Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Look for this study to be ignored or argued with...

Stanford study suggests coronavirus might not be as deadly as flu
One of the great unknowns of the COVID-19 crisis is just how deadly the disease is. Much of the panic dates from the moment, in early March, when the World Health Organization (WHO) published a mortality rate of 3.2 percent — which turned out to be a crude ‘case fatality rate’ dividing the number of deaths by the number of recorded cases, ignoring the large number of cases which are asymptomatic or otherwise go unrecorded.
The Imperial College modeling, which has been so influential on the UK government, assumed an infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0.9 percent. This was used to compute the infamous prediction that 250,000 Britons would die unless the government abandoned its mitigation strategy and adopted instead a policy of suppressing the virus through lockdown. Imperial later revised its estimate of the IFR down to 0.66 percent — although the March 16 paper which predicted 250,000 deaths was not updated.
In the past few weeks, a slew of serological studies estimating the prevalence of infection in the general population has become available. This has allowed Prof John Ioannidis of Stanford University to work out the IFR in 12 different locations.
They range between 0.02 percent and 0.5 percent — although Ioannidis has corrected those raw figures to take account of demographic balance and come up with estimates between 0.02 percent and 0.4 percent. The lowest estimates came from Kobe, Japan, found to have an IFR of 0.02 percent and Oise in northern France, with an IFR of 0.04 percent. The highest were in Geneva (a raw figure of 0.5 percent) and Gangelt in Germany (0.28 percent).

So basically, it may be slightly higher than the seasonal flu (0.1% to 0.2%)  or it just may be significantly lower (as in about 10% as deadly).  Moreover, these are numbers associated across the board, that includes very high fatality rates with older people, and fatality rates approaching zero for younger, healthier people.

With this information (the wide difference in demographic fatality rates) our overall powers to be cannot come up with anything other than full lock down, all the time, for everyone, with no exceptions. Apparently we are not only unable to think outside the box, but one might wonder if some of our experts and leaders can think at all.

Of course, it would help just a little bit if people actually were told about this stuff, rather than just scare them into thinking everyone is in danger of a slow painful death if they venture outside for 10 minutes without a mask, a bottle of Purell, and some Lysol spray.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Poll finds that
Most See Wearing Masks as Public Health Issue

A new HuffPost/YouGov poll finds that Americans, by 62% to 29%, say that deciding to wear a face mask is more a matter of public health than a matter of personal choice.

Michigan Attorney General Says Trump Must Wear Mask

Michigan’s attorney general wrote that President Trump has a “legal responsibility” — under state law — to wear a mask as a coronavirus precaution when he visits a Ford Motor Co. factory Thursday, CNBC reports.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CNN reports that
Speculation Grows Trump Will Fire CDC Director

“A day after President Trump privately excoriated the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to Republican senators during a lunch on Capitol Hill, the fate of the agency’s director, Dr. Robert Redfield, is in question.

“As recently as last week, Redfield told colleagues he didn’t think he was in trouble or that his job was on the line… Over the weekend, the momentum appeared to have shifted. Redfield grew concerned he may have a target on his back.”



Regular readers of this blog know the constant spamming, lying and obsession for that left-wing Taegan Goddard blog by a certain poster. That poster james, also called the "pastor" (which he claims to be even if you can't tell by his actions) is the POS responsible and considers his mindless rude behavior his hobby. Sometimes he credits Taegan Goddard, sometimes he doesn't.

He has descended so far into TDS and desperation he fills every discussion thread with what people have described as an avalanche of spam. If this is being posted today is no different. He even gets his edited news from that site and spams that if he thinks it will hurt Trump. Every day he repeats what that site posts, regardless of topic. It gets so bad he feels the need to even repeat his spam multiple times in a single thread as well as posting in every active thread the very same spam.

He has exhibited the same mental deterioration as Joe Biden and his postings should be given the same consideration. Both their heads will probably explode when it becomes obvious that Trump will win a second term. Biden will not even notice his head did.



War Room: Pandemic Biohazard sign

@RaheemKassam on nursing home crisis: Facilities are like 'slaughterhouses.' We keep getting told to follow the experts, follow the science. What were governors being told?


Blue governors were following what they thought were proper politics. Boy are they in for a rude awakening.

Commonsense said...

Michigan’s attorney general wrote that President Trump has a “legal responsibility” — under state law

What a surprise, a Michigan Democrat AG who doesn't know his own law.

Trump should tell Gretchen to fuck off.

Because his AG is looking into illegal tyrannous activities of the governor of Michigan.


People report being less worried and happier as Texas and other states reopen

On Monday, Texas moved to Phase 2 of reopening just as a new Gallup survey showed Americans are worrying less about the coronavirus than they did earlier in the pandemic.

The Gallup web survey shows a drop in the number of people who say they worried a lot about the coronavirus on the previous day. The number of worriers went from 59-percent to 47-percent. The drop in worry corresponds with the easing of restrictions as states reopen.

It's only May and democrats are panicking that people are losing their fear.

Anonymous said...

James, you ran off.

Illinois has a "Law" requiring the wearing of Masks?

Please provide us the Exact Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No, I didn't "run off." I left, and it is only now that I see your question.

You could have googled it for yourself, and easily have gotten:

Under the latest extension of Illinois’ stay-at-home order, residents will be required to wear masks in stores and other places where social distancing is not possible.

Beginning May 1, Illinois residents will be required to wear a mask or face covering in public places and in situations where they are unable to keep their distance from others. The new mandate is part of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s extension of the stay-at-home order.

Many suburbs already implemented the mask requirement before the governor announced the new policy. The order now applies to all residents and businesses throughout the state.

anonymous said...

Cold hearted dumb fuck Lil Schitty's hypothesis blown out of the water with facts......How come he just posts his made up opinions instead of reality??? is it because his bias has been completely taken over by protecting trump no matter what?????? BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Lenny Bernstein
May 21, 2020 at 8:05 p.m. EDT
Researchers who examined the lungs of patients killed by covid-19 found evidence that it attacks the lining of blood vessels there, a critical difference from the lungs of people who died of the flu, according to a report published Thursday in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Critical parts of the lungs of patients infected by the novel coronavirus also suffered many microscopic blood clots and appeared to respond to the attack by growing tiny new blood vessels, the researchers reported.
The observations in a small number of autopsied lungs buttress reports from physicians treating covid-19 patients. Doctors have described widespread damage to blood vessels and the presence of blood clots that would not be expected in a respiratory disease.