Monday, May 18, 2020

May 17th Covid-19 update...

Based on the average of Worldometer, Covid Tracking Project, and the CDC:

  • Number of new cases: 18,081
  • Number of new deaths: 800
  • Number of total deaths: 88,080
  • Projected number of total deaths: 101,385

The projection is more likely than not to go up, unless we start seeing numbers more consistently like those from yesterday. For whatever reasons, the numbers seem to be lax over the weekends (possibly because of reporting lags) and then jump back up by Tuesday.

Based on lower weekend numbers, today was only the second time since I have been tracking projections that the number "decreased".

Currently the "model" that has been used by the CDC and other Federal experts is tracking to 145,040 deaths. This model look to be over-projecting unless the amount of daily deaths start to increase (rather than decrease) and then remain in the 1500 range for the next 10 days or so. But then again, this model has been consistently wrong and consistently overreacting. It wouldn't surprise me to see projection drop again over the next few days (probably by more than it should).

I suspect that the total (at least through June or so) will end up being somewhere between 101,000 and 145,000... and I am hoping for something closer to the 101,000, but we are now seeing why the original "range" was put between 110,000 and 220,000. That seemed very high to many people at the time, but it looks more likely than not to be where we end up.  


Anonymous said...

88,000 eh?

huh. looks like a typical flu year.

and the order of the day was full-on apeshit because orange man bad.

Anonymous said...

There's no reason to be walking around with a mask.

Anonymous said...

Despite a wave of critical news coverage and Democratic catcalls, President Trump sits at his “highest” approval in the latest Gallup survey, and above where four of the last six presidents, including Barack Obama and George W. Bush, were at this point of the first term.

After two weeks of bad news on the coronavirus and economic front, Trump maintained his 49% approval rating, and his disapproval crept up just 1 point, to 48% in the Gallup survey of adults, a broad test.

Gallup said that Trump’s approval is “tied for the best of his presidency.”

Caliphate4vr said...

The true face of the donk party

Instead of letting Amazon use coronavirus to dominate even more of the economy, the company should be nationalized and reoriented to serve the public good instead of predatory capitalism.

Wonder what Bezo’s thinks

Anonymous said...

CA Cray Cray, Newsom is worried about "3rd waive" , not waiting for the first wave to end, or the "Modeled" 2nd waive to start.
Ally is in his dream home with a Chef and everything in shut down.

Commonsense said...

Wonder what Bezo’s thinks

If he was smart, he'd become a Trump fan.

anonymous said...

Now Lil Schitty is our resident comedian predicting with certainly that only 145 k useless and ill americans will pass from the current pandemic!!!!! A great win for the GOP and trump killing less people than the won in those important college states!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! And please goat fucker....go to church and sit with all those people hacking away!!!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Sure Denny...

What sort of moron believes that Covid-19 is some sort of Republican virus. It came from China and Europe, not the Trump Tower.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

COVID-19 cases: (updated Monday, May 18, afternoon)

Worldwide confirmed, deaths:
Total cases: 4,731,400
Total deaths: 316,060

United States:
Total cases: 1,503,600
Total deaths: 89,812

Northern Plains:
South Dakota: 4,027, 49 dead
Pennington County: 58 positive
Todd County: 17 (Rosebud Reservation)
Moody (Flandreau): 19 cases
Oglala Lakota (Pine Ridge Reservation: 10 cases
Charles Mix Yankton Reservation) 9 cases
Ziebach/Dewey Counties (Cheyenne River Reservation): 1
Minnehaha County, SD 3,150, 34 dead
Lincoln County 208
Brown County 201

Wyoming: 754, 8 dead (33% of Wyoming cases are Native Americans, but only 2.7% of population.)
Northern Arapahoe Reservation 4 dead
Fremont County 220 cases, 4 dead
Laramie County: 181, 1dead
North Dakota: 1,931, 44 dead
Standing Rock Reservation: 2
Cass County: 1137, 33 (Fargo)
Morton County: 40, 2 dead
Grand Forks: 317, 3 dead
Montana: 470, 16 dead
Nebraska: 10,348, 129 dead
Dakota County: 1,511, 14 dead (meatpacking)
Douglas County: 2,428, 24 dead (meatpacking)
Colorado: 21,909, 1,215 dead
Minnesota: 16,381, 740 dead
Iowa: 14,955, 355 dead
Tama 358, 17 dead
Woodbury (Sioux City): 2,278, 17 dead
Polk: 3,001, 81 dead
Black Hawk County: 1,603, 30 dead

