Sunday, September 1, 2019

Over twelve hundred murders committed between the last two "mass shootings"

And nobody gives a rip about any of those deaths. On average, forty six people are murdered each day, but not with assault rifles so apparently doesn't matter. So now everyone will be up in arms over the fact that five were murdered by one person because of their ability to politicize the shooting as about gun violence.

My advice to you. If you didn't react to any of the other twelve hundred people murdered, and you didn't make a big issue out of those deaths, please don't pretend that you actually give a rip about these specific five people. Because it's clear that you really don't care, other than to make it political.


Commonsense said...

If the Democrats are worried about gun violence now, wait until they try to confiscate the guns.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As of July 31, 2019, 248 mass shootings have occurred in 2019.

You make it political because you want to frame the issue against the media and Democrats, and claim that they are coming to get your guns.

More hackerie as usual.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Roger... I don't own any guns for the Government to take. I prefer to treat all gun violence the same. Whether it is a bunch of gangs terrorizing neighborhoods and shooting things up, or whether it is some person with an assault rifle. People die either way.

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


i see everyone is going apeshit over the midland shooting. let me guess - shooter was a white guy.

six were shot at a HS football game in mobile AL. black shooter in custody.

no big deal.

got it.

You make it political because you want to frame the issue against the media and Democrats, and claim that they are coming to get your guns.

Beto O’Rourke said he would implement a sweeping government buy-back policy for two types of assault rifles, including one commonly used in mass shootings across the US, if he were elected president in 2020.

The Texas Democrat responded to questions on the campaign trail Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia, about concerns the government would take assault weapons away from gun owners.

According to a Buzzfeed News reporter, he said: “I want to be really clear that that’s exactly what we are going to do.” The candidate later shared that quote on Twitter, adding: "We need to buy back every single assault weapon.

Anyone who owns an AK-47 or AR-15 will “have to sell them to the government,” he added.

Commonsense said...

The definition of "mass shooting" is so broad as to make it meaningless. It lumps family tragedies like Blake Bivens and gang shootings with truly horrific events like the pulse night club and the Las Vegas shootings.

There is a difference that is not properly capture in that statistic.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Well Scott you don't care about the children who were killed in school shootings. The assault rifle should not be available to the general public anymore.

Because of the Second Amendment rights, hand guns are always going to be available to gang members, because our gun control laws are ineffective.

But we could reduce the number of people who die by gun violence and fewer people would die. But that doesn't seem to bother you.

Commonsense said...

You will not stop or reduce the number people killed by confiscating semi-automatic rifles.

You will however, start a civil war if you try.

Anonymous said...

Whether it is a bunch of gangs terrorizing neighborhoods and shooting things up, or whether it is some person with an assault rifle. People die either way.


but to roger, and every other liberal on earth, everything must be boiled down to fit into one of two categories:



"mass shootings" (committed by white guys) always fall into the political category. the lives lost are irrelevant, it is the political capital one derives from the issue - gun control (not mental illness) that is of value.

the non-political are the shootings that are occurring right now in chicago. we're in the midst of a holiday weekend. there will be a minimum of 40 shootings and 15 murders tallied in the windy city by the time the weekend is over. the dead and wounded as well as the shooters will be exclusively black, and we know from history that the only black life that matters to a liberal is the one who drags his/her ass to the voting booth to pull the lever for the democrat every two years. because that's what keeps the free shit rolling in.

the alky's motivation couldn't be more transparent. he supports a gun grab, plain and simple. and the dead blacks are an acceptable 'price to pay' because 1- the blacks are the only ones paying it; and 2 - liberals act like the supply of blacks who reflexively vote democrat will never run out.

it's the height of cynicism, but it's what really motivates the alky's of the nation.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump's worst poll against any of the top five Democrats at this point is 5 points worse than the worst poll for any incumbent since World War II against his eventual challenger. It's 12 points worse against his most likely challenger, Biden.

Anonymous said...

But we could reduce the number of people who die by gun violence and fewer people would die.

and you have absolutely zero evidence to support that opinion.

zero point fucking zero.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Confiscation is unlikely. But future sales should be banned. Either commercially or privately. Private sales should be subject to an investigation into the purchaser. All public sales or private.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Your opinion is also zero point fucking zero.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't support a gun grab, plain and simple. Your IQ is zero point fucking zero.

Commonsense said...

Confiscation is unlikely.

That's exactly what Robert Francis O'Phony is saying he will do.

Anonymous said...

fuck you alky.

and thanks for illustrating your inability to comprehend the words "shall not be infringed."

if your goal is to transform our current cold civil war into a hot one, you're on the right track.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

O’Rourke is polling at zero point zero percent.

Commonsense said...

But future sales should be banned.

Banning the sale of an item that can legally owned will be unconstitutional.

And banning will not stop private sales. It will just drive them underground.

Commonsense said...

O’Rourke is polling at zero point zero percent.

Sanders, Warren, and Harris are saying much the same thing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

One sentence, with two comments about guns. Machine guns are not available to the general public.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Menstra says Banning the sale of an item that can legally owned will be unconstitutional.

Machine guns are not available to the general public.

Anonymous said...

Banning the sale of an item that can legally owned will be unconstitutional.


but remind me of the last time our constitution actually mattered to a liberal.

i honestly don't remember.

and from the "hypocrisy is the bedrock of liberalism" department - when the door to door gun confiscation that liberals desire commences, it will be conducted by men with guns.

how do you think THAT plays out?

Anonymous said...

Dopie. "automatic rifle"

Anonymous said...

Machine guns are not available to the general public.

they most certainly are. now, you have to go through a mount everest size pile of paperwork, jump through more regulatory and law enforcement hurdles than i have the time and bandwidth to describe in this forum, but yes, if one insists upon owning a fully automatic pistol/rifle one can acquire one.

i had the good fortune to shoot one at a range many years ago. they're cool. completely without value to the sportsman, but cool nonetheless.

stick to things you're an expert on alky. like "milk cattle ranching."

leave the gun discussion to the gun owners.

