Friday, April 10, 2020

Riddle me this?

Both New York and Florida saw their first confirmed cases of Covid-19 on March 1st.
New York reported one single case, while Florida reported two.

39 days later, New York has over 170,000 confirmed cases, nearly 8,000 dead, and has the highest death to confirmed case rate in the county. Strangely New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is so popular right now that a recent poll shows that a majority of Democrats would trade Joe Biden in for Cuomo as the Presidential nominee.

Meanwhile Florida has just under 18,000 confirmed cases, 419 deaths over that same time period. Their rate of dead to confirmed case is quite literally half of what is being reported in New York. Yet, Floridan Governor Ron DeSantis has been widely criticized by the media and Democrats in general for his handling of the virus.

New York has a smaller overall population, but has nearly ten times as many cases, and nearly twenty times as many dead. Isn't success or failure ultimately in the results? Can someone please explain what makes Cuomo such a hero and what makes DeSantis such a goat? I'd really love to hear a reasonable explanation.


Commonsense said...


1. DeSantis is a pro-Trump republican who competently handle the crisis. You know he's competent because there was no whining about the need for more ventilators. He made sure he had an adequate supply.

2. Florida is the epitome of a pro-Trump red state. As such, the state became the target of all of the New York media elitist contempt and condensation of fly over states. That became obvious from all the negative stories they wrote about the state in mid-March.

It was the height of irony that the New York media slut shame Florida for keeping the beaches open when they did it from a crowded bar in midtown Manhattan.

I would also note that Florida (under media pressure) closed their parks and beaches while New York City kept their's open.

And finally the New York media is rather parochial. If it's not happening in New York or Washington, it's not happening.

Anonymous said...

CS nailed it.

Anonymous said...

"CNN’s “AC360,” California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) complimented President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus by stating that the president has met every “direct request” that California has made that the president could have met.

Newsom said, “Every single direct request that he was capable of meeting, he has met. We have the USNS Mercy in California because of his direct intervention and support. 2,000 of these federal medical stations because of his direct support. And so, I can only speak for myself, but I have to be complimentary, otherwise, I would be simply lying to you, misleading you. And that is a wonderful thing to be able to say, and I hope that continues.”

Commonsense said...

BTW all those doctors and nurses from fly over country that the New York media condescendingly dismiss?

Are going to New York to help out in the crisis.

anonymous said...

New York has a smaller overall population,

Riddle me this Lil Schitty....18 million people live in the NY metropolitan area.....Florida has no such analog and your idiotic comparison is a new low in your fall to stupidity!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Commonsense said...

Oh and unlike some other governors, DeSantis is allowing church services.

The media really hate him for that.

Commonsense said...

..Florida has no such analog and your idiotic comparison is a new low in your fall to stupidity!!!!!!!

Have you been to Miami?

Myballs said...

NYC is the city that never sleeps. What % of Florida go to dinner at 4 and to bed at 8 I wonder.

anonymous said...

Cramps the idiot poses

Have you been to Miami?

And the population of Miami is what asshole???? 400K???? Yeah I have been to miami.....Try again, ass wipe!!!!! And ballz, I wonder if you might be on to something?????

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

In the first post above Commensa says that de Santis "made sure he had an adequate supply" of ventilators.

No, TRUMP did that. Unlike with other governors, Trump gave Florida everything de Santis asked for because Trump knows that without Florida it will be nearly IMPOSSIBLE for him to win the electoral vote tally.

So Trump plays politics with the lives of people in the other states.

And by the way:

2020 Presidential Election Interactive Map


"Why This Is 'really' going to be a red vs. blue issue"
because it shows Biden already winning with 279 electoral votes!!! (even without Florida!)


Commonsense said...

No, TRUMP did that. Unlike with other governors, Trump gave Florida everything de Santis asked for because Trump knows that without Florida it will be nearly IMPOSSIBLE for him to win the electoral vote tally.

This is bullshit, Florida bought most of the ventilators on the open market. It didn't wait for federal help and when it came time to the Feds to step in, DeSantis knew exactly what Florida needed.

You're a hack

Commonsense said...

And the population of Miami is what asshole???? 400K????

