Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Do liberals really feel that things like out of control riots are a good thing?

I guess I am at logical loss of explanation. But it seems to me that the goal of liberal leaders in 2020 is to maintain as much control over the average every day law abiding citizen, while simultaneously maintaining as little control as possible over those who are committed to breaking the law.

After spending the past several weeks criminalizing basic things like opening your shop for business, taking your children to the playground, being out of your house past 8:00, or simply walking in public without a mask over your face, these same leaders have spent the past couple of weeks decriminalizing and defending arson, looting, destruction of private property, as well as general assault.

Ironically, many of these same leaders who wanted our police to be arresting people for being in a public park or cutting someone's hair, now say that the police have no place in their society and should be defunded, dismantled and replaced.

After demanding that thousands of Americans couldn't hold graduations, wedding ceremonies, hold a funeral service for a loved one, or have any sort of public gathering, these leaders have put their stamp of approval on protesting, rioting, and many broke all social distancing rules in order to attend funeral services for a convicted felon who once robbed a pregnant women at gunpoint, and died high on Fentanyl and Meth while being arrested for at least his tenth time.

The irony of all of this is that there is a social and media drive to justify all of this as a good and just thing. That somehow, these riots and blatant hypocrisies are actually proof that liberalism and the new liberal age of ironic leadership is winning in 2020, and that traditional logic, normal public behavior, defending the law, and consistent social standards have no place in their new "woke culture".


Myballs said...

It's all a good thing until this November. Only there's a silent majority out there who have had enough of it. Even minorities who were enjoying good jobs and higher wages want to go back to that.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It is very interesting how Ch overuses the word "demand." He is constantly claiming hat I and others "demand" things we do not demand.

Bernie Sanders Skeptical on Calls to ‘Defund the Police’

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was skeptical in a New Yorker interview about the “defund the police” movement.

Said Sanders:
“Do I think we should NOT have police departments in America? No, I don’t. There’s no city in the world that does not have police departments. What you need are—I didn’t call for more money for police departments. I called for police departments that have well-educated, well-trained, well-paid professionals. And, too often around this country right now, you have police officers who take the job at very low payment, don’t have much education, don’t have much training—and I want to change that."

He added: “I think we want to redefine what police departments do, give them the support they need to make their jobs better defined. So I do believe that we need well-trained, well-educated, and well-paid professionals in police departments. Anyone who thinks that we should abolish all police departments in America, I don’t agree.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I can appreciate how confusing it is to Ch that the vast American public is not going along with Trump's attempt to use all the regrettable acts of lawlessness, violence, and destruction in his attempt to draw attention away from the need for real reforms in our legal and justice system.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Last Stand for ‘Law and Order’ Republicans

Tim Alberta: “As with so many issues, the ground beneath the GOP has been gradually shifting on questions of racial justice. Perhaps it’s the demographic transition of the electorate, or the greater digital proximity voters have to events that long went unseen. Whatever the cause, this shift has threatened further electoral consequences for a party that is already out of step with the center on a number of cultural issues. That was before a white officer pinned George Floyd’s neck to the ground for nearly nine minutes. One thing is clear: There is nothing gradual about what’s happened since…”

Said Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC):
“Without question, this is different. It feels different. It sounds different. The protesters are different… I look out my window in Washington and see 10 protesters. Seven of them are white, and three of them are black.”

C.H. Truth said...

It is very interesting how Ch overuses the word "demand." He is constantly claiming hat I and others "demand" things we do not demand.

Well Reverend... you are not a political leader.

But when you put people in jail as a consequence for not following your rules, I would argue that "demand" is a pretty accurate description.

C.H. Truth said...

Sure this is different... today.

Then in about a month, things will be right back to where they were. People worried about jobs, economy, etc... just as we always are.

The fact is that there is literally nothing "different" between what happened in Minneapolis, other than a overzealous reaction (which can be explained by a slew of things, certainly the frustrations of the Covid lock downs being a major contributor).

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why Is the World Protesting?

The Bulwark:
“Why has police brutality in the United States moved so many people around the world to protest? It is surely in part because of the nauseating footage documenting George Floyd’s last minutes of life. And, to some extent, the protests are a result of the globalization of social justice activism.

“But many of the protesters who have taken to the streets in recent days are also, as they have explained, driven by a recognition that America has been—and ought to be—a standard-bearer for freedom and human dignity.”

Trump Says Rallies May Resume Next Week

President Trump on Twitter:
“BIG DEMAND! Starting up again soon, maybe next week!”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You keep trying to diminish the situation today because of Trump being the most dangerous President ever elected by a minority popular vote

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Besides he is just another negro

Anonymous said...

“But many of the protesters who have taken to the streets in recent days are also, as they have explained, driven by a recognition that America has been—and ought to be—a standard-bearer for freedom and human dignity.”

many of the protesters?

how many?

the arsonists?

the looters and thieves?

the murderers like the scumbag who killed david dorn or the wannabe raghead who stabbed the NYC cop while screaming "alky snackbar?"

you seem to glorify and worship the worst society has to offer, pederast.

you're a sick fuck.



