But is a fictitious video the same thing as "real" violence?
Sticks and Stones are okay when they are thrown by violent liberal protesters... but the wrong words will trigger dangerous physical harm.— C.H. Truth (@C_H_Truth) September 13, 2019
This is one of those times where Ocasio-Cortez seems a little bit too sensitive for someone who seems to believe that political violence on the left is perfectly acceptable. Much of this is the idea that such violence can now be condoned because we have a bad orange man in the White House.
Just keep telling yourself the simple truth. AOC is a former waitress who just barely graduated from college. Her life experience is almost nothing. Yet, she has a growing following with the far left (and especially the millennials) as some sort of savior (where do I get this job).
Funny who you turn to when you are angry.
AOC is a furrry.
Were they carrying assault weapons or other weapons?
Fuck no. The people who are inspired by the racist rhetoric to kill 22 people and wound 77 others. And you continue to claim that the Democrats are actually Socialist. You claim to be educated enough to understand what Socialism actually is.
What the Democrats stand for is a regulated capitalism system that gives the lower and middle class, a larger proportion of the gross domestic product.
Higher wages and benefits, and access to higher education, and even more important is to strengthen our public education system and improve the quality of education, which leads us to be a better country!
Our children should not have to bear a massive debt to get a higher education!
We actually need to improve our infrastructure! Not build his fucking wall!
But because you hate liberals and, so you deny that the President is the greatest danger than anyone else ever before.
You believe that the "squad" is the face of the Democrats.
Your one sick asshole.
You believe that the "squad" is the face of the Democrats.
Your one sick asshole
Robert Francis O'Roake gave the game away. He's stated quite clearly Democrats plan to confiscate guns. And if Democrats can confiscate guns where there is an explicit Constitutional protection, then confiscating any property you have (Your, home, your savings, your 401K, your stock portfolio) would be child's play.
It's Ironic you think Trump is the tyrant when you are supporting the party of socialist tyranny .
Our children should not have to bear a massive debt to get a higher education!
You go to a school you can afford and learn a skill that, you know, will get you a real job.
Or you can volunteer for the military.
You manage to get through life without a college education.
We actually need to improve our infrastructure! Not build his fucking wall!
The last time we "improved infrastructure" all we manage to do was enrich Obama's cronies.
But because you hate liberals and, so you deny that the President is the greatest danger than anyone else ever before.
Under this president we've had one of the greatest peacetime economic expansions in history.
So the choice is rather easy; Stay the course with Trump; or make America Venezuela with one of the 21 Democrat dwarfs.
you know the Squatters are hurting the Socialist brand when you trigger Alky .
"You believe that the "squad" is the face of the Democrats. "
good point.
"then confiscating any property you have (Your, home, your savings, your 401K, your stock portfolio) would be child's play. "
in Alky's case he has none of those .
so Nancy Roberto Oroake threatens to take away our AR15.
and then melts like a Socialist Snowflake when challenge to come and take it.
🤣“Democrats have to understand that…borders mean something,” he added.
In the interview, Holder expressed disagreement with some 2020 Democrat candidate proposals to make illegally entering the U.S. a civil rather than a criminal offense.
“No, I don’t think that’s right,” he said. “The law that is on the books has been there for about 100 years or so.” Eric PlaceHolder😂
If Obama has invited the Taliban to Camp David, he’d be labeled a Domestic Terrorist. Seal team Six would have taken him out. Thump wants to do it and it’s OK. What the fuck is wrong with you Scott A**hole?
White bread Robert Francis Orourke has been named AR15 salesman of the Month.
congrats .
If Obama has invited the Taliban to Camp David, he’d be labeled a Domestic Terrorist. Seal team Six would have taken him out. Thump wants to do it and it’s OK
Trump has more credibility than Barack Obama. We know what Obama's international deals look. They border on treason. If not, they were certainly naïve.
White bread Robert Francis Orourke has been named AR15 salesman of the Month.
He might be good for another 2 million AR-15's sold.
If there is what can be called a cyanid pill for the Democrats chances in 2020. Robert Frances O'Rourke may be it.
The Lost Years and the Sec Hillbilly.
"Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, has three close family members who were intimately connected to the Muslim Brotherhood"
how little Alky knows.
The government has already "confiscated" my right to own a nuclear weapon,a bazooka, a flame thrower, hand grenades, surface to air missile launchers, fully operational machine gujns (tommy guns), mortars, etc., etc.
The Taliban never agreed to come to Camp David. Trump lied when he claimed to have dis-invited them from an invitation they had never even come close to accepting.
Screw loose in the Oval Office.
The government has already "confiscated.
So it's OK to confiscate an AR-15? I don't need a nuclear weapon,a bazooka, a flame thrower, hand grenades, surface to air missile launchers, fully operational machine gujns (tommy guns), mortars, etc., etc. to defend myself.
An AR-15 however, I would need to defend myself. And the second amendment gives me the right to bear arms equivalent to a standard issued infantry rifle and side arm.
Which is required for a "well regulated militia".
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