Tuesday, April 14, 2020

This is really simple?

You can listen to the top epidemiologist in the world (Science)


You you can listen to CNN, WaPo, and NTY (Media)

(Guess which Party no longer has any claim to being the "Party of science"?)


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yes, let's listen to the scientists!

Fauci Says ‘We’re Not There Yet’ on Reopening Economy
April 14, 2020 at 12:23 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

Dr. Anthony Fauci told the Associated Press that “the U.S. does not yet have the critical testing and tracing procedures needed to begin reopening the nation’s economy, adding a dose of caution to increasingly optimistic projections from the White House.

Said Fauci: “We have to have something in place that is efficient and that we can rely on, and we’re not there yet.”

He added that the key is “getting people out of circulation if they get infected, because once you start getting clusters, then you’re really in trouble.”


No FIRE FAUCI retweets, please.

Caliphate4vr said...

New Visiting Angels Ad

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Here's a MUCH better video:


Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

Yes, let's listen to the scientists!

pederast, i stopped listening to YOUR scientists when they started telling me there were 57 genders instead of only 2.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Caliphate4vr said...

The paper of record...


C.H. Truth said...

What's your Point Reverend Two million dead Americans?

The President hasn't announced anything specific and has only suggests hope that parts of the country could be open by May 1st. According to the story, Fauci agrees that parts of the country could start to be opened (on a rolling basis). Just not that other parts of the country are not going to be ready.

That doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out, Reverend...

You make an assumption (without any fact) that there is a disagreement between Trump and Fauci (when there is no known disagreement at this point).

Which of course... is the way in which propaganda works.

Good thing not everyone falls for such media spin as easily as you!

Anonymous said...

"pederast, i stopped listening to YOUR scientists when they started telling me there were 57 genders instead of only 2."

Yep, notice deaths are officially compiled using only M or F and not the Hienz Katcup bs.

Anonymous said...

Cali bitch slapped Jane again.

Jane said to me the NYT Story NEVER CHANGED.

Anonymous said...

Roger, welcome back.

How goes your goal this year to become a Millionaire?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Democrats got a banner victory in Wisconsin Monday evening as liberal Jill Karofsky dethroned incumbent State Supreme Court justice Daniel Kelly.


John Hayward

Breaking: Former President Pen and Phone endorses former Vice President Dial Tone

Biden: Gee, thanks for the endorsement. Took you long enough.

Obama: Leading from behind, Joe. Remember?

B: Could you at least come over and do it in person? I don't have the cologne virus. I promise not to sniff your hair.

O: No, thanks, I'll do a video.




It was Obama who told us Biden's nickname in his WH was 'Handsy.' He said it during the medal ceremony.

Guess it didn't mean Joe was good at small repairs

"Handsy" could come in handy.

Commonsense said...

Democrats got a banner victory in Wisconsin Monday evening as liberal Jill Karofsky dethroned incumbent State Supreme Court justice Daniel Kelly.

Not surprising since more Democrats turned out for a presidential primary than Republicans. But you get the judge you voted for and I suspect most Wisconsinites will regret this choice.


Ryan Fournier

BREAKING: Democrat Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones just endorsed President Trump for a second term.

He said that he views Trump as a "transformative figure who has helped African-American voters, military vets, and farmers with his policies."




oops, blexit !!!


sorry Candace

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Caliphate4vr said...

Rog any extra beds in that assisted living, maybe Biden can move in

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


How good to listen to a former President who talks sense
and is not all hyperbole and rant and blather and bluster.
Who talks in real paragraphs. Who utilizes logic.
Who exudes decency and invites respect. How refreshing!
How good to experience a vision of an America in which
"we're all in this together," one for all and all for one!

anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
New Visiting Angels Ad

About as funny as the virus killing 22k americans you dumb fucking loser!!!


Armchair Quarterbacks Try to Rewrite History on Coronavirus

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough claimed that, unlike the Trump administration, “Everybody saw this coming in early January.

