Monday, June 8, 2020

Let's introduce some of the characters!

Charged with aiding and abetting Murder: Rookie Officer Lane is a University of Minnesota graduate who worked with at-risk youth as a juvenile detention guard and probation officer in the Twin Cities before applying as a police recruit at age 35. Application forms also list a litany of volunteer work mentoring Somali youth and school kids.

Charged with aiding and abetting Murder:  Rookie Officer Kueng is of mixed race and identifies as African-American, according to someone close to him who asked not to be named. Kueng was captain of the varsity soccer team at Patrick Henry High School in Minneapolis, where he graduated in 2012. He also played for the Cruz Azul Minnesota soccer club, according to a soccer recruiting website. He also worked at Target, and he coached youth baseball and soccer at the Brooklyn Center Community Center.

Man who is now a hero and martyr to much of America (George Floyd): 
Arrest record: 
8-3-1997 Manufacturing and delivery of drugs;
9-25-1998 theft from person;
12-9-1998 theft of 50-500 dollars;
8-29-2001 failure to identify himself to police;
10-29-2002 possession of less than 1 gram;
1-3-2203 Trespassing on private property/no forced entry;
2-6-2004 Manufacturing and delivery of less than 1 gram;
12-15-2005 possession with intent to manufacture and delivery of drugs > 4 grams;
1-27-2007 Aggravated robbery, w/deadly weapon (against pregnant woman);
The final straw for Floyd came after serving five years in prison in 2009 for aggravated assault stemming from a robbery in 2007 where he entered a woman’s home, pressed a gun into her stomach and searched the home for drugs and money, according to court records.
Keeping in mind that at the time of his most recent arrest, the innocent minding his own business George Floyd had Fentanyl, Meth, and Cannabis in his system, and that the 911 call from the store worker described him as pretty much falling down intoxicated.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

So you actually think this justifies holding him down the way those officers did while he begged for breath and asked not to be killed and even cried out for his "mama"?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Opens Up Big Lead Over Trump
June 8, 2020 at 6:32 am EDT

A new CNN poll finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in the presidential race nationally, 55% to 41%.

Trump’s approval rate has slipped to 38% to 57%.


anonymous said...

Yep.....George is dead and is still dead because a dumb ass cop killed him......His past indiscretions are nothing more then you looking for an excuse that he should be dead at the hands of police.....GO FUCK YOURSELF Lil SCHITTY......The only thing important or you is protecting trump as 80% think the country is outta control!!!!! Keep jumping for is all you got!!!!!!

anonymous said...

BTW....Lil Schitty......trump is down by 12 in latest Mi poll.....yep....keep swallowing as General Powell is on record calling trump a LIAR!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Anyone here but rat and Lil Schitty think trump is winning over the black and women vote????????

anonymous said...

Something that the idiots on the right will claim is a bad modeling prediction.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

hutdowns prevented 60 million coronavirus infections in the U.S., study finds
A separate study estimated that stay-at-home orders and other restrictions saved about 3.1 million lives in 11 European countries and effectively dropped infection rates below epidemic levels

Wonder when Lil Schitty will admit his 2.2 million death prediction was wrong????????

anonymous said...

CNN latest approval rating Trump 38% !!!!!!!! Yep Lil Schitty......he's winning over the voters BIGLEY!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Monday, June 8, 2020
Let's introduce some of the characters!
Charged with aiding and abetting Murder: Rookie Officer Lane is a University of Minnesota graduate who worked with at-risk youth

Now there is a great endorsement for the quality of students at your alma mater, Lil SChitty!!!!!

Charged with aiding and abetting Murder: Rookie Officer Kueng
e also played for the Cruz Azul Minnesota soccer club, according to a soccer recruiting website. He also worked at Target,

Wow, played soccer and worked at target!!!! No wonder why he stood there with his hands in his pockets and did nothing!!!!!! Great Bio Lil Schitty....sure hope your spawn are smarter than these asshole and you!!!!! bWAAAAAAAAAA!@!!!

Anonymous said...

the colon: a "republican."


