Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Stupid is as stupid does...

Michigan Governor Who Banned Anti-Coronavirus Drug Touted by Trump Now Asking for Shipments of It

A drug that has proven effective against the Wuhan Coronavirus was banned in Michigan by its Democratic governor after it was promoted by President Donald Trump, but now that the drug is being circulated with proven efficacy against the virus, Michigan’s governor is practically begging for it. 
It wasn’t but a few days ago that Democratic Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, was banning the drug hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine from being sold in pharmacies and threatening “professional consequences” if they prescribe or dispense it, even ordering pharmacists to “ignore physician orders for this medication.”

This is simply a classic case of politics over common sense.  What was the "real" reason that a drug touted by the task force (as at least being safe to try) and approved by the FDA should be all but banned by a blue state Governor during a medical crisis?  Do you suppose Trump touting the drug as a possible cure was the issue? Trump says up, blue state Governor says down.

There is no question that Fauci and others questioned the effectiveness, citing the reality that most of the clinical tests were small and most of the evidence of effectiveness was more anecdotal. Fauci was clear that they generally deal with much more testing before declaring the effectiveness of any drug. But Fauci also stopped far short of saying that it should not be sent out and given a try. On numerous occasions he suggested he was open to trying it, but just wanted people to know that it was not a known miracle cure at this point. It "might" be helpful according to Fauci, but there was no scientific proof that it was at that point.

Now one has to wonder what changed over the past few days to make Whitmer do this sort of 180?


Anonymous said...

what else she did was claim trump was blocking MI from receiving aid from the federal government. she went on to claim this for days milking the press for the coverage.

turns out MI had never submitted a request. the feds had no idea what they wanted or needed.

after that was made public MI finally got around to sending their wish list to DC.

so this twat basically pulled the same shit with the Fed aid requests she did over hydroxychloroquine.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Probably because you know she's being considered for Dem Veep candidate.
...apparently, Michigan's "ban" on the drugs to treat coronavirus patients was all just a matter of miscommunication.

Days after LARA issued its first letter, The Detroit News published an op-ed that criticized the Whitmer administration’s prohibition of the drugs.

"Not only is our state’s top leader threatening the selfless health care workers who are on the frontline trying to save lives, but she’s denying possible life-saving medications to actual COVID-19 victims,” the op-ed said.

Some readers criticized the paper for irresponsibly advocating for untested drugs.

But Detroit News editor and publisher Gary Miles defended the column on Monday, pointing out that it revealed a miscommunication between the State Senate and the Governor.

Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, a Clarklake Republican, told The Detroit News that he asked the governor to issue the original letter to prevent people from hoarding the drugs and thus depriving non-coronavirus patients of their medicine.

"We needed something to prevent cloroquine from becoming the next toilet paper," he told Miles. "I quickly requested of her staff that they put something out, and somehow in the translation it was prohibiting use of these drugs — and that wasn't the intent."

A close read of LARA's original March 24 letter confirms the intent to make sure the drugs were being saved for non-coronavirus patients.

"Prescribing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine without further proof of efficacy for treating COVID-19 or with the intent to stockpile the drug may create a shortage for patients with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or other ailments for which chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are proven treatments," the letter reads. "... Again, these are drugs that have not been proven scientifically or medically to treat COVID-19."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Shirkey told Miles he "was grateful for your article ... because it was the first thing that alerted me that it was screwed up."

On Monday, Whitmer said in a press conference that the state wants to be "nimble" and is always updating its policies.

"We want to ensure that doctors have the ability to prescribe these medicines," she said. "We also want to make sure that the people who have prescriptions that predated COVID-19 have access to the medication they need. And so all of the work that we’ve done is trying to strike that balance."

In its approval letter, the FDA wrote that "[b]ased on the totality of scientific evidence available to FDA, it is reasonable to believe that chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate may be effective in treating COVID-19."

"When used under the conditions described in this authorization, the known and potential benefits of chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate when used to treat COVID-19 outweigh the known and potential risks of such products," FDA Chief Scientist Denise M. Hinton wrote in the approval letter.

Whitmer also issued an executive order relaxing medical laws so personnel from out of state could help the state's overloaded hospitals treat coronavirus patients. The executive order also offers doctors additional protections for medical errors.

"If you're a health professional anywhere in America, Michigan needs you," Whitmer said in a video posted to her Twitter. "Detroit, Michigan needs you especially."