Anonymous said...

Alky from skid row
"our gun control laws are ineffective"

Commonsense said...

the right of the people

That means everybody Roger.

to keep and bear arms

The means the right to own and posses bearable weapons and to carry the same on your person.

shall not be infringed

That means Congress and the States can make no law that interferes with the right to own and carry bearable weapons.

Those words "shall no be infringed" have the same meaning today as they did in the 18th century.

Anonymous said...

RRB "your on par with the alky and his 'milk cattle ranchers' 

Yep, Dopie, whatever the heck this is:
"spare ribs farmers in the US"

Anonymous said...

CS, you are a good man to spoon feed broke and broken Alky.

Anonymous said...

time to ban sledgehammers -

LAS VEGAS (FOX5) -- Las Vegas Metropolitan Police were investigating a homicide with a sledgehammer early Thursday morning in the central Las Vegas Valley.

LVMPD Lt. Greg Phenis said police were called to the 1000 block of North Rancho Drive near Washington Avenue at about 5 a.m. Aug. 28.

Homicide Lt. Ray Spencer said the original call was from a woman inside a laundromat. The woman said there was a man outside with a sledgehammer.

Spencer said dispatchers heard her scream and the line disconnected. Dispatched connected the call to the scene and police responded.

Officers found the woman dead outside the front doors of the laundromat.

A short time later, police located the suspect about a quarter mile away with a sledgehammer and blood on him. He was promptly arrested.

According to Las Vegas police, the suspect was identified as 36-year-old Clinton Taylor. Detectives said they did not believe Taylor and the victim knew each other and that "the murder was a random act of violence."

Taylor was booked into the Clark County Detention Center and faces one count of open murder.

The Clark County coroner will release the woman's identity, as well as he cause and manner of death, once her next of kin have been notified.

we need background checks for sledgehammer purchases, a 3 day waiting period, no private sledgehammer sales, and we must close the sledgehammer show loophole.

stop the madness!

Anonymous said...

When skid row Alky is wrong , he is spectacularly wrong. White Boy Robert Francis Orourke is not alone.

Anonymous said...

White Boy Robert Francis Orourke is not alone.

no he's not. he has plenty of hypocritical company.

it's interesting...

those who are the most vociferous gun control advocates enjoy a life surrounded by the safety of armed guards. kinda like those who are the most vocal critics of a border wall just happen to have one surrounding their private enclaves.

blotto o'rourke's biggest claim to fame is that he looks like bobby and drives like ted. he's an assclown. not a serious candidate for any elected office.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If Trump tried to purchase an assault weapon he would not pass the psychiatric exam.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Scott you don't care about the children who were killed in school shootings. The assault rifle should not be available to the general public anymore.

Well Roger, let me say this with all the due respect you have coming... but Fuck you! I have kids in school.

I also live in a school district that posts an armed police officer at the High School pretty much dawn to dusk. If there are kids at that school, there is a police officer there. That makes me feel safer than any stupid gun legislation will.

Moreover, the chances of one of my boys being shot by someone with an assault rifle is nil. The chances that they might be shot with a handgun, or stabbed with a knife, or smashed by a blunt object is significantly more real.

So I have a vested interest in school safety.

You have a vested interest in playing politics.

So we will forever disagree on how to solve that problem.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

If Trump tried to purchase an assault weapon he would not pass the psychiatric exam.

your psychological projection never takes a day off, does it alky?

trump was issued a concealed carry permit by the NYPD, genius.

and as president, i suspect he could buy as many AR-15's as his heart desires.

you on the other hand shouldn't be trusted with a pair of toenail clippers.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The death toll rose to seven Sunday.

Happy Sunday.

rrb doesn't care if negos and beaners kill each other.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You have a vested interest in playing politics.

So we will forever disagree on how to solve that problem.

Because you hate liberals so badly that you will never negotiate any arms reduction or ban on certain weapons.

The house of Representatives has sent a dozen new legislation, including gun purchase regulations, and Moscow Mitch has blocked every single one of them.

Anonymous said...

"negos" alky?

i don't know what that is.

and the death toll did rise to 7. the shooter was white. that's why it's receiving wall-to-wall coverage.

meanwhile a black kid shot up a HS football game in mobile. coverage of that tragedy has been lacking. i've been to mobile. it's a beautiful city with lovely people and awesome cuisine.

white guy with rifle gets all the coverage because white supremacy, white nationalism, and white whateverthefuck the ny times can try to pin on trump.


how many blacks will die at the hand of blacks this weekend in chicago alky? in the bronx? in baltimore? in detroit? in LA?

once LBJ established the fact that they'd vote democrat for the next 200 years, the few hundred or thousand that kill each other every year is but a drop in the bucket toward the overall total that pull the "D" lever every two years.

same with the illegal beaner invasion. who cares how many americans they murder as long as they vote democrat, right alky?

you're an asshole and all-around piece of shit who politicizes EVERYTHING alky.

your life really is that empty and devoid of meaning. especially now that you've allowed your TDS to drive away the last people that could fucking stand to be around you.

Anonymous said...

You have a vested interest in playing politics.

So we will forever disagree on how to solve that problem.

Because you hate liberals so badly that you will never negotiate any arms reduction or ban on certain weapons.

you dumb fuck.

the right to bear arms is codified in our constitution for fuck's sake. amendment number two. right after the one that gives you the right to be a fucking asshole every day.

that's not politicizing anything.

you wish to disarm the law abiding so you can have greater control over them. that's the net result of every liberal gun proposal for one very simple reason -

criminals by their very nature will not obey a gun law and disarm.

that's what makes them fucking criminals in the first place.

so yeah, let's pass more gun laws. that'll work.

btw alky, houston and chicago are roughly the same size populations with roughly the same racial make-up. chicago has draconian gun laws. houston does not.

which one do you think takes the prize for the most shootings and deaths every year?

look it up.

we'll wait.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A pocket knife is a danger, but so is a kitchen knife. But we are not going to ban them.

