Wednesday, May 20, 2020

900,000 people not 80,000 have died over the past few weeks...

Of course, these other 800,000 plus who have died are just not very important or worthy of any mention, grief, or political consideration. Apparently death only matters to people when there is someone to blame (or they believe there is someone to blame).

The reality here is that out of these 900,000 people who have died since the Covid-19 breakout, probably the least "preventable" of these deaths were the ones attached to Covid-19. After all, these are not the result of bad health, poor life choices, or anything long term.

These were people who caught a virus that we know almost nothing about. We have no vaccine, no cure, no reliable treatment. Nobody knew it was coming, and there isn't a country in the world that has figured out a way to defeat the virus as of yet. No matter how people have reacted, the virus has taken it's toll.

Yet, these are the deaths that make people want to point political fingers or call people out for "not taking them seriously enough". Reality here folks is dying is dying. Whether you die from Covid-19 or a heart attack, you are still dead. Of the two, the heart attack was probably the one that was more preventable and it likely took a longer portion of someone's life away.

So get off your high horse, people. If you want to demand that the entire country needs to be shut down for 80,000 deaths, but don't seem to care about the other 800,000... then what sort of person are you? You certainly cannot claim any moral high ground here and attack the people who want to live their lives. So shut the hell up.


cowardly king obama said...


And if you don't want to risk catching it or giving it to someone else there is a solution.

You stay at home and isolate yourself.

Not everyone else.

anonymous said...

Getting more asinine and desperate by the day, Lil SChitty!!!!! I sure hope you have a big vote trump poster in your front yard so your whole neighborhood sees what a fucking idiot you are!!!!!!!! Please, get our and mingle with your fellow will get what you deserve!!!!!!

cowardly king obama said...


It just doesn't get old, and just look at those numbers.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Jonathan Bernstein:
Trump’s Gamble on Reopening May Not Pay Off

“The oddest thing in electoral politics over the past few weeks is what appears to be absolute, and unfounded, confidence among some Republican strategists that there’s a trade-off between public health and the economy, and that what matters for President Trump’s re-election is the economy…

“Almost every relevant expert who has commented publicly has said that the economy can’t be repaired until the virus is at least somewhat under control… Open too fast and you could risk outbreaks that force a second round of shutdowns; open too slowly and you might test people’s patience with distancing measures.

“But while tough choices remain about managing the pandemic over time, these aren’t really choices between the economy and public health. And more to the point, the whole electoral conversation is wrong: There’s no reason to think that reviving the economy by tolerating more lives lost — even if it were possible — would be the right electoral choice for the Trump campaign.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The Washington Post:
Churches Forced to Close Again

“Churches in states at the forefront of reopening efforts are closing their doors for a second time.

“Catoosa Baptist Tabernacle in Ringgold, Ga., less than 20 miles away from Chattanooga, Tenn., and Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Houston have indefinitely suspended services after members and leaders tested positive for the coronavirus shortly after reopening.”

anonymous said...

Stephen Smith R Georgia........first georgian to endorse trump and slurper......another prime example why the Old man white GOP is heading down the road to disaster!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

James says Re 9:34

Well, last time everyone, even Trump himself (and most of his own internal polling), was thinking Hillary would be the next president.

But now we are facing another election, and Trump's biggest enemy this time is Trump himself.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

First Read:
Arizona Opens Multiple Paths for Biden

“Maybe Joe Biden isn’t leading President Trump by 7 points in Arizona, as one poll showed yesterday. But Biden has been ahead of Trump in every Arizona poll released this year. And that Arizona advantage opens up more paths to 270 electoral votes for Biden — especially those that don’t require him to win Wisconsin.

“Just take a look at these scenarios, assuming a battleground map with the toss-up states being Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin (and giving Trump the single electoral votes in Maine’s second district and Nebraska’s second district):

Biden wins AZ, MI, PA
— but loses WI, FL and NC:
Biden 279, Trump 259

Biden wins AZ and FL
— but loses MI, NC, PA and WI:
Biden 272, Trump 266

Biden wins AZ, NC and MI
— but loses FL, PA and WI:
Biden 274, Trump 264."


James invites you to check this out at

Myballs said...

Reopening is not a gamble. It's a necessity. People need their jobs back, their businesses back, their lives back. Children need to return to school. I'm astounded that there are those who refuse to see this.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Do you want your son to play hockey without a mask?

C.H. Truth said...

“Almost every relevant expert who has commented publicly has said that the economy can’t be repaired until the virus is at least somewhat under control… Open too fast and you could risk outbreaks that force a second round of shutdowns; open too slowly and you might test people’s patience with distancing measures.


So far EVERY RELEVANT EXPERT has been proven wrong!

Over and over and over and over and over and over.....

and over and over and over and over and over and over....

and over and over....

Anonymous said...

“The oddest thing in electoral politics over the past few weeks is what appears to be absolute, and unfounded, confidence among some Republican strategists that there’s a trade-off between public health and the economy, and that what matters for President Trump’s re-election is the economy…

the asshole who built this straw man confuses a "trade-off" for a "balance."

it's not an either/or, and it never was.

the fact that a liberal has to construct such a logical fallacy just so he can refute it reveals just how weak their argument and their presidential candidate really is.

staying locked down so one can live while losing everything one has to live for is basically a hobson's choice and therefore no choice at all in reality.

i can see exactly why you're influenced by these asshats, pederast.

only an imbecile hitches their wagon to this level of idiocy.

C.H. Truth said...

Do you want your son to play hockey without a mask?

Nope... my son uses all the necessary equipment. But I let him play.

I don't tell him he must be quarantined from hockey because it's a dangerous sport.

You are not asking people to wear a helmet, your asking them to not to even think about going to the rink because there is risk involved.

C.H. Truth said...

and over and over and over and over and over...

and over and over and over...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Brazil emerges as newest Covid-19 hotspot.
Q. What do they have in common with us?
A. A president who denied the gravity of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Do you want your son to play hockey without a mask?

do you head down to the nursing home dining room without your walker?