Try 6.1 million people jerk off. Obviously you weren't there lately. As in anytime in the 21st century.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

White House Official Admits Trump Has Politicized Coronavirus Response – Favoring Red States to Grab Electoral College Votes:
Report published on March 31, 2020 at 06:11 PM ETBy David Badash

“The president knows Florida is so important for his reelection”

President Donald Trump has politicized the federal government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, from how it allocates medical equipment and supplies like PPE, to how it responds to requests from red state governors versus blue state governors – and a White House official is freely admitting it.

The Trump administration is sending red states like Florida – which has helped elect with the winner of every presidential race consistently since 1996 – all the coronavirus personal protective gear (PPE) that it has requested, while blue states which he has no chance of winning – like New York – are getting a fraction of their requests filled.

the article continues...

Myballs said...

Trump gave CA Gov newsom everything he asked for too. He even said this.

Myballs said...

Gavin Newsom is spoiling James narrative.

Commonsense said...

White House official is freely admitting it.

And yet they remain mysteriously anonymous. James what makes you think anybody would give credence to unnamed sources?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Perhaps it would be interesting to look at the rest of that article:

Trump is strongly supporting Florida’s new Republican governor, Ron DeSantis who refused to close his beaches during spring break. That move alone allowed college students to potentially carry the coronavirus back to their friends, families, and dorm mates throughout the nation, fueling the pandemic.

“Officials in Florida have pointed to the close relationship between DeSantis and Trump as a helpful tool in shaping federal policy,” The Washington Post reports. “The two speak almost daily. Trump has formed an especially close relationship with DeSantis, a former congressman whose pugilistic defenses of the president helped him secure a race-changing endorsement in his 2018 bid for governor. Trump will probably need the 29 electoral votes of his adopted homestead to win reelection.”

The Post suggests it was DeSantis’ complaints that fueled Trump’s threat this past weekend to quarantine the tri-state area..

Donald J. Trump

I am giving consideration to a QUARANTINE of developing “hot spots”, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. A decision will be made, one way or another, shortly.

“During a phone call on Saturday, DeSantis complained about people with the coronavirus traveling from New York to Florida. Minutes later, Trump publicly said he was considering a quarantine for New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. He ultimately decided against it.”

It’s not just policy that Trump is helping DeSantis with.

“One White House official said Trump is attuned to the electoral importance of Florida in November, giving added weight to the arguments DeSantis has made to the administration that his state’s economy should reopen as soon as possible.”

“The president knows Florida is so important for his reelection so when DeSantis says that, it means a lot,” said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to be frank. “He pays close attention to what Florida wants.”

“Three days after requesting 430,000 surgical masks, 180,000 N95 respirators and other equipment on March 11, Florida received all of the items,” The Post continues. “The state received an additional shipment less than two weeks later. As of late last week, it was awaiting a third shipment.”

Commonsense said...

So James if Gaven Newson a blue governor from a blue state says he getting everything from the federal government and Mario Cuomo a blue governor from a blue state hit the most by the coronavirus says he's getting what he needs, where is your evidence Trump is playing politics?

Oh yeah. A report from a liberal blogger using unnamed sources.

You're a hack not to be taken seriously.

Anonymous said...

👩‍🍳"BTW all those doctors and nurses from fly over country that the New York media condescendingly dismiss?

Are going to New York to help out in the crisis.👨‍🍳

Commonsense said...

Trump is strongly supporting Florida’s new Republican governor, Ron DeSantis who refused to close his beaches during spring break. That move alone allowed college students to potentially carry the coronavirus back to their friends, families, and dorm mates throughout the nation, fueling the pandemic.

As it turned out the fears were largely unjustified. There were not significant numbers of infections that could be track back to spring breakers.

Myballs said...

So the state that gives us Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Kamala Harris is getting everything they've asked for. James, even you should be able to see that your big story is bogus.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Kentucky Will Record License Plates at Easter Services
April 11, 2020 at 9:16 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) has warned devout Christians that anyone attending Easter Sunday services will be forced to quarantine for 14 days after giving state police the mandate to take down attendees’ license plate numbers, CNN reports.

The state says around six churches are planning to hold in-person services despite a stay-at-home order.

Freedom of Religion
Freedom to Infect Others

Commonsense said...

“During a phone call on Saturday, DeSantis complained about people with the coronavirus traveling from New York to Florida. Minutes later, Trump publicly said he was considering a quarantine for New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. He ultimately decided against it.”

New Yorkers were fleeing the hot spot of the coronavirus and heading for Florida why wouldn't DeSantis complain. You remember the governor of Connecticut trying to seal her border against people fleeing New York.

