Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Hi! I am the new blogger here at Coldheartedtruth!

Look out for exciting made up news from anonymous sources about extremely important people that I pretend to know way too much about! 

Sources close to Biden say he will concede the Presidency
 to Donald Trump shortly after winning the nomination. 


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Thank you Mr. President for being the tough guy this country needs. You were put in this place at this time for this reason and for your leadership during this difficult time.

No president has ever been able to negotiate with the private sector to create and innovate like Trump. Very few previous Presidents could make deals like him. He only cares for the USA. I predict history will show a legendary POTUS.

APRIL FOOLS! 😁 #stayhome #besafe

anonymous said...

Looking for an intelligent thread here has the same odds of LilSchitty growing up and dumping trump.....Sad that you are now harping on unnamed sources when you post such gibberish as the alleged ban of that drug in Michigan....It was always available for hardship uses while you portrayed an inaccurate pile of bullshit....go fuck yourself....!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Thank you for the kind words, Denny...

Have a nice day!

anonymous said...

Anytime Lil Schitty....ESAD!!!

Anonymous said...

Roger has been given internet privileges and he spammed three threads with the same prattle.

Anonymous said...

The Three Socialist Stooges support China over Trump.

Anonymous said...

😂Former Vice President Joe Biden confirmed this week that Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) is one of the women he's considering as a potential running mate in his White House bid.

Biden, who has already vowed to tap a woman as his VP."😄

Anonymous said...

😄On Friday March 27th Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer threatened to revoke the medical licenses of doctors and pharmacists who prescribe hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus in Michigan.  Four days later, March 31st, the same governor asks the federal government to send her hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients😅