commonsense said...

The Soviet Union occupation of Afghanistan was a quagmire that made a significent contribution to it's downfall.

And Trump was right in one aspect. Various branches of the mujahidine fighting the Russians metastasis into Al Quadra and other Islamic extremist groups.

In fact one of their "generals", Osama Bin Ladin was already planning an attack against the United States.

Myballs said...

Lol. SNL is most certainly in the house dem caucus now.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Tin pot dictatorship.

But today, President Trump began a long TV ramble in which he said that he won’t reopen the government until he gets billions for his wall.

Not only is the president holding federal workers, their families, and taxpayers hostage, he says that he’s perfectly fine with keeping this shutdown going for months, even years.

Oh, and while he demands billions in taxpayer money for his wall, he continues to maintain Mexico is going to pay for it. Really?

He’s even claiming he has the power to declare a national emergency and build his wall without Congressional approval.

Not in America, he doesn’t.

I’ve never seen anything like this. Trump is punishing Americans for the sake of a wasteful wall that he promised they would never pay for. And threatening to declare a national emergency like some tinpot ruler.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Not in 1979. Fucking idiot

Anonymous said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"And when your son looks at you and says, 'Momma, look you won, bullies don’t win,' and I said, 'Baby they don't,' because we’re gonna go in and impeach the motherf-----."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Al Qaeda was not in existence when the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. During the Russian occupation.

caliphate4vr said...

Nope but OBL went to Pakiwaki land in 79 after graduating college and helped the muj

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His news conference in the Rose garden was incredible. His ramblings were I'll ilinfomed, but for now most Republicans don't care.

During the news conference, Trump claimed that in California, the government has just finished constructing “new walls, beautiful walls, steels walls.” But he added that “we have terrorists coming through the southern border” — his implication being that the only thing stopping them are the segments of the (imaginary) wall that have already been built.

“They drive right through and make a left,” he added, not citing any examples. “Not gonna happen. Not gonna happen.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In a new email message Friday to the American people, President Trump is demanding that Congress come to an “agreemnet” to end the partial government shutdown and give him his wall “immediatly.”

Commonsense said...

Roger obviously can't read for comprehension.

Anonymous said...

Never has. He is so broken.
The socialist party pushed all chips in on day One.

It was a Yes WE CAN moment.

I , for one am so very, very proud of them MotherFuckers.

Commonsense said...

The wall is not the hill Democrats should want to die on. The more Trump talks about border security and keeping our communities sale the more the Democrat obstruction tactics looks like political game playing.

The last thing the Democrats should want is to look like they are using the safety and security of the people as pawns in an unserious game.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The wall is symbolism and nothing more. He promised that Mexico would pay for his wall.

The Democrats are serious about National Security. The President is into symbolism.

Anonymous said...



Women’s March Imploding: ‘Not All Women Have Female Reproductive Parts’Theo Wargo/Getty4 Jan 20192,632


The main event for the second anti-Trump Women’s March in Washington, DC, is still on, but cancellations of “sister” marches continue to pile up amid charges that the leadership is anti-Semitic.

So far, marches are canceled in Chicago, New Orleans, Washington state, and California, with the latter now defending itself after claiming one of the reasons it halted the event was too many white people were involved.

The Times-Standard in Northern California reported on the canceled march in the mostly white Humboldt County."

Women’s March Imploding: ‘Not All Women Have Female Reproductive Parts’

Anonymous said...

"The Democrats are serious about National Security. " Halfbaked

Ok, do tell.

Lay out your case with real facts.

Anonymous said...

Fed. Chairman Powell yesterday took the advice of Pres. Trump . Powell ended his war of Consumers, Businesses and Wall(ed) Street.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


That's why nobody takes you seriously.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If you’re offended by “impeach the mofo” and not offended by “grab em by the pussy,” check your own dam morals before you shove your holier than thou bs down someone else’s throat.

Anonymous said...

Tick tock

The Democrats are serious about National Security. " Halfbaked

Ok, do tell.

Lay out your case with real facts.

Anonymous said...


"Eureka group cancels annual women’s march over concerns it’s too white


JAN 03, 2019 | 7:25 AM"

Feel Better.

Anonymous said...

Vox. A very leftist site.

"The Women’s March changed the American left. Now anti-Semitism allegations threaten the group’s future.The complicated history, contentious present, and uncertain future of the Women’s March, explained."

Just to comfort Roger.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His incoherent news conference yesterday from the Rose Garden was full of unsubstantiated comments.