To address one issue, is that for a couple decades, neither party has been willing to negotiate with each other anymore.

Too often the legislators are more concerned about their party and their chances of being reelected.

Remember when Moscow Mitch said that he would block anything that would help Obama win again.

Gingrich negotiated with Clinton and he was defeated.

Even if the Republicans keep control of the Senate, if the Democrats can defeat Moscow Mitch, and the Senate majority leader might have to work with Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic President.

Historically speaking all Presidents who have been this low in the polls at this time have been defeated, with the exception of Bill Clinton in the last century.

Scott, do you want the next majority leader to the Senate to actually negotiate with the President and the house majority leader?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Jimmy Hitler go fuck yourself.

I don't discuss anything with you.

Your a racist asshole.

C.H. Truth said...

so Roger...

You talk about kids? Why are you not talking about the 10 kids shot at the football game Friday night?

The truth is that you don't give a rip about kids. You give a rip about whether or not a shooting can be made into political fodder. The shooting of 10 teens doesn't matter if the shooter was black. The shooting in Texas does because the shooter was white.

Just like nobody paid much attention to either the California or Dayton shooting, but rather concentrated all of their time and energy on El Paso. Because the El Paso shooter was the only one they could tie into their narrow minded idea of what shooters are.

Anonymous said...

He walked into a Virginia Beach 7-Eleven for a Big Gulp. He ended up shooting 2 robbers, killing 1.

the guy's a hero. liberals would disarm him.

anonymous said...

If anyone doubts what warmer than normal water temps can mean.....Dorian now 180 mph hurricane....those in Abaco are having a horrible experience....The only fortunate thing.....water is shallow where it is now and the heat content driving the storm is limited should see some decrease soon!!!!!

Lil Scotty makes up more shit just like trump with this stupidity!!!!!
The truth is that you don't give a rip about kids.

And you don't give a shit about anything but trump!!!!!! Losing rights as a king tries to take over is in your wheel house!!!

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Jimmy Hitler go fuck yourself.

I don't discuss anything with you.

Your a racist asshole.

translation: i just rhetorically stomped the alky into a puddle and walked it dry.

Anonymous said...

Dorian now 180 mph hurricane...

and we STILL don't know for sure where it's going to hit landfall.

and the fucking geniuses who don't know can predict temperatures 100 years into the future.


Caliphate4vr said...

. i've been to mobile. it's a beautiful city with lovely people and awesome cuisine.

Last time I went was for the Battleship rugby tournament, we all dressed as the Dude wearing bath robes and drinking White Russians out of a milk carton.

Some banger got shot in a drive by on Dauphin St fell in the bar we were in and died. The proprietor locked us in the bar and told us to wait until the cops had swept the area

Anonymous said...

To address one issue, is that for a couple decades, neither party has been willing to negotiate with each other anymore.

reagan did and got lied to and fucked by tip o'neill. ditto bush the elder.

the fact is that one cannot negotiate in good faith with a democrat because democrats lie, cheat and steal like it's their fucking job.

the last honest democrat in my memory was daniel patrick moynihan. since him there's been nothing but scumbags.

you see alky, the GOP has been terribly slow on the uptake when it comes to finally realizing that there are no good faith negotiations to be had with democrats. none. trump gets this, which is why on the one occasion when he DID try, he got fucked, and he won't try again.

Remember when Moscow Mitch said that he would block anything that would help Obama win again.

this was only a startling revelation to you on the left, genius. to the rest of us who follow politics it is the mission of the minority party to unseat the majority/incumbent. it's been that way forever. mitch simply stated the obvious. and you fainted.

anonymous said...

and the fucking geniuses who don't know can predict temperatures

And you can't find your old white ass in the are trying to compare apples and banana's......asshole....

There forecasts to date have been relatively accurate you dumb fuck....predicting the exact path is beyond the algorithms of the models...The cone represents the margin of error and to date, all forecasts fell into that cone.....Now how do you propose the accuracy to improve genius....programming is your expertise isn't it??????

Anonymous said...

predicting the exact path is beyond the algorithms of the models...


yet the algorithms extrapolating our temperatures out several decades into the future are to be believed and taken as the gospel truth.

thanks for making my point, dumb fuck.

Now how do you propose the accuracy to improve genius...

i don't. i'm not the one using fake hockey stick graphs to con the government into giving me more taxpayer-funded grant money to perpetuate a fraud.

normal people like me get up each day, check the weather forecast, accept the margin of error is 50% and go about their day actually contributing to society as opposed to being a fucking parasite.

anonymous said...

Trump just said he never heard of a Category 5 before.....WOWOWOWOWO!!!! He's a dumber fuck than you rat hole....!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I saw that before. I didn't mention the race of the shooter. You believe that I think that black people killing people doesn't matter. Your full of shit again.

anonymous said...

yet the algorithms extrapolating our temperatures out several decades into the future are to be believed and taken as the gospel truth.

Again, comparing apples and bananas asshole....nothing new there!!! The GW are forecasting trends based on very well known science of the increase in green house gasses....the long term predictions have been very accurate in predicting what is going on today. Just because you don't believe that, does not mean it is not happening!!!!!

All you have is your naive opinion....the above is just one of many articles showing the accuracy of the models....

i don't. i'm not the one using fake hockey stick graphs

Neither is anyone else asshole.....But nice try to avoid answering the question. Unlike you, I know the atmosphere at any given moment can be affected by things we don't recognize yet....The improvement in forecasting over the past 5 years has been astounding....Missing the track by 5 miles can make the difference between Homestead being destroyed and Miami having minimal damage....

normal people like me get up each day,

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Normal like you is amusingly funny, there sport...

anonymous said...

