Monday, June 8, 2020

But this is a racist thing against blacks...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Keep on saying that everything wrong in our racial problems today is to be blamed on blacks, and not at all on whites, or on slavery, carpet bagging, Jim Crow-ism, lynchings, segregation, and the Republicans' southern strategy.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Not to mention RACISM.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Or to mention the KKK and other similar groups.


Yes the KKK was founded by the democrats.

Yes the democrat majority opposed the Johnson civil rights bill

Yes democrat run cities exhibit the most disadvantaged blacks.

And yes they have run these cities for ever.

Yes the democrats are not the solution.

Trump has made great strides in their communities and does not pander.

"Black lives Matter" has received tens of millions of dollars in contributions. Where has that money gone to other than the pockets of those running it ?

And fermenting riots ?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

My, if everything F'n says up there is exactly the way he puts it,
you'd think the GOP would have a HUGE advantage among blacks in the coming election.

Ah, but guess what?

They don't.

Quite the contrary.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

(Forgive me, I'm trying to catch my breath from so much rolling on the floor and laughing.)


Your not too far from underground !!!

either in proximity or age.

Trump 2020 will probably do it to you.


you will not be missed.

Anonymous said...

In 2019 police officers fatally shot 1,004 people, most of whom were armed or otherwise dangerous. African-Americans were about a quarter of those killed by cops last year (235), a ratio that has remained stable since 2015. That share of black victims is less than what the black crime rate would predict, since police shootings are a function of how often officers encounter armed and violent suspects. In 2018, the latest year for which such data have been published, African-Americans made up 53% of known homicide offenders in the U.S. and commit about 60% of robberies, though they are 13% of the population.

The police fatally shot nine unarmed blacks and 19 unarmed whites in 2019, according to a Washington Post database, down from 38 and 32, respectively, in 2015. The Post defines “unarmed” broadly to include such cases as a suspect in Newark, N.J., who had a loaded handgun in his car during a police chase. In 2018 there were 7,407 black homicide victims. Assuming a comparable number of victims last year, those nine unarmed black victims of police shootings represent 0.1% of all African-Americans killed in 2019. By contrast, a police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.

The latest in a series of studies undercutting the claim of systemic police bias was published in August 2019 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The researchers found that the more frequently officers encounter violent suspects from any given racial group, the greater the chance that a member of that group will be fatally shot by a police officer. There is “no significant evidence of antiblack disparity in the likelihood of being fatally shot by police,” they concluded.

C.H. Truth said...

Keep on saying that everything wrong in our racial problems today is to be blamed on blacks, and not at all on whites, or on slavery, carpet bagging, Jim Crow-ism, lynchings, segregation, and the Republicans' southern strategy.

Sure Reverend...

That's what we should teach kids. It's okay to stick a gun at the stomach of a pregnant women and rob her in her own home... it's not to be blamed on the person who commits the crime. The white bitch had it coming and the Black guy had every right... because of racism and slavery and stuff.

But hey... it's fine if that's how you want to play it.

Perhaps if your wife was brutally beaten, raped, and then killed by a black man... you'd just pat him on the back, apologize to him for all of your white privilege, and take the insurance money and pay the black man's family retribution for all those years you held the black man down with your white person racism, lynchings, and slavery.

C.H. Truth said...

So how does this work, btw...

The large portion of "my ancestors" came from Scandinavia and didn't arrive in the United States till a 2-3 generations ago. Half my grandparents were born outside the U.S. (Sweden, Norway).

Am I responsible for slavery that occurred in this country simply because I am white (even if nobody from my family tree engaged in any of it)?

Or wouldn't it make more sense, with my ancestors being pretty much Vikings, that I be held personally responsible for the looting that is going on, since my ancestors were likely raiders who looted as a way of life?

Hell... maybe somehow it should be my right to rape and pillage?

I don't know... just trying to understand?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Since you say or imply so many things I would never say or imply, I feel no need to answer you.


Trump Slams New CNN Poll

President Trump pushed back on a CNN poll that shows Joe Biden with a 14-point national lead in the presidential race: “CNN Polls are as Fake as their Reporting. Same numbers, and worse, against Crooked Hillary. The Dems would destroy America!”

He also attacked Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) for attending a Black Lives Matter protest over the weekend: “Tremendous sincerity, what a guy. Hard to believe, with this kind of political talent, his numbers would ‘tank’ so badly in Utah!“

Another Poll Shows Biden With Big Lead

A new Garin-Hart-Yang Research poll finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump, 53% to 41%, with a sample whose self-reported 2016 vote is 48% Clinton, 47% Trump.

Also important: 56% say it time for a change and someone new, while just 36% say Trump deserves four more years as president.

Jonathan Last says:
Only 20 Weekends Left

“Biden has the biggest, most durable lead of any presidential challenger ever. He’s more personally popular than Trump. The wrong-track number is at -38. And there are only 20 weekends left before Election Day.”