C.H. Truth said...

the asshole who built this straw man confuses a "trade-off" for a "balance."

The trade off is this:

The virus and no economy.

The virus and an economy.

There is not an option where the virus doesn't exist, nor will there be any sort of option anytime in the near future.

The virus has proven it will stay with us regardless of whether or not we shut things down. In fact there seems to be very little tangible, empirical evidence to suggest that a full shut down has even mitigated it all that much... at least not in terms of serious illness, hospitalization, and death.

C.H. Truth said...

Brazil emerges as newest Covid-19 hotspot.


Death per million:

Top ten:

San Marino - 1209
Belgium - 790
Andorra - 660
Spain - 594
Italy - 532
UK - 521
France - 429
Sweden - 380
Sint Maarten - 350
Netherlands - 336

27: Brazil - 85

This is probably the same people who brought us the good old South Dakota "hot spot" where literally nobody from the meat plant actually died from Covid-19.

Anonymous said...

In fact there seems to be very little tangible, empirical evidence to suggest that a full shut down has even mitigated it all that much...


yet it was only ever designed to mitigate trump's re-election chances. and it has even failed at that.

Anonymous said...

to a small thinker like the alky one new covid case anywhere constitutes a hot spot.


one benefit of the lockdown


50 million kids being schooled in the homes of gun owners and not one school shooting.

It wasn’t the guns after all!

Anonymous said...

"We're often lectured that killing an unborn baby is a decision made solely by a woman in conjunction with her doctor. Yet taking hydroxychloroquine is apparently a joint decision between a man, his doctor, every Democrat in Congress, all the anchors on CNN, and an entire slate of New York Times op-ed columnists."

—David Harsanyi

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

COVID-19 cases: (updated Wednesday, May 20, morning)

Worldwide confirmed, deaths:
Total cases: 4,892,100
Total deaths: 323,338

United States:
Total cases: 1,536,400
Total deaths: 91,937

Northern Plains:
South Dakota: 4,085, 46 dead
Pennington County: 74 positive
Roberts County (Sisseton-Wahpeton Reservation): 20 cases
Todd County: 17 (Rosebud Reservation)
Moody (Flandreau): 18 cases
Oglala Lakota (Pine Ridge Reservation: 14 cases
Charles Mix Yankton Reservation) 10 cases
Ziebach/Dewey Counties (Cheyenne River Reservation): 1
Minnehaha County, SD 3,165, 34 dead
Lincoln County 205
Brown County 205

Wyoming: 766, 10 dead (33% of Wyoming cases are Native Americans, but only 2.7% of population.)
Northern Arapahoe Reservation 4 dead
Fremont County 220 cases, 4 dead
Laramie County: 181, 1dead
North Dakota: 1,931, 44 dead
Standing Rock Reservation: 2
Cass County: 1137, 33 (Fargo)
Morton County: 40, 2 dead
Grand Forks: 317, 3 dead
Montana: 470, 16 dead
Nebraska: 10,625, 132 dead
Dakota County: 1,511, 14 dead (meatpacking)
Douglas County: 2,492, 24 dead (meatpacking)
Colorado: 22,454, 1,257 dead
Minnesota: 17,038, 757dead
Iowa: 15,296, 367 dead
Tama 362, 18 dead
Woodbury (Sioux City): 2,342, 17 dead
Polk: 3,128, 83 dead
Black Hawk County: 1,628, 31 dead

Texas: 50,663, 1,388 dead (highest rise in nation)
Florida: 46,936, 2,051 dead
Georgia: 37,056 , 1,639 dead
Louisiana: 35,161, 2,581 dead
Arizona: 14,566, 704 dead

New York: 357,757, 28,437 dead
California: 83,695, 3,415 dead
Michigan: 52,337, 5,017 dead
Washington, DC: 7,270, 392 dead
White House: 3+ (Trump isolating from Pence, allegedly taking hydrochloriquine to save face, Clorox injections may be next)

Miscellaneous Statistics:
Navajo Nation: 4,002, 140 dead

Russia: 308,705, 2,972 dead
United Kingdom: 248,818, 35,341 dead
Brazil: 271,628, 17,971 dead
Spain: 232,037, 27,778 dead
Italy: 226,699, 32,169 dead
Lebanon: 961, 26 dead
Belize: 18 cases, 2 dead
Syria: 58 cases, 3 dead

Anonymous said...

nice copy/paste alky.

is there a fucking point to be derived from it, or are you just jerking off as usual?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Brazil 271,628. 17,971 dead.

They are the fourth largest number of cases. Because the President has followed the same path as Donald Trump.


Bill Melugin

With a goal of reopening in July, it’s looking like LA County is going to have one of the longest, if not THE longest lockdowns in the entire country.

39,573 confirmed cases = 0.39% of county.

1,913 deaths = 0.019% of county.

92% underlying conditions.
52% nursing homes.


Democrat governors sure are RESPONSIBLE for LOTS of DEATHS in NURSING HOMES.

Wouldn't want to be living in one of those.

Anonymous said...

They are the fourth largest number of cases. Because the President has followed the same path as Donald Trump.

it looks more like they've followed the example set by andrew "the angel of death" cuomo.

i'll give you credit alky. you never tire of being wrong. or a fucking hack.

Commonsense said...

Brazil 271,628. 17,971 dead.

They are the fourth largest number of cases.

It's also winter down there.

Meanwhile New York has 362,328 cases and 28,648 deaths under Andrew Cuomo.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Tuesday called the number of COVID-19 cases in the United States – the highest in the world – a “badge of honor,” arguing the still-increasing number of cases is simply evidence the country is testing more people.


Katie Pavlich

“Survey from Jackson & Coker shows an overwhelming majority of doctors would prescribe hydroxychloroquine or another anti-malaria drug to a family member suffering from Wuhan coronavirus.”

Anonymous said...

With a goal of reopening in July, it’s looking like LA County is going to have one of the longest, if not THE longest lockdowns in the entire country.

considering their plan to give massive mountains of free shit to illegal beaners, i think they're poised to emerge from this crisis in fine shape.