Noah Pollak

Colin Powell public presidential endorsements:
2008: Obama
2012: Obama
2016: Clinton
2020: Biden

But please, journos, carry on with your breaking news coverage of this former Republican official who is courageously breaking ranks with his Party.

11:57 AM · Jun 7, 2020·Twitter Web App

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Thanks for pointing out, as Colin Powell himself has, how far the Republican party has moved from its former self.

Myballs said...

And how far is that? The current Republican president spent most of his life a NYC democrat who donated to bill clinton.

anonymous said...

NYC democrat who donated to bill clinton.


AND rat the asshole denies Powells' status as an R......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Mental agility is not your forte asshole!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for pointing out, as Colin Powell himself has, how far the Republican party has moved from its former self.

all i pointed out is the fact that the colon is not and never was a republican.

he's a liar.

Commonsense said...

Powell has not voted Republican for at least 16 years.

Caliphate4vr said...

Democrats Scramble to Win Over More Black Men
Some black voters are attracted to what they describe as President Trump’s tell-it-like-it-is demeanor, surveys found

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Thanks for pointing out, as Colin Powell himself has, how far the Republican party has moved from its former self.

And how far is that? The current Republican president spent most of his life a NYC democrat who donated to bill clinton.

If you really want to see how far Powell thinks the GOP has strayed from its former self, go to the Wikipedia article on Colin Powell and read the following sections:

Role in presidential election of 2008
Views on the Obama administration
The 2016 Presidential election
--when he warned that the GOP had begun to move to the fringe right
Views on the Trump administration

Powell did not like Hillary Clinton, but voted for her over Trump, whom he considered to be "not qualified," a "racist," "a national disgrace" with "no sense of shame," and said, "to call him an idiot only emboldens him."

More recently, Powell warned that the GOP needed to "get a grip" and "put the country before their party by standing up to President Trump rather than worry about political fallout."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

That's pretty far, isn't it?


On topic:

Let's introduce some of the characters!
Charged with aiding and abetting Murder: Rookie Officer Lane is a University of Minnesota graduate who worked with at-risk youth as a juvenile detention guard and probation officer in the Twin Cities before applying as a police recruit at age 35. Application forms also list a litany of volunteer work mentoring Somali youth and school kids.

Charged with aiding and abetting Murder: Rookie Officer Kueng is of mixed race and identifies as African-American, according to someone close to him who asked not to be named. Kueng was captain of the varsity soccer team at Patrick Henry High School in Minneapolis, where he graduated in 2012. He also played for the Cruz Azul Minnesota soccer club, according to a soccer recruiting website. He also worked at Target, and he coached youth baseball and soccer at the Brooklyn Center Community Center.

I see james is once again running from the topic at hand.

It will be interesting to see what a jury finds on this case and not a lynch mob and what the defense is. Obviously on the surface the video and act looked despicable. Part of that was the black gloves the officer was wearing which made it appear (at least to me) that his hands were in his pocket as he applied force. But they weren't. The officers should have been requesting medical assistance but we haven't heard their side yet. And we should be a nation of law and order not lynch mobs and rioters.

On the surface these two officers appear to be people we would want patrolling. Let's listen to what they have to say. I really doubt they are white supremists.


James said...
That's pretty far, isn't it?

I'm assuming you are talking about being off-topic and yes it is.

as usual

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ha ha ha. I'm definitely on topic here.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Was rat off topic at 7:03AM?
(Let's all roll on the floor laughing.)


James said...
Ha ha ha. I'm definitely on topic here.

June 8, 2020 at 8:15 AM
James said...
Was rat off topic at 7:03AM?
(Let's all roll on the floor laughing.)

you definitely were not "on topic". Guess you are incapable of understanding basic concepts.

Yes rat answered you.

And you posted the exact sane tripe in multiple threads, a sign of desperation when it is done as much as you do it. Almost always from the exact same source. People post off-topic. just not continuously. except you.

Also a sigh of a mental disorder, like Biden.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

rat answered who?

Who mentioned Powell before rat did?

C.H. Truth said...

The Reverend is still wondering why William Barr didn't charge Daniel Pantaleo with the death of Eric Garner (even though Barr didn't become A.G. till nearly five years later).

