Friday, June 12, 2020

Black female police chief disagrees with Seattle protesters!

Seattle Police Chief On The Abandonment Of A Precinct That Created CHAZ: ‘I’m Angry About How This All Came About’
The reason Seattle now has a Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) is that police abandoned the 13th precinct, creating a vacuum of authority that others have now stepped in to fill. Today, police chief Carmen Best released a video in which she spoke directly to her officers saying the decision to abandon the precinct was not hers. And while she didn’t say whose decision it was, she seemed to suggest the decision came from the city under public pressure.
“Leaving the precinct was not my decision,” Chief Best said. She continued, “You fought for days to protect it. I asked you to stand on that line, day in and day out, to be pelted with projectiles, to be screamed at, threatened and in some cases hurt. Then to have a change of course nearly two weeks in. It seems like an insult to you and our community. Ultimately, the city had other plans for the building and relented to severe public pressure. I’m angry about how this all came about.”


Commonsense said...

She was forced to give up her precinct by the mayor and she's pissed.

And she's making sure to let everybody know who is responsible when it goes to hell in a handbasket.

Myballs said...

Just when I think NYC is the most mismanaged city in the country, Seattle says hold my beer

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

For Trump campaign rallies, attendees must agree not to sue if they get the virus.

As President Trump moves to resume indoor campaign rallies, his campaign has added a twist to his optimistic push to return to life as it was before the pandemic: Attendees cannot sue the campaign or the venue if they contract the virus at the event.

“By clicking register below, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to Covid-19 exists in any public place where people are present,” a statement on Mr. Trump’s campaign website informed those wishing to attend his June 19 rally in Tulsa, Okla. “By attending the rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to Covid-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.; BOK Center; ASM Global; or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors or volunteers liable for any illness or injury.”

Mr. Trump’s rally in Tulsa, the site of a massacre of black residents in 1921, will be on Juneteenth, a prominent African-American holiday recognizing the end of slavery in the United States. The rally will also be his first since the pandemic forced most of the country into quarantine three months ago, a campaign official said Wednesday. Polls have shown former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. establishing a substantial lead over Mr. Trump.

Oklahoma, a state Mr. Trump won four years ago by 36 percentage points, began lifting restrictions on businesses on April 24 and moved into Phase 3 of its reopening on June 1, allowing summer camps to open and workplaces to return with full staffing.

Of the four states the president announced this week as sites for rallies, three — Florida, Arizona and North Carolina — are seeing rising virus caseloads, while Oklahoma’s infection numbers are steady but not falling.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still recommends that people avoid mass gatherings and stay out of crowded places.

Commonsense said...

And this is important to you because?

Commonsense said...

Going to be a massive rally in Tulsa.

Caliphate4vr said...

Jason Howerton
This had to be the most demoralizing moment of their lives when the “autonomous zone” had to call 911 & move their cute barricades so the real first responders could come put out their dumpster fire.

Anonymous said...

Are the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT, truly WOKE?

Do they really believe they are worthless scum white men?

Anonymous said...

"Occupy wall street Model"
Rapes, Robberies, battery and other crimes happened there and are happening in the Socialist Dystopia of Seattle.

The Insurance Companies where these properties have been seized are not going to pay for damages.
Simple clause in all Insurance policies, IF you damage or give permission to others to damage property you can not later make a payable claim.

Anonymous said...

Lordie Please Keep a hot Mic in her face 24/7. Seattle's Mayor called the Socialist Democrats Antifa Take Over is a "Block Party" in a "Summer of Love".

Myballs said...

I just looked at drudge. Good grief, it may as well be CNN.



Seattle Mayor: CHAZ is a “peaceful expression of our community's collective grief and their desire to build a better world.”

Seattle Police Chief: "Rapes, robberies and all sorts of violent acts have been occurring in the area”


Must be a good side and a bad side of CHAZ. Don't want to be on the wrong side of the tracks

anonymous said...

