Monday, January 20, 2020

The Trump magic!


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump is STILL underwater on the RealClearPolitics graph,
and the country is STILL headed in the wrong direction on the RCP graph.

cowardly king obama said...

By comparison, this number ran in the mid- to upper 20s for much of 2016, President Obama's last full year in office.

WOW, TWICE as many people think the COUNTRY IS GOING IN RIGHT DIRECTION with TRUMP as PRESIDENT as compared to obama !!!


James said...

Majority Want Senate to Convict Trump
January 20, 2020 at 4:12 pm EST

A new CNN poll finds 51% of Americans say the Senate should vote to convict President Trump and remove him from office, while 45% disagree.

Also interesting: 69% say that upcoming trial should feature testimony from new witnesses who did not testify in the House impeachment inquiry.

Oh, wait. It won't matter. They'll just try to dismiss it as CNN fakery.

James said...

McConnell Lays Out Ground Rules for Trial
January 20, 2020 at 6:08 pm EST

“The impeachment organizing resolution from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell gives House impeachment managers and President Trump’s legal team 24 hours each to make their opening arguments over two days,” CNN reports.

“The resolution raises the prospect that the trial will have 12-hour days and go late into the night.”

Politico: “That will be followed by 16 total hours of questions and answers, culminating in a four-hour debate and a critical vote over whether to consider witnesses or new information.”

“There is no explicit reference to a motion to dismiss the trial in the resolution.”


James said...

Trump Leaves Country as Impeachment Trial Begins

“President Trump departs for Davos, Switzerland, on Monday night to attend the World Economic Forum, placing him thousands of miles away from Washington as the Senate hashes out the rules of his impeachment trial,” Axios reports.




It’s pretty simple...

Democrats have been gaslighting America for three years that the “damning evidence” to end Trump is always in the testimony we haven’t heard and the documents we haven’t seen. So now an impeachment trial begins—and they are still searching for a crime.


Public Leans Against Removing Trump From Office 51% leave in office 46% impeach

The Jan. 2-15 poll was conducted after the U.S. House voted to impeach Trump in December but before the Senate trial formally began last Thursday. The House has accused Trump of withholding congressionally approved foreign aid to Ukraine contingent on that country investigating a political rival of the president, and obstructing Congress in its investigation of the matter.
Forty-six percent of Americans say they would like their senators to vote to convict Trump and remove him from office, while 51% want their senators to vote against conviction so Trump will remain as president.

So when FAKE NEWS POLLS are copied by the waterboy from political_lire you know things are actually much better !!!

Myballs said...

Gallup poll has majority opposed to impeachment and removal. James wont post that one.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I saw it earlier. I think the CNN poll is later.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Go here and look at the latest trend on the graph.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Especially important:

69% say that the upcoming Senate trial should feature testimony from new witnesses who did not testify in the House impeachment inquiry.

Myballs said...

Both polls are Jan 2-15. You're just cherry picking.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Allies Work to Prevent Bolton’s Testimony

“President Trump’s legal defense team and Senate GOP allies are quietly gaming out contingency plans should Democrats win enough votes to force witnesses to testify in the impeachment trial, including an effort to keep former national security adviser John Bolton from the spotlight.

“One option being discussed would be to move Bolton’s testimony to a classified setting because of national security concerns, ensuring that it is not public.

“But that proposal, discussed among some Senate Republicans in recent days, is seen as a final tool against Bolton becoming an explosive figure in the trial. First, Republicans involved in the discussions said, would come a fierce battle in the courts.”

Ch, why are Republicans so DESPERATE to keep Bolton from testifying? Isn't he a hero of the right wing of the party, known for telling it the way he sees it? Know for his truthfulness? Known for his patriotism and allegiance to the Constitution?

Why then this desperation about him testifying? He has said he would.

Help us understand this, Ch, and explain it simply, without your usual loquacious obfuscation.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why does the CNN poll appear after the Gallup poll?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

But far more important is my simple question to Ch.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Apparently Myballs has been learning from Trump how to out and out lie:

CNN---- 1/16 - 1/19 49 47 Yes, Remove+2
Gallup 1/2 - 1/15 46 51 No +5

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

But again, far more important is my simple question to Ch.

Myballs said...

