Saturday, June 20, 2020

Gotta love the hypocrisy!

You've heard much ado about Fauci suggesting that a political rally is dangerous, but nobody seemed to notice that he said the same thing about protesting! 

Thousands waiting to get into the Trump rally tonight! 
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious-disease expert and leading member on the president’s coronavirus task force, said he would not attend the event in Tulsa and told ABC News that attending a political rally or a protest right now is still "a danger" and "risky."

I think the key here is that the sky is falling chicken littles of the world are no longer carrying the same amount of unquestioned respect. You will notice that most every news agency in the country is telling everyone how Fauci and others say attending a rally is "risky".  But did you hear any of these same liberal minions mention that Fauci also said the same thing about the protests?

So far, there really hasn't been much covid-19 fallout from the political protests. They are saying that only about 1% of those who attended are testing positive for the virus so far. But given the demographics of those protesters, that will not account for much in terms of hospitalizations or deaths.

The fact that we are now several weeks in many places into the reopening of the economy and hospitalizations are flat and deaths are still going down, it would seem that objectively those states are making the correct decisions about their reopening plans.

It's one thing to close down your state, quarantine everyone, and destroy your economy because you are wanting to prevent serious infections that lead to hundreds or thousands dead. It's another to continue to demand such action, when all you are hoping to accomplish is show a better statistical result from your testing, by not having as many positive cases come back.

Many might give up their life's savings, lose their jobs, or even lose their homes to save the lives of themselves and their loved ones. But who in their right mind is going to risk financial ruin in order to avoid a positive test result for a virus that will most likely be either asymptomatic or have mild effects on you.


Anonymous said...

Socialist are attempting to "Re-Fear" the population.

No thanks , two things, the Peaceful Rioters and the fact that Freaking Kansas is in day 120 of our 15 day lockdown.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch, you are such a dishonest person.

Fauci made it clear that attending protests could be dangerous, but less so if people wore masks and when and if possible, exercised some distancing, which many did.

He and Birce also made it clear that attending a huge event INSIDE a closed area was FAR, FAR MORE DANGEROUS, INDEED, HARDLY ANYTHING COULD BE MORE DANGEROUS, especially if within that enclosed space there would be much shouting, etc. and many would feel encouraged by Trump's own misguided attitude and lack of example to remain unmasked.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



Chuck Woolery

All of the sudden the entire Media is concerned about the health of Trump supporters. It's hysterical.



The absurdity of senile Joe Biden running for president will never be more obvious--the moment Trump walks on stage tonight

C.H. Truth said...

Fauci made it clear that attending protests could be dangerous, but less so if people wore masks and when and if possible, exercised some distancing, which many did.

Yet, we were fed a continuous line of nonsense that "health care officials" were in agreement that the protesting was a positive mental health issue that would have a positive effect that was more important than the negative effect of possibly catching covid-19. I watched a video of health care workers out on a sidewalk (not socially distancing) applauding for the protesters as they made their way down the street.

With all due respect to the "health care officials" they cannot possibly know what is and what is not important individually to 330 million Americans, and making some sort of blanket statement as if they do is moronic.

I didn't hear "anything" reported about either Fauci or Birx until the rally came into play. This isn't about whether or not Fauci and Birx are being hypocritical, it's the manner in which the media is playing it out.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


C.H. Truth said...



The hypocrisy is how the media is covering this, not how the "task force" is covering it. Fauci specifically has stated that both indoor rallies and outdoor protests are risky and shouldn't be attended.

It's hard to find any mention of anything Fauci or the task force stated about the protests when the protests were going on... because the media loves a good anti-Trump protest!

But hey... the genie is out of the bottle, Reverend. Can't put him back in now. What I am seeing here, and what is happening at the rally is the beginning of the end of the heavy handed lock downs.

Anonymous said...

CHT, is , one of the kindest people.
look how he feeds the information to James, "spoon feeding".

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Maybe Ch would like to spoon feed himself the following:

Top members of coronavirus task force advised against Trump's Tulsa rally

Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx were among those warning about health risks for those attending such indoor rallies as the coronavirus' spread continues.

WASHINGTON — Leading members of the coronavirus task force warned White House officials about the health risks of holding large-scale indoor campaign rallies and advised against such mass gatherings, according to two people familiar with the discussions.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, and task force response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx both vocalized concerns internally in the last week about the safety of holding a rally on Saturday with as many as 19,000 people in an enclosed arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

But President Donald Trump and his campaign advisers are proceeding with the event, which is expected to draw tens of thousands inside and outside the venue who will neither be socially distant nor required to wear face coverings. They claim attendees “assume a personal risk” and “that is part of life.”

It has been nearly two months since the last coronavirus task force briefing and four weeks since Birx answered questions about the coronavirus pandemic from the White House briefing room.

Vice President Mike Pence, the head of the group, and his top aides have at times flouted their own administration’s guidance, opting not to wear masks during trips in recent weeks.

While Pence and the president have tried to paint a rosier picture of the virus and project a return to normalcy, some members of the task force are eager to resume appearances from White House grounds and speak directly to the American people, per two people involved in the task force meetings.

There is no current plan to bring back the once-daily press conferences, according to a person close to Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, so he has found other outlets to offer his medical advice.

Fauci has consistently done media interviews with a range of outlets, which has annoyed the president, this person said. He has also repeatedly contradicted and undercut both Trump and Pence’s more optimistic messaging with science and data that suggests a second wave is indeed coming. Trump and Fauci have not spoken or met face to face in several weeks.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Earlier in the pandemic, the president praised Fauci and touted his expertise. But he has also publicly broken with him at times when he has felt challenged, tweeting Friday in response to safety comments Fauci made about resuming football.

“Tony Fauci has nothing to do with NFL Football. They are planning a very safe and controlled opening. However, if they don’t stand for our National Anthem and our Great American Flag, I won’t be watching!!!” Trump tweeted.

Asked whether the briefings will ever return, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany told reporters Friday it was unlikely and that instead she will be the one to present new information after consulting with Birx.

The task force still meets weekly, behind closed doors, and is slated to gather on Friday.

When asked if he would personally attend the Tulsa rally, Fauci said “of course not” given his age and cautioned anyone going to wear a mask, though the Trump campaign says that will not be required.

This comes despite the Trump administration’s own Centers for Disease Control and Prevention new guidance which classifies huge crowd setting as “highest risk,” especially when it’s not possible for people to be 6 feet apart.

The BOK Center has requested a more detailed safety plan from the Trump campaign, which as of 24 hours before the event had not yet submitted one. Campaign officials have warned individuals with pre-existing conditions or other factors that would put them more at risk for contracting and battling the virus not to attend Saturday’s rally, where supporters had to sign a digital waiver releasing the campaign and president of any liability if they get sick.

“There have been regular conversations between senior administration officials and the campaign about steps and precautions that can be taken,” one White House official said. “Nobody’s taking this lightly.”

Oklahoma has also seen a significant rise in COVID-19 cases, with a 100 percent spike in Tulsa County just this week, the highest in the state.

Anonymous said...

James upset pukes.
Poor sick baby.