Funny thing rat hole....Your mentor Lil Scotty more than once argued that the GW models were wrong and never could provide which one was wrong or how it was wrong.....just wrong.......since I believe he has more cognitive ability than you, I do not hold much hope you can provide how they are wrong and why either.....BWWWWWWWAAAAAAAA!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Your mentor Lil Scotty more than once argued that the GW models were wrong and never could provide which one was wrong or how it was wrong.....just wrong..

Actually I provides lots of evidence of GW models that were wrong. GW models existed now going back 25-30 years. Not hard to compare those old models with current actual data and determine that they were wrong. By wrong, they all pretty much predicted that it would be much hotter today than it actually is.

Can I prove that a model that was created today to predict the future is wrong? Nope. No more than anyone can prove that it is right. As a matter of practical and logical prudence, however, I am not willing to give these modelers the benefit of the doubt until they can be determined to be correct when compared to actual temperatures.

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The month of August ended as it began: with a shooting rampage and a significant death toll.

Seven people were killed near Odessa, Tex., on Saturday as a gunman started shooting indiscriminately at cars, bringing the number of victims of mass killings by firearms to 53 for the month. The authorities on Sunday revised the death toll from the shooting in Odessa to seven from five, excluding the gunman.

The term mass killings is defined by the Justice Department as three or more killings in a single episode, excluding the death of a gunman. There is no legal definition for the term mass shooting, despite its frequent use by gun control groups and the news media.

This month’s loss of life was most acute in Texas, where four of the eight deadliest shootings occurred, including an Aug. 3 massacre at a Walmart in El Paso that killed 22 people.

The spate of gun violence has left the country on edge and catalyzed a more intense debate over gun control.

Commonsense said...

There forecasts to date have been relatively accurate you dumb fuck....predicting the exact path is beyond the algorithms of the models...The cone represents the margin of error and to date,

I still have the forecast track for Dorian from a week ago it predicted Dorian who go just south of Puerto Rico cross Hispaniola and hit south Florida as a cat 1 or cat 2 Hurricane.

In actual fact it hit the Virgin Islands, track north around most of the Bahamas and is approaching Florida's east coast as a category 5 hurricane.

7 days out and the models missed both the track and intensity. In fact the track was so bad it was outside the cone of uncertainly.

The bottom line is that hurricane models are reasonable accurate only to about 72 hours.

Given their weather models aren't good beyond three days, to they really expect climate models can predict future climate 100 years from now?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are not willing to give these modelers the benefit of the doubt until they can be determined to be correct when compared to actual temperatures.

To determine the exact temperature is not an exact science. A few degrees from the model is not a sign of the predictions are invalid.

Commonsense said...

he term mass killings is defined by the Justice Department as three or more killings in a single episode,

That's a typical night in Chicago but you won't hear one liberal demand action from the mayor.

And you won't see Roger write about it because it involves black and Hispanic people and Roger doesn't care about black and Hispanic people.

And neither does any other liberal Democrat.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The exact direction of a hurricane is not a valid argument against the model of future climate changes.

The predominant scientific theory of global warming has the support of the vast majority of actual scientists who specialize in climate science.

Your view is based upon your personal partisan opinions, not science.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

You are not willing to give these modelers the benefit of the doubt until they can be determined to be correct when compared to actual temperatures.

Because that's not how science works Roger. If the model is wrong, the model is wrong. And until it agrees with actual observations the hypothesis remains just that. A hypothesis.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The violence in the inner cities is horrible. The fact that convicted criminals can purchase weapons legally in gun shows and other states that don't have effective weapons sales screening, is an argument for more effective gun sales screening.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Your hypothesis is that you believe that the climate scientists are actually Socialist who support a more powerful government.

Hypocrisy is evident again.

C.H. Truth said...

To determine the exact temperature is not an exact science. A few degrees from the model is not a sign of the predictions are invalid.

The actually climate models are more statistical computer coding than science Roger. The so called "science' is supposed to provide the variables, but as with any statistical computer program. Garbage in means garbage out.

As far as a few degrees from a model being valid or invalid. It depends on whether or not those few degrees are random or show a pattern. When there is a pattern that the models are always a few degrees off in the same direction over and over and over, then any reasonable person would adjust the model to correlate the predictions with the results.

But that's not what Climate modelers do. They do the opposite. The actual data continues to show their model's over calculating temperature increases, but their adjustments are always to show more (not less) increase and they become further and further off, requiring the modelers to simply increase the MOE... again.

Commonsense said...

The fact that convicted criminals can purchase weapons legally in gun shows

If they are convicted criminals they are not purchasing the guns legally nor are they likely purchasing them at a gun show.

They are likely getting them from the black market. And the fact they are criminal means they don't follow any gun control laws.

That's the point.

Commonsense said...

Your hypothesis is that you believe that the climate scientists are actually Socialist who support a more powerful government

Not certain what climate scientist you mean but certain AGW alarmist certainly support socialism. All you have to do is look at their "solutions".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Most Republicans think that climate change is a Trojan horse for big government.

Even highly educated people who suffer from Trumpism, deny scientific evidence of climate change, caused by human beings.

Scott is a prime example.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump commented on Sunday that he’s “not sure” he has ever even heard of a Category 5 hurricane before, despite the fact that three other Category 5 hurricanes have hit the United States and its territories just since he took office in 2017.

Trump made the comments during a meeting with FEMA administrators to discuss their preparations for Hurricane Dorian, a Category 5 storm that swept through the Bahamas on Saturday and now is taking dead aim at the East Coast of the United States.

He was playing golf yesterday during the time that the hurricane approached the United States.

Commonsense said...

Most Republicans think that climate change is a Trojan horse for big government.

Yeah, because the Democrats are actually making it a Trojan horse for big government.

Commonsense said...