Anonymous said...

imma just gonna leave this right here -

But the one thing I do have to look forward to every day like clockwork has been New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s daily press briefings at 11 a.m. (Sometimes he’s late, and starts them at 11:30. I’ve started referring to this waiting time as “Cuomo FOMO.”) Like a velveteen gravity blanket for my soul, the second I see this man’s perfectly weathered face and tousled curls, the moment his Pacino-like accent fills my living room with its mafia-like authority, my blood pressure drops, my breasts seem to perk up on their own, and a tingly feeling of optimism washes over my imprisoned body as I think to myself… I think we’re gonna be okay.

Also: I think I’m in love with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Anonymous said...

out with it, pederast. let's go.

fauci and birx are on the record disagreeing with you as recently as yesterday.

so who are these other "TOP EPIDEMIOLOGISTS" pederast???

or are these maggie haberman-type phony anonymous sources?

post the identities and corresponding quotes of the epidemiologists who disagree with Fauci and Birx.

Caliphate4vr said...

He’s using a free weekly paper Detroit Metro Times??

What a fucking retard

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. is threatening to undermine public confidence in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The CDC has been at the center of the U.S. response to the outbreak, with CDC Director Robert Redfield becoming a regular presence at administration briefings with Vice President Pence and President Trump.

But the CDC has also come under criticism, along with other parts of the government, for a slow rollout of tests for the coronavirus that has helped contribute to the rapid spread of the virus around the United States...

Critics like the New York governor saw overly strict testing criteria and a flawed test kit for coronavirus as contributing factors to the virus’s spread.

“The incompetence has really exceeded what anyone would expect with the C.D.C.,” Michael Mina, an epidemiologist at Harvard University, told The New York Times last week.

He said the rolling out of a test kit for the virus was “not a difficult problem to solve in the world of viruses.”

Anonymous said...


no, the NY Times:

another lie from the pederast.

they're really starting to pile up.

Caliphate4vr said...

03/12/20 06:00 AM EDT

It’s 3 weeks old pederast

Myballs said...

Michael Min a is an Asst Prof. That's lower than Associate Prof and a far cry from full Prof. I'll go with Drs. Fauci and Bird thank you.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

At Harvard. Thank you.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Quote of the Day
April 1, 2020 at 12:59 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard Comments

“I don’t believe the president has ever belittled the threat of the coronavirus.”
— Vice President Mike Pence, in a CNN interview.

Was that an "APRIL FOOL!!!" or did he actually say it?

Video statement after video statement after video statement etc., etc. by the President show that he did EXACTLY that, repeatedly.

Anonymous said...

an asshat commenter on the pederast's NY Times story:


America March 3

China has developed a quick and highly accurate testing kid and are manufacturing it right now. Just need to ask for them from China. It can complete 96 tests in 2 hours. Here is the news report about it (google translate):

"The approved kit is highly accurate. It uses triple target gene detection (ORF1ab / E / N) and a single internal standard test to ensure the accuracy of the test and to avoid missed detection of the new crown virus. This test kit 96 tests can be completed in 2 hours, greatly reducing the screening time. "

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The Time for Containing Coronavirus Is Over.
Here's How the Government And Scientists Are Delivering The News.

There comes a point in the unfolding of every epidemic when public-health officials acknowledge that despite their best efforts, an invisible microbial foe has managed to outwit them. That time has come.

The Trump Administration’s strategy to combat COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, began with a relatively simple focus: keep it out of the United States (Containment). In service of that goal, the White House issued drastic travel restrictions, imposed mandatory quarantines, and repeatedly told the public that these steps were working.

“We have CONTAINED THIS this. I won’t say airtight but PRETTY CLOSE TO AIRTIGHT,” White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said in a television interview on Feb. 25, echoing Trump’s tweeted declaration that the virus was “very much under control” in the United States.

But it wasn’t,
and the administration’s rosy messaging was fundamentally at odds with a growing cacophony of alarm bells inside and outside the U.S. government. Since January, EPIDEMIOLOGISTS, FORMER U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS AND EXPERTS have been warning, publicly and privately, that the administration’s insistence that containment was—and should remain—the primary way to confront an emerging infectious disease was a GRAVE MISTAKE.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

As late as Feb. 25, the grossly errant claim was being made.

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

As late as Feb. 25, the grossly errant claim was being made.

and well into March, cuomo, de blasio and peloshee was telling everyone - let's party! nothing to see here! move along! restaurants! movies! chinese new year in china-fucking-town!

Myballs said...

At Harvard. So what. He's an Asst professor. Not professor. Not even associate prof. He can't hold a candle to the best in the world in birx abd fauci,

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

At Harvard. So what. He's an Asst professor. Not professor. Not even associate prof.

he probably still lives in the dorms and has yet to get his first piece of ass.

Myballs said...

The only professor an Asst professor is higher than is an adjunct.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It wasn't JUST him.