Undocumented Immigrants Crash State Coronavirus Relief Website

Probably some haven't even crossed the border yet.


Anonymous said...

“Survey from Jackson & Coker shows an overwhelming majority of doctors would prescribe hydroxychloroquine or another anti-malaria drug to a family member suffering from Wuhan coronavirus.”



what the fuck could doctors possibly know about prescribing medications to treat disease???

the smart set gets their medical advice from XiNN.

Commonsense said...

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump on Tuesday called the number of COVID-19 cases in the United States – the highest in the world – a “badge of honor,” arguing the still-increasing number of cases is simply evidence the country is testing more people.

It also mean with the number pf deaths and hospitals staying steady or dropping the death and hospitalization rate from the disease is also plummeting. So yeah, it is a badge of honor.

As is the supercharged rate of vaccine and diseases treatment therapies.

A vaccine ready for deployment in mid-winter would beat the previous vaccine development record by three years.

And you would have Donald Trump to thank for that.


California orders skilled nursing facilities to accept coronavirus patients
LA Times
Jack Dolan, LA Times April 1, 2020

Got to follow Cuomo and get those numbers up. And no this is NOT an Aprils fools.

52% of California deaths...

Anonymous said...


California orders skilled nursing facilities to accept coronavirus patients
LA Times
Jack Dolan, LA Times April 1, 2020

Got to follow Cuomo and get those numbers up. And no this is NOT an Aprils fools.

52% of California deaths...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

C.H. Truth said...
“Almost every relevant expert who has commented publicly has said that the economy can’t be repaired until the virus is at least somewhat under control… Open too fast and you could risk outbreaks that force a second round of shutdowns; open too slowly and you might test people’s patience with distancing measures.


So far EVERY RELEVANT EXPERT has been proven wrong!
Over and over and over and over and over and over.....
and over and over and over and over and over and over....
and over and over....

"...the economy can’t be repaired until the virus is at least somewhat under control…Open too fast and you could risk outbreaks that force a second round of shutdowns" that could prove even more costly for the economy...

That's what Fauci said and says:

Does this prove him wrong?

Churches Forced to Close Again

“Churches in states at the forefront of reopening efforts are closing their doors for a second time.

“Catoosa Baptist Tabernacle in Ringgold, Ga., less than 20 miles away from Chattanooga, Tenn., and Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Houston have indefinitely suspended services after members and leaders tested positive for the coronavirus shortly after reopening.”

How many virus cases and deaths are we willing to have in churches, universities, schools, businesses, etc., etc., in order to get the economy going faster? And what if that actually does cause disasters that ultimately will set the economy even further back, as Fauci and others fear?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Rasmussen survey says that
Biden Has Clear National Lead

A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump nationally, 48% to 43% with 8% still undecided.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

so a fakebook clown is your source of covid stats alky? not the CDC or johns hopkins?



World Health Organization model list of essential medicines: 21st list 2019

Hydroxychloroquine is on the World Health Organizations List of Essential Medicines and one of the the safest and most effective medicines.

US media, don't save lives but try to STOP TRUMP.

not from Goddard political_lire




Joe Biden just compared President Trump taking Hydroxychloroquine, a drug that has been prescribed to people for 65 years by doctors, to injecting himself with Clorox.

Joe and the media lie, no pushback. This house of cards will come crashing down on both Joe and the media. If he makes it to election day.

Anybody ask Joe what he was doing unmasking Flynn a week before the inauguration ? And what did he do with it ? Bunch more questions but got to take it easy on SLOW JOE.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It seems that President Trump has a deep fear of the will of the people being expressed through their right to vote.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump sent two tweets Wednesday morning threatening financial retaliation against states that are trying to make it easier to cast a ballot during the coronavirus pandemic, saying he will “hold up” funds for two swing states encouraging people to vote absentee:

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald J. Trump
Breaking: Michigan sends absentee ballots to 7.7 million people ahead of Primaries and the General Election. This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!..
4:51 AM · May 20, 2020
67.3K people are talking about this

Anonymous said...

if vote by mail ensured a GOP victory, the left would be rioting in the fucking streets to prevent it.

and if lil ezzie's juicebox mafia knew how to be honest, they would admit as much.

Anonymous said...

you can tell that trump is on the right track...

...raghead tlaib is going apeshit.

she should just detonate her suicide vest in nancy pelosi's office and get it over with, peace be upon her.

Anonymous said...

tell me again why we need cheat by mail -

Fifty-two out of 400,000 in-person voters and poll workers who participated in Wisconsin’s controversial primary have since tested positive for the novel coronavirus, and Wisconsin officials are not certain that those individuals — none of whom have died — contracted the virus at polling stations on Election Day.


Additionally, “several” of the individuals who appeared at the polls April 7 and have since tested positive “also reported other ways they may have been exposed to the virus,” the Wisconsin Department of Health Services indicated this week. At best, then, the infection rate amounts to approximately 0.013% of those who voted in person with a 0.00% fatality rate.

“Because of that, it’s unclear if those people contracted the virus at the polls,” the Associated Press reported.

anonymous said...

Breitbart......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Still dead just like your fucking brain asshole!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Anonymous JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY said...

It is getting more difficult every day to figure out who is the dumbest fuck here!!!!!1 Daddy seems to be winning with his constant spam from twitter....the source for fucking idiots!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

NOC stock 
Yearly High $382.65
Today $325.06

Home Depot
Yearly High $245.32
Today $236.65

Dennis is soooooo ppprrrpoouuudd of his investment.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yahoo News
Trump threatens to withhold aid to 2 states over expanded voting by mail

(note: this has nothing to do with T. Goddard
I found it prominently displayed on internet)

President Trump on Wednesday threatened to halt federal funding to Michigan and Nevada over the distribution of absentee ballots in those states amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak that has left more than 90,000 Americans dead.