June 9, 2020 at 8:35 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

Should have called his party JEWISH LIVES MATTER.
Then he would still be in power and his solution finished.

oh oops, so much Goddard spam here again today I guess he didn't say that.

But using the left and "pastor's" logic HE COULD HAVE.

Anonymous said...

Then in about a month, things will be right back to where they were. People worried about jobs, economy, etc... just as we always are.

for the most part. and the wise business owners and retailers will flee the black neighborhoods like their business were on fire because, well, they were.

the black intelligentsia in America is managing to really fuck those who they claim to represent. leaving them with no retailers to buy food or the basics because well, only an imbecile remains where they are clearly not wanted.

A notice posted in the Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York has attracted a great deal of attention on Facebook and Twitter. The charming piece of paper addresses a “white neighbor” and encourages him or her to work on “dismantling white supremacy” or “GET THE F**K OUT OF FLATBUSH.”


Have you been working on dismantling white supremacy?


MADE A PLEDGE TO SUPPORT ONLY COMPANIES WHO SUPPORT BLACK LIVESead books about white privilege and institutionalized racism



alrighty then. get the fuck out. and let the neighborhood that used to be a violent shithole return to being a violent shithole.

buh bye now.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

You keep trying to diminish the situation today because of Trump being the most dangerous President ever elected by a minority popular vote

really alky?

trump poses no threat to me. dangerous? hardly. not even a little.

i can't say that about the gang-banging, drug dealing scumbags 10 miles from me in the hood.

oh, and he won what matters - the electoral college.



Anonymous said...

The Last Stand for ‘Law and Order’ Republicans

Tim Alberta: “As with so many issues, the ground beneath the GOP has been gradually shifting on questions of racial justice.

so timmy... which is it that you want? law and order or "racial justice"?

whatever the fuck THAT is.

law and order is straightforward. the laws are on the books and a civilized society has a system that abides by those laws and as a result, order is maintained.

the racial justice sounds like bullshit sharpton-speak to me. like you're jacking me up; extorting something from me. uh, yeah... NO.

fuck you and fuck your racial justice.

Society is responsible for us, because racism is so systemic. Well, that’s a corruption, and I know it’s a corruption, because the truth of the matter is blacks have never been less oppressed than they are today. Opportunity is around every corner. In all of this, no one ever stops to say, well, you’re unhappy with where minorities are at in American life, and blacks continue to be at the bottom of most socioeconomic measures. You’re unhappy about that. Well, why don’t you take some responsibility for that? Why don’t you take more responsibility? I would be happy to look at all the usual bad guys, the police and so forth, if we had the nerve, the courage to look at black people. To look at black Americans, minority Americans, and say, you’re not carrying your own weight.

- Shelby Steele


Anonymous said...

and now a word from one of the fine, upstanding, african-american civic leaders in chicago:


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The mayor of Houston has issued an executive order banning choke holds.

Anonymous said...

The mayor of Houston has issued an executive order banning choke holds.

that's nice. talk about virtue signalling. at least you've managed to stay on topic, alky.

i think they should issue an exec order banning police from minority neighborhoods. i mean, yeah, so a bunch of innocents will be harmed and might even die as a result. but hey, let's meet the protesters halfway -

the cops can patrol the white neighborhoods where they're wanted, and leave the black neighborhoods alone.

everyone wins!

thoughts alky?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump baselessly accused a senior citizen protester injured by police of being an “ANTIFA provocateur” who may have faked his fall.

“Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?” Trump claimed on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

President Trump baselessly accused a senior citizen protester injured by police of being an “ANTIFA provocateur” who may have faked his fall.

no he didn't.

could be an ANTIFA provocateur.

could, not is.

one thing we all know for sure - gugino is a professional protester, shit-stirrer, and all around asshole. he was looking for trouble and he found it.

pro-tip: when cops have formed a human shield to sweep and secure an area, especially in full riot gear, rushing them is a piss poor idea. and they owe you no quarter.

Caliphate4vr said...

All I could think of when I was saw that aged man fall was, he’s too young to be the pederast, too fit to be the liver and too thin to be fatty.

But an inept asswipe like all 3

Anonymous said...

hey alky,

going to vice for your copy/paste was the wise choice.


here's how they select content for their articles:


just thought you ought to know.

Anonymous said...

Is James still violently upset that AG Barr didn't take action during the Obama Administration?

Anonymous said...

Did Nancy Pelosi get off her knees yet?🤣

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Grandpa’s watching OANN again, and look what he came up with:

Could be a setup?

Somebody’s worried about his ratings. A lot of old people were really ticked off by watching bully-boy Buffalo cops shove an elderly Catholic social worker to the ground – and leaving him there with a head injury. Trump really doesn’t want people being reminded of this:

So you wouldn’t want to share this with all your friends, right?

President Trump is now accusing Martin Gugino, the 75 year old white man pushed to the ground by police in Buffalo, NY, of faking his fall and being a member of ANTIFA.

