Saturday, January 25, 2020

Whistleblower involved in scheme to dig up dirt on Trump

Ukrainian Official Who Attended Jan 2016 White House Meeting on Biden/Burisma Blows Up Schiff’s Narrative
On May 1, 2019, New York Times reporter Ken Vogel emailed the State Department to confirm that (State Dept. official) Elizabeth Zentos had attended the January 2016 White House meeting about “Burisma Holdings and concerns that Hunter Biden’s position with the company could complicate such efforts.” Vogel wrote that the attendees included “Ukrainian prosecutors and embassy officials as well as Eric Ciaramella from the NSC.” By now, everyone who has read my posts knows that Ciaramella is alleged to be the whistleblower who sparked the current impeachment trial of President Trump.
Telizhenko attended the secret January 19, 2016 meeting and his statement began: “I was told to work and cooperate with Mrs. Chalupa, a DNC operative, by Ambassador Chaliy…She asked for me to help her get dirt on Presidential candidate Donald Trump…I never coordinated any work with her or the DNC because…I did not support the unethical orders to work and assist one party.”
He also provided a copy of the White House invitation and a “schedule of the meeting listing two names, one associated with the whistleblower whose name we blocked out, and Elizabeth Zentos, both from Obama’s NSC (National Security Council).”

So this is part of the reason why Schiff and the Democrats will do anything in their power to avoid having Eric Ciaramella testify. Not only is he known to have talked about impeaching Trump shortly after he was elected, but there is now confirmed evidence that he was at meetings where members of the Obama Administration allegedly asked for Ukraine's assistance in digging up dirt on Trump (when he was the GOP candidate).

Telizhenko is an actual witness to these events and at the very least can confirm the meetings and the attendance of certain people. While it's only his word at this point that accuses the Obama Administration of asking for elections assistance, it's certainly more than the second and third hand information that Democrats are using to justify their impeachment efforts. We've had three years of Russia, Russia, Russia and now months of impeachment over far less than what is offered here. Yet Democrats will continue to demand that such allegations are "debunked" even though they have neve been investigated.

Perhaps a Special Counsel might be in order? I think everyone deep down understands that the very illegal activities that Robert Mueller "failed" to find in his Russia/Trump fiasco... would be found if we looked into Ukraine/Clinton/Obama.


cowardly king obama said...

Telizhenko attended the secret January 19, 2016 meeting and his statement began: “I was told to work and cooperate with Mrs. Chalupa, a DNC operative, by Ambassador Chaliy…She asked for me to help her get dirt on Presidential candidate Donald Trump

Maybe that is where Schiff got his idea to make up that Trump had demanded the Ukrainians dig up dirt on the Bidens.

The Hillary/Obama dems had in fact in 2016 done that to Trump. And that led to the fake Steele dossier.

Anonymous said...

This is truly Game Changing.
Obama/Biden are criminals.

Again, "No Scandals" what BS.

Anonymous said...

This is why the Trump Win was a must for our Republic.
IF, Kankles would have won this all would have remained hidden.

Myballs said...

Impeachment tv ratings collapse as Trump ratings continue to climb. America has decided.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump’s impeachment trial underscores the overriding importance of maintaining the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and changing the Senate from red to blue on Election Day 2020. Today, Trump is poised to get away with betraying his oath of office and raining havoc on government policies because House and Senate Republicans have chosen to go along and look the other way. For the sake of the nation, they, like Trump, need to be replaced.

To be sure, Trump’s presidency is, as a Los Angeles Times headline put it so succinctly, “a train wreck.” But the damage he is doing to the country can occur only because it has the support of Republican collaborators in Congress. Without Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), 52 other GOP senators and 197 House Republicans marching in lockstep in the rear, the president would not be able to pursue his goal of remaking the United States into a solely owned Trump enterprise. Armed with that GOP posse, Trump is now the most dishonest, uninformed, outright mean, bigoted and braggadocious creature ever to have inhabited the White House — and he has unchecked power.

This isn’t to say Trump hasn’t managed to inflict wounds all on his own.

He, and he alone, abused the power of the presidency by trying to coerce a foreign government into helping him politically. It was Trump, not his compatriots on Capitol Hill, who ordered the obstruction of the House of Representatives in the performance of its constitutional duty.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

And it was Trump who has:

●caused children to be separated from their families and placed in inhumane conditions;
●cozied up to right-wing cutthroats who, through their words and deeds, damn democracy;
●thumbed his nose at climate change and assaulted school lunch programs;
●reveled in the use of foul language;
●taken delight in disparaging brown- and black-skinned immigrants and the places they come from (“shithole countries”);
●shown preference for those sharing his racial heritage (look at his administration, his playgrounds and his playmates);
●paid lip service to unity while promoting division.
it was Trump who has:

●caused children to be separated from their families and placed in inhumane conditions;
●cozied up to right-wing cutthroats who, through their words and deeds, damn democracy;
●thumbed his nose at climate change and assaulted school lunch programs;
●reveled in the use of foul language;
●taken delight in disparaging brown- and black-skinned immigrants and the places they come from (“shithole countries”);
●shown preference for those sharing his racial heritage (look at his administration, his playgrounds and his playmates);
●paid lip service to unity while promoting division.

Anonymous said...

who'd you steal that flaming pile of bullshit from, alky?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The FLAMING PILE OF TRUTH came from one of our best newspapers (which, for example, brought down Nixon).

Anonymous said...

We know Alky is broken coward.

He was evicted, yet, he says he is wealth . A complete fucking lie. He also said this year he will come into great wealth, yet, has zero skills/plan to make it happen.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Kansas Democrat(sic) constantly reveals himself as a would be bully, enjoying personal attack. He only comes off looking small, like his bullying, small-minded President.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Jane, just stating the facts that Roger posted publically.

Your issue is with him princess.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Jane doesn't exist.

Anonymous said...

Too Fuuny that you respond

Anonymous said...

Princess Jane, here is one of my favorite lies from your brokeback buddy Roger.

"""Roger Amick October 23, 2019 at 4:41 PM

BTW I'm living in a 2,500 square foot house, with everything."

Except it is not a house at all, it turns out it is a old folks home.