If Scarborough knew that a deadly, once-in-a-century pandemic was about to descend on the nation in early January — I assume he considers himself part of “everyone” — why on God’s earth didn’t he warn his susceptible viewers that they should begin social distancing? Why didn’t his producers book a single expert who could beseech his viewers to start wearing masks, to shutter their non-essential businesses, and to avoid church and sporting events? Why didn’t he mention coronavirus at all? Even in late January, nearly a full month after “everyone knew,” Scarborough’s show was dominated by the Donald Trump impeachment trial.

As far as I can tell, in the entire month of January, Morning Joe didn’t reference the coronavirus once to his 2.6 million followers on Twitter. Imagine the thousands of lives Scarborough could have saved if he had only shared his insight.

Does “everyone” include the World Health Organization, which claimed in a January 14 tweet (reflecting earlier findings) that preliminary investigations into Chinese authorities found “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus”?

Does “everyone” include the Chinese government — whose propaganda Scarborough shares as reliable data? Because it was China’s downplaying and lying about coronavirus that ensured its spread around the world. The blood is on their hands, not on the hands of your least favorite American politicians.

In early March, when reporters were fixated on a vacuous debate over the political correctness of affixing “China” to the virus’s name, researchers at the University of Southampton released a study indicating that 95 percent of COVD-19 cases would have been prevented around the world if the Communist regime had acted three weeks earlier. If China had intervened just one week earlier, there would have been an 66 percent mitigation, while two weeks would have led to 86 percent fewer cases.


but the left tries to blame president Trump. During the midst of a war.

anonymous said...

You can listen to the top epidemiologist in the world (Science)

Your link don't work......post the transcript so I can vet the alleged claims.....especially unsourced recordings of sketchy origins like blogspot.....that's like someone using this POS site in a research project!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Everybody saw this coming in early January.

Joe correctly stated that!!!! Everyone but those who worked for trump and trump himself as there were no deaths in the US so why worry????? BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! Nice opinion of not your own.......LOLOLOL



"Travesty" = "gross perversions of justice" AG Barr just signaled that things are about to get ugly for the Russia collusion team


“Travesty” is not a nice word. It usually is applied to gross perversions of justice, and that apparently is the context Attorney General William Barr desired when he dropped it into an interview answer the other day in the breezy courtyard of the Department of Justice (DOJ).

His composed, understated delivery almost disguised the weighty magnitude of that disturbing word and the loaded adjective that preceded it. “I think what happened to him,” he said, referring to the president and the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into his campaign, “was one of the greatest travesties in American history.”

Okay, it’s important to pause for a moment and absorb what the AG said. He just called an FBI investigation not just a travesty but one of the “greatest” travesties in the nation’s history. It was an unprecedented statement by an attorney general about his own department’s premier agency.

The FBI has made plenty of mistakes, but never in its 112-year history has an FBI investigation been characterized as a travesty, let alone one that equates to other hall-of-fame travesties in American history.
Is the AG’s assessment fair? The answer is entwined in his next statement: “Without any basis [the FBI] started this investigation into [Donald Trump’s] campaign ... .”

Oops, stop again right there. Mr. Barr is making a definitive statement about that which many of us have speculated all along, namely that the weirdly unprecedented investigative team put together by former FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe did not have adequate legal reasons to open a case into the Trump campaign in the first place. The attorney general just confirmed that.

What did Biden/Obama know and when did they know it ? Well Biden probably can't figure this out but Obama...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

In answer to Ch's 12:25pm (I just got back):

Yes, let's listen to the scientists!

Fauci Says ‘We’re Not There Yet’ on Reopening Economy

Dr. Anthony Fauci told the Associated Press that “the U.S. does not yet have the critical testing and tracing procedures needed to begin reopening the nation’s economy, adding a dose of caution to increasingly optimistic projections from the White House.

