Thursday, September 26, 2019

Whistle blower Complaint released

Read the PDF - provide your "own" opinion!  

Most of this seems to be stuff we already know. 
A lot of innuendo and assumption. 
The complaint seems to to center around: 
  • The call 
  • Giuliani 
  • allegations of Ukrainian 2016 election interference
  • Hunter Biden investigation
  • Biden pressure to end it


The main concern seems to be what we already know. That Trump wanted Ukraine to look into whether or not Biden pressured Ukraine to put an end to the investigation of his son Hunter. It doesn't appear to alter anything or provide anything "new".

The biggest issue out of all of this for me (and likely something that others will hound on) is the fact that Rudy Giuliani seems to be playing far too great of a role for someone who does not actually have an official state role to play. I believe that the President should seriously weigh the good that Giuliani provides him (which isn't much IMHO) versus the problems he has caused (which are many IMHO). Take Giuliani out of this equation and there may not have been any complaint at all. It's not the actions, but the problem is that the actions come from Giuliani. I suspect that if an actual administration official had taken the same actions, that it would have not have been scrutinized to any real degree.

But certainly there is no smoking gun that shows any actual new evidence of quid pro quo, nor does the whistle blower really suggest that he has such evidence.  The fact that Democrats are suggesting that the document provides for the need to continue the  investigation  "election interference" into these allegations suggests that they were not able to actually find any smoking guns here either. But it's enough fodder for the Democrats to justify their continued strategy of "investigate, investigate, investigate".

At the end of the day, either the electorate will reward them for this effort or punish them for not doing much of anything else for the past three years.


Myballs said...

Why was it deemed urgent??

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

C.H. Truth said...

Boy James...

It's almost as if you just cut and paste and pay absolutely zero attention to anything else that anyone else actually states.

I wrote an entire post on why Maguire didn't believe it was an urgent complaint by statute. Including quoting the actual explanation Maguire gave.

Who (other than incredibly laz people ) would still wonder why he didn't release it, when he has already offered the explanation in writing?

C.H. Truth said...

Hey James...

Do you fucking realize that you just provided a link to the document that is embedded in the post?

Are you really that stupid?

cowardly king obama said...

Myballs said...
Why was it deemed urgent??

It was urgent for partisan democrats to try and get a smear out before the upcoming IG reports on FISA abuse and the real attempt to effect the 2016 election (and 2018 election)

Will be throwing everything they can think of to try and keep the little power they currently have.

It's called DESPERATION, just look here !!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

cowardly king obama said...

C.H. Truth said...
Hey James...

Do you fucking realize that you just provided a link to the document that is embedded in the post?

Are you really that stupid?

Yes, and just a little partisan.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...




Anonymous said...


" hear say Blower "

that's it?

no way that is it, The led by the nose Three Socialist Stooges of CHT have to have more, really.

John Hayward said...


The release of the Trump-Zelensky transcript and full whistleblower complaint make a compelling case for impeachment.

Of Adam Schiff.

southpaw said...


This part of the OLC opinion briefly summarizing what is and isn’t contained in the whistleblower complaint is, I believe, the most detailed official description to date. …

Ron Coleman Replying to @nycsouthpaw
In other words, this was never even an appropriate invocation of the whistleblower statute. That was just a device used to leak a spun version of a phone call between two heads of state as a political hit.

John Hayward Replying to Ron Coleman
1. Insider leaks partial or completely false info to media

2. Media writes stories based on leaks

3. Insiders feed media stories back into bureaucracy to get the action they want

It's the Human Centipede chasing its own ass while Adam Schiff rides it and waves a cowboy hat.

C.H. Truth said...


The PDF is embedded in the post.

Why do you keep putting up links to it?

Most people are smart enough to read it from the post (or download it from the post). Moron!

cowardly king obama said...

Oh CHT I agree with you on Rudy Giuliani

cowardly king obama said...

and James

cowardly king obama said...

CHT didn't see your new thread but will comply going forward.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The acting DNI is standing his ground.

Nunes was not amused because he stood his ground and would not attack the whistleblower. And said he was an honorable person.

C.H. Truth said...

He did stand his ground Roger...

against the WaPo story that said he threatened to resign!

Said it was hogwash!