“Breaking: Michigan sends absentee ballots to 7.7 million people ahead of Primaries and the General Election,” Trump tweeted. “This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!”

Both Michigan and Nevada are considered potential swing states in the November election.

The president followed up with a tweet tagging Russ Vought, the acting director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget; Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows; and the U.S. Treasury Department.

Trump’s threat to halt funding was issued hours after floods forced the evacuation of about 10,000 people in central Michigan. He didn’t specify what kinds of federal aid he would stop, or cite a legal basis for the action.

The president is scheduled to visit a Ford ventilator-assembly plant in Ypsilanti, Mich., on Thursday.

On Tuesday, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced a plan to send applications for absentee ballots to all registered voters in the state ahead of its elections in August and November.

There have been more than 50,000 confirmed coronavirus cases reported in Michigan to date, and more than 5,000 deaths.

“By mailing applications, we have ensured that no Michigander has to choose between their health and their right to vote,” Benson said in a statement. “Voting by mail is easy, convenient, safe and secure, and every voter in Michigan has the right to do it.”

Under normal circumstances, it is up to voters to request an absentee ballot, which are restricted to those voters who are traveling or temporarily residing away from their usual residence. About a third of the states require a specific reason to vote by mail. More than half allow voters to request mail-in ballots without one.

Benson quickly responded to Trump on Twitter.

Jocelyn Benson

Hi! I also have a name, it’s Jocelyn Benson. And we sent applications, not ballots. Just like my GOP colleagues in Iowa, Georgia, Nebraska and West Virginia.

The president made the same threat against Nevada, again raising without evidence the specter of voter fraud.

“State of Nevada ‘thinks’ that they can send out illegal vote by mail ballots, creating a great Voter Fraud scenario for the State and the U.S.,” Trump tweeted. “They can’t! If they do, ‘I think’ I can hold up funds to the State. Sorry, but you must not cheat in elections.”

There is no evidence that voting by absentee ballot leads to more voter fraud. Trump himself voted by absentee ballot in the Florida primary in March. Yet he continues to rail against the practice.

During a coronavirus briefing at the White House last month, Trump said he was opposed to mail-in ballots because “people cheat.”

“No, mail ballots, they cheat,” he said. “OK, people cheat. Mail ballots are a very dangerous thing for this country because they are cheaters.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Mail ballots are a very good thing for the country because they help get more people to vote, which Trump desperately wants to keep from happening.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Men who don’t wear masks have tiny-dick-syndrome!

Anonymous said...

Roger, how come your "data" does not included , North Korea and Cuba?

Anonymous said...

Mail ballots are a very good thing for the country because they help get more people to vote - some people vote over 100 times

C.H. Truth said...

They are the fourth largest number of cases. Because the President has followed the same path as Donald Trump.

They also have over 220 million people living there (6th in the world). The only reason why they have more cases than anyone larger is because China and India, and Indonesia are basically not reporting anything.

Bu yet Spain (which locked down completely) has more cases and about a fifth of the population... and Russia has more cases in spite of a smaller population.

You do understand the concept of cases or deaths per million being more important than total deaths, when you are dealing with a country of 220,000,000

anonymous said...

Dennis is soooooo ppprrrpoouuudd of his investment.

Running out of stupid things to post goat fucker......same BS from yesterday as you wallow eating cheetos in your mommy's basement she left for you!!!!!! bWAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

- some people vote over 100 times

Like in NC you dumb fuck???????

anonymous said...

The only reason why they have more cases than anyone larger is because China and India, and Indonesia are basically not

LIL Schitty making shit up to serve his stupid master!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!! Basically pure bullshit.......

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And why do Trump and the GOP want to keep more of our country's people from voting?

Here's why:

Biden Holds Double-Digit Lead Nationally

May 20, 2020 at 2:03 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

A new Quinnipiac poll finds Joe Biden leads Donald Trump in the presidential race nationally,
50% to 39%.

Trump’s job approval is
42% to 53%,
and on the coronavirus response,
41% to 56%.

Said pollster Tim Malloy:
“What does the 11 point Biden lead tell us? At best for Team Trump, it says voter confidence in President Trump is shaky. At worst for them, as coronavirus cases rise, Trump’s judgement is questioned – and November looms.”

anonymous said...

maths per million being more important than total deaths,

Doesn't Lil Schitty know dead is dead?????? Again your stupidity and not caring about anything but trump shows why you and the GOP are flirting with disaster!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

According to that Quinnipiac poll:

On Biden vs. Trump
Trump has an eleven point deficit.

On job approval,
Trump has an eleven point deficit.

On virus response,
Trump has a fifteen point deficit.


Greg Price

CNN’s @ChrisCuomo mocked Trump yesterday for using chloroquine as a preventive treatment for Covid-19.

As it turns out, he used a synthetic derivative of chloroquine in his own corona treatment regimen according to his wife’s blog posts.

I present, a very Fredo story.

hey lo iq, posting on-topic credited posts found on twitter is not spam. ARE YOU REALLY THAT FUCKING STUPID ?

oh, lo iq.

never mind.

I should add a bleat and talk about lo iq's sexual perversions with old white asses or you sucking some dick. Then you would consider it a valid, intelligent post.

But your BUTT-BUDDY the "pastor" likes you as you are, on-topic or off.


Anonymous said...

Why has NOC Stock done so poorly?

Yet, Home Depot has done remarkably well in a similar situation.


*** BREAKING NEWS !!! ***

anonymous said...

Another stupid GOP senator doing trumps bidding in order to take the pressure off the boss with another BULLSHIT diversion!!!!!! Like Obamagate who is not running....neither is Hunter biden but the idiots like fucking daddy will drool all over themselves like rabid dogs trying to take the attention away from trumps failures!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

ian Gas company Burisma and Hunter Biden. (Zach Purser Brown/The Washington Post)
Mike DeBonis
May 20, 2020 at 2:07 p.m. EDT
A Senate committee moved Wednesday to subpoena documents related to the son of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in an election-year escalation of GOP congressional scrutiny of Biden’s time as vice president.
The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved the subpoena on a party-line vote, more than two months after its chairman, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), indicated that he planned to seek the documents concerning Hunter Biden’s work for the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.
Johnson’s quest has generated fierce objection from Democrats, who argue that the inquiry is simply an election-year witch hunt meant to sling mud at President Trump’s likely November opponent. Some, including the committee’s top Democrat, have suggested that Johnson is serving as an unwitting pawn in a Russian disinformation campaign.