Gugino is a member of two nonprofits and part of the Catholic Worker Movement.https://t.co/73pKnFcTBv https://t.co/CBpvAp1aP7

— Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) June 9, 2020

C.H. Truth said...

You keep trying to diminish the situation today because of Trump being the most dangerous President ever elected by a minority popular vote

Then why was there so much more examples of alleged police brutality against black people back during the Obama years? We had a riot almost every year he was President?

Anonymous said...

CHT, don't confuse Alky with math/numbers/facts.
He is an emotional wreck.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The blog post claims — all without evidence — that the protester, Martin Gugino, used "a phone as a capture scanner" as "a method of police tracking used by Antifa to monitor the location of police."
The OANN reporter, Kristian Rouz, is a Russian national who also writes for Kremlin-owned Sputnik, per The Daily Beast.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ the alky.

first of all, you can use a smartphone as a scanner. duh. second, here's the link to the daily beat that makes the unsubstantiated claims - https://www.thedailybeast.com/oan-trumps-new-favorite-channel-employs-kremlin-paid-journalist

and here's the pdf that outlines Rouz's crimes as a russian asset: https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/ICA_2017_01.pdf

LOL. good one alky.

Anonymous said...

disband/defund the police?

a splendid idea...

“As a young teenager in proudly peaceable Canada during the romantic 1960s, I was a true believer in Bakunin’s anarchism. I laughed off my parents’ argument that if the government ever laid down its arms all hell would break loose. Our competing predictions were put to the test at 8:00 a.m. on October 7, 1969, when the Montreal police went on strike. By 11:20 am, the first bank was robbed. By noon, most of the downtown stores were closed because of looting. Within a few more hours, taxi drivers burned down the garage of a limousine service that competed with them for airport customers, a rooftop sniper killed a provincial police officer, rioters broke into several hotels and restaurants, and a doctor slew a burglar in his suburban home. By the end of the day, six banks had been robbed, a hundred shops had been looted, twelve fires had been set, forty carloads of storefront glass had been broken, and three million dollars in property damage had been inflicted, before city authorities had to call in the army and, of course, the Mounties to restore order. This decisive empirical test left my politics in tatters (and offered a foretaste of life as a scientist).”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Detached

"The chasm between the president and pretty much everyone else in Washington is growing, as Donald Trump seems more alone and isolated with his thoughts, and detached from the overall political conversation in the Capitol, and the rest of America.

"On Capitol Hill, the president’s party IS BEGINNING TO RALLY around some OVERHAUL OF THE LAWS GOVERNING POLICE CONDUCT. Top lawmakers like Sens. John Cornyn of Texas, Mitt Romney of Utah and Tim Scott of South Carolina are busy WORKING UP A POLICE REFORM PLAN. House Democrats are almost ready to pass THEIR OWN SWEEPING PACKAGE.

“But in the White House, the president is busy broadcasting a conspiracy theory that people find so alarmingly baseless and in poor taste that the party’s top lawmakers are treating it like it’s the physical manifestation of the coronavirus itself.

“The theory — that a 75-year-old man shoved by police amid protests in Buffalo was a violent antifa foot soldier — is so zany that Republican senators not only find no need to comment on it, but are refusing to physically view the tweet in public.

"Gone are the days when lawmakers twisted themselves in pretzels to defend the president.

"Now they just move on, as if he hardly exists at all.”

Anonymous said...

"first of all, you can use a smartphone as a scanner. duh" RRB

Technology evades Alky like it does Slow Joe.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump may be surprised to learn that for a change, deepening the nation’s racial wounds is not an effective political strategy. But either he can’t wrap his head around that reality, or he just can’t bring himself to do anything different.

Anonymous said...

BLM are the Authors of the Defund the police.
The next logical step was taken by the Left, disarm the Police, by force , by the UN.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


anonymous said...

For fucking sake....PJ Media!!!!!!! What the fuck can't you think for yourself daddy??? It's either a POS tweet from an asshole or an opinion from the most biased site in the world......sad very sad you have nothing but BULLSHIT to post.....just like rat thinking he is safe under trump....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Going to be a long and winding road to november with trump doing all he can to keep people from voting...!!!!

anonymous said...

And trump tweeted that old guy was an agitator from antifa and was not pushed that hard to fall that badly!!!!! Gee....trump is a whole year younger I wonder how his fat ass would bounce if pushed the same way!@!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

RNC spokesperson deletes tweet defending Trump smear of elderly Buffalo protester

Republican National Committee spokesperson Liz Harrington quickly deleted a tweet on Tuesday where she attempted to bolster Donald Trump’s claim that 75-year-old Martin Gugino, a longtime activist in Buffalo, was an “ANTIFA provocateur” with a further accusation that the now-hospitalized Gugino was an “instigator” urging fellow Black Lives Matter protesters to engage in looting.According to Philip Bump of the Washington Post, Trump’s tweet was based on a OANN report that is”… laughable, something not even worth parsing. It’s so sloppy and obviously untrue, and any actual media organization should be embarrassed to run it. Normally, we’d ignore it.”One person who took up the mantle of spreading Trump’s ugly smear was the RNC’s Herrington who posted a link on Twitter — since deleted but can be seen below — to ramping up the accusation.
As Bump pointed out, “Soon after Trump’s tweet about Gugino, the Republican National Committee’s national spokesman Elizabeth Harrington apparently attempted to defend it by quoting from a news article in which Buffalo’s mayor talked about a protester being ‘a key major instigator’ of vandalism and looting in the city. Harrington has since deleted the tweet.”

