Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Best Briefing so far

First you had Fauci defending the President to the hilt, and completely undermining the fake Jake Tapper gotcha moment. The death stare Fauci provided to the reporter who implied that the top epidemiologist in the world was being forced to retract something he meant was priceless. Day after day these reporters attack Fauci and the task force as a means to undermine the President. For once Fauci shot back.

Then you had the Press go into complete meltdown mode over the "video" that was shown, in some cases showing the very media outlets represented there getting everything wrong up front  (such as footage of reporters telling people that Covid-19 was not as bad as the flu), as well as similar quotes from prominent politicians that the media is desperately attempting to protect.  Not to mention all of the clips from Democrats criticizing the President's early response as premature and racist.

Then you had Trump chastise the CNN reporter who apparently is supposed be covering these briefings, but can't seem to remember a single positive thing that was done by anyone (not the CDC, the NIAID, the Army Corps of Engineers, FEMA, the National Guards, any number of companies who stepped up to help) during this entire process. It makes you wonder if she pays any attention to anything be said in these briefings, which at one time was actually the job of the press.

I think that is the most troubling aspect of all of this. You literally have an overall herculean effort putting forth by the task force, the medical community, the scientific community, the private sector, and just everyday individuals. Pretty much every line of testing, possible cures, possible antidotes, possible vaccines, possible treatments is being researched by someone or in most cases multiple people. Hospitals have been build in days. Companies have stepped up and stopped normal day to day manufacturing to focus on making medical supplies.

To date, there has not been a single reported case of someone dying due to lack of care or equipment. This coming after pretty much everyone suggested that neither the states or the federal governments was prepared for an event such as this.

Yet reporters would make it out that the entire country is sitting on their hands doing nothing and that little or nothing has been provided to anyone. This 180 degree misrepresentation of the reality appears to be motivated entirely out of the politically selfish concept that recognizing any success by the task force or the American people as a whole might actually shed a positive light on the President. Better to stick your head in the sand, ignore all of the effort, and pretend that this response has been a total disaster.

Even if you know it's a complete lie!


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why no mention of the President's total authority, Ch?

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!! King Donnie was defended by his minions!!!!!!1 Sad to watch Fauci declare his fealty to trump for speaking the truth!!!! His tax payer infomercial was a travesty and if Obama had done the same thing....Lil Schitty's head would have exploded!!!!!!

Myballs said...

Why no mention of the price of tea in China either?

Anonymous said...

Why no mention of the President's total authority, Ch?

you must mean the total authority the msm bestowed upon trump when they wanted him to shut the country completely down.

THAT total authority, pastor hypocrite the pederast?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch and all the rest of you can spin and dance and complain, but that video above and the NYT (and other) reporting it is based on is DAMNING of this administration's failure to come to grips with a looming pandemic that they absolutely SHOULD have seen coming and for which they SHOULD have been better preparing the nation.

Trump's emphasis on containment was erroneous, and his experts saw it. Why then did it take so long -- far TOO long -- to go from containment to mitigation?

History will inevitably record that as an indelible black mark on this President and his presidency.

Bottom line:
Lives were lost that could have been saved.

Caliphate4vr said...

More proof the WHO covered it up, stupid old man

Taiwan releases December email to WHO showing unheeded warning about coronavirus

No more funding

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Look at the video.

anonymous said...

The dumb fucking loser of Ga.......forgets to include the root reason from his faux story....

Taiwan is accusing WHO of downplaying the severity and spread of the coronavirus in an attempt to pander to China, even after Taiwan sounded the alarm about at least seven cases of atypical pneumonia that they were aware of in Wuhan, where the virus originated.

Always more to the story which the dumb fuck always ignores!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

You proved my point fatty

God damn you’re dumb

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Former President Barack Obama will endorse Joe Biden in a video to be released this morning, NBC News reports.

Washington Post:
“The endorsement by Obama, who remains one of the most popular and influential figures in the party, marks the 44th president’s public reemergence in a contest in which he largely tried to stay out of the spotlight...”