Sen. Gary Peters (Mich.), the ranking Democrat on the committee, said Wednesday that the panel is “going down a dangerous road” at a time of a national crisis from the coronavirus pandemic.
“At this moment when Americans need us to work together, this extremely partisan investigation is pulling us apart,” he said.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson on Tuesday said all 7.7 million Michigan voters would receive absentee ballot applications before the Aug. 4 state primaries and the November general election so no one “has to choose between their health and their right to vote.”

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

And why do Trump and the GOP want to keep more of our country's people from voting?

and there's the lie. we wish to keep no one from voting.

go to the polls. vote.

stand in line six feet apart. wear gloves and a mask.

poll workers will keep the area clean and disinfected.

wisconsin did it without issue. it can be done anywhere.

what's NOT a surprise is that democrats would seize the covid issue to commit voter fraud on a massive, galactic scale. you cocksuckers can't win unless you cheat.

anonymous said...

Second time the dumb fucking daddy posted the same drivel from the same fucking loser from Georgia!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!!



For those interested in Michigan election law regarding absentee ballots, Fleming v. Sabuagh (2008) determined that clerks cannot proactively mail applications for absentee ballots to voters. MI statute requires the voter to make the request.

Well we USED to be nation with the rule of law. Boy I hope Biden choses the Michigan gov as a running mate. Hopefully she's not "washed out" yet.

Too Soon ?

anonymous said...

Anonymous JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY said...

A perfect pair of slurping idiots!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

For those interested in Michigan election law regarding absentee ballots, Fleming v. Sabuagh (2008) determined that clerks cannot proactively mail applications for absentee ballots to voters. MI statute requires the voter to make the request.

so it looks like Trump was correct... AGAIN.


anonymous said...

proactively mail applications for absentee ballots to voters. MI statute requires the voter to make the request.

BWAAAAAAAA!!!! You stupid fucks....same law in effect in floriduh never stopped the GOP from sending ballots to my now deceased mother for years!!!!!!!! Keep praying it is all you got!!!!!

anonymous said...

so it looks like Trump was correct... AGAIN.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! You will soon find out how wrong you are!!!!!


lo iq said:
Second time the dumb fucking daddy posted the same drivel from the same fucking loser from Georgia!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Yep, your BUTT BUDDY does it all the time so I figured it was something you needed.


memories... and his approvals were down 18 the day before, right ? Might let your BUTT BUDDY know so he won't be so disappointed this year.




Just letting you know you already said this lo iq.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I believe the ruling against "proactive" mailing out of applications for absentee ballots specifically stated they could not be sent only to those over 60 years of age.

That would be proactive, for it would favor a specific age group.

That is not the same thing as sending such applications to ALL registered voters.

It is not proactive to invite ALL voters to vote by mail.

C.H. Truth said...

I wonder if any of these Governors remember Bush v Gore, where the USSC stated that the Secretary of State was obligated by run the election by the laws that are in place?

There is plenty of time for Nevada, Michigan, or anyone else to change election law before November if it has the broad approval necessary to change an election law.

Neither the Governor or the Secretary of State has authority to unsurp the laws in place. They are required to follow and uphold them.

anonymous said...


Just letting you know you already said this lo iq.

Back at you you fucking dunce!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Gonna suck being on the losing side of trumps GOP!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Remember Bush V Gore was also not supposed to be used in other decisions you dumb fuck??????

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Tweety is wanting to go ahead and reschedule the G-7 conference at Camp David. If you recall, he first wanted to profit off the meeting by having it at Mar a Lago, but after the hub-bub, he planned on Camp David instead. Anyway, Tweety intends to use the conference as a propaganda event so he can appear Presidential by rubbing shoulders with the worlds leaders...wouldn't surprise me to see all the world leaders to tell Tweety to go fuck himself.

Donald J. Trump
✔the world's leaders
Now that our Country is “Transitioning back to Greatness”, I am considering rescheduling the G-7, on the same or similar date, in Washington, D.C., at the legendary Camp David. The other members are also beginning their COMEBACK. It would be a great sign to all - normalization!

Commonsense said...

Tweety is wanting to go ahead and reschedule the G-7 conference at Camp David.

Cool, everybody will be in quarantine. But China doesn't get to sit at the cool kid's table.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

On Tuesday, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced a plan to send applications for absentee ballots to all registered voters in the state ahead of its elections in August and November.

There have been more than 50,000 confirmed coronavirus cases reported in Michigan to date, and more than 5,000 deaths.

“By mailing applications, we have ensured that no Michigander has to choose between their health and their right to vote,” Benson said in a statement. “Voting by mail is easy, convenient, safe and secure, and every voter in Michigan has the right to do it.”

Under normal circumstances, it is up to voters to request an absentee ballot, which are restricted to those voters who are traveling or temporarily residing away from their usual residence. About a third of the states require a specific reason to vote by mail. More than half allow voters to request mail-in ballots without one.

Benson quickly responded to Trump on Twitter.

Jocelyn Benson

Hi! I also have a name, it’s Jocelyn Benson. And we sent applications, not ballots. Just like my GOP colleagues in Iowa, Georgia, Nebraska and West Virginia.

the USSC stated that the Secretary of State was obligated by run the election by the laws that are in place

What laws were in place in Iowa, Georgia, Nebraska, and West Virginia to prevent sending applications to all their voters, Ch?

Commonsense said...

Remember Bush V Gore was also not supposed to be used in other decisions you dumb fuck?

Really? That's written somewhere? Maybe some amendment that says you can't use Supreme Court decisions as precedent?

