Sunday, April 5, 2020

Some Covid-19 tracking news...

One of the sites I have been monitoring is now tracking the number of people in ICU and the number of people on ventilators. This would seem to be a very important stat to track as generally ICU visits precede death, as well as the reality that about 60-70 percent of the people who end up on ventilators will pass away.

Click to enlarge

Certainly not all states are providing data at this point and without all states participating, it's almost impossible at this point to really analyze anything substantial nationally. However, the state of New York did provide their number of ICU patients (approximately 4300), but did not report the number on ventilators. Now this 4300 is neither a good number or a bad number when you are talking about people in critical condition, but what it does represent is a number far lower than what many experts have been anticipating and what many anecdotal stories have suggested. Moreover, if they only have 4300 in ICU, then they have a much smaller number of those patients on ventilators.

As it stands, New York stands at 16,479 people hospitalized, and about a quarter of them are in intensive care. What should strike everyone as somewhat comforting is the fact that New York has over 57,000 hospital beds overall (as well as 3000 temporary hospital beds that have largely gone unused).  Many healthcare officials are suggesting that other types of hospital visits are down for a variety of reasons. Almost no elective surgeries are being done, there are less car accidents, less sports accidents and less injuries and trauma in general. The majority of people coming in are coming in either wanting testing for or being checked in for respiratory symptoms associated with Covid-19.

Interestingly, the models that have been cited by our task force were suggesting that as of today that New York would have over 70,000 Covid-19 patients hospitalized (versus 16,500 reported), over 12,000 in ICU (versus 4300 reported) and nearly 10,000 on ventilators. This suggests that New York is not doing anywhere near as poorly as the models had suggested. Whether that bears out in terms of a lower death toll remains to be seen.

The good news is that Governor Cuomo suggested this weekend that he believes that their amount of new cases and hospitalizations have peaked or plateaued. Apparently new hospitalizations on Saturday was down to under 600, which only about 40% of what it was earlier in the week. Everyone should hope this is a real indication of a peak or plateau and not just an aberration.

But if it is the case that New York has reached their plateau, then the concept of Cuomo begging for 30,000 ventilators sure would seem like some serious barking at the moon.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Wisconsin GOP Ask Governor to Open Churches
April 5, 2020 at 4:09 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 125 Comments

Wisconsin Assembly Republicans are calling on Gov. Tony Evers (D) to allow in-person services for Easter and Passover amid the deadly coronavirus pandemic, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.

Evers declined the request.
"As a state and as a nation, we are heading into the worst of this public health crisis," Evers spokeswoman Melissa Baldauff said. "The governor understands that for many Wisconsinites their faith is a source of comfort, especially in these difficult times, but in order to protect the health and safety of all Wisconsinites he will not be rolling back the provisions of the Safer at Home order."

Commonsense said...

Never in my life would I have expected people to be arrested for practicing their religion in this country.

They set aside the constitution as easily as a stroke of a pen.

Anonymous said...

Sadly So.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh, I should think those who absolutely insist on gathering in churches can still gather in churches.

All you guys be SURE to go.

I don't think the government will not be all that harsh, not with Trump at the helm.

But if people and the families and relatives they infected begin dying in droves, will the church leaders who permitted this be subject to lawsuits by those who attended?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Washington Post Says

April 5, 2020 at 7:09 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

Washington Post:
“The Trump administration has stumbled in its initial push to implement the $2 trillion coronavirus aid package, with confusion and fear mounting among small businesses, workers and the newly unemployed since the bill was signed into law late last month.

“Small-business owners have reported delays in getting approved for loans without which they will close their doors, while others say they have been denied altogether by their lenders and do not understand why.

The law’s provision to boost unemployment benefits has become tangled in dated and overwhelmed state bureaucracies, as an unprecedented avalanche of jobless Americans seeks aid.

Officials at the Internal Revenue Service have warned that $1,200 relief checks may not reach many Americans until August or September if they haven’t already given their direct-deposit information to the government.