Said Fauci:
“We have to have something in place that is efficient and that we can rely on, and we’re not there yet.”

He added that the key is “getting people out of circulation if they get infected, because once you start getting clusters, then you’re really in trouble.”

No FIRE FAUCI retweets, please.

What's your Point Reverend Two million dead Americans?
The President hasn't announced anything specific and has only suggests[sic] hope that parts of the country could be open by May 1st. According to the story, Fauci agrees that parts of the country could start to be opened (on a rolling basis). Just not that other parts of the country are not going to be ready.

That doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out, Reverend...

You make an assumption (without any fact) that there is a disagreement between Trump and Fauci (when there is no known disagreement at this point).

Which of course... is the way in which propaganda works.

Good thing not everyone falls for such media spin as easily as you!

Well Ch, what I actually mean is that it sounds like Fauci is not
going to necessarily go along with any old proposal that seeks to
open up the country or even significant portions thereof by

It sounds as if Fauci may advocate observing Greater
Caution than the Trump who trumpets that it's going to very, very,
very soon (yes, he actually used THREE very-ies recently!)

And that might evoke another FIRE FAUCI retweet, IF Fauci continues
to insist that “the U.S. does not yet have the critical testing
and tracing procedures needed to begin reopening the nation’s economy."

Did you get that, Ch? "Does not yet have THE NEEDED
TEXTING AND TRACING PROCEDURE (Isn't Trump saying we have
PLENTY of them, an ABUNDANCE of them?)
...the testing and tracing procedures NEEDED TO BEGIN

ISN'T TRUMP SAYING WE CAN very, very, very soon

Yeah, talk like that COULD evoke another FIRE FAUCI retweet,
dontcha think?


Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022)

Democrat state representative who recovered from #Coronavirus using Hydroxychloroquine thanks President @realDonaldTrump:

Had you not brought it up, "I wouldn't even be here today."

FANTASTIC VIDEO TRIBUTE: https://twitter.com/TeamTrump/status/1250108255705194496

Michigan people appreciate. Maybe not their governor.


Tim Young

Obama is going to endorse Joe Biden today... I mean, he might as well... there's nobody else left...

anonymous said...

FANTASTIC VIDEO TRIBUTE: https://twitter.com/TeamTrump/status/1250108255705194496

Performance art and propaganda.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!



The guy who corruptly used the intelligence agencies to set up and spy on the opposition candidate is endorsing the guy corruptly benefited financially from his govt position. I’m not sure what they have in common. Oh yeah, corruption

anonymous said...

Anonymous JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY said...
Tim Young


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch, this coldheartedtruth blog of yours is shit.

This is not:


It is what this blog should be,
but is not,
and never could be.

Caliphate4vr said...

Leave pederast no one will miss or care


Rosie memos

@SpeakerPelosi and her House are on a full paid vacation with no intention of coming back to work until May 4th. So screw you America. Let them eat cake.


James said...
Ch, this coldheartedtruth blog of yours is shit.

This is not:


It is what this blog should be,
but is not,
and never could be.

don't let the blog door hit you on the ass

ROFLMFAO at the POS "pastor" !!!


UN Watch

China imposes restrictions on publishing academic research on the origins of the coronavirus.

China just joined the U.N. Human Rights Council panel that will choose 17 world monitors on human rights including the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Health.


Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

Ch, this coldheartedtruth blog of yours is shit.

then LEAVE

we'll call it peder-exit. or pexit.

you disingenuous piece of shit.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Ch, what I actually mean is that it sounds like Fauci is not
going to necessarily go along with any old proposal that seeks to
open up the country or even significant portions thereof by

Well Reverend hoped for two million dead Americans...

How many times have you been wrong about Fauci and Trump so far?


Should I go on?

You keep hoping and preying that the President and "Tony" as he calls him in the daily briefings are going to have a falling out.

