Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Man who pushed woman into fire hydrant has been arrested 100 times

So basically there is no law anymore if you live in the wrong city?

A few hours later police announced they had apprehended the suspect. But it turns out they probably could have identified him just by looking at their own files. The suspect, identified as 31-year-old Rashid Brimmage of the Bronx, has been arrested 100 previous times. In fact, he has been arrested three times since February for unprovoked assault. Each time he has been released because of bail reform.

I am very curious as to why anyone believes that it's a good idea to just allow criminals to continue to commit crimes, arresting them over and over while just setting them free without any bail requirements.

Well... I am curious as to why this is a good idea for anyone who isn't specifically pandering for votes from liberal crime apologists who believe that the people who push down old women are the good guys and the cops who try to stop them are the bad guys.


anonymous said...

I too am curious Lil Schitty as to why you have turned into a flaming asshole....Just as there are a few bad cops to have put the US in this death spiral....there are plenty of idiots walking around the street getting away with everything....No different than trump or the cunt senator from Ga whose shit don't stink.....What it really shows is you are running out of things to support trump change the subject like the good little shit you are!!!!!!

Myballs said...

Just when Seattle is the most mismanaged city in America, NYC once again, stands and says hold my beer

anonymous said...

Just when NY brings the transmission rate to the lowest in the country....Red states say open the economy no matter what....The what is record #'s of new cases in Floriduh, Texas and Az......and balls worries about a singular asshole.....he should worry about his own menial life.....BWAAAAAAA!!!

anonymous said...

AZ positive rate now at 21%!!!!! up everything!!!!

anonymous said...

Az virus growth rate now fastest in the US......Congrats on following trumps lead of opening things up and fuck the consequences since just old farts are affected the most....!!!!!

Myballs said...

More testing = more cases

Shit for brains

anonymous said...

And not a single trump slurper will complain of the millions of dollars of wasted tax payer money to buy shit that NEVER worked!!!!! My suggestion....let everyone take them until the inventory is depleted and we can see if there is a spike of heart attacks!!!!

in March, 19, 2020. (Doug Mills/The New York Times)
WASHINGTON — The Food and Drug Administration’s abrupt decision this week to revoke an emergency waiver for two malaria drugs promoted by President Donald Trump as potential “game changers” against the coronavirus has left 66 million doses stranded in the federal stockpile — and officials do not yet know what they will do with them.

The FDA’s withdrawal on Monday of its “emergency use authorization” for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine did not go over well at the White House, where top aides to Trump had rushed in March to fill the federal stockpile. That included accepting a donation from pharmaceutical giant Bayer of 3 million tablets from a factory in Pakistan that had not been certified by the FDA as safe.

“This is a Deep State blindside by bureaucrats who hate the administration they work for more than they’re concerned about saving American lives,” Peter Navarro, Trump’s trade adviser, who helped distribute 19 million hydroxychloroquine pills, fumed in an interview Monday night.

Medical experts across the country — including those who are researching hydroxychloroquine — on Tuesday applauded the FDA’s withdrawal of the waiver after it concluded the drugs’ potential benefits did not outweigh their risks.

anonymous said...

yballs said...
More testing = more cases

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! God you are a stupid fuck!!!! What it is showing is that it is being transmitted far faster than what would be expected with just testing alone....See Az whose testing at a 21% positive rate!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

How many "women" did he push into that fire hydrant how many times?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump’s Bible Photo Op Caused Instant Drop In Polls

“President Trump’s support among Michigan voters took a sharp dive in polls taken immediately after protesters were forcefully removed so Trump could have his photo taken holding a Bible outside a historic church,” MLive reports.

“Two surveys of Michigan voters taken by Lansing polling firm EPIC-MRA found a widening gap between Trump and Joe Biden after protests against police brutality began outside the White House and across the country. One poll conducted from May 30 to June 3 found Biden leading by 12 percentage points, but the second poll, which started and ended just one day later, recorded a 16-point lead for the former vice president.”

Said pollster Bernie Porn:
“That is, by the process of elimination, the only reason that you go from a 12-point lead to a 16-point lead. Trump went from 38% of people saying they would definitely vote to re-elect him to only 33% saying that they would definitely vote to re-elect him.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

BIG backfire with the Bible stunt.

anonymous said...