President Donald Trump claimed without evidence on Friday that past presidents have privately confided to him that they regret not building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

But at least three of the four living U.S. presidents — Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama — did no such thing.

Asked if Clinton told Trump that he should have built a border wall, Clinton spokesman Angel Ureña said, “He did not. In fact, they’ve not talked since the inauguration.”

Bush spokesman Freddy Ford also said the two men had not discussed the matter. And Obama, for his part, has not spoken with Trump since his inauguration, except for a brief exchange at George H.W. Bush’s funeral in Washington, D.C.

Obama has consistently blasted Trump’s pledge to build a border wall.

They met only once except for the Bush funeral.

President Trump is demanding that Congress come to an “agreemnet” to end the partial government shutdown and give him his wall “immediatly.”

He is exhibiting senility and incoherent behavior and comments. You choose to ignore this behavior.

Anonymous said...

Huffington Post


Women’s March Founder Calls For Co-Chairs To Resign Over ‘Hateful, Racist Rhetoric’

“I have waited, hoping they would right the ship. But they have not,” Teresa Shook wrote.

By Alanna Vagianos."

Anonymous said...

Tick tock

The Democrats are serious about National Security. " Halfbaked

Ok, do tell.

Lay out your case with real facts.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Commonsense said...

The Democrats are serious about National Security. The President is into symbolism.

If the Democrats were serious about National Security then they would let Trump build his "symbolic wall" and fund the government.

But it's not about that for the Democrats. It's about getting a pyrrhic victory over the president regardless of whether they put the country's security in jeopardy or not.

Trump is on the right side of the argument. The sooner the Democrats realized that the better it is for them. The fact that the Democrats kept a trillion dollar government shut down for months over a measly 5 billion for a wall will be remember by voters in 2020.

Commonsense said...

The inconvenient fact Josh Marshall didn't tell you Roger is that all three presidents signed a budget with border wall funds in it.

See what happens when you're too lazy to do some research?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The White House did not respond to a request for an explanation of Trump’s remarks, which came during a lengthy appearance in the Rose Garden in which he insisted he won’t reopen the government until Democrats relent and approve more than $5 billion for the wall.

“This should have been done by all of the presidents that preceded me and they all know it," Trump said. "Some of them have told me that we should have done it.”

Trump has a long track record of exaggerating, embellishing or outright not telling the truth. Fact-checkers have identified thousands of false claims since Trump took office.

"I think it's well-known that the incumbent president is very careless with the truth," former president Carter said last year in an interview with CBS News.

"I think I went through my campaign and my presidency without ever lying to the people or making a deliberately false statement, and I think that would be a very worthwhile thing to reinsert into politics these days," he added.

Hundreds of miles of border fencing already exist along parts of the border with Mexico. Some of the border fencing dates back to the 1990s. More was built following the passage of a 2006 border security bill signed by then-President George W. Bush. The construction of that border fence stretched into the Obama administration.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Hundreds of miles of border fencing already exist along parts of the border with Mexico. Some of the border fencing dates back to the 1990s. More was built following the passage of a 2006 border security bill signed by then-President George W. Bush. The construction of that border fence stretched into the Obama administration.

Anonymous said...

Immoral Fence according to the Socialist Party.

So remove it.

Anonymous said...

Ford cancels Mexico plant, expands U.S. factory and adds 700 jobs


Updated 5:00 p.m. CST Jan. 4, 2017




Ford Motor announced Tuesday that it would cancel plans for a $1.6 billion Mexico plant and launch a Michigan expansion in a move that may be viewed as a capitulation to Donald Trump."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump falsely claims 30-35 million undocumented immigrants are living in US

President Trump also used his extended time in front of cameras to make a claim widely inflating the current number of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.

“Look, when you hear -- I've been hearing 11 million; I've been 12 million; I've been hearing 35 million,” Trump said. “I used to hear 11 million all the time. It would always stay right at 11.”

Trump added, “It's probably 30, 35 million people.”

But that claim is false.

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, testifying before the House Oversight Committee on Dec. 20, said her department currently estimates there are “somewhere” between 11 million and 22 million undocumented immigrants currently residing in the U.S.

Pew Researchers have generated much more conservative estimates, however, releasing research that they claim shows the number of undocumented immigrants has actually decreased leading up to 2016 from its peak of 12.2 million in 2007 when George W Bush was President.


Commonsense said...

I don't think anybody knows for sure how many illegal immigrants are in the country.

Could be 12, could be 35 million. What we do know is that there is far more than their should be.