Once he gets a handle on that one, he can figure out why nobody was charged in the Michael Brown (hands up don't shoot case) or why juries failed to convict any of the officers in the Freddy Grey case.

All of these coming during the Obama (not Trump) Presidency.


James said...
rat answered who?

Who mentioned Powell before rat did?

yep you got me there. Like others I usually don't read your tripe and I assumed wrong. My bad. Big "win" for the "pastor"



C.H. Truth said...
The Reverend is still wondering why William Barr didn't charge Daniel Pantaleo with the death of Eric Garner (even though Barr didn't become A.G. till nearly five years later).

Once he gets a handle on that one, he can figure out why nobody was charged in the Michael Brown (hands up don't shoot case) or why juries failed to convict any of the officers in the Freddy Grey case.

All of these coming during the Obama (not Trump) Presidency.

the "pastor" has the same grip on reality that Biden has.

dementia is not a pretty sight.

not ROFLMFAO !!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I have a handle on it, Ch.
Where were you?
(Too busy sycophanting for Trump?)

Daily Mail, July 16 2019

Federal prosecutors announced this morning they will not pursue civil rights charges against a New York City police officer in the 2014 chokehold death of Eric Garner, sparking fury among his family members and activists.

The decision not to bring charges against Officer Daniel Pantaleo comes a day before the statute of limitations was set to expire, on the fifth anniversary of the encounter that led to Garner's death.

Richard Donoghue, US attorney for eastern New York, said at a press conference Tuesday morning that an exhaustive investigation has found there is 'insufficient evidence' to prove 'beyond a reasonable doubt' that Pantaleo acted 'willfully' when applying a chokehold.

A senior Justice Department official said Attorney General William Barr ultimately decided NOT TO SIDE WITH PROSECUTORS in the Justice Department's civil rights division who wanted to charge Pantaleo.


C.H. Truth said...

I really doubt they are white supremists.

I think the mixed race cop who identifies himself as black...

Is probably quite the white supremacist.

Probably has Nazi paraphernalia, swastika tats, and the whole nine yards!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Looks like I got both of you.
Rolling on floor laughing laughing laughing laughing etc. etc. etc.

Caliphate4vr said...

He’s a white-black, like Zimmerman was a white-hispanic

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Were you wrong about Barr, Ch?
F'n just admitted he was wrong about Powell.

Man up to it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...




I am willing to bet my entire life savings that Joe Biden cannot recite the alphabet from memory.

probably couldn't count from 1 to 10 anymore. probably the "pastor" can't either.


and "pastor" if this was such a strong case why didn't the Obama justice department act for years and waited to dump on Barr at the last minute ?

Are you really that stupid ? See above (james is probably at wikipedia looking up the alphabet along with Joe)

C.H. Truth said...

Sure Reverend...

For five years nobody charged anyone, William Barr is sworn in as Attorney General about five months prior to the statute of limitations running out...

and it's "his" fault?

Make no mistake, Reverend. The choice not to charge was made a long time ago. The fact that there was a political push prior to the statute of limitations running out (which prompted the announcement) isn't really relevant here.

But I understand your confusion. Your need to blame everything on Trump and people around Trump puts you in this position.

Sort of like how you forgot about the Freddie Grey, Eric Gardner, Michael Brown protests and riots when you suggested that nobody rioted because they all respected Obama.

Well it looks like Obama and his gang couldn't find a crime anymore than anyone else could in the Eric Gardner case. But if that seems curious today (as four officers are charged for what appears to be a less obvious attempt to choke a suspect) - then that is my point.

And let's be clear... a Federal Charge when State Charges are appropriate was always a long, long, long shot. This was an act committed in New York. If the state of New York didn't find it to be a crime at all, then how can the Federal Government find it to be a civil rights crime?


james said:
F'n just admitted he was wrong about Powell.

I did not you fucking liar. I said I was wrong about who posted first. I am right about Powell and it is not complimentary.

For a "pastor" you are a despicable piece of shit.

Capiche ?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

As usual, you dance around, Ch.

Simple fact:

A senior Justice Department official said Attorney General William Barr ultimately decided NOT TO SIDE WITH PROSECUTORS in the Justice Department's civil rights division who WANTED TO CHARGE PANTALEOU.