BREAKING: Nasdaq Composite hits another new ALL-TIME HIGH

Wait till America sees their 401k's !!!

from gloom TO BOOM !!!

Anonymous said...

The riots were never about Floyd.

In response , Denneys stated the Riots are about George Floyd.

Anonymous said...

James called Cali, not a Human.


why are the dems so worried ??

as in scared shitless ??

How much was Hillary going to win by against a political unknown that even Republicans were scared to vote for?

He's now at 96% Republican approval ANOTHER ALL_TIME HIGH and the MSM are desperately throwing out "mob" polls, trying to influence the low iq voter.


Anonymous said...

Damn, That is an Early Rise of the White Flag by James.

🤣I feel no need to answer you.😁


Burgess Owens

How many black lives are saved each year by the police? Don't those thousands of black lives matter?

We'll see if james tries to "whitesplain" this to a black man.

Anonymous said...

James is a perfect leftist, he believes he is the answer for the black race.

Anonymous said...

this should end well:

Minneapolis City Council announces veto-proof push to disband police in George Floyd aftermath

Caliphate4vr said...

Minneapolis City Council announces veto-proof push to disband police in George Floyd aftermath

And when it does become Mogadishu on the Mississippi, it’ll be Trump’s fault

Anonymous said...

And when it does become Mogadishu on the Mississippi, it’ll be Trump’s fault

of course.

i mean, they've only had one-party democrat rule there for like 60 years.

Anonymous said...

On social media the other day, in discussions of George Floyd’s death, I saw an increasing number of references from Democrats and Democratic friends about the problem of systemic racism. I wrote the following post, citing only a few municipal examples:

“Below are pertinent questions, given the way the Democratic Party defines itself as being the party of tolerance and inclusion, and many Democrats’ characterizations of Republicans or conservatives as racists or racially insensitive.

“Minneapolis, Minn. has been under Democratic control since 1978. Chicago has been under Democratic control for 89 years; its present mayor is a black woman. Philadelphia has had Democratic mayors for 68 years; three of its last five mayors have been black men. Six of the last seven Atlanta, Ga., mayoral administrations were led by black Democratic mayors, and the present mayor is a black woman.

“A city runs its police department and other services; therefore, if there is so much ‘systemic racism’ in these organizations, why hasn’t it been corrected over so many years under Democratic leaders?

“Why aren’t these cities garden spots of racial tolerance, understanding, and virtue?”

There have been no answers.

Anonymous said...

Helping James get off the floor.
After his LifeAlert Went off.

James June 8, 2020 at 8:36 AM

rat answered who?

Who mentioned Powell before rat did?

anonymousJune 8, 2020 at 6:20 AM

BTW....Lil Schitty......trump is down by 12 in latest Mi poll.....yep....keep swallowing as General Powell is on record calling trump a LIAR!!!!!!🤡

Caliphate4vr said...

Atlanta hasn’t had a Republican mayor since 1879

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden, for now, is against the Defunding of the Police.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump's job approval rating: 38%.

Joe Biden leads Donald Trump by 14 points, new CNN poll finds; President’s job approval reaches lowest level since January 2019

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The defunding the police movement is a terrible mistake.

It will give the President a dividing strategy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump will sell fear.


Francis Brennan (Text TRUMP to 88022)

FLASHBACK: Cory Booker said on Meet the Press last year “legislation that Joe Biden endorsed" caused a "500 percent increase in the prison population since 1980, overwhelmingly black & brown.”
1 minute VIDEO:

Of course that was when Biden was actually in power.

I see james wants Biden to kneel to Trump as the the new badge of patriotic decency... I can see the memes being generated right now. Will be all over social media.


and thanks KD, I didn't go back all the way to check. Figures james was lying again. And boy does he stick to his lies. Funny I've never seen him post a correction for any of the incorrect spam he has dumped here, and it's been a shitload.


Roger Amick said...
Trump will sell fear.

The dems OWN fear. What do you think the rioting was about, antifa, global warming, stocks crashing, millions dying from covid-19, keep healthy people locked up indoors, etc, etc, etc.

But good for him if he can wrestle that away from them.

And please kneel when addressing me in the future.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

COVID-19 cases: (UPDATED Monday, June 8, p.m.)

