Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Minneapolis Business leaving

First of many to follow? 
After 33 years in Minneapolis, Kris Wyrobek thought he could rely on the city to protect his manufacturing business. In the wake of the city’s paralysis in the rioting — which the Star Tribune helpfully notes “sometimes overshadowed peaceful protests” — Wyrobek has had enough. He’s packing up his 7-Sigma plant to rebuild elsewhere after the city let it burn down, and he’s taking 50 jobs with him:
“They don’t care about my business,” said Kris Wyrobek, president and owner of 7-Sigma Inc., which has operated since 1987 at 2843 26th Av. in south Minneapolis. “They didn’t protect our people. We were all on our own.”
Some may shrug at Wyrobek’s declaration and say that it’s just 50 jobs, but Wyrobek isn’t likely to be alone. He just has the distinction of being the first to go public with his decision to leave, and the reasons for doing so. How many business owners in Minneapolis might decide that the risk of a repeat is just too high, and that the track record of city leadership represents a bad risk?  
 For that matter, some businesses might not have the ability to reopen in place even if rebuilt. Insurance losses in the riots will go over $500 million, and customers in Minneapolis will have higher rates as a result of the suddenly-exposed risk of doing business in the city. For some businesses, that might be too much of a hurdle for reinvesting in the city.

The unintended consequences are staggering. Not only in the face of the recent destruction, but also with the potential of either a watered down or completely defunded police force in Minneapolis. One has to wonder how far this sort of commercial unrest would go? Will people want to head downtown, park their car in ramp, and have dinner and catch a show, if there is no police force to protect their car or their person? Will performers even want to come to Minneapolis and perform, if they cannot count on the security that local police often provide? Will our professional sports leagues want to continue to host games in large gatherings of stadiums, with no local police force to assist with security?

So what exactly happens if they have no police department? Well technically all law enforcement matters would fall to the Hennepin County Sheriff's department, which I am guessing has the man power to assist in about one percent of what would be needed. Of course, to listen to these City Counsel members, a vast majority of criminal activity simply doesn't warrant the police to get involved anyways, as petty crimes and other minor criminal activities are little more than an excuse for the police to hassle and pick on people of color. Amazing how low our standards have become when it's being determined that only "some" crimes are worthy of police attention.



Minnesota needs to defund its politicians

And start over.

Commonsense said...

They vote for the same damn DFL politicians after this then there's no hope. People will bug out just like New York.

anonymous said...

Fucking Daddy is a moron ....~!!!!!! Maybe they will move to NC to make up for trumps temper tantrum and bullshit!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

They vote for the same damn DFL politicians after this then there's no hope. People will bug out just like New York.

you know, the black college kids on campuses around the country have been pushing for re-segregation now for quite some time. the whole liberal meltdown at evergreen state in the PNW was over the minority kids wanting the white kids and faculty to leave campus for a week.

black kids have been lobbying for black-only dorms all over. even within the SUNY system here in NY.

so it looks they've gotten a head start on the rest of the country.

we'll leave these folks to their own devices in their looted burned out cities, and we'll help the businesses who want to continue re-locate, and we'll protect them when they do.

when dae-quan and laquishaniqua can't buy food, clothing, gasoline, housing or find a place to live, it should be fun to watch them destroy each other when they figure it all out.

BET can air a new version of the 'hunger games'... an' shit yo.


Tucker Carlson

This is not a time to submit. Just tell the truth. Watch if you missed tonight’s show.


no wonder he's become the lefts worst enemy.

and a friend to all decent Americans.

Anonymous said...

"Tell us what you really think of Martin Luther King, Jr."
Dr.King a great man. Nothing like James.

Get this straight , the White Socialist believe the Black Race needs their help.
Like the Black Race can't do it on their own.

Anonymous said...

This applies to everyone here bit broke Alky.
Call your Insurance Company and tell then you don't have police officers that will respond .

Anonymous said...

JamesFingDaddy, I DVR Tickets Show on my DISH system.
His no b.s. reporting is welcomed.