The Early Reopeners:
Texas: 48,953, 1,356 dead (highest rise in nation)
Florida: 46,434, 1,996 dead
Georgia: 36,456, 1,617 dead
Louisiana: 34,709, 2,440 dead
Arizona: 14,170, 686 dead

New York: 355,037, 28,168 dead
California: 80,803, 3,303 dead
Michigan: 51,054 , 4,891 dead
Washington, DC: 7,270, 392 dead
White House: 3+ (Trump isolating from Pence)

Miscellaneous Statistics:
Navajo Nation: 4,002, 140 dead

Russia: 290,678, 2,723 dead
United Kingdom: 243,695, 34,636 dead
Brazil: 241,080, 16,118 dead
Spain: 231,350, 27,650 dead
Italy: 224,760, 31,763 dead
Lebanon: 911, 26 dead
Belize: 18 cases, 2 dead
Syria: 58 cases, 3 dead

Anonymous said...

Fat Borttom Girl Denise who said posting on this blog is better then sex with his pig nosed ring wife.

Anonymous said...

Your up Date does not include Biden's beloved China or Obimbo's Cuba, how come?

anonymous said...

And the goat fucker again proves to all why he is an unemployed trump sucking idiot.........BWAAAAAAAAA BTW.....I said getting laid......dumb fuck!!!!!!

Sure Denny...

What sort of moron believes that Covid-19 is some sort of Republican virus

BWAAAAAAA!!!!! That's what you get from my posts you dumb fuck....You are approaching the goat fucking level of stupidity!!!!!!! Sorry need to learn how to read!!!!!

anonymous said...

More Ooopsies......

othing about the spread of the coronavirus or the nature of the disease suggests that it’s safe to get back to business as usual. And yet “reopen” is the word on almost every American’s lips, despite apocalyptic warnings from public heath experts suggesting that, without an aggressive national public health strategy, the country could face its “darkest winter.”

In the absence of a coherent federal public health response, millions of Americans are trying to will the coronavirus away through the sheer force of their God-given exceptionalism.

Mass delusion seems a dubious strategy for ending the coronavirus crisis. And yet if you look at the data coming out of Georgia over the past month — which had one of the earliest and most aggressive efforts to reopen its economy — you might be convinced that there is little danger in a broad economic reopening.

According to state data models, which Gov. Brian Kemp used to justify Georgia’s aggressive reopening, the state’s infection curve has been rapidly heading in a direction that would be the envy of states like California, with its aggressive lockdown rules. The Wall Street Journal hailed the “Georgia Model” as evidence that aggressive lockdowns were needlessly harming the economy.

Georgia's miraculous curve seemingly played an important role in the changing public sentiment around reopening nationally. If it's working in Georgia, why can't it work here?

Georgia’s flattening curve defied all scientific logic. Pandemics don’t end because the economy is suffering and we want them to.

And yet data don't lie. Or do they?

Thanks to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, we now know things did indeed look too good to be true. Georgia’s coronavirus numbers looked so rosy because officials misrepresented the data in such a way it's difficult to believe it wasn't done on purpose.

"I have a hard time understanding how this happens without it being deliberate," microbiology and molecular genetics PhD and state Rep. Jasmine Clark told the Journal Constitution. "Literally nowhere ever in any type of statistics would that be acceptable."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

All of that is very good, but I have a message now for Ch.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Ch, you must not have gotten the message.

Don't you hear Trump saying,
"The President knew everything. He knew everything. President Obama and Vice President Biden -- they knew everything. We caught them in the act. It's a beautiful thing. And every day we see more and more information come out. And now it's like an avalanche of really bad -- call it treason, call it whatever you want, but they tried to take down a duly elected President."

Don't you get the message, Ch?

