Monday, May 18, 2020

Hypocrisy is the bedrock of liberalism...

The fake “Obamagate” scandal shows how Trump hacks the media
The important thing here is not that this theory is false. The important thing is that we’re talking about it at all, and we’re only talking about it because the president wants us to talk about it. Talking about this non-story means we’re talking less about, say, the nearly 85,000 Americans who have died so far from the coronavirus or the impending recession.
Consider this Axios tweet stating that “Biden’s presence on the list could turn it into an election year issue, though the document itself does not show any evidence of wrongdoing.” But Biden’s name on a document is only an election issue if the press treats it like one. And if the “document itself does not show any evidence of wrongdoing,” why the hell are we talking about it? Again, we’re talking about it because Trump talked about it and now it’s a legitimized “story.”

Here are some bullet point reactions to this:

  • A classic example of just demanding something is false, with out providing even an argument as to why it is false. They are choosing to use the bury your head in a sand strategy, which they demand the rest of the country engage in.
  • Covid-19 didn't appear to be interesting at all to the liberal media while it was developing. They were too busy reporting on a fake impeachment by the House. But now apparently the 2020 liberal press is incapable of walking and chewing gum simultaneously.  Apparently their attention span is limited to one story at a time. Really? 
  • For three years the liberal media pushed the completely 100% debunked "Russian collusion" theory spread by former Obama officials and investigated by partisan Trump hating players. They couldn't put the story down, in spite of it never ever having any evidence or reason to believe it. There justification was always to point to the "seriousness" of the charge, even if it lacked evidence. Where is that same justification now? These are serious allegations. 

I want to go back to the first point here, as it is easily the most important point. To begin with, the facts here are simply not in dispute. There is no "theory" involved. Inspector Generals (who are way smarter and more informed that Vox bloggers) have already combed through this and found that the Obama DOJ and FBI acted in bad faith in a number of areas. These areas included the use of FISA warrants to spy on Trump associates. They included opening up an investigation without proper cause to do so. Undisputed facts show that the FBI not only relyed on information that they knew to be not credible, but also hid the fact that they knew it was not credible.

Right now there are still many pending criminal referrals that Durham and his crew is mulling over. That doesn't necessarily include many patently obvious lies told under oath by people like James Clapper, James Comey, and John Brennan. 

For the most part, the liberal media has refused to report on any of that either. They still maintain that these independent Inspector Generals and the criminal investigation are all somehow part of a grand conservative conspiracy lead by Donald Trump and William Barr to undermine Obama's legacy. 

Now the undisputed facts are coming out on the issue of "unmasking" and other apparent nefarious activities that were just more examples of these same officials spying on, undermining, and disrupting the Trump administration. After denying this over and over and over and over, the very same Obama officials who were in denial about their "unmasking" requests are now having to come up with justifications not only as to why they were unmasking Trump officials. But to simply call it routine NOW calls into question why they would have denied this over and over and over prior.

It also calls into question basic common sense.

Moreover, facts not in dispute also show that no unmasking was done or requested in the matter of the Flynn phone call with the Russian Ambassador. There is no real legitimate security reason to explain how the FBI actually "knew" about Flynn's phone call with the Russian Ambassador. But they did. Every  explanation at this point points to some sort of  unconstitutional and illegal back channel spying on the incoming National Security Advisor. There are no legitimate reasons for the Obama and FBI officials involved to have even known about this phone call, much less held concern.

Bottom line:

There is one reason and one reason only that someone would look at all of the facts and evidence here and draw a conclusion that there is no "Obamagate" and that there is nothing here to see. That would be the underlying liberal belief that Trump is not a legitimate President, his Administration is not legitimate, and that the FBI, and Obama officials were perfectly justified in breaking protocols, laws, the constitution, and abusing authority to undermine both Trump and his incoming Administration.

With American friends like these... Trump doesn't need international enemies. 


cowardly king obama said...

This has been over 3 years now of deliberately ignoring the facts. There is no excuse for Schiff going out daily and lying to the people. And the media going along. While he hid evidence just now coming out. And the more that comes out the worse he looks.

Why is he still sitting on the Atkinson transcript ? People in the room say it destroys his impeachment basis. And the people need to be shielded from the truth. It doesn't fit their narrative.

Thank God we are finally seeing what was said behind closed doors, though we need to see much of what is behind the "redactions". And who redacted things if they just served a political motive.

Keep bringing these documents forward, sunlight is killing the swamp. Even if the media doesn't report it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Sunlight is killing the swamp in the White House.

REPORTER: Mr. President, just exactly what are you accusing President Obama of?

TRUMP: Obamagate.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

So now, what exactly is Obamagate?

Desi Lydic watched Fox News for 48 hours straight to find out what “Obamagate” is all about.