But of course you call that justice.

Keep telling that to blacks.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Who mentioned Powell before rat did?

yep you got me there. Like others I usually don't read your tripe and I assumed wrong. My bad. Big "win" for the "pastor"

Yep, I got you there. Big win for me. Thanks for admitting it.

C.H. Truth said...

.A senior Justice Department official said Attorney General William Barr ultimately decided NOT TO SIDE WITH PROSECUTORS in the Justice Department's civil rights division who WANTED TO CHARGE PANTALEOU

Again Reverend:

He died in 2014 when Eric Holder was A.G.:

Eric Holder could have charged him
Loretta Lynch could have charged him
Sally Yates could have charged him
Jeff Sessions could have charged him

Why on god's green earth would you blame the guy who came in a couple months before the statute of limitations as the one to be responsible?

Well... other than Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Should we give Derek Chauvin until 2025 before we make a decision on Federal Charges or would you expect something a little earlier?

Just curious...

Oh... and you know I don't follow "fiction" which of course is the generally rule of any story that cites an "unidentified official".


james said:
F'n just admitted he was wrong about Powell.

See I did NOT admit anything ABOUT Powell

just who posted about him

Obviously either you are too STUPID to UNDERSTAND or are a FUCKING WEASELY LIAR.


I think both

anonymous said...

Powell has not voted Republican for at least 16 years.

June 8, 2020 at 7:45 AM
Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
Democrats Scramble to Win Over More Black Men

Yep....those black men are rushing back to the GOP in droves......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
General Election: Trump vs. Biden CNN Biden 55, Trump 41 Biden +14
President Trump Job Approval CNN Approve 40, Disapprove 57 Disapprove +17
Sunday, June 7
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
General Election: Trump vs. Biden NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl Biden 49, Trump 42 Biden +7
Michigan: Trump vs. Biden EPIC-MRA Biden 53, Trump 41 Biden +12
President Trump Job Approval NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl Approve 45, Disapprove 53 Disapprove +8
2020 Generic Congressional Vote NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl Democrats 51, Republicans 40 Democrats +11

anonymous said...

Yes there was GAS!!!!! Barr playing word games for idiots like the R's here!!!!

There are two ways in which Barr is trying to be clever with his phrasing in order to obscure the reality of what happened. He tries to differentiate between the compound used by the Park Police, oleoresin capsicum, which isn’t man-made, and products like chloroacetophenone and chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile, which are. All of these are “chemicals,” of course, just as any constituted physical compound in our known universe is, like water or arsenic or air. Barr is trying to suggest that the difference in the composition of what was used somehow kicks it down to a lower tier of questionability — or removes it from contention as “tear gas.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in an overview of “riot control agents,” identifies the effects experienced by reporters as side effects from tear gas, and even specifically states that pepper spray meets its definition of a riot control agent. A spokesman for the Park Police on Friday admitted that the organization’s denying the use of tear gas was a mistake — although the Park Police later stood by its original denial.

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

Who mentioned Powell before rat did?

the alky did. repeatedly. on multiple threads. just like he does every time the colon comes out with his latest democrat presidential endorsement.

anonymous said...

He died in 2014 when Eric Holder was A.G.:

And pigs can fly you disingenuous pile of trump shit!!!!!


How come does Biden keep making those campaign adds for Trump?

The Trump campaign has way more than enough material to use already.

Probably waiting until the dems are totally locked in on Biden and his running mate.


And the voters will follow.

and the top dems actually know this

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch, this was an ongoing case in which Barr was the AG at the time a final decision had to be made before the statute of limitations would run out on it, and he decided against "prosecutors in the Justice Department's civil rights division who WANTED TO CHARGE PANTALEOU."

Barr and Trump and the GOP and you bear responsibility for that decision. I don't.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Because you call that justice, you bear responsibility.


So james is saying Obama and Holder and Loretta Lynch and Yates and Jeff Sessions could have charged him but they thought it better to wait for Trump and Barr?

They were probably right.

And Obama was to busy spying anyway

Anonymous said...