Sad that holding up the bible upside down in front of a church will be the iconic image of an idiot....especially with the military and evangelicals that so support him!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Milley said his presence in battle fatigues in that environment with the president “created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.” Trump had given a speech from the White House Rose Garden minutes before in which he vowed to “dominate the streets” and threatened to send active-duty U.S. military troops into American cities.

Trump’s first secretary of defense, Gen. Jim Mattis, issued a scathing denunciation of the president two days after the violent crackdown on protesters and the St. John’s photo. “I have watched this week’s unfolding events, angry and appalled,” Mattis wrote. He condemned the use of National Guard troops to stage “a bizarre photo op for the elected commander-in-chief, with military leadership standing alongside.”

More than 280 former military and diplomatic leaders in the U.S. government signed a letter criticizing Trump’s threat to send active military into the streets.

Trump’s support among active U.S. military members has slipped over the course of his presidency. A Military Times poll from December showed that 50 percent have an unfavorable view of him, and 42 percent approve. That’s compared with a 37 percent disapproval rating in November 2016, when he was elected, at a time when he also had a 46 percent approval rate.

Trump’s handling of the Bible, the sacred text for Christians generally but especially for white evangelicals who are among his most loyal constituencies, added another layer of offense even to some who are loyal to him. Evangelical leader Pat Robertson was critical of Trump’s actions.

One Republican involved in the president’s reelection effort lamented his use of the Scriptures and said it was hard to watch.

Only the most unquestioning of Trump loyalists defended the photo op. “By holding up the Bible, he was showing us that it teaches that, yes, God hates racism, it’s despicable — but God also hates lawlessness,” Robert Jeffress, a Baptist minister from Dallas, told the Atlantic the next day.

anonymous said...

Anonymous JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY said...


Myballs said...

The bible in not upside down dumbass. The page strings hang out at the bottom. That's where they're supposed to be.

anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...

Jason Howerton

MORE STUPIDITY FROM TWITTER AND OUR LOSER SALESMAN FROM GA!!!!!!!!!! So sad that the only place the losers have left is the twitter world of moronic thoughts!!!!!

anonymous said...

Commonsense said...
Going to be a massively stupid rally in Tulsa.

There you go sport....fixed it for you!!!!!!!!


ROFLMFAO at how STUPID lo iq is

this has got to be an act

Otherwise he's at worm level intelligence with his consistent comments about "twitter". I wonder if he's even conquered how to watch TV yet.

Probably like Joe and puts a record on the record player, closes his eyes and tries to visualize.

Caliphate4vr said...

That’s an insult to worms

anonymous said...

The only act fucking moronic daddy is you thinking you are smart and funny!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Twitter is a cesspool of stupidity that attracts low life idiots like you for companionship. and brain washing.....Too fucking funny!!!!

anonymous said...

And you are a fucking waste of DNA!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!


Ignorance is bliss, lo iq proves it constantly

Twitter is now the number one source in the world for breaking news. It's ability to provide video from peoples cell phones, broadcast video and commentary from any source you want make it a normal source to get news. President Trump has over 80 million followers on Twitter and he talks to them directly. Obama has 120 million. Obviously you aren't one of them old man.


Commonsense said...

I just looked at drudge. Good grief, it may as well be CNN.

I don't look at Drudge anymore. There's so much news they don't cover anymore.

It's a sellout of journalistic integrity.


John S.Walsh, "The Christopher Columbus of Chaz"

"Over 200K tickets already"


While Trump rally has over 200,000 ticket requests Joe Biden is holding a virtual roundtable on having an effective and safe economic reopening in Philadelphia with 170 people viewing. Nobody cares what Joe says, he's just a Mueller-like puppet with name recognition.

Trump is going to CRUSH Biden and the dems AGAIN. Even bigger than 2016.

Unless the dems can destroy America first.

Myballs said...

This Bolton book supposedly full impeachable activity. Demd angry, but there's a reason he didn't say any of it in the trial. He couldn't say it under oath. So file the book under fiction.