Here we are... all your fake problems, fake stories, fake turmoil, fake tension....

And only yesterday Fauci defended Trump as strongly as he could!

On his own accord!!!

You will never learn, Reverend I believe whatever I read

And you will turn out wrong and keep that percentage of being wrong at 100%!!!


rrb said:

then LEAVE

we'll call it peder-exit. or pexit.

you disingenuous piece of shit.

will his Lord GODdard let him leave ?

anonymous said...


No Lil Schitty....no body with a working brain wants 2 million dead....only your political BS thinks it is good and that only having 24k dead so far is good.....sad you think life is as worthless that it does not bother you, just like trump who only cares about his HAIR!!!!! Empathy is not a quality for any R....especially you!!!!

Commonsense said...

You know there's a point when keeping the economy shut down will kill more people that the virus.

Commonsense said...

No Lil Schitty....no body with a working brain wants 2 million dead.

Well James apparently does but you're right. James doesn't have a working brain.

Caliphate4vr said...

Nor does fatty

Must’ve been a lot of issues with lead paint when they were young

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No need to answer you, Ch, because all you do is distort what I say.

Commonsense said...

No, he didn't, He just tore what you said apart.

You may leave now James.

anonymous said...

Hey dumb fuck...How does it feel to walk through life with your head stuck up your old white ass?????? BWAAAAAAAA!!! Got your unemployment check yet....you fucking parasitic loser??????

Commonsense said...

Must’ve been a lot of issues with lead paint when they were young

It is a common problem in New Jersey and Illinois.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Compare 2:29 PM
With Ch's rant at 3:00 PM.

Commonsense said...

Lord, the Golden Corral can't open fast enough.

Commonsense said...

Yeah, it's not a good look for you James.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

GOP Lawmaker Says Dying from Virus ‘Lesser of Two Evils’
April 14, 2020 at 4:23 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 59 Comments

Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (R-IN) told WIBC that Americans need to get back to work immediately, even if it means significantly increasing the spread of the coronavirus.

He acknowledged that ending social distancing could result in major public health harms and “loss of life,” but he said it was better than letting the economy fall apart.

Said Hollingsworth:
“It is policymakers’ decision to put on our big boy and big girl pants and say it is the lesser of these two evils."

Reminds me of the old Vietnam war meme/excuse:
"We had to destroy the village in order to save it."


James said...
Ch, this coldheartedtruth blog of yours is shit.

damn flies can't leave.

At least wash your mouth.

After every time you speak.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Hardest-hit states don't plan to follow Trump's national guidance on re-opening



I see the lying POS "pastor's" Lord GODdard wouldn't let him leave. Waterboy shortage during the crisis.



anonymous said...

Fucking Daddy still playing solitaire with a deck of 51 cards......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!


Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022

Joe Biden's top coronavirus advisor Ron Klain praised China's handling of the pandemic on January 27, saying it had been "more transparent and more candid than it has been during past outbreaks."

How much did the Biden's get from China again ?

C.H. Truth said...

Hardest-hit states don't plan to follow Trump's national guidance on re-opening

Oh it will work out in the end, Reverend spends all his time looking for something bad to bring up...

Commonsense said...

He acknowledged that ending social distancing could result in major public health harms and “loss of life,” but he said it was better than letting the economy fall apart.
Said Hollingsworth:
“It is policymakers’ decision to put on our big boy and big girl pants and say it is the lesser of these two evils."
Reminds me of the old Vietnam war meme/excuse:
"We had to destroy the village in order to save it."

As I said; "You know there's a point when keeping the economy shut down will kill more people than the virus."

That point is coming up fast.


anonymous said...
Fucking Daddy still playing solitaire with a deck of 51 cards......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

No lo iq, but that would be a whole lot more than you were born with. And are going to die with.

