The justice sat in the back of the darkened auditorium at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. The National Constitution Center, which sponsored the concert, did not permit photography.
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conspiracy theories roll on! |
So is it somewhat odd that Ginsburg makes her first public appearance where she wasn't actually seen by anyone or photographed? For the record, I figure she is still alive and well, and will likely be out in public fairly soon. In fact, I think this sort of non-public public appearance is just the sort of thing that will push the rumor mill even further off into the fringe. Perhaps that was even the point. When she finally does appear, the left will take all the shots at everyone who suggested she might actually be dead or otherwise incapacitated.
do not put it past the liberals to make believe she's alive after she croaks. they would do it for as long as they could get away with it, be it for an hour or a month.
in an effort to find a silver lining in the spate of recent infanticide laws passing in various states to thunderous applause, do these new laws mean we can start killing anchor babies?
just curious.
in an effort to find a silver lining in the spate of recent infanticide laws passing in various states to thunderous applause
3 lies in one sentence....trump and Mon Petit Scotty would be proud......fucking state has passed an infanticide law....too bad they don't pass laws on being stupid and republican you can't that deserves support!!!!
We have seen the video's and the Legislation .
The angrier fatty gets the more disjointed his post get.
no state has passed an infanticide law...
NY and VA have. and VT is trying to.
pro tip denny -
if you kill the baby - AFTER IT IS ACTUALLY BORN - that's infanticide.
Trump needs to pound this Hard tonight.
"On Monday, Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) blocked a Republican-led bill that would have required doctors to care for babies who are born alive after surviving a failed abortion attempt.
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) requested a unanimous consent vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, saying, "In this country, all of us are created equal. If that equality means anything, surely it means that infanticide is wrong. Frankly, this shouldn't be hard."
""OK, but to the end of the third trimester?" Republican Majority Leader Todd Gilbert asked her.
"Yup, I don't think we have a limit in the bill," Tran replied.
"Where it's obvious that a woman is about to give birth, she has physical signs that she's about to give birth, would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified?" Gilbert asked. "She's dilating," he added.
"My bill would allow that. Yes," Tran said"
NY and VA have. and VT is trying to.
Neither is trying to pass or has passed an infanticide law....Only lame brain assholes like you opine that thought.....Try again and in your own words, parse the language you feel makes those bills help from links....only your words.....LOLOLOL Knoqing you flunked out of ag school, this should be a monumental joke....just like the goat fucker, you can't write a cogent sentence let alone one that makes sense..
if you kill the baby
No person or law is killing a baby.....asshole....lets not get into viability something you are sorely lacking....
"Where it's obvious that a woman is about to give birth, she has physical signs that she's about to give birth, would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified?" Gilbert asked. "She's dilating," he adde
A very hypothetical question with no good answer.....
New York state has enacted strong new legal protections for abortion rights. The new law, signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday, safeguards rights laid out in Roe v. Wade and other court rulings, including a provision permitting late-term abortions when a woman's health is endangered, The Associated Press reports. The state's previous law, which had been on the books for nearly 50 years, only permitted abortions after 24 weeks of pregnancy if a woman's life was at risk.
“Modern abortion techniques do not result in live birth; however, in the great unlikelihood that a baby was born alive, the medical provider and team of medical support staff would provide all necessary medical care, as they would in the case of any live birth,” he wrote in an email. “The RHA does not change standard medical practices. To reiterate, any baby born alive in New York State would be treated like any other live birth, and given appropriate medical care. This was the case before the RHA, and it remains the case now.”
New York defines a live birth as “the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy, which, after such separation, breathes or shows any other evidence of life such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached; each product of such a birth is considered live born.”
Instead of spewing bullshit rat hole....suggest you read the is very enlightening and you may then understand your infanticide comment is unadulterated guano......asshole
So CNN was tipped off on the Stasi raid of Roger Stone
The Deep State is real
Of course.
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