Taxpayers in need of answers from the IRS amid a rapidly changing job market are encountering dysfunctional government websites and unresponsive call centers that have become understaffed as federal workers stay home.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

But It Looks like Any Wisconsin Church Goers Better Pray Pretty Hard---

According to California Health Officials Many Coronavirus Cases Are Linked to Churches
Reports CBS

April 5, 2020 at 9:02 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 470 Comments

California health officials say about a third of confirmed coronavirus cases in Sacramento County are being linked to church-related gatherings.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



April 5, 2020 at 7:02 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

Jonathan Swan:
“The White House coronavirus task force had its biggest fight yet on Saturday, pitting economic adviser Peter Navarro against infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci.

At issue: How enthusiastically should the White House tout the prospects of an antimalarial drug to fight COVID-19?

“This drama erupted into an epic Situation Room showdown. Trump’s coronavirus task force gathered in the White House Situation Room on Saturday at about 1:30pm, according to four sources familiar with the conversation. Vice President Mike Pence sat at the head of the table.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Maybe Johathan Swan can tell us a little more about that:

The White House coronavirus task force had its biggest fight yet on Saturday, pitting economic adviser Peter Navarro against infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci.
At issue: How enthusiastically should the White House tout the prospects of an antimalarial drug to fight COVID-19?
Behind the scenes: This drama erupted into an epic Situation Room showdown.

Trump's coronavirus task force gathered in the White House Situation Room on Saturday at about 1:30pm, according to four sources familiar with the conversation. Vice President Mike Pence sat at the head of the table.

Numerous government officials were at the table, including Fauci, coronavirus response coordinator Deborah Birx, Jared Kushner, acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, and Commissioner of Food and Drugs Stephen Hahn.
Behind them sat staff, including Peter Navarro, tapped by Trump to compel private companies to meet the government's coronavirus needs under the Defense Production Act.

Toward the end of the meeting, Hahn began a discussion of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which Trump believes could be a "game-changer" against the coronavirus.
Hahn gave an update about the drug and what he was seeing in different trials and real-world results.

Then Navarro got up. He brought over a stack of folders and dropped them on the table. People started passing them around.

"And the first words out of his mouth are that the studies that he's seen, I believe they're mostly overseas, show 'clear therapeutic efficacy,'" said a source familiar with the conversation. "Those are the exact words out of his mouth."

Navarro's comments set off a heated exchange about how the Trump administration and the president ought to talk about the malaria drug, which Fauci and other public health officials stress is unproven to combat COVID-19.

Fauci pushed back against Navarro, saying that there was only anecdotal evidence that hydroxychloroquine works against the coronavirus.

Researchers have said studies out of France and China are inadequate because they did not include control groups.

Fauci and others have said much more data is needed to prove that hydroxychloroquine is effective against the coronavirus.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

As part of his role, Navarro has been trying to source hydroxychloroquine from around the world. He's also been trying to ensure that there are enough domestic production capabilities inside the U.S.

Fauci's mention of anecdotal evidence "just set Peter off," said one of the sources. Navarro pointed to the pile of folders on the desk, which included printouts of studies on hydroxychloroquine from around the world.

Navarro said to Fauci, "That's science, not anecdote," said another of the sources.

Navarro started raising his voice, and at one point accused Fauci of objecting to Trump's travel restrictions, saying, "You were the one who early on objected to the travel restrictions with China," saying that travel restrictions don't work. (Navarro was one of the earliest to push the China travel ban.)

Fauci looked confused, according to a source in the room. After Trump imposed the travel restrictions, Fauci has publicly praised the president's restriction on travel from China.

Pence was trying to moderate the heated discussion. "It was pretty clear that everyone was just trying to get Peter to sit down and stop being so confrontational," said one of the sources.

Eventually, Kushner turned to Navarro and said, "Peter, take yes for an answer," because most everyone agreed, by that time, it was important to surge the supply of the drug to hot zones.

The principals agreed that the administration's public stance should be that the decision to use the drug is between doctors and patients.

Trump ended up announcing at his press conference that he had 29 million doses of hydroxychloroquine in the Strategic National Stockpile.

Between the lines: "There has never been a confrontation in the task force meetings like the one yesterday," said a source familiar with the argument. "People speak up and there's robust debate, but there's never been a confrontation. Yesterday was the first confrontation."

Anonymous said...

Americans dying was put this way by James.

"It's called thinning the herd".

He also hoped 1.2 million Americans would die.
Latter is said "400,000" .

Anonymous said...