Holding the bible in front of a congregation is one thing....holding it upside down and backwards because his daughter happened to have and is beyond the pale....yep James.....his photo op blew up as is his great economy and labor prowess is most amusing and sure has quieted the defense of trump here somewhat....except for fucking daddy who has nothing but twitter to post!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

‘We’re thinking landslide’: Beyond D.C., GOP officials see Trump on glide path to reelection

anonymous said... NRA or resident white supremacist here celebrate the fifth anniversary of Dylan Roots rampage in charleston....Instead Lil Schitty posts Bullshit about a guy who may have been arrested 100 times....So sad and typical trumpian stupidity....Maybe Lil Schitty can provide the obese white asshole in the WH lessons on walking and drinking water!!!!!!

anonymous said...

‘We’re thinking landslide’: Beyond D.C., GOP officials see Trump on glide path to reelection

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! If the are flying IFR......they need to calibrate their receivers because they will land short by miles!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

anonymous said...

Wonder if they talked to anyone in Mi where trump is down 15 in a state he won by 6 votes??????

Interviews with more than 50 state, district and county Republican Party chairs depict a version of the electoral landscape that is no worse for Trump than six months ago — and possibly even slightly better. According to this view, the coronavirus is on its way out and the economy is coming back. Polls are unreliable, Joe Biden is too frail to last, and the media still doesn’t get it.

Anonymous said...

BIG backfire with the Bible stunt.

not with those who actually READ the Bible.

only with those liberals who would suffer third-degree burns if they touched one.

Said pollster Bernie Porn:

huh. a pederast touting the polling of a guy named "Porn."

sounds about right. especially if the pollsters nickname id "Kiddie."

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

How many "women" did he push into that fire hydrant how many times?

so the pederast would have us believe that there is an acceptable number of times a black lies matter shitstain can assault a 92 year old woman before they should be punished.

how many buildings should they be allowed to burn, pederast?

Caliphate4vr said...

Why yes fatty they did

The narrative from the Beltway is not accurate,” said Joe Bush, chairman of the Republican Party in Muskegon County, Mich., which Trump lost narrowly in 2016. “Here in the heartland, everybody is still very confident, more than ever.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

LOL @rat's 11:02

Ch's original headline read,
"Man who pushed women into fire hydrant has been arrested 100 times"

He's changed it now.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


White House Reopens Discussion of Renaming Bases
June 17, 2020 at 12:21 pm EDT

“White House officials are revisiting the idea of renaming U.S. military bases that are named after Confederate generals, a move President Trump had previously rejected.

“Conversations among White House officials in recent days about renaming the bases have been spurred by a growing recognition in the West Wing that the names of the bases will eventually be changed — with or without Trump’s backing — given widespread support for the idea and the momentum it has gained in Congress even among lawmakers from the president’s own party.”

He's SO out of touch.

Anonymous said...

The Taliban banned musical instruments and dancing in the 1990s because they encouraged ‘moral corruption’. They would not have tolerated Fawlty Towers for as long as we did. And frankly, my dear, they would not have given a damn about Gone with the Wind. The Taliban drew strength from cultish beliefs taught in schools — and so, too, are we now seeing the maturing of moral system developed on campuses. The Taliban were anti-Shia, seeing their revivalist Sunnism as the only acceptable version of Islam. The statue campaigners think they are the only acceptable heirs of liberalism, even though they represent just one strand of liberalism that emerged in 1960s coastal America. Under the Taliban, anyone who did not agree with their views sacrificed their right to have a voice. Today, we ‘no-platform’.

But today’s conversation about statues is not an argument about slavery or colonialism or even minorities more generally. It is an argument about historical objects, and what you do with them as values change. Values always change, and have done so for generations. But over the years, we’ve learned that our commitment to liberalism and free speech was outmoded. We won the battle over ourselves, and learned to see that the Afghan dogmatism that we wrote off as medieval was, in fact, the future.

Myballs said...

Pelosi and Schumer pull their kente cloth disaster, but Trump's the one out of touch? Not in most of the country.