ROFLMFAO at the lo iq twerp !!!

but keep bleating, that's the one thing you do well !!! (and grazing ???)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The late Senator George McGovern in a 2002 speech opposing the US invasion of Iraq, on the difference between liberals and conservatives:

“Virtually every step forward in our history has been a liberal initiative taken over conservative opposition: civil rights, Social Security, Medicare, rural electrification, the establishment of a minimum wage, collective bargaining, the Pure Food and Drug Act, and federal aid to education, including the land-grant colleges, to name just a few.

“Many of these innovations were eventually embraced by conservatives only after it became clear that they had overwhelming public approval for the simple reason that almost every American benefited from them. Every one of these liberal efforts strengthened our democracy and our quality of life.

“The business of conservatives is . . . to cling tightly to the past, and although such a stance can be admirable, a stale and musty doctrine is of little use at a time when the nation needs not to fear the future but to seek out ways to improve it.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Cuomo Calls Trump's Bluff


Okay, you told us it was up to us to shut it down,
so how can you now say it's up to you to open it up?

Caliphate4vr said...

Virtually every step forward in our history has been a liberal initiative taken over conservative opposition: civil rights

Well I quit reading at that lie

anonymous said...

Well I quit reading at that lie

You haven't been able to read for years, fucking loser!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Well there goes France’s carrier, at least the prop didn’t fall off again

French Carrier Heading Home Early Amid Suspicion of COVID-19 Outbreak

anonymous said...

ROFLMFAO at the lo iq twerp !!!

AWESOME FUCKING DADDY.......Less brains than a normal retard!!!!!! BWAAAAAAA!!!!

Commonsense said...

Cuomo Calls Trump's Bluff

I suspect Cuomo will have a bunch of mad constituents if he keep's the state shut down when Trump says it's OK to open it up and all the other states open up also.

anonymous said...

Amid Suspicion of COVID-19 Outbreak

Gee weren't you the asshole who wanted our carrier captain flogged for protecting his troops???? Sure looks like the frogs care for their crew, unlike our navy chain of command....

Anonymous said...

Well I quit reading at that lie

me too. every HONEST person knows that grand kleagle robert c byrd led the filibuster AGAINST the civil rights act of 1964.

i'm thinking the alky's had a fucking stroke and he's just emerging from it. he's always been a liar. now he's a crippled liar.

Caliphate4vr said...

Fatty aren’t you double naught account that helped make sure the flight deck was to short for carrier operations?

Anonymous said...

I suspect Cuomo will have a bunch of mad constituents if he keep's the state shut down when Trump says it's OK to open it up and all the other states open up also.

sales of pitchforks and torches are starting to pick up around here.

the ego-driven asshole has personally sidelined TRILLIONS of $$$ here in NY. and in the process drove MILLIONS to an unemployment line that didn't fucking work.

Anonymous said...

French Carrier Heading Home Early Amid Suspicion of COVID-19 Outbreak

Guess they couldn't find a guy in a spike coronavirus hat to surrender to.

Commonsense said...

sales of pitchforks and torches are starting to pick up around here.

I can easily see uprisings in New York, New Jersey, and Michigan if this crap goes on for much longer.

anonymous said...

make sure the flight deck was to short for carrier operations?

BWAAAAAAAA!!!! About as funny as your fake degree from Party U!!!!!! Great shot loser......how's your sales contest going????

Caliphate4vr said...

Excellent fatman, wife and I are doing very well, thanks for asking

C.H. Truth said...

Virtually every step forward in our history has been a liberal initiative taken over conservative opposition: civil rights

A statement by the guy who is pretty much known as the worst Presidential candidate in history.

Interesting choice of heroes... a big loser!

Caliphate4vr said...

Listening again to the album that changed music forever, 37 years ago this week, Murmur was released

Just finished Document and Automatic For the People, as well

anonymous said...

Couldn't care less about your cunt ......gotta suck not having no income with all that debt you carry.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!! But thanx for being you!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Such anger fatboy..

