Friday, January 4, 2019

Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends?


Myballs said...

Or the alternate Hillary title...

How the hell can he be elected President but I cannot?

Anonymous said...

steven hayward at powerline had my favorite take on mitt's lil diatribe in the bozo's post:

I’m less interested in becoming the 10,000th voice on this issue and more interested in drawing attention to just one paragraph in the article that cries out for closer notice:

"It is not that all of the president’s policies have been misguided. He was right to align U.S. corporate taxes with those of global competitors, to strip out excessive regulations, to crack down on China’s unfair trade practices, to reform criminal justice and to appoint conservative judges. These are policies mainstream Republicans have promoted for years."

I boldfaced “promoted” because Romney has unwittingly provided the devastating argument against his style of Republicanism. Yes, it is quite true that nearly all Republican presidential candidates—and presidents—have promoted tax reform, lower regulation, getting tough with China, and appointing better judges (and add in moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem), if by “promoted” you mean giving lip service to the ideas.

None of them have delivered on these “promoted” ideas (Reagan excepted, of course). The two presidents Bush botched judicial appointments, extended regulation, delivered little in the way of serious tax or spending reform, and did nothing serious with regard to China. I wish Romney had defeated Obama in 2012, but does anyone think this Massachusetts technocrat, who gave us the state-level version of Obamacare in the Bay State, signed up for a regional climate change cap-and-trade scheme, who appointed the egregious Gina McCarthy (Obama’s second EPA administrator) to be his environmental adviser, and appointed state judges who struck the first judicial blows for same-sex marriage, would have governed as a serious conservative had he won?

The point is, Trump has proved that “mainstream Republicanism” was a colossal failure. Whereas Bush-Romney Republicans “promoted” good ideas, Trump has delivered on them.

mitt would prefer to be what buckley called a traditional 'well fed' republican. focus on the meaningless, whine about bullshit like character, temperament, and protocols, and basically just be polite valet's for the democrats.

romney wants to continue to give lip service to things conservatives want to hear.

trump prefers to actually accomplish things, deliver on campaign promises, and if need be - break shit in the process.

the time for polite conciliatory politics has long passed.

the dems lied to and fucked reagan. the dems lied to and fucked h.w. bush. the dems have been fucking lying assholes my entire adult life.

trump would prefer to go to war with them, and it's about fucking time.

peddle your pablum somewhere else mitt. maybe there's some milquetoast on the menu in the congressional cafeteria.

Commonsense said...

It's must gall Romney that his failure in 2012 lead to Trump's election in 2016.

Anonymous said...

It's must gall Romney that his failure in 2012 lead to Trump's election in 2016.


and the ultimate irony is that mitt's little screed was in fact an endorsement of 0linsky's failed 'lead from behind' foreign policy.

caliphate4vr said...

312k jobs


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Unfucking believable U.S. Added 312,000 Jobs in December; Unemployment at 3.9%

Fantastic News

anonymous said...

312k jobs



anonymous said...

Growth forecasts for the fourth quarter are around a 2.6 percent annualized rate, with risks tilted to the downside amid fading stimulus from the Trump

What happened to 4%?????

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

3.9% is due to more people are looking for jobs.

Anonymous said...

What happened to 4%?????

ask jerome powell. when you increase the cost to borrow, investment slows. cause and effect in basic economics. money flows to where it is treated best.


make america white again, d0pie?

why you little white supremacist, you...

anonymous said...

why you little white supremacist, you...

Wg\hat ever you say, bigot.....LOLOLOL!!

when you increase the cost to borrow, investment slows

Are you saying the economy is soooo inelastic that a party raise in fed rates is slowing it down? Or are you attributing the massive tax cuts did shit????? Investment has nothing to do with current GDP....that is long term, not short term like the current quarter....LOL

C.H. Truth said...

Are you saying the economy is soooo inelastic that a party raise in fed rates is slowing it down?

Do you even understand how the economy works?
How various policies affect things?

Or are you one of those people who believes that our economy is mysteriously altered by little more than who lives in the White House?

Myballs said...

