Thursday, January 23, 2020

Bernie surging in New Hampshire!

Most recent poll has him up by 12 - Biden in third place!

New Hampshire is always a big state for momentum. If the winner in Iowa can double up in New Hampshire, that person has pretty much always gone on to victory. On the other hand, if these two states split, then we can look for a more long drawn out battle.

The Iowa situation is interesting. Polling there has always been suspect because it's a caucus state, not just an election. So it relies more on hard core support than it does for just sort of casual support. So it's not unusual for the actual results to differ (something widely) from the polling. 

I suspect that if Bernie does well in Iowa, that he will also perform equally well in New Hampshire and come out of the first two states in pretty good shape. Obviously Biden has a bit of a fire wall in North Carolina, and you have Bloomberg spending millions on the Super Tuesday States. So it's still up in the air! 

But many people are already wondering if the Democrats are going to end up feeling the Bern!


cowardly king obama said...

Dems are in a quandary, or is it quagmire? Bernie may well be their most popular candidate but also one with the lowest general election upside.

They also screwed him in 2016 and don't want to offend his base.

Good Times !

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Whoever the eventual Dem candidate is, he/she will be capable of doing one thing Trump cannot do.

Listen to the advice of competent counselors and advisers and experts and military leaders and not go off half cocked all the time.

Myballs said...

Trump defeats Isis and brings unemployment for blacks and Hispanics to historic lows.

Obama sends pallets of cash to Iran in thr middle off the night.

But one fool here thinks Trump the one half cocked. Curious.

anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
Trump defeats Isis and brings

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! You just proved that box of rocks is smarter then you are!!!!!!!