Wednesday, April 8, 2020

State of New York to inflate their Covid-19 deaths

Over 80% of people with Covid-19 symptoms test negative... 
“The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) and the NYC Health Department are working together to include into their reports deaths that may be linked to COVID but not lab confirmed that occur at home,” she said. She didn’t say when the city would begin reporting suspected deaths along with the overall count…
This is all Trump's fault!
Mayor Bill de Blasio acknowledged on Tuesday that the vast majority of deaths taking place at home were likely also due to COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, meaning the death toll could be as much as 70% higher than currently reported figures.

This is not "following science". Science does not include "guesswork" in terms of people whom you suspect may have died from an infection that you cannot verify that they have. Bill "keep using that subway" de Blasio suggests that a "vast majority of deaths at home" must be Covid-19 without a shred of scientific, statistical, or medical evidence to say so.

The fact of the matter is that based on what we know of Coronavirus,  only a fraction of people with symptoms actually test positive. So how can it be determined that people who have died at home (likely with no coroner's report stating it was Covid-19 related) actually had the infection? I guess you just "assume" that they had it without any medical evidence at all?

Certainly this is already happening in certain situations. There are deaths being reported every day where the deceased was not ever tested for the infection. The guidance is for the physician to make a call. But given the statistics showing that 80% or more people with these same symptoms test negative, how can you make that sort of call with any actual certainty.

I think it would be better to have an actual "confirmed" death toll of people who actually tested positive, and then a second "suspected" death toll where we know that likely somewhere in the vicinity of 20% of them were infected with Covid-19. At least the actual data would be consistent and accurate.


Anonymous said...

Slow Clap For Media Who Cleaned Up 1 Messy Story Today; Now Do These 60

The Washington Post’s Philip Bump tried to win back at least a shred of outside-the-beltway credibility on Tuesday when he refuted the paper thin conspiracy theory about President Trump promoting hydroxychloroquine for financial gain.

anonymous said...

Lil Schitty that is the stupidest thing you have ever posted.....With dumb fuck rat right on your heels.....You really think this whole virus is a joke out to get trump....Sadly, trump is the root cause of our travails leading from behind and blaming anyone he can for the news cycle to take pressure off his lack of leadership.....Funny,,,,it would not surprise me if trump had a financial interest in the drug....his lies and denials are evidence enough that he is clueless and working to appease the base of idiots like you!!!! He sure instills confidence in me by denying knowing anything written by anyone!!!!!! You and your guy are despicable losers!!!!

Anonymous said...

You really think this whole virus is a joke out to get trump....

well dumb fuck denny,

10 years ago we had 60 MILLION infected, 400,000 hospitalized, and 12,500 DEAD from H1N1, but because dear leader 0linsky the magic negro was president, we never heard a fucking word about it.

some purell dispensers popped up out of nowhere and people started using more sanitizer, but we never had a full-on ho-lee fucking shit freak out like we do now.

so yeah, to think that the bad orange man might have a little to do with it is really not a stretch.