Caliphate4vr said...

Not-So-Retiring Retired Military Leaders

VDH nails it as always

Caliphate4vr said...

I’m wondering what the left whom posted breathlessly about a fence going up around the Whitehouse will say

Barrier going up around Portland, Ore. City Hall as progressive mayor’s ‘bridges not walls’ takes age poorly

Anonymous said...

Crickets, that is their response, until some reporter writes their opinion.


Bernard B. Kerik

At some point America will wake up. This is what happens when Democrats run your cities. Highest violent crime and murder rates.

DAMNING VIDEO: https://twitter.com/BernardKerik/status/1270378486998458371

Glad I don't live there, feel sorry for the people who voted the politicians who controlled this in. Guess this is the Democrats way of securing our borders, nobody will want to live in their cities.


Andy NgĂ´

The Seattle east police precinct has been entirely boarded up. Traffic in & out of the zone is controlled by the anarchists & communists. Militants are calling this their commune. Police are ordered away. https://capitolhillseattle.com/2020/06/welcome-to-free-capitol-hill-capitol-hill-autonomous-zone-forms-around-emptied-east-precinct/

Make Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos live in their dream community. They wouldn't last a day.

Anonymous said...

A Municipality Insurance Rates are in part based upon the ability to provide Police/Fire Pretection. No Cops, sky rocking Insurance rates.

Anonymous said...

"Minneapolis Police Department says 24 officers quit today & 46 are taking early retirement. Their words before they left were:

“You’re on your own”

IF , that is true I am happy. Enough is Enough. pull that pin and enjoy retirement.


James Woods

Twitter offered no explanation for locking my account. I had started posting the names of all police officers who have died in the line of duty this year. I was nowhere near going through the 97 names (as of this date), but I’m guessing it irked one of the lefties in charge.
More big tech censorship, this needs to be addressed right now. HUGE election interference.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The New York Times:
GOP Scrambles to Respond to Demands for Police Reform

“Congressional Republicans, caught flat-footed by an election-year groundswell of public support for overhauling policing in America to address systemic racism, are struggling to coalesce around a legislative response,” the New York Times reports.

“Having long fashioned themselves as the party of law and order, Republicans have been startled by the speed and extent to which public opinion has shifted under their feet in recent days after the killings of unarmed black Americans by the police and the protests that have followed. The abrupt turn has placed them on the defensive.

“Adding to their challenge, President Trump has offered only an incendiary response…”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Washington Post: Hospitalizations rise sharply in several states following Memorial Day.

White House Goes Quiet on Virus as Outbreak Spikes Again

“The coronavirus is still killing as many as 1,000 Americans per day — but the Trump administration isn’t saying much about it.

“It’s been more than a month since the White House halted its daily coronavirus task force briefings. Top officials like infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci have largely disappeared from national television — with Fauci making just four cable TV appearances in May after being a near fixture on Sunday shows across March and April — and are FREQUENTLY RESTRICTED from testifying before Congress.”


Trump Had Halted Probing Police Departments

“For 20 years, investigations like those, and the consent decrees that followed, were key to federal efforts TO BRING MORE ACCOUNTABILITY TO POLICING IN THE UNITED STATES, ESPECIALLY IN THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION.

"But as the nation reckons again with racism and police brutality following the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the Trump administration is all but OUT OF THE BUSINESS OF SYSTEMIC POLICE REFORM.

“Since President Trump took office, the Justice Department has SHARPLY CURBED its use of investigations and consent decrees, essentially locking those powerful tools in its toolbox. What’s more, the president himself has made multiple public statements that suggest HE DOES NOT SEE POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY AS A HIGH PRIORITY. And some former Justice Department officials and other criminal justice experts see a connection between the vacuum of accountability at the highest levels of government and the ongoing police violence that has sent Americans cascading into the streets to protest.”


African-American Jobless Rate Tripled

"The black unemployment rate, which at 5.8% in February was near the lowest since records began in 1972, tripled to 16.8% in May, according to the Labor Department.”