Won't see this on network news, and am glad Woods is back from twitter "jail"

James Woods


RAW VIDEO of dems in action:

Derek Hunter

These people are disgusting. This is what you get when you elect @TheDemocrats to any office.

Thank God for police, how the hell did democrats become such animals ?


Andy Ngô

This is what rioters did to the Minneapolis Sheraton they took over after the riots. This was converted to their “sanctuary.” They raised hundreds of thousands through crowdfunding to support the illegal occupation.


and you know they didn't tip housekeeping who have to clean up all their shit. animals.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor of Seattle is Pitch Perfect .
I love that those Peaceful Rapist and Robbers have their own walled Community.
"Camp Biden".

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Fauci Advises Trump Rallygoers to Wear Masks

Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN states should rethink their reopening strategies if they see increases in the number of people hospitalized with Covid-19, adding that although he hasn’t spoken to President Trump about next week’s campaign rally in Oklahoma, he is urging everyone who attends to wear a mask.

Said Fauci: “The best thing to do is to avoid crowded areas. But if you’re not going to do that, please wear a mask.”

Biden Says Trump’s Handling of Virus ‘Almost Criminal’

Joe Biden ratcheted up some of his criticism of President Trump on Friday, saying that his handling of the coronavirus was “almost criminal,” that he has “bungled” the economic fallout, and that he has exacerbated racial tensions in the country, the Washington Post reports.

During an hour-long town hall with the labor union AFSCME, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee warned that the U.S. will likely see a resurgence of the coronavirus and that Trump isn’t doing enough to prepare.

Said Biden: “This is almost criminal, the way he’s handled this. There’s going to be some form of second wave, I hate to tell you this.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Suggests Civil War’s End Was ‘Questionable’

President Trump suggested to Harris Faulkner in a Fox News interview that the Civil War ended questionably.

Said Trump: “I think I’ve done more for the black community than any other president, and let’s take a pass on Abraham Lincoln because he did good, although it’s always questionable, you know, in other words, the end result.”

Faulkner, who is black, interjected: “Well, we are free, Mr President, so he did pretty well.”


Quote of the Day

“I think the concept of chokeholds sounds so innocent and so perfect.”
— President Trump, in a Fox News interview, on police using chokeholds to restrain citizens.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Turnout Soared In Georgia Despite Problems

“Despite massive problems at the voting booth, Democratic turnout in Georgia’s primaries skyrocketed — with three times as many votes cast in the Senate primary as in 2016,” NBC News reports.

Said political scientist Alan Abramowitz: “The bottom line is that, despite all of the problems at the polls on Tuesday, it appears that there was a big increase in turnout over 2018, especially on the Democratic side.”


Myballs said...

"A large majority of votes were cast by absentee ballot" said Abramowitz.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Says He’ll Leave Peacefully If Biden Wins

President Trump told Fox News he’ll leave the White House peacefully if he loses the presidential election, addressing concerns he would try to hold onto power.

Said Trump: “Certainly, if I don’t win, I don’t win.”

He added that if he lost, he’d “go on, do other things.”

Virus Shuts Factory Days Before Trump Tulsa Visit

A Whirlpool plant in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has temporarily closed due to a coronavirus outbreak one week before President Trump will visit the city for a rally, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports.

Commonsense said...

Turnout Soared In Georgia Despite Problems

So voter Id and voting in person leads to voter suppression is just a big lie right James?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

We're still waiting for the number of cases and deaths to "get down to close to zero within a very few days," Mr. President.

anonymous said...

Trump unexpectedly delay's Tulsa rally out of respect.......BWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!! Who was the idiot yesterday posting like a lunatic that biden did not know the relevance of the tulsa date??????? Seems to me the only one who knew nothing was trump and his asshole staff that suddenly came to the realization that they fucked up and cancelled!!!!! So sad an so obvious to everyone except fucking trump slurping losers like daddy!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be awful if Junior is forced to declare a bankruptcy of the trump hotel empire??????/ I am sure daddy's rush to open has something to do with is own personal problems....TOO FUCKING BAD!!!!!!

