Friday, January 4, 2019

The religious composition of the 116th Congress

Faith on the Hill (Pew Research)
The new, 116th Congress includes the first two Muslim women ever to serve in the House of Representatives, and is, overall, slightly more religiously diverse than the prior Congress.
There has been a 3-percentage-point decline in the share of members of Congress who identify as Christian – in the 115th Congress, 91% of members were Christian, while in the 116th, 88% are Christian. There are also four more Jewish members, one additional Muslim and one more Unitarian Universalist in the new Congress – as well as eight more members who decline to state their religious affiliation (or lack thereof).
While the number of self-identified Christians in Congress has ticked down, Christians as a whole – and especially Protestants and Catholics – are still overrepresented in proportion to their share in the general public. Indeed, the religious makeup of the new, 116th Congress is very different from that of the United States population.
So what is the biggest religious discrepancy?

Currently, nearly a quarter of Americans identify as having no religious affiliation. However, only one person in Congress (Kyrsten Sinema) admits to having no religious affiliation.

That's a serious underrepresentation, folks.


caliphate4vr said...

Liberal heads EXPLODE

Trump administration considers rollback of anti-discrimination rules

Myballs said...

The socialist democrat party now running the house have already put forth bills to impeach the president and eliminate the electoral college. And they're led by a senile old woman approaching 80 years old.

I'm so glad I'm not a democrat.

Commonsense said...

Hope those moderate voters in those swing districts are paying attention. Their the ones who will pay 70% of their income in taxes if the Democrats have their way.

Not to mention all the radical proposals they abhor.

Anonymous said...

Green New Deal Tax
I want this to pass the US House.
We need this kind of Socialist Democrat to be in the lime light.

US - China Trade Talks in Beijing next Monday Tuesday at the request of China.

American Voters said...

Level of class and integrity of the incoming house members of the two parties:

Democrat Israel hating liberal calls the President of the United States a motherf*cker.

Contrast that with military vet Dan Crenshaw who lost an eye in the service of his country.

These democrats can kiss my ass.

caliphate4vr said...

Fast and Furious on a global scale. Thanks Obunghole and Cankles

Powerful Antitank Missiles Put U.S. Forces in Middle East at Risk
The Wall Street Journal
Jan 2, 2019
An upgraded class of high-powered weaponry has flooded the battlefields of the Middle East, threatening even the most sophisticated battle tanks and highlighting a gap in U.S. military preparedness.

The weapons—antitank guided missiles, or ATGMs—were first developed decades ago, but recent years have brought advances in their technology, ease of use and availability on the battlefield, making them a fearsome and little-acknowledged threat to U.S. troops.

The proliferation is largely the result of efforts of powers such as the U.S., Russia and Iran to arm and train proxy fighters, including by sending them antitank missiles along with other weaponry.

A U.S. program begun in mid-2013 provided weapons including ATGM missiles to rebels fighting the Assad regime in Syria. President Trump later canceled the program, saying in a 2017 interview with The Wall Street Journal that it allowed weapons to fall into al Qaeda hands.

“There is absolutely the possibility that the U.S. may face some of the same ATGMs it has delivered in the past to the Middle East,” said Omar Lamrani, a senior military analyst with the Austin, Texas-based defense-intelligence firm Stratfor. Islamic State and al Qaeda offshoots, among others, now possess American-made missiles, he added.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are an atheist. Except that you worship the President.

Anonymous said...

Published 1 Hour Ago Updated 33 Mins

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell used his appearance with his predecessors at an economic conference to walk back his previous comments on the Fed balance sheet policy.Powell added context to the comment that its wind-down was on "auto pilot" by saying that the balance sheet wind-down was supposed to operate in the background while the Fed actively used its interest rate policy to influence the economy.Powell said he does not see the balance sheet policy as creating problems in markets, but that that Fed would change the policy if it did." Cnbc

Indy Voter said...

The two biggest increases were in the "refused to answer" and in "unspecified Christian" categories. Iow, in "none of your business".

Anonymous said...

hey alky,

don't quote me on this but i'm hearing a rumor that there's an effort to sculpt a statue featuring 0linsky's nutsack so you'll have something to worship too.

i hear they're going to park it on a pedestal right next to the MLK memorial. that looks like segregation if you ask me, but it's not my decision to make.

oh, and it will have handicap access so you and your walker can get in no problem.

when i find the on-line petition i'll post the link.

you're welcome.