Here is what she found out:

C.H. Truth said...

Wow... talk about "dumb blondes"

if she somehow thinks Obamagate is about Donald Trump's cell phone... then I ask you reverend, is she indicative of how misinformed and stupid the rest of you liberals are?

I guess one has to ignore several dozen IG reports, criminal referrals, proof of perjury, proof of illegal FISA wiretaps, a legitimate criminal investigation... etc... etc...

and then think it has to do with Trump's cell phone carrier.

How fucking stupid are you Reverend?

I mean seriously... you feint being stupid to avoid being honest?

is that what it has come to, in order to protect your Obamagod?

anonymous said...

Hey dumb fuck Lil Schitty....

everal dozen IG reports, criminal referrals, proof of perjury, proof of illegal

IOW's I and donnie have nothing but BULLSHIT!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

desi who?

the daily show? is that still on?

man pederast, you really scraped the bottom of the obscurity barrel on this twat.

Caliphate4vr said...

How fucking stupid are you Reverend?


C.H. Truth said...

desi who?

One can only assume that she was trying to be funny...

It did turn out to be funny, just not "ha ha" funny.

anonymous said...

More oopsies our loser from NY can contemplate......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Even rats are jumping ship!!!!!!

Several of President Trump's previously reliable voting blocs are starting to slide into former Vice President Joe Biden's territory.

Trump proved popular among older voters, and unexpectedly so in Rust Belt states like Michigan and Wisconsin, back in the 2016 election. But polls show Trump is sliding among those once-promising voting blocs, and even in formerly solid Republican states such as Arizona.

The age gap between the two main political parties has been clear for decades: Younger voters tend to go for Democrats, while older people vote Republican, FiveThirtyEight notes. That proved true once again in 2016, where Trump won not only voters over 65 but also those between 45 and 64. But recent polls — and even reportedly Trump's private polling — show he's faltering among those age groups. Trump's average margin of four percent over Hillary Clinton in 2016 among voters age 45-64 has fallen to give Biden a 1.4 percent average advantage in that group. And while Trump won voters over 65 by 13.3 percent the last election around, he's now losing them by a percentage point to Biden, polls show.

The New York Times has suggested those floundering numbers could stem from Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, and older voters aren't the only group that could turn on him because of it. Republican leaders in states that went for Trump in 2016 warn he could lose this year if voters are worried about their health and the economy; top advisers and GOP officials in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin all shared this prediction with Politico.

Anonymous said...

Several of President Trump's previously reliable voting blocs are starting to slide into former Vice President Joe Biden's territory.

LOL. suuuuuure they are, dumb fuck.

looks like a lot of wishful thinking by some gal who writes for "the week."

huh. i didn't even think "the week" was still around.

LOL. good one dumb fuck.

anonymous said...

Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
Florida: Trump vs. Biden Florida Atlantic University Biden 53, Trump 47 Biden +6

Another BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! For our dear loser rat......It's so easy to shove 4x4's up your white gapping ass!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

Florida: Trump vs. Biden Florida Atlantic University Biden 53, Trump 47 Biden +6

Since it's a poll of the Miami/Ft Lauderdale/West Palm Beach metro area I think the results are quite encouraging (you would not normally expect a bigger spread in that part of the state).

Anonymous said...

How fucking stupid are you Reverend? "

James is Spectacularly Stupid.

Caliphate4vr said...

Yo fatty

US Assails WHO 'Failure' in Coronavirus Pandemic, Saying It Cost 'Many Lives'
The WHO failed at its core mission of information sharing and transparency when member states do not act in good faith. This cannot ever happen again, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar said.

Failed at its core mission, kind of like your life fat bastid

cowardly king obama said...

Undercover Huber

AG Barr today

—Collusion hoax used against Trump was “baseless” and “unprecedented in American history”

—Durham is a criminal investigation

—Does not believe - based on his knowledge of Durham probe - that Obama or Biden will personally be the focus of a criminal investigation

Wait until he talks to Clapper, Brennan and Comey et all...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Doubles Down on Unfounded Obama ‘Crimes’

“Trump headed into the weekend appearing convinced his predecessor committed a crime worthy of investigation — despite being unable to name the crime or provide any evidence for it. By Sunday, he emerged prepared to wage wholesale political war with the last person who held his office.

“As he huddled in the mountainside retreat’s rustic cabins with a roster of Republican lawmakers — many of whom forged national profiles defending Trump during his impeachment proceedings — Trump discussed ways to advance the baseless conspiracy about the former president.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Margaret Sullivan says:
Media Helps Turn ‘Obamagate’ Into Hillary’s Emails

"As you may recall, the news media — from Fox News to the New York Times and plenty of others across the political spectrum — managed to make the relative molehill of Hillary Clinton’s dicey email practices into a daily obsession, roughly equal to the mountain of Donald Trump’s financial and personal transgressions.