Barr and Trump and the GOP and you bear responsibility for that decision. I don't.

sure pederast.

what incentive did barr have to go back and re-open that case? seriously. what was to be gained?

garner was an idiot. he'd probably be alive today if he had simply complied with the orders from the cop.

anonymous said...

The hysterical comments you assholes are making about Powell is indicative that all your minds have had O2 deprivation by having your heads stuck up trumps fat obese white ass for 3 years!!!! Mattis, Mullen , Kelly all part of trumps inner circle now speaking out against him!!!!! Any of you assholes note that the only wall trump has completed now encircles the WH to protect the chickenshit liar from the people he is supposed to certainly a beautiful wall of shame!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Barr decided against "prosecutors in the Justice Department's civil rights division who WANTED TO CHARGE PANTALEOU."


btw that off-topic CNN poll - it only used a sample of 25% Republicans.

How "scientific" of them.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Powell did not like Hillary Clinton, but voted for her over Trump, whom he considered to be "not qualified," a "racist," "a national disgrace" with "no sense of shame," and said, "to call him an idiot only emboldens him."

More recently, Powell warned that the GOP needed to "get a grip" and "put the country before their party by standing up to President Trump rather than worry about political fallout."

anonymous said...

More of the story the assholes who have convenient memory ignore.....nothing new about the alternate reality of the damaged R's mind!!!!!

President Barack Obama on Wednesday addressed a grand jury’s decision not to indict a New York City police officer in the death of Eric Garner, an unarmed black man who died after being placed in a chokehold.

“This is an issue we’ve been dealing with for too long and it’s time for us to make more progress than we’ve made,” Obama said at the annual White House Tribal Nations Conference in Washington. “I’m absolutely committed as president of the United States to making sure that we have a country in which everyone believes in the core principle that we are equal under the law.”

The president noted that he was looking forward to the recommendations of a national task force on policing that he created in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, and that he had spoken with Attorney General Eric Holder about the Garner decision. While he said that he could not directly weigh in on the facts of the case as other investigations are still ongoing, Obama did take the opportunity to address the issue of police mistrust, especially in the wake of the shootings of Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, and Trayvon Martin.

“We are not going to let up until we see a strengthening of the trust and a strengthening of the accountability that exists between our communities and our law enforcement,” he said.

“When anybody in this country is not being treated equally under the law, that’s a problem,” he added. “It’s incumbent on all of us as Americans ...that we recognize that this is an American problem and not just a black problem. It is an American problem when anybody in this country is not being treated equally under the law.

C.H. Truth said...

Ch, this was an ongoing case in which Barr was the AG at the time a final decision had to be made before the statute of limitations would run out on it,

So you are suggesting that every potential criminal case ever suggested has a "final decision" made the last day before the statute of limitations runs out?

Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

I am sure you understand that an average criminal act is generally charged (if they are going to do so) within the first three months. There are guidelines and such to insure that charges are made in a timely matter so that a potential trial is still relevant. The longer you wait, the less chance you have of garnering a conviction due to stories changing, faulty memory, corrupted or missing evidence.

The only REAL reason that someone is charged much later is either because the state was unaware of crime (or who did it) or because new information came out later, making a conviction more likely.

If Holder didn't think he could convict the Cop, then why would Lynch believe she could convict the Cop? If neither Holder or Lynch believed they could make the case, then why would Yates take it up?

At this point... we had multiple A.G. in office who refused to take up a Federal case against the police officer (likely for good legal reason).

Why do you believe it should have been up to William Barr several years later to come in at the last minute and question the judgement (with no new information) of Holder, Lynch, Sessions, etc?

Please explain it?

Because so far... all you have offered is that there as a few weeks where Barr "could" have charged him, but you offer no good reason why after over four and a half years of decisions not to charge... that there was a good reason to change course?

anonymous said...

btw that off-topic CNN poll - it only used a sample of 25% Republicans.

There are that many remaining after the past week???? BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!


and responding to some previous spam in the same genre about the NYT piece:

The paper spotlights several members of the Republican Party who are dissenting from party lines, though Bush was the only prominent Texas politician mentioned. Freddy Ford, a spokesman for Bush, told The Texas Tribune that Bush would steer clear of speaking publicly on his presidential vote and called The New York Times assertion false.