THAT and the Sanders' endorsement, are of tremendous importance.

Americans have been hungering for a figure on the national stage whose decency they do not question.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Sure it did you fucking loathsome loser!!!!!!!! You again did not read what you linked.....shockingly stupid on your part you dumb fuck!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

It says exactly what I claimed you fat retard

I’m done you’re too stupid to discuss anything

Make sure to get the last word fatty

anonymous said...

Some polls that I find most amusing for trump suckers....

Arizona: Trump vs. Biden OH Predictive Insights Biden 52, Trump 43 Biden +9
Connecticut: Trump vs. Biden Hartford Courant/Sacred Heart Biden 47, Trump 34 Biden +13
President Trump Job Approval The Hill/HarrisX Approve 48, Disapprove 52 Disapprove +4

President Trump Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 43, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +13
Direction of Country Rasmussen Reports Right Direction 37, Wrong Track 57 Wrong Track +20

anonymous said...

April 14, 2020 at 9:46 AM Delete
Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
It says exactly what I claimed you fat retard

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! You really are a fucking asshole!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

GOODNESS! Trump at +13 DISapproval on the RASMUSSEN?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why no mention of the President's total authority, Ch?

Why no mention of the price of tea in China either?

Trump said nothing about tea prices.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend...

One thing about hateful bitter old men like yourself...

Impossible to change their minds, once they have something set.

So you just go ahead and believe what the NYT tells you if it makes you feel better about... whatever it is that makes you feel better.

I will continue to factually and objectively judge this according to what is actually happening in real life.


C.H. Truth said...

Why no mention of the President's total authority, Ch?

Hey Moron!

I wrote a whole post on the subject...

Perhaps you should read it?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ah, but this is a thread about how great this briefing was, and that was its GREATEST moment.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Bonus Quote of the Day
April 14, 2020 at 10:54 am EDT By Gaegan Toddard

“I am not running for office to be King of America. I respect the Constitution. I’ve read the Constitution. I’ve sworn an oath to it many times. I respect the great job so many of this country’s governors — Democratic and Republican — are doing under these horrific circumstances.”
— Donald Trump, assuring voters that he does not really regard his presidential powers to be absolute.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh wait! How did Gaegan Toddard get in here?

Bonus Quote of the Day
April 14, 2020 at 10:54 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

“I am not running for office to be King of America. I respect the Constitution. I’ve read the Constitution. I’ve sworn an oath to it many times. I respect the great job so many of this country’s governors — Democratic and Republican — are doing under these horrific circumstances.”
— Joe Biden, on Twitter, pushing back on President Trump’s false claim he has “total authority” over the states.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend...

I understand the argument. States ask the Federal Government to call for a declaration of disaster and in doing so, they actually do cede some of their authority to the Federal Government.

Not sure the last time all 50 states asked for and were provided with a declaration for disaster or the last time this situation corresponded with a National Emergency.

Based on the laws surrounding National Emergencies, the President is provided with quite a bit of authority. Given these unique circumstances I understand how such an argument can be made, but I disagree that Presidential powers should become plenary.

I stand by the belief that the States should come to their own decisions, but I also understand how this needs to be coordinated both at a regional and at a national level.

The manner in which our states closed was not organized or necessarily useful in some cases. We would have been better off with a more coordinated national effort (guided by the Task force experts).

We can (and will) look back with 20-20 hindsight at how this all played out. But I think time will show that we could have gotten by with less absolute and extreme measures.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Time has already shown that we could have gotten by better with a more skillful, capable, and knowledgeable Chief Executive.

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Reverend two million dead...

But the main thing time has proven so far is that the doomsayers were all wrong and that many lives are probably financially ruined that probably didn't have to be.

Wrong! You were wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong!

and you just cannot admit it.

because you are a bitter angry old man who wishes harm to others because of political beliefs.

C.H. Truth said...