It must be miserable being old, obese and diabetic, realizing the virus has you in its sights

anonymous said...

Such stupidity frat boy.....BWAAAAAAA!!!!!! Keep talking brave one....I am sure I will have your last laugh!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Trump now blaming WHO for everything......Rewriting history to make his fat ass look good!!!!! Crock of BS saying all the money they wasted without doing anything .....sad how idiots like paula will embrace the POS!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

The WHO lied fatboy and covered for China

Bad Orangeman didn’t do it, they did it to themselves

Eat some more paint you and maybe you’ll make sense to someone

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

More and more of George McGovern's policies have been adopted and will continue to be, once we get rid of the Orange Neanderthal.

Commonsense said...

Biden having a communist run his policy shop in not going to ingratiate him with the swing voters.

Some Democrats too.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"Many of these innovations were eventually embraced by conservatives only after it became clear that they had overwhelming public approval for the simple reason that almost every American benefited from them. Every one of these liberal efforts strengthened our democracy and our quality of life.

Commonsense said...

Don't think Obama is going to stump for Biden at lot.

For one thing, he may have to answer/dodge some uncomfortable question about the blatant abuse of power going on under his watch. Mind you the mainstream media would never do their jobs when Obama is involved but there will always be a reporter from OANN there to ask.

Commonsense said...

On the other hand, the people loath higher taxes, the green deal, Obamacare, unemployment, and supporting enemies with plane loads of cash.

And they really don't care for their history being rewritten and the social engineering of their children.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Here's an example of a post that I wrote yesterday that is simply truthful, reasonable, and not all that political, partisan, or polemical (argumentative). But in the hate filled atmosphere of this blog, it is a waste of time to write anything this reasonable and fair minded.

I do not reject the fact that areas with huge populations tend to have bigger coronavirus problems. When you consider the population densities of NY and NJ and Michigan's Detroit area, it is actually surprising that the death tolls in NJ and MI are not higher. And I can understand why people want to get free of restrictions, especially people who live in less impacted areas.

My IL county has 77 cases and only 2 deaths.
My NC father's county has 64 cases and only 3 deaths.
My NC sister's county has 114 cases and only 4 deaths.

Naturally we begin to wonder whether so strict a shutdown is as necessary for us as it is for the more crowded counties with large city populations.

But to be overhasty with the relaxation of social distancing could lead to problems.

Trump has expert advisers representing the economy on the one hand,
and expert advisers representing health on the other,
and they tend to see things differently.

Trump himself has admitted that he is now facing the most difficult decision(s) of his life. It will not help that his experts will strongly disagree.

How do we avoid an economic disaster without contributing to a health disaster, or avoid a health disaster without contributing to an economic one?

April 13, 2020 at 1:46 PM Delete

Commonsense said...

Here's a question for you, how long do you think your governor can keep trampling on the people's rights and freedoms before the people rebelled.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The truth is that Donald Trump dismantled the infrastructure handed to him which was meant to plan for and overcome a pandemic, resulting in unnecessary deaths and economic disaster.

The truth is that in January Donald Trump was warned about this pandemic, ignored those warnings, took insufficient action and caused unnecessary death and economic disaster.

The truth is that Donald Trump told his most loyal followers that the pandemic was a hoax and that it would magically disappear, thus endangering lives and paving the way for economic disaster.

The truth is that we did not have proper testing available in March despite Trump repeatedly claiming that we did; and even now, we do not have adequate tests, masks, PPE, and necessary equipment, which creates unnecessary death and suffering.

The truth is because of an incompetent reaction to this health crisis, the strong economy handed to Donald Trump is now a disaster, causing the suffering of countless Americans and endangering lives.

The truth is a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Commonsense said:
"Here's a question for you, how long do you think your governor can keep trampling on the people's rights and freedoms before the people rebelled."

I have not heard anyone complaining about our governor "trampling" on anyone's rights and freedoms.