She's a blue-state Democrat.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Florida governor falsely claims novel coronavirus hasn’t killed anyone under 25 in the US

Data compiled by the CDC, multiple states and news organizations all show COVID-19 deaths among young people in the United States.

DeSantis’ office did not respond to a request for comment.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

U.S. Death Rate Tops 2,000 for First Time
April 10, 2020 at 9:25 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

As U.S. health officials anticipated an imminent peak in daily deaths from the novel coronavirus, the number of people confirmed dead in a single day topped 2,000 for the first time Friday, the Washington Post reports.

About 60 percent of the fatalities reported Friday were from three states: New York (777), New Jersey (232) and Michigan (205).

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Wishes Everyone A ‘Happy’ Crucifixion Day

The HuffPost notes President Trump came up with an unusual greeting Friday to those commemorating the day Christ was nailed to a cross: “HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY TO ALL!”

He later wished everyone a “great” Good Friday at his press briefing.

“The jarring greeting referred to the most somber day of the Christian calendar. It marks the torture of Jesus and his death upon a cross. Easter, on Sunday, marks the celebration of Jesus’s resurrection.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Vaccine Could Be Ready In Six Months
April 11, 2020 at 8:36 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

“A vaccine against coronavirus could be ready as soon as September, the British scientist leading one of the world’s most advanced efforts has said,” the Times of London reports.

“Sarah Gilbert, professor of vaccinology at Oxford University, told The Times she was ’80 per cent confident’ that the vaccine being developed by her team would work, with human trials due to begin in the next fortnight.”


James said...
Trump Wishes Everyone A ‘Happy’ Crucifixion Day

Actually not, that was the "headline" from the "pastor's" altar of Taegan GODdard's political_lire.

Serving Goddard non-stop even over Easter weekend.

Sometimes with attribution, sometimes not.

Always shameful



There are places in America where you can buy marijuana, but can't go to church, paddleboard in the ocean, or take a walk this weekend.

How is this real?

If churches in California started selling marijuana, would they be essential?

Commonsense said...

Freedom of Religion
Freedom to Infect Others

James is an ally of Satan.

I do hope the voters remember all the actions of these petty tyrants and bounce them out of office when they are up for re-election.

Commonsense said...

Blogger James said...
Florida governor falsely claims novel coronavirus hasn’t killed anyone under 25 in the US

Yeah, they cited one to five cases when over 10,000 have died. It was a dick fact-check.

Anonymous said...

Abuse of Power:

VP Witless
"Traveling to another home within Michigan, even to visit friends or relatives, or to go to a vacation home, is now banned under Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s coronavirus stay-at-home order, which has been extended until May 1."

Anonymous said...

Not at all Surprising James choose the State over the People and Religious liberty.

C.H. Truth said...

The Trump administration is sending red states like Florida – which has helped elect with the winner of every presidential race consistently since 1996 – all the coronavirus personal protective gear (PPE) that it has requested, while blue states which he has no chance of winning – like New York – are getting a fraction of their requests filled.

Well perhaps that is because DeSantis requested only what he needed...

Rather than request 30,000 new ventilators on top of what he had, when he only needed 5000 overall.

C.H. Truth said...

Oh... and DeSantis didn't continuously lose the supplies he got. Didn't realize later that important shit was sitting in warehouses going unused...

while people died and the Governor grandstanded!

Anonymous said...

Texas Moves to reopening Businesses.

Anyone have a list of States that did not issue a "stay@home" order.

C.H. Truth said...

Florida governor falsely claims novel coronavirus hasn’t killed anyone under 25 in the US

The median age here in Minnesota went from 86 to 87.

Anonymous said...

😆😁😂😀🤣🎻New York – are getting a fraction of their requests filled.🎻

Pure Bullshit.

C.H. Truth said...

Our Governor finally provided some of the data he has been using to justify the state-wide shut down.

It basically shows almost no difference in result based on four different possible orders... yet he called for the most draconian shut down available.

So basically there was no "good" scientific reason to completely lock down the state. A variety of less intrusive orders would have accomplished pretty much the same thing.

The only question was why did he shut down the entire state if the science said it didn't have to be done?

Could it be to get in line with the other blue state Governors who seem eager to destroy their own economies?

C.H. Truth said...

New York – are getting a fraction of their requests filled.

but 100% of what the actually needed.

Heck they are not hardly using the temporary hospital beds that FEMA, Army Corp of Engineers, and the USS Comfort has provided.