Worldwide confirmed, deaths:
Total cases: 6,990,100
Total deaths: 402,233

United States:
Total cases: 1,953,100
Total deaths: 110,422

Northern Plains:
South Dakota: 5,471, 65 dead
Pennington County: 305 positive, 4 deaths
Meade County: 24, 1 death
Roberts County (Sisseton-Wahpeton Reservation): 38 cases
Todd County: 37, 1 dead (Rosebud Reservation)
Moody (Flandreau): 20 cases
Oglala Lakota (Pine Ridge Reservation): 39 cases
Jackson County: 4 cases
Charles Mix (Yankton Reservation): 20 cases
Ziebach/Dewey Counties (Cheyenne River
Reservation): 3
Buffalo County: 25 cases
Minnehaha County, SD 3,407, 50 dead
Lincoln County 254, 21 dead
Brown County 298, 1 dead

Wyoming: 947, 17 dead (32.5% of Wyoming cases are Native Americans, but only 2.7% of population.)
Northern Arapahoe Reservation 4 dead
Fremont County 295 cases, 8 dead
North Dakota: 2,864, 79 dead
Standing Rock Reservation: 2
Montana: 545, 18 dead
Gallitin: 162, 1 dead
Park: 9 cases
Nebraska: 15,634, 196 dead
Thurston: 51, 0 dead
Knox (Santee) 10, 0 dead
Colorado: 27,987, 1,527 dead
Minnesota: 27,897, 1,197 dead
Iowa: 21,794, 606 dead
Tama 416, 29 dead

Miscellaneous Statistics:
Navajo Nation: 5,730, 274 dead

Texas: 75,176, 1,840 dead
Florida: 63,930, 2,699 dead
Georgia: 48,943 , 2,147 dead
Louisiana: 42,927, 2,936 dead
Arizona: 26,889, 1048 dead

New York: 382,879, 30,183 dead
California: 130,088, 4,627 dead
Michigan: 64,196, 5,894 dead
Illinois: 127,251, 5,898 dead
Washington, DC: 9,332, 489 dead
New Mexico: 8,940, 396 dead

Brazil: 691,758, 36,455 dead
Russia: 467,073, 5,851 dead
United Kingdom: 286,194, 40,542 dead
Spain: 241,550 , 27,136 dead
Italy: 234,998, 33,899 dead
Germany: 184,193, 8,674 dead
Lebanon: 1,331 , 30 dead
Palestine: 472, 3 dead
Belize: 19 cases, 2 dead
Syria: 141 cases, 6 dead

Caliphate4vr said...

CAMEROTA: "What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into. Who do I call?"

BENDER: "Yes, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors. And I know — and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege."


Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Trump will sell fear.

he won't have to alky.

he'll just sit back and watch the democrats sell stupid. disbanding PD's is the height of fucking stupidity. blacks think there's violence now? wait until the public is forced to take the law into their own hands.

and btw, when it comes to selling fear, wtf are you selling by posting this fucking nonsense each day?

Blogger Roger Amick said...
COVID-19 cases: (UPDATED Monday, June 8, p.m.)

Worldwide confirmed, deaths:
Total cases: 6,990,100
Total deaths: 402,233

United States:
Total cases: 1,953,100
Total deaths: 110,422


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Biden campaign says that they do not support defunding the police forces.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Joe Biden's campaign said in a statement Monday that the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee does not support defunding police, but is pushing for police reform and more spending on community, school, health and social programs.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The National Bureau of Economic Research said Monday that the COVID-19 crisis has officially launched the U.S. economy into a recession, thus ending the longest economic expansion on record.

Read more: What is a recession? Here are the basics

The NBER’s business cycle dating committee calls recessions based on broad checks on employment and production activity.

The committee said that it had determined that economic activity had peaked in February, citing sharp drops in employment and personal consumption following that month. The recession declaration ended the 128-month economic expansion that began in June 2009, which eclipsed the 1990s recovery as the longest on record.

When the NBER declares a “peak,” it essentially marks the beginning of a period of “significant decline.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A recession is generally perceived to be two consecutive quarters of negative growth in U.S. production, measured as real GDP.

But the NBER has other criteria that can constitute a recession, which is particularly applicable to the COVID-19 crisis given the speed of the economic downturn. The committee looks for a “significant decline in economic activity” across several economic indicators, which covers not just GDP but factors like real income and employment, as well as retail and manufacturing sales.

The NBER declares a “trough” when economic activity appears to hit a bottom, which is also reported on a lag.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus and protests over the death of George Floyd have caused Trump’s approval rating to fall and former Vice President Joe Biden to surge in the 2020 presidential race, four new national polls released in the past week show.

• A CNN poll released Monday found Trump’s approval rating has fallen 7 points over the past month, with 57 percent disapproving of the way he’s handling the presidency, compared with 38 percent who approve. “That’s his worst approval rating since January 2019,” CNN’s pollsters said, “and roughly on par with approval ratings for Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush at this point in their reelection years.”

Americans widely disapprove of Trump’s handling of race relations in general (63 percent), while 65 percent say the president’s response to the recent protests over Floyd’s death has been more harmful than helpful.

The CNN survey, conducted June 2-5, showed Biden with a 14-point lead over Trump (55 percent to 41 percent), the biggest advantage for the presumptive 2020 Democratic nominee to date.

• An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Sunday found Biden maintaining a 7-point edge (49 percent to 42 percent) over Trump among registered voters, unchanged from April. But the survey showed Biden has a 21-point lead over the president among women, a remarkable figure when you consider Hillary Clinton’s edge over Trump among women was 13 points in 2016, exit polls showed. The NBC/WSJ poll also showed most voters (53 percent) disapprove of the job Trump is doing as president, compared with 45 percent who do. His 8-point disapproval is down 3 points from last month.