Joshua Partlow,
David A. Fahrenthold and
Jonathan O'Connell
June 12, 2020 at 4:41 p.m. EDT
The head of President Trump’s flagship hotel stood on Pennsylvania Avenue with face mask on and two thumbs up.
After three brutal months of empty hotel rooms and a skeleton staff, Mickael Damelincourt finally had something to celebrate: new sidewalk seating to safely welcome back Trump’s MAGA-loving customers. “Let’s get back to work,” Damelincourt tweeted on May 28.
By the next day, Trump was in his underground bunker, protesters swarmed downtown Washington cursing Trump’s name, and the hotel’s outdoor seating experiment was tabled.
The whiplash at Trump’s D.C. hotel is emblematic of the problems faced by his company, which was already suffering from a tarnished brand before the novel coronavirus hit. The fresh wave of political anger directed toward Trump complicates an already difficult recovery for the company.

Interviews with current and former Trump Organization employees and tenants, and emails obtained by The Washington Post, show the pandemic in particular has rattled operations at the company. With thousands of Trump’s hotel rooms empty, the company laid off or furloughed more than 2,800 employees and scoured for even the smallest savings. It eliminated flowers, chocolates and newspapers at its New York hotel and turned off lights in common areas in its Chicago hotel to save on electricity, according to letters that hotel management sent to investors.

anonymous said...

Interesting words about the trump great stock market....suggest morons like the ball less wonder and goat fucker pay special attention as it confirms my thoughts on what is going to happen.....

Allan Sloan
June 9, 2020 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
The stock market is for profits, not prophets.
It’s been a great 10 weeks for people who own U.S. stocks. The market rose about 45 percent in the 53 trading days from its March 23 low through Monday, adding almost 9,000 points to the Dow Jones industrial average and more than $11 trillion in value to the Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index.
This enormous positive run has prompted cheerful predictions that the stock market is telling us that better days are near at hand, despite more than 109,000 deaths from the coronavirus pandemic; tens of millions of recently unemployed people, last month’s reported employment gain notwithstanding; civil unrest in cities and towns throughout the country; and political and social divisiveness, which I suspect may be our country’s biggest problem of all.
A ‘misclassification error’ made the May unemployment rate look better than it is. Here’s what happened.

Now, to the main point. The stock market is supposed to be a predictive indicator, right? So if stocks are going up so much so quickly, isn’t the market trying to tell us something?

Not necessarily. I’d love to join in the happy buzz, but I’m not at all sure about the market being an accurate predicting mechanism, either up or down.
As the late, great and occasionally playful economist Paul Samuelson wrote in a 1966 Newsweek column, “Wall Street indexes predicted nine out of the last five recessions.”
That being the case, there’s no reason to think that optimistic predictions based on rising markets are any more accurate than pessimistic predictions based on falling markets.
In addition, we need to put things in context. Despite the big 53-day run, stocks are still down about $1.6 trillion, or 4.47 percent, since the pandemic began affecting the market, according to Wilshire Associates. The market is about where it started the year.
And then there’s a math lesson from Dan Wiener of Adviser Investments. He points out that if the S&P 500 were to keep rising at the rate of the past 53 trading days, it would post an annualized return of 472 percent (not counting reinvested dividends).

Somehow, I don’t think that’s going to happen.
U.S. economy officially went into a recession in February, ending record 128-month expansion

Besides, if you think the market is a great predictor, it was telling us about 10 weeks ago — when the S&P fell 34 percent in a bit over a month — that the end of the world was at hand.
Which it wasn’t.

anonymous said...

U.S. economy officially went into a recession in February, ending record 128-month expansion

Especially telling for the R's amongst us that both book ends of 128 months were led by the GOP!!!!! Gee, how did that happen??????

