Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The show must go on!

Judge denies emergency request to stop Trump's Tulsa campaign rally due to coronavirus fears
A judge on Tuesday denied an emergency motion to stop President Donald Trump's campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Saturday.
The evidence before the court is Incontrovertible, 
there's no need for The jury to retire
The decision came after local lawyers asked the court to block the event unless organizers agreed to take steps to adhere to the administration's own social distancing recommendations to limit the spread of coronavirus. Paul DeMuro, one of the attorneys on the lawsuit trying to block the rally, said that -- despite the emergency motion to block the rally being denied -- the case will head to the state Supreme Court.
State and city officials told CNN they are expecting roughly 200,000 people to be in Tulsa for the rally. Since the BOK Center only holds 20,000, the huge amount of interest has lead to the exploration of additional venues for overflow or some sort of second event.
A Trump campaign official told Tuesday CNN that they are exploring options for a second, overflow venue to accommodate the expected response to the rally. The campaign has yet to firm up those plans, but said that the main rally won't change.

The genie is out of the bottle folks and there is no putting it back. Most people are not going to spend the rest of their summer cowering in fear over Covid-19 and the few of you who demand that everyone should... better just get used to it.

Moreover, it's going to be increasingly difficult to withhold the truth of the virus from the American public, as much as our Democrats and minions in the media have attempted to do so. Even using just the numbers of positive cases that actually can confirm (which by most accounts is a fraction of those who have had it), only about 0.25% of young working age adults, teens, and children will die from Covid. More likely than not, that number might be closer to 0.025% than 0.25%.

We can continue to bicker and argue over the numbers or act all confused and self-righteous about not understanding the break down, but this is a seriously deadly disease for the very old and the very sick, while not very dangerous to most everyone else.

As long as you keep diabetic overweight Denny and Grandma Marge away from the event, this is not going to kill people. Moreover, the reality is that most people already understand that contracting Covid-19 is not a big deal for the vast majority and those who do not (or pretend not to) will soon be forced back into reality.


anonymous said...

Perfect......may the 60K who signed the waiver all come down with trumpitis!!!!!!!! So sad so many are willing to be sooooo stupid to support a guy who does not give a shit about them or their well being... I guess this could be a big experiment which will show all that being a herd is not all what it is cracked up to be!!!! 7-10 days will tell!!!!!

Myballs said...

Don't lose sight of the real headline of this story. 200K people want to attend! The Trump is finished spin we're getting from the media does not match what is happening outside DC, NY and CA.


THREAD with charts:

Alex Berenson

1/ Very impressive press conference Tuesday from Florida
@govrondesantis, where he explained in depth why no one should panic over the state’s increase in positive tests. Notably: the median age of cases has PLUNGED, from 65 to 37. Daily deaths have trended down for months

2/ And outside nursing homes, almost no one in Florida is dying of #Covid anymore. (Statewide, more people over 90 than under 65 have died; no one under 18 has died.) Further, the state has far fewer #Covid patients in ICUs or on ventilators than two months ago.

3/ DeSantis’s tone and command of the facts was also impressive - he seems to know about every county and hospital in the state. He was reasonable about masks too, said the state recommends them inside but won’t require them, he thinks a law “would be applied unevenly.” (True.)

4/ And he pointed out Florida never had more than 3.5% of hospital beds occupied with #Covid patients and still has many more beds available than before March. Translation: lockdowns aren’t coming back.

A great antidote to panic and well worth a watch.