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Nothing makes The Socialist here happier then a hurting USA.

Anonymous said...

Black Unemployment @Obama levels.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Commonsense said...

The straight information without hysteria.

A Doctor’s Update on the COVID Fight

This director’s view is that hospital cases are the best measure of the impact of the pandemic; as death statistics can look higher or lower by how narrowly or loosely authorities define the cause of death, and total number of cases is driven in part by how aggressively a state is testing asymptomatic people — testing that he concludes the country is doing a much better job on now.

The Washington Post noted yesterday that “14 states and Puerto Rico have recorded their highest-ever seven-day average of new coronavirus cases since the pandemic began.” But as observed above, an infection is not necessarily a serious problem, particularly if the patient is asymptomatic. (More on that below.)

James has done nothing but lie on this subject. He has not told the whole truth. Not once.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Gee, the Washington Post and Politico are lying?

Commensa himself noted that:
"This director’s view is that hospital cases are the best measure of the impact of the pandemic..."

Washington Post: Hospitalizations rise sharply in several states following Memorial Day.

Anonymous said...

Caliphate4vr said...

I’m wondering what the left whom posted breathlessly about a fence going up around the Whitehouse will say

Barrier going up around Portland, Ore. City Hall as progressive mayor’s ‘bridges not walls’ takes age poorly

their hypocrisy will ring loudly as they remain silent.

Anonymous said...

Gee, the Washington Post and Politico are lying?

that's been my default position for years, pederast.

Washington Post: Hospitalizations rise sharply in several states following Memorial Day.

hospitalization from WHAT exactly?

rioting? looting? burning? assault? attempted murder? a brick to the fucking head?

the bozo's post has devolved into a newsletter for the far left. they've abandoned the truth for pursuit of a narrative.

they are not to be taken seriously. no sane person has trusted them since katherine graham was sucking JFK's balls, for chrissakes.

Myballs said...

Even NYC now,opening back up.

Maybe the WaPo hospitalizations story is about all the surgeries that were put off the last two and a half months.

Anonymous said...


This is the longest funeral tour for a career lowlife since John McCain.

h/t: AoS

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why is the Trump administration now "frequently restricting" Fauci and Birx and other covid-19 experts from testifying before Congress?

Got a good answer for that?

I have. They want to mislead America about the severity of the problem, knowing that Trump's huge mismanagement of the pandemic is one reason he will not be reelected.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

That and his huge mismanagement of the need for police reforms.

Myballs said...

Fauci testified before the senate last month

Myballs said...

CDC dir Redfield testified before the Senate last month


*** REMINDER ***

I've dropped calling him out on some previous lies (got tiring and he is non-responsive) but we have this from yesterday


james said:
And notice how even the HUGE crowds practice a lot of social distancing and wear masks.

the board "champion" wins again !!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ahem. From above:

“It’s been more than a month since the White House halted its daily coronavirus task force briefings. Top officials like infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci have largely disappeared from national television — with Fauci making just four cable TV appearances in May after being a near fixture on Sunday shows across March and April — and are FREQUENTLY RESTRICTED from testifying before Congress.”

Myballs said...

See my last two posts

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why did the White House halt its daily coronavirus briefings?

Simple answer:
They were backfiring on Trump, sinking him further in the polls.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Balls' last two posts do not contradict 7:25AM.


John Loudon

200 years as the party of #slavery the #kkk #lynching and today’s Democrat stronghold cities seeing blacks die at the hands of cops, and Democrats are still blaming others for their failures.

And it goes on full blast here

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Nate Cohn:
Opinions Have Shifted Quickly on Black Lives Matter

“Over the last two weeks, support for Black Lives Matter increased by nearly as much as it had over the previous two years, according to data from Civiqs, an online survey research firm.

"By a 28-point margin, Civiqs finds that a majority of Americans support the movement,
up from a 17-point margin before the most recent wave of protests began.”

Biden Holds Wide Lead Nationally

A new Data for Progress poll finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump nationally in the presidential race, 54% to 40%.

Anonymous said...