Notice how everyday the "science" show this is much less deadly then the first hyped panic numbers .

anonymous said...

One of the sites I have been monitoring is now tracking the number of people in ICU and the number of people on ventilators

Your life and new marriage must really suck if this is your new hobby, Lil Schitty.....!!!!!!!! But thank god you are on the job while trump fiddles and lies!!!!!

Yeah goat fucker.....9k dead and 350k ill is hyped numbers......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Virus death toll in U.S. almost certainly higher than official count
A widespread lack of access to testing early in the U.S. outbreak means people with respiratory illnesses died without being counted, epidemiologists said.

More hyped deaths according to the moronic asshole from kansas.....

Anonymous said...

What a great Day in the Heart Land. Sun just coming up. More gardening, more egg sales. And not a single person I know irl has the Chinawhatever thingy.

Yet, surely the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT are infested as are their families.

Commonsense said...

Virus death toll in U.S. almost certainly higher than official count
A widespread lack of access to testing early in the U.S. outbreak means people with respiratory illnesses died without being counted, epidemiologists said.

Translation: The mainstream media is bitterly disappointed that the coronavirus death toll is as low as it is. So the make shit up about "missing deaths due to the virus".

Do you know why it's really bullshit? There are no numbers, just a vague accusations.

Commonsense said...

our life and new marriage must really suck if this is your new hobby, Lil Schitty...

Boy, talk about projection.

Anonymous said...

"Translation: The mainstream media is bitterly disappointed that the coronavirus death toll is as low as it is. So the make shit up about "missing deaths due to the virus".

Do you know why it's really bullshit? There are no numbers, just a vague accusations."

and "

our life and new marriage must really suck if this is your new hobby, Lil Schitty...

Boy, talk about projection."

Both spot on CS.

Caliphate4vr said...

Jersey need COBOL programmers??

What a bassackward state

Anonymous said...

Caliphate4vr said...

Jersey need COBOL programmers??

yep. i saw this the other day.

this is what happens when the bulk of your revenues are required to service your public sector pensions.

C.H. Truth said...

Washington Post:
“The Trump administration has stumbled in its initial push to implement the $2 trillion coronavirus aid package, with confusion and fear mounting among small businesses, workers and the newly unemployed since the bill was signed into law late last month.

“Small-business owners have reported delays in getting approved for loans without which they will close their doors, while others say they have been denied altogether by their lenders and do not understand why.

This question was asked at one of last weeks briefings...

The official reports were that over 28,000 loans had already been approved through Chase, JP Morgan, and many other lenders. The 28,000 was way ahead of the projected amounts of loans that would have been approved at that point.

This WaPo story is what is called "anecdotal" evidence of something that the actual evidences suggests differently. You can find any product or service that works almost flawlessly and you can always find a handful of people to complain.

So rather than praise a process put together by Mnuchin along with Congressional leaders that has helped thousands already... WaPo decides to do an "attack piece" on the President.

It's exactly why nobody trusts the press, and why nobody but a complete fool would trust WaPo.

Anonymous said...

U.S.—After state governments across the country directed their citizens to shut down their businesses and just kinda hope things worked out, a new order has been issued: everyone is to jump off a bridge immediately.

A government official issued the order to solve our current crisis, and everyone immediately complied.

"Everyone jump off a bridge," said a representative of the government.

"OK," said everyone. "If the government says so, it's probably a good idea. Besides, what can we do? It's the government. They definitely have the best people working on it."

The directive was designed to end coronavirus. Medical experts believe it's the best, most effective way to stop the virus. Assuming everyone follows through and obeys the order, coronavirus will be wiped out, according to officials. There are no bad side effects, as far as anyone can tell. A few people pointed out that it could kill everyone, but these people are anti-science and obviously hate their neighbors.

Commonsense said...

I can see why liberals are fact checking the Bee. They are becoming more real than the New York Times.

Anonymous said...

The official reports were that over 28,000 loans had already been approved through Chase, JP Morgan, and many other lenders. The 28,000 was way ahead of the projected amounts of loans that would have been approved at that point.

this ain't rocket science. if you're seeking a loan a best practice is to work with a bank that is familiar with the SBA.


the nits the msm will stoop to pick just to create a little phony controversy is remarkable.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Rat...

You understand that the idea that banks will be overwhelmed with loan applications from small business is Trump's fault.