• An ABC News/Ipsos poll released late last week found bad news for Trump on multiple fronts. Just 39 percent of respondents approved of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, versus 60 percent disapproval, the same numbers as in mid-May and a drop from a high of 47 percent approval in early April. His numbers on his response to Floyd’s death are even worse, with just 32 percent approval versus 66 disapproval. The poll also contains evidence that the protests attempting to call attention to systemic problems with policing are working, as 74 percent of respondents said Floyd’s death was a sign of broader problems in the treatment of African-Americans by police.

• A Reuters/Ipsos poll last week found similar support for the protesters and disapproval of Trump. More than 55 percent of Americans said they disapproved of Trump’s handling of the protest, to just one-third showing approval. That poll showed Biden with a 10-point lead over the president in the general election matchup.

The surveys were conducted amid growing nationwide protests over the death of Floyd, including clashes between police and peaceful protesters in front of the White House. And they came on the heels of the U.S. death toll from the coronavirus passing 100,000, a grim figure that the White House initially warned might be the final toll.

The Trump campaign has argued that its candidate remains strong against a “defined” Biden — meaning after recipients hear negative attack lines about the Democrat.

Trump took issue, in particular, with CNN’s poll, which showed him trailing Biden by 14 points.

“CNN Polls are as Fake as their Reporting,” the president tweeted on Monday morning. “Same numbers, and worse, against Crooked Hillary. The Dems would destroy America!”

Read more from Yahoo News:

Sharpton mocks Trump's Bible photo op at George Floyd memorial

Barr defends use of non-identified officers in D.C. as Democrats demand answers

Biden demands justice in George Floyd death

Obama to George Floyd protesters: Channel 'justifiable' anger into action

Yahoo News Poll: Most Americans say Trump is a ‘racist’ and want him to stop tweeting


Trump to oversee the SHORTEST RECESSION of ALL-TIME!!!


does this mean Obama will stop trying to claim Trump's successes are his despite Obama not having a "magic wand"?

I really hope Biden kneels during a debate with Trump. Trump will be grinning from ear-to-ear !!!


Trump War Room

Anthony Swatzie thanked President Trump for signing the #FirstStepAct.

Anthony was serving a DOUBLE LIFE SENTENCE for a drug offense. After 20 years in prison, he's FREE.

Joe Biden failed to pass criminal justice reform. President Trump got it done!
Powerful Video:

Biden had his knee over this black man's neck and he saw no way out. Trump set him free and he is VERY THANKFUL

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
The Biden campaign says that they do not support defunding the police forces.

and tomorrow ol' joey stinkfinger will forget ever addressing it.


anonymous said... rat still thinks his side is winning!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!! And fucking daddy just is stupid!!!!

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. economy entered a recession in February as the coronavirus struck the nation, a group of economists declared Monday, ending the longest expansion on record.

The economists said that employment, income and spending peaked in February and then fell sharply afterward as the viral outbreak shut down businesses across the country, marking the start of the downturn after nearly 11 full years of economic growth.

A committee within the National Bureau of Economic Research, a trade group, determines when recessions begin and end. It broadly defines a recession as “a decline in economic activity that lasts more than a few months.”

For that reason, the NBER typically waits longer before making a determination that the economy is in a downturn. In the previous recession, the committee did not declare that the economy was in recession until December 2008, a year after it had actually begun. But in this case, the NBER said the collapse in employment and incomes was so steep that it could much more quickly make a determination.

“The unprecedented magnitude of the decline in employment and production, and its broad reach across the entire economy, warrants the designation of this episode as a recession, even if it turns out to be briefer than earlier contractions,” the NBER panel said.

The way the NBER defines recessions, they begin in the same month that the previous expansion ends. Because the economy peaked in February, that is the month when the recession officially began, rather than in March, when unemployment began to rise.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Former U. S. Ambassador to the EU says:
Trump Evokes Comparison to Mussolini

Former U.S. Ambassador to the EU Anthony Gardner told Politico that President Trump “evokes memories of Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini and that former Trump officials who are now criticizing the president, like ex-Defense Secretary James Mattis, are ‘collaborators’ who should have spoken out sooner or never joined the administration in the first place."

Said Gardner:
“You know I am glad that these people are speaking out, but I’ll be very honest here, and undiplomatic: I don’t welcome those statements in the sense that those people served this president. And to me quite bluntly they are accomplices…

"So when you chose to work for this kind of administration, which showed its true colors very early on, at some point you abetted the policies even if afterwards you decided that they’re terrible, that the man you were serving is a terrible person. So while I am glad they are saying what they are saying, it comes too late.”

Retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey says:

“This powerful, good nation is in trouble. The root cause is division and anger purposely created by Trump. The next President will need four years of national reconciliation. We need to restore American values. We need to address racial injustice.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Richmond Times Dispatch:
KKK Leader Drove Car Into Protesters

A Virginia man charged with intentionally driving his car into a group of protesters this weekend is the head of the Virginia Ku Klux Klan, the Richmond Times Dispatch reports.

Is there a video of a policeman holding him down with a knee on his neck?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Wall Street Journal says:
Some States See Coronavirus Cases Rise

“Nearly three months since the U.S. declared a national emergency over the new coronavirus, some states are reporting a rise in new cases as they lift restrictions meant to slow the virus’s spread.

“California, Utah, Arizona, North Carolina, Florida, Arkansas and Texas, among others, have all logged rises in confirmed cases…
Meantime, New York City, the U.S. area hit hardest by the pandemic, has seen a drop in cases and deaths and plans to begin reopening its economy Monday.”

Dr. Fauci warned this would happen.

You see, lockdown worked.
Abandoning lockdown too quickly and/or unwisely does not work.

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that
Most Americans voters are still uncomfortable with large gatherings.

Two-thirds of American voters say they would not feel comfortable flying on a plane or attending a large gathering due to continued worry about the spread of the coronavirus.

Half of all voters are also uneasy about dining at restaurants,
and half of parents say they are uncomfortable sending their children back to school or daycare in August.

Is Trump going to (try to) dictate opening the schools?
And will he (try to) dictate a large GOP convention gathering?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Virginia man charged with intentionally driving his car into a group of protesters this weekend is the head of the Virginia KKK

Anonymous said...

A Virginia man charged with intentionally driving his car into a group of protesters this weekend is the head of the Virginia Ku Klux Klan, the Richmond Times Dispatch reports.

...and a fine, upstanding democrat.


dumbass. had he waited a couple of weeks the cops would've been disbanded and he wouldn't be in trouble.

Anonymous said...

We need to restore American values. We need to address racial injustice.”

and obviously the shortest path to accomplishing that goal is to defund the police.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Virginia man charged with intentionally driving his car into a group of protesters this weekend is the head of the Virginia KKK

the pederast already posted this alky. you must be particulary proud to re-post it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Nobody wants to have the Republican convention without social spacing and face masking.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I'm sure you're proud too, rb. Your kind of action.

Caliphate4vr said...

California, Utah, Arizona, North Carolina, Florida, Arkansas and Texas, among others, have all logged rises in confirmed cases


You have to be dumbest person in the internet, you’re definitely the most boring

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump's father was a member of the KKK

Caliphate4vr said...

The stupid old pederast intentionality misleads or out right lies

Florida initiated the second phase for reopening the economy Friday, one day after the largest spike in coronavirus cases were reported since the beginning of March.

But due to increased testing statewide, the Florida Department of Health reports that infection rates are on the decline, despite 1,419 new cases reported Thursday – the highest daily increase since reporting started.

Commonsense said...

President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus and protests over the death of George Floyd have caused Trump’s approval rating to fall and former Vice President Joe Biden to surge in the 2020 presidential race, four new national polls released in the past week show.

So all you're saying is all the Democrats have to do is not act crazy. 🙄🙄🙄

Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Commonsense said...

The large portion of "my ancestors" came from Scandinavia and didn't arrive in the United States till a 2-3 generations ago. Half my grandparents were born outside the U.S. (Sweden, Norway).

My wife still has the Swedish bibles that her great grandmother and grandfather had when the settle North Dakota and Minnesota in the late 19th century.

( They also at one time owned about half of North Dakota but all we got were the bibles)

Anonymous said...

"Caliphate4vrJune 8, 2020 at 12:50 PM

CAMEROTA: "What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into. Who do I call?"

BENDER: "Yes, I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors. And I know — and myself, too, and I know that that comes from a place of privilege." 


Yes it is.

Anonymous said...


You are welcome, James lies like it is his GOD Given Talent.

James is a perfect Socialist Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Black Lives Matter co-founder
"Defund the police" slogan

Yep, right off their web page.

Commonsense said...

James is a perfect Socialist Democrat

Yo can delete the word "Democrat". Godless socialist is a more apt description.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

@ 2:21: You mean to tell us, Cali,
that the Wall Street Journal is LYING?
(see post at 2:03 PM)
The much esteemed, conservative WSJ is LYING?

Because, you see, I was only quoting them.

Anonymous said...

James, you called Cali not Human.
Have you retracted that statement?

Caliphate4vr said...

You placed the supposed Fauci quote out of context, under the WSJ article, because you are simply too stupid to understand

Yes that makes you a liar

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You placed the supposed Fauci quote out of context, under the WSJ article, because you are simply too stupid to understand
Yes that makes you a liar

That's exactly what Fauci said REPEATEDLY.
He repeatedly warned that to ease up on distancing requirements too quickly would likely result in a spike in virus cases.

And now we see it happening.

