Sunday, April 5, 2020

Biden doctors urge him to drop out...

(by )

A recent barrage of medical tests have revealed troubling information about the former Vice President according to multiple sources close to the situation. In recent months both the physical and mental health of the presumed Democratic nominee has continued to deteriorate at an alarming pace. There is now a raging battle going on between doctors and others in the Biden camp who believe he should drop out now and those who still want to believe he can still win the Presidency and attempt to work through the physical and mental issues until ultimately handing the reigns over to his Vice President.

People close to Joe Biden say that he is not the same person that he was just a few months ago. Many attribute the the acute displays of health issues to the stress of going to the Democratic primary. These same people worry about what could happen once the bright lights of the general election campaign start shining on the nearly eighty year old Biden. They see the polling numbers closing, the enthusiasm waning, and understand that Joe needs to get better in a hurry or he will lose in McGovern style fashion. But rather than Biden getting better, most are worried that it will only get worse.

Meanwhile President Trump has been taking some very effective shots at his presumed opponent in the past few days, and his political advisers are conceding that Trump's response is deadly to the Biden campaign. When reporters ask the President about what Biden is saying about Covid-19, Trump is refusing to even take it seriously. Yesterday the President suggested that Biden is not mentally capable of any criticism and that he just has "people writing the stuff for him". Reporters have not been pushing back on Trump's response because they deep down know it's true. All of this give the appearance of a serious President and a non-serious opponent, something the Biden camp fears will only get worse.

Biden advisers are torn now between continuing to provide Biden with a script to go public with and going back into hiding. They can not afford for Biden to be seen as someone who is always one step behind and just providing yesterday's talking points during a fast moving situation that he cannot keep up with.  But they cannot afford for him to be missing in action during a crisis either. There seem to be no good choices and one prominent aid said he believes that the odds are less than 50% that Biden makes it to November.


Commonsense said...

Think this is satire but it's close to the truth.

C.H. Truth said...

Hey - Gaegan Toddard is citing "multiple sources" here. How often are "mulitiple sources" ever wrong?

Anonymous said...

This crisis will be resolved by truckers running the long haul on deserted highways, doctors and nurse working double shifts in scavenged PPE, grocery store and gas station employees keeping services and food available, utility and telecom workers keeping a strained system functioning, grad students and other researchers poring over data and running countless tests in hopes of giving us an advantage, and ordinary people trying to follow often-contradictory guidance and do the right thing while facing a locked-down economy. At the top, we have leaders whose every move is scrutinized and fraught with potential peril – there might not be any good choices, just bad and not so bad.

There is no room for our useless media and most of the commentariat. Activists can either pitch in or get lost. We no longer have time for indulging the delusion that they matter.

Anonymous said...

read the whole thing:

If Pelosi believes the president should have done something at the beginning, when exactly does she think was the ‘beginning’? Was it during the impeachment proceedings that Pelosi instigated? Should Pelosi bear some responsibility for what she perceives as the president’s failure to focus on the coronavirus back in January?

The single most important step taken by President Trump was his closing of U.S. travel with China, which happened on Jan. 31, something the president reminds us at every briefing.

He’s right, but what he doesn’t say is he made that decision at a time the CDC was assuring us the risk to America was low, the WHO was covering for China, Democrats were trying to impeach the president, and Biden was attacking the decision as xenophobic.

It is impossible to overestimate the number of American lives saved by that momentous decision by President Trump on January 31. And no media or Pelosi false narratives or phony Biden campaign ad can change the truth about the real chronology of the coronavirus.