Anonymous said...

Wisconsin Cases 3,068. Deaths 128
So according to Death Cultist James the State of Wisconsin will see a huge surge in both new cases and Deaths in the coming weeks.

Commonsense said...

The HuffPost notes President Trump came up with an unusual greeting Friday to those commemorating the day Christ was nailed to a cross: “HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY TO ALL!”

Kinda of wondering what the HuffPost would have rather saw as a greeting "HAVE A MISERABLE GOOD FRIDAY!!!!". Given their hostility against Christians, I wouldn't doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Senate Democrats killed additional money for Small businesses.

anonymous said...

It basically shows almost no difference in result based on four different possible orders... yet he called for the most draconian shut down available.

I am sure your governor gives a shit of your mindless and worthless opinion, Lil Schitty.....Suggest you write a letter to the Trib expressing you position......and let us know if it gets published....>BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!

anonymous said...

Oh... and DeSantis didn't continuously lose the supplies he got.

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! I guess there are no thief's in the hospital as trump has claimed...must be he has a residence in Floriduh which makes it honest....>!!!!

anonymous said...

James is an ally of Satan.

And you cramps are a practicer of stupidity!!!!!!!! And please....go attend church services in Miami.....a lot better chance of getting ill there

anonymous said...

Rather than request 30,000 new ventilators on top of what he had,

LilSchitty making up his own dialogue,......Proving that his asshole is growing exponentially like the virus cases did!!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

I find it troubling Denny that you set aside natural rights that you find irrelevant .

anonymous said...

Anyone want to watch a good presser unlike the fat ass trump.....Cuomo is on and is being informative....not blowing his own horn on how great he is!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

No cramps....go attend your services...couldn't care less except it is a petri dish that affects the entire population which you don't care about!!!!! It is your right to be an idiot......!!!!!!!!! God you are a dumb fuck!!!!

Commonsense said...

LilSchitty making up his own dialogue,....

Nope, Mario Cuomo actually requested that. Said so in his daily briefings.

Commonsense said...

No cramps....go attend your services..

You have a better chance of getting and spreading the virus by going Publix or Wal-mart. So by all means go shopping Denny.


Commonsense said...
Blogger James said...
Florida governor falsely claims novel coronavirus hasn’t killed anyone under 25 in the US

Yeah, they cited one to five cases when over 10,000 have died. It was a dick fact-check.

and he said he didn't THINK anyone under 25 had died, he didn't CLAIM


C.H. Truth said...

As of March 17th... in the US there has been nobody under the age of 20 either dead or admitted to the ICU. I am not sure about the 25 year cut off.

As of March 31st we had nobody under the age of 10 hospitalized and only 0.04% of people 10-19 who tested positive had to be hospitalized.

versus nearly 20% of people in their 80s and 17% of people in their 70s.

We can parse the numbers all we want... but this is mainly killing off the elderly and a good portion of these deaths are from nursing homes. Without sounding too terribly callous, most of these people were going to die the next time they caught any sort of infection or virus.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

the Politifact article continues...

"So far, the federal government’s count shows that four people between 15 and 24, and one child between the ages of 1 and 4, have died from the virus.

This is an undercount, because it takes "several weeks" for death records to be processed. Reports by news organizations and various state health departments show more fatalities among younger Americans, though it’s hard to say with precision.

New York state reported that 42 people who were 29 years or younger have died from the virus, as of April 10. Of those, six were 19 or younger and 36 deaths were people between 20 and 29 years old.

A Washington Post investigation identified nine people under 20 who died from COVID-19. The newspaper found 45 deaths of people in their 20s.

All told, death remains rare for young, otherwise healthy people, but these numbers show it can and has happened. Relatively few children with COVID-19 are hospitalized, and they often exhibit milder symptoms, health experts say. Like adults, they can unknowingly spread the disease to others.

Our ruling
DeSantis claimed that the novel coronavirus hasn’t killed anyone under the age of 25 in the United States.

That’s wrong, according to the CDC, contemporaneous news reports and the counts of state health officials in places like New York. While we don’t have precise numbers, we can say with certainty that deaths in people 25 and under do exist.

We rate this claim Pants on Fire!"

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

NYT April 1,

44 Texas Students Have Coronavirus After Spring Break Trip

A group of about 70 students from the University of Texas at Austin celebrated spring break in Mexico, then returned to find that dozens had tested positive.