CNN pill I saw was Jan 2-15. So piss off.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A pill is one thing. A poll is another. LOL

Myballs said...

Clearly you're easily amused, to lol at an autocorrect.


Simple question. Why does the POS "pastor" continue to spam with thousands of political_lire posts without attribution and then make demands of the host?

What a fucking asshole

anonymous said...

Why does the daddy fucker act like a churlish imbecile 24/7???????? BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! Cue another moronic insult!!!!

Commonsense said...

The White Defense Memo eviscerates the House case for impeachment.

ANALYSIS: On eve of Senate trial, White House strikes back

Cipollone and Sekulow single out for special criticism Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union who offered changing testimony to House impeachers. "House Democrats base their case [for a quid pro quo] on witnesses who offer nothing but speculation," the write. "Worse, it is speculation that traces back to one source: Sondland. Other witnesses repeatedly invoked things that Ambassador Sondland had said in a chain of hearsay that would never be admitted in any court."

In sum, here is the short version of the White House defense on the substance of the Trump-Zelensky call:

1) Trump's concerns about 2016 and the Bidens were legitimate presidential interests.
2) In the call, Trump did not link withholding aid with either 2016 or investigations.
3) The Ukrainians did not know aid was paused at the time of the call.
4) Trump did not withhold a meeting in exchange for investigations.
5) Zelensky and other Ukrainians said they did not feel pressure on the aid issue.
6) Trump re-started the aid for legitimate reasons.
7) Ukraine did nothing in exchange for the resumption of aid.

On the issue of process, Cipollone and Sekulow argue that House Democrats cut so many corners in the impeachment inquiry that the White House had legitimate reasons not to participate. Finally, on the question of impeachable offenses, they argue that "abuse of power" is not only not a crime but is far too broad and ill-defined to be impeachable. As far as obstruction of Congress is concerned, they argue that in the face of a reckless impeachment investigation, the White House simply asserted legitimate constitutional rights, and the assertion of legitimate constitutional rights cannot be an impeachable offense.

anonymous said...

Washington examiner opinion that cramps embraces because of his hate of women science and reality.....Funny how most constitutional scholars think Dershowitz is full of shit....including the dershowitz of 1989 when he stated abuse of power charge does not need an underlying crime to be pursued just acting like a tyrant is sufficient!!!!.......!!!!!!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

“I am proud to report the United States has among the cleanest air and drinking water on earth – and we are going to keep it that way. We are committed to conserving the majesty of God’s creation and the natural beauty of our world.” -@realDonaldTrump #WEF20

Commonsense said...

Denny is so intellectually challenged he can't even write a coherent post.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAA Gibberish and being stupid is your only defense sport.....You really need to take your head out of trumps old white fat ass!!!!!

anonymous said...

among the cleanest air and drinking water on earth

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Sure cramps......whatever trumps says you swallow!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

I rest my case.

Myballs said...

Obstruction of Congress is flat out absurd. It's called separation of powers in three branches of government. That was fine for dems when Eric Holder was making up his own laws.

anonymous said...

Obstruction of Congress is flat out absurd.

Based on what, ballz......cramps making shit up again???????BWWWWWWW!!!! BTW cramps keeps digging and you swallow!!!!!

anonymous said...

BTW ballz.......the fast and furious you are alluding to was all provided albeit too slowly for you......BWAAAAAAAA

Commonsense said...

Obstruction of Congress is flat out absurd.

Clearly the most laughable article of impeachment in US history and it will be easily dealt with.

It's simply not obstruction for the president to assert his rights and privalages though a court of law. The article itself predisposes supremacy of Congress over the Executive. That is unconstitutional.

Abuse of Power, a term so vague and arbitrary that you can call any exercise of presidential power abuse that's why the framers limited impeachment to "treason, bribery, or other high crime or misdemeanor".

There is no crime alleged in the articles of impeachment for the very good reason no crime was committed.

But the Constitution and pass impeachment trials required a crime. Even Andrew Johnson was charge with crime even though the law he was charged with was a bogus and unconstitutional law. Clinton of course was charged with perjury and obstruction for lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky but Trump was not charged with any crime.

Trump should be acquitted after opening arguments. No additional witnesses will save the Democrats from their own incompetence.