“Well, don’t look now but this is happening again before our eyes. Its name this time is ‘Obamagate.’ That’s a moniker that, in President Trump’s outraged tweets, is rendered in all capital letters, but let’s not.

“This vaporous, apparently made-up offense, according to Trump, is the political crime of the century — and, heck, last century too, since he claims that it makes the 1970s Watergate scandal look like child’s play.”


Commonsense said...


Guess we'll find out. Indictments are coming.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



Barr Does Not Expect Probe Into Obama or Biden

“Attorney General William Barr said that he did not expect the prosecutor he handpicked to review the 2016 FBI investigation into President Trump’s campaign would investigate former president Barack Obama or former vice president Joe Biden — an assertion that is likely to dismay Trump and his conservative allies.”




Commonsense said...


Miss the other part shit for brains.

Barr confirmed members of the Obama administration are under criminal investIgation.

Commonsense said...

BTW James.

Get use to the term "unindicted co-consiperator". You're going to hear it a lot.

Anonymous said...

Barr confirmed members of the Obama administration are under criminal investigation. wow

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Gonna be difficult
to have
without OBAMA.

Anonymous said...

Gonna be difficult
to have
without OBAMA.

not at all, pederast. everyone knows that the first half-rican-american, magic negro president would never be criminally pursued; for the same reason he couldn't be impeached.

he'll skate. his scumbag minions? they're probably in trouble. if there's any justice they'll be tried, convicted, and shot at dawn by a firing squad on the national mall.

Commonsense said...

if there's any justice they'll be tried, convicted, and shot at dawn by a firing squad on the national mall.


Commonsense said...

Gonna be difficult to have an OBAMAGATE
Obamagate worse than Watergate.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Ch, you must not have gotten the message.

Don't you hear Trump saying,
"The President knew everything. He knew everything. President Obama and Vice President Biden -- they knew everything. We caught them in the act. It's a beautiful thing. And every day we see more and more information come out. And now it's like an avalanche of really bad -- call it treason, call it whatever you want, but they tried to take down a duly elected President."

Don't you get the message, Ch?

Trump is talking about the investigation into Michael Flynn, and even though there is zero evidence -- zero, zilch, none -- that either President Obama or Vice President Biden did anything improper, you should be talking about that and only that!!!.

And why is Trump emphasizing that? Because this past week he got very, very worried about his reelection chances -- so worried that he rushed off the Arizona and Pennsylvania, which he desperately needs, but which are slipping away.

So you see, he wants to change the subject away from talking about the virus and the economy, and talk instead about the non existent scandal of "OBAMAGATE."

You really need to get on board, Ch, and try to help him in his desperate attempt to turn the conversation ONLY in that direction.

Yes, Trump wants everybody to stop talking about the virus and the economy and start talking about the terrible thing the Obama administration did when they were trying to figure out what in the heck Flynn was up to when he was talking to the Russians during the transition.

What a scandalous thing for them to do!!! THAT'S where the new emphasis should be!!!

So now, Ch -- now that I have made clear to you what your marching orders are,
try a little harder to GET WITH TRUMP'S PROGRAM!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump and Commonsense are saying

A reporter: Mr. President, what exactly, what specific criminal actions, are you accusing President Obama of?

TRUMP: Obamagate.

Commonsense said...

Well leaking classified information, engaging in a conspiracy to overthrow a duly elected president, perjury, obstruction of justice. The list goes on.

Commonsense said...

BTW #Obamagate is trending. FWIW.

C.H. Truth said...

Gonna be difficult
to have
without OBAMA.

How so?

For three years we've been told that Paul Manafort, General Flynn, Roger Stone, and George Papadopoulos were indicative of Trump and proof positive that the entire three year investigation into Russian Collusion was justified.

Even though not a one of them did anything wrong having to do with Russians or collusion.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

GOP Senator Seeks Declassification of Susan Rice Email

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) has asked the Trump administration to fully declassify an unusual email former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice sent herself regarding Michael Flynn on the eve of her departure, Politico reports.

Through a spokesperson, Rice said she welcomes the release of the email.

Of course she does.

Go to this article at and click on all the sources provided. It's obvious that there's no "there" there.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Susan Rice’s Email to Herself Declassified

The email that National Security Adviser Susan Rice sent herself on the day of President Trump’s inauguration — and has since drawn intense scrutiny from Republicans — has been declassified.

“It says that then-FBI Director James Comey worried about sharing classified information with the Trump team because of incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn’s frequent conversations with the Russian ambassador, but that Comey had no knowledge of Flynn sharing classified information with him.”

The email noted that President Obama wanted to be sure “every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book.'”

By the book = legally.