College students crowded the beaches of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on March 11. Some students who traveled to spring break destinations are now testing positive for the coronavirus.

College students crowded the beaches of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on March 11. Some students who traveled to spring break destinations are now testing positive for the coronavirus.Credit...Saul Martinez for The New York Times
By David Montgomery and Manny Fernandez April 1, 2020

AUSTIN, Texas — Two weeks ago, amid the coronavirus pandemic, about 70 students from the University of Texas at Austin partied in Mexico on spring break. The students, all in their 20s, flew on a chartered plane to Cabo San Lucas, and some returned on separate commercial flights to Texas.

Now, 44 of them have tested positive for the virus and are self-isolating. More students were monitored and tested on Wednesday, university officials said, after 28 initial positive tests.

The Austin outbreak is the latest to result from a group of college students who ignored social-distancing guidelines, went on traditional spring break trips and have now tested positive for the coronavirus. Many of them appeared to be under the mistaken impression that young people are not as likely to get the coronavirus as older people are. Students at the University of Tampa, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and other colleges have tested positive after returning from spring break trips to Florida, Alabama, Tennessee and elsewhere.

The defiant attitude, at a time when millions of Americans were hunkered down at home and staying away from school, work and relatives, was embodied by Brady Sluder, a young man on spring break in Miami who declared from a packed beach: “If I get corona, I get corona. At the end of the day, I’m not going to let it stop me from partying.” Mr. Sluder, whose television interview was shared widely, later apologized on Instagram.

In Austin, health officials with the city government and the university have contacted every young person who was on the chartered plane, using flight manifests shared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the authorities said. City health officials used the case to urge residents of all ages to stay home and to avoid nonessential travel. At least four of the 44 students who tested positive had not shown any symptoms of the coronavirus.

“The virus often hides in the healthy and is given to those who are at grave risk of being hospitalized or dying,” Dr. Mark E. Escott, the interim medical director and health authority for the city of Austin and Travis County, said in a statement. “While younger people have less risk for complications, they are not immune from severe illness and death from Covid-19,” the disease caused by the coronavirus.



Said DeSantis: “This particular pandemic is one where, I don’t think nationwide there’s been a single fatality under 25. For whatever reason it just doesn’t seem to threaten, you know, kids.”





fixed for the lying POS "pastor" james


James said...
NYT April 1

So now the "pastor' is left to posting "news" from APRIL 1 from the NYT

on Easter weekend.

The devil must be proud.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Looks like F'nDaddy is frantically trying to "parse" or misrepresent the numbers as Ch suggested.

Two simple questions:

Was the assessment represented by posts 11:11 and 11:20 above
"too terribly callous," as Ch said at the end of 11:05 above?

Or was it

a "totally FALSE "FACT" CHECK... FAKE NEWS" as F'nDaddy said at the end of 10:41 above?

Or as Rat once graciously put it, "nobody cares if a few old people die."

C.H. Truth said...

All told, death remains rare for young, otherwise healthy people, but these numbers show it can and has happened.

That is what we should all agree on, Reverend...

That while statistically it can happen. It's not a virus likely to affect younger Americans and it would be extremely rare for it to kill someone young and healthy.

Moreover the fact check doesn't actually provide any drill into the younger people who did die to actually show that they were in fact "healthy". They relied strictly on numbers (which seem different from the official numbers I found) and there is no manner to determine if the younger people who died were "healthy" or if they had serious preexisting conditions.

None of the parsing over whether or not a younger person can be hospitalized or killed really matters (other than to those looking to argue for argument sake).

Everyone with common sense understands that this is mainly affecting the elderly and unhealthy. Rather than work to protect the elderly and unhealthy we decided to shut down the entire country (even places where there has been no real outbreak)... which I am pretty sure "HISTORY" will judge as a huge overreaction.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And nowhere above did this pastor lie.
As for whether F'nDaddy and Ch misrepresented the truth
-- readers, decide for yourselves.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yes, Ch, encourage young people to ignore social distancing and then when significant numbers of them come down with the virus, try frantically to trace down all the people, young or old, healthy or not healthy, who might have been infected by them.

"Parse" that!

C.H. Truth said...


No Reverend..

We should do exactly what New York did so that every state can enjoy 700 dead people a day!!!!