Category 5 storm that swept through the Bahamas on Saturday

Hate to ruin a good story with the facts Roger but Dorian is just now crossing Abaco island. On Sunday afternoon.

anonymous said...

Any one here notice that for the first time in modern history, 5 category 5 storms have occurred in 5 consecutive years.....Coincidence or a sign ocean water temps are on the rise??????? Dorian noticeably slowing down and having a little wobble north.....sure hope the forecasted turn occurs when they predict or floriduh will be fucked!!!!

Myballs said...

So is Roger suggesting that Trump was playing golf while meeting with FEMA administration? Well which is it? Meeti f with FEMA or golf?

anonymous said...

Trump is nothing more than an old fat white pussy who thinks he is tough.....such a douche nozzle attacking anything that he don't like....I can imagine him staying on twitter all day to make sure his ego remains unfettered. What a fucking scumbag!!!!!

President Trump took a swipe at Hollywood actress Debra Messing after the “Will & Grace” star praised an Alabama church sign that read “A black vote for Trump is mental illness.”

“I have not forgotten that when it was announced that I was going to do The Apprentice, and when it then became a big hit, helping NBC’s failed lineup greatly, @DebraMessing came up to me at an Upfront & profusely thanked me, even calling me ‘Sir,’” Trump tweeted Sunday.

“How times have changed!” he added.

His comments came in response to Messing, an outspoken Trump critic, who had posted to Twitter a published story about a Baptist church that put up a sign that read “A black vote for Trump is mental illness.”

“A white vote for Trump is pure racism,” the sign also read.

“THANK YOU #Alabama,” Messing wrote along with the article published by The Hill.

Messing responded to Trump’s attacks by shifting attention to gun violence and Hurricane Dorian, which the Alabama National Guard expects to reach the state's southern region early next week.

anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
So is Roger suggesting that Trump was playing golf

Why not the fuck has played more golf in his 3 years than obama did in 8 !!!!!!!! So sad the asshole has to work on a weekend instead of partying in floriduh.....asshole loser ballz again proves why I know he's a dumb fuck!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why not the fuck has played more golf in his 3 years than obama did in 8 !!!!!!!!

proves obama was slow at everything BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Another Assault weapon used in a mass shooting and you fucks just defend having guns.....Texas now allows weapons to be carried anywhere in the state, like churches and schools !! This latest killer had the AR in his car and used it....Brilliant laws result in more dead and not one here gives a shit......DUMB FUCKS!!!!

anonymous said...

proves obama was slow at everything

Proves you don't know shit, asshole...if that is the best you got.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Labor Day will be dropped as a Holiday if the Socialist Democrats win the WH.

anonymous said...

Blogger KD said...
Labor Day will be dropped as a Holiday if the Socialist Democrats win the WH.


Anonymous said...

Alky from skid row
"our gun control laws are ineffective"

anonymous said...

A spot on opinion from the disgraced NY Times.....sure wish more people would read it since they are generally correct!!!

Texas Is a Leader in Mass Shootings. Why Is the Governor Silent?
Greg Abbott’s failure to respond to shootings like the one in Odessa is a moral disaster.

By Richard Parker
Mr. Parker is the author of “Lone Star Nation: How Texas Will Transform America.”
Sept. 1, 2019, 4:28 p.m. ET

Exactly how many dead Texans does it take for Gov. Greg Abbott to actually do something about the epidemic of gun violence sweeping his state? So far, no body count is too big for our governor, who seems determined to do exactly nothing.

We Texans love to swagger, brag and boast that we are biggest, most and first. In the uniquely American horror story of mass shootings, we are closing in on all three.

With Saturday’s mass murder in the West Texas city of Odessa, Texas has now had more casualties from major mass shootings than any state except Nevada.

For years, some legislators have demanded that the governor lead the charge to pass new gun laws in Texas; he did, as Texas actually loosened restrictions on gun ownership with eight new laws, allowing guns everywhere from schools to foster homes and churches. These new laws took effect just hours after seven people were killed and at least 21 were wounded while shopping in Odessa, the oil and gas capital of Texas. The bloodshed in the city of 116,000 included three seriously wounded police officers and a toddler, shot in the shoulder, her face sprayed with shrapnel.

Anonymous said...

The Lost Years Pres. Didn't lower the oceans, heal the Earth.

Cash for clunkers did not reduce air pollution it did hurt the poor by making parts and used cars more expensive.

Anonymous said...

Chicago is racking um up this weekend 8 murders, 40 shot but might survive. How is Baltimore doing, keeping pace?

anonymous said...

KD said...
Alky from skid row
"our gun control laws are ineffective"

And the goat fucking asshole thinks they are with so many deaths in the past month....Can't fix stupid as deep seated as you who advocate killings under the guise of the second amendment....YOU DUMB FUCK!!!

Anonymous said...

Denny, try using auto correct and grammar check, your writing are jibber jabber.

anonymous said...

Try shoving a bunch of pickles up your ass to make you smarter.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!! Dumb goat fucking loser whose idea of a cogent thought is sucking on trumps dick......

anonymous said...

Blogger KD said...
Chicago is racking um up this weekend 8 murders,

Too bad you aren't one of them....!!!!

Commonsense said...

spot on opinion from the disgraced NY Times.....sure wish more people would read it since they are generally correct!!!
Texas Is a Leader in Mass Shootings. Why Is the Governor Silent?

Well if the New York Times was actually paying attention, they would know Greg Abbott was not silent.

anonymous said...

Wonder if the warm water of the atlantic which could be attributed to GW had anything to do with this record????

landfall in Elbow Cay in The Bahamas at 12:40 pm EDT Sunday with 185 mph winds, gusting to 220 mph, making it the strongest landfalling Atlantic hurricane on record. In the 8-hour period ending at 12:45 pm EDT Sunday, Dorian put on a rare show of rapid intensification—its already-formidable 150 mph winds increased to 185 mph, and the central pressure dropped from 934 to 911 mb.

anonymous said...

they would know Greg Abbott was not silent.

