Friday, April 3, 2020

Some updates on Covid-19

Today the midday numbers  (766) are a bit higher than they have been all week, which certainly is not good news. But drilling into the numbers, and you will see that well over half the deaths (399) are from New York and if you include New Jersey those two states account for two thirds of the nation's causalities.

These midday numbers are subject to what has been reported. Yesterday New York numbers didn't drop till after 12:00 CST. Today Michigan and Washington have no reported numbers so far today. It's still too early to get much out of any of this, but it's hard not to continue to watch them. Call it morbid curiosity.


Myballs said...

Loved seeing the view witches heads explode when CA gov Newsom refused to bash Trump like they wanted.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Call it morbid curiosity.

I'd call it responsible citizenship.
We need to know the reality of
a) how bad it is
b) or is not.

What we can do to work against its spread, including
a) what, if anything, seems to be working,
b) or what seems not to be working.

Anonymous said...

So that 1 Percent rate of deaths has dropped to 2 Tenths of one percent in 10 days.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

James , stated Jobless numbers would not be reported by the States, wrong again.

They were reported on time.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

What in the world is wrong with KansasDimwit?
I never stated such a thing. He is bonkers.

That's why most of the time I just ignore him.
His posts are so far off the wall, they are NWRT.
(Not Worth Replying To)

Anonymous said...

Why did Joe Biden stop doing his coronavirus updates?

Anonymous said...

Here is the story you linked to:

"Trump Administration Asks States to Keep Quiet About Jobless Figures".

Commonsense said...

Loved seeing the view witches heads explode when CA gov Newsom refused to bash Trump like they wanted.

Don't worry, after the crisis he'll go back to his usual Trump bashing. He just needs Trump now.

anonymous said...

He just needs Trump now.

The country needs a leader now......After Desantis failures until today.....trying to placate trump.....another whole 250 tests were done in Orlando today......line was sent home by 8 a.m.. Where are those millions of promised test kits trump promised????? Newsom has class.....trump is a gutter rat along with his idiot son in law's proclamation about federal stores!!!!!!! God are we in deep shit!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The State of the Union Speech Pelosy tore up, had China Virus in it.

What did she say about what was in it?

Commonsense said...

The country needs a leader now.....

They do have a leader. A good one too.

Anonymous said...

Biden bombed out so badly on his "act like a President " coronavirus updates he stopped doing them .

Commonsense said...

The danger for the Trump Administration is that if the numbers are dramatically below what the models predicted (and I mean far more than social distancing policies can account for) then he'll be accused of a massive overreaction that unjustifiably tanked the economy.

Right now, I think he'll accept that danger. However, the trampling on civil rights by state and local governments may not be so easily forgiven.

Commonsense said...

Good news is that it's trending down slighly from two days ago and if fairly flat since yesterday.

However it was another bad day for New York and New Jersey.

Anonymous said...

However it was another bad day for New York and New Jersey.

and thanks to cuomo it's about to get worse.

he has the NG driving around NYS seizing ventilators not currently being used, and he's shipping NYC virus patients to upstate hospitals.

the dumb fuck isn't content to have NYC as a hotspot for the virus, he wants to turn the whole fucking state into a hotspot.

Anonymous said...

AOC has to say it.
"COVID deaths are disproportionately spiking in Black + Brown communities," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Why? Because the chronic toll of redlining, environmental racism, wealth gap, etc. ARE underlying health conditions."

Commonsense said...

COVID deaths are disproportionately spiking in Black + Brown communities," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Why? Because the chronic toll of redlining, environmental racism, wealth gap, etc. ARE underlying health conditions."

The Mixologist will save us all. 🙄🙄🙄