After not raising rates for seven years, the fed raised them four times in one year. That's where the 4% went.

It's also where 26,000 went. It was too much too fast. The first two increases were necessary. The last two were not IMO.

anonymous said...

After not raising rates for seven years, the fed raised them four times in one year.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Only neophyte asshole R's are saying that.....The 4% went down the shitter because it was never there and was a busted trump promise!!!!!

It's also where 26,000 went. It was too much too fast.

The 26K went because long term GDP is being forecast to the low 2% due to massive debt and apple forecasting a chinese stall, a japanese and German recessions going on right now...

anonymous said...

Do you even understand how the economy works?

More than you asshole...your naive statement proves that.....LOLOLOL As I have said more than once....the fish stinks from the head down......Funny how you blamed Obama continuously for his shitty economy but hold trump to a different standard...that to me is most amusing....LOL

Commonsense said...

Dennis is particulary nasty when he is caught out in a lie or worse, ignorance.

C.H. Truth said...

Actually Denny, I criticized Obama when he followed ridiculously bad policies with ridiculously bad reasoning.

You can't drill your way to $2.00 gas prices is a typical example of a blanket Statement that Obama made that was ridiculously wrong. Obviously you can drill your way to $2.00 gas prices because we did drill our way to $2.00 gas prices by increasing our oil output by nearly well over 30% in the past two years.

Likewise, it was Obama (and his team of keynesian influenced economic advisors) who stated that 3% GDP growth was unattainable moving forward. Obviously 3% growth "is" attainable because we are seeing it today (making his blanket statement as ridiculous as many of us believe). It can be done with little more than giving the public more money to spend, and allowing businesses more free reign to invest (without so many cumbersome regulations).

Perhaps you know a completely different set of investors, business people, and consumers than I do.

Because I know that for most people (whether they are investors, business people, or just consumers) they are more apt to invest, make business investment, or purchase large ticket items... when the interest rates on the financing is lower.

If it is your contention that buying a car (for example) when you can get a payment for $400 (because of a low interest loan) isn't easier to do than when that same payment is $450 or even $500 (because the loan is now 7-8% - because of the underlying Fed rate).

People will not refinance their houses to a new loan with a higher interest rate than they have, meaning that less people will cash out on equity to do things like remodel, add an addition, take a vacation, etc....

It's common sense, and simple math.

Is that seriously above your head?

Anonymous said...

Manufacturing leap in Employment .
Wow, those jobs are not gone forever .

C.H. Truth said...

Wow, those jobs are not gone forever

Another Obama error...

The issue with Obama was never about what was or wasn't possible. It was always about whether or not something was or wasn't possible within the specific type of economy that he wanted to build.

It was the classic Keynesian philosophy that you can control demand, by manipulating supply. If you took away manufacturing jobs, people would adapt. If you raised gas to $4.00/gallon, people would buy electric or smart cars, or take public transportation. If you forced expensive regulations on companies, that these companies would allow it to eat into their profits (rather than pass it on to consumers).

It's as if Obama and the liberal Keynesian philosophy believes that you can simply change human nature with political policy.

anonymous said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...
Actually Denny, I criticized Obama when he followed ridiculously

HORSE SHIT Lil Scotty... Your constant haranguing about his economy was distasteful at best, bullshit the rest of the time..

You can't drill your way to $2.00 gas prices

He still is absolutely correct!!!! The market is not set by US set on world production....and you professing to not know that is most amusing..... With your whole argument based on bullshit.....You lose....!!!

3% growth "is" attainable because we are seeing it today

Hasn't happened yet has it genius!!!! See the forecast for this year....Low 2' much for your are just spitting out the trump mantra of bullshit....!!! BWAAAAA!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Hasn't happened yet has it genius!!!! See the forecast for this year....Low 2's.

Are you suggesting that the final 2018 GDP growth will be in the low two percent?

Or are you just confusing 2019 "estimates" with how GDP actually performed in 2018?

Anonymous said...

Denise is simply to Stupid to understand how and why the $53 billion leaving the US hurts our economy.