If you watched Trump's video Reverend head in the sand...

It would show you that Trump "acted" far earlier than anyone else took this seriously. The media was downplaying this, Democrats were downplaying this, critics were calling the President all sorts of names when he banned travel from China, then Europe, then the U.K.

Yet... according to the top epidemiologist in the world...

that action saved thousands of lives...

Thousands that would have been dead if Joe Biden had been in charge and Democrats had their way.

So suck it up buttercup!

The proof is in the pudding!

Trump saved lives! Cannot be denied!

And not a single person has died from any lack of federal assistance.

As much as you would like to believe differently.

Only in a fantasy world where the exact same people who were telling you it wasn't a threat are now telling you that it always was and that Trump blew it... is there any evidence of what you say.

But I live in the REAL world!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

...in reply to 10:49:

My, my. Navarro is the "two million dead" man, not I.

Those of us who are saying more lives could have been saved are not wrong, wrong, wrong, for that includes Dr. Fauci, who now admits he should earlier have realized how serious the coming pandemic was going to be, and started pushing for mitigation sooner.

And yes, the economics of mitigation are horrendous, but if we had just allowed the virus to "wash over" us and tried to "ride it out" as Trump was once suggesting, how horrendous would the number of deaths now be?

Neither Fauci nor I are angry old men willing to sacrifice human lives for political beliefs. Rather, we both believe that difficult decisions sometimes must be made for the sake of avoiding an even greater tragedy.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Re: 10:53:
Seems to me it's you who are the one who is both more angry and, to be honest, more insecure, on all of this, and I do not think there is much good reason to respond further.

I will say this, however.

If you would argue that Trump rightly banned travel early on, and that indeed saved lives,
but wrongly downplayed the seriousness of what was coming later on,
I would think you have a credible argument.

But you defend and excuse him excessively, even those later statements of his that now appear so grossly wrong and wrong headed in so many ways,
and that undercuts your credibility, imho.

So I guess the voters and the historians will have to be the ones to have the final say on this.

Anonymous said...

And yes, the economics of mitigation are horrendous, but if we had just allowed the virus to "wash over" us and tried to "ride it out" as Trump was once suggesting, how horrendous would the number of deaths now be?

well pederast, it might have taken out you, the alky and dumb fuck denny. or at least one of you.

so i'm not seeing a downside there.

Caliphate4vr said...

Would’ve lowered the SSI and Medicare shortfalls

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Thank you for those sensitive, caring comments.
Be sure to publish sentiments like those in your local newspapers.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Fauci Says ‘We’re Not There Yet’ on Reopening Economy
April 14, 2020 at 12:23 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

Dr. Anthony Fauci told the Associated Press that “the U.S. does not yet have the critical testing and tracing procedures needed to begin reopening the nation’s economy, adding a dose of caution to increasingly optimistic projections from the White House.

Said Fauci:
“We have to have something in place that is efficient and that we can rely on, and we’re not there yet.”

He added that the key is “getting people out of circulation if they get infected, because once you start getting clusters, then you’re really in trouble.”

No FIRE FAUCI retweets, please.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

What a GREAT video!

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...


still polishing 0linsky's nutsack, alky?

old habits die hard.

Commonsense said...

Yes, Trump's video was great.

anonymous said...

Sorry Reverend two million dead...

Sorry Lil Schitty, but the count now in the US is over 23k a count you seem to be very comfortable with because asshole trump will claim that to be a victory!!!!!1 Total is still rising at a horrible rate and with 600 k US confirmed cases and still not at the peak....who knows how many will suffer because of trumps stupidity?????? I remember trump saying come april, this whole think will go away!!!!! I also remember him saying that the fatality rate is now where close to 3% , but more like 1% seems to me even you can figure the current US rate is somewhere around 4% with current numbers.....Sad....you don't give a shit other than trumps obese fat white ass who has not done a single thing that helps you, only lies which you embrace!!!! Trumps video was a sham!!!