Why is the Trump administration now "frequently restricting" Fauci and Birx and other covid-19 experts from testifying before Congress?

Got a good answer for that?

got evidence they're being blocked or at a minimum they're even being ASKED to fucking testify?

geezus pederast, the way you stumble around here just making shit up out of whole cloth is simply amazing.

Anonymous said...

That and his huge mismanagement of the need for police reforms.

local, county, and state police reforms are not the fucking job of the federal government, you fucking toolbox.

google "federalism" & "10th amendment."

anonymous said...

Geeezus rat you lazy dumb fuck....don't you have a job to go to or are you one of the 2.5 million new workers thanx to trumps destroying the economy?????? Never have seen so much guano posted by you righties evah....the sad part is all directed at James rather than the liar in chief who spreads rumors posted by Sputnik!!!!!! Who's the dummy now ??????? BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!


Scott Morefield

In just one part of an epic Tuesday night monologue, Tucker Carlson ripped GoFundMe's deplatforming of @RealCandaceO for expressing politically incorrect beliefs:

"Racism no longer has anything to do with race. It's a way to control disobedience."

Outstanding one minute VIDEO: https://twitter.com/SKMorefield/status/1270545388198658050

Thank God big tech still hasn't been able to completely quell dissenting voices and a path around state media.


Vote Trump 2020 and save America

and to stop making blacks kneel

Anonymous said...

Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez, a Democrat, pushed to make drastic cuts to the Los Angeles Police Department’s (LAPD) funding amid a nationwide campaign by the far-left to defund police departments — a move she made while having an LAPD unit stationed outside her private home since April.

Spectrum News 1 journalist Natalie Brunell reported that the unit, which guards Martinez’s home, usually includes two police officers and has been in place for the last two months.

“The private security detail infuriated some members of the force when Martinez became one of the council members to spearhead a motion to cut $150 million in funding to the LAPD’s budget,” Brunell reported Monday. “Multiple LAPD sources confirmed the units were directed to provide 24/7 security beginning April 4 at Martinez’s home, almost always staffed by two officers. As of May 6, we’re told the detail decreased to 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. with roving patrol checks overnight.”


fauci! birx! testify! squawk! look! squirrel!

fuck off pederast.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Jonathan Swan:
Trump Aides Despondent Over His Latest Tweet

“My phone blew up yesterday with texts from White House aides, current and former, who seemed at their wits’ end over President Trump’s tweet that the 75-year-old Buffalo protester who was rushed to the hospital after being shoved by police last week ‘could be an ANTIFA provocateur.’

"They rarely register the president’s tweets anymore — let alone complain about them. This one felt different.

“POTUS aides and the campaign had come together this week around getting Trump into the conversation about rebuilding/ recovering, listening to ideas about police reform, etc.

"One former aide remarked that it’s tweets like this that make him wonder whether Trump actually wants to get re-elected.”


Anonymous said...

that would be the jonathan swan from AXIOS:

Axios is reportedly letting its journalists take part in George Floyd protests, in a rare move of its kind for a major media organization, according to an internal memo sent to staff.

The New York Times obtained an email written by Axios co-founder and CEO Jim VandeHei, who told his staff that not only did they have the ability to attend the nationwide protests, their employer would also work to cover their bail if they were arrested.

"First, let me say we proudly support and encourage you to exercise your rights to free speech, press, and protest. If you’re arrested or meet harm while exercising these rights, Axios will stand behind you and use the Family Fund to cover your bail or assist with medical bills," VandeHei wrote.


go to a black lies matter/anti-first amendment rally and put your full liberal bias on display!

LOL @ the pederast.

fucking toolbox.


Tim Pool

Racist Chicago politicians complain about the noble looting that destroyed their neighborhoods

These bigots just need to learn about restorative justice then they will understand why its good that roving bands of criminals destroyed their communities


and the "winner" of yesterdays LIE of THE DAY continues his avalanche of uncredited and off-topic Goddard political_lire spam.