Really got proof for that other than you saying so??? Seems to me the times got it correct with Abbott sitting on his hands just about all day....oh well you lose again....!!!

Myballs said...

Wow, beto is so tough and rugged that he can say fuck on CNN.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Have you noticed that the Republicans have *SHUT THE FUCK UP* about excessive government spending since Trump became President??

I noticed that.

I see it here every day!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Odessa Police later identified the gunman in a Facebook post as Seth Aaron Ator, 36, of Odessa.
Gerke said the shooter apparently acted alone, and authorities said there appeared to be no connection to terrorism.

"I have been to too many of these events," Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said. "I am heartbroken by the crying of the people of state of Texas. I am tired of the dying."

Try and figure out how to stop this shit.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Nov 6, 2018 · Beto O'Rourke's f-bomb

Who fucking cares.?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Right, Ch. We really shouldn't care when the next guy opens up with a semi-automatic from the window of a skyscraper into another crowd of people at a concert. No, when that happens the next time, we shouldn't care that we have a lying President who said he would do great things to improve all this and then backed down on proposal after proposal. No, we shouldn't care.

Anonymous said...

"We really shouldn't care when the next guy opens up with a semi-automatic from the window of a skyscraper into another crowd of people at a concert. "

Trump already got rid of the bump stocks that became legal under Obama

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Bump stocks. BIG deal.

Commonsense said...

Really got proof for that other than you saying so???

Yes, his official statement which Roger had no problem finding and neither would you if you ever got off you lazy fat ass Jaba.

Commonsense said...

Wonder if the warm water of the atlantic which could be attributed to GW had anything to do with this record????

You can attribute it to summer. The water are no warmer now than they were 100, 200, even 300 years ago when the great Caribbean hurricane killed 20,000 people.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I no longer listen to what people say, I just watch what they do. Behavior never lies.

Winston Churchill

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We don't know what the temperature was
100, 200, even 300 years ago ! Dumb ass

Commonsense said...

Sure we do. Ever heard of proxy data?

First we have the hurricanes themselves. Water temperature has to be 80+ degrees for hurricanes form.

And the we have the historic record to judge intensity,of hurricanes among the pertinent facts recorded was the actual height of the storm surge. Here we find cat 5 hurricanes were fairly common.

Before you call someone a dumbass maybe you should know what you are talking about. Dumbass

anonymous said...

The box of rocks in the WH who never heard of cat 5 yesterday tweets Alabama is in danger!!!! Sounds like 57 states you idiots are still talking about.....wonder if he knows where he is?????? Ever her of an antidotal story cramps???? 5 cat 5 storms in 5 consecutive years is not a coincidence cramps....or just summer......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!

Trump Tweets About Hurricane Dorian Hitting Alabama — and National Weather Services Issue Correction
People Claudia Harmata,People 11 hours ago

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The National Weather Services wants to reassure everyone that Alabama will not see any impact from Hurricane Dorian after President Donald Trump mistakenly tweeted that the state was in the storm’s path.

“In addition to Florida – South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated,” the president tweeted on Sunday. “Looking like one of the largest hurricanes ever. Already category 5. BE CAREFUL! GOD BLESS EVERYONE!”

Shortly after Trump’s warning, the Birmingham branch of the NWS tweeted out their own statement, confirming that Hurricane Dorian was “too far east” to make any landfall in Alabama.

Anonymous said...

Be safe Dennis.

Anonymous said...

US that prepare for ourselves and our loved ones do the best in times like these.

anonymous said...

Just like the models have predicted and I have been advocating for years.....more intense storms not more storms that idiots like you claimed!!!!

The unusual strength of Dorian and the rate at which it developed is consistent with the expectation of more intense hurricanes in a warming world. Some studies have shown increases in hurricane rapid intensification, and modeling studies project an uptick in the frequency of Category 4 and 5 storms.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, that is horrible news.

Denny, what is the plan?

anonymous said...

The great trump jobs market allows many americans to be able to work 2 jobs to survive....Wow goat fucker...that is progress!!!!

It’s easy for most people to find a job in America on Labor Day 2019. The unemployment rate is very low; store windows are plastered with help wanted signs.

But for millions of Americans, one job is not enough.

Bridget Hughes, 29, works a regular day shift at a Burger King in Kansas City, Mo. Three nights a week, she also works the overnight shift at a nearby McDonald’s. She makes $10 an hour at Burger King and $9.50 an hour at McDonald’s and, together with her husband’s job at a gas station, they manage to feed their three children and to pay the rent.

“When I thought of my future, I thought I was going to be at football games and soccer practices and cheerleading, when in all actuality I’m lucky if I’m home for birthdays,” Ms. Hughes said. “And my children, they think if mommy is at work all the time then we should have the money. But the reality is that I’m at work all the time and I don’t have the money.”

More than eight million people — roughly 5 percent of all workers — held more than one job at a time in July, according to the most recent federal data. The economy has been growing for more than a decade, but their lives offer a reminder that not all Americans are thriving.
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Like Ms. Hughes, most people with multiple jobs worked a full-time job that just didn’t pay enough. Most workers find second jobs in the same industry, but a growing number have taken on “gig” work like driving for Uber.

Daniel Asnake, 49, sleeps in his car after his morning shift as a baggage handler at Reagan National Airport outside Washington, D.C. Then he uses the car to earn as much as $145 a shift as an Uber driver well into the evening. Most days, he leaves home before his two children rise and returns after they have gone to sleep.

Ashley Cocchiara, 30, hopes to drop her second job soon. Ms. Cocchiara, who lives south of Pittsburgh, landed a spot in a union training program for industrial painters two years ago, and as she racks up hours, her hourly pay is climbing. For now, she still picks up weekend shifts as a bartender in her hometown, to make enough money to care for her 3-year-old son. By next year, she hopes painting will pay enough so she can spend the time with her son instead.