...the administration’s rosy messaging was fundamentally at odds with a growing cacophony of alarm bells inside and outside the U.S. government. Since January, EPIDEMIOLOGISTS, FORMER U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS AND EXPERTS have been warning, publicly and privately, that the administration’s insistence that containment was—and should remain—the primary way to confront an emerging infectious disease was a GRAVE MISTAKE.

But you and rrb will choose to believe what you choose to believe no matter how much evidence is adduced. As a matter of fact, it was the two of them who were among the experts, former public health officials, and EPIDEMIOLOGISTS who were having trouble trying to talk sense to Trump. Fauci and Birx had to assault him at last with a whole bevy of info on his desk to get him to acquiesce, and only then when he realized that the consequences for holding on to his denials would harm him POLITICALLY.

Caliphate4vr said...

Does everyone understand why I call him a fucking stupid old man?

Judge Judy said...

I rest my case.

Without citing the name of a single epidemiologist who disagrees with Fauci or Birx?

Ruling in favor of the other person.

Anonymous said...


so who is in this secret society of nameless and faceless EPIDEMIOLOGISTS, FORMER U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS AND EXPERTS???

i would think that during such a grave crisis they would lend the "power" of their identities to their claims.


if i were to wildly claim that i have a competing group of EPIDEMIOLOGISTS, FORMER U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS AND EXPERTS who claims the opposite, wouldn't you want to know specifically who they are?

you're a clown, pederast.

just a fucking clown.

Myballs said...

You pasted an article quoting only the asst professor. It was just him.

Myballs said...

Actually I just tested my case. You pasted a weak article and I pretty much shoved it up your ass.

Anonymous said...

Does everyone understand why I call him a fucking stupid old man?

oh yeah.

the only difference between the pederast and the alky is that i assume the pederast still has the liver he was born with.

Anonymous said...

Democrats this week have mocked the idea that impeachment distracted the government from fighting coronavirus.

But while President Trump acted — forming a coronavirus task force Jan. 27, chairing its meeting Jan. 29, banning travel with China Jan. 31, and telling Congress about the virus in his State of the Union on Feb. 4 — Congress did nothing.

The Democrat-run House held its first subcommittee hearing on coronavirus Feb. 5 — the day that Trump was acquitted in the Senate.

Only by breaking the rules, and skipping the trial, was Cotton able to get anything done.

Anonymous said...

Chilean actress stranded in Cuba: ‘There’s a plague of rats, this is a closed-down hotel’
From Cuba, Chilean actress Carolina Cox called on her government to get her off the island where she has been stranded after flights out were canceled due to the spreading of COVID-19 all over the island.

“This is a center for infections, foreigners are constantly coming and going, there’s a plague of rats, this is a closed-down hotel,” complained the actress in a video posted on social media.

Cox, who was participating in a workshop at the San Antonio de los Baños International School of Film and Television (EICTV) was unable to return to Chile when the Panamanian airline Copa canceled all flights due to the spreading of the virus in that country, said the Chilean outlet El Periscopio.

“We’re trying to protect ourselves because if one of us gets coronavirus we’re not going to be able to return to our country,” she said.

“It’s super distressing being in a country where there’s shortages of soap, toilet paper, our accounts are blocked because of the blocks on Cuba, connecting to the internet is very difficult, our credit cards don’t work [,,,] There’s people who need medicine, among us are kids, elderly, families,” she explained.

The actress, who has been an activist promoting the protests against the government of Sebastian Piñera these past months and has declared herself a support of leftist regimes int he region, finished her message with a demand that her government do something about getting her back to Chile.


* h/t: dumb fuck denny

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

But don't anybody get me wrong.
I agree that Fauci and Birx are EXCELLENT epidemiologists, and it took ALL their erudite powers of persuasion, as well as those of others, to finally convince Trump he had better abandon his delusional fantasy about opening America back up anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

as well as those of others

the voices in your head don't count, pederast.

you're a fraud peddling lies.

Commonsense said...

We don’t get you wrong James, you’re a hack.

You make up negative shit about Trump and his advisors when couldn’t possibly know the truth about their relationship.

I do know this. When it came down to it, he took the advise of his medical advisors every damn time.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


They themselves described how they had to bombard him with information in his office before he finally "got" it.

And JUST as I surmised, it had a lot to do with his having to face the POLITICAL realities:

Why Trump Changed His Tack on the Pandemic
April 1, 2020 at 4:00 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 94 Comments

Gabriel Sherman reports that President Trump only shifted his tone as the coronavirus virus spread to “Trump country.”

Said one former White House official: “The polling sucked. The campaign panicked about the numbers in red states. They don’t expect to win states that are getting blown to pieces with coronavirus.”

With Trump it's always about HIM, first and foremost.

anonymous said...