He has nothing else.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


In a CNN/SSRS poll released Monday, the 60 percent of white people who said racism is a big problem is nearly three times as high as a November 2011 CNN/Kaiser Family Foundation poll, when only 21 percent of white Americans believed it was a big problem.

It’s also 11 points higher than it was in 2015, when 49 percent said it was a big problem.


James Woods

There is a 50 minute audio embedded in this article of a Chicago City Council meeting with Mayor Lori Lightfoot. If you want to see why Democrat cities are a catastrophe, listen to all of it. A stunning and utterly disheartening failure of leadership.

referring to the link above


Referring to MY LINK above

the fucking idiot "pastor" with his non-stop avalanche of his GODdard political_lire spam dumped more shit in between.

Using a shit site using FAKE NEWS sources as EVERYONE HERE KNOWS.

It does appear he is SHOVEL READY though


anonymous said...

nd state police reforms are not the fucking job of the federal government,

The POTUS is supposed to lead by example.....and the example he sets is one of brutality you fucking idiot!!!!!

anonymous said...

Anonymous JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY said...
Scott Morefield

AND FUCKED UP CARLSON.......Pathetic that you stand behind such massive stupidity!!!!! Birds of a feather Daddy.....your ship is sinking!!!!!!

Myballs said...

James said they were being blocked from testifying. I pointed out that with Whitehouse approval, fauci and Redfield testified last month.


anonymous said...

This should go over well with the current state of America.....could it change to first degree murder?????? Would that suck dickless rat you loser!!!!!!!

On the CBS special, Justice for All hosted by Gayle King, George Floyd’s brother Philonise said he believes Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer charged with second-degree murder in Floyd’s death, knew exactly who Floyd was as he pressed his knee into his neck. Not only that, Philonise said he believed it was personal, and he’s not the only one who sees it that way.

Both Floyd and Chauvin used to work security at El Nuevo Rodeo, a nightclub in Minneapolis that was burned to the ground in recent riots. Floyd worked security inside, while Chauvin was paid to sit in his squad car outside the club when he was off-duty. Former co-worker David Pinney said that not only did Floyd and Chauvin know each other, but they had a contentious history.

“They bumped heads,” Pinney said, adding, “It has a lot to do with Derek being extremely aggressive within the club with some of the patrons, which was an issue.” “Is there any doubt in your mind that Derek Chauvin knew George Floyd?” CBS correspondent Jeff Pegues asked. “No, he knew him,” Pinney replied. “How well did he know him?” “I’d say pretty well.”

Chauvin had a history of complaints against him, and the former owner of the club, Maya Santamaria, was not surprised by what she saw in the video, except that it went as far as it did.

“I was not surprised when I initially saw his knee on his neck, to be honest,” Santamaria said. “Because I’ve seen Chauvin do stuff along those lines. What surprised me was that he didn’t stop right away once George was obviously, ya know, saying, ‘Okay, okay.’”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I guess Balls needs to read 7:25 more carefully.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

8:09 very important.


*** REMINDER ***

I've dropped calling him out on some previous lies (got tiring and he is non-responsive) but we have this from yesterday


james said:
And notice how even the HUGE crowds practice a lot of social distancing and wear masks.

the board "champion" wins again !!!

Anonymous said...

James dethroned Alky as the board liar.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Aerial photography shows a good amount of protesters keeping spaces between themselves. And nearly all are wearing masks.
--You're welcome.

Miss Manners said...

James, it is amazing to me how you remain such a calm, reasoned voice in this sea of conservative vilification, obscurantism, and obscenities.

I deeply admire your ability to do that.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Thank you, Manners.

Miss Manners said...

Fuck you james, I was being sarcastic.

Miss Manners said...

How silly. James, you know I didn't write that. I do not lower myself to using that kind of language. (smile)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Note to readers: My next post will not come from politicalwire, but is an excellent news article.

Miss Manners said...

Don't try and appropriate me like you do Goddard james.

Also stop doubling down on your lies.

And wipe that lying smirk off your face.

You disgust me and the board.


Anonymous said...