Anonymous said...

Long term.electing Obama clearly didn't work :

"In June 2008, when Obama knew that he had clinched the Democratic nomination, he claimed that it "was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal." Not only is Obama not a deity who controls the earthly waters, he's not a good forecaster, either."

anonymous said...

I'm in Ga dumbass.....

Plan is to vote for anyone but trump or an R!!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Socialist Democrats End Labor Day as a Holiday.

Becomes "Free Shit Day".

Anonymous said...

So your plan is to not take any actual responsibility for your warming of the earth.


anonymous said...

My plan is to teach you a lesson on how fucked up you and your party are....I have posted more than once what I am doing and have done for years to conserve the planet...I am not going to repeat myself again so you can forget what I have said due to your mental state of age!!!!!

anonymous said...

R's declare be a stupid fucking asshole day....easy for you goat fucker.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Commonsense said...

The unusual strength of Dorian

Historically it's not that unusual. The great New England Hurricane of 1938 was a category 5.

It's tiresome when liberal rags combine ignorance of history with agenda driven reporting.

anonymous said...

Here's what trump is doing to combat GW.....eliminate regulations that slow methane release....mileage standards, clean power plan etc....anything obama did he wants to repeal....and you keep sucking goat fucker....what are you doing other than acting like a flaming asshole?????

The move to rescind environmental rules governing emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, brings to 84 the total number of environmental rules that the Trump administration has worked to repeal. Officials at the White House, the Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies have called the regulations burdensome to the fossil fuel industry and other businesses.

Half of those environmental rollback attempts, like the new methane reversal, will undercut efforts by previous administrations to reduce emissions and fight climate change. Many of these efforts have been challenged in the courts; whether the administration will succeed in achieving all of its goals is far from certain. Here are some of the most significant climate-related reversals:

Leaving the Paris climate agreement

One critical effort by the Trump administration was its announcement in 2017 that it would withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement. The process of withdrawing cannot be completed until 2020, but the move sent a strong signal to the world that Mr. Trump, who has scoffed at climate science, would be taking action at many levels of government to reverse climate policies created during the Obama administration.

Weakening methane regulation

Thursday’s decision to remove restrictions on methane leaks from oil and gas wells is only one administration effort on behalf of fossil fuel producers. Burning natural gas produces half of the carbon dioxide that burning coal does, but methane, the chief component of natural gas, has a powerful effect on climate change. Though it does not persist in the atmosphere as long as carbon dioxide does, it has 80 times the heat-trapping power of carbon dioxide during 20 years in the atmosphere. The Obama administration had passed many rules to reduce methane leaks. An early effort by the E.P.A. under the former administrator Scott Pruitt to reverse Obama-era rules on leaks from new oil and gas wells was declared illegal by the courts in 2017.

Freezing fuel efficiency standards

Transportation is the United States’ biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions, and fuel efficiency standards were a signature Obama administration proposal for reducing those emissions, as well as other air pollution created by vehicles. Earlier this month, the Trump administration proposed freezing antipollution and fuel-efficiency standards for cars. The proposal puts the administration on a collision course with California, which sets its own stringent tailpipe standards — and even with automakers, who wish to avoid the complexity of dealing with two car markets with different emissions standards.

Commonsense said...

But for millions of Americans, one job is not enough.

Bridget Hughes, 29, works a regular day shift at a Burger King in Kansas City, Mo. Three nights a week, she also works the overnight shift at a nearby McDonald’s. She makes $10 an hour at Burger King and $9.50 an hour at McDonald’s and, together with her husband’s job at a gas station, they manage to feed their three children and to pay the rent.

Which is far better than having no job at all. It's down right admirable they work hard to provide for their children.

anonymous said...

The great New England Hurricane of 1938 was a category 5.

What is not unusual cramps????

It made landfall as a 3 numb nutz.....yeah it was a cat 5 well out to sea....what is your point with 5 cat 5's in consecutive years????

anonymous said...

Which is far better than having no job at all.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Yeah, that's it cramps.....slave wages is better than nothing in your world....!~!!!

Commonsense said...

It made landfall as a 3 numb nutz....

So? It was a Cat 5 out in the Atlantic. Whether it made landfall as a Cat 5 was irrelevant to the argument the Washington Post was trying to make.

Commonsense said...

slave wages is better than nothing in your world

10 to 12 dollars an hour is hardly slave wages. The problem is that taxes in those states eats up most of their paycheck.

Commonsense said...

yeah it was a cat 5 well out to sea....what is your point with 5 cat 5's in consecutive years????

My point is that in the satellite era we can detect, measure, and monitor storms that previously went undetected. Category 5 storms were just as common 100 years ago as the are today. It just most of them went undetected and unrecorded.

anonymous said...

My point is that in the satellite era we can detect,

So the proxy data you mentioned before is useless??? You have no proof other than saying that cat 5 storms were just as common 100 years ago. I call complete bullshit on that claim....dumb fuck

10 bucks an hour is slave wages if you cannot support your life you dumb fuck.....why don't you try and work 40 hours a week for 16k year and tell us how well you are doing you dumb fuck....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Have you noticed that the Republicans have *SHUT THE FUCK UP* about excessive government spending since Trump became President??

spending originates in the house, mr. 'i'm a fucking civics expert.'

and once again, discretionary spending is not the problem . your beloved social security/medicaid/medicare/welfare is the fucking problem since it's 70+% of every fucking budget.

so, like gun control and milk cattle ranching, you've settled on yet another topic that you -

can't be honest about


know fucking nothing about.

Caliphate4vr said...

slave wages is better than nothing in your world....!~!!!

Nothing about whether or not these people have a marketable skill beyond, “Would you like fries with that”.

More feigned outrage from tubby

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I just ran across this and felt it’s worth a repost.

From a friend of a friend:

An anguished question from a Trump supporter: ‘Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?’