Anonymous said...

in other pentagon news ilhan omar and rashida tlaib has introduced a bill to re-name Fort Hood after Maj. Nidal Hasan.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Wall Street Journal:
Juneteenth Protests Planned in Major Cities

“Protesters plan to mark Juneteenth, a holiday that marks the end of slavery, with demonstrations against racism and police brutality planned in cities across the country.

“The date has been celebrated since at least the late 1800s, but there is renewed interest in the holiday this year as widespread protests over the death of George Floyd, a black man killed by a white officer in Minneapolis last month, have sparked a national conversation over racism and police violence.”

Caliphate4vr said...


Said pollster Bernie Porn

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Inside Mary Trump’s Tell-All Book

Someone who knows Mary Trump — and has read her forthcoming tell-all book about President Trump — tells Joe Pompeo:
“The punch of the book, the real symbolic thrust, is about how Donald is really an outgrowth of this complex empire that Fred Sr. built—a pretty dark, win-at-all-costs environment. If there’s going to be a big takeaway, it’s about that emotional DNA of the family.

“I’m told Mary has steeled herself for the likely severance of some remaining family ties. Given her uncle’s scorched-earth approach to negative writings about him—he’s currently trying to stop the publication of John Bolton’s upcoming White House memoir—it also seems inevitable that she will incur the wrath of @realDonaldTrump. But my source who knows Mary said she’s prepared for whatever may come.”

Said the source:
“She feels very determined. She has a very clear-eyed view of her family and the importance of what she’s witnessed. I think she’s been getting herself ready for this moment for a really long time.”

Too much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man by Mary Trump

Anonymous said...

James,Alky, and Dennys when did you realize you are a racist piece of white scum?

Anonymous said...

Juneteenth Protests Planned in Major Cities

yawn. zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Anonymous said...

George Floyd pointed a loaded hand gun at the tummy of a Pregnant woman as he robbed her, he only robbed her once.

So Pedo is fine with that.

Anonymous said...

oh boy. yet ANOTHER tell all book.

you really got him THIS time, pederast!

or shall we call you the pederast porn pollster?


Anonymous said...

The Department of Justice is preparing proposals to roll back the legal immunities enjoyed by Big Tech companies under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA), in measures that will be announced as early as Wednesday, sources told the Wall Street Journal.

Via the WSJ:

The Justice Department is set to propose a rollback of legal protections that online platforms have enjoyed for more than two decades, in an effort to make tech companies more responsible in how they police their content, according to a Trump administration official.

stomp these shitstains into a fucking puddle and walk it dry.

anonymous said...

n an effort to make tech companies more responsible in how they police their content, according to a Trump administration official.

Really amusing aashole....since you were the first to complain when twitter put trump on notice !!!!!!!!!! Sounds to me that you might get something you really don't like.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
George Floyd pointed a loaded hand gun at the tummy of a Pregnant

Again the goat fucking idiot gets an exaggerated story from the right sites he subscribes to. Apparently according to snopesm he did rob someone was not armed or was the subject pregnant....I am not condoning his past behavior, but being choked to death by a stupid cop certainly was not the answer....Typical of the goat fucker, just post shit to see what sticks and meets his bias!!!!! The extent you post fake news is legendary and typical of dumb fuck trump dick suckers!!!!!

The claims in this meme are a mixture of true and false, as we’ll document below. In brief,
the alleged crimes and time periods are mostly accurate, with the caveat that Floyd was convicted of theft in 1998, not armed robbery. But the following information makes other aspects of the post misleading: Not all the crimes resulted in prison time, but rather jail sentences; no evidence suggests a woman involved in the 2007 charge was pregnant; it’s an exaggeration of toxicology results to claim Floyd “was high on meth” when he was choked by a cop, and there’s no proof that Floyd was “getting ready to drive a car” before his fatal encounter with police other than the fact that officers say they approached him as he sat in the driver’s seat of a vehicle.

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Denny...

I don't believe that you understand.

It's not that the government believes that twitter isn't doing "enough" to monitor the content. The government believes that they are doing too much or at the very least not doing it consistently.

If they want to actively work to control their content in any manner that appears to be politically or opinion motivated, then they would become a publisher and could and would be held responsible for EVERYTHING posted on their site.

or they could go back to just being a public forum where only hard fast set in stone easily identifiable concepts are banned (pornography, violent pictures, etc).