James, your team killed off Black Employment, Why?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Surging is happening.

Trump BLAMES testing for COVID-19 spikes.

Experts DISAGREE. They fault reopening.

NBC News

President Donald Trump has repeatedly blamed testing as the reason for documented spikes in the number of COVID-19 cases across the U.S. — but data and public health experts attribute the surge to the easing of lockdown restrictions just weeks ago.

"By the way, when you do more testing, you have more cases. We have more cases than anybody because we do more testing than anybody. It's pretty simple," Trump said Friday in the White House Rose Garden.

"Remember this: When you have more tests, you have more cases. I say to my people: Every time we test, you find cases because we do more testing. So if we have more cases — if we wanted to do testing in China or in India or other places, I promise you, there'd be more cases," he added.

COVID-19 cases are on the rise in 21 states, according to data compiled by The New York Times. There is some indication that expanded testing is catching more cases, but public health experts say that in reality, the surges are due to states' reopening and people's relaxing their social distancing protocols.

"The surge numbers are real," said Dr. Irwin Redlener, director of the Columbia University National Center for Disaster Preparedness, who is a public health analyst for NBC News and MSNBC.

He said more testing will inevitably capture more positive tests, "but to deny the fact that we're having an ongoing pandemic with continued spread is contrary to all evidence that we have and everything that we know about the behavior of the virus."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Dr. Vin Gupta, a pulmonologist and global health policy expert who is an NBC News and MSNBC contributor, said the surges are tied to people moving around more.

"The data that I've seen from Verizon and even Apple and Google suggest that people are moving a lot in states like California and Arizona and North Carolina, and those happen to be three of the six states where you're seeing the biggest spike of cases," he told NBC News.

Those three states all began reopening more than two weeks ago.

In North Carolina, reopening began May 8, and COVID-19 infections have been rising steadily since, according to state data. Deaths also surged in late May after a steady decline since an initial peak of the seven-day average death toll in late April. Hospitalizations hit a record Tuesday, with 774 people in the hospital. Just 17 percent of intensive care beds are available, the state said.

In Arizona, stay-at-home orders ended May 15, and a clear surge in the number of confirmed cases began 10 days later. The hospitalization rate has more than doubled, according to Covidtracking.com.

California began its regional reopening in early May, and it has reported record new case numbers repeatedly in recent days.

Download the NBC News app for full coverage and alerts about the coronavirus outbreak

Gupta and Redlener said the existing data are likely an undercount.

"A consistently high positive rate suggests alternately the virus is endemic in the United States — infecting far more people than we know — or there isn't enough testing," Gupta said.

Both experts said protests will likely add to the surges 10 to 14 days from exposure.



james said:
And notice how even the HUGE crowds practice a lot of social distancing and wear masks.

James said...
Aerial photography shows a good amount of protesters keeping spaces between themselves. And nearly all are wearing masks.

We will wait for james to post a link to a aerial photographs showing HUGE CROWDS practicing social distancing.

And we know he won't. I can provide photographs showing they weren't if he is willing to admit he is lying first.

I know, I am being generous.


oops let me get an update to TODAYS'S LIE of THE DAY...


well I'll wait for james to post his links first

one thing at a time

It's already impossible for him to follow one train of thought in a thread


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

At this point, F'n is going to give us a reasoned argument refuting all the points in the article at 8:42 above, and of course he's going to do that without using sarcasm, lying, or obscenities.

Prediction: Ah, but that sets the bar too high for him. He can't do it.

Anonymous said...

We will wait for james to post a link to a aerial photographs showing HUGE CROWDS practicing social distancing.

waiting on that is a fools errand.

the pederast is a pathological liar.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

link requested;
link given


Anonymous said...

link requested;
link given

link contains no "Aerial photography shows a good amount of protesters keeping spaces between themselves. And nearly all are wearing masks."

link is a fools errand as i predicted.

pederast is a pathological liar.

Anonymous said...