The serious answer: Here’s what we really think about Trump supporters - the rich, the poor, the malignant and the innocently well-meaning, the ones who think and the ones who don't...

That when you saw a man who had owned a fraudulent University, intent on scamming poor people, you thought "Fine."

That when you saw a man who had made it his business practice to stiff his creditors, you said, "Okay."

That when you heard him proudly brag about his own history of sexual abuse, you said, "No problem."

That when he made up stories about seeing Muslim-Americans in the thousands cheering the destruction of the World Trade Center, you said, "Not an issue."

That when you saw him brag that he could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue and you wouldn't care, you chirped, "He sure knows me."

That when you heard him illustrate his own character by telling that cute story about the elderly guest bleeding on the floor at his country club, the story about how he turned his back and how it was all an imposition on him, you said, "That's cool!"

That when you saw him mock the disabled, you thought it was the funniest thing you ever saw.

That when you heard him brag that he doesn't read books, you said, "Well, who has time?"

That when the Central Park Five were compensated as innocent men convicted of a crime they didn't commit, and he angrily said that they should still be in prison, you said, "That makes sense."

That when you heard him tell his supporters to beat up protesters and that he would hire attorneys, you thought, "Yes!"

That when you heard him tell one rally to confiscate a man's coat before throwing him out into the freezing cold, you said, "What a great guy!"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That you have watched the parade of neo-Nazis and white supremacists with whom he curries favor, while refusing to condemn outright Nazis, and you have said, "Thumbs up!"

That you hear him unable to talk to foreign dignitaries without insulting their countries and demanding that they praise his electoral win, you said, "That's the way I want my President to be."

That you have watched him remove expertise from all layers of government in favor of people who make money off of eliminating protections in the industries they're supposed to be regulating and you have said, "What a genius!"

That you have heard him continue to profit from his businesses, in part by leveraging his position as President, to the point of overcharging the Secret Service for space in the properties he owns, and you have said, "That's smart!"

That you have heard him say that it was difficult to help Puerto Rico because it was in the middle of water and you have said, "That makes sense."

That you have seen him start fights with every country from Canada to New Zealand while praising Russia and quote, "falling in love" with the dictator of North Korea, and you have said, "That's statesmanship!"

That Trump separated children from their families and put them in cages, managed to lose track of 1500 kids, has opened a tent city incarceration camp in the desert in Texas - he explains that they’re just “animals” - and you say, “Well, OK then.”

That you have witnessed all the thousand and one other manifestations of corruption and low moral character and outright animalistic rudeness and contempt for you, the working American voter, and you still show up grinning and wearing your MAGA hats and threatening to beat up anybody who says otherwise.

What you don't get, Trump supporters in 2019, is that succumbing to frustration and thinking of you as stupid may be wrong and unhelpful, but it's also...hear me...charitable.

Because if you're NOT stupid, we must turn to other explanations, and most of them are less flattering.

Myballs said...

If 5% of people who work have 2 jobs, that means a whopping 95% don't need to.

Well done president Trump.

Commonsense said...

So the proxy data you mentioned before is useless???

Not at all, but hurricane had to make landfall.

You have no proof other than saying that cat 5 storms were just as common 100 years ago.

The Galveston hurricane, the 1811 St Augustine Hurricane, Hurricane of 1881. I could go on but you get the message.
Prove to me that cat 5 hurricanes are significantly more common today than they were 100 years ago.
Bet you can't.

Commonsense said...

Roger has lost it again. Take the guns away.

Anonymous said...

so the alky steals from some fakebook fuckstick:


Anonymous said...

take the knives away -

VILLEURBANNE, France (AP) — Police detained an Afghan man seeking asylum in France after one person was fatally stabbed and nine others injured Saturday outside a subway station in a suburb of Lyon, authorities said. The reason for the attack was unclear.

The assailant was a 33-year-old Afghan citizen who had applied for asylum in France and was awaiting a response, a national police official said.

The suspect provided contradictory information to police, but the attack in the town of Villeurbanne did not appear to be terrorism-related, the official told The Associated Press. The official was not authorized to be publicly named because of French government policy.

The reason for the attack was unclear.


according to the alky and his fakebook buddies we know for a fact that nazi/white nationalism/white supremacy is the motive for every mass shooting, but we don't know why a radical moose-limb might've started carving up 9 people.

Caliphate4vr said...

Just another weekend in Chitown

35 shot — 7 fatally — so far in Chicago Labor Day weekend shootings

Anonymous said...

That is how Chicago and Baltimore Celibrate.

Anonymous said...

Residents Worry For Their Kids After Baltimore Has Three Quadruple Shootings Over Labor Day Weekend

Author: Rachel Menitoff

September 1, 2019 at 10:16 pm"

anonymous said...

While I worry about you advocating gun rights rather than human life....fucking asshole

Anonymous said...

Alky your "friend" is a FB friend.


If only you would tell us why mail order left you, kicked you out and why you don't brag about your 6 figure income anymore.

Too soon? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

We don't have to advocate for Gun Rights Our constitution did the work already.

anonymous said...

And let me ask you a question goat fucker....Why do you act like an old jewish momma who has nothing to do but talk about others??? Does you life suck as much as I can imagine????? Dumb fuck...

Anonymous said...

I notice that when I ask a question of Alky his dick puppet runs breathlessly to his defense.

anonymous said...

And I always note when I ask you a direct question, you change the subject and run like the chicken shit asshole you are!!!!! The post above proves my point again fucking loser...!!!!

anonymous said...

Blogger KD said...
We don't have to advocate for Gun Rights

You are the epitome of stupidity choosing guns over human life....That is an advocate you dumb fuck....

Anonymous said...

You are the epitome of stupidity choosing guns over human life...

yet you would choose infanticide abortion over human life.

the right to bear arms is in the constitution.

the right to abortion IS NOT.

square that circle for us, dumb fuck.