The truth is still evading you. This is killing people where they are primed to be killed. Places where people live on top of each other, where things are not clean, where there is no restrictions of any sort on anything.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

DeSantis Helped Infect the Nation
April 11, 2020 at 12:27 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 18 Comments

New York Times:
“Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, has blamed travelers from New York, Europe and other places for seeding the virus in the state. But the reverse was also true: People got sick in Florida and took the infection back home.

“The exact number of people who returned from leisure trips to Florida with the coronavirus may never be known. Cases as far away as California and Massachusetts have been linked to the Winter Party Festival, a beachside dance party and fund-raiser for the L.G.B.T.Q. community held March 4-10. Another California man died after going to Orlando for a conference and then to a packed Disney World. Two people went to Disney and later got relatives sick in Florida and Georgia.”

U.S. Leads World In Coronavirus Deaths
April 11, 2020 at 12:21 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 29 Comments

The U.S. reported the highest coronavirus death toll in the world as of Saturday, according to the Johns Hopkins tracker.

18,860 Americans have now died from the virus.

C.H. Truth said...

Cases as far away as California and Massachusetts have been linked to the Winter Party Festival, a beachside dance party and fund-raiser for the L.G.B.T.Q. community held March 4-10.

Well since New York City wasn't shut down till March 15th, what are you suggesting Reverend? That DeSantis was irresponsible for not shutting down faster than everyone else?

Also... you want to consider how many people who travel in and out of New York took Covid-19 back home with them?

Is your hero so stupid as to not realize that it cuts both ways? That there are probably ten times more people who caught the disease in New York than on the beaches of Florida.

Anonymous said...

U.S. Leads World In Coronavirus Deaths

U.S. Leads World In REPORTED Coronavirus Deaths

i'm still willing to bet that china leads in total. those dirty cocksuckers can't be trusted. they cremated the living for chrissakes.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Who is my allegedly stupid "hero," Ch?

The NYT? Politifact? The Washington Post? The University of Texas at Austin? The U. of Tampa? The U. of Wisconsin-Madison? Dr. Mark E. Escott? Reporters in California, Massachusetts, and Georgia?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Is your hero so stupid as to not realize that it cuts both ways?

I guess not. If you mean the NYT:

"...DeSantis...has blamed travelers from New York, Europe and other places for seeding the virus in the state. But the reverse was also true: People got sick in Florida and took the infection back home."

Anonymous said...

but pederast, you don't read the NYT.

you're completely reliant upon goddard's interpretation of the NYT.

there's the difference, dumbass.


Blogger James said...Trump Wishes Everyone A ‘Happy’ Crucifixion Day

Florida governor falsely claims novel coronavirus hasn’t killed anyone under 25 in the US

"pastor" james Please provide EXACT QUOTES of them stating what you said they said (with links), you POS LIAR . You've made these claims now many times and should be certain of the foundation of your claim. And not some interpreted shit from your GODdard's political_lire.

should be real easy, and we will let the "readers" decide.


C.H. Truth said...

DeSantis Helped Infect the Nation
April 11, 2020 at 12:27 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 18 Comments

New York Times:
“Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, has blamed travelers from New York, Europe and other places for seeding the virus in the state. But the reverse was also true: People got sick in Florida and took the infection back home.

“The exact number of people who returned from leisure trips to Florida with the coronavirus may never be known. Cases as far away as California and Massachusetts have been linked to the Winter Party Festival, a beachside dance party and fund-raiser for the L.G.B.T.Q. community held March 4-10. Another California man died after going to Orlando for a conference and then to a packed Disney World. Two people went to Disney and later got relatives sick in Florida and Georgia.”

Well Reverend... looks like this idiocy was repeated by Goddard (whom you obviously worship more than you do Jesus).

But the NY Times complaining that another state or another city is responsible for people catching this virus in their town and then taking it elsewhere?

Perhaps these idiots can get over themselves and look in the mirror.

I promise you that ten times as many people came to New York, got infected and then went back home. Catching this virus is a simple task on a subway or crowded street. Much harder to do at a beach.

C.H. Truth said...

Let's be clear...

Spring break in Florida is not about Floridians.

It's a whole bunch of people from other parts of the country flying in and flying out. They didn't catch the disease from Floridians... they caught it from each other. Likely these kids caught it from other kids who came from areas of the country that have high infection rates.

In other words, DeSantis is still correct. It was likely kids from New York and California and Washington and other infected areas who came to Florida for spring break... infected a bunch of people and then went back to New York, California, or Washington.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Rat says to James:
you're completely reliant upon goddard's interpretation of the NYT.