Enlighten us.

C.H. Truth said...

Remember Bush V Gore was also not supposed to be used in other decisions you dumb fuck??????

Well that is nothing more than a crybaby misconception of what the USSC actually stated.

What they stated was that what the Florida State Supreme Court ordered was not unconstitutional as it would apply to other state laws... and to not use that particular decision to strike down laws that allowed for full recounts to take place.

Just that this particular Court decision did not follow Florida law as it was written and that because Florida law had no consistent manner to do a state wide recall that the order violated the constitution as it pertained to equal protection and the concept that States are required to follow their own election laws.

I promise you Denny...

If this same subject went before the USSC and Governors and Secretary of States were sued for replacing their own election laws with personal executive actions and personal decisions...

The USSC will slap them down as well.

Now I am not certain that these laws do or do not allow for the state to send "applications" to everyone for absentee voting. An "application" requires some relevant information as well as action on the part of the voter to get an absentee ballot.

But I promise you that simply sending out absentee ballots to every house hold (without having it justified in the State law) will end up right back in the USSC.

Commonsense said...

I believe the ruling against "proactive" mailing out of applications for absentee ballots specifically stated they could not be sent only to those over 60 years of age.

No, that would be unequal treatment as a 14th amendment violation.

The law specifically says you have to request the application and absentee ballot. And that it can only be the register voter and not a third party or the government itself.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump misstates Michigan mail-in ballot policy, threatens federal funding

The president has remained adamantly opposed to mail-in elections amid the pandemic.

Updated: 05/20/2020 02:59 PM EDT

President Donald Trump mischaracterized Michigan’s absentee ballot policies on Wednesday while threatening federal funding to the state if election officials there do not retreat from measures meant to facilitate mail-in voting.

The ultimatum from the White House comes as Michigan, a state crucial to Trump’s reelection chances, combats the fallout from a particularly severe coronavirus outbreak.

“Breaking: Michigan sends absentee ballots to 7.7 million people ahead of Primaries and the General Election,” Trump tweeted. “This was done illegally and without authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!”

He then followed up with another message mentioning the official Twitter accounts for acting White House budget director Russ Vought, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and the Treasury Department. Hours later, the president deleted his original tweet and re-sent a similar tweet that said "absentee ballot applications" without noting his original mistake.

The president’s tweets inaccurately described a recent policy change in Michigan, where Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, announced Tuesday that all of the state’s registered voters would be mailed absentee ballot applications for the August down-ballot primaries and November general election — not a ballot directly.

Responding to the president, the secretary tweeted that “I also have a name, it’s Jocelyn Benson,” and noted her office was sending applications “like my GOP colleagues in Iowa, Georgia, Nebraska and West Virginia.”

It is unclear who the president thinks needs to authorize Michigan’s decision; Republicans in Congress for years have resisted efforts to inject federal oversight into state and local elections. AND WE KNOW WHY.

A spokesperson for Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, did not immediately return a request for comment on Trump’s tweet.

The president similarly threatened Nevada later Wednesday morning, tweeting: “State of Nevada ‘thinks’ that they can send out illegal vote by mail ballots, creating a great Voter Fraud scenario for the State and the U.S. They can’t! If they do, ‘I think’ I can hold up funds to the State. Sorry, but you must not cheat in elections.”

Nevada is sending ballots to all active voters in the state ahead of its June down-ballot primary. Following a lawsuit backed by national Democrats, election officials in Clark County, the state’s most populous county, would also mail ballots to voters listed as inactive, along with a slew of other changes.

Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske, a Republican, previously announced in March that the state’s primary would be conducted predominantly by mail, and county election officials began sending absentee ballots to all active registered voters earlier this month.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republican party has been trying to suppress voter turnout because when the majority vote, the Democrats win.

Anonymous said...

The latest polling shows by a wide margin of 58 to 35 percent that people are fine with the reopening of their particular state.

Oh, and this particular poll comes from a Democrat pollster, the Global Strategy Group."

Roger is always wrong.

Anonymous said...

Can't hide Biden.

"Former Vice President Joe Biden, who vowed Tuesday not to fire inspectors general, claimed not to remember that President Barack Obama fired AmeriCorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin in 2009 while he was investigating a key ally."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Voter fraud is unacceptable, but we must find solutions that address actual problems instead of imposing policies that make it harder for millions of eligible Americans to participate in our democracy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CH says:
But I promise you that simply sending out absentee ballots to every house hold (without having it justified in the State law) will end up right back in the USSC.

What about sending out APPLICATIONS for such ballots to EVERY household as a way to ensure greater voter participation in a time of fear?

Think maybe the USSC will tell Trump to keep his meddling hands out of this, and leave it up to the states?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

No state is sending absentee ballots to every house.

Caliphate4vr said...

Hey Ally who funds the Brennan center?

Left-wing mega-donor George Soros’s Open Society Foundations (formerly Open Society Institute) has been the Brennan Center’s largest funder,”[42] giving the Center $7,466,000 from 2000 to 2010 while also giving NYU $2,819,540 during this same time period, a total of $10,285,540.”[43] The Brennan Center has been named a Democracy Alliance approved entity, aligning it with the liberal donor network associated with a number of left-of-center funders.

Commonsense said...

What about sending out APPLICATIONS for such ballots to EVERY household as a way to ensure greater voter participation in a time of fear?

Already asked and answered the government or any third-party cannot influence the voter an any manner.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Roger's link is short and should be seen here:

Brennan Center for Justice
The Myth of Voter Fraud

Extensive research reveals that fraud is very rare. Yet repeated false allegations of fraud can make it harder for millions of eligible Americans to participate in elections.

It is important to protect the integrity of our elections. But we must be careful not to undermine free and fair access to the ballot in the name of preventing phantom voter fraud.

Politicians at all levels of government have repeatedly, and falsely, claimed the 2016 and 2018 elections were marred by millions of people voting illegally. However, extensive research reveals that fraud is very rare, voter impersonation is virtually nonexistent, and many instances of alleged fraud are, in fact, mistakes by voters or administrators.