Trump is talking about the investigation into Michael Flynn, and even though there is zero evidence -- zero, zilch, none -- that either President Obama or Vice President Biden did anything improper, you should be talking about that, not the virus!!!.

And why is Trump doing that? Because this past week he got very, very worried about his reelection chances -- so worried that he rushed off the Arizona and Pennsylvania, which he desperately needs, but which are slipping away.

So you see, he wants to change the subject away from talking about the virus and the economy, and talk instead about the non existent scandal of "OBAMAGATE."

So you really need to get on board, Ch, and try to help him in his desperate attempt to turn the conversation in that direction.

And you see, this thread isn't helping him.

Yes, Trump wants everybody to stop talking about the virus and the economy and start talking about the terrible thing the Obama administration did when they were trying to figure out what in the heck Flynn was up to when he was talking to the Russians during the transition.

What a scandalous thing for them to do!!!

THAT'S where the new emphasis should be!!!

So now, Ch -- now that I have made clear to you what your marching orders are, try a little harder to GET WITH THE PROGRAM!

Caliphate4vr said...

Fatty’s expert

Matthew Fleischer
Senior Digital Editor

Matthew Fleischer is a senior digital editor in the Opinion section. He is a former L.A. Weekly staff writer and a former senior editor of both LA CityBeat and Pasadena Magazine. His work has been honored by the Overseas Press Club Foundation and Investigative Reporters and Editors. When he’s not writing or editing, he’s wandering, usually by foot.

Another opinion article, yet assails anyone that uses opinion articles, he the fatman, disagrees with

Commonsense said...

Trump is talking about the investigation into Michael Flynn, and even though there is zero evidence -- zero, zilch, none -- that either President Obama or Vice President Biden did anything improper

Barr didn't say that. What he said was "Obama and Biden would unlikely be the subject of a criminal investigation." "regardless of their involvement"

Unindicted co-conspirator, get use to that term James.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"unindicted co-conspirator"

If someone is co-conspiring with someone else to do something illegal, I would think that first someone could be indicted.

C.H. Truth said...

Thanks to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, we now know things did indeed look too good to be true. Georgia’s coronavirus numbers looked so rosy because officials misrepresented the data in such a way it's difficult to believe it wasn't done on purpose.

Well too bad Georgia's official Covid Government website doesn't show any spike, any more than any "models" were showing.

But isn't it interesting that people are attacking Kemp for using models to justify reopening... but they don't seem to have an issue with people like Walz who is still using the same modelers to justify his decisions.

They are not on model 3.0 - when went from 70,000 to 50,000 to a model that has been now still projecting approximately double the deaths that have actually been occurring.

Hell, by the time they rolled it out it had already been overstating a weeks worth of numbers by 2-3 fold. It currently projects an additional 700 deaths over the next two weeks (or 50/day). Yesterday we reported 22.

When... did it become perfectly acceptable to be wrong by overstating things, and be considered a problem if you take real data and use that to justify reopening.

Because I promise you, whatever models Kemp used cannot be more wrong than what Walz has used.

Anonymous said...

"getting laid" is not "having sex" ?

Do tell Denny.

Anonymous said...

James knows nothing.
He "co-conspires" with himself?

"If someone is co-conspiring with someone else ..."

Anonymous said...

Is Andrew The New York Butcher done killing old people?

Anonymous said...

"House Democrats told the Supreme Court on Monday that they are again in the midst of an "ongoing presidential impeachment investigation" as part of their "weighty constitutional responsibility" – and, the Democrats argued, redacted grand-jury material from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s now-completed Russia probe must be turned over as a result."


Commonsense said...

Nobody. Nobody. Mother Nature? God? Where did this virus come from? People are going to to die by this virus. That is the truth. You can have a situation where everyone did the right thing, and everyone tried their best, and people still die,”

Andrew Cuomo

Can you imagine the media meltdown if Donald Trump said this?

Anonymous said...

As of May 18, California has suffered eight COVID deaths per 100,000 population. Washington State, 14. In New York State, that figure is 140 according to the Washington Post tracking. Some 28,000 people are dead of COVID in the Empire State today. If New York had managed to combat the virus as successfully as Washington State did, it would have saved about 25,000 lives. But tell us again how delightful it is that Andrew Cuomo is “single and ready to mingle” or that it’s fun to watch him banter with his brother about their mom on television.

Anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...

Is Andrew The New York Butcher done killing old people?

no, not by a long shot. however, since little mussolini is desperately seeking a diversion to shift the spotlight off of him and the catastrophic result of his leadership, NY - with the exception of NYC - should be beginning to open as early as today.

Upstate NY is angry and getting angrier. and since the dumb fuck only really cares about NYC anyway, i think he'll relent and focus his "efforts" south of the tappan zee bridge.

trump had the right idea all along - quarantine NYC, and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

anonymous said...

Still cannot post a cogent thought of your own you dumb fuck!!!!! Yep.... A D did really good in Ca and trump took credit for!~!!!!!! Maybe he should OD on hydroxy and rid the world of his defective thinking!!!!!

anonymous said...

I guess you think it is better to be dead than angry.....BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! You really need help.....asshole!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"Nobody. Nobody." Yes we do
"Mother Nature?" Nope
"God? " Nope 
(* note, God and mother nature are in in the same*)
"Where did this virus come from? " China and their Bio Lab.

anonymous said...

Note to goat fucker.....You are an idiot!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

BTW......what does the origin of the virus have to do with our current pandemic??????

Anonymous said...

"Where did this virus come from? " China and their Bio Lab.

Pompeio now doubts that.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Ch, you must not have gotten the message.

Don't you hear Trump saying,
"The President knew everything. He knew everything. President Obama and Vice President Biden -- they knew everything. We caught them in the act. It's a beautiful thing. And every day we see more and more information come out. And now it's like an avalanche of really bad -- call it treason, call it whatever you want, but they tried to take down a duly elected President."

Don't you get the message, Ch?

Trump is talking about the investigation into Michael Flynn, and even though there is zero evidence -- zero, zilch, none -- that either President Obama or Vice President Biden did anything improper, you should be talking about that and only that!!!

And why is Trump emphasizing that? Because this past week he got very, very worried about his reelection chances -- so worried that he rushed off the Arizona and Pennsylvania, which he desperately needs, but which are slipping away.

So you see, he wants to change the subject away from talking about the virus and the economy, and talk instead about the non existent scandal of "OBAMAGATE."

You really need to get on board, Ch, and try to help him in his desperate attempt to turn the conversation ONLY in that direction.

Yes, Trump wants everybody to stop talking about the virus and the economy and start talking about the terrible thing the Obama administration did when they were trying to figure out what in the heck Flynn was up to when he was talking to the Russians during the transition.

What a scandalous thing for them to do!!! THAT'S where the new emphasis should be!!!


So now, Ch -- now that I have made clear to you what your marching orders are,
try a little harder to GET WITH TRUMP'S PROGRAM!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

GOP Senator Seeks Declassification of Susan Rice Email

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) has asked the Trump administration to fully declassify an unusual email former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice sent herself regarding Michael Flynn on the eve of her departure, Politico reports.

Through a spokesperson, Rice said she welcomes the release of the email.

Of course she does.

Go to this article at and click on all the sources provided. It's obvious that there's no "there" there.

But Trump desperately and futilely is trying to make something big out of it.

Anonymous said...

darn the luck!

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been pushing back on the criticism he’s received for the nursing home response, saying that New York had a high number of fatalities in those facilities “not because we did anything wrong” but due — at least in part — to bad luck.

being a liberal is awesome. take credit for every success and shrug off every failure.

it's no wonder that liberals can't process the concept of personal responsibility. they never take any.


There's a CONFIRMED CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION into the OBAMA ADMNISTRATION ACTIONS and the "pastor" is back to using hid GODdard political_lire talking points.

What's new.

EVERY Obama official was saying things differently behind closed doors than they were in public. The transcripts just came out. Much else is still waiting to be released and unredacted.

This was an attempted COUP.

And reasonable people can easily see it. It really is in plain sight now.



* his


From the presidents physician:

Don't listen to never-Trumpers and the MSM. Listen to your doctor.