Commonsense said...

I actually saw the video and Gugino did get up in the policeman's face.

So it was somewhat provocative.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Commonsense said...

I actually saw the video and Gugino did get up in the policeman's face.

So it was somewhat provocative.

the worthless old fuck deserved it. anyone who does something as fucking stupid as he did is lucky that's all he got.

Anonymous said...

deepening the nation’s racial wounds

care to elaborate on this alky, or is this another one of your stolen baseless claims?

you know, like trump shredding the constitution while doing no such thing that anyone can factually illustrate.

Anonymous said...

You can download software to your phone that allows you to "clone" the frequency and signal of a device.

Once the frequency is captured (ie cloned) you can track the device, duplicate the signal and/or listen to a transmission.

That appears to be what he's attempting.
Here's a pro-tip that I might get in trouble for sharing.

In the old days we called them 'bounty hunters', but in modern vernacular they're trackers. Guys/Gals who trace 'wanted people' for a living.

In this era the public sector track operations are high tech.
Example. Remember, this is private sector.

Start with an APLR hit. [Automated License Plate Reader] That initiates a track/trace opportunity worth $$.
Once identified this helps locate the residence being used by the target.

In most homes there is a master bedroom. Most targets are found in this area within a residence.
At night, where do most people put their cell phones?

Usually on the night stand, next to the bed.

In many cases (the really easy ones), the night stand will be located next to the exterior wall of the residence.
It is very easy to look at a home from the street (or simply use google earth) and identify where the bedroom walls are. Specifically the master bedroom wall if that's the most likely location for the target.
It's then a real simple process to walk up to the exterior of the residence (usually at night) with a capture device and scan the wall for the cell phone signature.
The device will hone in proximity with a signal meter. Once ID'd you can capture the signal signature.

If the cell phone is near the wall, it's an easy capture. Only takes seconds. No-one even knows you're there. In/Out easy peasy.
After cell signal capture this allows tracker to monitor and trace the location of the target.

This information can be sold, and/or used directly to collect bounty by working with police to identify location of target.
This method is also used for illegal purposes by professional skimmers who can electronically rob you without ever going in your house.
So the lesson is,... when you go to sleep don't put your cell phone near the exterior wall of your home.

Currently (at least a year +/- ago) the private sector technology is still proximity specific. Meaning they need to be within a few feet for the capture to work.
The signal capture looks like what the dude in the video was attempting to do in person. That's how it relates.


The capture of communications signals [explained in detail here] is a method of police tracking used by Antifa to monitor the location of police. In some cases the more high tech capture software can even decipher communication encryption allowing the professional agitators to block (black-out), jam, or interfere with police communication. In addition, many police body-cams are bluetooth enabled which allows syncing.

Unfortunately in the modern era the professional agitators have become very sophisticated and use technology to help create chaos. Their activity is highly coordinated, and as James O’Keefe has revealed in his undercover operations these professionals even stage events to manipulate public opinion.


so the old prick had it coming.

thought so.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump and many of his supporters have claimed with little evidence that antifa has been executing plans to cause unrest and spark violence during recent protests. Antifa, a loosely organized network of groups that use direct action to confront far-right and fascist groups, in reality has been found to have little involvement with the protests despite rumors circulating online and claims from some law enforcement officials.

Rouz, who previously worked for the Russian state media organization Sputnik, has a record of pushing baseless conspiracy theories on OANN. Last month, Rouz claimed that the coronavirus was a plot by George Soros, Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and China for "population control."

Marc Polymeropoulos, a former CIA officer whose portfolio included Russia, said Trump was "giving a gift to the Russians."

“It’s bad enough what he said,” Polymeropoulos said. “But it’s pretty shocking that he would quote from a known propaganda arm of Russian intelligence.

Myballs said...

Consider he's already been arrested at the Whitehouse 8 years ago and g3s still protesting, clearly he's not the kindly old grandpa the left is making him out to be.

Anonymous said...

MSDNC alky?



Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Watch the video.

He did not attack the police officer who shoved him to the concrete floor.


Anonymous said...

So the 8 years of Obama of unbridled Racial Harmony are gone?

Anonymous said...

James, how are you doing in times you called "tough"?

Out here in the Country we are doing Fantasticly, could not be better.

Anonymous said...

no one said he attacked the officer alky.

the claim is that he was trying to scan the radio freq's.

