Sunday, June 7, 2020

George Floyd is Eric Gardner

So a fairly large black man with preexisting medical conditions gets put in a restraining neck hold by a cop with a history of bad behavior, after being accused of a relatively mundane criminal charge. During the course of events, the suspect complains that he cannot breath, eventually the suspect loses consciousness, then loses his pulse, and eventually dies.

If this description of events surrounding George Floyd sound familiar, it's because the exact same thing happened in New York, with man we should remember named Eric Gardner. The difference appears to be that the Floyd was restrained with a knee to the neck, while Gardner was restrained with an jui jitsu choke hold.

For comparisons, the four officers who were associated with the death of George Floyd were immediately fired and criminal charges were filed against all four within a week. In the New York case, only the officer who administered the choke (Daniel Pantaleo) was fired, and nobody from NYPD was charged with a crime. 

What caused such an social outburst that seems wildly extreme in comparison to previous similar events (Eric Gardner, Freddie Gray, Mike Brown)? Especially considering the much more aggressive firings and criminal charges being brought almost immediately. Three things stand out to me:

  • The first being the fact that we have not had a major race riot for nearly three years, when we had been having them much more consistently. It's been nearly three years since the Charlottesville riots, and there was probably a pent up demand for people to protest something racial. 
  • Second, the pandemic lock downs probably had everyone on edge. People were frustrated and angry and this provided many people with an outlet to lash out. Who knows how much of the looting had to do with people not having money to actually buy things.
  • Third, there is much less overall condemnation for the violence, and in fact there was actual support and justification provided by many leaders for the violence and riots. This is likely due to the knee jerk requirement for the mainstream political class to contradict whatever Trump does. Trump is against burning down cities. That means that liberals must be for burning down cities. 

So the other question that needs to be posed is what exactly makes this particular situation so much worse from a legal standpoint? What makes a knee on a neck worthy of five counts of felony murder and four counts of manslaughter against the four officers at the scene in Minneapolis, vs a Jiu Jitsu rear naked choke hold that was worthy no criminal charges and only the officer who administered the choke being fired? 

There seems to be fairly large disconnect and hypocrisy in regards to the handling of this. Whether that be the idea that charging everyone with murder is an overreaction, or not charging anyone was an underreaction. In Minneapolis we have two officers with less than a week on the job, still in training, now fired and charged with aiding and abetting murder. In New York, even the guy who administered the choke was not charged? 

Maybe it's just me... but I have a hard time reconciling this. 


cowardly king obama said...

Jack Montgomery

Lincoln's statue vandalised even worse than Churchill's at the #BlackLivesMatter protest in London. Lincoln, of course, is the President who freed the slaves – and got an assassin's bullet in the back of the head for doing it. That still wasn't enough?

You just still don't get it CHT. Lincoln had white privilege and therefore must pay.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Thank you for raising this issue, Ch. It caused me to find this commentary with video.

cowardly king obama said...


Some saw a white police officer kill a black man. I saw A rogue cop kill A man.

democrats are inherently racist

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Since that rogue cop used an illegal chokehold on Garner, why did Attorney General William Barr make the decision not to bring charges?

Anonymous said...

James, your hero is a twice convicted Violent Felon and was passing foke $20 bills.

Anonymous said...

BlackLiesMatter on team Alky & James.

"The Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Regiment Memorial"

Was damaged . Nice Job.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Romney Marches In Black Lives Matter Protest

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) marched in a Washington, DC, protest after the death of George Floyd in a break from other GOP lawmakers who have largely aligned behind President Trump’s militarized response to nationwide unrests.

Romney told the Washington Post that he was participating in the demonstration “to make sure that people understand that black lives matter.” The Utah senator later tweeted a photo of himself at the protest with the caption “Black Lives Matter,” thus becoming one of the most prominent GOP figures to do so.


James June 7, 2020 at 6:00 PM
Since that rogue cop used an illegal chokehold on Garner, why did Attorney General William Barr make the decision not to bring charges?


AG William Barr should have been AG in 2014 and brought charges, which the Obama justice department and AG Lynch refused to do. Of course she was too busy running a crooked department neck deep in other scandals.

Thanks for again having no idea what you are talking about.




Did Mittens ever ask Obama for a recipe on how to cook dogs? Obama liked the taste of dogs and criticized Mitt for having placed a dead one on the roof of his car. Happened during 2012 campaign so you may not remember

Hell you can't even remember a thread topic or who was AG in 2014.

Maybe you can run with Joe on a forgettable ticket.


Anonymous said...

I thought taking a knee was a sign of submission. Did Mitt do this to?

Anonymous said...

James had to go .

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Opens Up Big Lead Over Trump

A new CNN poll finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in the presidential race nationally, 55% to 41%.

Trump’s approval rate has slipped to 38% to 57%.



james has conceded he has nothing but irrelevant spam

And Obama/Biden/Lynch ran a RACIST justice department

and the dems are locked in on Biden

If I was Trump I would run that nearly 2 minute clip (uncut and unedited) of Biden rambling trying to answer a question with incoherent word choices and nonsensical "sentences".

The general public has no idea yet


anonymous said...

No gassing last week according to the fat fucking liar BARR!!!!! I guess all those eyewitness accounts were bullshit.....right cramps?????

The tear gas
His effort to reiterate the debunked claim that no tear gas was used yielded the most ridiculous sequence in the discussion.
Multiple reporters on the scene when the square was being cleared indicated that they and others around them were affected by some substance that stung their eyes or made them cough. The White House pool reporter, traveling across the square soon afterward with the president, reported that she and others were still affected by the lingering irritant.

In a statement last Tuesday, the Park Police denied that tear gas had been used, though they admitted that they had deployed “smoke canisters and pepper balls.”
Barr made the same claim Sunday.
“There was no tear gas used,” Barr said at one point.
“There were chemical irritants the park police has said — ” host Margaret Brennan replied.
“No, there were not chemical irritants. Pepper spray is not a chemical irritant,” Barr interjected. “It’s not chemical.” He later went back to his original point: “There was no gas.”
There are two ways in which Barr is trying to be clever with his phrasing in order to obscure the reality of what happened. He tries to differentiate between the compound used by the Park Police, oleoresin capsicum, which isn’t man-made, and products like chloroacetophenone and


must be desperation for dems.

Jobs already coming back except for minorities who whose neighborhoods were decimated by rioters.

Stock market up over 50 % since Trump won the nomination.

Protests turning peaceful.

America is coming back.

a lot for the left to be unhappy with

anonymous said...


anonymous said...


Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
General Election: Trump vs. Biden CNN Biden 55, Trump 41 Biden +14
President Trump Job Approval CNN Approve 40, Disapprove 57 Disapprove +17
Sunday, June 7
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
General Election: Trump vs. Biden NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl Biden 49, Trump 42 Biden +7
Michigan: Trump vs. Biden EPIC-MRA Biden 53, Trump 41 Biden +12
President Trump Job Approval NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl Approve 45, Disapprove 53 Disapprove +8
2020 Generic Congressional Vote NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl Democrats 51, Republicans 40 Democrats +11