So the NYT lies again.

And always in the same direction.

I'm beginning to see a trend. Kind of like CNN and the WP and the MSM.

anonymous said...

ou are suggesting that every potential criminal case ever suggested has a "final decision" made the last day before the statute of limitations runs out?

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! In Lil might have a reality just another valiant attempt to suck trumps dick!!!!!
Go review the whole story and get back to us instead of just providing your opinion on events that showed the system took its time and made a shitty decision which today would have had the cops in handcuffs and arrested today......Amazing how the times have changed which Lil Schitty is stuck in a trump time warp!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Amazing how the times have changed which Lil Schitty is stuck in a trump time warp!!!!

Apparently... because Eric Garner was killed on Obama/Holder's watch... and neither Holder or Lynch charged Pantaleo. Probably because a New York Grand Jury failed to indict him for the underlying crime.

Hard to prove a Federal hate crime, when the underlying crime is not only not proven, but not even indicted or charged at the state level.

anonymous said...

tly... because Eric Garner was killed on Obama/Holder's watch

Which shows how much the times have changed due to people marching in the streets you fucking idiot!!!!! He who can't pull his head out of trumps ass is doomed to suffocate like Floyd!!!!!!! Hard to believe it is now Obama's faullt for the grand jury decision and Barr's inactions.....BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch, this was an ongoing case in which Barr was the AG at the time a final decision had to be made before the statute of limitations would run out on it...

So you are suggesting that every potential criminal case ever suggested has a "final decision" made the last day before the statute of limitations runs out?

Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

Well, you as usual set up a straw man.

I am thinking that because the statute of limitations was about to run out, Barr was compelled to step in and overrule those "prosecutors in the Justice Department's civil rights division who wanted to charge Pantaleou" and were on the verge of doing that.

Otherwise, he could have just sat back let the statute of limitations run out.

Pretty simple. No dancing around.

anonymous said...

Hard to believe hoe much shit you make up to suck on trumps fat ass!!!!!1 And you wonder why the polls are cratering for trump who is now in panic mode because no body loves him anymore except for fat heads like you Lil Schitty!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The Washington Post:
Democrats Unveil Police Reform Legislation

Congressional Democrats unveiled sweeping police reform legislation in response to protests after the killing of George Floyd.

“The Justice in Policing Act of 2020 would ban chokeholds, establish a national database to track police misconduct and prohibit certain no-knock warrants, among a range of steps. Democratic leaders of the House and Senate released the legislation that had been drafted by members of the Congressional Black Caucus.”

A powerful photo shows the most senior Democrats in government kneeling in the Capitol, minutes before introducing the bill.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Kneeling is going to become the new badge of patriotic decency.

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...
Barr decided against "prosecutors in the Justice Department's civil rights division who WANTED TO CHARGE PANTALEOU."


i am detecting a whiff of bullshit from this claim. 0linsky's wing man chose not to charge pantaleo, yet barr was supposed to ignore that precedent and charge him anyway.

LOL. if you say so.

those prosecutors in the civil rights division must've been either napping or on vacation when holder sat there and did nothing, but were suddenly outraged as barr left the whole thing alone.



Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

Kneeling is going to become the new badge of patriotic decency.

only for cowards...

I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.

- Emiliano Zapata

sorry pederast, but i will kneel before no man, for any reason. ever.

i kneel only before God.

every one of these black lies shitstains can go fuck themselves.

C.H. Truth said...

I am thinking that because the statute of limitations was about to run out, Barr was compelled to step in and overrule those "prosecutors in the Justice Department's civil rights division who wanted to charge Pantaleou" and were on the verge of doing that.

Okay... please explain why the "prosecutors in the Justice Department's Civil Rights division" only wanted to charge Panteleo after Barr took office?

What made them change their minds, after apparently not wanting to charge them when Holder was AG, when Lynch was AG, etc... etc... etc...

Please explain this...

Btw... IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY SORT OF FINAL DECISION (which is a semantic media argument that has no real bearing in the DOJ). So please stop diferring the underlying question:

Why several previous AG did not choose to prosecute

with your tired implication that somehow Barr was the person resonsible.