The same is true for mail ballots, which are secure and essential to holding a safe election amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The Brennan Center's seminal report The Truth About Voter Fraud conclusively demonstrated that most allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless and that most of the few remaining allegations reveal irregularities and other forms of election misconduct.

Numerous other studies, including one commissioned by the Trump administration, have reached the same conclusion.

Voter fraud is unacceptable, but we must find solutions that address actual problems instead of imposing policies that make it harder for millions of eligible Americans to participate in our democracy.

Caliphate4vr said...

What about sending out APPLICATIONS for such ballots to EVERY household as a way to ensure greater voter participation in a time of fear?

Who The Fuck is in fear?

My god how pathetic

Anonymous said...

The Republican party has been trying to suppress voter turnout because when the majority vote, the Democrats win.

oh, you mean like the special election you guys just had to replace the skank, alky?

yeah, you shitstains couldn't "harvest" your way to victory in that one now, could ya?


if cheat by mail favored the GOP you guys would have the antifags rioting in the fucking streets.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"The Brennan Center for Justice" Wikipedia article reads nothing like what Rat posted.

Commonsense said...

Voter fraud is unacceptable, but we must find solutions that address actual problems instead of imposing policies that make it harder for millions of eligible Americans to participate in our democracy.

Well it's no harder than opening a checking account, a driver's license or a state issue ID if you don't drive. You have to go to the court house to register and show up at the poll to vote.

What you can't do is sit on you dead-ass and let someone vote for you.

Democracy takes a certain amount of effort. Ill educated Mexicans, Columbians, and other Latin Americans manage to get an ID, register, and vote on election day. They consider the franchise so precious their turnout far outpaces ours.

Not voting is a choice. The only people who are complaining that their choice is voter suppression are those hell bent on committing voter fraud.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I am in enough "fear" to wear a face mask when I go grocery shopping.

Also, it's the law where I live, a law that I approve of.

Anonymous said...

"The Brennan Center for Justice" Wikipedia article reads nothing like what Rat posted.

probably because The Brennan Center for Justice (LOL) operates much like the southern poverty law center & douchebag emporium.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

COMMENSA SPEAKS OF ...those hell bent on committing voter fraud.

The Brennan Center's seminal report The Truth About Voter Fraud conclusively demonstrated that most allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless and that most of the few remaining allegations reveal irregularities and other forms of election misconduct.

Anonymous said...

The cowards of CHT .
😂participation in a time of fear?😂

Fear, do tell, of what?

Anonymous said...

the brennan center is a direct enemy of our First Amendment.

that's a problem.

if you can't even embrace the First, you have no business laying claim to advocacy of the rest.

Commonsense said...

I am in enough "fear" to wear a face mask when I go grocery shopping.

The only thing to fear is fear itself --- nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.


Commonsense said...

James the coward on voter fraud.

"Nothing to see here --- move along."

Anonymous said...

The Brennan Center's seminal report The Truth About Voter Fraud conclusively demonstrated that most allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless and that most of the few remaining allegations reveal irregularities and other forms of election misconduct.

a google search of "voter fraud" reveals an avalanche of cases. tried, prosecuted, punished cases.

just a few years ago we had serious and extensive case involving multiple DEMOCRATS not 10 miles from where i live. everyone involved was prosecuted.

scumbags like the brennan center exist to enable voter fraud while denying its existence. they think that their existence withing NYU's law school gives them an air of respectability.

they're a criminal enterprise. plain and simple.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

THE wiki articles on
The Brennan Center for Justice
The Southern Poverty Law Center
are interesting reading and bear up well to comparing.

anonymous said...

scumbags like the brennan center exist to enable voter fraud

Only to moronic idiot trump supporters like you !!!!!!!!1 BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! The only voter fraud in 2018 was choreographed by the GOP in NC......sad your memory sucks worse than your ability to think!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Give us a link, rattypoop, to that "serious and extensive case involving multiple DEMOCRATS not 10 miles from where i live."

Anonymous said...

😆James May 20, 2020 at 3:41 PM

I am in enough "fear" to wear a face mask when I go grocery shopping😂

Damn funny .

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, I guess rattypoop lives in a different universe than I do, for when I google "voter fraud," I indeed DO get an "avalanche" of articles, but the huge majority of them are debunking such alleged fraud.

anonymous said...

The 3 jackals of the right are all running on the empty fear that their GOP white man supremacy is about ready to be decapitated!!!! Most enjoyable watching the goat fucking mommy sucker feign what a brave boy he is while hiding in mommy's basement alone and in the dark!!!!!! Such a brave, unemployed asshole with no visible talent or reason to live!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Democracy takes a certain amount of effort.


and the act of voting used to be treated as an honor and a civic duty. something one did with pride and a sense of purpose. and when i was a kid, much like the early days of air travel folks got dressed up to vote just like they did to fly. people respected the process with a solemn sense of participating in something greater than themselves.

that's been lost. and it's been replaced with a country of lazy slackers content to vote themselves some free shit without leaving their fucking section 8 hovel.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Brian Suozzo voted with an absentee ballot in the Working Families Party primary on Sept. 15 because, as his application stated, he was "at home recovering from medical procedure."

Jessica Boomhower's application said she would be attending a "work conference in Boston."

Michael Ward couldn't vote in person because he was "taking care of elderly parent."

Kimberlee Truell was on a "Bus trip to casino," as was Miguel Vazques.

The only problem with these absentee ballot records at the Rensselaer County Board of Elections in Troy, N.Y., is that they're phony, voters and investigators say -- and they've prompted what's being called an unprecedented investigation of suspected voter fraud.

Thirty-eight forged or fraudulent ballots have been thrown out -- enough votes, an election official admits, to likely have tipped the city council and county elections in November to the Democrats. Candidates would have been able to run both on the Democratic and Working Families Party lines in two weeks, and that could have given the Democrats the general election.