In this slow motion video, you will see Gugino using a phone as a capture scanner. You might have heard the term “skimming”; it’s essentially the same. Watch him use his right hand to first scan the mic of officer one (top left of chest). Then Gugino moves his hand to the communications belt of the second officer. WATCH CLOSELY:




Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

BIPARTISAN Push to Change Mississippi’s Flag

“A bipartisan group of Mississippi lawmakers, with the blessing of Speaker of the House Philip Gunn, began whipping votes and drafting a resolution on Monday to change the state flag, which was adopted in 1894 and is the last in the nation containing the Confederate battle emblem,” Mississippi Today reports.

“The conversation behind closed doors this week marks one of the first earnest legislative discussions about changing the state flag since the 2001 referendum in which Mississippians voted nearly 2-to-1 to keep the current flag.”


Anonymous said...

here's a scanner app i had on my iphone a while back. crushed the battery so i dropped it. almost forgot about it. gugino was probably trying to pick up the freq of buffalo PD so he could share with his scumbag buddies.

The top #2 free app and top #1 paid app in May/June 2020. The largest collection of live police, firefighter, aircraft, railroad, emergency, news, and ham radios. Be the first to know about weather, news, and crime updates.

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- Automatically attempts to reconnect the feed if you lose the connection.

- Listen to feeds on your desktop/laptop computer. Email yourself a link to the feed, and open that link on your browser or with your favorite mp3 player.

- Ability to add custom feeds

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- The web browser also automatically detects feeds and integrates it with the radio. Now you can add feeds from the web by simply tapping on the feed's link via our browser.

- Share feeds with your friends by email. They do not need to buy this app to listen with you. They can listen in with any device that has a web browser.

- Worldwide coverage. Listen to feeds from the United States, Canada, Australia and more. Our app is always expanding and looking for new police radios to tap into.

- List scanners by county. Don't just list all feeds in a state, get only the ones that are from your city/county.

- Integrated map that finds your location and the location of the feed. Now you can find where the action is happening and follow along.

- Built-in police/EMS/fire/military codes and phonetic alphabet for easy interpretation. Good for any beginners who do not have the proper training and have trouble remembering what the codes mean.

- Save your favorites to the front screen of the app for quick one-tap access.

- This app will dynamically grab a new list of sources so that you will always be the first to get any new police feeds out there.

- See the popularity of each feed. Each feed lists the number of listeners who are following the action along with you.

- Choose new skins or make your own. Skins can be any photo you choose from your photos library.

- New police feeds and others are added on an hourly basis, so keep checking if we added yours recently.

Upgrade to 5-0 Radio Pro to remove ads, add even more feeds, and new features.



It is legal in most countries to listen to police feeds. However, it is illegal in some places to use this app to aid in the commission of a crime or to pose as a police officer when you are not. It may also be illegal to use it while driving. Please consult your local laws before using this app outside of your home.

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The delay between the real radio feed and this app is only a few seconds depending on buffering and internet speeds.



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the hack from MSDNC could've looked this up himself.

Anonymous said...

“A bipartisan group of Mississippi lawmakers, with the blessing of Speaker of the House Philip Gunn, began whipping votes and drafting a resolution on Monday to change the state flag, which was adopted in 1894 and is the last in the nation containing the Confederate battle emblem,” Mississippi Today reports.

every state who wishes to capitulate to these fucking black lies matters shitstains should just go with a white flag. add the state initials in a lower corner to tell them apart.

fucking cowards


rrb said...

no one said he attacked the officer alky.

the claim is that he was trying to scan the radio freq's.

In this slow motion video, you will see Gugino using a phone as a capture scanner. You might have heard the term “skimming”; it’s essentially the same. Watch him use his right hand to first scan the mic of officer one (top left of chest). Then Gugino moves his hand to the communications belt of the second officer. WATCH CLOSELY:

There is no doubt that he was doing this and it was intentional. The media is living up to it's enemy of the people label.



Vernon Jones

I’ve watched countless videos of Trump supporters getting attacked in the streets simply due to their support of @realDonaldTrump.

Let’s call this what this is: a hate crime. And as we return to the legislature next week, I’ll be introducing legislation that’ll make it such.

Well at least there's one good Democrat.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

rat, I wish ALL Republicans would, like you, come out firmly in support of keeping a state flag that includes the flag used by a government that did all it could, even go to war, to
preserve the institution of human SLAVERY.

Have you ever seen the picture of that black man with scars on his back that were absolutely horrible?

Have you ever even begun to care about all the members of families who wept to be parted from loved ones who were sold off to some distant plantation?

I know you disdain Abraham Lincoln, you have said so.

Tell us what you really think of Martin Luther King, Jr.


Brittany Sellner

Two hours ago, an edit was made to the Wikipedia page of Alicia Garza, one of the co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement. What was removed? The part where Alicia Garza is a “self-proclaimed Marxist writer”.

PROOF: https://twitter.com/BrittPettibone/status/1270404187428237314

some idiots on the left think wikipedia is non-political.