Anonymous said...

btw, are there enough moose-limbs to organize a sharia caucus yet?

Myballs said...

Hispanic unemployment lowest ever
Manufacturing best in 20 years
Record number Americans working
Dow up 800

And dems want to impeach

What an embarrassment they are.

C.H. Truth said...

Indy - what you point out is obviously true.

But the underlying concept is that we now have nearly one in four people not affiliated with any religion, but Politicians still feel it necessary to at least "pretend" that they go to church or "avoid" the question all together.

It's almost as if admitting you don't go to church is some sort of political albatross that you don't want around your neck.

Commonsense said...

It's almost as if admitting you don't go to church is some sort of political albatross that you don't want around your neck.

Fairly or not it usually is with the voters.

Anonymous said...

But the underlying concept is that we now have nearly one in four people not affiliated with any religion, but Politicians still feel it necessary to at least "pretend" that they go to church or "avoid" the question all together.

shit, if that was all the posturing, posing, and fakery they engaged in to bullshit the electorate we'd ALL be better off.

i hear where you're coming from but i wouldn't feel slighted. it's not like they're fooling anyone who refuses to be fooled to begin with.

and i applaud your atheism. one of my best friends is an atheist, and as a non-practicing catholic myself, i'm aligned more closely with you guys than i am my own lapsed faith.

anonymous said...

That's a serious underrepresentation, folks.

And a call for you atheists to run!!!! Problem seems to me is motivating atheists to run since the really only reliable votes are zealot christians who show up in primaries....Your premise is hysterical Lil Scotty....and likely stolen from another source....Keep up the inanity, it is fun discussing a subject as stupid as this.......BTW....better subject, since women make up the majority of the country, why are they so underrepresented in congress??????

anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
Hispanic unemployment lowest ever
Dow up 800

Gee, that gets us back to even for the week.....WOW!!!!

anonymous said...

Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts to retire in 2020
Roberts will make a formal announcement in Kansas Friday afternoon, but he has indicated to Republicans that he plans

Another old white man tosses in the towel.....good riddance!!!!! His replacement will be just as white, but not as sad...


anonymous said...

Trump says he would consider declaring a national emergency to force border wall funding

BRILLIANT......Maybe he should hold his breath and stomp his feet and beg Pelosi for the money.....the country ain't going to buy the BS, just the trump slurping idiots like rectum breath, Lil Scotty, cramps and the goat fucker who all feel threatened from the hoard trying to take our country by force!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he should hold his breath and stomp his feet and beg Pelosi for the money.....

dumb fuck,

if he declares a national emergency, he doesn't have to ask anyone for the money.

that's the fucking point, you imbecile.

you had another stroke, didn't you?

anonymous said...

For the weak minded trumpists who have trouble with the written word....

a continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land:
"a garden wall"

a barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire, enclosing an area of ground to mark a boundary, control access, or prevent escape.

anonymous said...

he declares a national emergency, he doesn't have to ask anyone for the money.

Which makes it a constitutional issues of separation of powers.......Of course you don't see that....LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Which makes it a constitutional issues of separation of powers.......Of course you don't see that....LOLOLOL

not even close. if it's a matter of national security he has the authority.

did someone dribble you like a fucking basketball the day you were born?

anonymous said...

Those darned democrats working at TSA are calling in sad those who made all those donations to Hillary don't have the money now to live on,......

anonymous said...

if it's a matter of national security he has the authority.

He said the military would build keep hearing only part of the story, rat hole....Did someone drop you on your head in the delivery room?????.....asshole...Thanx for playing....LOLOLOL Wanna try again?????

Myballs said...

Dopie outdoing himself in stupid today

anonymous said...

Dopie outdoing himself in stupid today

Ballz playing solitaire with a deck of 51......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Same asshole who thinks getting even on the dow for the week is great!!!!! Brilliant.....

Commonsense said...

Those darned democrats working at TSA are calling in sad those who made all those donations to Hillary don't have the money now to live on.

Guess they shouldn't have wasted their money on Hillary.

Then again the 3rd ID can take up the slack. They are getting paid and they never call in sick.

anonymous said...

Guess they shouldn't have wasted their money on Hillary.

Gee asshole, that's what I said....LOLOLOL...