So YOU are the constant liar.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Fauci warns of "serious" consequences if U.S. reopens too soon

Washington — Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's leading infectious diseases expert, expressed a fear that if cities and states do not adhere to the government's guidelines on when and how they can begin to reopen, there could be more COVID-19 outbreaks.

Caliphate4vr said...

It’s testing you dumbass.

You are simply too stupid

Caliphate4vr said...

And thanks for the month old Fauci quote, like I said placing it where you did makes you a liar

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

Trump's father was a member of the KKK

that's a lie, alky.

a flat out lie.

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...
I'm sure you're proud too, rb. Your kind of action.

not me pederast.

the klan was and is the terrorist arm of the democrat party.

Caliphate4vr said...

And BTW stupid

Most people who have coronavirus do not spread it to others - study
More than half "of SARS-CoV-2 infections in Hong Kong have been associated with at least one of 135 known clusters," the researchers wrote.

Most coronavirus infections are caused by "superspreaders" – people who spread the infection to a large number of people, according to a new study carried out by a group of epidemiologists in Hong Kong.
"Approximately 20% of SARS-CoV-2 infections are responsible for 80% of all transmission events in Hong Kong," the researchers noted. They also found that all incidents of spreading occurred indoorsand that 70% of those infected did not spread the virus to others.

So you stay quivering in place, let the rest of us live our lives

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

you're a liar, alky.

from your own wapo link:

It's not clear from the context what role Fred Trump played in the brawl. The news article simply notes that seven men were arrested in the "near-riot of the parade," all of whom were represented by the same lawyers. Update: A contemporaneous article from the Daily Star notes that Trump was detained "on a charge of refusing to disperse from a parade when ordered to do so."

this was your claim:

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Trump's father was a member of the KKK

your own article states no such thing.

if you feel the need to lie alky, your position is one of severe weakness.

so why are you lying alky when the source YOU provided clearly states otherwise?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Dozens of retired generals and admirals have now criticized Donald Trump and his tactics - including the commander who oversaw the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

No American president has ever inspired this kind of pushback.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I posted the link to show that I was wrong about the father of Trump.

Anonymous said...

During the 2016 Presidential campaign the question was raised of whether or not President Donald Trump’s father was a member of the notorious domestic terrorist organization, the Ku Klux Klan.

The allegation stems from an arrest record showing that the President’s father, Fred Trump who resided with his mother Elizabeth at 175-24 Devonshire Road, was arrested as a result of an encounter with the Klan at what the media erroneously called a Ku Klux Klan rally.

In fact, historians have confirmed that it was the annual Queen County Memorial Day Parade of 1927.

Here is a rundown of what happened and why history is sometimes blurred by politics.


The Daily Star of June 1, 1927 reports that Fred Trump was “dismissed on a charge of refusing to disperse from a parade when ordered to do so.” Trump was the only one of the seven to have his charges dismissed at the arraignment. The parade went straight through Trump’s hometown of Jamaica and was attended by 100,000 people.

There is nothing at all connecting Fred Trump to the Klan other than his mere presence as a spectator to the largest Memorial Day Parade in the country.

The distance from the home at 175-24 Devonshire Road in Jamaica (which still stands today) and where he was arrested is only ¾ of a mile away or about a 10-minute walk from his front door.

you're a pathological liar, alky.


No American president has ever inspired this kind of pushback

Not since Bush.

It's became a tactic of the left and their "mob"

Reagan faced it too until after he was re-elected in a landslide. And don't tell me you voted for him a typical liberal tactic, liberals hated him, campuses rioted against him, he broke up a union, assisted El Salvador, called out tree huggers etc etc. all very unpopular with liberals He crushed his democrat opponent Mondale.

And Biden is much worse than Mondale


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You keep saying that the KKK is a branch of the Democratic party.

If you actually read a history book about the Civil war era. And how the politics of the United States, you would know that the Democratic party changed into the modern era is not a KKK party.

After Charchotville he said that there were good people on both sides.

Members of KKK and anti-semites were there. Because you're a racist person you don't care.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And thanks for the month old Fauci quote, like I said placing it where you did makes you a liar

May the 13th makes it a month old?
Again you show who the liar is.


In fairness Biden does remind people of Reagan in his last years of his life.


James, you petty shithead.

If you use rounding, and "scientists" do, 20+ days would round to a month.

What an anal asshole

Bet you have a reputation for that



And that's like 25 or 26 days ??? and you find fault for someone calling that a month.

the "pastor" lies daily like a drum and now he pulls out his ruler and starts measuring his neighbors grass ?

FUCK OFF "pastor"

C.H. Truth said...

“California, Utah, Arizona, North Carolina, Florida, Arkansas and Texas, among others, have all logged rises in confirmed cases…
Meantime, New York City, the U.S. area hit hardest by the pandemic, has seen a drop in cases and deaths and plans to begin reopening its economy Monday.”

So far today...

New York - 60 deaths

California - 3 deaths
Utah - 3 deaths
Arizona - 3 deaths
North Carolina - 9 deaths
Florida - 12 deaths
Arkansas - 0 deaths
Texas - 4 deaths

Yep... some real hot spots!