For the biggest loser in NY......deep throat you AR 15!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! are about as funny as 3300 dead americans because of trumps diddling....!!!! Also....breitbart is still dead!!!!

anonymous said...

Hey cramps....

You make up negative shit about Trump

Trump does a fine enough job all by himself making up negative shit with his bullshit proclamations and lying....James just puts forth the stupidity of the donnie as it is painfully evident he is in way over his head and has lost control of the situation by his inaction and praying for a miracle!!!!!!!! Did you see him sweating yesterday, he stammered through the presser....sure made me feel he has control....He like you don't give a shit about those losing lives daily as he diddles in DC!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Exchange of the Day
April 1, 2020 at 3:48 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 47 Comments

Dr. Anthony Fauci was interviewed by Nora O’Donnell on CBS News:

O’DONNELL: The vice president suggested today that Americans will be able to get back to work in early June, if we follow the federal guidelines. Do you agree with that assessment?

FAUCI: The virus determines what the timetable is, not us.

(IOW and not Trump.)


Drug Smugglers Tunnel Under Border Wall
April 1, 2020 at 3:56 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 69 Comments

“A large haul of drugs, including opioids, methamphetamine and cocaine, being smuggled from Mexico to California was seized from a cross-border tunnel equipped with ventilation, lighting and an underground rail system,” the AP reports.

“The tunnel was built near a vaunted double-layered border wall constructed under President Trump’s watch, illustrating the limitations of such barriers against sophisticated drug smuggling organizations.”
Did Mexico pay for the wall? Or maybe the tunnel?


Protective Gear In National Stockpile Nearly Depleted
April 1, 2020 at 3:40 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 75 Comments

“The government’s emergency stockpile of respirator masks, gloves and other medical supplies is running low and is nearly exhausted due to the coronavirus outbreak, leaving the Trump administration and the states to compete for personal protective equipment in a freewheeling global marketplace rife with profiteering and price-gouging,” the Washington Post reports.

(And meanwhile the Trump administration has been sending it to THAILAND?)

Caliphate4vr said...

Said one former White House official: “T

Unnamed as always.

You’re a lying fraud, pederast

Anonymous said...

Unnamed as always.

You’re a lying fraud, pederast

and gabe sherman? LOL. one of the biggest clowns in media

anonymous said...

You’re a lying fraud, pederast

Once again the loser shows all he has FUCKING NOTHING but BULLSHIT opinions to add......what a sick dumb ass!!!!!!

anonymous said...

one of the biggest clowns in media

While you and the GA salesman are the biggest assholes posting here!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Stupid is as Stupid Does...

Brazil's President, Isolated and Defiant, Dismisses Coronavirus Threat to Brazil

President Jair Bolsonaro, who has called the virus a “measly cold,” is the sole major world leader continuing to question the merits of lockdown measures to fight the pandemic.

President Bolsonaro has continued to dismiss the severity of the coronavirus’s potential impact and has clashed with GOVERNORS who have sought to combat the outbreak.
April 1, 2020 Updated 4:23 p.m. ET

RIO DE JANEIRO — As coronavirus cases and deaths mount in Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro has remained defiant, the last notable holdout among major world leaders in denying the severity of the coronavirus.

Brazilians, he declared last week, are uniquely suited to weather the pandemic because they can be dunked in raw sewage and “don’t catch a thing.”

Defying guidelines issued by his own health ministry, the president on Sunday visited a busy commercial district in Brasília, the capital, where he called on all but elderly Brazilians to get back to work.

Then he insisted that an anti-malaria pill of unproved efficacy would cure those who fall ill with the virus that has killed more than 43,000 people worldwide.


“God is Brazilian,” he told a throng of supporters. “The cure is right there.”

Several world leaders — among them President Trump and Prime Minister Boris Johnson — were slow to grasp the menace of the highly contagious virus, and reluctant to embrace disruptive and economically painful social distancing measures that have become the norm in much of the world.

Commonsense said...

This is the @IMHE_UW model for #Covid_19, the new US standard. It was put out SIX days ago (post lockdown). It projects New York State will have 50,000 hospitalizations TODAY. Instead NYS has 12,000. Wrong by 4x in under a week. What on earth are we doing?

So the question is, are the models wildly wrong or are we really, really successful at mitigation?

Anonymous said...

Caliphate4vrApril 1, 2020 at 2:27 PM

Does everyone understand why I call him a fucking stupid old man?" Cali

Yes, we do.

Anonymous said...

The Emergency Response director of .CA was out with his family on a beach against The Govenors Orders.

Anonymous said...

Does everyone understand why I call him a fucking stupid old man?" Cali

You often seem envious of him, to tell the truth.