A special prosecutor is investigating the case and criminal charges are possible. New York State Supreme Court Judge Michael Lynch ruled that there were "significant election law violations that have compromised the rights of numerous voters and the integrity of the election process."

Among the reasons cited on the fraudulent forms for absentee voting: "traveling to Buffalo," attending a "screen printing conference in Syracuse," "working late shift," "working construction," and "home -- ill."

"Someone took my signature and voted with it and I felt extremely violated," Suozzo told Fox News. He is a soft-spoken 28-year-old environmental engineer who says he never saw, let alone signed, the Working Families Party Absentee ballot application that carried his supposed signature. He was flabbergasted that someone would vote for him and submit it.

"The whole thing seems dirty to me," Suzzo said. "You wonder how often this happens and people don't get caught."

He says he did not have any type of medical procedure, adding "I haven't been to the hospital in years."

"I feel that I was gypped," Boomhower said, ruefully. "I didn't get to cast my vote on my own."

Boomhower, a 28-year-old home health care worker, says three men came to her door asking her to sign a ballot application. It wasn't until after the election that a private investigator brought her the news that an absentee ballot indeed showed she had voted, when she actually had not.

"I can't believe they thought they would get away with this," she says angrily, noting that the false claim that she was in Boston could have jeopardized her job. "I don't want to see this get tossed aside," she told Fox News.

Michael Ward, whose ballot said he was taking care of an elderly parent, said "I got one parent left, and he lives in Albany and takes care of himself."

"They tried to steal an election," says Bob Mirch, the majority leader of the Rensselaer County legislature who suspected voter fraud and started the investigation after being alerted to a large number of absentee ballot application requests that were noticed by the Republican Board of Elections commissioner .

"Not only does it undermine the system, but if these people were allowed to do this, we could never have a fair election... I've been doing this for 35 years, when I saw this, it sends a chill through my body right now."

Anonymous said...

Illinois has a "Law" requiring the wearing of Masks?

Please provide us the Exact Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS). 

Anonymous said...

"The whole thing seems dirty to me," Suzzo said. "You wonder how often this happens and people don't get caught."

actually you don't have to wonder at all.

and note the party. that bastion of nefarious right-wing conservatism - the working families party.


the assholes living on the public tit sure as fuck ain't "working."

fucking thieves.

Anonymous said...

What's unfolding in Troy may prove voter fraud does exist, and threatens honest elections.

"You hear about absentee ballots and tampering," reflects Democratic official LaPosta. "To see politics like this is just the worst."

Anonymous said...

Overheard at Philly polling place: No GOP votes 'on my machine!'

i could post these all fucking night and still be at it tomorrow morning without scratching the fucking surface.

anonymous said...

WHAT A USELESS PILE OF FAUX OPINION AND BULLSHIT!!!!!!!! The only thing heating up is your blood pressure as you panic seeing the trump train barreling off the tracks........Remember asshole the only fraud in 2018 was your sides....all the other allegations was you making up shit !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Last year, four Philadelphia election officials were criminally charged with voter fraud and intimidation for interfering in a March 2017 special election for the 197th State House District seat in North Philadelphia. And, in September, Philadelphia city commissioners brought to light that hundreds of ineligible immigrants registered to vote over the last decade through Pennsylvania’s Department of Transportation; about half had voted in one or more elections. Statewide, it’s still unclear exactly how many noncitizens are registered to vote.

anonymous said...

i could post these all fucking night and still be at it tomorrow morning without scratching the fucking surface


Commonsense said...

Denny shouting means Denny losing.

Commonsense said...

Overheard at Philly polling place: No GOP votes 'on my machine!'

Same place that had a 125% turnout.


Commonsense said...
Denny shouting means Denny losing.

looks like even lo iq's bleat has gone hoarse.

Anonymous said...

For those of you still wiping down groceries and other packages amid the ongoing coronaviruspandemic, breathe a sigh of relief: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now says the novel virus “does not spread easily” from "touching surfaces or objects" — but experts warn that doesn’t mean it’s no longer necessary to take "practical and realistic" precautions in stopping the spread of COVID-19."

Fearfilled James

anonymous said...

Commonsense said...
Denny shouting means Denny losing.


Anonymous said...

Alky , do you set your daily meals or are you given Choices by the Facility?

Anonymous said...

Denise is doing his best Biden speak.

anonymous said...

And the goat fucker is doing his best impression of blowing trump on stage!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

😀Oh Joe🤣

"“It’s going to be critical for him to work quickly to repair the damage that Shokin did,” Biden said in the call. “And I’m a man of my word. And now that the new prosecutor general is in place, we’re ready to move forward to signing that new $1 billion loan guarantee.”

anonymous said...

Hey goat do know your kids are unemployed failures like their old man!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Denise how is it you believe your blog posts are better then sex.

Anonymous said...

Alky, how did you go from a "guarantee six figure income" to living in a death trap?

C.H. Truth said...

Think maybe the USSC will tell Trump to keep his meddling hands out of this, and leave it up to the states?

Pretty sure that the USSC's job is to protect the Constitution, Reverend.

Pretty sure I heard that once or twice. The judicial branch is not designed (contrary to what some believe) to tell Trump anything.

The reality is that USSC precedent has been consistent with this concept. It's up to the State Congresses to pass laws for their elections and the executives to follow and uphold those laws. Governors and State Courts have repeated been slapped down by the Federal courts for attempting to undermine their own election laws.

Commonsense said...

Well, last time I checked, Trump's tweets is protected speech. Although Mika Brazinski is trying to change that.

I'm amazed but not surprised James is so ignorant of our Constitution and laws.

anonymous said...

Denise how is it you believe your blog posts are better then sex.

Because you said so goat fucker!!!!!!!

Trumps tweets is his form of speech is one thing but name calling and his BS should be tempered by the site according to their rules!!!! Mika has a legit beef.....since you hate women does not matter to you!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is trying to weaponize the American government to distract from his catastrophically incompetent pandemic response and the crushing economic fallout.