American voters said...

26 days is close enough to a month to use as a time reference. To nitpick this is an argument of last resort.

Anonymous said...

You keep saying that the KKK is a branch of the Democratic party.

If you actually read a history book about the Civil war era. And how the politics of the United States, you would know that the Democratic party changed into the modern era is not a KKK party.

that's the biggest fucking lie of all, alky. you guys are so desperate to re-write that part of american history because it is DAMNING to the left.

no one changed fucking places. repeating that lie a billion times doesn't make it true.

you only have to look at how a black conservative is treated by the left to understand the hatred the left has for any black person who doesn't tow the party line.

you're as guilty as anyone. i've seen the vitriol you're posted criticizing Clarence Thomas. it's disgusting. and flatly false. but it never stopped you from posting it.

The absolute worst I have ever been treated, the worst things that have been done to me, the worst things that have been said about me, are by northern liberal elites, not by the people of Savannah, Georgia.

- Clarence Thomas

i can understand your desperation to revise history. and i can also understand why you and your ilk should nere be allowed to get away with it.

Caliphate4vr said...

Wow Pederast you got me by 4 days, you fucking liar.

And you didn’t dispute MY FACTS. It must suck to be senile, stupid old pederast


Julie Kelly

So 9 of the 13 members of the Minneapolis City Council are white. The mayor is white. They plan to defund police, which will leave the poorest minorities in the city vulnerable to crime with no protection. How is that not racist?

They will post signs throughout the city saying please kneel instead of calling 9-1-1

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Let's not round anything off.

JUNE 4, 2020
Many public health experts, like National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH) boss Dr. Anthony Fauci,
have been walking the fine line of acknowledging the protests’ righteousness while expressing fear that they may further spread the disease. “Every time I hear about or see the congregation of large crowds at a time and geographic area where there is active infection transmission, it is a perfect set-up for the spread of the virus in the sense of creating these blips that might turn into some surges,” Fauci said IN A FRIDAY interview with Washington, D.C. radio station WTOP. “It’s a delicate balance, because the reasons for demonstrating are valid,” he added later.

Fauci continues to warn that not observing lockdowns and/or social distancing can be dangerous. And it's coming true.

Cali LIES, plain and simple.

Caliphate4vr said...

You are the liar pederast, you used a May 13th quote and attached it to an article from today’s WSJ. Now, as always after you get caught lying, try to move the goal posts. As I’ve said repeatedly, you are a lying despicable POS.


Caliphate4vr said...
You are the liar pederast, you used a May 13th quote and attached it to an article from today’s WSJ. Now, as always after you get caught lying, try to move the goal posts. As I’ve said repeatedly, you are a lying despicable POS.

That's why I often refer to him as a lying POS "pastor". Never have I seen a "man of the cloth" lie so much, act above everyone and yet have so little knowledge. Constantly.

For instance he never did publish the links to any of the multiple videos he claimed to have seen showing Trump supporters spitting on people for wearing facemasks. I've never seen them and I gave up after pressing him for a few days.

It's also not worth even engaging because he is the constant weasel, not interested in the truth. And the truth is he worships his politics, not God.

But he will respond with a biblical quote, it's in his "toolbox" and he wraps himself in it.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

LOL I "moved the goal post" by giving you a recent Fauci quote that PROVES I was right when I said Dr. Fauci has REPEATEDLY and I say again REPEATEDLY stated his worry about easing up too soon or quickly on social distancing.

If I were to give you a quote from him today affirming that, you would still say I lied.

Trump does that too. Says black is white and then says no, it's black when they catch him in a lie.


Caliphate4vr said...

Also, the Hong Kong study, I posted earlier, shows 0, nada, none, no transmission outdoors, pedophile

So Fauci’s concern over the spread from the protesters is irrelevant

Anonymous said...

The stay a home hoax was killed by the rioters.

Only ass🤡 keep talking about them

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Crackdown Before Trump’s Photo Op

“Drawing on footage captured from dozens of cameras, as well as police radio communications and other records, the Washington Post reconstructed the events of this latest remarkable hour of Trump’s presidency, including of the roles of the agencies involved and the tactics and weaponry they used.”


Police Officers Slashed Tires During Protests in Minneapolis

“Two law enforcement agencies acknowledged Monday that officers patrolling Minneapolis during the height of recent protests knifed the tires of numerous vehicles parked and unoccupied in at least two locations in the midst of the unrest,” the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports.

Video and photo images posted by Mother Jones show officers in military-style uniforms puncturing tires in the Kmart parking lot at Lake Street and Nicollet Avenue on May 30.


Trump Mulls Replacing His Son-In-Law

Gabriel Sherman: “In Donald Trump’s West Wing, being a member of the Trump family has historically been the ultimate job security. But that truism is being stress-tested after a run of polls consistently show Trump losing to Joe Biden at this stage of the race—a CNN poll this morning has him down 14 points. According to a source close to the White House, Trump has mulled taking oversight of the campaign away from his son-in-law Jared Kushner.”