Anonymous said...

Is this your case HalfBaked?

"Hundreds of miles of border fencing already exist along parts of the border with Mexico. Some of the border fencing dates back to the 1990s. More was built following the passage of a 2006 border security bill signed by then-President George W. Bush. The construction of that border fence stretched into the Obama administration."

If it is, it is in direct polar opposite of what you said earlier.

Your case above is other Presidents got boarder wall funding , but your team must deny this President that same funding.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday the wife and I decided to buy more Clinton ERA created I Bonds.
Rate is 2.83% and these will be legacy bonds for the kids.

"A purchase has been scheduled in your TreasuryDirect account on 1/4/2019. For more details, go to the History tab and click Security History. If you have a question about this activity, please call (844) 284-2676.

Thank you for using TreasuryDirect."

You're welcome. Buy bonds support the USA.

anonymous said...

KD said...
Yesterday the wife and I decided to buy more Clinton ERA created I Bonds.

BWAAAAAAAA!!!! What did you use to trade for them......your goats, wife or double wide????????

anonymous said...

Could be 12, could be 35 million

And they add $7 billion to SS and spend millions to live....significant numbers that add to the GDP and puts tomatoes on you Burger King.....LOLOLOLOLOL
Illegal immigrants are estimated to pay in about $7 billion per year into Social Security. In addition, they spend millions of dollars per year, which supports the US economy and helps to create new jobs.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm not going too far into it, but if you're outraged at a young woman in college dancing and having fun and another woman for using an expletive for a man whom nothing but expletives could ever describe, but you can ignore dead children and raped youths in our detention centers and children being taken from parents and locked in cages, or you're not outraged enough to open your mouth against your tax dollars being used to slaughter and starve millions of children and you'd rather to let American schools and infrastructure go unfunded and people's healthcare taken away to build a Wall (when there are multitudes of underground tunnels from Mexico to here to render a Wall useless as teats on a Boar), then you are seriously off your rocker!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is refusing to end the partial government shutdown unless Democrats grant him federal funding for the wall that he originally told voters Mexico would pay for.

This is irrelevant because you have lost your mind mother f****r.

Anonymous said...

feckless al qaeda single mom cunt is the new face of YOUR democrat party...


i love it.


Anonymous said...

Could be 12, could be 35 million. What we do know is that there is far more than their should be.

trump's 35M is a helluva lot closer to the real number than the 10.7M bullshit that the 0linsky regime was peddling.

yale has it pegged at around 22. and i'll bet that's light by half.

whatever the number, the democrats want MORE, even if Americans have to die. because they need dem votes.

Anonymous said...

feckless al qaeda single mom cunt is the new face of YOUR democrat party...

...motherfucker." RRB

And here Map Erasing Israel is Priceless.

Socialist Party has some really weird bleeding front hole as thier Leardship.

Anonymous said...

Roger what would you do if the President grabbed your cunt?

Anonymous said...

Lol@ Denise
" did you use to trade for them"

Old goat, it is called electronic Transfer. God you know nothing.

Anonymous said...

Forbes News.

"312,000 Jobs Added In December, Manufacturing Growing 714% Faster Under Trump Than Obama

Chuck DeVore. Contributor"

That MotherFucker sure knows how to make the Lost Years look even worse.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In a rambling hour-long news conference in the Rose Garden that followed a meeting with senior lawmakers, Trump asserted that he had the power to declare a national emergency to build the wall without Congress — a move that would almost certainly be challenged in the courts. At the same time, he insisted the government would stay shuttered while the wall impasse continues, claiming without offering evidence that previous presidents have told him they wished they had built a wall themselves. 

Commonsense said...

Seems the TSA sick out story CNN was pushing is fake. This is why nobody trust them.

Here's a suggestion, if you don't want to be accused of spreading fake news, then maybe you should stop spreading fake news.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

In a rambling hour-long news conference in the Rose Garden...

this is why you need to watch these things live like i did alky.

it wasn't rambling. some twat from CNN did have an acosta moment though and had to have the mic taken away from her.

Anonymous said...

The Department of Homeland Security on Friday denounced a CNN report that found hundreds of Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officers are calling out sick as they work without pay during the ongoing partial government shutdown.

“More #FakeNews from @CNN. Security operations at airports have not been impacted by a non-existent sick out," Department of Homeland Security spokesman Tyler Houlton tweeted Friday evening.

"CNN has the cell numbers of multiple @TSA public affairs professionals, but rather than validate statistics, they grossly misrepresented them,” he claimed.