Saturday, January 25, 2020

Yes... Democrats "are" losing the impeachment trial!

Add to this, the idea being floated that Senate Democrats might cut a deal where they agree to vote to dismiss the second article out of hand and admonish the House for their handling of impeachment (in general). Then in exchange the GOP would agree to call witnesses? Sounds like as admission that they (Senate Democrats) lost their leverage!


Myballs said...

Murkowski has criticized house dems three times now - schiff's comment, Nadler comment, and for not going to court for subpoenas for 5he people they now want the Senate to call.

Commonsense said...

Murkowski is a mystery. You never know what she'll do.

Commonsense said...

Fact.Check; True


It took less than 2 hours for the White House Counsel to completely shred and eviscerate Adam Schiff’s case.

The President’s legal team focused on the indisputable facts and effectively showed the American people what Adam Schiff has been hiding from them - the TRUTH.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump has been impeached. He is dead meat walking. Republicans and others who continue to support him will join him in the dead meat dump. Trump was pushing the Putin idea that the Ukraine interfered in the US election rather than Russia. That has been shown to be completely off base. Biden was pushing to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor. Replacing him with an honest prosecutor might have been more likely to investigate the oil company. The idea that Trump gave a tinker's damn about actual Ukrainian corruption is indicated by his previous support of aid to Ukraine without conditions of funding hold ups. The whole impeachment is not a farce no matter how many times you or Trump's hired guns say it. He has been impeached. Hopefully it is a message to him, but he seems immune to learning which is the reason for pushing for his immediate removal rather than waiting for the GOP to go down the drain with him in the next election. The impeachment is hopefully a message to all future Presidents, Republicans, Democrats, or others that pressuring or bribing a foreign power to provide you with an emolument in the form of election interference or campaign funding is not a good idea and is fundamentally un-American and unconstitutional.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Myballs said...

Trump is dead meat walking because of a partisan political impeachment? We're now hearing a few dems may vote in support of Trump. Joe Manchin is almost guaranteed.

Commonsense said...

Trump has been impeached. He is dead meat walking. Republicans and others who continue to support him will join him in the dead meat dump.