Did you hear Spain is testing it on 700 pregnant women in a study and it is and has been widely used here and abroad?

Couldn't tell by listening to fear mongering "reporters"

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Ahead In Arizona

A new OH Predictive Insights poll in Arizona finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in the presidential race, 50% to 43%.

Biden Way Ahead In Virginia

A new Roanoke College poll in Virginia finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in the presidential race, 51% to 39%.


GREAT ON-TOPIC READ(not the POS "pastor's Goddard political_lire spam) :

Donald J. Trump

This is the letter sent to Dr. Tedros of the World Health Organization. It is self-explanatory!

Myballs said...

Nets all now saying hydrochloriquine will kill you. But it would not be on the market if it killed everyone now would it? This news media is intolerable.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Amid Crisis, Trump Distracts
As the U.S. death toll from COVID-19 has climbed above 90,000, President Trump has accelerated his attacks on government watchdogs, judges, reporters and other independent voices in his run for reelection, escalating his spread of disinformation about perceived enemies and his administration’s record during the coronavirus crisis.

Since Friday, Trump has fired yet another inspector general, who Democrats say was investigating possible impropriety in massive arms sales to Saudi Arabia; raged against a government whistleblower; and repeatedly retweeted video of a local TV reporter being harassed in New York. He also amplified a sinister conspiracy theory he dubbed “Obamagate” in which he alleges, but never specifies, crimes by his predecessor.

On Monday, Trump — who won’t wear a mask but has touted hydroxychloroquine as a potential “game changer” — abruptly claimed he’s been taking the pills daily for “about a week and a half” as a preventative against the coronavirus. The Food and Drug Administration has warned the anti-malaria drug has not been proven to fight COVID-19 and could cause “serious heart rhythm problems.”

Experts have struggled to think of a historical parallel where a U.S. president has turned the world’s most powerful and influential office into a megaphone for wholesale fabrications and bizarre claims in an effort to confuse voters and salvage his own political future.
SOURCE: Los Angeles Times

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Food and Drug Administration has warned the anti-malaria drug has not been proven to fight COVID-19 and could cause “serious heart rhythm problems.”


COVID-19: Sanofi to donate 100 million doses of hydroxychloroquine across 50 countries

Sanofi to provide Plaquenil® (hydroxychloroquine) wherever possible, while securing appropriate supply levels for current approved indications;
The company already increased its production capacity by 50% and is on track to further increase production over the coming months;
Ongoing global clinical studies are assessing the efficacy and safety of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19;
If the ongoing clinical studies demonstrate its safety and efficacy in COVID-19 patients, Sanofi commits to donating the medicine to governments worldwide;
Sanofi CEO calls for greater international cooperation among the entire hydroxychloroquine chain, if proven safe and effective in COVID-19.

Paris – April 10, 2020 – As of today, Sanofi has committed to donating 100 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to 50 countries around the world, and has begun to progressively deliver the medicine to authorities that have requested it.

Hydroxychloroquine donation

In this global health emergency, Sanofi stands ready to assist as many countries as possible, starting with countries where its medicine is registered for current approved indications as well as countries where there are no hydroxychloroquine suppliers or countries with underserved populations.

As I said it is being used world-wide, including just starting a study in Spain of 700 pregnant women. It should not be used on people with pre-existing heart conditions, that is already on the label... Many world-wide medical professionals disagree with the FDA "recommendation" as do many US healthcare professionals. The FDA is not exempt from the deep state.

Caliphate4vr said...


See how easy that is



If hydroxychloroquine were as dangerous as they say, you'd think the media would be delighted @realDonaldTrump is taking it.

anonymous said...

Nets all now saying hydrochloriquine will kill you

Including faux......Why don't you ball less.....test it on yourself and get back to us !!!!


John Roberts

@realDonaldTrump also reveals that he is taking zinc to boost his immune system. Zinc is also believed to slow viral replication. Watch for that to start flying off the shelves.

PlayTheTrumpCard High voltage sign Text TRUMP to 88022

How pitiful is it that the 1st public official to mention zinc helping our immune system to fight coronavirus wasn't @CDCgov or @US_FDA or was @realDonaldTrump.