I have only heard people being grateful for his attempts to keep us safe.

More and more, I see others voluntarily wearing masks when they go to grocery stores, as do I, and now all of the cashiers and most employees are wearing masks and gloves, etc.

Of course it's tiresome, being confined to our homes, but I have friends I can talk with on the phone, and I meet online per zoom with discussion groups I used to meet with in person.

We encourage one another to stay safe.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Your link don't work." Ugly fat broad Denise

It worked just fine

Anonymous said...

Tiresome being on one's own land, what non-sense.

Unless you live in a shithole.

anonymous said...

Tiresome that you think the land is yours.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!! Sad that your parents had so little respect for the US by willing land to progeny that are so stupid!!!!!! Link don't work....what part do you not understand?????? Amazing the guy who hates china owns stock of a company that spends Billions on chinese goods made in deplorable conditions to make him profit.....Asshole

anonymous said...

Sure seems to me that trump was sucking Xi's dick as much as he accused WHO of doing......

Trump had also praised China’s government, and its president, Xi Jinping, for transparency.

“China has been working very hard to contain the coronavirus,” Trump tweeted on Jan. 24. “The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

So sad trump throwing rocks in his glass house..... And the slurprers will jump on board of trumps fat ass and support defunding WHO in the middle of this pandemic....threatening thousands of lives of the people they serve....sad

anonymous said...

ANOTHER WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONEY TO APPEASE THE VANITY OF ORANGE MAN!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! More delay's for those with no jobs....I am certain they will all carefully inspect the check and know orange man is great!!!!!

In unprecedented move, Treasury orders Trump’s name printed on stimulus checks

The department’s decision could slow the checks’ delivery by a few days, senior IRS officials said.
By Lisa Rein

anonymous said...

In floriduh.....no unemployment money has been received to date by the thousands who have applied...I am sure desantis will blame someone else for his failure!!!!!! Wonder if cramps got his????????

anonymous said...

The consummate liar and daughter fucker setting themselves up to make millions on govmt bailout of the economy....color me surprised!!!!!

Dana Milbank
April 14, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. EDT
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) have insisted that Congress spend another $250 billion on small businesses devastated by the pandemic, but they refuse to “renegotiate unrelated programs” from last month’s emergency coronavirus bill.
What are they afraid of?
Well, maybe it’s this: As the dust settles on the $2.2 trillion legislation, it has become clear that one of its largest provisions, a $170 billion tax giveaway, appears to be tailor-made for the benefit of wealthy real estate investors such as President Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who is running one of Trump’s coronavirus task forces.
Full coverage of the coronavirus pandemic

The giveaway, primarily to real estate investors and hedge funds, is larger than the total amount in the legislation for hospitals ($100 billion) and for relief for all state and local governments ($150 billion). Worse, the bonanza for these millionaires and billionaires has little to do with the coronavirus: It lets them offset losses not just from 2020 but from 2018 and 2019, before the pandemic.

This is repugnant. Cash-strapped states don’t have the funds to care for the sick, much less to do the testing, contact tracing and isolation needed to reopen workplaces and schools. As The Post’s Tony Romm reported Tuesday, more than 2,100 U.S. cities expect major budget shortfalls — and therefore possible cuts to vital public services.

Anonymous said...

Democrats don't care about ranchers, farmers and small business.

Anonymous said...

2,100 cities"

How many are Sanctuary cities?

Myballs said...

Phoney story. Fake news. Dopey likes it so he believes it.

Myballs said...

Sorry ch, worst presidential candidate in history was Hillary. The result was a political novice winning.

anonymous said...

Phoney story. Fake news. Dopey likes it so he believes it.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Trumps dick stuck in your ass, you lying sack of shit......prove it wrong instead of flapping your ignorant gums!!!!!!! I won't hold my breath expecting anything cogent from you~~~~

anonymous said...