It is ultra-political.

Or maybe the left is just dishonest.



the next Adolph Hitler

and the mob on the left will eagerly get in line.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever seen the picture of that black man with scars on his back that were absolutely horrible?

Have you ever even begun to care about all the members of families who wept to be parted from loved ones who were sold off to some distant plantation?

i was alive for exactly as much of that as you were - NONE.

I know you disdain Abraham Lincoln, you have said so.

i've never said so pederast, because i do not disdain Lincoln.

but you? you're a lying piece of shit.

don't lecture me on slavery son. i yield to no one - black or white - on the topic.

what's going on these days has nothing to do with salvery, nothing to do with racial injustice, nothing to do with much of anything other than despicable leftist politics.

and you're a shill for a pack of scumbags who should be, and hopefully will be, scorned, ostracized and cast out of polite society. no upstanding, law-abiding human being mourns the demise of another under any circumstances and causes BILLION$ AND BILLION$ of destruction from coast to coast. $500 MILLION in minneapolis ALONE.

you not only encourage this behavior, you celebrate it. you celebrate pure, unadulyerated evil.

this is why i am certain that you are no pastor.

go fuck yourself.

Anonymous said...

Tell us what you really think of Martin Luther King, Jr.

i've always been a big fan of judging a man by the content of his character and NOT the color of his skin.

too bad you can't say say the same.

the left is all about and only about color and identity politics.

this is why the thomas sowell's and clarence thomas' and ben carson's and candace owens' and walter williams' and shelby steele's of the world are hated by the left. uncle tom's who, according their skin color, are supposed to be the exclusive PROPERTY of the left.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Opens Up Big Lead In Michigan

A new Kaier Research poll in Michigan finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in the presidential race, 50% to 35%.

In the U.S. Senate race, Sen. Gary Peters (D) leads John James (R), 48% to 32%.

THAT is a big, BIG LEAD.

Anonymous said...

goddard's such a dumb fuck he can't even spell.

it's KAISER.

it takes a real fucking moron to plagiarize another fucking moron.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

😲 "Trump got the idea from OANN, a more right-wing fascist network than even Fox News. This is the same network that broadcast the conspiracy theory that the COVID-19 virus was manufactured in a secret lab in NC, then carried to China so the Chinese could release it in an effort to embarrass Trump and interfere with his re-election.
I'd say that pretty much makes ALL of Trump's Tweet a total lie. As usual.
Thanks to JE Cummings 🤒

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

If I remember correctly, rat, you once severely criticized Lincoln for his suspension of the writ of habeas corpus as a war measure. I was surprised that you chose to lift that up so severely in view of all the other wonderful things that Lincoln did. Many consider him to be, all things considered, our GREATEST President.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The OANN reporter behind the false report that led to Trump's tweet is a Russian national who also writes for Kremlin-owned Sputnik, according to The Daily Beast.

Putin's puppet Cadet Bonespurs

Myballs said...

Kaiser Foundation is headquartered on San Francisco. 'nough said.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Announcing that he was putting the nation on a “double-red threat level,” Donald J. Trump warned the American people on Tuesday to be on the lookout for terrorists posing as peaceful seventy-five-year-olds.

“One of these terrorists was already identified by the police in Buffalo,” Trump said. “They may be coming to your town next.”

Trump listed some “telltale signs of Antifa,” in order to help Americans identify septuagenarian terrorists in their

“If the person appears to be seventy-five or older, with white hair and a peaceful demeanor, call the authorities immediately,” Trump said.

He warned that Antifa terrorists are infiltrating American society “everywhere,” even on Zoom.

“If you are on Zoom with your family and an elderly person suddenly appears with a friendly smile, a string of pearls, and the nickname ‘Grandma,’ you have been attacked by Antifa,” he said.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

rat says I'm not a pastor.
Knee slapping funny, for www.TheDeadSeaGospel.com lists all the churches I have served.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

4:18 Also knee slapping funny.

anonymous said...

dad's such a dumb fuck he can't even spell.

He gets paid for his posts you dumb fuck!!! What do you get other than summing in your shorts?????? BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Lots of panic setting in on the right!!!! Trumps tweet about the buffalo push by cops might be a turning point for many R's who are on the fence, but not the idiots here!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Go to the 10th minute. peloshee can’t get up and the fat fuck nadler can’t kneel. Hilarity

Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly, rat, you once severely criticized Lincoln for his suspension of the writ of habeas corpus as a war measure.

wrong again, pederast.

from a strictly constitutional perspective lincoln's suspension of it was highly questionable, and was in fact overturned by the district court of maryland. ironically it was DEMOCRATS who squealed the loudest over the suspension, since lincoln was on to the ands the destruction they had planned.

when all was said and done the suspension was complex both as a defensive tactic and again, constitutionally.

lincoln was a republican. probably the most prominent republican of his day as it related to why the republican party was founded - largely to pursue the abolition of slavery.

democrats have been evil scumbags since well before the civil war. they sought to keep black slaves on the plantation then, as they seek to keep black slaves on the virtual plantation today.

read daniel patrick moynihan on the destruction of the black nuclear family.

democrats caused it directly, and knew exactly what they were doing at the time.

that was evil.

