Saturday, May 16, 2020

Why reopening won't have the negative effects that doomsayers predict...

The percentage of decedents in Minnesota who were in nursing homes or had preexisting conditions...

Let's be truthful and honest about this for a second. There is almost no real tangible discussions surround the age of the people passing away from Covid-19 and there is literally no real tangible discussions of the health of those people passing away from Covid-19. For whatever reasons, these discussions haven't just been ignored, but they have been considered almost taboo. For one to have the audacity to even bring the subject is akin to being immediately labeled as some sort of  "Covid-19 denier". 

Here in Minnesota, the subject only comes up because there are a group of conservative reporters who have demanded this information be provided during their daily briefings. For a short while this information appeared on the Minnesota Covid-19 website, only to be taken down. The Star Tribune and Pioneer Press provide almost no mention of this statistic. For the average Minnesotan (or American) who gets their information from the main stream media, they will believe that Covid-19 kills indiscriminately and that nobody is reasonably safe from it.

But believing something doesn't make it so. Covid-19 effects are not related to any poll, opinions, or misconception. Covid-19 effects are hard coded into the very essence of the virus. Whether people accept it or not, 97% of the deaths will occur with people over the age of 45 and almost all of them will have a serious preexisting condition that they understand will make them susceptible to harsh outcomes if they garner the disease. 

Now I know several people with these conditions. I have friends with autoimmunity issues. I have friends with preexisting lung damage. I obviously know many elderly people who live in the types of senior living communities that have been a risk. To a person, these people (as well as their families and close friends) understand that they are at risk and they are already taking precautions. Nobody is going to force them to go out to dinner, head out to a movie, or otherwise put themselves at risk. None of these people are going to risk it on their own. Moreover, as long as they keep themselves isolated and are careful about whom they interact with, the fact that other random people are out to eat is going to have no real tangible effect on them.

So, this is the factual reality, boys and girls. The healthy Americans who decide to go out in public and resume some normalcy of their lives are still at risk for catching Covid-19, but their chances of dying from the virus approaches almost zero. Statistics are suggesting that a healthy person under the age of 45 has less than a one in 10,000 chance of dying from Covid-19. Those healthy individuals in the 45-65 range have only a slightly higher risk of dying from this. 

So even if every last healthy person under the age of 65 caught this virus, and the statistics held, we would be looking at a maximum of an additional 10,000 to 15,000 deaths over the extended time that the virus was infecting people. More realistically we would see a fraction of that. While nobody wants to see anyone die from Covid-19, we also don't want to see anyone die from lung cancer, alcohol related health issues, traffic accidents, or slipping in their bathtubs. We certainly do not make smoking, drinking, driving, or bathing a federal crime.

Common sense and empirical data suggest that those people living in long term care facilities and those people with immunity problems and preexisting conditions are simply prone to catch this virus regardless of the actions taken by our Federal and State governments. They are catching the virus and dying at fairly consistent rates across the country, and it's actually worse (not better) in the states that are more locked down. We need a completely "different" plan to address that. 

Meanwhile allowing people who are not at the same sort of risk to start reengaging their lives is only a problem for those at risk, if those at risk decide to not take the necessary precautions. If you are elderly, obese, a chronic smoker, an alcoholic, have diabetes, have hypertension, or otherwise are immune compromised, then your life is going to be severely altered  until there is a cure or a vaccine. If you are not, then the chances of you dying from this virus is exactly the same whether we are under lock down or whether we have an open society again. The only thing that the lock down does is to help prevent you from catching a virus that has almost no chance to kill you.  

Time will tell how this plays out. But unless there is a serious change in the empirical data that currently exists, it's unlikely that releasing people from the lock down will do little more than create a rise in cases (which should happen with increased testing either way). But the evidence today suggest that a rise in cases will not lead to any real substantial rise in serious issues or fatalities. 

Will that stop the doomsayers? Unlikely. I predict that they will stop focusing on the hospitalizations and deaths, and just start plugging away at how the virus is spreading. But make no mistake. As much as they will scream and holler, contracting Covid-19 will be little different than catching the common cold for a vast majority of the population. The amount of cases mean next to nothing with young healthy people. 


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Let's be truthful and honest. The openings which are now happening will either do little harm or much harm. We need closely to monitor the situation and see.

Anonymous said...

🏥C.H. TruthMay 16, 2020 at 10:45 AM

Oh and in case you are wondering Reverend

Illinois - 7131 cases per million and 320 deaths per million
Florida - 2055 cases per million and 89 deaths per million

Maybe people should worry about their own fucked up responses to this covid-19 crisis... instead of attacking those who appear to have kept it under much better control🏨


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Let's be truthful and honest. The openings which are now happening will either do little harm or much harm. We need closely to monitor the situation and see.

Anonymous said...

Kansas has 2.9 million proud residents.
Kansas has 197 China Virus Death.
Socialist Democrat Gov. Kelly still has us on lockdown.

Anonymous said...

James, you predicted a huge spike in deaths IF Wisconsin Voters stood in lines and voted.

Did your predict prove correct?

C.H. Truth said...

Let me make a prediction about James..

or should I say... let me make a prediction about what Taegan Goddard will place in Jame's brain (since James actually doesn't think for himself).

The new emphasis will no longer be on hospitalizations of fatalities... but it will start being strictly about "cases". Of course for 90% of the public and for well over 99% of the cases, this will be little more than the common cold.

But boy oh boy oh boy... let's watch that goal post move again if not enough people die to satisfy the desires of the liberal life and liberty haters!

You will hear about outbreaks, and hot spots, and this and that... what you won't hear about is large spikes of people dying.

Anyone want to bet that this is where James starts to go?