Anonymous said...

"New York(CNN Business)The longest economic expansion in American history is officially over. The National Bureau of Economic Research declared Monday that the recession began in February.

The economy collapsed so rapidly that NBER wasted no time in announcing a recession, a stark contrast to previous downturns when the body took upwards of a year to declare what most people already knew. This was the fastest that NBER has declared any recession since the group began formal announcements in 1979."

Problem. Yes, will Dopie be able to tell us, nope.


As America opens up... this will be the shortest recession in history !!!

Every single economic expert is expecting growth ahead !!!

And who will be leading our surging economy and fighting for law and order?

President Trump !!!

and what is a trailing indicator??? fake news polls

dems appear very unhappy, kind of like how gleeful they are when things are going bad ... though they SAY that they are rooting for a recovery (some would call that a lie and be right)


anonymous said...

this will be the shortest recession in history !!!

Every single economic expert is expecting growth ahead !!!

Fucking idiot blowing it out his ass again......BWAAAAAAAA!!!! Seems the fed disagrees with you!!!! BTW....weren't you the idiot complaining about Biden and what day it was...Sure seems to me Trump screwed the pooch with his tulsa date that has now been cancelled because HE DID NO KNOW WHAT DAY IT WAS!!!!!! That is hysterically funny he only came to after massive complaints by people he is trying to lure to the GOP>>>>>>!!!!! God you are a stupid fuck!!!!!

anonymous said...

idly that NBER wasted no time in announcing

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! They did it just to annoy you and trump!!!!!!! Fucking idiot

anonymous said...

Wow....looks like a real scorcher is headed to Minnesota with record highs predicted state wide.....Sure hope you northerners have your air conditioning tuned up are going to need it....Even western kansas which has no electricity is headed for records....wonder if the goat fucker has a root cellar to sleep in???????? bWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Commonsense said...

Interesting words about the trump great stock market...

Interesting be because you agree with it. Do you find anything interesting that you don't agree with? (I do)

What your writer doesn't say is that broker, buyers, and sellers are making profits (and losses) by betting on the future.

Whether it's the future performance of a particular stock or the performance of the economy.

There's a lot of pent up demand due to the lock down, it's a no brainer to bet of a fast recovery once the government releases the chains.

anonymous said...

It is going to take a long time to untuck all the damage trump has done to the country....Another example of swinging a shiny object in front of his moronic shrinking base!!!!!!

By Margot Sanger-Katz and Noah Weiland
June 12, 2020

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Friday finalized a regulation that will erase protections for transgender patients against discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies, a move announced on the four-year anniversary of the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando and in the middle of Pride Month.

The rule, which does not differ much from a proposed version released last year, is part of a broad Trump administration effort across multiple areas of policy — including education, housing, and employment, as well as health care — to narrow the legal definition of sex discrimination so that it does not include protections for transgender people.

The Affordable Care Act, the 2010 law often known as Obamacare, established broad civil rights protections in health care, barring discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability in “any health program or activity” that receives federal financial assistance.

The Obama administration interpreted the provision about sex discrimination to include discrimination on the basis of “gender identity.” Under the original 2016 rule, health care providers and insurers would have been required to provide and cover medically appropriate treatment for transgender patients.

anonymous said...

Interesting be because you agree with it

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! A box of rocks has more brains than you!!!!! There is a lot of people out of work who HAVE NO FUCKING SAVINGS OR MONEY......You think they do and will start spending immediately....the Fed thinks otherwise and I will go with their opinion and ignore yours as usual!!!!!!


Dan Crenshaw

Canceling TV shows, movies, Disney rides, Paw Patrol, Washington, Jefferson...

How many more examples do you need to demonstrate that liberalism has lost its way?

No more cancel culture. Draw the line. America is good, and we must stand up for her.