Gupta and Redlener said the existing data are likely an undercount.

heh. two MSDNC clowns are declaring an undercount.

an undercount is what Killer Cuomo did with the nursing home slaughter he committed. that was a gross undercount of 40%.


rrb said...

We will wait for james to post a link to a aerial photographs showing HUGE CROWDS practicing social distancing.

waiting on that is a fools errand.

the pederast is a pathological liar.

True and one sign is that only pathological liars claim they never lie, like james.

And james I may answer you if I wanted to and if you posted something on-topic and not Goddard but I see you failed again.

As you will fail once again to be able to provide your links.

James said...
link requested;
link given


Well james even LIES ABOUT HIS LINKS. Excuse me the link does not show any aerial photography of HUGE crowds practicing social distancing, in fact it DOESN'T offer ANYTHING to do with your LIE and NO AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS

james, the boards pathological liar and Goddard blog waterboy

and he fails again trying to use ANOTHER LIE

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

the link (or "links")
requested was requested at 8:50 and I gave it.

Anonymous said...

The NFL should eliminate playing the national anthem before games.

A major theme in the movement for change in the United States is unity. In order for the NFL to remain in step, it is time to end what has become a divisive tradition.


it's so hard NOT to hate liberals and their notions when they constantly beg you to do so.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Now I'm REALLY laughing. At the two of you. I assumed F'n wanted me to back up my 8:42 article with a link to it, and I did.

I have not yet given a link to crowds observing some degree of social distancing while protesting, but they're all over the place. :-)

Now, I repeat what I said at 8:51AM (after all, "one thing at a time")

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I repeat:

At this point, F'n is going to give us a reasoned argument refuting all the points in the article at 8:42 above, and of course he's going to do that without using sarcasm, lying, or obscenities.

Prediction: Ah, but that sets the bar too high for him. He can't do it.

Anonymous said...

I have not yet given a link to crowds observing some degree of social distancing while protesting, but they're all over the place. :-)

all over the place? then serve one up to back up your "Aerial photography shows a good amount of protesters keeping spaces between themselves. And nearly all are wearing masks." claim.

that was the ask.

you know it.

and now, true to form, you're LYING about it.

fuck off, pederast.

Myballs said...

And yet, they did testify. They don't need to continually do so.


the lying POS "pastor" james said:

I have not yet given a link to crowds observing some degree of social distancing while protesting, but they're all over the place. :-)

EVERYONE here can see you are a pathological liar.

You don't have to keep proving it :-)

And what a slimy lying weasel he is also.


fuck off, pederast.

I concur


Oh and james initially said "HUGE CROWDS", he's already trying to setup his next weasel.

A dishonest fucking liar he is.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I repeat: Try to honestly answer the excellent article above:

At this point, F'n is going to give us a reasoned argument refuting all the points in the article at 8:42 above, and of course he's going to do that without using sarcasm, lying, or obscenities.

Prediction: Ah, but that sets the bar too high for him. He can't do it.


But go ahead, F'n. Surprise us.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Better get busy. While we wait, this is happening:

Trump Approval Slides to 39%

A new Gallup poll finds President Trump’s approval rate dropping from 49% to 39% in just a month.

A new Politico/Morning Consult poll also shows Trump’s approval at 39%.


reminder of what james actually said:

And notice how even the HUGE crowds practice a lot of social distancing and wear masks.


Aerial photography shows a good amount of protesters keeping spaces between themselves. And nearly all are wearing masks.

let's see if he actually provides or weasels




what a pathetic piece of shit

Well as rrb said fuck off pederast and I'll check back later to see if you actually provided what you said was so easy to provide ("they're all over the place") or if you get the DAILLY DOUBLE on.....

LIE OF THE DAY. have a feeling you are going to win this a lot.

and stop trying to avoid what the subject actually was.


anonymous said...

what a pathetic piece of shit

Fucking daddy finally realizes what he is in spades!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
James dethroned Alky as the board liar.

That honor is by the troika of assholes, fucking, rathole and the goat fucker....honorable mention is Lil Schitty and cramps!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

The only R 's with a set of ballz are a cunt from alaska and a mormon from utah....the rest are showing the huge YELLOW stripe down their backs as they run towards a free buffet, probably paid for by tax payers!!!!