Anonymous said...

Go to the 10th minute. peloshee can’t get up and the fat fuck nadler can’t kneel. Hilarity

found the vid of nadler trying to take his mask off while wearing his african-appropriated loin cloth, sash, or whatever the fuck it was.



anonymous said...

Blogger James said...
rat says I'm not a pastor.

Funny James that the loser rat, who is afraid of his own shadow does not even have the guts to post the town he lives in....afraid someone might come and steal something from his house while you provide your name and where you preached without reservation.....Sad the big bad trumpian slurper has nothing but bone spurs for his bravery!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

alky, you're the only person i've ever encountered who find the borowitz report even a little bit funny.

he's a fucking clod. just like you.

isn't it tv time? i think the sally jesse raphael re-runs are on.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Fauci’s Worst Nightmare

Dr. Anthony Fauci delivered a grim assessment of the devastation wrought around the world by the virus, describing Covid-19 as his “worst nightmare” — a new, highly contagious respiratory infection that causes a significant rate of illness and death, the New York Times reports.

Said Fauci: “In a period of four months, it has devastated the whole world. And it isn’t over yet.”

He added: “Oh my goodness. Where is it going to end? We’re still at the beginning of it.”

Pay no attention, says Ch.
Pack the churches, pack the parks, pack the swimming pools, pack the beaches, pack the restaurants, pack the businesses, and don't wear masks.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And by the way, Fauci said that the virus made it difficult to make right choices, for involvement in political action was also important.

And notice how even the HUGE crowds practice a lot of social distancing and wear masks.

anonymous said...

r encountered who find the borowitz report even a little bit funny.

While you think racial unrest, cops killing people and beaners is what america is all about to make you comfortable is just typical of low intellect assholes with the morality of a trump slug!!!!!



james said:
And notice how even the HUGE crowds practice a lot of social distancing and wear masks.


Daily Caller

Live look at the line to pay respects to fallen retired police CPT David Dorn who was killed last week while protecting a friend's pawn shop from the rioting and looting in St. Louis.

VIDEO: https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1270464110195617800

People are treating each other with respect, black and white, police and normal citizen. Not a political sideshow by BLM. or broadcast live by all networks.

A true HERO in his community.


Tomi Lahren

Lil Wayne gets it. Too bad all the noise from the “movement” just skips right over it. 99% of officers are not only good cops, they are good people who don’t deserve this demonization. Yet, they will still do their jobs and protect us all.
Lil Wayne HERO VIDEO: https://twitter.com/TomiLahren/status/1270164017806479360

best one minute video you can see today

Anonymous said...

"Tell us what you really think of Martin Luther King, Jr."
Dr.King a great man. Nothing like James.

Anonymous said...

Get this straight , the White Socialist believe the Black Race needs their help.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Thanks to Trump, we now know the face of Antifa. Turns out it's a 75 year old white guy with a cell phone camera.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

.S. Attorney General William Barr has repeatedly blamed anti-fascist activists for the violence that has erupted during demonstrations over George Floyd's death, but federal court records show no sign of so-called antifa links so far in cases brought by the Justice Department.

NPR has reviewed court documents of 51 individuals facing federal charges in connection with the unrest. As of Tuesday morning, none is alleged to have links to the antifa movement.

Of the cases brought so far, 20 involve allegations related to arson; 16 involve the illegal possession of a firearm, more often than not by a felon; another eight people face charges related to inciting a riot or civil disorder.

The single instance in which an extremist group is mentioned in court documents is a case against three Nevada men. Federal prosecutors allege the trio belong to the right-wing Boogaloo movement that wants to bring about a civil war. The men have been charged with plotting violence during Las Vegas protests.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...



The face of the Police

Nicole Arbour


GREAT SHORT PASSIONATE VIDEO: https://twitter.com/NicoleArbour/status/1270448315302383616

This is what America needs to see.

Not the DNC controlled leftwing media.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON—President Trump last week was on the brink of firing Defense Secretary Mark Esper over their differing views of domestic use of active-duty military, before advisers and allies on Capitol Hill talked him out of it, according to several officials.

The officials said Mr. Trump was furious with Mr. Esper for not supporting his inclination to use active-duty troops to quell protests in Washington, D.C., Minneapolis and elsewhere following the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25.

Mr. Trump consulted several advisers to ask their opinion of the disagreement, intent that day on removing Mr. Esper, his fourth defense secretary since taking office in January 2017, according to the officials. After talks with the advisers, who cautioned against the move, Mr. Trump set aside the plans to immediately fire Mr. Esper.

At the same time, however, Mr. Esper, aware of Mr. Trump’s feelings, was making his own preparations to resign, partly in frustration over the differences regarding the role of the military, the officials said. He had begun to prepare a letter of resignation before he was persuaded not to do so by aides and other advisers, according to some of the officials.