WTF is 3rd ID???? and they never call in sick....brilliant....

Commonsense said...

3rd Infrantry Division United States Army.

Shit for brains.

caliphate4vr said...

WTF is 3rd ID???? and they never call in sick....brilliant...

The Rock of the Marne never calls in sick


Commonsense said...

This is what an FDU degree gets you.

Anonymous said...

Lol, nada.

Anonymous said...

"WTF is 3rd ID?"

Dopie every freaking day.

Anonymous said...

"even on the dow " for the week .

Humm, "even" you sure?

caliphate4vr said...

While the rest of the 3rd Division was pushed back, the 38th Infantry was giving the Germans hell. Refusing to relinquish his position despite his exposed flanks, Col. McAlexander pulled his two battalions on the flanks back to form a horseshoe shape. The shape of his defense and the stubbornness with which he held it earned McAlexander and the rest of the regiment an enduring nickname – the Rock of the Marne.

General Ulysses Grant McAlexander.

The nickname eventually came to encompass the entire division for their stellar defense of their sector during the massive German attack. The Division would later adopt the special designation The Marne Division as well for their part in the battle.

At the Second Battle of the Marne, the 3rd Division also received its official motto. As French troops retreated, 3rd Division soldiers rushed to the scene to hold the line. The division commander, Maj. Gen. Joseph Dickman, gave his famous orders, in French so their allies would understand, "Nous resterons la!" – We shall remain here!

"The Marne Division", July 14, 1919.

The battle was significant. Not just to the 3rd Division but to the entire American war effort. The Americans were relatively untested at the time and their success in holding back the Germans at the Marne garnered great respect from their European counterparts.

Stopping the German offensive also opened the way for the immediate counterattacks of the Aisne-Marne Offensive and finally the Hundred Days offensive that would eventually lead to Germany's capitulation. The division's stand was called "one of the most brilliant pages in the annals of military history" by the commander of the American Expeditionary Forces, Gen. John Pershing.

anonymous said...

Commonsense said...
3rd Infrantry Division United States Army.

Wow!!! Never would have guessed that....I remember you once questioning me on some aircraft acronyms a while back.....I believe it was MGTOW,,,,,which i provided an explanation without comment....However your two stooges came to your side with typical sophomoric comments....Oh we'l fuck all of you....

BTW 2 R senators said they would support the pelosi bill.....1 more and mitch is fucked!!!!

anonymous said...

Hmm, "even" you sure?

Why don't you tell us.....asshole...

Commonsense said...

I remember you once questioning me on some aircraft acronyms a while back.....I believe it was MGTOW

Maximum Gross Take Off Weight? I can't imagine ever asking you about something you're so grossly ignorant about.

But I was amused when you said you could recognize Air Force 1 from miles away with your super secret x-ray goggles.

Anonymous said...

"Same asshole who thinks getting even on the dow for the week is great!!!!! Brilliant."
Dopie wrong again.
Dow Jones actual Numbers
Dec 31, 2018 23,153 monday
Jan 04, 2019 23,433 friday

anonymous said...

Dopie wrong again.

How is that goat fucker....after a 700 point day, the dow barely finished even for the week.....keep digging

But I was amused when you said you could recognize Air Force 1
And you still can't...idiot

I can't imagine ever asking you about something you're so grossly ignorant about.

You didn't just complained about my use of aerospace industry I worked in unlike you.....

you also believe GW is a hoax and hate women and gays.....that is most amusing

anonymous said...

Funny cramps

Maximum Gross Take Off Weight? I

I can't believe how naive you are to think you proved that you knew that term since acronym finders list it as it is the #1 definition ....but thanks for trying to prove you knew something which you don't I guess being a GED you are trying to prove something!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Commonsense said...

This is a reflexive response of a prehensile brain.

(I know Dennis they are bigger words than your were taught at FDU, I'll give you time to look it up).

anonymous said...

Dec 31, 2018 23,153 monday

Should be 23,300 opening.....can't even get the facts correct^DJI?p=^DJI

anonymous said...

words than your were taught at FDU,

And your college degree is from where???? CULTIST U????? BWAAAAAAAA!!!

Your failure again to prove anything but stupidity is most amusing since you did not even graduate high sad your only defense is using a word that has to do with grasping monkey tails????? so sad that is all you got!!!! Idiot

And no I did not look it up....

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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