Said a former West Wing official: “Trump is malignantly crazy about the bad poll numbers. He’s going to broom Kushner and Parscale—the numbers are not getting better.”

“Long before the reelection campaign went sideways, Trump frequently blew up at Kushner. For instance, former West Wing officials recall how Trump hated when Kushner received too much positive press.”


Trump to Restart His Campaign Rallies

“Donald Trump is planning to restart rallies in the next two weeks in a major turning point for the president since the coronavirus shut down traditional campaigning,” Politico reports.

“Trump’s advisers are still determining where the rallies will take place and what safety measures will be implemented, depending on the type of venue chosen. Campaign manager Brad Parscale is expected to present Trump with possibilities within the next few days.”


Anonymous said...

🤡raid that killed Osama bin Laden🤡

The Raid Joe Biden was dead set against.



Dan Bongino

Spokesman for George W. Bush Says NYT Story Claiming He Won’t Vote for Trump Is Bogus

I already posted link to Texas paper but no correction from the "pastor"

Happens daily in his spam blasts which re resorts to every time he gets his ass handed to him.

In other words daily.


yep, triggered ROFLMFAO !!!


Regular readers of this blog know the constant spamming, lying and obsession for that left-wing Taegan Goddard blog by a certain poster. That poster james, also called the "pastor" (which he claims to be even if you can't tell by his actions) is the POS responsible and considers his mindless rude behavior his hobby. Sometimes he credits Taegan Goddard, sometimes he doesn't.

He has descended so far into TDS and desperation he fills every discussion thread with what people have described as an avalanche of spam. If this is being posted today is no different. He even gets his edited news from that site and spams that if he thinks it will hurt Trump. Every day he repeats what that site posts, regardless of topic. It gets so bad he feels the need to even repeat his spam multiple times in a single thread as well as posting in every active thread the very same spam.

He has exhibited the same mental deterioration as Joe Biden and his postings should be given the same consideration. Both their heads will probably explode when it becomes obvious that Trump will win a second term. Biden will not even notice his head did.

--Retired pastor James, an old white POS who will waterboy forever from his ultra-liberal GODdard and savior political_lire's blog.

No matter what the thread topic is.

And will try and do whatever it takes or approve of any means, legal or illegal, to dispose of a duly elected president.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Re 4:23 PM

What I posted yesterday contained the denial.

You lie again.

anonymous said...

posted earlier, shows 0, nada, none, no transmission outdoors,

While other studies say it more difficult . A single study with a singular conclusion which you feel is fact is most amusing for the UGA grad who drank his way through college like Kemp!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gabriel Sherman


only a goddamned fool believes a word that sherman has to say.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The New York Times:
George Bush Won’t Vote for Trump

The New York Times reports that former President George W. Bush won’t endorse — or vote for — Donald Trump for President.

In response to the report, a senior Bush aide told NBC News that the former president hasn’t indicated how he will vote.


Well now, W can easily clear that up by stating that he WILL vote for Trump -- or NOT.

Caliphate4vr said...

Hey fatman, I put the townhouse up for sale Friday, daughter moved to KSU campus 6/01, signed the contract yesterday for a cool 50% over what I bought it for, just 5 years ago

Go eat a pie

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Hey liar you posted

"The New York Times:
George Bush Won’t Vote for Trump"

That's a LIE from political_lire and was NOT the New York Times headline

You then pasted that exact LIE here without any indication that was Goddard and NOT the New York Times. The Bush spokesman said this report was "bogus". That's not a weasel word. Your posting is a LIE, as is your failed attempt to dance around.

And while you still dispute this where's those links you say existed to multiple videos????? We both know that's yet ANOTHER LIE.

Commonsense said...

The New York Times reports that former President George W. Bush won’t endorse — or vote for — Donald Trump for President.

Which was denied by Bush's spokesman.


What's funny about many of james's lies is that he plagiarizes them from Goddard's political_lire without attribution. Like he thinks that gives him some sort of immunity since they reference a deeper source even if the headline or content is a lie that he posts here.

A dishonest fucking idiot he is.

And apparently clueless on what he is doing.

But he sure has established a negative reputation.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I didn't lie. I never knowingly lie, the way Trump does, the way you do. I may be mistaken some times, I may not be correct sometimes, but I NEVER knowingly lie.

At 4:35 above I quoted the entire NY times statement and then the NBC news disclaimer, and then in my own words I pointed out how easy it will be for Geo. W. Bush himself simply to state whether he will or will not vote for Trump.

I'm sure he will NOT.

Unlike many Republicans, Geo. W. has retained a considerable amount of his integrity.

Caliphate4vr said...

You lie on a daily basis, pederast


He even lies about not lying.

That's a true pathological liar.

Not very many of those in the world.