He should have known better and told all of the banks to hire extra employees and have them trained on this stuff a few months ago.

What an idiot Trump is. He should have know.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Model Suddenly Predicts Fewer Deaths
April 6, 2020 at 10:15 am EDT By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment

Reuters: “The University of Washington model, one of several cited by U.S. and some state officials, now projects U.S. deaths at 81,766 by Aug. 4, down about 12,000 from a projection over the weekend.

“The model, which is frequently updated with new data, projects the peak need for hospital beds on April 15 and for daily deaths at 3,130 on April 16.”
Quote of the Day
April 6, 2020 at 10:04 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 25 Comments

“Light at the end of the tunnel!”
— President Trump, on Twitter.


Both Trump and DeSantis Dip In Florida
April 6, 2020 at 9:44 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 75 Comments

A new University of North Florida poll finds the decisions by both Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and President Trump to refrain from imposing strict sanctions on public gatherings until last week — in order to keep businesses operating — may have cost them politically.

Only 45% strongly or somewhat approve of the job Trump is doing to address the pandemic, with 53% disapproving. By contrast, a narrow majority, 51%, approve of the job DeSantis is doing while 46% disapprove.

The poll also shows Joe Biden leading Trump in a general election match up, 46% to 40%.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Navarro Says He’s Qualified to Disagree with Fauci
April 6, 2020 at 9:26 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro told CNN that he was qualified to engage and disagree with Dr. Anthony Fauci on the use of an anti-malarial drug as a coronavirus treatment — which is not yet proven as effective — saying, “I’m a social scientist.”

Said Navarro: “Doctors disagree about things all the time. My qualifications in terms of looking at the science is that I’m a social scientist. I have a Ph.D. And I understand how to read statistical studies, whether it’s in medicine, the law, economics or whatever.”
"Besides," he said, "I can see the coronavirus virus from my front porch."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Watchdog Finds Dire Shortages at Hospitals
April 6, 2020 at 8:33 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 26 Comments

NBC News: “Hospitals across the country face dire shortages of vital medical equipment amid the coronavirus outbreak — including testing kits and thermometers — and fear they can’t ensure the safety of health care workers needed to treat patients with COVID-19, according to an internal government watchdog report released Monday.

“The alarming findings, based on interviews conducted from March 23 to March 27, represent the first government assessment of how the country’s hospitals are coping with the outbreak and confirm previous media reports and warnings from health workers that the medical system is under unprecedented strain.”
Don't listen to those whining governors, mayors, hospitals, and unnamed doctors and nurses.

Anonymous said...

Americans dying was put this way by James.

"It's called thinning the herd".

He also hoped 1.2 million Americans would die.
Latter is said "400,000" .

Anonymous said...

What an idiot Trump is. He should have know.


he's a shitty hitler too.

all of the leftist idiots who were shrieking that trump was a totalitarian tyrant who shredded the constitution on a daily basis are clamoring for trump to be a totalitarian tyrant who shreds the constitution on a daily basis.

one problem (among many) with liberal hypocrisy is that it's so fucking hard to keep up.

Anonymous said...

according to an internal government watchdog report released Monday.

does this "watchdog have a name?

fido? spot? snoopy?

oh, i just noticed that "fusion ken" dilanian helped author that "report."

anonymous said...

He also hoped 1.2 million Americans would die.

And I am hoping nothing like that happens to you goat fucking imbecile !!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! ASSHOLE

Anonymous said...

You are yours too Dennis.

Anonymous said...

...may have cost them politically.

so the pederast finally confirms what's most important to him, as if we did not already know.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Poor Kansas Dimwit. He keeps saying I "hoped" multitudes of Americans would die, yet he never supplies a quote.

I DID indeed cite a poll that said as many as 400,000 Americans might die, and said I hoped that would not prove true.

Now even Trump is saying it might be as high as 250,000 deaths, which I also hope does not prove to be true.

But Kansas Dimwit will continue to lie.
It's all he knows how to do.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"...may have cost them politically.

says a poll, and I call that good news!
For I DO indeed hope Trump loses Florida. Sure I do. All of us who don't want to see him reelected hope that, and we are in the majority.

Anonymous said...

A Poll? 😁😂🤣😃😄
You own it

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