Possibly later in this thread! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

James, you predicted a huge spike in deaths IF Wisconsin Voters stood in lines and voted.

Did your predict prove correct?

of course it didn't.

but that hasn't stopped democrats from demanding voter fraud by mail.

this has never been about keeping anyone safe. all it has ever been about to the left is the accumulation of power.

these pieces of shit like cuomo are seeing an opening and they're taking it. death tolls be damned.


democrat leadership use fear constantly to weaponize their message

With the help of a complicit media.

enemies of the people.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Amash withdraws his run for president!
No split tickets!


C.H. Truth said...
Let me make a prediction about James..

or should I say... let me make a prediction about what Taegan Goddard will place in Jame's brain (since James actually doesn't think for himself).

You may be right but I predict it will be some spam on some entirely irrelevant topic. Probably multiple. The more shit he shovels the better he thinks he is doing.

It's not a matter of if but when.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Donald Trump has fired the State Department’s inspector general, an Obama administration appointee whose office was critical of alleged political bias in the agency’s management. The ouster is the latest in a series of moves against independent executive branch watchdogs who have found fault with the Trump administration.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Roger Amick said...
Amash withdraws his run for president!
No split tickets!

BREAKING: RNC announces full Charlotte, NC national convention will take place in exactly 100 days

Guess the DNC is still planning to hold their convention in Joe's basement. And rent out some of the left unused space to raise money.

C.H. Truth said...

Amash withdraws his run for president!
No split tickets!

After polls showed that his run would help Trump.

Anonymous said...

The DNC leaked the 2020 Presidential campaign.

Run Obama out as often as possible to speak on issues .
Hide Biden.
Remind Voters vote Democrat.

Commonsense said...

President Donald Trump has fired the State Department’s inspector general, an Obama administration appointee

Now what possible reason would Trump have to fire an Obama political operative?

Anyone? Bueller?

Anonymous said...

Too Funny, CS

Anonymous said...

Obama/Biden Team is in full panic mode.

Myballs said...

Amash dropped because the was helping Trump by running. Lol. He can't have that.

anonymous said...

day, May 16, 2020
Why reopening won't have the negative effects that doomsayers predict...
The percentage of decedents in Minnesota who were in nursing homes or had preexisting conditions...

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Now our genius Lil Schitty is pulling predictions out of his old white ass just like trump!!!!!!! I sure hope your child brides parents are not old or have preexisting conditions because I am sure they would be impressed with your lack of empathy for the them or your parents!!!!!! Very sad indeed!!!!!

Amash said it....sooo fucking what!!!!1 At least he has the brain power to make that conclusion as many said he would aid trump by running!!!!! Splitting votes can only aid 4 more years of terror and stupidity like you balls less!!!!! Too funny!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

The IG in question had been under investigation for quite some time... for none other than leaking information to the media.

Regardless of the concept of this being considered some sort of act of courage on the left, it's breaking the law. Breaking the law while performing your duties 99 times out of a 100 will get you fired.

C.H. Truth said...


Perhaps if you put this in bold print...

The the empirical data would no longer be true?

Probably not.

So we can just go on ignoring your old white smelly hairy ass!

Anonymous said...

Deniseyou sound like Biden.
Nonsense .

Anonymous said...

Giving James, Alky and Denise their due, you guys got a victory when you attacked and boycotted Chick-fil-A.
"Chick-fil-A is the second-highest-grossing fast-food chain in the United States.

The fast-food chain, after seeing a 13 percent sales growth to more than $11 billion in 2019, has surpassed Taco Bell and Burger King to land a slot just behind McDonald’s, according to data from Restaurant Business Magazine’s annual list of top 500 restaurants


Myballs said...
Amash dropped because the was helping Trump by running. Lol. He can't have that.

Guess Joe will have to "drop" out then too

anonymous said...

The the empirical data would no longer be true?

The empirical data has nothing to do with your hatred of the living Lil SCHITTTY!!!!! You think they are just a burden to society and should just go away and be a statistic and nothing else....Why do you hate your parents and your child brides parents???? Burdens to you and your spawn??????? Yes my ass stinks just like yours and you will soon be amongst the living aged before you know it...Sure hope your kids can fend for you when you are broke and old having lost your savings to your ex and new CHILD bride when she packs it in....Keep reaching becomes you!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The response of the blog idiot.
So sad.


Tim Young

First climate change... then coronavirus... what will the left make 17-yr-old high school drop out Greta Thunberg an expert in next?

She needs to "fax" a resume to Joe if he's upgraded


Tim Young

Just remember that according to most government scientists... keeping big box stores open keeps people alive... COVID-19 can only be contracted in small businesses and on public lands.
It went from flatten the curve to find the cure.

From social distancing to stay at home until we say you can come out.

From weeks to we don’t know how many months.

From we’re in it together to snitch on your neighbors.

From liberty to comply or be fined and go to jail.
Kayleigh McEnany BEAST MODE: "What I do know is this: The Obama Administration wasn't throwing ventilators into the stockpile. They were unmasking Lt. @GenFlynn."
I don't want people to die... YOU want people to die from starvation, suicide, domestic violence, and not getting elective surgeries for conditions that have become critical in the past 2 months
I never could have imagined an America where people had to protest and sue in order to force the government to allow them to go back to work to earn a living and feed their families.

mic drop for Tim

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

KansasDemocrat said...
James, you predicted a huge spike in deaths IF Wisconsin Voters stood in lines and voted.

Did your predict(sic) prove correct?

No, because I never predicted that.
That is just another lie of Kansas Dim.

One of the things that distinguishes Trump supporters here: They lie just as much as he does,
from Ch on down through F'n Daddy and rat and Cali and Commonsense and Balls and KD.