Republicans don't give a shit about living breathing americans who are getting fucked by trump!!!!!

Anonymous said...

New York City added nearly 4,000 people who never tested positive for the coronavirus to its death toll Tuesday, bringing coronavirus-related deaths in the city to around 10,000 people.

The city decided to add 3,700 people to its death tolls, who they “presumed” to have died from the virus, according to a report from The New York Times. The additions increased the death toll in the U.S. by 17%, according to the Times report, and included people who were suffering from symptoms of the virus, such as intense coughing and a fever.


so if they lie to inflate the numbers, you have to question their true motive.

anonymous said...

Wonder how many losers here will be doing the same thing??????

More than one-in-four Americans who expect a stimulus check plan to spend it on housing, according to a new survey.

Some 28.4% said they would use the stimulus check to pay for rent or a mortgage, according to a survey of 1,013 Americans by Crediful, a personal finance website based in Scottsdale, Arizona.

“Rent and mortgage payments are a big cost, and it’s one that a person would be looking to maintain. We have seen proposals for rent strikes and calls for delayed mortgages and rent payments from different cities and states, so we knew this would be a pressing issue,” said Joey Morris, a project manager for Crediful.

Anonymous said...

Blogger anonymous said...

Republicans don't give a shit about living breathing americans who are getting fucked by trump!!!!!

dumb fuck denny, you're right.

if you're some imbecile like you or the pederast or the stroked-out alky who truly believe they're getting fucked by trump without a shred of evidence, then i have zero fucks to give about your delusional ass.

i know several people who suffer from TDS. when challenged to illustrate specifically how trump is visiting harm upon themselves and their families, all i ever get are subjective rhetorical flourishes that can be summarized in three words -

'orange man bad.'

provide a demonstrable, legitimate gripe or stfu.

anonymous said...

Hey rat.....I guess my statement disagrees with you and your hatred of american hispanics, muslims and women....God you are a fucking idiot!~!!!!! I am sure your opinion of trump being a God flows to everyone,......BWAAAAAAAA!!!!1 Other than donating you a bunch of money so you can live....what has he done to make your life better???? This should be fun!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! Running the country into the ground and you are fine....LOLOLOLOLOLO

anonymous said...

Son of a bitch....today is April 15, 2020 and the corona virus is still spreading like wildfire.....Didm't trump promise come april that there would be a miracle????? I'm sure rat will take trumps dick out of his mouth and provide a detailed explanation why!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

Wisconsin has learned the elections have consequences as the light voter turnout dumped the trump endorsed asshole!!!!! Rat cries again.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!

Last week, Republican officials and conservative judges pushed for Wisconsin to have in-person voting even though the state was in the middle of a public health emergency with the coronavirus pandemic. It led to some absurd visuals, such as Wisconsin state Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, a leading GOP figure, telling voters it was safe to go to the polls even as he was protected by a mask, goggles and a gown.

The reason for their focus on the race was protecting a state Supreme Court seat held by conservative Justice Daniel Kelly. With a competitive Democratic primary also on the April ballot, the push to have an election despite warnings to avoid large gatherings was seen as an attempt to suppress the vote, particularly in the Democratic stronghold of Milwaukee. In the state’s largest city, just five of the usual 180 polling places were open, leading to hours-long waits for voters. An attempt by Democratic Gov. Tony Evers to delay in-person voting by executive order was overturned by the state Supreme Court, with the four conservative justices outvoting the two liberal justices and Kelly abstaining.

The United States Supreme Court also ruled against the Democrats, with the five Republican-appointed justices voting on the eve of the Wisconsin election to strike down a six-day extension for returning absentee ballots. The four Democratic appointees dissented.

Despite the court rulings and vocal support from President Trump, when the results were announced Monday Kelly failed to retain his seat, losing by 11 points to progressive challenger Jill Karofsky. Every state Supreme Court justice voted absentee, including the four who had ruled against delaying in-person voting.