Our health "experts" have been silent about this simple & CHEAP common sense preventative.

Why is that?



MSNBC’s @JoeNBC claims, without evidence, that President Trump is lying about taking Hydroxychloroquine and falsely states that the drug “will kill you”.


btw FOX's Cavuto's show is actually losing on the ratings to CNN !!! In a lineup that beats CNN and MSNBC combined.

He needs to join Shephard Smith

We don't need another FAKE NEWS NETWORK.

anonymous said...

s dangerous as they say, you'd think the media would be delighted @realDonaldTrump is taking it.

With his 19000 lies so far......the probability of him taking the shit is ZERO!!!!!!! Read the Dr's words....says nothing about prescribing it...only talking about it!!!!! God you people are dumber than shit!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

The Food and Drug Administration has warned the anti-malaria drug has not been proven to fight COVID-19 and could cause “serious heart rhythm problems.”

But what is interesting... is that the same drug did not cause majorissues during the SARS virus, and most every other country in the world is using the drug without "serious" problems.

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

The arrhythmia is still a relatively rare side effect of the drug and is of no greater risk than it's historic use for malaria and lupus.

As I said the word "could" is a rhetorical weasel word in the sentence "It could kill you." Lot's of things "could kill you" under the right circumstances,

A car could kill you. A toy on the floor could kill you. Aspirin could kill you.

As for hydroxycholroquine to treat COVID-19? It is more likely to save your life than kill you.

Myballs said...

'Some say' it 'could' kill you. How, it's bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The Food and Drug Administration has warned the anti-malaria drug has not been proven to fight COVID-19 and could cause “serious heart rhythm problems.”

so... second guess your own physician with FDA approvals? for some reason that does not surprise me alky.

and, as Coldheart pointed out, we didn't hear a peep out of any of you when the same drug was used for SARS.

lucky for you you're locked down in assisted living. you'd be dead by now without someone to feed you your porridge and wipe your ass.


In a letter to Gov. Doug Ducey of Arizona, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) presents a frequently updated table of studies that report results of treating COVID-19 with the anti-malaria drugs chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ, Plaquenil®).
Peer-reviewed studies published from January through April 20, 2020, provide clear and convincing evidence that HCQ may be beneficial in COVID-19, especially when used early, states AAPS. Unfortunately, although it is perfectly legal to prescribe drugs for new indications not on the label, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommended that CQ and HCQ should be used for COVID-19 only in hospitalized patients in the setting of a clinical study if available. Most states are making it difficult for physicians to prescribe or pharmacists to dispense these medications.

As the letter to Gov. Ducey notes, “Many nations, including Turkey and India, are protecting medical workers and contacts of infected persons prophylactically. According to, deaths per million persons from COVID-19 as of Apr 27 are 167 in the U.S., 33 in Turkey, and 0.6 in India.”

After Morocco and Algeria began using HCQ, a trend break and sharp reduction in their COVID-19 case fatality rate occurred.

Vaccines and results of randomized double-blind controlled trials of new drugs are at best months away. But patients are dying now, while affordable, long-used drugs would be available except for government restrictions, AAPS states.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) has represented physicians of all specialties in all states since 1943. The AAPS motto is omnia pro aegroto, meaning everything for the patient.

Anonymous said...

Roger is a shadow of his former self.

Anonymous said...

NOC stock
Yearly High $382.65
Today $328.80

Home Depot
Yearly High $245.32
Today $239.32

Dennis is soooooo ppprrrpoouuudd of his investment.

anonymous said...

when you are in it as a cost....I consider that a win!!!!!

And you still are posting from your mommy's basement!!!!! A leech of monumental proportions!!

Anonymous said...

House Democrats told the Supreme Court on Monday that they are again in the midst of an "ongoing presidential impeachment investigation" as part of their "weighty constitutional responsibility" 

Still going after Trump.

Anonymous said...

Biden speak from FBGD.

Can anyone make sense of this garbage.
"anonymousMay 19, 2020 at 3:05 PM

when you are in it as a cost....I consider that a win!!!!!

And you still are posting from your mommy's basement!!!!! A leech of monumental proportions!!