But they cannot continue to determine that a picture of a flag, the President, and a caption of "god bless America" should be labeled "sensitive" material, because someone on the left complained that they were triggered by the concept.

anonymous said...


C.H. Truth said...
Sorry Denny...

I don't believe that you understand.

You can say that again

and again

and again


Caliphate4vr said...

Fatty he was charged with aggravated robbery

For sticking a gun into the abdomen of the woman.

Snopes lies like you, fatman

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Virus case numbers mount, but Trump is Not Talking with Fauci

He doesn't want to hear the truth.

Anonymous said...


stopped listening to him over a month ago.

and it's not just him. i tend to ignore everyone who pays no price for being wrong.

you see, pederast porn pollster, folks in the private sector need to get it right to keep their job. failure results in termination.


you see, pederast porn pollster, folks in the private sector need to get it right to keep their job. failure results in termination.

fauci just got roasted for saying he lied to the public about masks earlier to protect health care workers. And he was wrong on most everything he didn't lie about.

kind of like the lying POS "pastor"

Oh and he speaks well.

Kind of like the failed president Obama.

I see a pattern


RNC Research

Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin pushes a racist dog whistle on the Senate floor, using the word "token" while discussing the Sen. Tim Scott led bill on police reform

token blacks, is that part of the BLM equality push by the racist democrats ?

that should play well to minorities, kind of like their slave owning scarfs.

And being owned by Biden.

Are dems deliberately giving up the black vote?

Caliphate4vr said...

Again the goat fucking idiot gets an exaggerated story from the right sites he subscribes to. Apparently according to snopesm he did rob someone was not armed or was the subject pregnant....

Fatty can’t read Or is a liar from his snopes post

At 6-foot-7, Floyd was identified as the “the largest” of the six suspects who arrived at the home in the Ford Explorer and had pushed a pistol against Henriquez’ abdomen before looking for items to steal. (Nothing in the court documents suggests she was pregnant at the time of the robbery, contrary to what memes and Owens later claimed.) He pleaded guilty in 2009 and was sentenced to five years in prison. He was paroled in January 2013, when he was almost 40 years old.

Anonymous said...

I posted the facts about the Socialist Party Hero George Floyd.

Cali does it again.

"Caliphate4vrJune 17, 2020 at 1:12 PM

Fatty he was charged with aggravated robbery

For sticking a gun into the abdomen of the woman."

Be sure ButterballDenny will refuse to learn.

Anonymous said...

Will the BLM and White Socialist block the roads and highways?

"STURGIS, S.D. (KOTA TV) - It's official the 80th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally will happen in August,2020".

Anonymous said...

fauci just got roasted for saying he lied to the public about masks earlier to protect health care workers. And he was wrong on most everything he didn't lie about.

you almost can't blame fauci. think about it.

imagine having a six-figure job where you are accountable to no one and are not held to a standard for being right, ever. there is no downside, no threat of demotion or termination. even the worst fuck-up you could possibly imagine not only doesn't get you fired, but doesn't even hurt your chances for promotion.

this is fauci's world.

tell me why he should give a fuck when he has no incentive to.

now imagine an imbecile so fucking stupid as to hang on every word from fauci.

i give you pastor porn pollster pederast.

Caliphate4vr said...

Quad P


Caliphate4vr said...
Quad P

and dopie


anonymous said...

Caliphate4vr said...
Quad P

and dopie

Fucking daddy and the UGA boozer......a pair of idiots that slurp from the same fat old white assed trump!!!! ENJOY THE SUCK BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Quad P's fav-o-rite "Lincoln Project" asshat, Rick Wilson, is in the process of having his ass fucking CANCELLED on twitter today.


and by the time they're done they're gonna need his dental records to ID his social media corpse.



rrb said...

Quad P's fav-o-rite "Lincoln Project" asshat, Rick Wilson, is in the process of having his ass fucking CANCELLED on twitter today.


and by the time they're done they're gonna need his dental records to ID his social media corpse.


and his wife tried to scrub her accounts but forgot about Instagram.. the coverup reaction is as brutal as the act.

She's getting OWNED worst than Biden

or lo iq by a 6 year old

Caliphate4vr said...

Fatty ran away