As advisers scrambled to avert the upheaval, Mr. Trump’s June 1 threat to send military forces into American cities already had emerged as a flashpoint, provoking national debate and drawing condemnation from onetime Trump aides.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...



Sara A. Carter

Bernard Kerik: If Black Lives Really Mattered, BLM, Antifa would be Marching All Over Chicago

Chicago recently saw its most violent day in 60 years, with 18 tragic murders.

"That is systematic because it happens every single weekend," Kerik says.


Washington Examiner

Homicides in Los Angeles rise by 250% compared to last week

Mark Dice

Looks like #DefundThePolice isn't going so well.

actually this is just the non-violent protests so far

Commonsense said...

A Doctor’s Update on the COVID Fight

This director’s view is that hospital cases are the best measure of the impact of the pandemic; as death statistics can look higher or lower by how narrowly or loosely authorities define the cause of death, and total number of cases is driven in part by how aggressively a state is testing asymptomatic people — testing that he concludes the country is doing a much better job on now.

The Washington Post noted yesterday that “14 states and Puerto Rico have recorded their highest-ever seven-day average of new coronavirus cases since the pandemic began.” But as observed above, an infection is not necessarily a serious problem, particularly if the patient is asymptomatic. (More on that below.)

James has done nothing but lie on this subject. He has not told the whole truth. Not once.

Commonsense said...

Note to Roger.

Trump should fire Esper. He went off the reservation, not just once but three times. You support and follow the orders of your commamder-in-chief or you resign.

That's how it works.

Commonsense said...

Thanks to Trump, we now know the face of Antifa. Turns out it's a 75 year old white guy with a cell phone camera.

Age is no excuse for stupidity. This man has lean nothing from life.

anonymous said...

Blogger Commonsense said...
Thanks to Trump, we now know the face of Antifa.

Thanks to your lack of education, you have turned into a blithering idiot who does nothing but suck trumps dick.....Trump called a peace activist a terrorist and you remain silent except to criticize others for your own stupidity .....The GOP is dying because of idiots like you and trump!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Things going swimmingly well for trump and the GOP!!!!! With so many R Senators remaining mute.....what do you think will happen to Jowls McCOnnell in November???????

President Trump Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 44, Disapprove 55 Disapprove +11
Direction of Country Rasmussen Reports Right Direction 27, Wrong Track 66 Wrong Track +39
Monday, June 8
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
General Election: Trump vs. Biden The Hill/HarrisX Biden 47, Trump 37 Biden +10
General Election: Trump vs. Biden CNN Biden 55, Trump 41 Biden +14
President Trump Job Approval CNN Approve 40, Disapprove 57 Disapprove +17
Sunday, June 7
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
General Election: Trump vs. Biden NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl Biden 49, Trump 42 Biden +7
Michigan: Trump vs. Biden EPIC-MRA Biden 53, Trump 41 Biden +12

anonymous said...

Blogger Commonsense said...
A Doctor’s Update on the COVID Fight

And hospital cases are soaring in Texas, Arizona and Mississippi.........Gee and all you do is fellate trump and think 112K dead americans is good because trump said so!!!!!! bwaaaaaapaaaaaa!!!!!

anonymous said...

And guess who has the highest positivity rate in the US now......That hot bed of protesting Mn.....home state of LilSchitty!!!!

anonymous said...

To the idiot R's here who have called Coin Powell a democrat....suggest you all ponder the following opinion from a real conservative....unlike you dummy's !!!!!!!!

Hugh Hewitt
June 9, 2020 at 3:09 p.m. EDT
As a distinguished soldier-statesman, Colin Powell — a former secretary of state, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and national security adviser — is entitled to a great deal of deference to his expertise and gratitude for his service. Powell, like retired generals Jim Mattis, John Allen and John F. Kelly, and indeed all who have faced death to protect the U.S. Constitution, are owed continual, unbroken respect. They have mine.
But Powell is not entitled to his own definition of the Constitution. The document is public, as are the Supreme Court’s rulings on what it commands and what it does not. Powell lurched into absurdity on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, alleging that “the president has drifted away from” the Constitution.
Host Jake Tapper ought to have asked Powell how, exactly, President Trump has “drifted away” from the Constitution. It is a serious charge. If Powell had been even slightly pressed, either evasion or silence almost certainly would have followed.

The Constitution contains no secret provisions on presidential Twitter use, no gnostic directions about what a commander in chief ought not to say. Exactly what was Powell referring to?
In truth, the Democrats have embraced a number of anti-constitutional positions. Many among them want to abolish the electoral college, one of the two load-bearing walls on which the Constitution is built. The other — equal representation in the Senate of every state — is regularly assailed by the left, which dominates the Democratic Party.

anonymous said...

Brian Kemp the incompetent UGA graduate, should be proud of his states disastrous primary voting debacle !!!!!! They have 5 months to get things straightened out or Trump will somehow twist the election to being fraudulent.....exactly what the idiot R wants, win anyway you can!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!