Well now. that's strange
because so much of the time Goddard quotes,
rather than interprets,
the Times.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

In other words, DeSantis is still correct. It was likely kids from New York and California and Washington and other infected areas who came to Florida for spring break... infected a bunch of people and then went back to New York, California, or Washington.

Better go back and re-read the post at 11:20AM.

No matter how you attempt to "parse" it, Ch,
crowded beaches,
like crowded any places,
are not a good idea.

Commonsense said...

New York Times:
“Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, has blamed travelers from New York, Europe and other places for seeding the virus in the state. But the reverse was also true: People got sick in Florida and took the infection back home.
“The exact number of people who returned from leisure trips to Florida with the coronavirus may never be known"

When you see the phrase "the exact number of people [insert the author's pet peeve here] may never be known." then you know the story is all bullshit.

And you just know he wrote the story from a crowded bar in midtown Manhattan. The ironies abound.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Better go back and re-read the post at 11:20AM.

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

crowded beaches,

Guarantee you they didn't get the coronavirus from the beach. They got it in, shall we say, a more private, intimate setting.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Thanks for the sexuality lesson, but so what?

They would not have been there
if the beaches had been closed.

Commonsense said...

Thanks for the sexuality lesson, but so what?

They would not have been there
if the beaches had been closed.

But they were already there for more than a month. They were at the beach and in the bars in February and early March.

Around the same time DeBlasio and his Health administrator advise New York City that they had nothing to fear from the coronavirus so party it up by taking the subway into the city to take in a show with drinks and dancing afterwards.

And also celebrate the Chinese New Year to demonstrate you're not racist.

Caliphate4vr said...

how else do we get herd immunity working for us?


I see I KO'd the "pastor" james by default. No actual quote. No link. No defense of the LIES he propagated.

The readers can tell the "pastor" is a POS fraud.

Blogger James said...Trump Wishes Everyone A ‘Happy’ Crucifixion Day

Florida governor falsely claims novel coronavirus hasn’t killed anyone under 25 in the US

"pastor" james Please provide EXACT QUOTES of them stating what you said they said (with links), you POS LIAR . You've made these claims now many times and should be certain of the foundation of your claim. And not some interpreted shit from your GODdard's political_lire.

should be real easy, and we will let the "readers" decide.


anonymous said...

How do we get away from the herd mentality of the dumb fuck R's that inhabit this slice of heaven??????

anonymous said...

For the wantonly stupid fucking idiot...The google machine has lots of links!!!!!

Gov. DeSantis Under Fire for Claiming No One Under 25 Has ...
1 day ago · Gov. DeSantis Under Fire for Claiming No One Under 25 Has Died of Coronavirus Meaghan Ellis April 10, 2020 0 Comments Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is facing backlash for an inaccurate coronavirus...
Ron DeSantis falsely claims no one under 25 has been killed ...
Apr 09, 2020 · On Thursday, at a coronavirus education meeting, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) incorrectly told attendees that there have been zero COVID-19 deaths in the United States of anyone under the age of 25 ...

Commonsense said...

If you can ever follow a thread, the dick fact-check was already dealt with.

Hint; it doesn't end well for you.

anonymous said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...
Let's be clear...

Spring break in Florida is not about Floridians.

It's a whole bunch of people from other parts of the country flying in and flying out

Really asshole????/ BTW.....Desantis did nothing on the state level to stop it,......!!!!!!!! Cramps blamed the mayor of Miami.....While the Mayors of Orange and Orlando shut down the mid state, disney sea world and universal shut down on their least someone was smart while the gov....diddled like trump!!!!

anonymous said...

Hey cramps....going to service tomorrow???? I sure hope you don't catch anything....Try to keep up!!!!!

anonymous said...

Guarantee you they didn't get the coronavirus from the beach.

Guaranteed your speaking out your gapping asshole!!!!!! Now you are an expert in virus spreading.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Right after your expertise in GDP!!!!!

Commonsense said...

Boy you sure miss that Golden Corral fix don't you?

anonymous said...

Wow cramps,,,,,, stupid as usual!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!


Commonsense said...
If you can ever follow a thread, the dick fact-check was already dealt with.

Hint; it doesn't end well for you.

lo iq doesn't realize he is lo iq.

but everyone else does.

And it never ends well for him hence his always trying to get in the last word so it won't "end".