That can be your stupid wrong opinion the rest of your life.

but it still doesn't get you off the hook in explaining why Holder, Lynch and those who's decisions would have been time appropriate and within the normal manner which these things are done.

Anonymous said...

For way too long, too many conservatives and other normal people have failed to deploy our most potent weapon in the defense of free thought and expression – the utter refusal to go along with the demands of the carnivorous left. As has been said before by me and others, we need to introduce these spoiled brats to the concept of “no.”

Caliphate4vr said...

Kurt is the shit

Anonymous said...

James is a perfect leftist, he believes he is the answer for the black race.

Anonymous said...

🤣James June 8, 2020 at 8:36 AM

rat answered who?

Who mentioned Powell before rat did?

anonymousJune 8, 2020 at 6:20 AM

BTW....Lil Schitty......trump is down by 12 in latest Mi poll.....yep....keep swallowing as General Powell is on record calling trump a LIAR!!!!!!🤡

anonymous said...

with your tired implication that somehow Barr was the person responsible.

While you blame obama and everyone else for trumps screwing the pooch Lil Schitty.....he never takes responsibility for anything but good news.....and guess what.....there's a lot of shit coming down the pike which you will hold trump blameless!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Yep I mentioned Powell in that post....which had nothing to do with why you a fucking loser eating cheetos in mommy's basement because I couldn't afford my own home!!!!!!

anonymous said...

only for cowards...

Going to be fun if the NFL ever starts the season and bunches of players take the knee at the anthem........that will drive you and trump into a heart failure!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!! Thanx Goodall finally woke up!!!!! Now we will see how big an asshole Jerry Jones is!!!!!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Well Denny...

If the NFL Players decide to go back to being political...

Then NFL fans will go back to spending our money and time on other activities...

Just like NFL fans did the first time around.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

KD is the perfect rightist.
He says Obama is a black monkey

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

More and more people are going to be kneeling, Ch,
not against the flag
or against the national anthem,
but in support of the national anthem
and in support of the flag that represents a government
that is supposed to be
of all the people,
by all the people,
and for all the people,
--not just of the white Republican rich,
--by the white Republican rich,
--and certainly not just FOR the white Republican rich.

Anonymous said...

Going to be fun if the NFL ever starts the season and bunches of players take the knee at the anthem........that will drive you and trump into a heart failure!!!!!!

try to imagine how little i care, BWAA.

football is played on SATURDAY at my house.

fuck the NFL. haven't watched it in a few years and don't miss it one bit.


James said...
KD is the perfect rightist.
He says Obama is a black monkey

You must believe him, you sure post about it often.

As you call Trump a white supremist, Nazi, Orange man etc.

Good work, "pastor"


rrb said:
try to imagine how little i care, BWAA.

football is played on SATURDAY at my house.

fuck the NFL. haven't watched it in a few years and don't miss it one bit.

Actually last year I think the NFL stopped even showing the national anthem being played.

That's what I heard, I stopped watching myself. With huge multi-million dollar salaries for "playing" I definitely don't take my political advice from them. And don't want to contribute to income inequality.

They're political influence is probably the same as Hollywood. Or Obama for that matter. Candidates he endorsed have done terribly, including the Florida and Georgia governors last election, Hillary, the Florida Senator etc.

I am curious how the NBA fares playing without fans. That is one sport which has a huge home court advantage because of the fans and relies on visuals of fans reacting to on-court action.

My prediction, if no fans NBA TV viewership will tank. If it tries political commentary it will tank even worse. But China will require all citizens to watch. So maybe worldwide it will be Ok.

Anonymous said...

I am curious how the NBA fares playing without fans.

i haven't watched the NBA since larry bird retired.

My prediction, if no fans NBA TV viewership will tank. If it tries political commentary it will tank even worse. But China will require all citizens to watch. So maybe worldwide it will be Ok.

jason whitlock from the kc star made a great point - the NBA will continue to pander to the chi-coms because the shoe companies have forced that issue. nike alone licks their chops at the sheer size of the china market. they see over a billion pairs of feet that need "air assholes."

it's greed, pure and simple. but it's greed in the service of social justice to we're not supposed to note the hypocrisy.