Nine of 11 statues of Confederate leaders Pelosi wants removed from Capitol were Democrats

Two of the Confederate leaders who were not Democrats did not have a historically documented political party affiliation

Maybe this is all about the dems trying to hide what their party was based on.

Anonymous said...

Fun to watch the Socialist death cult imploding .


Anonymous said...

Seattle Mayor calls the Socialist Democrats Antifa Take Over is a "Block Party" in a "Summer of Love".

anonymous said...

The seattle mayor also calls the goat fucker a disgrace to the American way of life!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! How's mommy's basement??? Sure hope it is cool on such a warm day!!!!!

Commonsense said...

Maybe this is all about the dems trying to hide what their party was based on.

Still waiting to Pelosi to demand they rename the Democrat party since they are the party of slavery and jim crow.

anonymous said...

Two of the Confederate leaders who were not Democrats


See text of the cornerstone speech

anonymous said...

For the wantonly stupid and lazy fucking asshole

[I]ts foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.[2]

Using biblical imagery,[3] Stephens argued that divine laws consigned African Americans to slavery as the "substratum of our society" by saying:

Our confederacy is founded upon principles in strict conformity with these laws. This stone which was rejected by the first builders "is become the chief of the corner"—the real "corner-stone"—in our new edifice.[1]

Which has now become the cornerstone of the GOP and its bigotry!!!!!

Anonymous said...

NOC Stock down $65 per share from yearly high.

Commonsense said...

[I]ts foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.[2]

Sounds like a platform plank for the Democrat party.

anonymous said...

Cramps you amoral asshole...that is the foundation of those statues Nancy wants to rip down....traitors who hated the constitution and substituted their own and got their asses kicked...Unfortunately it has become the cornerstone of your GOP led by true..

And goat fucker....I don' need my 401 k for pensions and SS provide a very comfortable living for me, wife and my 2 homes!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA

Commonsense said...

Seriously, Alexander Stephens' white supremacy views were fairly common among caucasians of the 19th century. And not just in the United States.

Slavery was a common institution through central and south America as well as the Caribbean not to mention Africa and Asia. The justification for the British Empire was the bring "civilization to the non-white races".

Anonymous said...

Dystopian Socialist Winning.
"law enforcement exodus"
Those that can are taking retirement , other are/have quit.



Joe Biden isn't capable of being president of CHAZ--let alone the United States of America.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a platform plank for the Democrat party.

at first glance i thought BWAA was quoting LBJ.

anonymous said...

At first one mistakes you for an intellect.....BTW.....LBJ did more for america than trumps fat white ass!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Anonymous JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY said...

The fucking asshole daddy still thinks idiots on twitter are relevant !!!!!!! Now that is fucking funny!!!!!!!

Myballs said...

Good observation from Townhall. Trump has got democrats defending a criminal anarchist mob while he defends law and order.

He plays chess while they play checkers.

anonymous said...

other are/have quit.



Nancy Pelosi wore a neck scarf called a Kente cloth worn by the Ashanti tribe of Africa. Besides being a cultural appropriation the Ashanti were known as slave owners and traders.

So the democrat leadership were kneeling to give respect to slave owners and traders.

Going back to their roots.

Freudian slip ?


Myballs said...
Good observation from Townhall. Trump has got democrats defending a criminal anarchist mob while he defends law and order.

He plays chess while they play checkers.

I'm beginning to think all dems are as lo iq as lo iq.


Myballs said...

Trump has dems arresting business owners just for teying to reopen while they tolerate those who destroy those same businesses.

Trump has dems claiming graduation ceremonies are bad but violent riots are acceptable.

Trump has dem. Hoping for unemployment and misery while he supports jobs and prosperity.

He plays chess while they play checkers.



are NOT the problem.

The ruling class politicians like Bush, Obama, and Biden--who have spent decades getting rich while selling out America--are the problem.



* Statues are NOT the problem

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

Cramps you amoral asshole...that is the foundation of those statues Nancy wants to rip down.

Truth hurts doesn't it.

