Monday, May 18, 2020

And the answer is: Trump Derangement Syndrome!

We also didn't get any push back during the last coronavirus pandemic, when Hydroxychloroquine was the most prescribed drug in treating the symptoms of the SARS coronavirus outbreak.

So it would now appear that Hydroxychloroquine has worked in the past for treating Covid, and currently works in the rest of the world specifically treating Covid-19.... but here in America, in 2020 are there issues.

A medical mystery, huh?


Anonymous said...

RRB Teaching Fatty Denise.
"pay attention, dumb fuck. the "model" that produced that number was the product of piss-poor coding and a flawed algorithm. in other words, the 2.2M number was invalid to begin with.

and the asshole who cooked it up? yeah, he was banging some liberal skank while infected and she ended up passing it on the her cuckold husband."

We change , the Red State Democrat Govanors are being protested and died.

James , said protest would not happen .

cowardly king obama said...

Five hospitals in Madrid and Barcelona will test the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19 in 700 pregnant women

This treatment, which has been applied for decades for malaria infection and is used in lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases, both in pregnant women and in the rest of the population, "is a very safe drug in pregnancy" , says Dr. Llurba. Hydroxychloroquine is an old acquaintance for the coordinator of this study, Dr. Clara Menéndez, director of the Initiative for Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health of the Institute of Global Health of Barcelona, ​​used to working on projects related to infectious diseases in pregnant women , especially in countries with few resources, such as malaria. For her it has been " like repositioning a drug again . "

Washington post Headline and CNN chyron would say "Spain testing killing pregnant Covid-19 women because of Trump"

Anonymous said...

Washington post Headline and CNN chyron would say "Spain testing killing pregnant Covid-19 women because of Trump"

alternate headline:

"Death deemed safer than hydroxychloroquine."

Anonymous said...

Suddenly Democrat Held State Govanors are racing to open their States.

cowardly king obama said...

Daniel Horowitz

Montana opened schools 2 weeks ago....which is why you havent heard anything in the media.

cowardly king obama said...

Jon Wilner

The calculation for opening Pac-12 campuses/playing football should include this: There have been no Covid-related deaths in conference footprint for 18-22 age group (per CDC database)

Clay Travis

Important data here. College kids across the country are more likely to be struck by lightning than die of the coronavirus.

A whole generation is clamoring to get back to work/school/clubs/bars etc. i.e living.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Faux News is going ballistic but Barr shutdown the Obamagate bullshit.

(CNN)Attorney General William Barr on Monday said Barack Obama and Joe Biden are unlikely to be under criminal investigation in a review of the Russia probe that began in 2016 -- addressing simmering accusations by President Donald Trump against his predecessor and his 2020 opponent.

Barr said he was attempting to curtail the politicization of Justice Department investigations, yet his comments could fan speculation from right-wing commentators.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The bars are open and this is the result.

Record number of COVID-19 cases reported Saturday in Wisconsin, with 502 infections.

cowardly king obama said...

Roger Amick said...

Barr on Monday said Barack Obama and Joe Biden are unlikely to be under criminal investigation

I heard "did not believe"...

And they haven't talked to Obama's direct reports yet but there is criminal activity at least underneath them...


C.H. Truth said...

Record number of COVID-19 cases reported Saturday in Wisconsin, with 502 infections

502 was literally reported BEFORE the state lifted the order...

It was only 144 cases today.

Nice lie...

cowardly king obama said...

Roger Amick said...
Record number of COVID-19 cases reported Saturday in Wisconsin, with 502 infections

Damn see what happens when you drastically INCREASE THE TESTS, you find more cases...

Who would have thought.

Commonsense said...

CNN)Attorney General William Barr on Monday said Barack Obama and Joe Biden

The other headline is that Barr confirmed that members of the Obama administration are under criminal investigation.

cowardly king obama said...

502 was literally reported BEFORE the state lifted the order...

It was only 144 cases today.

Nice lie...


Any word on the stock market recently ???

cowardly king obama said...

Jack Posobiec

Someone should ask AG Barr if state governors can be prosecuted for ordering infected patients into nursing homes

Commonsense said...

#MeToo is dead. The Democrats strangled it.

'Believe All Women' Is a Right-Wing Trap

Anonymous said...

😂502 was literally reported BEFORE the state lifted the order... ðŸ˜†CHT

Roger doesn't get much internet time in his "New home that has everything, including a Chef" "

Anonymous said...

Barr said Obimbo/Biden are not under criminal investigation😉.

Like Comey said to Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

NEW: President Trump said today he's been taking anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine for "about a week and a half" as a preventative measure against the coronavirus, despite FDA warnings.

Commonsense said...

What warning? The FDA has approved it for conditional use.

The only warning is "consult your doctor" duh.

Commonsense said...

Heh, you just know the media is going have a meltdown over this.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Is it making those white circles around his eyes?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Not only is there is no known evidence that the drug works in COVID-19 cases, but it has potentially serious side effects.

Commonsense said...

Except for the French studies that said ti was,

Never say "no known evidence" when there is known evidence.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

Not only is there is no known evidence that the drug works in COVID-19 cases, but it has potentially serious side effects.

earned a medical degree in the nursing home, didja alky?

first of all, there's plenty of anecdotal evidence the world over. physicians everywhere have prescribed it, and they credit it for saving lives.

second, who are you to judge? if the drug is prescribed by a licensed physician and is being administered under the supervision of that physician, it's really none of your fucking business.

your problem is that you just can't stand the fact that a treatment endorsed by trump might have value. your TDS really is THAT bad.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A bogus treatment endorsed by Trump without adequate medical peer review and against evidence that it could do more harm than good is everybody's business.

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

A bogus treatment endorsed by Trump without adequate medical peer review and against evidence that it could do more harm than good is everybody's business.

not at all, pederast.

you have no business in any conversation between me and my doctor, and the same goes for trump and his doc.

Commonsense said...

Well Pastor who defines adequate peer review? Certainly not you. I notice that you sidestep the fact there are peer review that show it's effectiveness.

These are the facts.

1. The drug is safe for general use. It's been in the field for Over 50 years.

2. There have been studies about it's effectiveness against COVID-19. Including the pharmacology of how the drug inhibits the virus. This is why zinc is so important. Taking them together enhances the effect