WASHINGTON — On the 161st day of the fourth year of the Trump presidency, having grown accustomed to Republican lawmakers’ favorite excuse for refusing to comment on President Donald Trump’s latest incendiary tweet, reporters resorted to a rare tactic.

They printed out copies of Trump’s post — this one containing an unsubstantiated suggestion that an older protester shoved and injured by the police in Buffalo was an antifa provocateur who staged his own assault — for any Republican who might try to fall back on what has become a stock response: “I didn’t see the tweet.”

It did not work. Even faced with documentary evidence of the president’s inflammatory remark, most Republicans averted their gaze Tuesday, declining to comment as they darted through the hallways of Capitol Hill and appearing to wish away what was on paper in front of them.

Their reactions were the most vivid illustration to date of an extraordinary dynamic among elected Republicans that has been building almost since the moment Trump took office — behaving as if they have no idea what he is doing or saying. After thousands of tweets carrying falsehoods, racist language and demeaning barbs against their own colleagues — not to mention the news reports, book excerpts or speeches that have roiled this administration — lawmakers in his party have largely settled on blissful ignorance as a way of avoiding defending the indefensible.

“I didn’t see it — you’re telling me about it,” Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. and a frequent user of the platform, told a CNN reporter of the message. “I don’t read Twitter, I only write on it.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

One example of protesters observing social distancing.

More to come.


But where is your carefully reasoned refutation of that 8:42 article above? Don't WEASEL out!

"One thing at a time." :-)

Anonymous said...

James, the citys/state's with the highest by far Black Unemployment are run by your team.

Anonymous said...

Cop shot n killed today.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

F'n Daddy is incapable of doing what I challenged him to do.


Texas Sets Record High for Virus Hospitalizations

“Texas health authorities said there are currently 2,153 patients sickened with Covid-19 across its hospitals, marking the third-straight day Wednesday of record-breaking coronavirus hospitalizations in the state,” CNBC reports.

“The steady rise in coronavirus hospitalizations in Texas will likely add to scrutiny from some U.S. lawmakers and infectious disease experts that SOME STATES OPENED businesses too early as the virus continues to spread throughout parts of the country.”


Trump Resumes Campaigning with Trip to Texas

President Trump plans to announce a plan for “holistic revitalization and recovery” during a trip to Dallas on Thursday built around a high-dollar fundraising dinner expected to bring in $10 million, the Dallas Morning News reports.

It’s his first campaign foray since the coronavirus pandemic began three months ago.




*** REMINDER ***

james said:
And notice how even the HUGE crowds practice a lot of social distancing and wear masks.

James said...
Aerial photography shows a good amount of protesters keeping spaces between themselves. And nearly all are wearing masks.

first he posts a link to to some news article that is not even relevant. Now he has posted a link to a ground level video where you can see something like 30 people lying in the street. NOT HUGE as in first claim, NOT AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY as in his second attempt. But over 2 hours ago he posted "More to come." and now it's been over 3 hours. Let's see what he's "produced"

All since has been Goddard spam (I see repeated in several threads) and a demand I respond to his "8:42". Well I looked. It had nothing to do with this thread so I had ignored. And will ignore again. And I definitely don't take "orders" from a lying POS "pastor". Nobody posts shit and the orders others to respond. That is not how this works.

But if you want to kneel to me feel free.


btw I'll give you one last chance, but besides yesterdays BIG LIE you've already added two more just with your responses, possibly three if you don't respond with confirming links. And that's without looking at your dishonest (unaccredited) spam avalanche.

Remember aerial photograph of HUGE crowds (plural which would need multiple aerial photographs of different crowds) which shows them practicing social distancing. Both your previous answers qualify as LIES without proof as they aren't what you said they were. As I recall you said there were lot's of them and it would be easy. Apparently not. A lot of time has passed and you've only produced two laughable responses which will be reclassified as lies pending your third attempt.