It was Democrats who pass ordinances of succession in reaction to the election of the first Republican president. (How so like the Democrats of today who refuse to accept the results of the election.)

It was Democrats who drafted the constitution of the Confederacy which was remarkably similar to the US Constitution at the time except for those passages that enshrined slavery.

If was Democrats who passed Jim Crow laws just as soon as the Federal Army of occupation was withdrawn.

It was Democrats who opposed and filibuster the 1964 civil rights act.

The only recognizable members of the KKK in the US Congress were also Democrats.

The most racist president in US history was a Democrat.

The president who lock up American Citizens of Japanese decent in concentration camps was a Democrat.

Nancy Pelosi's own father gave a speech praising Stonewall Jackson and Nathen Bedford Forrest at a monument raising ceremony.
(Nathen Bedford Forrest really? He not only denied the war was over, he founded the KKK.)


The president who freed the slaves were Republican.
The president who used the army to enforce desegregation in Arkansas was a Republican.
The Senators and Representatives who voted the pass the civil rights act were Republicans.
The state legislators who repealed the Jim Crow laws were Republican.
And it was a Republican president whose DOJ hunted down and prosecuted members of the KKK.


Looks like the dems are trying to appropriate the Republicans moral stand against slavery.

But facts are facts.

and with a slight of hand they are now attacking the police. and America.

anonymous said...

Truth hurts doesn't it.

It was Democrats who pass ordinances of succession

IT WAS THE SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY WHO DID THAT!!!!!!! The resulting war cost the US untold horror!!!! It also became the bedrock of the GOP and racist south that is still fighting the lost war like you are!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA That is the singular truth as the party of Lincoln is now the party of trump imbeciles and assholes like you!!!!!



today is 1984


It was Democrats who pass ordinances of succession in reaction to the election of the first Republican president. (How so like the Democrats of today who refuse to accept the results of the election.)

It was Democrats who drafted the constitution of the Confederacy which was remarkably similar to the US Constitution at the time except for those passages that enshrined slavery.

If was Democrats who passed Jim Crow laws just as soon as the Federal Army of occupation was withdrawn.

It was Democrats who opposed and filibuster the 1964 civil rights act.

The only recognizable members of the KKK in the US Congress were also Democrats.

The most racist president in US history was a Democrat.

The president who lock up American Citizens of Japanese decent in concentration camps was a Democrat.

Nancy Pelosi's own father gave a speech praising Stonewall Jackson and Nathen Bedford Forrest at a monument raising ceremony.
(Nathen Bedford Forrest really? He not only denied the war was over, he founded the KKK.)


anonymous said...


The president who freed the slaves were Republican.


Anonymous said...

It also became the bedrock of the GOP and racist south that is still fighting the lost war like you are!!!!!

telling this lie a trillion times will never make it true, BWAA.

one of the greatest efforts of the last 50 years is democrats trying to copy and paste their history in the south onto the GOP.

no honest person repeats it and no intelligent person believes it. but it never deters you assholes from trying ad infinitum.

anonymous said...


anonymous said...


BULL SHIT!!!!!!!!


;o iq anonymous said...

Sounds like lo iq's racist voice is going hoarse.

Listing history is not rewriting history like in what you are actually trying to do.

Everything the democrats accuse you of doing they are actually doing themselves.



Wonder is lo iq is going to be paying tribute to any slave owners and traders like Nancy and her dem leadership did earlier this week ?

That would be history repeating itself.

ROFLMFAO at the failed "virtue" signalers !!!

Commonsense said...

Wonder is lo iq is going to be paying tribute to any slave owners and traders like Nancy and her dem leadership did earlier this week ?

A little known fact I didn't know until recently, the African cloth Nancy Pelosi and the congressional Democrats wore while they were knwwling was not only cultural appropriation, but it turn out that particular pattern is characteristic of the Ashanti tribe in Africa.

They were historically known for - wait for it - owning and trading in slaves.

Anonymous said...

Dystopian Socialist lockdown Churches and Opened UP Seattle for a "Street Party".

Anonymous said...

Which one of you caused the epic meltdown of Denny?

Raise your hand.


anonymous said...

out that particular pattern is characteristic of the Ashanti tribe in Africa.

More proof you are admitting that trump is getting his fat white ass kicked until next week!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!!! You forgot to mention that the GOP was the party of lincoln until trump corrupted it and put it on the path of irrelevancy!!!!!!!! Dayum.....what's trumps polling number with blacks.....idiots?????? Dayum you are a stupid fucking daddy!!!! It sure looks grim for trump winning over black voters......LOLOLOLOL

Trump's approval numbers with black voters are lower than past GOP presidents
By Josh Israel - June 5, 2020 1:01 PM2 Comments2088

Despite claiming he is popular with black voters, Trump's favorability with them is on par with or lower than other historically unpopular Republicans.

Donald Trump claimed on Thursday that he is "doing very well with African Americans and the vote," despite the fact that his approval rating among black voters has lingered just above single digits for the majority of his presidency.

Trump, who once predicted he would gain 95% of the black vote in the 2020 elections, has frequently claimed to "have a great relationship with the blacks." On Thursday, he tweeted that he has "done more for Black Americans, in fact, than any President in U.S. history, with the possible exception of another Republican President, the late, great, Abraham Lincoln...and it's not even close."

But a February NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that just 14% of black voters approved of the job Trump was doing. Gallup polls put his average black approval ratings at 10% in 2017, 11% in 2018, and 10% through November of 2019.


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An April poll found Joe Biden leading Trump among black voters by an 85% to 7% margin — not an improvement from 2016, when exit polls put him at about 8% among black voters.

Other recent Republican presidents have had their ups and downs with black voters, but have all experienced significantly higher high points than Trump.

According to Gallup, George W. Bush had an average approval rating of 43% among black voters in 2001 — his first year in office. In his second year, that average rose to 46% approval.

Over time, Bush's black approval collapsed. It declined from 32% in June 2003 to 16% in June 2004. His approval among black voters averaged just 11% over his second term in office — comparable to Trump's numbers.

Bush's father, George H.W. Bush, saw relatively high approval ratings among black Americans over the first two years of his presidency. According to Gallup, he began with 51% approval rating in January 1989.

A New York Times/CBS poll found that, by April 1990, he was up to 56% support. The Times wrote that this marked the fourth consecutive poll showing majority support for the elder Bush and that his approval among black voters had dropped below 40% in just one poll during his tenure.

Ronald Reagan began his presidency in January 1981 with 24% black support, according to Gallup. But according to the New York Times, his approval crept up after that, going from 28% in 1985 to 37% in 1986.

Trump's reelection campaign has already spent $1 million on an attempt to convince black voters that Trump is "woke."

According to a Washington Post poll released in January — before Trump's widely panned response to Black Lives Matter protests following the death of George Floyd — 83% of black Americans believed that Donald Trump was racist and 80% believed he had made racism worse.

anonymous said...

Wonder why the goat fucker is still hiding in mommy's basement acting like an idiot????



Wonder is lo iq is going to be paying tribute to any slave owners and traders like Nancy and her dem leadership did earlier this week ?

That would be history repeating itself.

ROFLMFAO at the failed "virtue" signalers !!!


Anonymous said...

Somebody smacked Denny hard today.

He is making less sense then normal.

Anonymous said...

Dystopian Socialist are "negotiating" with Antifa Criminals and BLM Rioters in Seattle.

That is brilliant.

Anonymous said...

The leftist here have been pissed off and raging since the moment CNN called the Election for Trump.

Commonsense said...


Denny there was no confederacy until the Democrats passed the ordinance of succession in the 13 states that would make up the Confederate Stares of America.

Even then there was no confederacy until they passed and ratified the confederate comstitution.

Shit for brains.